The Watkinsville advance. (Watkinsville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 26, 1881, Image 2

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The Watkinsville Advance. TERMS,—Oue Dollar per Year. Sixty O-nta fo, 8bc Moath * W atkinsvitle, Ga.,Apr 26,1881. W G. 8TLUVAX, Editor, Publisher A Job Printer, titered at tile Post Office at tyatltfiuvitte Georgia, a* SECOND CLASS MATTER The H. R. (£ue*tou. Just before the financial panic, Which swept <$ef the entire country, a railroad company* was formed for a road from Eatonton to Athens. The company formed and a charter under the name of the E&tonton, Madison nnd Athens Railroad was granted ; estimates were made, commissioners appoint, ed, and private subscriptions tc ♦he amount of $250,OX), one-half of the whole amount required for the building of the road, subscribed. Tin’s is known to be by ull means the shortest, straightest and most desirable route from Athens to the coast. Passing through one of the best sections of the .State, the people along the line of road, will be greut ly convenienccd, lands would in¬ crease in value, the waste places will blossom and he made to yield its natural wealth to the coffers of those now owning and paying taxes upon worn out and useless old pine thickets that are now absolutely worthless. Again Alliens, as it is gencndly known, is one of the best cotton markets to be found in the State, fir cat numbers of the farmers living at any distance below us,, would ship the cotton to Athens for a few cents rather than haul it away thereby saving the small amount that it would cost to ship their cotton to market. The advantages of this line of railroad would he numerous and we could go on and give a whole ‘column of reasons why it should he built, but we have said enough this time, and will say moro in the future about it. The Outlook. The Greenesboro Home Journuj says, “the outlook of the farmer, U{, this wri 'ng, is by no means encour aging in this section of the country. The amount of wheat and oats sown lost fall was less than usual, whilst the unusual severity of the winter arid opening spring has pre¬ vented the farmer from sowing oats or planting corn with Bafety. All kinds of farm work is at least two weeks behind, whilst the late heavy rains and fierce winds have swept away much of the fencing on creek and liver bottoms, and very much baked the uplands, in spite of all these drawbacks, however, wo are glad to see that the planters are at work in good spirita and trust that they will lie rewarded with good crops in the end. But we must be pardoned for again suggesting the great importance of p ituing an un usually large corn, potato and pen crop. It will lie both sale ind profitable to devote a larger area of land than usual to these crops and sec that it is well manured and tilled. If cotton remains at present prices it will be impossible to pur¬ chase supplies from aoroad with¬ out ruinous losses.” The above words are the coun seiings of good advice to the farmers of the whole country, and we ask wilt you heed them. We might add a few more to the already long list of the besettings and evils that may happen from planting too largely of cotton, hut enough has been said if the advice he followed, and we leave it w ith you. A Strange Disease. A letter to the Herald from the Paiific railway in Canada describes a singular disease which has at¬ tacked the hands on the road as fol¬ lows : “He sat down, apparently |>er fectly well, to eat hia dinner. Hia feet began to swell end tlte swelling extended itself up his legs and tiodv, resching the vital parts in about Urn minute#, causing the abdomen and chest to expand to most unnatural proportions, and be tumbled down dead, all in less than fifteen minntee from the time the disease attacked his feet. In this way these people are dying in downs, and already more than one hundred have thus been carried Off. Thu Walton Railroad. Three years at farthest, will give the Walton an outlet and connec¬ tion with the Air-Line