The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 14, 1880, Image 3

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The W atkinsville Advance. W G. SULLIVAN, Ettitor, Publisher & Job Printer. 'VERMS,—One Dollar per Year. Sixty Cents fcr Six Months. Watkinsville, Ga., Dee. 14,1880. ntered at the Post Office at Watkinsville Georgia, as SECOND CLASS MATTER \] i i; Christmas goods will soon be on hand. — — -— The apple and tobacco wagons still pass through Watkinsville. —,, — ....... — The election in January will be the last for some time to come. Let us have peace. *-——»■»» ...... We noticed from Athens last Kunday, our young friends, Messrs. Cal. Durham and Willie Reaves. . i .. .....—..... - Miss Rebecca Furlow, one of Morgan counties belles paid Wat¬ kinsville a visit last week, and “T. Mart” is happy. -------—— We learn that the Barnett Shoals, have been sold to Nothern Factory capital¬ ists, who expect to put a at that point. We are glad to hear of this. —-• ----- -- See the card “For sale” in another colomn. Mr. Cotter offers a good cow, and young calf, buggy and harness. Apply early. ------- ' - • ■ • Our friend, Maley Giles, of Farm¬ ington, caught a 12 presented pound ’possum, of last week. He one the tusks to our devil, for a watch charm. There was a wedding in town on last Thursday night. It The was parties quite a romantic affair; were Mr. Jesse Dooly and Clemmie Cook. They were married at Mr. B. E. Thrasher’3 residence by Rev. W. J. Cotter. We were amused a few days ago at a dog swap, which took place citi¬ between one of our prominent peddler. We zen’s and a tobacco will miss Page the beautiful coach dog very much. Mr. Jas. L. Middlebrooks, of Farmington, sent to us by our friend Mr. Henry Jennings, on last Friday, a turnip weighing 5 pounds. Mr. Jennings informs us that Mr. Middlebrooks has several hundred bushels of the same kind. We are under obligations to Mr. Middle¬ brooks for bis kindness. Who cat beat it? As will be seen by the list o appointments of the Methodist Con¬ ference, our pastor. Rev. W. J. Cot¬ ter has been sent to Kingston. We regret to lose so good and useful a citizen and Christian gentleman he be as Mr. C., is and hope may pleased with his new charge. We commend him to the good other citizens place of Kingston or to airy be may hereafter be sent. - ------ . — ' — The Oratorio of Quern Esther, that was so well rendered in Athens by the Musical Society some weeks since, "with such a marked success, will be again repeated for the bene¬ fit of the Hope Fire Company of Athens, next The Thursday best musical night, talent the lGth inst. of Athens is redition employed of this by beau¬ this society tiful in the Remember, Oratorio. next Thursday night and let all go who wish to enjoy the worth of their money, and help a good cause. The admission >.is 75 cents, Gallery, 50 cents, no extra charge reserved seats. See the large advertisement of the Celebrated actress Miss Ada Gray, Supported by Chas. A. Wat¬ kins’ 5th . Avenue Combination. Miss Gray is undoubtedly appeared one of the best that has before the footlights, in Athens this season The Cincinnati Commercial lias this to say of her: “Miss Gray was magnificent as Lucretia Borgia; apart “her grand voice and superb physique pecu¬ liarly fits her for. Her costumes in this were particularly elegant, black and especially black in lace the mantle one of and jet velvet, with coro¬ net, she made a picture as she par¬ ted the crimson curtains at the hack of the stage and stood before the company of roistering young cavaliers, triumphat revengeful long in woman, calculated to stay the memories of those who saw her. For a portrayal of malignant, relentless hatred, as given in her scene with the Duke when Gen naro is momenta’iaiy expected, we have never seen her surpassed.” i . — ■■■ >♦ >.. — - Cronp Remedy. Parents would do well to cut out this remedy for croup, and preserve it for future use, in case any of the family should be so afflicted : “Take a soft flannel cloth, a quarter of yard long and a finger wide; spread a thin coating of lard over it, and sprinkle yellow snuff over the entire surface. Lay it over the the chest, the lard and snuff next to the skin. Spread another flannel over it. Grown up people, mr well as little ones, will find it an excel cellent remedy for tightness or con¬ gestion of the lungs.” Only one Dollar. You can get the Athens dollar—a weekly Runner one year for one large, 32 column edited. paper--w«U Try it print onu well a year. SUBS' SftSQHNmS: i” MOSES MYERS COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GA. A full line of Holiday Goods, Vases, Toilet and Mantel Sets, Work Boxes, Children’s Tea & Coffee Setts, AND ALL KINDS OF Please call and TOYS. examine. oct 13,-3m ATHENS DISTRICT. R. W. BIGHAM, P. E. Athens—W. W. Wadsworth, P. A. Heard, sup. Oconee Street—B. F. Farriss. Athens Circuit—M. H. Eakes. Watkinsville—H. J. Ellis. Winterville—A. W. Williams, E. G. Murrah, sup. Lexington—W. R. Foote. White Plains—D. J. Myrick, C. A. Mitchell, sup. Greenesboro—T. A. Seals. Greene Circuit—W. E. Shackelford. Madison— H. J; Adams, A. Means, sup. Morgan—A. E. Gray. Rutledge—Geo. S. Hanleiter. Barnett—J. W. G. Watkins Little River—T. H. Gibson. Washington—G. E. Gardner. Broad River—C. A. Conoway. Lincoln—To be supplied. Lincolnton—S. D. Evans. Monro<»—B, E. L. Timmons. State University ~E. W. Spear. Oconee and Factory Miss—T. A. Rorie. ATHENS TIT-TAT. Notes and News from tlie Clas¬ sic city of Athens, On the 15th inst., another grand wedding, Washington and Athens. Married at the Baptist Church, on Wednesday, December 8th at 5 o’clock, p. m., by Rev. Dr. Mell, Mr. M. B. Carson, of Macon county, and Miss Willie Woodfin daughter of Prof. Woodfin. Another Athens fair one gone to other parts. Athens loss is Macons ’gain. The city hall caught fire on last Tu sday evening, but through the promptness of the Fire Department it damages. was extinguished with only slight The Banner's reporter has banish¬ ed his pet hat. Too cold, Mr. Re¬ porter is it not ? Ada Gray, the favorite of the theatre goers of Athens will again visit the city on the 22d and 23d of December. She is a fine actress and we predict for her a full house. “Silvanious” Morris, as the Ban¬ ner styles him is getting up quite a name as a reporter for that paper. The F. F. A’s. gave a dance at Hunnicutt Hall on last Wednesday night. The evening being a pleas¬ ant lovers night, the dance was well attended, it was given in compli¬ ment of a visiting young lady. Mr. J. H. Lucas, was Manager, and Mr. E. S. Dorsey, floor Manager. All seemed to enjoy themselves. Soiree dance at the Ben Hill house, hy the Misses Glover, on Friday night. The University Reporter is fast gaining ground in Athens. They well deserve it. night Wedding in high life Wednesday next. Look out for Cards. No trouble to get p leased in holi day good.?, as Ath ens is full of them. The fire-cracker and tooting horn will soon be uncaged. Hold your horses as well as your ears. Messrs. M. G. & J. Cohen have among their toys, doll babies which say mama by by pulling one arm, and papa pulling the other. A young married couple wanted to purchase evenings it the other day to pass their away quietly. The Banner reporter is spending his “Racket.” leisure moments learning the Many young men can say, “Poor old Racket, I knew him well! been on a many One !” Athene will have grand fire works Christmas eve. Come all and see the sights. Prof. Wurm gave a calico hop at Hunnicutt Hall on Thursday. His first this season, and quite a suc¬ cess too. Try again, Professor. Amusements for the young a plenty. Sociable 2 this Musicales, week 3 Dances and 1 in the city. Rev. Mr. Wadsworth, the newly appointed Methodist Minister for Oconee church is very highly spo¬ ken of as a young man of promise, and well worthy of the pulpit he now takes charge. The Belle of West End is seldom seen on our streets. Why be it so ? Notice to the Public! We take this method of notifying our patrons, and the public and generally, style of that on and after the first day of January 1881, the name our firm will be known as T. k R. BOOTH k 00., Mr. Robert Booth, formerly of Griffin, Ga., coming into the business. We hope with the aid of increased facilities to enlarge our regular business, and intend to add ns a specialty, the sale of Fertilizers during the coming season, We propose to handle the best and most reliable Brands of Guano only, and we solicit in this as well as in our regular business a liberal shure of the public patronage. All persons indebted to the old firm of T. Booth A Co., are hereby notified to come forward and settle Thank¬ at once, as we desire to wind up the old business by Januajy 1st. ing the public for its liberality in the past. and again soliciting its pat¬ ronage lor the new' Firm in the future, We are vtrv truly your obedient servants, T. BOOTH & CO. Watkinsville, Ga., Dec. 1st, 1880. smashers One of our of young the dry goods in at one occupied most he popular stores town t new and pleasant position of nurse, while another sold the