The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 07, 1880, Image 4

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ERA-KING, n uns a eaewult. tVmdi German of Onethf .) rteamCrenwiiiaaJ, rrri-Klnit, In OsrmsB, natural Is the name "inch, applied seeord- to s to Osrmsn p.«tioai raton& p&wer, awvtta In the ra¬ • 1 * m, ntohur and rota ws—* br M the (oust, sate wre y eia men, end Mpeotailj- tot ciilMreu, tiiroejtfl dato- S»» eeduction.] Sim rldn St night Uatonab the foreet so wild t ft 1* the father with hi* darting rhijd • frrm • shielding his pet with his loving arm the roaring terey a st —trmu ererj harm. * M}> ton, whsl troohles so thr ssstons sight T" * Oh, see ! ’a* the Erf-King lay roster hgbt - rbe isreihie Krl-EJng—aipesk Hot so hwd " Child, ’Us but the ragged edge of t cloud.” * mi tvaovss truss. Oh, beautiful child! with roe c«i* sod tire; rhonll Share *11 the >or* icy power can giro; Manj gaj-oolotwd Sower* bloom on the aboth! Uj mother s waits Uas-tofi s full “ Vslbvv. Oh, father! and did yon not tear Th. Erl-Kiu* whisper, no tom *od« mil* Us still, my child; my darling, l* at naaa; Twsa but tae wild gait bonding ’mid thslrMn.” “Oh, heantootmehlSd! wilt Ihon go with met My daughter, so lowly, shall ears tor thus: UghUy shall baar the. ’raid tbs whirling chance.' danns, 1 and hug tbs* aud Mae tbs* at svary “ Fatbar, Oh, falhor: mmI noi over (bar* Ert-Xing's {tola dsaghlsr ettalng through 0>s alrT’’ nrccTicB. “ Coma, CMS*, silly ohlld, i'll o« longvr tbe* delay. Or visa from thjr fatlisr toar away.” ” Fathar, dear father, now hold to inv tight. Or Eri-Xlng nrlll drag tua away to-night. ’ Tbs fsthsr, ahnihlsritig. Void (trssd alarms, Claeped tighter th* dying child in hi* anna ‘ flwiftiy Id! riling, he f*l»dd the child old hoiueeteed, deed. la arm* ble darling wee Remarkable Discovery of a Murder. The following account of a murder which was committed in Bcrmnda in the autumn of 1878 is by the Attomey Oeneral of the islands, Mr. 8. Brownlow Gray: “In the autumn of 1878 s man com¬ mitted a terrible crime in Homeraot, which waa for some time involved in deep mystery. His wife, a handsome suddenly and decent and mulatto entirely worn from an, disappeared aight, after going home from church on Sunday, October 20. husband, Suspicion immediately fell upon the a clever young reflow of about thirty, but no trnco of the miss¬ seemed ing woman was left probability Ik'IiiikI, and that there the crime would a strong undetected. remain On Hunday, however, October 27, a week after the woman had dmapjmarod, Homerville boatmen looking out toward the hub, as is their custom, were struck the by observing of in which the Long Bsy ruffled Channel, by aurfaoo was a alight breeze, their a long streak illustration, of calm, such ■«, to use own a cask of oil usually diffuses around it when in the water. The feverish anxiety about tbe minting woman -suggested stone strange calm connection the mode betwounthiasingular of her disappearance. and Two I or three tell you—her days after—why brother not and sooner three cannot other men went ont to the wpot where it waa nbaerved, and from which it hud not disappeared aeries fish since hooks Hunday, along and with a of ranged a long line draggt<d the bottom of the channel, but at first without ancocas. Shifting the position of the lioat, tiny dragged a Uttie further to windward, and presently the line was caught. With water glnasc* the meu discovered that they hail caught it in a skeleton which was hold down by some line; «<>metliing heavy weight. suddenly They pulled on the gave way, and up came the skeleton of the trunk, pelviB, which and legs of a human laxly, from almost overv vestige of flc»h had disappeared, bnt which, from the minute fragment* remaining, and tim terrible stench, had evidently not lain tong in the water. The husband was a fisherman, and Long Boy Channel was a favorite fishing ground, and he calculated, truly enough, destroy tliat the fish would very soon all means of identification; but it never entered into liis head that as the they did so their ravages, combined with process of deoomiwsitioii, would set free the matter which was to write the traces of his crime on the surfaoe of the water. The case seems to bo an exceed¬ ingly interesting one; book the calm ia not mentioned in any on medical juris¬ prudence that I have, and the doctors seem not to have had experience of such an occurrence. A diver went down and found a stone with a rope sttechod, by which the body had been held down, and also portious of the scalp and of skin of the solo of the foot, and of ing, identified. by means Tbe of which husband the body was guilty and executed- " Min Mu lock's Romance. It wm “John Halifax,” published af¬ ter she waajhirty years old, that brought her fame, aud made the task of earning her doily bread a little less arduou*. Seven years later ah* was awarded a She pension of titrea hmulml dollars a year. In 1865 was nearly forty when she married. iu the Capt English George LiHin Oraik, an offi¬ cer army, who hod been is the Crimea, met Mi*.