The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, December 21, 1880, Image 2

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TheWafJriniville Advance. W O* v«ULUV\X, Editor, Pi*b! Uher k i ob Printer. TERMS .—One Dollar per Year. Sixty Cent* f5r Sin Months. Watkins , illf>, Ha.,Dec.21,1880. \ at. the IV- t Office at WmUuDvilie Georgia, as ECONO CLASS MAT ! ER PI NOTES. Mardi Gras in New Orleans is to be March 1,1881. A few days ago, Chattanooga iron furnace turned out forty one tons of pig, the biggest day's work ever done in the South. Kennedy, the South Texas cat¬ tle king, lias sold out his stock to tui English company for $800,000. A party of yottug ladies in Aber¬ deen, Miss., turned out one day last week md picked cotton for the benefit of the Presbyterian church in the low n. They earned $10. The TusknJoosa, Ala.,cotton mills cotton mills are running on full time to fid orders pouring in daily fr nn surrounding States. And yet Atkinson thinks that the South should not manufacture cotton. The Cincinnati Enquirer says Wire it not for the immense con sumption of hog products in the South, hogs, instead of selling in this market at $4.0. (m$4.70 Would hardly bring. $3 per. hundred pounds, and prices of the several products would be reduced in the same proportion.” Is it right fnr n '« -■>>cotton should allow. - i raise", * for tliem ? av »« ^ r ikon* # Editor’ do nothing but go to shoe ..I ... ! : I* w-jnld extrava • ■ . t have of the Ci* unknown voice in the following wen n words timely remarks: “An editor’s business is to write editor! als, grind out poetry, sort and ro write communications, listen to all kinds of complaints, offer advice on nil subjects, from proscribing for a baby with the colic up to specie re sumption, keep a waste-basket, stenj matter, fight other people's battles ) tako beans, pumpkin and green wood, when he can get them, on subscription, work eighteen hours out of twenty-four, always be in a good humor and witty, be alike imprevious to flattery and censure, nml ho criticised and damned by every nincompoop who don’t like his paper. Finally, to wear out In service, and at last hear the pleas¬ ing plaudit: ‘ Tis enough i come tip higher,” A sad and dramatic eviction took plnce in County Wicklow, Ireland, Wednesday. An old man named Arthur Kauavagh, in feeble health, who bad a cabin on the property of Earl Fitawillium, had fallen behind in his rent. A decree of ejectment was obtained by the Earl at the last Wicklow sessions. His gamekeeper with two bailiffs, went to execute the (leoroe Wednesday afternoon. Thsy had to carry Kavanagh out of the house, and as he was crossing the threshold of ins cabin the poor old man gave one gasp and died in the gntnekeepor’n arms. His body was laid by the roadside. Over it for twenty for hours sat his only mourner, a daughter. Kavanagh was formerly in a good position, Kavanagh had been previously a carrier between Dublin and Wick* low. He ha* been unable to work for two years, and was bedridden for some time. The thrifty man wi l always put sotr e thing away for a rainy day* even if it is nothing but a etoien umbrella. There are 1350 telephones in ac¬ tive use in Memphis, Tenn. Eighty thousand dollars is the bounded debt of the University of Virginia, There are in Tenessoe 2,185 mem l*ers of the Ancient Order United Workmen. From six to eight thousand me ore employed in the iron works at Richmond, Va. --- The rice crop of Louisiana this yesr is 250,000 barrel*. Last year's crop was 100 , 000 , Ab^ut 12 , 000,000 b ately been invteUy., i i-La (.end .ishment of iron mills at Lynchburg, Va. A Barren county, ntucky, man osrnfl a living by ...» . t> aX o hand lew with a t -ock' i-x Cd Yon Be • * r * d st A Merry Mourner. The radicals of Clarinda, Page County Iowa, had a jolification meeting on Friday night, the 5th uit. According to the Council Bluff* Xonpatiel they had the biggest kind of a time, with illuminations, and fire-works, music and speechifying. After several republican orators, among them congressman elect Hep¬ burn, had given vent to their feel¬ ings with spread eagle speeches, in¬ cluding of course with the usual abuse of democrats' the crowd called loudly for Hon, B. Cake. Cake Is a democrat, and the Nonjmrd says that he looked too depressed to speak ; but the crowd would not be put off. so he mounted u box and made the following unique speech : Fellow Citizens: A man