mother of the infant the goods wanted. The nurse deserves a great deal of credit indeed, for filling that “tedious position.” • We would recommend nim to the ladies, He is not a mar ried man girls 1 N. CHURAB, Special Cor. Advance . Notace. As I have worked for you faith¬ fully, and have ridden night and day, call I think patients it time that I should on my for money. I live in town and of course have everything call to buy. all Is it not right for me to on who owe me now ? Do you not think a doctor should be the first man to pay? When you need him you have no time to make arrangements, and r ow come up and let me see that my visits have been appreciated and I will cheerfully go when I am cal¬ led again. Respectfully, M. WHITE, D. M. D. For Sale. A buggy and harness, and a cow with a young calf. Apply to, REV. W. J. COTTER. Watkinsville Academy 1881. .1 School for Hoys A' Givh Watkinsvi i.le, Oconee County, Ga. Prof. Irby U- Hudson, Prin. The services of a competent assis¬ tant will be secured for the Primary Department. Schopl will open on the 10th day of January, next, The course of study thorough and ex¬ tensive, preparing pupils for ad¬ vanced classes in College, or for business pursuits. Every effort made for the moral as well as intel¬ lectual advancement of the pupil. Tuition from 84 to $8 per quarter, and board from 810 to 815 per month. W< tkinsville is quiet and retired, and there is no healthier locality; seven miles from Athens, with which there is daily communi¬ cation; church and Sabbath School privileges teacher good. Prof. Hudson is a of much ability and ex¬ perience, having been an educator of youth for many years, and we hope the people of Watkinsville and liberal vicinity will give the School a The patronage. Professor expects to locate among Nov .25th us permanently. 1880. Ordinary’s office Dec. 6th 1880. GEORGIA— Oconee County. Whereas, James M. Willoughby and H. G. Hardigree, Administrators of David Willoughby, represents to the court in their petition duly filed and entered on record, that they have faithfully administered David fore Willoughby’s Estate. This is lo cite all persons kindred and creditors, to cause, if any they can, why Administrators should not be charged and from their receive letters of dismission the first Monday, in April 1881. ’ JAS. LYLE. It. Ordinary, GEORGIA— Oconee County. Whereas, Lindsey W. Downs, tration applies with to me the for letters annexed, of adminis¬ will on the estate of William J. Landrum, late of said county deceased. Tnese are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause, at my office, on or before the First Mon¬ day in January, 1881, why said letr tors should not be granted. JAS. R. LYLE, Ordinary. State County and Liquor Taxes for 1880! It is important that the above Taxes be paid during the present month of November. I will have to pay the Poll tax to county school commissioner by the 1st day of December, will settle next, proinply, and I hope" that lax payers I be ready for all demands so inay and he forced against me of making not collections to the necessity and by executions. Be Respectfully, prompt then, save costs. J. W. JOHNSON, T. C. Watkinsville, Ga., Nov. 22d. 1880. Mipso Wo ©o teenLiiTsmii, Fasbioablc j) RESSMAkSm? MILLms]^^ Bogs Watkinsville, Ga., leave to offer her services to the ladies of Watkinsville and vicinity as a dressmaker aud milliner. Hats and Bonnets re-trimmed and renovated. cheaply Dressmaking and fancy All work neatly and executed. the latest maga¬ zines and patterns always on baud. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices liberal. Give her a trial. aug*24 For Rsnt. comfortable A splendid 3 one-horse dwelling farm with and a room necessary out houges. Situated on the Watkinsville and High Shoals road, 4 miles from the former and 3 from the latter place. A person owning a horse preferred, J. PERDUE. A ppl v to A. Ordinary’s GEORGIA— Office, Sept. 6th, 1880. Oconee County. plies Whereas, for William valuation Poulnot, ap¬ to me and setting apart a Homestead of reality, and I will pass up* on the same' at 10 o’clock a. m. Sent lent 29th 29th 1880, 1880, at at my my office, in Watkinsville. Watkinsville. Given Given under my hand at office this Sept. 6th, 1880. JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA— Oconee County. By leave of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before* the Court House door, in the town of Athens Clarke countv, Georgia, on the first Tuesday lowing in January, to-wit: next, the hun¬ fol¬ property Six dred