-, Muloek, and, al¬ though her wail soma years l»er junior, addrmtsed sufineedol in wtsning her Imnd. and They their proved moat cougeaial rom|>au|oiis, married lift* wm all they could vriah, with but one ejception. ’flic wo¬ man whose love for children gnumnled almost to • paaoion, who wrote “ Philip, My King,” was denied the hsppineas of “f feeling Iwhy fingers upon her tdicek or This ever hearing hersSlf called pnother. was » aevere sotrow, hut even tins pain hM been ivu-tiyaMuagetl Btraugcly enough, herhuBlwuid one dark, rainy night, wliile ahe and were speaking of chil¬ dren and of the joy and bnghtueoa they bring to so many dwellings, there came a loud ring at the 1*11 and tiwn a furious knocking. the till On openiug the door, lying ui>on oluaed in they found a haakut o»Jr tunny they wraraiings. discovered When they little wmm b«b haby ovea only few hours old. a lovely Tho a child was wrapped iu out roll after tto othcr of India tnualin, and on its breast be was kind pinned a note little begging waif Mrs. Craik to to the Ui u* brought to her door, aad assuring her.that s no m lifted 1 J in her ly to ttie poor dt IN and ahs tint became child PorqBea, legally Ggd*g adootod v«i their passionately daughter, aa loved tenderly cherished though aha ana had as as been their own. - t * ' > RfeotnitUeB. i Alter he bad chased the ear for a block and a half tie managed to gut fhoari, he found when, of much his friend* to lua iadirai«faom in Hie cal, one “You i ou row row me me running inp—why didn’t jou stop the oar and not et me ran myaelf to death I" and with a hHiked finger he »«r5tS8f*WFS& recognise yon at first. 1 could olilv aae Uw wppei part of your Ixidy from where I waa sitting. If 1 had only seen your fett I would have ktivwu yen w-veiai milro.” The rest of ths p««enger» glanced at lua feet and smiled. They g Pwrito a Wkm. Telegraphic Blonder*. A gentleman who had gone to the errantry to find a summer location for his family to-night,” telegraphed and the to his wife wife. posted “ Home eo Into the ooM'.tjry atouoe, while the husband was making Ml way in a contrary direc¬ tion. Not long since a meaaage came to the principal of a business house in thia city from hit traveling agent who had raachod Philadelphia— ,T Am at Continen¬ tal Hotel. Sena some hash by mail” The agent did no* intend to reflect on the food at the hotel, but wanted “ cash " sent by mail As affectionate uncle was informed by telegraph: "Mary Come is rare.” to be Mary, buried on Weaneeday. lived in Chicago, hie favorite who and, hehod not was heard of her iilnoM, niece, as the sad intelligence gave him a severe shock. He dreeaed himself in deep mourning, and mads s hurried journey to the west to find a jovisl party bled at Mary’s wedding. be buried The wires had arranged for her to “ ” instead at "married.” Probably that the occurred worst blunder in the ever made of was one ease a St. Louis merchant, who, while in New York, received a telegram informing him tiiat nia wife was ill. He sent a message to his family sieknea* dootor, and ii asking there the nature of the was any dan ger, No and dan gkr. {ooeived Yonr promptly wife had the answer: child. M a If we cun keep her from having another to-night she will de welL” The mystifi¬ cation of the agitated second husband inquiry wan not removed until a revealed the fact that his indisposed lady had had a "ohili ”—From the, Itour. fSt. Paul Monct r Presx.] IV hat we Hate. Wo hate growling, no matter the source or eauxe. au<l recommend here¬ with the remedy. Uxe 8t. Jacobs Oil ;$id laugh time. at pain, It wilt do the work every An Eel Story. Not long Hince a well on th® farm of Aimer Welsh, near impurities Orangovillo, tho Pa., in conseqmaice of in water, waa cleaned, and when found the in water the waa pumped wall out there was bottom the edge of the near the decaying remains of a large eel. Tho history of this eel run* a» follow*: In tin* snmuet resided of 18T>9 Joseph Hngoa, who then on thia farm, caught a numlxur of eels, among which wna one enormous eel, winch he neighlxira. took great The pride eels in exhibiting left to his were over night in a vessel standing on the well floor and in the morning tne large eel was gone. Tho natural supposition was that it had been stolon, but the truth waa that it had squirmed out of the tub, worked its wav through the Hoot und fell twenty-throe