or the North eastern railroad, and at tbe people dfAUinth dediineto give the Macon and Brunswick railroad the right-of •wey into Atlanta, and in view of Ut« later corahinatione, it ii not ins- connection with the Walton at gonial Circle thus perfecting a com peting system with the Central for all southern and southeastern Geor gia. The Richmond and Danville people who now control the Air Line and Northeastern railroads, are amply able t o build all the roads they need to effect this connection with Social Circle and a combina¬ tion .with the Macou and Bruns¬ wick people will { make this system complete.—-WaltOn Videtie. EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. The contract between the city of Athens and the Richmond and Dan¬ ville Railroad Company, lias been signed, sealed and is ready to be delivered. The only thing now be¬ ing its ratification by the people of the city council of Athens. Mr. G. I). Thomas has returned to Athens, after having distinguished himself as one of tin lies*, of railroad lawyeis. Praises of his g'»od work by the people- of Athens should he great. The Americus Recorder, a large eight-page paper, has been received by us. It is a model of neatness, and the paper shows signs of pros¬ perity. Wo like to receive such papers as exchanges, brother Callo¬ way, and gladly uhiee it on our list. The Perry Home Journal advises the farmers to plant three hundred bushels of corn toevtyy plough. The Conyers Examiner has re¬ sumed the publication of the full sized paper again. 1881. 1881. THE CONSTITUTION.. Never in our history has a reliable. FI H$T c LAS rt NE W 8 P A P E It been so esentially needed by the Southern people at present. Never has Tint Constitution been as thoroughly prepared equipped furnish and so fully to such a paper as at vice present. unequulled With bv Telegraphic Southern ser¬ trained correspondents any paper, with In every locality in which its readers arc torial interested, Staff, with of a Capable efficient Edi¬ a best corps of special contri¬ re¬ porters, and butors. The Constitution can pro¬ mise to its readers that it will he better than ever before, and will confirm its position ns the Leading Southern Newspaper. While The ConVithi ion will carry the general news of llie day, and express its opinions frankly on attention political topics, the it wili Development devote spef-ial of to Southern Resources in all legitimate channels or directions. Every Georgian and every man interested in Southern enterprise and growth, should read Tub Constitution in one of its editions. Tkrms—D aily, one year, $10; six months, $5; three months, $2.50. months, Weekly, one clulis year, $1.50; six $1 ; to of ten, one year, $1.25 to clubs of twenty, $1.00 a year. SOUTHERN CULT!VATOR. one year $1.50; to clubs of twenty, 820. Cultivator Weekly ConstituiUHi and to same address, one year, 82.50. Address THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta Ga. HFi SAVANNAH MORNING NtWS.' ThL reliable now .q>nper combines every feature tuicuiatea to make it popular with all classes. It is independent of cliques, but extends an earnest support to the National Democratic party. l’uplishod at the principal States sea¬ port of the South Atlantic it gives prominence to all matters re¬ lative to Commerce, as well as to the Manufacturing Agricultural, interests Mechanical, nnd of the South. Its State, General, Local, at d Market departments arc acknow¬ ledged while to its tie Telegraphic the best in this Reports section, of the news of the day are full and comprehensive. Price of Daily, $10 a year; 85 for six months. SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS, Contains 8 pages of reading matter, comprising Telegraphic all the news of the the week, hour of going Dispatches Agricul¬ up to to press, tural Items, Origininal Serials, etc - Only $2 a year; $1 for six months. southkrm farmers monthly, An Illust-ated Journal, containing Original Mutter, and Selected Agricultural suitable for the Farm and Fireside. Also an Illustrated Fash¬ ion Price Department $2 for tbe Ladies. a year; $1 for 6 months. J. H. B8TILL, Savannah, Ga. Jt. Ji. Htten’s Hors© and Mule MILLINERY STORE. ATHENS, GA. ! have ia Stare a gooff a&HMtawitt of Sad¬ dle* and Harness, Bridle* Colter*, Whips, Saddle Blankets, H< - --r*. 