acres of land more of less, ly¬ ing the East and being side In said county, on of Rose creek ; adjoin¬ ing the lands of Joel J. Morton, D, R. tiary Elder, Co. No. S. D. 3, Hardigree, and the Peniten¬ of estate T. N. Poullain, Sold as the prop¬ erty of Samuel D. Durham, late of said county, deceased, with the fol¬ lowing Wilt..”] reservations —“That i [“Extract from if either of his sisters should be reduced to want and have no home, lie shall permit her to occupy the house and lot where my son William formerly lived, and to furnish her land to cultivate.” Also one fourth of an ground, acre, Including with family burying The above is righl-of known way thereto, as the old Dr. Lindsey Durham ’O-ro, .,nd is naturally desirable places one of the best and most in this section of the country. The original channel of Rose creek Is its western boun¬ dary, and upon which there are one hundred acres of bottom land, all of which is susceptible of being thoroughly 'i here drained and cultivated, are about three hundred acres of original forest, composed of growth hickory, oak, poplar, pine and other little washed indicating a good soil. Very land, no high hills nor deen hollows, but is airreeubly undulating. houses The two best dwelling are on the road leading from Powell’s Mills to Watkinsville and one mile from the former place. They are two ; tories high, one has ten rooms and six fire places, the other six rooms and four fire nlaecs They are between situated on the highest ground the above-named creek and the Oconee river, between wnich and the houses is all original forest and is about six hundred yarns distant. There are four or five other good houses on the place for tenants or families. Just south of the house lies 12 or 15 acres oflevel wood-land that could he made into a beautiful grove. Upon the whole, of for natural con¬ veniences, beauty situation, pleas¬ ant surroundings and fertility of soil, this place haa but few equals. Terms cash. LINDSEY DURHAM. Administrator. I ’will also, sell on Thursday following the above, (Jan. gth), Lindsey at the residence of the late Durham Sen., dt ed., the following property to wit: 1 marble Center Table, i large Mirror, 1 Book case, Secretary Secretary and draws combined, 1 and .draws (formerly the property of Gov. Peter Early;) 1 Candle Stand, 1 Sett Mahogony folding 3 feather tables beds and and some bedsteads, other tables, 1 gray mare 12 or 13 years old, 1 Sorrel mare 9 years old, 1 good milk cow and one or two heiferyearliing, good milk stock, 1 chest, 2 anvils, 1 vice, ‘2 silver watches. 2 chan. Candle¬ stick, 1 Lamp, 2 I;Og Chains, Wind 1 Fender, 1 Fire screen, 4 inv Shades, 1 eight day metal clock. Sold as the property left by Martha Durham late of Said county deed. Oct. 20th 1880. Lindsev Durham Extr. Fine Milinery. Miss McCartney, the Milliner Athens, Ga., informs the Ladies Oconee county, that she has received a fine stock of Eine Milinery Goods of every variety suitable for fall and winter. She has the best stock these goods to be found in Athens. When the ladies of Oconee county wish any thing in the way of Fine goods, door call on Miss McCartney, Broad next to Chas. Stern <k Co.. St. Athens, Ga. TDn® AdLvamao * S0&X 077202 Work promptly executed AT LOWEST candidate ✓ hereby announce for Sheriff my of name a ounty, in the ensuing election, hereby usk the support of uty frie aud the public generally. J. B. LOWE, DEUPIRIE OPERA HOUSE. 5 ATMS.' 1 Wednesday and Thursday, December 22d and 23d. ADA i 1 GRAY i Supported by CHAS. A. WATKINS’ Fifth Avenue Combination WEDNESDAY EVENING the Great Play Lucretia Borgia! Seats on sale Friday morning, 17th, 0 o’clock, at Mandeville’s Jewelry Store. Reserved scats, $1.00 ; General Admission, 75c. ( ; Gallery, 50c. HURLEY & SMITH SUCCESSORS TO D. C. HURLEY AND HODGSON BROTHERS, We manufacture and .JTHEAS, deal In fine vehicles GfiORGM. of overy dosoriptlon. Hand-made , , Harness cf the best leather Wilson Harness Repairing promptly done in the best manner at reasonable prices. A few of Hoigsan Bros. Best Maks Open Burgies at GREATLY REDUCED Prices. AH of our work is fully warranted. Visit us and examine our vobicles and harness. IIUULKY & SMITH, Athens, Ga. 1ST OTIC E* I have associated with mo in business F. G. Smith a fiuo CARRIAGE TRIMMER, of Atlanta,Ga-, and am now well prepared to give my frionds good work at fair prices. Thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past and solid ing its continuance, -7H l am very truly, D, 0. HURLEY, Athens, Ga. symq’su THE LIGHT-RUNNING i.X| 