usually attends his own funeral, but it is not expected tout he should ta k a great deal. [Laughter.] I knew the funeral ceremonies could go on without me so I concluded that 1 would bring in the body. [Laugh¬ ter.] But it takes grace to sustain a man who helps to lurnish the corpse for an occasion like this. [Laughter,] Nobody hut a d< mo crat could do it. [Applause,] It is certain that no one save the demo¬ crats has had a chance to try it for the last twenty years. [Shouts Applause.] Disappointment is the modern democrat’s birth-right; mourning it is normal condition, They took out a patent on disaster 20 years ago and it never has been infringed. The patent ran out in 187(1 and they have just got it re¬ newed. Looking over the landscape i,l'the. last twenty years I sec acres and a res of ousted hopes, cords A It 1 cords of disgruntled ambitions, barrels and barrels of unavailing tears, oceans and oceans strewn i ( ,i,„ ,, ’ * ' """ : ... . burdened with democratic . do o»c« p . rr ’reat applause.] Dis npput. L, anchor to the democratic soul both sure and stead ' jhG . their fall. heave* lmvo time to And flowers to wither at the'hortli wind’s _ breath. And stars to set, but all, O, Democrat! Thou hast all times for thy death. I might say with Shylock Hufler nnce, yea, sufferance is the badge of our tribe* I could give vou 320 reasons for this. [Laughter.] A iawjerofferd .iudgo.i.^n ,o„ sons why lus client was not present at court: First he was dead. The judge toll! him that he might omit the other fifteen. The first roa son of my 329 is that we lacked voters. You will allow me to omit the other 328. [Applausive consent. But I could give you more than 329 reas sons. John Kelly did it with his little rocket.. [Groat applause.] Wade Hampton’s mule broke his leg instead of his neck and Ben Hill was not born a mute, English had forecl osed his mortgages and wo could cot redeem. Then,— Tis tlio South that can supply Solid comforts while we die. In some States the Greenback paf ty fell through a crack in their plat, form and crippled us. [Laugbler.] But the democracy still lives. [Laughter,] It is like the mule it never dies. BtU Unfortunately like the mule, while it Is forever throw* ing its riders, It backed Greely bit and killed him in 72. Tildeu stuck bn until be passed under the wire; [applause^ but there was so much daylight b A tween him and this democratic quad* ruped the judghs counted him off. although he had hi* feet in stirrups This year we got a splendid send off, and might have won, but the don¬ key was stricken down in Indiana with the (g) Landers. [Applause.] Wc close this chapter of history with the hope that the will not be continued in our next. [Cheers.] We accept the defeat more cheer¬ fully because of the magnanimous manner in which yon take the vic¬ tory. Wetako it every four years. It is a standing prescription it might well be Called the quadrennial iplcac. [Groans.] It works up be fore the election and w orks down a* the return* comes in. We thank you for the unanimous way in which you turn out to our funeral. [Applause.] We congratulate you on tho magnificent and imposing of the obsequies. v Here spsaker’s fbelings overcame him and he retired amid encoring eartquakos and applausive avalan dies.) Nswhville expect* to get 100,000 bals* of cotton this eeason. Selma, Alabama, within fifty miles of inexhausUhle coal field#, lias not a ton of coal for sale. The fa acher* of New Orleans fire tot vst [M»ld in full and *ell their eortlticauv o broker* at a discount, t*rAlabama, has re i|h of cotton. l*ti sou Only one Dollar. You can get the Athens weekly Banner one year for one dollar—a large, 32 column paper—well print nnd well edited. Try it a year. New Advertisement. Hend C arefu 11 v I c HRISTMAS will soon come, and SKIFF, the Jeweller will soon receive a new lot of all Gold and best Rolled Plate Jew Irv. Gold and Silver Watches, thirty hour and eight day Clocks Slid silver and Rogers best silver plated COLD, SILVER, STEEL* Celluloid and Rubber Speed cles and Eye Glasses, with toe Diamond for weak eyes, with ™ahy other art, cles, sat table for CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS OB OTHER P RESENTS. All goods sold will be warranted to low. prove as represented, and prices r. ir. skiff, SIGN RED WATCH, ATHENS, GA. 1881. 