The Oconee enterprise. (Watkinsville, Oconee County, Ga.) 1887-current, September 29, 1916, Image 5

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The McCommons-Thompson Co 361 CLAYTO N ST. ATHENS, GA. 336 WASHINGTON ST. it mw#,i y,. The month or Sep rr ember finds this big new Store more progressive r—r o- ore or the reason that it radiates New Fail Merchandise and at prices to rna e you wonaei now we can do it, especially as this is a season when mer¬ cnandise s scarce on account of various exiting conditions. Our buyers to he market early--they succeeded wen in securing the right kind of merchandise a-eright price—Come to our store before making your purchase elsewh le re A SATURDAY AND MONDAY COAT SUIT SPECIAL On these two days we will show- a 'if® lot rediculously of beau- low prices coat of Suits $12.48 at .and the $16.98. These are beautifully tail ored and are made up in black and m all of the nev.g-jjjt fan shades in the I if/f.iL newest weaves, Hemember these ■7 <yr> ctf prices arc only for two days. i w W In more elaborate our Suits there l can be found the prettiest and ex¬ treme things that are planned by the artist for this season and our \\ buyer did not hesitate to buy liberal¬ ly in these goods knowing that we hav© an appreciative trade to show and sell them to. Suits that we are selling at from 30.00 to 50.00 are of¬ \ fered for 37.50 to 75.00 in most repu i table stores—See Our Show Window. KNIT SKIRTS Correctly made and in assorted col¬ ors and borders, are being shown at very low prices— 59c, 75c $1.00, 1.50, 2.25 M the Cenditlen *f th. Bank ef B.gart, lecated at Ga., at the close of business «ep tember 19, 1916. SJMOVROES Time Loans.......... 645,531.18 Overdrafts, unsecured 38.82 Banking Hctise........ 1 , 434.00 Furniture and Fixtures .. 1,892.00 Due from Banks and, Bank ers in this State .. 6,928.27 Due from Banks and Bank¬ ers in othef States .. 5,499.89 Currency $2,538.00 .Gold .. . 10.00 Silver, Nickels,etc. 449.95 Cash Items .. 125.40 Adv. on Cotton and Cotton Seed .. 2,067.63 5,190.98 Total $66,STS.14 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in .. $15,000.00 Surplus Fund...... .... 3,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur¬ rent Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid...... 6,112.57 Individual Deposits Subject to Check .... 18,833.94 Time Certificates...... 11,377.60 Cashier’s Checks ...... Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates Repre¬ senting Borrowed Money 13.OO0.OO 1 Total $66,516.14 State of Georgia, County of Bconoe. Before mo came J. C. Cooper.Cash ior of Farmers Bank, who, being du¬ ly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi¬ tion of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. C. COOPER. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 25th day of September, 1916. / EARL GRIFFETH, N. P. Oconee Co., Ga. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LOS8 BY FIRE WITH A POLICY IN THE AETNA, LIVERPOOL & LON¬ DON GLOBE, HOME OF NEW YORK ATIANTA HOME AND OTHER STRONG COMPANIES WITH MILL¬ IONS OF DOLLARS BACKING. J. WARREN SMITH E. P. JOHNSTON. Slow-Poke The quarterly meeting here on third Saturday and Sunday had fuN representation from most of the churches, with two excellent s.T Wiggins €W6r ' ^ Next Saturday and Sunday is ■ day at the Baptist church, glad to have everybody come. all the members are urged to there on Saturday especially to ferenee. Several from here attended tin club meeting at Cntral cn last Wed nesday, where plans were completed for the Oconee County Fair, which will be held at Bishop on the 3rd day of November, and we will b e glad to have the help and co-opera¬ tion of every person living in Oco¬ nee county. For any information; Write fo Mrs. R. E. Fullilove, Shoals, Ga. Mrs : Lessie Griffeth, of uppei nee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H.‘ Middlebrooks. forced |liss Lucile Puryear has beet to give up her work at thii and return to her home on ac jtonit of - her health. Miss Puryear’s many friends hope for her a recovery. Misses Marie Giles and Amelia Poole and Messrs. Horace Williams ai%l Tommie Giles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Grady Graves at Madison. Quite a number from here att the Sunday school convention a t Bishop Sun-day. Dr. and Mrs. J. w. Smith,of Mon toe, visited -the latter’s sisters and brother at this place Sunday afier noon. Miss Daisy McEver. of Gainesville, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. C. Me Ever. Mrs. Griffeth, Mrs. J. H. Middie broplos and Miss Nellie May Poole spent the week end at Crawford,the of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brad berry. Mr. Jimmie Graves, of Madison, was .visiting the fair sex here Sun¬ • — • WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT In this big section we hav© special prices that cannot but attra< ate ntion Splendid Towels at...... 10c, 15c We are in a position to sell Bed Good Sheets 72-inches wide at 42c Sheetings in bleached and un b ch Good Pillow Cases 36, 42-in. 10c ed, an the well known makes, also Genuine Fruit of the Loom Pillow Casings, Ready Made Sheet Bleaching 10c and Pillow Cases at the manufac Damask Bleached Napkin 15-in 58c turers present price in large quan Damask Bleached Napkin 17-in 68c ities. Damask Bleached Napkin 18-in 1.25 Go Thru This Department. Enchanting Fall Milinery Specials For Two Days Only Saturday and Monday. Two Specials Will Be Shown and Specialy Priced $1.93. $2.98 To see these two specials cannot but induce all lovers of pretty head wear to secure one cr more at such exceptionally- low prices. We cor¬ dially invite all our lady friends to be with us Saturday and Monday, lou will b e surprised and wonder how we do it. We are showing the latest in felts, velvets, velours, Fisk, and plush hats in the latest j^ar is styles and at the McCommons-Thompson’s prices which means lower PRICES—-$1.98 and $2.98. Some very smart hats are now being shown at from $2.50 to 18.00. PRICES to suit every pocketbook. SKIRTS SKIRTS Yes, we have them. Our stock of Queen” make consist of all the ne SKIRTS of the well known "Unionat efects in plain weaves and Nov elty effects, beautifully tailored and finished with appropriate trimmings are especially striking Skirts at....................’ $2.43 to $5 48 Miss Delta Maddox has just re- Sunday with their daughter, M r s Sunday with his turned from a visit to her father in Willie Wellborn', . daughter at Bwt at Sandy Creek. wick Greene. Mr. R. H. Kilpatrick’s many friends Mrs. E. R. Wood’s Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johns JZ many friends ™ ** ** - ”»'* U„ «*, eleven improved. girl at their home on last Saturday, wheks with a broken collar bone. Mr. Bob Jackson, of Madison,was Sept. 23. We hope he will soon he all right. the guest of his brother, Mr and Mrs BiIlie Sraith spent Mr. Will Marshall Joel. a t ■ ' ' and. familv snent The Woodruff North Georgia F a n*SL <* * Opens next Tuesday Will have more farm exhibits than ever before Two large buildings and tents provided for the care of the many displays to be set up by the farmers and ladies of the county. Three people to go to Agriculture College as win ners of contest in Club Work. Fifteen others to go as winners in the Popularity Contest. Ibe Home Economics teacher, whose salary is part¬ ly paid The fair, is doing much good worT In the county. All this and other things are be:i ' done to make the lair serve the county along educa¬ tional lines. Besides the educational features, there will be amusements to entertain the people while they rrc I *»- e >"-1 e. COME EARLY AND STAY LATE.