4.C. VoB will « U -y tnmjcsH is made of Uk beat I aceni Leather, 41 Uaad undo. cut end fit horse collars «ud do all kinds of repairing at short notice. better Buggy whip# l snake a specially be found and in a assortment cannot the city. Saddle* town at rock bottom. My borueea oanw.’ be beet in prices aod ideas* quality. honor When you vudt the city aw stub jour i nrtwsooc. Thanking yoe far past Itvere* 4 hope e ooatiauanoc in tbahUare. opr.7,1 $80 .fan WARNER'S X . OfSAFE p ■ —, REMEDIES Warner*. Safe Pill* are an lmm~1late Mtmulaa for a TorolA Uver. and care Cutttre n«*a, Dyapcpam. Bjliommu. KUtous Olarrhma, B*eful jlajarla. ttavM in Fiver all and A rue, and are free and at aclinri nnariy of BOwela. to can. The a heel anti d3e regular for all MslarM the I'ol Price. *c. box. non. a ------------Scirviae quickly Headache atm Beet and deep to the aulfcrlnr. Bpfleritlc cures and tent Wauraljfia, remedy Prevents fhr Nervous ProatratlOB Pile, and u the on by excewlve drinking, work, brought mental ■hocka *her over tbe and cauaee. H relievo Patna of all Dlaeaeee. and la never injurious to the •ream. TM bail ot all Nervines,. Hot Me* of r~ ‘— —| two ataea; prices, 50c. | J . r-r, Uw iWMj mk und R <■ Wararr ri in .on. e d i « * a Safe arc ^ V*S E3 nnltl by nraKXista ~' mid Dealers in r-r-T, 5 ,r S3 Mwllelne every. \ESa where. H.H. WARM &C0, Proprietor*, 1 Hocht«l«r t M.T. ■arsend tor Pampblei and Testlmonlala Howt in the World. HI, ATCHI.IiA ’ri Horizontal Ico-Cn/am Freezer. (Ti SOLE r’j PAte.MT.) TJ'OU Huts)*, 8AI.OON8, Kant « r* i i I i c*«, or Ice* Crt*nm Mnijufuo Itiri'in, In the >■ v » n o m y and -MfiSE jwrfi cti.jn t»f its Av-.ik U fiitlroly cloffnd hf.of iff ttiK*q»mllrd. Tim u KtVf f' f ituntftli lit one Koa •m* to pity f *r t?** 1^tifiwi hot otif ttllt'irf l »fj hi.« . t«. n qimrtK. Vthtrn In t< wn to thf* Bip ExhiblHun. <*<»*«« Hid and »»••? ns, Ii»*t. or send Vt-ry t>>r (hrrut tienciljtlim circular 1 arrunKfinciUs made with thr trrnh>, Tl.- in-.rliim-a enn also b« a*'**n nt lh« i Exhih.. Agri rnltTi Hall, Aisle* !• .v N. ( oiattiti Ultor 0, No. Id. C G. 8UTCHLEY, ISOa vitaurttri; -1 Ihiii.AnrLiuiiA. Manufr, uri r, LANDRETHS’ SEEDSKBEST 1( not bold in your town./ou * I ■ f I v# I 1 *#* M. tfftn get them Card by mail, for Cat*- ftrop UR a kurue and Prioo*. TheObtMt and mutt attentive Seed (irourr* in (he I'niffi S(a<t», IIAVID LANDHETH &; MONH,Phxlada.J»a. p» CKF mat,? ci*ji A \W° INITTE* ■ m \ii * ' Si Knits all sires of work, narrows and wi¬ dens it; shapes all sires complete. Knits over 50 different garments, Socks, Stockings, Mittens, l.eggins, Wristlets, Gloves, etc. It knit* every possible varittvof plain or fancy stitch. 75 per cent, profit in manufacturing knit goods. goods*. Agents wanted # State, in every mvhnM^riiifhem«.d«. For full whom particulars and lowest send prices for the best Family to BICKFORD KNITTING MACU 1 NECO., Br.ntleborro, Vt. npr21,1880—1 v flHRISTMAS will soon come, and U SKIFF, the Jeweller will soon receive a new lot of all Gold and and best Silver Rolled Watches, Plate Jewelry. thirty Gold hour and eight day Clocks Solid silver and Rogers best silver plated ware. GOLIl, SILYKfi, STEEL Celluloid and Rubber ttyvotaoles and Kve Glasses, with the Diamond Lenses, the best f orweak eyes, with many other articles, suitable for CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS OR OTHKtt PRESENTS. All goods sold, will lie warranted to low. prove as represented, and prices I", ir. SKiFF, ATHENS, GA. TH* LIGHT-RUNNING 8TILL KEEPS THE LEM I Becauao It Id the simple*!, moat rsll •Me, and beat Sowing Muphtno ever In¬ voiced. It does its work quickly, qui¬ etly and well, and nlwaysgives perfect aatlsflaeUon. It is the result of » years of patient labor and