foet into the water. Home year* later it was seen by a man cleaning the well. On account of tho sandy liot tom and abundance of water all attempts to catch it were fruitless. From time to to time it was seen by persons cleaning the well, until this season, when, well the water becoming tainted, the was again cleaned and his remains were found. Before the visitation of this eol small liuu-ils were so plentiful in tlio well that great care had to bo taking in using tho water. Binoo then scarcely any have liocn found till tills summer. Now they have again mode their appearance. [Cleveland (Ohio) Hersld.] ’* A Hammock’s Wild Way. An Illinois exchange feels called to tints deliver ittw-lf: “His hummock swung loose at the s|s»rt of the wind,” and tumbled the Hon. J. 8. Irwin on head, and but tor the application pf 8t. Jacolts Oil, he might have gone “where the woodbine twineth.” Even sn dear Beacon as inauv others have gone, failing to use the Great German Remedy in time, for their rheumatism and other of dangerous diseases, “have paid the debt Nature.” Rub is our motto. Died as t King Should. J. £. M urdoi'h has written a book Oil tbe stage, in which oecura the following story: Mr. Mae following r. ready wm fond his of telling the Amerioan indepondeuoe, sti»ry as exemplified experiance of in a Western ardor, of the aelf-satisflwl kind. “In the lost act of ‘Hamlet,’” said he, “I was very anxious to have the King, who was rat her of a democrat¬ ic turn of mind, to fall, when 1 stabbed him, over the steps of the throne and on the right-hand aide, with hie feet to the loft, in order that when I wm to fall I should have the center of the stage to myself, as tiefitting the principal per¬ sonage of the tragedy. No objection was made to this request on the part of the actor, hut at night, to my great sur¬ prise, he wheeled directly round after receiving the sword thrust, and deliber¬ ately fell in the middle of the scene, just on the spot where I wna in the habit of dying. himself, Well, as a dead man oumiot move and aa there wn* no time lor other* to do it, the King’s body remain'd in poesesaion of my place, null I was farced to flud oaotner dtuation, which I did, and ftaiohed tite scene in the best way I could. . J “WhenI ax»o«tu]»te<l with hia Maj¬ esty for tlio ht*erty he Liu! taken, he coolly Western replied peo)de : know • Mr. Malready, ’alvQut we King* tiist Uvey nothing have excepting an odd I trick thought, of doing 1 m they please • therefore, do as I was King, I had a right to whatever -- pleased; and so, sir, I feu liaok upon my kingly rights, from which, you perceive, air there is no appeal.* Y retired," raid Mr. M«o hearty ready, laugh “ to my dreaatng-rooin to have s over what I felt more like erring over a moment before. -<»' '■ rft » f mm Tn retnejr ft*» wffl sin tite matrf dtieasei ftoffltar Lew o»ra—.Wettrr'S'jk-xcnuML to women t» TVsrusr’B Safe Eid**y and A voLtua containing deeeriptiaus of all the presents ever given tit a Queen is oertaiuly Queen an oddity, but it is said that Victoria proposes to issue such a It is t ha, and to in I imt simple U .-I, been given ) bjeqte at loraL Lov* In a cottage with forced -beef and cabbage, double diacoonta married infelicity in a palace with quail ou toast and champagne. Thia ia time, young peo- J plfa though tt lo oks hud to betteve. Feeble Lelies. Thcwe languid, tiresome sensations, enuring yen te feel aearoely able robe on fret: 'that eoMtant drain that that is taking from your system all its elasticity; driving the blood from your cheeks; tliat coe'inual strain upon vour vital forces, marvelous remedy, Hop Itittera. Irregu lariites and otwtruction- of your ayrtem are relieved at once, while the -peelal cause Will of bead periodical this ?—dJincinnati pain t» removed. you Jktur day - m being vaoset, Bible Revision. Concerning the revision of the Bible the ChriHum Union says : "The work is rapidly drawing to a close. We may ekpect the issue at the end of this year or the beginning of the next Tire New Typninnt will lie published by itself. The Old Testament caa not, properly, bo issued before 1883, owing to its greater bulk. If we should indulge in prejudiced predictions minds we should likely say that will object to many changes that will be found, because some familiar phrases, let,’ like ‘He who now letteth will will (we doubt not ;) be rubbed out, and some thing better lnserted. But thoughtful the persons, and those who desire mean¬ ing of the Greek original, cannot but lie pleased with a translation in which forty ona Greek scholars of all Christian creedt one agreed. We are no* afraid that if style any more than in translation thee* forty-one men will go astray and shoefc the Protestant worl