The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, October 10, 1900, Image 2

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- - • i C 3 HTJ i nmt-mem - n I ill m at ■ ** I ■He m-a ^ - I J L yl v di v^>;‘ mi M Dear Madam :— representatives of few pieces of handsomely decorated, hand painted china, now on exhibition at our store, which we intend The above cuts are a of increasing trade that prices goods will remain the same. This Special offer is made for the purpose our and showing giving away free to our customers. We guarantee our on It has that soft, white velvety finish This is rapidly taking the place of White Granite or Iron Stone China, , is of the the people that we truly appreciate their patronage. ware of the most fastidious. It is only quality, and without doubt the best in the world. The shapes are the very latest patterns and have been designed to meet the tastes by our finest th. leach of Our assortment consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie guaranteeing to use a large quantity of this ware that we have been able to get it at a price turn puts .*> whil, Pitchers, Sugar Bo* is, lea lots and eru-ythmge tv^ttbq FUUW. Dinner Plates, Breakfast Plates. Platters, Covered Dishes, Cream will cheerfully give lull infoin.-tiou. RESPECTFULLY Li We earnestly invite you to call and inspect it, when we you WM *g», “r C B H 9 c.V m jS >y 2 ; ISP J <.: 1 M (4 '• '* * •v. L tljE WeeRIij ganner, rrr—Y'T'r.r - SUBSCRIPTION 11.00 PER YEAR tutored at the poat-ollice as second-class u.ail n atter. Price, 41.00 per annum Advertising Rates Reasonable and made known on application ____ Pi,l*.f 1 uldishCU ibIi ati ever) t*vnrv wGhmsffii " odnisua) vb^ ny J. FRED VfRLL1S CoNYEltfl, CiA. OCl.lO, ... 1.'A). , DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President, WILLIAM J. 13RYAN. For Vice-President, ADLAE E. STEVENSON. Fur Congressman, 5th District, LEON F LININGSTON. She Stale Executive Com. mitteo of I ho Georgia Cotton Growers Protective Associa¬ tion will hold an Inter-State Convention of Southern cut ton growers and business men g morally in M- ■ i • i 1 < hi , on 'Tuesday November 29th, at ]() a. in. in iltc Academy of Music. it is requested by Hon. Harvic .Jordan, lhvsi dent of the Association, that u meeting o 'the fanners and imsii.ts- men ot Rockdtle be held and de’egates be appoint od to this convention. Cur piesent Grand Jury as corn pa red with 50 years ago with Criticism* lly Dn. J. J. W. Gi.enx. Mr. Editor: Some big State action have had their < rigin in the little ci unty of Rockdale—Why » <>t. this article start a rufoim? Nothing like get¬ ting people to think. Fifty years ago it was an honor t<> bo a Grand Juror. Our wisest end best men were chosen to servo, jvgardless of p<dit ic« orciiiken *ry. So high was tile standard that < i.e could guess wl o the foreman would be. 'I li. ir committees were j.i*le and c mpu-tent. Their eomm'-ndations \v re looked fo with • , anxiet. . , mu , v on as the , law , of the land. But tow offi :ers wore reckless enouerh to ignore ° those re comment, , attons. . The gran ! juries, cf 13-10 am*. t:,» to 18C0 were a power for good in the land. * ’ Notv the mighty has fallen. Cur present grand juries aro of no more j use than an extra negro on Deca tur street in Atlanta. Noonopaysj any attention to their reeommet - dations. \ veritable fungus growth con tru lo.l Ity trickery and politic. —.pending their time m hunting up a few illicit whiskey makers and sellers and prosecuting i " some I poor negro or poor white man pre se’.ited by malice, under cloak of conforming \ to law by the people Not . men who aro afraid e ■ i to , s ware n^t a warrant before a magistrate their tiuebills and recommmdu lions carry the honest malice m every line. Much of this is not intended by t'he average juror, He is notcum pelent, and if ho competent, , was 1 he has not ( ho tim i to examine the different oilicers’ books and make a fair and candid recommend:! tion for (he best interest of the country, and hoars but one side of a case . Why? What throo men if our average grand jury that can tftko a Justice of the Peace’s docki’l and say whether it is prop r-rlv aU y '' L. < .,t a 1 not ntn and anu attend lvl,Lblul to w t hmr other duties of grand jurors? To SUV nothing of t In books of the t tdtnary, Chuk, o.i'.ii • ' su rer and other officers K is : np ! y impossible to say nothing f the average grand juries. The w seat of them don’t know whet a Justi ce’s docket is right. I do not write this critic*'- n to liit any man nor set of »r*:i. x generally tell men to th i. face what I think, What am 1 writing this article for? I want to get the legislature to abolish the grand jury from out system. It is more than a i uis anee. lt is a big expense to the c tin tv. The Grand jury cost, the little county of Rockdale , I,CO ) a year, litterally f< r nothing. How would we g> t along w iih C.t that august bod.