practical experience by most skilled mechanics. It combines the good points of all other machines, with neae of their defeats. Thoro are many Sew mg Uarhiue* of merit la the market, but none are to eaaaplete sued perfect la detail t none •apart** worth that have rsodcred the Kcw Bona so famous- - It baa Won thcconadcnooof ail who harp It, bolng now beyond doubt the moat perfect Sawing Machine in the market. AGENTS WANTEO. Band for Descriptive Circulars he. JOHNSON, CLARK A CO. tW Union Square, N, V. Chlstgs, life., nr Orange, Mi 3. .H. If kite,.It. PRACTICmp ^HSYlCtA "28 , Watkinsviix*, Ga. Uy Will be found at hit office when not called off. marl7,’80tf Only one Dollar. Yon can get the Athens weekly Manner one year for one dollar—a eaiter, 32 column paper-well priat d and well edited. Try it a year H. H. Oar It on, iw At iWGfcwrf ' JUST RECEIVED AT GANN & * RE AVES. F, S* it M 1 '*ti - \ mm __ 1 ES [HTieiiiHfTT }< i»V»ii»i 1111 i ? ?! ife w ~ —V3^ BaHl ■s <■ & m ^ E4 . L Sri - .. ; S^-f^. ■ri _ •=Lj g a ?T55 wryiarcffi- , ~____, ^•'Wlivll* _ . 9--*' _« r«^ & D. MW Northeast Georgia K m ho i t m for the sale of Hayiiock and other Cincinnati and St. Louis Buggies, Phactonsand Carria¬ ges. Also,Sole agent for the celebrated MILByKN one and twohorse Farm WAGOX. A good assortment of the best Buggy, Carriage and Wagon Harness made to order and in Store and fur Sale. All rods fullyrwaranted. Prompt attention paid toordes, and terms liberal. Office and WareroomscorThomas and Clayton 1 Streets, JOHN WINN, ATHENS, Salesman. Georgia. feb i sy i mill! 7 1 —AND- 1 1 -For the Spring trade B#TjYNCH & FLANIGEN* Offer to the Merchant and Housekeeper the largest and most varied stock in their line at prices that cannot be equalled. chinil » Croc/.-eiy, Glassware, Lamps, Cutlery, Plated Goods, Tin, Wooden and Willow Pare. gr roseneOHby the BARREL or GALLON. LYNCH &FLANIGEN. Ompree On era House, ... - JiTHEJVS GEORG iJi Their Jobbing Prices are as low as Atlanta or Augusta, saving freight. febi5tf * The Lost Art Restored, ! A HIDDEN TREASURE FOUND ! ...... i W ) iave four;a the key to success—the road to fortune. ; ...... THE KEY IS ENERGY ...... : THE no AM) IS \ HONESTY! ; We have used both, and lo, the result! One yeaT ago we : entered the list without friends, without reputation, without patrons. : • To-day we are universally recognized : Headquarters for Boots and Shoes fr i 1ST OP TH-EAST GEORGIA, j : Carrying the largest stock and doing by far the largest business. • •Our success has been indeed remarkable, and the secret of it all is—* | : “micceto ii ike mewatd cj eMelii!’ j ' : BALDWIN & BURNETT Broad St, ATHENS, GA. fel22yl ORDER YOUR Saw Mills Grist & Cane Mills Plantation Machinery, Engines Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers’ "Y"’ * T Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudeons, y&Sr***** ■ Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing chAn, and Judson’s Hummers Governors, and Files. Piston's Belting Circular «nd Saws Bab- 173 belt Metal and Brass Fitting, Globe and Check Valves and Whistles, Guages, Etc Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs, Geo. R. Lombard &€e, (Near aUfr Tower,) I&tttolOM Fcnwh* Street, ArGTtfTA, GWW1IA. Repairing pmwpUy done at lowest prices. A fine lot of HORSES ' -A-VD MOLES ) which will be sold, at dote FIGURES. Fine Harness & Saddle HORSES, BitOKS BUIS. to suit at PBICFS at. to satisfy ii m s gbksssS C«.ll and see for YOURSELVES ! A word to the wise, and DON’T YOU Foro’ct It. feb7,2m MENDELSSOHN PIANO COMPANY J Will make, for ihe next 60 davs only, a Grand Offer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. $851 Square Grand Piano for elegantly Only $345. STYLE 3 7 Magnificent 1-3 octaves rosewood full patent case cantante agraffes, finished, our 3 new strings pat¬ ent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, full iron frame, French Grand action, grand hammers, in fact every improvement wdich can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument has be»r added. 