d. Thes e men know what JSsihah. is good English, and what is digni fled They love the old En¬ glish does, and Bible they as will much as that Bishop it is Coxe nr/* see roughly treated. Our advice, then, i' to keep aad quiet then till the revised examine version it, ap pears, let ns not * the light of our prejudices, but in thf light of a •eholarly common sense. All attempts now to gay what it is, or to as¬ sail it, are premature. Onr own writing is merely to show that wo have reason to expect the beet.” One Experience from Many. ‘‘I had been sick ami miserable so long and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, arid I was com¬ pletely disheartened and discouraged. bottle of Hop In this frame of mind I got a Bitters and used them unknown to my guincil family. I fast soon that ltegan my husband to improve and fam¬ and so ily thought It strange and unnatural, but when they said I told ‘Hurrah them what Hop had Bitters! helped long me, for may may they prosper, and for they have made mother well us happy—The Mother.—Home Journal. Th® Flint Hlceplng-Onr. A writer iu the llavuiiport Democrat Urns toH* tlio story of tho firet. slooping onr and its firet public qppeerance: ‘‘1 remomlxsr the date of its very first ap¬ pearance—Hcpt. 1(1, 18/56. I was on my early way W»Mit, and had iirrivixl at, Toledo in the evening, licliind time, and hod two hours to pass before the depart¬ ure of tho train for Chicago, in t-lie waiting-room. I had notioed a rather queer-looking countryman, accosted and, some¬ what to my surprise, ho me with the inquiry : «» i Wouldn’t you like to see something now ?’ “ Of oonraa I would, and I ocoom panied him out through the depot, among innumerable cars, one of which ho opened ; and, after lighting several lamps, invited me to enter. Well, filled it with was aomethiug new—a beda—bnnks, largo car a double tier of more properly ruff, a}>enking. well-known Tlio sleeping-car man was WimkI the pat¬ entee, and this was tlio first sleeping car and its firet appoaronoe aoverul iu publio. Mr. Woodruff hud, during yearB poof wife, been rhronie obliged Invalid,' tq acoomixuiy mmi ‘Ohio his to a i.’JuIadelpbja, and her aufferingH for uiedictd journey treatment, bail on the oonatently comfortable hoggeaed the ixuaibility that of a more conveyance, so at last be conoeivod tiie *idfn of ■portable and ftdjwstnKie berths; and, bnyiitff an old ear, lie worked out his idea and had, only an hour previous, brought it in for a trad trip which wob to be made that some night. ” Ambiguities. We may excuse tlio foreigner if, in spooking misapplies our language, ambiguous ho word, occasionally oddly on however it may sound. Dr. Chalmers unco entertained a distinguished guest from Switzerland, helped whom lie asked if he would lw to some “kippert-ti saimiHi. ’’ The foreign divine asked the meaning of tite uncouth word “kippered,” and "!l;l told that it meant “preserved.” Boon after tbe Hwitzer madeUst'of tiiisnewly ucquired expression in a public prayer, when ho offered a petition that a ibstin guiahed the Free divine Church might long bo “kippered to of Scotland.” H ore is another example of a possible miscon¬ struction of language : “I fear,” said a e<mntry curate to Ins flock, “when I ex¬ plained to you iu my last charity sermon that philanthropy was the love of our sj>ecies, siHvio,’ yon must have undoretoo.1 me to say ' wliioh may account for the Munfinees of tiie ooflection. You will prove, I hope, by your preeent con¬ tribution tliat you are no longer lnlior ing under the same mistake. —Cham¬ ber*' Journal Kings Torsos Scats. A ouecr stcry is tola of an eminent preacher at Norwich, England Ou tho occasion of a State service to a crowded house he made a sudden pause in his sermon, and read in a sonorous voice the irrelevant quotation from the second chapter of St. James: “For if there come unto ring, .your goodly assembly n man with a gold in also in apparel, iu and there come a poor man vile raiment, and ye have reepeet to him tliat weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him. ait thou here in a good place; and sav to the poor, stand tliou there, or Bit here under my footstool, are ye not thou partial in yourselves and ore become judges of evil thoughts?” The congregation was stupi tted. Haviug thus rivited their attoa tentiou, he addressed himself by name tea gentleman in the gallerv; “ Tins that poor man who stands at the hack of yonr |»w a gold ring on hia finger?” The gentleman turned round, and ro pHed: “1 believe not, air." “Oh. then, I suppose tliat is the reason he must not have a seal." The gentleman Lad three gold rings on hia hand, and his pew was heartv empty, but, as may he imagined, it did not long remain so, Thu Detroit Peer Prrh give* a long list of “definitions rtf words from the thieves’ dialect." The Boston i\H thinks that “this will be a great help u> settlers in Detroit who don’t want to appear ignorant in gxxxl eoofety.