The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 30, 1880, Image 3

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Fair Dealing! ^ OUR MOTTO! To All! M08ES MYERS, Dealer in Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Goods, Boots, Shoes. Millinery HAT'S, cans, SILKS, SILKS AND SHAWLS Woolens and Linen Goods of every description. College Avenue, Athens, Ga. Low Prices. Quick Sales. oct 13,-3m The ¥atkinsville Advance. w G. SULLIVAN, Editor, Publisher & Job P rinter. TERMS.—One Dollar per Tear. Sixty Cents for Six Months. is published" on every" Tuesday, Watkinsville, Ga.. November 30, 1880. ntered at the Post Office at Watkinsvill® Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER vi^ysuus! liKiMwi I® ---— I Christmas is coming. Bad weather continues. Oh, the mud, the beautiful mud. — - R'-new your subscription for next year. Sociables are now the rage with our j oung people. Rats are numerous in Watkins¬ ville, and are very large. Thanksgiving day was not ob¬ served by the people of Watkinsville. -*♦< Tiie first freeze of the season was experienced here on last Thursday. Our daily mail continues to be ont of time. Let’s try headquarters, ci'.izens. Mr. S. Barwick, of this place, and who has been on a visit to Sanders ville, lias returned home. There was a “magic lantern” show in town last week for the benefit of the colored Baptist church. pad, The agent Watkinsville for Dr. Flagg's call liver last paid a Friday, and put up a lot of his chromos. ------- — The election of Judge A. M. Speer to the position of Associate of the Supreme plimeut Court is a deserved com to a worthy gentleman. ■ --------- Master G. T. Pope, of Wilkes county, gave us a call on last Thurs¬ day. Tommie has many school¬ mates and friends in Watkinsville. When you go to Athens and feel depressed, and cold, call on Marks <ft Cohen, “King” Marks knows how lo “set ’em up,” in stvle, we have been there and know. Go and see for yourself. We were pleased to see on our streets last Thursday, Prof. O. S. Barnett, of Washington, Ga. Prof. B. is well and favorably known here, and we are always glad to see him. See the advertisement of the Wat¬ kinsville High School to be found in another column. Prof. Hudson is one of the best of Professors, and you should send the little ones along. in Don’t school wait but send them when the opens. We enjoy a nioe treat of spare ribs and sausage, and on last w ed nesday Itaska Durham, our young brought lady friend, the Miss first treat of snare-ribs we have hail this season. We are under lasting obli¬ gations to our young friend, for being the first one to think of us. The following Item clipped from the Athens WWofo/miM, meets our approbation : The re-election of Sol. Gen. Mitch¬ ell by the General Assembly is a deserved tribute to a worthy officer. Mr. .Mitchell has been faithful in the the last discharge and of his duties tongratulate during term, we him on his success. New Church. The new church building, to be called Rays Church, has Wen com¬ pleted and the dedication sermon will be preached by Rev J. Yar Thursday borough, of Athens, D .-cumber. on We the 2d in are requested to say that they wish everybody to attend. t limy are now hnding „ gold . pound lumps in N-rth Carolina. Notice to the Public! \\ e take this method of notifying our patrons, and the public generally, that on and after the first day. f January 1881, the name and style of our firm will be known as T. & R. BOOTH & CO., Mr. Robert Booth, formerly of Griffin, Ga., coming into thebusinesa. We ..ope a tlitiie a:dot increased facilities to enlarge our regular business, nnd intend to a<.u as a specialty, the sale of Fertilizer* during the coming season, d o propose toi handle the tx t and most niinhle Brands of (tiiaao only,and we solicit in this as well in our regular business n liberal share of the public patron age- Ah persons indebted to tho old firm F Booth de»ire t» Co., wind are hereby the old notified to come forward nnd settle at once, we up business by Jniuifl-tv 1st. Thank¬ ing Um? public tor its liberality iu the past, and Again solieitiiig its pat r.nar* lor the new Firm in the future. W* «ro ver It. v truly vuur obedient ,*r" ■ a, boo i h & co. v .