1881. THE CONSTITUTION. Never in our history has a reliable. FIRST CL A 88 NE WSPAPER been so esentially needed by the Southern people at present. Never has The Constitution been as thoroughly prepared equipped furnish such and so fully to a paper as at vice present. unequalled With by Telegraphic ser¬ any Southern paper, with trained correspondents In every locality in which its readers are Interested, with a Capable Edi¬ torial Staff, a corps of efficient re¬ porters, and best of special contri¬ butors. The Constitution can pro¬ mise to its readers that it will be better than over before, and will confirm its position ns the Leading Southern Newspaper. While T f :: Constitution will carry the general news of the day. and express its opinions frankly on poliia 1 topics, it wili devote special • to t p e Dev.lopmtmt Southern Resourci s in all legitimate channels or directions. Every Ge " r 8 itl n <""1 every man interested in Southern , enterprise and growth, should read The Constitution in olu , 0 f jt 8 cd ttons. Terms— Daily, one year, $10; six months, Weekly, $5; three months. $2.50. months, $1 one clubs year, $1.50; six ; to of ten, one year, $1.26 to clubs of twenty, $1.00 a J' t ' ar - SOLTHERN CU LTIVATOR, one year 81 GO; to clubs of twenty, f<2.f,0 Address J2TSI&, Si VC!lr THECONSTlTimON, Atlanta Ga. 72 » lietrhnn ATTORNEY at LAW. 1 ATHENS, GEORGIA. Barrow Office at present College with Avenue Cnpt. Pope corner and Clayton Ptly street. business Will attend prom to r.ll entrusted to his care John I. r tftulerson. ATTORNEY a! LAW. WatkinsVille, Ga. business ffF" Prompt entrusted attention bis given to all to earn Office in Court House. umrl7,’80- ly 71. .ii> Jackson, A tt»uc> JtCotiu eloratn.* AND JUDGE OF THE (Dwarf $sunt# (fourt, Will Watkinavilie, Ga. HUT practice in all Courts except thu County Court Oconee County. tnaM7,’80-Iy 7t. Jfl. n Hen’s Horse and Mule MILLINERY STORE. Cor. Clriyoit and J:n kom Sts • » ATHENS, GA; I have in Store a goo.l assortment cit Sa.P dies and Harness. lirii!le% Collars, Whips, Saddle lilnhkcts, llotxb Covers, \e ; Yon will find that m;r harness is made of the best Western Leather, all hand made. I cut and fit liorte dollars and do All kinds of repairing at short notice. Baggy whips l make a specialty amt a better assortment catmot be found in the My city. Saddles town at beat rock bottom. harness e&mu * be iu prices and quality. When you visit the city please honor tne with your presence. Thanking you for the past future. favors, 1 hope a continuance in Apr.7,1880.6m D*. A. F. DURHAM, | D«. W, M DURHAM l*t. «* Doit of Ers. A. F. * W. M. Eurhan:. SPECIALISTS, Chrome • n- Diseases Of ... Male . wry. and Female, and \ enerial, Operate for Cro«>s Bladder, Eyes, Harelip Cataract, Stone in the or Cleft Pal atm, &o. Will visit patients in any part of the State, iu consultation or to perform surgical operation*. Ad dress, with stamp, Dos. A. F. Vt W. M. Durham, tnar3i,’80-tf Athens Ga. 71, I*. J brasher, ATTORNEY aT LAW. W.srKixsVH.i.t, Ga. nF* Will prattle* In the Court* oe sod adjoining eouutia*. GOODS n Tj s 2 re-; m is Street •\ c c l ■ l ~ _ * §3 c-s I 1is” *i Is 01 a . % ►, " M =* si ~ 9 t'ssss o S *.=! c = 1* £ ° 5 ® *3 CEIfBAfo t C ^ » — ATHENS. H X - * 5.- -= 4 , 2 o I - X3. * ££ « £ Cj § S S~ rs S I 2 3 * i£ " SEE JL,-' t * - = 2 » ^ —• 3 »» * § J’S *5 B.S 2- ^ gaUJuicl.-iJ * — t”" 2 ! ® rf. O ® 2 x" , x 5 DRY ^ ~ « g *.j§g> iiipp g GBAUD COHEN'S J. AND ESTABLISHMENT Si 51 •5 S* ?-=3 3 . v.: Vir S n II © is W a. £ O c g x £ 09 Svi--S®^sS {=osaj§i^ 03 La rz> er - oaii^Z f?.l-1s K _ aS|o;.2.|2| S-3«|g 4>. tn ~s ^|i£ go* sfiyyi § . >* ■ J @ .5 j, 3 J2’s -2 8 * s* ° t; V & FANCY II ti|3fi!!!ie G. i » ; So5C C 3 <P Jf, ctS « * g 1-5- j> I © M. - a a lQTHv ! PiV = *03 £ Cm3 — Vm © tut - — - 3 3 3 3 ^ fed Our Triumphant March to Victory, HAS BEEN ACHIEVED SOLELY BY The Low Price & Superior Quality Goods! he Ftillp porefble alive to the MARGINS Progressive and spirit the people of the have age, we sell been our goods at closest not SLOW TO FIND THIS OUT Dealing exclusively in BOOTS AND SHOES and having every experience and unequalled facilities for purchasing our goods, we can and will give you More for Your Money Found Elsewhere. To the people of Oconee we extend a cordial invitation to Call and Examine Ous Stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods and courteous treatment guaranteed, at all times. BALDWIN & BURNETT, oct 13.1880-3 No. 3, Broad Street, ATHENS, GA. Closing Out Sale«t f C othng at Cost at the . I SIMON HERTZ, PROF .Athens, Georgia. THE BICKFORD AUTOMATIC £• £ IS KNITTER in a i;! Mack rJ tlr j knu mlnt-r* zu wffl It finest, ill H Knit, all site* of work, narrows and wi dens it} shapes all sixes complete, Knits over JO dtOerenr garments, Socks. Stockings, Mitten*, Levins. Wristlats, Gloves, etc. It knit* every possible variety of plain or fancy stitch. 