2^“ Our price for this instrument boxed and delivered on board cars at NeAv Yoik, with fine Piano cover, stool and book, only $245.00. This Piano will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do no not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Pranois not just as represented in this advertisement. Thottsands in use. Send for catalogue. Every instrument fully war¬ ranted for five years. PIAMOQ riMliUO first-class 8165 to $400 and (with sold at stool. wholerale Cover factory and Book). prices. These All strictly Pian¬ os made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Highest Honors. The squares con tain our New Patent Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The uprights are the finest in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos of the richest tone and greatest durobility. They are reccommended by the highest musical authorities in the country. Over 14,000 in use. and not one dissatisfied purchaser. All Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days’ test trial—freight free if unsaisfactory. Don’t fail to write us before buying. Positively we offer the best bargains. Catalogue mailed free. Handsome Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue ot 48 pages mailed for 3c. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years, JUDILL.L ilipil pc DRHAMQ UHumid t>ur the finestand Pailos G' arid sweetest-toned Jubilee Organ, reed style’35, is offered the musical public. It contains five five organ ever octaves, sets of reeds, 4 21 octaves each, and 1 of 3 octaves. 13 stops with grond organ-diapason melodia, viola, flute, celeste,^dulcet, Echomelodia-forte, celestina, violinia, flute-forte, treraoloj grand organ and grand swell, knee stops. Height, 74 in; length, 48 in ; width, 24 in; Weight, boxed. 360 lbs. The case is of solid walnut, veneored with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fretwork, Ac., all elegantly finished. Possesses all the latest and best improvements, with great power, depth, brilliancy and sympa¬ thetic quaJitv of tone. Beactifill solo effects and perfect stop action. Regular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash price to have it intro¬ duced with stool and hook, only $97 as one organ sold sella others. Posi tivt-iy no *i viation in price. So pay yment required until you havfe iully tested the organ in vour own is 1 iWiQt . \\ e send all organs on 15 davs test trial and pay freight both ways if instrument is not as repres\ 1 tod.'Fully warranted Lr 5 years. Othei styles—8-stop organ only $65; 9-stop.s, $85 14-stops, $115. Over 32.000 Sol'd, and every organ has given the fullest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free. Factory cud Wavero; ms, 57tn st. and 10th Ave. Sheet music at 1-3 price. Catalogue of 8,000 choice pieces sent foa 3c. stamp. This catalogue C contains most of the popular music ot the day every variety of musical composition, by the best authors. Address, MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., jan 4,6m P. O Box 2058, New York City. Afore [Popular than Ever! THE GENUINE SINCER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! ■W The popular demand for the genuine Singer in 1879 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century in which this “Old Reliable” Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. “ 1879 431,167 Excess over any previous year, 74,745 Machines. *aTOur sales last year were at the rate of 1,400 Sewing Machines a Day for every business day in the year. The Old Reliable” Siuger Is THE STRONGEST, the simplest, THE MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed. Remember. Si “Trade in the Aren of the Machine. The Singer Manl’g Co.. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, New York. DISTRIBUTING OFFICE, for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, Atlanta, Ga TOOMER. Athens. Ga. J. B. Agent. 1400 Sultordinate Offices in the United States and Canadas and 1,000 Offices in the Old World and South America. folylMOly