-Insole Ga.,DvC. 1st, 1880. Announcements. As the time is not far off to the county elections, we have reduoed our terms on announcements to $2.50. To Rent. Eld. J. A. Perdue offers a desir¬ able one-horse farm for rent. Any one wishing a good place will do well to call on him. Renew your Subscription. As we wish to draw off our old books soon, for the new year, we would like to have there newnls as soon as possible. and Don’t delay, but come up subscribe and help us to get out a good paper. Our New Baptist Church. A new church was organized in Watkinsville, last Saturday, and Rev. H. R. Bernard, of Athens, called to the pastorate. Weekly prayer-meetings and decided preaching once The a Methodist month, was upon. been church has tenderd to the new organization until they can build a house. Want of space forbids a lengthy notice. A New Partner. By reference to our advertising columns it will he seen that the old firm of T. Booth & Co., will be changed to T. & R. Booth <fc Co., Mr. Robert Booth, formerly of Grif¬ fin, coming into the firm. With in¬ creased facilities for busine. s they will no doubt be better prepared than ever to fill orders for their adding numerous customers. their They the intend of to stock sale first-class Guanop. Fine Millinery. Miss McCartney, the Milliner of Athens, Ga., informs the Ladies of Oconee county, that she has received a fine stock of Eine Mllinery Goods of every variety suitable for fall and winter. She has the best stock of these goods to be found in Athens. When the ladies of Oconee county wish any thing in the way of Fine goods, call on Miss McCartney, next door to Chas. Stern & Co.. Broad St. Athens, Ga. Notice. As I have worked for you faith¬ fully, and have ridden night and call day, I think patients it time that I should on my for money. I live in town and of course have everything foY call to buy. all Is it not right me to on who owe me now? Do you not think a doctor should be the first man to pay ? When you need him you have no time to make arrangements, and r ow come up and let me see that my visits have been appreciated and I will cheerfully go when I am cal¬ led again. Respectfully, D. M. WHITE, M. D. I candidate hereby announce for Sheriff' my of name as a Oconee county, in the ensuing election, and and hereby the ask the support generally. of my friends public J. B. LOWE. Watkinsville Academy 1881. •9 Schell fur JSoy« 4* Girl*. Watkinsvi lle, Ocone* County, Ga. Prof. Irby (J- Hudson, Pi u. The services of a competent assis¬ tant will be secured for the Primary Department. School will open on the 10th day of January, next. The tensive, course of study thorough pupils and ad¬ ex¬ vanced preparing in College, for for classes or business pursuits. Every effort made for the moral as well as intel lectual advancement of the pupil. Tuition from $4 to 18 per quarter, and board from 610 to $15 per month. Watkinsville L quiet and retired, and there is no healthier locality; seven miles daily from Athens, with which there is communi¬ cation; church and Sabbath School privileges teacher of good, much Prof. ability Hudson and is a ex¬ perience, having been sn educator of hope youth the people for many of Watkinsville years, and and we vicinity will give the School a liberal patronage. The Professor expects to locate among us permanently, Nov. 25th 1880. Mirge Wo ® • SuaMvas&o FashloaUe Begs leave Watkinsvill*, Ga., to offer her services to the ladies of Watkinsville and vicinity as a dressmaker and milliner. Hats and Bonnets re-trimmed and renovated. eheaply Dressmaking and fancy work neatly and executed. All the latest maga¬ zines and patterns always oo hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices liberal. Give her a trial. aug24 For Sale. One of the most valuable farms in Oconee county,containing 350 acreB, 200 in good state of cultivation, 50 or CO in good creek or branch bot¬ tom, 50 acres of original forest, 100 acres one-third in good old field pine, About in cotton this year will make 35 bales of cotton. If all the land was cultivated would make 100 bales any year. Good two-story dwelling with four rooms fire-places, down ana other two up stairs, 2 and necessary &c. Tenants out-buildings for for tenants Mules, on hogs, place cattle, next year. cow9, corn, fodder, shucks, wheat, oats, Cotton seed &c., already on the place. Wagons Plantation and Buggies. implements, Also a farm on Wild Cat creek, known as part of the Brown place, containing 160 acres, 41 acres in culvation, to be sold on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember if not disposed of at private sale, and the remainder to be sold at some day appointed at the home place. change Object for selling, I wish to my business. 1-t. H. G. HARDIGREE. ““ lE «•?!! §§ .-= < "c. § Soils-s a S ^isirir 8 s ^ 2 Us■£ ££<S 25 ©m o ^ x °.2rr 2 ■w S 5 3 «% J E ■S ©-a £ S5l= | If * c, SALE OF PA PEES. Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Wat¬ kinsville during the usual hours ot sale, on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next, all the papers, Judg¬ ments, Notes &e., belonging to the Estate of Wm. Murray (lee. JAS. E. MURRAY Nov.lstl880.5-t. Admr. of Wm. Murray dec. 8ALE 07 PAPERS. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Watkins¬ ville, Oconee co., Ga., during ? the usual hours of sale, on first uos day in December next, all the pa¬ Thrasher pers belonging Dec. to the estate Excutions ot Isaac Notes, and accounts. B. E. THRASHER. Executor, of Isaac Thrasher, dec. Nov. 1st 1880. 5-t. GEORGIA— Clarke County. In pursuance of an order, granted by the Ordinary of Clarke county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in said county, Athens. Ga., on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember, next 1880, during the usual hours of sale, all that tract or par¬ cel of land lying and being situated in Oconee county. Ga., adjoining the lands of Dr, J. A. Price, Mrs. and J. J. Branch and B. II. iams Overby. Known as the John Will¬ place, containing Divided 1,011 acres, more or less. into 5 lots. All to be sold as the property of John Williams deceased for the purpose of distribution among le¬ gatees and payment of debts. A right-of-way will be reserved along place known the western boundary of the as the House lot No. 4, to the middle lot No. 3, and through No. 3, the middle lot to No. 2 the mill tract. A plat of each tract can be seen at my office. Terms cash. B. E. THRASHER, Administrator, De bouis non cum testamento annexo, of John Williams deceased. Oct .26,5-t. Administrator's Hale. GEORGIA— Oconee County. By leave of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Athene Clarke cf >unty, Georgia , on the first Tuesday lowing in January, next, the fol¬ property to-wit: Six hun¬ dred acres of land more of less, ly¬ ing and being in said county, bn the East side of Rose creek ; adjoin¬ ing the lands of Joel J. Morton, D. R. Elder, S. D. Hardigree, Peniten¬ tiary Co. No. 3, and the estate of T. N. Poullain. Sold as the prop¬ erty of Samuel D. Durham, lute of said county, deceased, with the fol¬ lowing reservations: [“Extract his from Will.”]— should “That if either of sisters be reduced to want and have no home, he shall permit her to occupy the house and lot where my son William formerly lived, and to furnish her land to cultivate.” Also one fourth of an ground, acre, including with right-of-way family burying thereto. The above is known as the old Dr. Lindsey Durham place, and is naturally one of the best and most desirable places in this section the country. The original channel of Rose creek Is its western boun¬ dary, and upon which there are one hundred acres of bottom land, all of which is susceptible of Wing thoroughly drained and cultivated. 'I here are about three hundred ! acre# of original forest, composed hickory, oak, poplar, g'Xid pine soil. und other Very growth little washed Indicating laud, a high hills no uor deep hollows, but is agreeably undulating. houses The two best dwelling are on the road leading from Powell’s Mills to Watkinsville and one mile from the former place. They are two stories high, one has ten rooms and six fire places, the other six rooms and four fire Diaces They ground are between situated on the highest the above-named creek and the Oconee river, between wnich and the houses is all original forest and is about six hundred yarns distant. There are four or five other good houses on the place for tenants or families. Just south of the house lies 12 or 15 acres oflevel wood-land that could be made into a beautiful grove. Upon veniences, the whole, for natural con¬ surroundings beauty of situation, pleas¬ ant and fertility of soil, this place has but few equals. Terms cash. LINDSEY DURHAM. Administrator. following I Jwill the also, sell on Thursday the residence above, (Jan. 6th). at of the late Lindsey Durham Sen,, deed., the following property to wit: 1 marble Center Table, 1 large Mirror, 1 Book case. Secretary Secretary and and draws combined, 1 draws (formerly the property of Gov. Peter Early ;) Candle Stand, 1 Sett Mahogon 3 feather beds and bedsteads, 1 gray mare 12 or 13 years old, 1 Sorrel and mare 9 years old, 1 good milk cow milk one or t wo heiferyearliing, good stock, 1 chest, 2 anvils, 1 vice, 2 silver watches 2 chan. Candle¬ stick, 1 Lamp, 2 Log Chains, 1 Fender, 1 Fire screen, 4 Window Shades, 1 eight day metal clock. Sold as the property left by Martha Durham late of Said county deed. Oct. 2lSth 1380. Lindsey Durham Extr. GEO 1101A —Oconee Co uni y. Commissioners of Loads and Revenue of Oconee county, sitting for county purposeses &e. To Thomas N. Epps, Joseph B. Langford and Alonzo L. Doolittle : You are hereby appointed Commis¬ sioners under and l>v virtue of Sections 484 and 485 of the Revised Code of the State of Georgia, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District, from that portion of territory now in Oconee county known as the fractional part of Barber’s Creek District, and you are authorized to employ a compe¬ tent Surveyor to assist you ; and you are required to make a full and complete return of your aotings and doings Given under in the premises to this board. our hands and seals this September the 7th 1880, W. Y. ELDER, L. S. A. P. COBB. L. S. JAS. W. LEE, L. S. LINDSEY DURHAM, L. S. G EO RGIA— Oconee County. To the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county : We, the undersigned Commis¬ sioners appointed by your Honor¬ able body, to lay out and define the lines of a new Militia District from that portion of territory now in Oconee county, known as the frac¬ tional part of Barbers creek Dis trict, beg leave to report that we have attended to that duty. The lines of the said new District as laid out by us to be or remain the same ns before this Oconee county was cut off or made from the county of Clarke, except on tfce north eas¬ tern boundary, that line to be the of dividing line between the counties Oconee and Clarke to wit: Mc¬ Nutts creek. We further report that we find from actual count that said new District contains within its limits a greater number of citi¬ zens than are required by statue to organize a Captains company under the Militia laws. Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of October, 1880. JOS. B. LANGFORD, L. 8. T. N. EPPS, L. 8. A. L. DOOLITTLE, L. S. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Regular meeting of the board of Commissioners of Roads <te Revenue of Oconee county, Oct. term, 1880.^ considering the Upon reading of the commissioners and pointed report lay Militia District, ap¬ to out a from the fractional part of territory in Oconee county, formerly Barbers’ a part of what was known as creek District. It is ordered that said lines be the boundaries of the new Militia District to be known as Mars’ Hill District, and that the proceedings be 2.0 I in the Watkins viij.e for the time required by law, and it is further ordered that a certified copy of these proceedings be sent to the Governor. W.Y. ELDER. G. E. GRIFFETH, A. P. COBB, DURHAM, LINDSEY Corns. R. & R. G. Go. GEORGIA— Oconee County. I, Lindsey Durham, clerk of tho board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, in and for said coun¬ ty, do hereby certify that the fore¬ going from proceeding's are of said a true board. copy the minutes, LINDSEY DURHAM Clerk Board Corns. Ii. A K. O. C. Oct. 5th 1880. Ordinary’s Office, Sept- fill), 18S0. GK<;R(IIA—(iconke County. Whereas, Willlura Foul not, np plieti to mt for valuation and betting apart a Homestead of reality, I will the at 10 1 pass upon same o’clock tx. in m. oept 29th 1880, at my office, Watkinsville. Given under my hand at office this B. pi. ffib, 188*). J AM KB It. LYLE, Ordinary. The Largest and Most Complete Stock of i i ■ ■K i ■ > m THE TIMES IB7S T3 # * I- v ;: I wry > r li§ Kxri-3< ■tm>r X it *#i r 1*1 I P I ' •— m *r‘ I ■ :i /■w! ■ ' T^r «: ss» :: iff J iV ■<] 'j mm Stoves & Tinware Ever Offered in N. E. Georgia feign of the “Big Red Stove," Opposite Reaves & Nicholson, Athens, Ga. W. H. J>ONES, Superintendent. m’S 17.0-6 ttJRLCY & SMITH, SUCCESSORS TO D. 0. liLRLEl AND HODGSON Jt Til KJT *.. V E O !l fJ/.f. We manufacture and deal In fine vehicles of every description. Hand-made Harness if the best leather "Wagon tfe I-Iarness "Repairing promptly done in the best manner at reasonable prices, a few of Ho-gsm Bros. Bast ILka Open Buggies at GREATLY REDUCED Prices. All of our work is fully warranted. Visit us ami oxmuiuo our vehicles ami luiruess. HURLEY * SMITH, Athens, Ga. notice;. 1 have associated with me in business F, C. Smith a fine CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of At until,G-ii', and am now well prepared to give my friends good work at fair priocs. i'lnui.dug them for their liberal patronage iu tho past and solioi Jfyua,’80 ingits continuance, -711 i am very truly, 1>, 0. HURLEY, Athons, Ga. THE LIGHT-RUNNING STILL KEEPS THE LEAD I Because It Is tho simplest, reli¬ able, ssi L. st Sewlnt Machine ever to vented. It docs its work quickly, qut ®*Iy »aa well, and always alrsa perfect satisfaction. . It Is the result of gfi years of patient labor sod practical experience by most skilled mechanics. It combines the good pointsof all other machines, wltk sum of d.f.cla. Tbero ore many Sewjnff Machine* ot merit in the market, but none are so eoaspIcU and perfect In detail, noon possess the marked *4v—InaMs sod ■uperler worth that have rendered tbo N«w Home so famous- - - • ■ 11 has won the confidence of all who have seen It, being now beyond doubt tho most perfect Sewing Machine in tho market. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Descriptive Circulars So. JOHNSON, CLANK A CO. 30 tnlyn Hmm, X. T. chloaff., SllA, or Or nose, Atlanta and Charlotte ATIMIA THE EASTERN CITIES CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7,1880. CHANGEOF SCHEDULE. On and after Nov. 7th trains will run on this road as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula .. 6:56 a. m Leave Lula..... ... 6:56 a. in. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 9:22 p. m. Leave Lula..., 9:23 p. ra. NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula. eeeeeeeeeeee .. 6:18 p. ra Leave Lula. •••• ••**••••••••• 6:19 p. m. NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN—WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 9:10 a. m Wave Lula eeseeeeee «••»••••• 9:11. a. m LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula.. *•••••••••••• 11:33a.m. Leave Lula essaeeeaseeeetseee 11:47 ». m LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—WESTWARD* Arrive at Lula •a», « omm i, •• 11:57 ft. m. Leave Lula.... 12:16 p. in. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lola— 3:59 p. in. Leave Lula........ 4:10 p, ra. THROUGH FRE'GHTTRAtN—WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula 7:04 a. m. I-amve Lula »»»»»•••••*!•••••<• 7:15 a. m. Connecting at Atlanta for all points West and Southwest. Con¬ necting at Charlotte for all £a tern points. Th’-uugh Tickets on sale at Gainesville, Henecea City, Greenville and and Spartanburg West. to all points East G. J. POltEAORB, Genl Manager. Xg’t W. J. Houston,G en. Pass.&T’k James Jt. Lyle, AT FORNEY AT LAW Will Watkinsviile, Ga. i V* practice in tho Coaria Woo ee and adjoining counties. i.aL'tfMy 9>» M.»JfhUe, .If. §>», f RACTICIN fir HSYICIA J 1 - Watkinhytllb, Ga. DTr* Will be found at his office not ealled off. marl7,’80tf GEORGIA— Oconee County. Ordinary’s Office, Oct. 23 1880. Ezekiol T. Langston has of applied Per fer Exemption of Person sonalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on the 18th day of November, 1880, at my office. JAMES R. LYLE, Oct.2<V>t. Ordinary. Inducements Extraordinary At JJthe MAMMOTH CROCKERY & GLASSWARE HOUSE, -OF NORTH-EAST GEORCIA J. H. HUGGINS, N«. 7 BROAD STREET, Athens, CJcorgia. Havi ing just returned from the Eastern Market, we are offering the largest, mast van ioa aud best selected Btoek of CHI NA, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, CHAN DALI ER8, LANTERNS, &o., 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market. A foil and Headquarters oomplete line of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. for KBROSINK. ALABIN ANB HEB "C” OILS, &C„ Special Inducements to Merchants. a £V$ J . 0. HlfGGIJS S, No. 7 Broad3t-, Athens, Ga. 6ept21,1880tf TRADE! A Large and Complete Stock of MEMORANDUM k BLAH BOOKS, AND STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND 1 Ministers and Churches Supplied with Books at- PUBLISHERS PRICES FLEMING & BURKE, octl6,i >U0*U' Athens, Georgia. $25 Reward A liberal ami reward apprehension will be paid lor the arrest of one George Parks, col., who is under bona for his appearance at the County Court of Oconee county, charged with adi.’U*. fled nc from u*...* justice. as a Description. preacher, and He has is of rather a “ginger Inis cake” color, quick right spoken, sidy a burnt mark on the of his forehead near the edge of his hair, and near wlu-re ho usually parts his hair, is near live Dot high niul would weigh near 175 or 180 pounds, and is about 35 years of age. Any harboring said Parks are hereby cautioned under penalty of law for same; Any information that will lead to his arrest will he thankfully liberal received, or we will pay a roward for his delivery to us. Address, FLERN ELDER, EZEKIEL WALKER, Jtoheri Lewis, Carriage & Buggy Painter Watkinsville,, Georgia. Having rented the Faint Shop con¬ neeted with Mr. Langford’s buggy shop, I offer my services, as a painter. All orders for work promptly attended to, and at prices that defy competition, Give me a cal). Buggy work a special BCl)14tf