*’ , DiBULL’S i SYRUP Stealing Another’s Comfort. at Any large one hotel who has has boon stopped disturbed over in night the a small Laura by persons walking i in the halls mid-day. as heavily and carelessly who as if late it were ■ Guests are up seem thoughtless of the qniot of those wrapped in slumber. Such conduct is sel¬ fishness of which any sensible person ought to bea shamed. Hotel A grave gentleman complained at the it Fifth the Avenue genial once of to clerk. “ I am surprised,” he said, “ that you harbor thieves in this house.” “Thieves, sir? Harbor thieves? What do you mean, sir? Explain, if yon please.” “ I mean that I had something stolen from me last night by one of your guests.” We ail exposed sneak thieves, “ are to sir.” “But this was not a sneak thief. It was a guest in the house, sir, and quar¬ tered “This as comfortably is extraordinary, as I was.” sir. stolen very from What was you, sir, and at what hour?” The gentleman answered with great earnestness. “At 2 o’clock this morn¬ ing some most precious sleep was stolen from me by one of your guests, and with a pair of boots.” Was not this guest one of the meanest of sneak thieves ? It is said that Elisha Bliss, jun., who lately died by at Hartford, Conn., made a fortune discovering the fun of Mark Twain’s Innooente Abroad while the work was in manuscript. Twain had tried in vain to And a publisher, and was about to throw the matter aside in de¬ spair, Bliss, when who a journalist friend sent him to was the President of a Sub¬ scription Book Company, If an untruth is only a day old, it is called a lie; if it is a year old it is called a falsehood; but if it is a century old it is called a 1”..... ' _ T>s greatest effects have aometimas the imallest cause. Ijfe is constantly sacrificed bv bottle neglect of of Dr. Coughs Bull’s and Cough Colds, Syrup when would a 25 cent save th* sufferer. Vt.'ii; ink is nourishing and strengthening', nurifii s ho blood; regulates the bowels; quiets tienerMU* system; acts directly upon tile mv cratioi s, and arouses the whole system to aotion. _ Til. Voltaic Hell Co.,, Jllch.. Will sond their Electro-Voltaio Belts to th# afflicted upon 83 days’ trial, fice their adver¬ tisement in this paper headed, “On 80 Days Trial." Ow Lyon * Patent 1 Ict-1 stiffener, applied to those now boots before yon run them over. Custom**—“W hat do you think of Malt Bit ore?” Druggist—“They are the beet medicine I knot •f oalleil ‘Bitters, ’Jiecange prepared from Mali Hops, Calisaya and Iron, which aro great an# wholesome medicines.” Mid wild western scenes, the adventurous rpirit |o relies on arms of improved manufacture combat his stealthy Indisn foes, but within <h« culm liorders of civilization, the Buffer nr with 1‘ilea knows that safety, and relief can only he found in Tabler’e Buckeye Pile Ointment Prioo 60o. For sale by ail Druggists. Mirasui. fever* c*n be prerentefl,*l»o outer mlaamatlo ffieceeee, by oocaelonallv oldeet using general Dr, Hanford 'k /Aver InvigoratOr, the Family Mefiloine, which is recommended as ft cure for all diseases censed by a disordered liver. Eighty-page book sent free. Address Br. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York. The Ifou-T or Foixits.—Many persona are accustomed disease, to disregard all alight symptoms of. saying: “Let it go as it came.” But when one feels the symptom* of kidney disease —auch as pain iuthe back and loins, palpitation, urinary derangement, foTlien. etc,,—to neglect them is the f»Uy of Kidney, bladder, fiver and urinary tally, if complaints are always liable to end fa¬ Hunt’s neglected. Ucmedy, The true cure for them ia the great kidney and liver medtaine. There is no symptom or term of kid¬ ney disease that Hunt’s Ucmedy is not mastet of. Bold by all druggists. Trial size, 75 cent* fStJacHsil N*b rre jqtruti.m on earth e^tialg ST J * com Oil s* a SAnt, W k k, si m rue »B.t cmMjk r Ktterns! Keamty. A fartal eaiatlt but the epwparatirtly tvtnparai trifliusoutlay %>t SOCsjsts. and every •ae *nt\K*ing with pat a ran have rbaar and pee i trie jwwrfef lU^siau. BpKBdKiM’lX KAJCTKX LA.Mil AUKS* tan it all Moaeisrs ana dcaiess ir uisieuL a. VOGEL.ER a CO. ’ Jialtimorr, Md., V . S. A. (jOSHTJ^R^ 8 |ffER s vki* et Hott*tWr'f A. flats<re as • Ml ! I aftwlkme. i» m<4 known I immi St'h •s*4*cumi tat all *#«»*«* ns. tt it •w ' ;»it rise weeit mi W z ro Jk S , THE GREAT BERMAN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, GOUT, SORENESS or tub CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS AND SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET AND EARS, nurnwa AND SCAI.DS, General Bodily Pains, * * TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, AND JILL OTHER PAINS AND ACH The Wrong Leg. The Portland Advertitcr tells the fol lowing story : There was an eminent sergeant-at-law leg that some years triumph ago of who artistic had a cork was a deception. None but' his intimates knew for certain which was the real and which was the sham limb. A wild young wag of the “ uttar bar,” who knew the ser¬ geant this pratty well, once of thought the sergeant’s to util¬ ize knowledge newly-fledged secret to take in a young barrister. The sergeant was addressing usual a special jury at Westminister inhis earnest and vehement style, and the wag whispered how old to buzfuz- his neighbor, “You his see not is over case; now, I’ll bet you a sovereign I'll run this pin into his leg up to the head, and he’ll never notice it, he’s so absorbed in his case. He's a most extraordinary man in that way.” This was more than the greenhorn could swallow, so he took the bet. The wag took a large pin from his waistcoat, and leaning forward drove it up to the head into the sergeant’s leg. A yell that froze the blood of all who heard it, that made the hair of the jury stand on end and caused the Judge’s wig almost to fall off, ran through the and court. I’ve By Jove, it’s exclaimed the wrong leg, dismayed lost my conscience-stricken money,” the quite and wag, re¬ gardless of the pain he had inflicted upon the learned sergeant.__ Vegetine. Kidney Complaints. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. The aymptom* of an aento attack of inflammation of th* kidopya are as follow*: Fever, pain in the small of tbe back, and thance ahooting down ward; riumbneaa of the thigh, vomiting, usually at flrat a deep red color of the nrme,'vrhich befiomes pale and colorless as the dise aae incteaaee, and i» diecharged very often with pain and und difficulty; coatlvenesB and some degree of colic. In sbrouir. of tbe kidney* the symptoms are pain in tbe back and limbs, dryness of the sain, freqaent urina¬ tion (especially at indigestion night), general dropsy, headache, dizziness gradual of eight, loss of atfength, ; paleness and palpitation and pulflness of the of heart, .he cough, and ahortnees of breath. In face, of the kidnoye the Veoxtink gives im¬ disease* svhen mediate relief. It has never failed to cure it is taken regularly and difeetionaYoIlowe-i. bfrttlee,' In oiany caaea it id ay take aeveral directly eepootnlly the secretions, cases cleansing «>f long standing. It act* upon and (strengthening, removing all obstructions and im¬ purities. A great many can cured testify to cases Vxoktink, of long stand¬ ing after having trying been perfectly of the knoYvn remedies by the which even said many y are to be expressly fo r this disease. Kidney Complaints. CXxcixxan, O., March 19,1S77. H. R. btxvkss: Dear Sir—I have used rour Vcosti?»* for eorne time, autl can truthfully eay it nas been a grvat benefit to m*; and to those euflhriug from disease of the kidneys 1 cheerfully recommemfit. Respectfully, O. «j H. SMITH, Attested to by K. 11. Ashdeia, druggist, coiner Eighth and Central avenue. Mr. R. Stbvxksj CiaoivvATi, 0., April 19, 1877. H. I have suffered induced sevsrnl years Vksktikb. with the kidney I have taken com¬ several plaint, and bottles was of preparation, to try and am convinced it is remedy. your ho# done, good than a valuable It me more all any other medicine. lean hpartiiy recommend to suffering Yours respectfully, from kidney complaints. 3. 8. McMiLLEK, Firet bookkeeper for Nswhall, Oslo & Co., Flour Mer* chants, No. 86 West Front street, Cincinnati, 0. VBOKTiwxhsa restn red thousands to hoalth who have beeu long and painful sufferers. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. OPIUM "SvH-Ik Ur. t\ E. SIIOEHAKE8, tIw well-known .xpe rl.ncsd , Anral Surgeon, Amhor and Writer the abov* I'tw-waei, be on tnai oouenlted br reel I or porsenellj at hla of R75 pages on Dexfuess, Diseases of tho Ear and Ton¬ sils, and Catarrh, aad their proper treatment; price $2 *KOTK.—No one will onestlon Dr. Shoemaker’s .tanding 18 ** 1U - 4mm A 53 C3 m U3 Bl i MSI K %S'.8R»^ / 6 Fine ^WARD'S Shirts for 1 Prirdri. •» triuent Mi Pi’"" l: i in E.M; &.W. WARD, S8; BROADWAY. NEW YORK. . v- a. • hop bitters: .(A Medicine, no* a Drink.) CONTAINS HOPS, lu enc, MANDRAKE, •* DANDllIJliN, v . . .