8TILL KEEP3THE LEAD! Bocauso it Is the simplest, most reli¬ able, aind best Sewing Muchlno ever in¬ vented. It does Its work quickly, qui¬ etly and well, and always gives perfect satisfaction. It Is the result of 25 years of patient labor and practical experience by most skilled mechanics. It combines the good points of all other machines, with none of their defects. There are many Sewing Machines of merit in the market, but nono are so complete »ud perfect in detail i none possess the marked advantages and superior worth that have rendered the Kxw Homs so famous. ■ . - It has won the conildcneo of nil who have soen It, being now beyond doubt the most perfect Sewing Moobino In the market. AQENT8 WANTED. Send for Descriptive Circulars tie. JOHNSON, CLARK A CO. 30 Union Square. It. V. ClUcoge, Ills., or Orange, mass* Atlanta and (oharlotte Air-Line Railway. PASSENGER Department ATLAHIA --TO THE EASTERN CITIES CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 7, 1880. CHANOji OK SCHEDULE. On and after Nov. 7th trains will run on this road as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula 6:55 a. m Leave Lula..... 6:56 a. ra DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—WESTWARD Arrive at Lula 9:22 p. m. Leave Lula.... 9:23 p. in. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula. 8:18 p. m Leave Lula.... 6:19 p. m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN—WESTWARD Arrive at Lula 9:10 a. m Leave Lula.... 9:11 a. m LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula 11:33 a.m. Leave Lula.... 11:47 a. rn. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN—WESTWARD, Arrive at Lula . 11:57 a. nr l Leave Lula_____ 1 12:16 p. no THROUGH FREIGHTTRAIN—EASTWARD. Arrive at Lula...............8:50 p. in. Leave Lula...................4:10 p. m. THROUGH FRE'GHT TRAIN—WESTWARD. Arrive at Lula...............7:04 a. in. points. Th-ough Tickets Greenville on sale at Gainesville, Senecca City, and Spartanburg to all points East and West. G. J. FOREACRE. Gon’l Manager. W. J. Houston, Gen. Pass.&T’k Ag’t James 'it. Lute, AT rORNEY AT LAW Watkinhvili.k, Ga. of HP Will and practice adjoining in counties. the Oconee umr<il,'80*ly ®. M. 'fthie, M. ®„ f * P J^HSYICI j'l, RACTICIN A Watkinsville, Ga. [t'jr' Will be found at his office when not called off. mar 17,’80- tf GEORGIA-Oconee County. Ordinary’s Office, Oct. 23 1880. Ezekiel T. Langston of Person has of applied Per for Exemption and I will the sonalty, 10 o’clock, pass upon the 18th same at a. m. on day of November, 1880, at my office. LYLE, JAMES R. Qct.26,2-t. Ordinary. Inducements Extraordinary •At "the MAMMOTH CROCKERY & GLASSWARE HOUSE \ -Ol f NORTH-EAST GEORGIA ' J. H. HUDGINS, No. 7 BROAD 'STREET, A the ns m Georgia. Having juHt returned from the Extern Market, »e are ofcin* the '1.ASS l.r,e,t, mast varied and best selected Stock of CHINA, CROCKLliY, WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIERS, LANTERNS, Ac , 25 per cent, lower than ever before known in this market. . that , defy , , A full aud complete line of House Furnishing Goods, , at prices 10SIN H £ AND BED “C" OILS. &C Ke ALAUtN ■i t&“ Special Inducements to Merchants. J, if. lie TOGIJS S> No. 7 Broad St, Athens, Ga. Sept21,1880tf TRADE, A Large and Complete Stock of k BLANK BOOKS, AND STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND! Ministers end Churches Supplied with Books --AT- PUBLISHERS PRICES FLEMING & BURKE, uctl0 138O*tf Athens, Georgia. ( $35 Reward A liberal reward will be paid of for the arrest and apnr rehension one George Parks, col., who is under bond for his appoaranoe at the County Court of Oconoo county, charged with adultry, He hails as a proacher, and has fled from justice. Description. He is of a rather “ginger-cake” color, quick Bpoken, side has a burnt mark on the right of his forehead near the edge usually of his hair, and near where he parts his hair, is near five feet high and would weigh near 175 or 180 pounds, and is about 35 years of age. Any harboring said Parks are hereby cautioned under penalty of law for same; Any information that will lead to his arrest will be thankfully received, or we will pay a liberal reward for his delivery to us. Address, FLERN ELDER, EZEKIEL WALKER, !'Robert Lewis, Carriage & Buggy Painter Watkinsville, Georgia. * Having rented the Paint Shop shop, con noc ted with Mr, Laugford’s buggy I offer my services, as a painter. All orders for work promptly attended to, an( ] tt t prices that defy competition, special Give mo a call. Buggy work a ty. sepl4tf