75 |>er wnt. profit in manufacturing knit goods, Farmers can treble the value of their goods. wool, by converting it into knit wanted in every State, County, „ City and Town, to whom very Tor low ftiff prices particulars will be made. and lowest price* send for tho best Family Machine to , BICKFORD KNITTING MACHINE CO., (BrxiiUborro, Vt. *pr21,l880—lv flf*Sub«eribe Aew, only |T A ‘l ‘t; ’ gfi i AMVSS3D3N SIUPLK, e 9 5 »? fa 71 BEST Q Athens, t-7 GHAS. €*cor<riu t=5 Imhb STERN =C & WC GO I Hr new Your Sul , Christmas & New Year’s Greeting, An immense stock from which to relict presents, useful and orna¬ mental. China, Crockery, Lamps, Vases, setts, Cologne Decanters, Fancy Glassware, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, &c. The lowest prices and the finest assortment in Athens at the China* Hall. LYNCH & FLANIGEN, Deuprre Qutra ijou r, ---- Jl T&EA'X &EORGM.1. x>* ORDEU YOU it Saw Mills (Jrist & Cane Mills Plantation Machinery, Shafting, Engines Boilers, "V •'/ - Cotton Journal Screws, Boxes, Mill Gearing, Pulleys, Gudeons, Hangers’ l-|t Turbine Judson’s Water Governors, Wheels, Diston’s Gin Gearing Circular cheap, Saws /‘- i a^<5 4 — and Files, and Bab- f 3 and Gummers Belting Lett Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and - Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Bibs, ■JXT from Ceo. R. Lombard & Go,, — S''i' V ....., W‘|l.liroiT~»r:,:,i',t ,|lllli FOREST CITY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS (Near Water Tower,), 1014 to 1024 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ®ST Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. Inducements Extraordinary •At the MAMMOTH CROCKERY & GLASSWARE HOUSE -OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA J.H. HUGGINS, JVo. 7 BROADi STREET, Athens ■i Georgia, O ' 5 Having just'returned M . from the Eastern Market, varied anff best selected Stock of CHINA, we are offering the largest mast CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIERS, LANTERNS, &e„ 25 per cent. lower than ever before known in this market. A full and complete line of House Furnishing Goods, at prices that defy competition. Headquarters for “G" KRROSINE, ALAIMN AND RED OHS, K. 80?* Special Inducements to Merchants. . jgPB J. //• HirGGIjy S, No. 7 Broad St., Athens, Ga. Sept21,1880tf More Popular than Ever I THE GENUINE SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! ^“The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded tb. ; t, of Reliable” any previous Machine year has during been the quarter of a century in which this “O l before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. Excess “ 1879 431,167 over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. li^Our sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machine* Day for business day in the i every year. The Old Reliable” Singer Is THE STRONGEST, ® THE SIMPLEST, Sewing Machine THE MOST DURABLE ever yet Constructed. Remember SM i0 Arm of the Machine. The Singer Manf’g Co. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, £4 TXI 8 S Sffi®AJB2, New York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina i Alabama, Atlanta, Ga. J. 6. TOOMER, Agent Athens Ga, 1,500 Subordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 3 ' ri Offices in the Old World and South America. julylSSO J HURLEY & SMITH. TOP. C. HURLEY AND HODGSON BROTIU ATHEJYS. GEORGIA. We manufacture ami deal In fine vehicles of every description. Hand-: . Harness cf the best leather Wagon & Harness Kepairin;: promptly done iu the best manner at reasonable prices. A few of Horgsor Bros. Best Make Open Butgies " at GSEATLY BEDUCBD 7. AH of our work is fully warranted. i'isit us and examine our veliii 1 c I harness. . r HURLEYSMITH, Athens, (, . V-' V. J jtl# » I have associated with mo iu business F. C. Smith n fine CART I TRIMMER, of Atlanta,Ga., and am now well prepared to give my fric: work at fair price*, ‘i hanking them for their liberal patronage [g the ; loliri ingita continuance, I m very trulv, n, C, HURl.EY, ’tyua.’SO -711 ’ Athen-