- . . ^ - V And th* Pr**»T and Bk»t UiArj-iiA. Mf-oicalQi au «. Hk» as AU. 01 ues . THEY CUBE All P!»c*s«>a of the Stomach Dowels. Ploort. ^Touaoeaa, sV-enlpAabc-'-rtild complalat*. eipeclAily . SIOOO IN COLD. ■? fftll be; paid for anvth’nsr a case they will not lnjundtfs cure or help, o »r for impure or fouaU. ia tUcxn. Ask your before druggist «ldcp'. -for Ilop Take- pitters other. and try theta you nb P I f* t^nn absolute and trrc^stthlricmwfor Dnink«JUH-»s ( Hae of o pium, t obikv co und narcotlca: . Seth ppm Circclab. • AD cfcovr toM by Hep fRtfew Mlfc. <V. ltc«-Setter, N.-Y , A Toronto, Oot. .1875 P8IUI tew 53 *873 •W-fO or 1867 CO a <c a t k (XL axJoi M lo I >■ ^ •r 1 =3 C CL i UJ CO ALL ■acj jc a & <-3 T Ldl cd\ m * t SrPRRS DRAWING BOOM STYLES, #200 to S510 and upwards; POIt LABOE CtTriBriHES, *579, M*>. SS80 and leal; FOR SMAI.IJKR OmmCREfi, BCHOOLH, KT O., to ifm aud upward.; POfUl.AU STYLES in great variety, fJ3 to **» aud upward*. GROANS FOB EASY PAYMENTS, **.38 par quarter, or St per month aad upwards. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES aad PRICE LISTB, free. THESE OStOANS AttE CERTAINLY UNRIVALED IR EXCELLENCE, WHILE THE RRICES ARE NOT MUC* HIGHER THAN THOSE OS VERY INFERIOR INSTRUMENTS. ....MASON & HAMLIN OEGAN CO •t 154 Tramont *t., BOSTON; 4«Eaat 14th St., (Union Squarto “EW YORK; 140 Wutiaeh Avo., OHIOAOO. ON 30 DAYS’ TRIAL W* will MS* OBI Zlaetre-Vettaie Balls and atha see ssslt.vsz M»I. Also ®f tha Liver, Kidney*, Shea malum, P* g5 KB&'M C.GILBERT'S STARCH PENSIONS IKS LAW. Thousands of Soldlsrs sad hsirt suU* Usd. Vtaslons dais back Is dlschaigs a> daub. Address with stamp, GKO. r. LEHOJf, F, O. Drawsr, BBS. Washington. D. C. Sill-tS^rsR wsigbt and strSngth. Asi yaw gtosat la lAPOVIFIER, full and taka otbsr. n* CO. PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING JELLY. Grand Medal 8ilT#rKdd4 Philadelphia AtPATlfi lx position. KxpOAtUOlU This :bout wonderful world nWtuee to bo la %bo A«kn©wlad<Kl boat romody by pbyalciAM ilacororoi tb« 6*in Dia* tbe i euro of CAtArrh, Wound*. ChllblAina.Ac. Burn*, RhaumAtiam, In ordar that iwj Plica. and M bottles fot may try It. it ia put up In 15 cant Mid aqua# bold tua. Obtain it from your havo druggist, uaad. you "all And It superior to anything yon aror r i&H Send rosre atald*g ocs YOUNG radu- *•»« ate guaranteed a paying eitukl Ad<lre iaoesrille, VALENTlNlfi BROS.. Managers, Wia. rji MORPHINE nABIT I ■ speedily cured by Dr. I B BECK’S only known | I Hand Si RE REMEDY. No Charge for B treatment till cured. Call ou or addrcea Dr. J. C. BECK. Cincirwati. 0. AGENTS WANTED —FOE the— ■ 1 Best and Fastest Selling PICTORIAL BOOKS anfl BIBLES. $35 $5 to S20M*£5r*«M2?££r To Consumptives. f ODER’S Wild BaniMIOS OF COD LIVE* OH J J Cherry Bark, the most palatable oomhluatlee ef these renowned remedies extant. An unequaled tome dy fhr Debility, Consumption, BorofUla, all Lung affections, Ner* vous and all Vvastinr diseases. The manner ix which the Cod Liver X)U is combined with the Wild Cher* ry. enables It to be assimilated by the most delieele atom* sen, insures complete digestion of the Oil, tones up the •vstem. relieves cough, causes Increase ef flesh and strength. Endorsed by the most #min*nt physicians. A well-known specialist In Lung affections nas used it in two'hundred cases, and says “there is no combine tie*, equal to ii ftjr Cohsumprion, Scrofula,'? etc. Thou* sands of sufferers need and dstir# to take n combination ef Cod Liver Oil, hut have been unable to do ee. They will find that they can take this ureperntfon readily *n« with excellent resutt*. Frioe, One Dollar per Bottle, 0!x Bottles for Five Dollars. Circulars and valuable in¬ formation to all sufferers sent on free receipt of » deserlp Bon of ease. Ad Axes* all orders to O, Q. A. LODKR, Maouflkcturine Chemist, 839 Chestnut St.. Fhlladslpbia. ra. I 9 THE ONLY MEDICINE That Acts at the Same Time on 7H4E LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. Those frreai organs are the natural cleans will or« of ba vhc pflyfeet-: strsffttn. if If they they wortr become welt, crogged, health areatll!ll dlfieas^s are sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING/, r.lliouKHt ss, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jann . dice, Constipation and Piles, or Kid ney Coni plaints, Gravel. Diabetes, r Sediment Hf *he Urine, Milky ' or Ucpy Urine; or Khcii- C V niotlo Pains mid Aches, are with developed the humors because that the should Mood is have poisoned been expelled naturally. KIDNEY-WORT w! illrMt tore the healthy action and all those de destroying evils will will live be but banished; Buffer. neglect them and yon cared. to Try it Tltotiaanda have been and you will add one more to the number. Take it ami health wtiionce more gladden your heart. Why suffer lon^erfrom back? the torment of anaohirig euch distress from . Con- ^ sttpatlon Why boar and Ptjch ? Why bo so fearful because of dls ordered urine? Kidket-Wort vill‘enre you. Try a pack age at once and be satisfied. It i* a dry vegetable compound-and One Packmremake«:NiN qnarta of Medicine. Your nr>/ggt0 h<u it, or Kill get it for uou. Insist uj on having it. Pnc4, ^1.00 v TOLLS, SIC2A2DS0H * CO.'