\ ? Just the th<> fellow does without his mofn n g drams ; quit, it. Lot every criminal be trieu on t h<> warrant, issued hv a magis¬ trate before this court. Much iiann in d- tie by ha. ring only ore side of the case in the grand jury room. Many malic iotrs prosecutt ins would be utop pod. Trickery and aotis stopped . , and . the ,, county , iitted. a competent commit'oe ... . , c\eiy two , teals **y Judge of Stqiorior Court-, at a fair salary, to examine ail the books and offic, s of the coutity and au intelligent r.iul honest of all matters to the feupeiioi Court at its next session ; said ie port to be published in the enmity papers. k 'be are too progressive to op tli s incubus tied to us any longer. « ho will U big cnongb in our next legislature to introduce a nil to abolish our grand jury system instead of fooling their time away with ... small n attus. W \\ ho ho ever on hies will live high m nistoiy. —--— pjpj-JR ll RDRON ^ BROP ' Tin) Richardson lirothers 01 _ tlioiT , . , mgniv . ,, gave one t **• tortliining exhibitions at the Court House Wednesc! "' AV night in the presence of one ,.',1 * (d the largest 1 . audiences , 1 : „ „„„ ot ,.r* pi, tne „ season The music of the Company 10 is I'j , iri rCl , ! | 4 to a oypp excel, , while the comic acting ° ll t , the e a 0 o young men [ )roi ,g] lt f or tb peals ot laugh ter from the audience. A 11 Present a W eve chm ,1 , • i ut d \ o 11 the performance 1 and pro . the , best they , nounce ir. nave enioved in Conyers in a ionp f j nie< The Brothers will again e„ tertnin our people at the Court non c ihurschiy night wi ll an entire change of pro¬ gram. The ladies and chil are especially invited. Admission 25d& 15c, Make my store your quarters who.i in town . M. M. Fhmket. Mr ami Mrs- Juo- Gray went Covington Tuesday to Jits be present at the funeral rial of Mrs Gray’s mother, which cecinred at that place Tuesday morning VViic-n you want to up and iook nice, cheap, M. H. Piunket, • • • MM-t 5C YEARS’ !Si it,- EXPERIENCE : > “ r m * 1 i J FI * M 1 s — IS a&gR wjS*, ’ ^ 8 Copyright^ '"§**£*• Ar* mV 1-‘ 1 \. f i« r! 1 ,5ni'.Vy 11 ‘ff ee <xwrlmdal »'.*»« t, -x . -cLyrorsoous-nsj: paten;?. “ receii ' e *^* L’fSfjA ___ iVHUe | ;* »*f StJitbreSi i.-irvcst cir n tir.y sct«:<uuc neieJeiier^ _‘ ;nSL ^ m&H , & Dg 36sBroadwuy. Washi”-.*.’ fay V Q O.ii-o. icJ st, ?). C, A DOSE OF JUSTICE. LADLED OUT WITH A LIBERAL HAND BY JUDGE HOKE. The Conrt considers the case of * 0 »-. a s«n», General Bad Man, and iw « (CMS , lsl]t Jro , „ y c B> “This yore case,” said Judge as he catted the court to order, “ap peals to me not only ; as the legally and only iostlc of the peace fur the co , in ty cf Cold Chuck, but to every man in these diggin’s who carries a guD and is supposed to hev the sand to keer of hisself. It is the case of Arizona Sam versus Pete the Half Breed, and Bam is the complainant. I see he’s got a lawyer yere to gab fur him, but tliat lawyer won’t liev no talkin to do. “Let us begin at the beginnin. Ari zona Sa£Q Strikes this town a year ago. He has a yell like a fog horn and he weighs 20O pounds. He wears two guns and a knife, and he bites tlie t off a bottloa (0 8ll0W that bo was bom in a cyclone and died in a hurricane. Ho was sized up f „ m - a bad , . n;aI1 , and . for months ,, and , months he’s Liu cock of the walk. I can’t, remember that he’s killed any-, body, but that was bokase everybody swallercd his bluffs and stepped around softly. lit has defied the vigilance committee and be has bluffed this court, it’ll astonish ye to find out jest what sort of a criaer he is. Yesterday mornin he ^arts over the bills fur Tin Cup City. Op the way he meets Pete the H alf Breed. Most of ye know Pet0 am! most of - ve Ilpv heard that his cay use and Bam was hoofln it. ^ “‘Git ofrn that boss!’ “ ‘What fur?’ asks Pete. “ ‘Bekase 1 want him.’ “‘But he’s mine.’ “Then Sum calls him a string of names 40 rods long. He abuses Pete’s father and mother and all the rest of ■1 T/fc*- % (j fit fill ■ i\ a \ 'CX:. “GTT OFF X* TEAT HOSSi” his relations. He ehanks his teeth and rc’ls bis eyes and pulls his guns. He wards that cayuse, and he wants him inside of two minutes. Ye may figger that Pete, who hadn't any gun with him. turned pale and fell out of the saddle with a thump, but ye’ll be mis taken if ye do. It took him some Ifietie time to realize the situasbun, but he didn't sheer. When he got tilings s+raight he slid off bis critter and lit en to Sam. Did the bold, bad man who iias carried the count r cf Cold Chuck his pocket fur a year drill holes through the half breed as he come? X ot a u: ill. ft as timr an awful strug gle lastSn half an hour before victory perched ca either banner? Not a struggle. That half breed, who was thought to be a worm of the dust, takes the bold, bad bup bv the nose and toads him around fur awhile. Then he s’rips him of his weepips, puils his c~-% eixool Books pads, pencils, a nd inks. s 1 SS OF ALL KINDS AT RIGHT PRICES. DRUG COMPANY. ‘^ 2 !; f tmabi® , terror of J old £ huc aw f * comity f.f coward do? , He and ™ a f, blow- lvcn hard docs he fall over a, cliff thnt men Does he strike out fur a p’int 1.000 miles away, that his uame may never be known? Not much. He comes right hack to town and to me, and the fust thing he says is: “ Hedge, 1 want jestice.’ it t What sort of jestice?’ “ ‘.Jestice fur bein held up and robbed by Pete the Half Breed.’ “ ‘But why didn’t ye shnte?’ “ ‘He skulked up on me. Gimme jes tice, jedge—gimme lots of it.’ “That was Arizona Sam, bold, bad man, and ! believed his yarn and sent out a warrant and bad Pete arrested. I was cnlkerlatifi to gin him a mighty dose of jestice, but liearin bis side of the story has changed my mind. ‘Sam, the bluffer, stand up. Are ye denyin that what Pete says is true?' “ ‘He lit on me mighty sudden, Jed . , , tl ?®’ ‘But " you as clidn f e Tf t /* try to pr.r! a gun?’ tt < Mebbe not.’ a t And you didn’t fight?’ “ ‘I don’t think so.’ a . That’s’null. Ye ar’ simply a great big blowhard and a bluffer, and ye’ve made every good man in this town back bater. We’ll be the iaughin stock of Tin Cup, Pine Hill and ail the other diggin’s. and we’ll fee! the disgrace fur five y'ars. i can’t send ye to jail fur bein a bluffer and a duffer, but I’m goin to sentence ye to be booted from this yere temple of jestice to the lied Dog saloon, and if y, ain’t over the hill and out of town ten minits later I won’t answer fur consequences. As fur Pete, he is sot at liberty, and he kin keep yer w-epins and e the fust man to apply the boot. The rest of us, inelndin the court, will fall in aider him, and as ye feel yerself lifted cl’ar off the earth i hope ye may come to realize H at though jestice is blind and inoves along like a kycte with two legs broke, she keeps .L.rlgh. reach in out her hand til! Elts cri..„ fc.v th-, neck.’” M. Quad. Bear? the y? T ho r?;“d You Have Always tail I will be glfid to show you . . , hfil.dSCme , ,. ^BTGUS,! my line Oj clothing, hats & shoes M, H. ’ iua.Ht. , a Dismission. - ^Nvliom it rftors and VllJ^ngo^U of the 6Stcit6 ot JijO* YV jjtM.igitn.ii 0 f said county deceased, have ™* , S^tion JlSmlSn^romwch admin- the ™e on’thc and I will pass upon first Given Monday under in my Dem¬ nana ber next pjoo. this Aug. »th. and official signature, 1900. Helms. Orth A M Personal. All those indebted to Mrs.Genie Haygood Stovall, for millinery gocids, are requested to come toi ward and make immediate settle¬ ment with either my-self of or can Vv. E. Stovall, Either us be found at old stand. Respectfully, Stc-vaf. Mrs. Genie Haygood Tsix Collector’s Notice. I will of coilectmg be at court tmx. grounds oi Jor PJJ P°se d{ ^f s L o 23, Nov. Sheffield , :-bept. „ t s6 de¬ c r. jj oney Creek Sept. 27, Oct. * jXov. 23. 28, Oct- oO- .. x 0 v Lorraine:—Sept. - 28. the . . , Toe remainder <>f at L c firos. .,-iil be found in iny olnce store m Conyers, l -e prompt close Deceu^er 20. «*eet inM ^ tv *\v ' Gclot f el ter, Notiocto Cred ' " itorss To all whom it may concern. _ AJ: who hold claims agam-* 5 , e _ Buff, deceasep ‘‘ ^ tale of J. M. r j y ft t quest.:.; to presetn- sa V l a jgo tested to m9 utn. ei “bdA' Jrf patate f ‘ re ««*. g^ement. This Sept. 19,1SC0. L.KMf, Adi* . , mr 11 i s J. H.&R. CASTOR IA Fer aca CM’ats-. ^ tier j--f. *