.T^wprifitors; I (iritl eerut post pnfat.) UurlU,fc%oun.rt. : BONE: 8 ET » ’ BOURBON TONIO lln.l.p.1 dJaadn* Mrfa* taafoa waa • MrrVMi.itoaaw M sieh trenblee m preeeed frees Dy^pepsta. Malaria, eta. Delicate ■A k ^ •w-wotisd «l«r0SMi ani'pfejtiaHMs,' wern-wet i and SiMkd . • , «y tf* MdsUM will ftmd it a grataftU fcarigeraaL CHAMBERS & BROWN, ■* * -- -v- CELLULOID #4 YE-CLASSES. Y Shell Reprerontine and Amber. the choioest The selected Tortoise strongest known. Sold lightest, handsomest, Made by SPENCER by Opticians OFH and Maiden CAL M FG CO., 13 Lane, New York. $ 7 7 fee •OD a w«4k ia your own lowfl. Terms And 95 Outfit frM. *4d imi B. Haulm* A CO.. Fortlaud. Mata*. DiHnx w. Maim ORGANS U-ITOralVB BASS A OCT. (OlTI.ra R PIANOS tins B E p S ONLY $65. Trial up. ..ffirrtswsssacn Beni on Address. I — AGENTS W ANTED? VTTE YV WAMT A UMITXD BtniBBB OF AOTIV* pl*****l B*. and E SO KTICIsan TMssrs ts soaus to a proStakls bnstoaaa. Oasd man wiirta« this a ram «ban as =ncb £ ee. apply. ifitsw Ft*L*T «RaK? d CO., Allasta, 0* jaUairDysUinimsT Hid BEST; It acts lnnunta NiHIbrovn id'-x-l jjrodueln^he tooti NOT HTALVlhs wmR ist adorimESJSHSSS jMMRvppointcd toilet Lady PBfi A^MP'^ntieoian. for or YP ^3aS gmi».i SMk gists And Appli*d Sold by by Drug* Hatr I>r«»sera. Depot US WIN UAsnet.. CklTTENTOy, k. y C.y. Ag*t. MPI flYMFMT — 1 local or tvbt*u,. HOME trip WWW $ J.FSTEY&C2 BrattleboroVS A GOOD SAW MILL For $200. Oar No. 1 Plantation iaw Hill is designed le be run by 8,10 or 12 horse power Agricultural Engines, With this pewer from 1,500 to 4,000 Feet et lumber can he out in aday. A product 25 to SO percent, greater than cen ho cut with any reciprocating saw mil! with the same power. The mill* are complete except •aw, and will be put on tne^ars in Cincinnati for the low price of 8200 , and warranted in every particular. Saw Mills Illustrated of all sizes, circulars Engines, MW Boilers, free: Bh^ftmg, Gearing, Ac. LANE & BODLEY CO., John and Water Sts.. Cincinnati, 0. J PEM ALES"— CASBOLICOH Will positively euro Fema1< \v OaknoKS, such as Fall Ingof fJlcoratlon tho Womb, of the Womb, Whites- Incidental Chronic Inflammation Hemorrhage of of ?lo Kling, Paluful, Suppressed and Irregular Mom* truation, tor &e. An old and reliable remedy. Scud p°* tal card a pamphlet, with treatment, cures in a jertiPeate® from physician* ami i»atlcnt«, to Hovr intr ft Hillar*t Utlcs. N. k ^»*d bv all bruggtaw y " Ji iJoiuH _ IVV TOimo mas on oni», WPB L J ' ,r •**■>' * lasar.aal Mou.iarh.. How- gw ' i"* Whisk.rt, > heavy growth of hah ea Ve hvsd*. «r to thick*n, ctroagthsn and Lm l&U‘B o^. It wvrer/oaas. . Cmin PlMMpapf frjr storekeeper* should call or write THE WELLS TEA COMP ANT, 201 Fulton 6t.. N. T. P. 0. Box 4660. NATRONA Bl-CARB. SODA b lha bwrt la th* Wsrli. It la ahsalatal, pars. It i* «*• hast for UaSidnal Forposa., It * th* but for lakla* tt« all Faaallj C.u. Sold by all Drugget* aad Srour*. PENN’A SALT MANUF. CO., Phils. 3 Literary CENT8 eachTformerly$l.00to Revolution. fl.25 each: I. Mae kulAy’s Robert Life of Frederick Lamartine’s the C^reat. II. Carlyle's Life oi Burns. III. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. IV. Thos. Hughes' Manliness oi Christ. R CTS« Ooldsmitb’s each, formerlyil Viear 50 of each: Wakefield. I. Arnold’s III. Light Baron of Munchaus¬ Asia. U. en's Travels and Surprising Adventures. For MIN HENTAii Bunyan's Pilgrim 1 * Progress. Illu strafed cata logue B. sent „ free. AMERICAN BOOK EXCH ANQE, John Aldeu, Manager, - Tribuns Building, Nsw York. m m Iresdj waarhsn.jr M oaUcha and Bsartl, harinj tuu-il from lte3 pk*. Tbrv weeks only aitoai.he* all. Ne»«r fail*, ,s> tK-wbisInJury. Eaaily sri'Hed anderrulnin *SW*. Pkg In I Prose ; and > Poetry, A' - frmsoz aanomx by over 300 distinguished authors. A charming gift bo.;k.’ Elegantly Uluslrate(!,*f2.75. LADIES the ofWe HOME of WHITE HOUSE, or In the PRESIDENTS. A . History ot every AdmiraBtroti-in Irom WaxUngtov tothepresent. tor either both Snperbiyillustrated. tli-.e Aeents Wanted or FOHSHEE maL-nifleient holiday hook*. A McMAKIN, Cincinnati, <» AGENTS! AGEVTSI Agents! JOSIAH ALLEN’S WIFE "iim*NEW BOOK. “ My Wayward Pardner.*’ AGENTS WANTED in every Town. Don’t miss it, but bend for Circtlar at once, and secure territory. Address AMERICAN PUB LISHING,CQ., .^axtfoxd, Cox*. Publliher.’ Union, Atlnnti, Qa.---Forbr-nln«.-*o E.luU’O D 1 0 fl 1 0 P ti ll B A pfor L the be|t Con.nmptloa cough medicine. la ala* U Min« XjMKjn m gm PRESENTS free. .Send address ^ for “«n, F M^ IKT ’ 57