Newspaper Page Text
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!■ ' i®§ i Slim. I'm m y |HI TV \
II ' 1 F^a in .*; m B 1 m & Lf3 % « s
a- m^m, Jm ■*'
m ■>*1 a fe.i 1
Holds his seat in 4 me 1 Presidential chair looking out for the interest of the
r m m % <- : p. ITEJD id m 8 a m m *’ STATE
f 1 u.
m u
m &
Gr A :'E m m m BY
Holds his foot on high pi ices a? 1 faces competitors with new goods, good
goods and low price 1 , looking out for pmM die interest of Rockdale county and those
Who spend their monex here. We sav hurrah for
iZai&u i r> w -v-H SG
■ JeL - '
M ip awl X, N '•My
8 >
HaveYourO 0xm*3$s S KBStelBSN o m : •1 r
Latest HUNGER System.
Makes best TURN OUT.
Buyers prefer and pair more for it
Highest price paid for sound seed,
TRY us and be CONVINCED.
Conyers Oil Co’s. Gun.
John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin.
Tb,e Atlanta Daily Consti¬
tution -
Now Running a Special Magazine
Christmas Offer
The Constitution, of Atlanta,
Ga., is now offering its Daily and
Stuiday editions complete for one
year to new subscribers, including
in the same price of $8 00 a yearly,
subscription to both the Review of
Reviews and .Success,, two splen¬
did monthly magazines published
in New York- Tlfih mammoth
magazine offer, funjithing both of
them really free, 'is limited to
Christmas, 1900 for its acceptance
and applies only to new subscriber?
to the magazines. It supplies tin
fullest amount of good rending
matter, r.p-to-dato end served .1
t: e best style possible, for. the
money. The Constitution’s weli
k own liberal policy-in all things
is fully borne out in this last olio)
f t he year. Nmagents commis
non given, Orders must have full
reinittanee accompanying.
Bor Infants and Childiau.
i : ’a- 2r v?
T 3- I 4 ? ifc * S' fe ftl s ; -cri -<1 r JL. H m L fcrSKiSSrf >
A fellow-devil tel’s us that an
editor once dreamed that he died
and wended his way to where he
he supposed a warm welcome a
waited him. 1 he -old c!o' er-foot
ed fellow who keeps the place nut
bimat 1 he door and e .id ; ‘For years
thou has borne the blame for
many errors; that the primers made
in the paper. Your paper has gone
alts, for the $1.CO, that too often
.was not paid. Men have taken the
paper, never paying for it, and
cursed thee for not getting up a
better one. Thou hast been call¬
ed a dead beat by the passenger
conductors when thou hast shown
marks the editor was
dred bodiiy from that place. Then
is Jiis home, and besides if we let
aim come in here, ho would
continually surrirg up a racket
ij y dunning his delinquent sub
scribers of whom this place is full.’
Early and la to is a good rule in
An egg soon becomes stale in
cad air.
d Lh
► ■ - CJ
Luck has little to do with sue-j
cess in poultry keeping.
The. 1 est fowls for br--eIs
from one to two years old.
ihe laying in wifer depends
largely upon management.
A very little salt mixed with soft
food fs good for fowls.
When eggs alone are cl r sired no
males are needed.
Geese arc easier raised thin tur¬
keys and sell as readily.
Hells that are confined must'
have plenty of opportunity to
m Vi,
comns olio [a
GOOD tcmnaul -A L D h \ 3 Sfl OP.
I am repairing Bieyees, Watches,
Clocks, Guns. Pistols, Machines
Etc., on short notice and in a satis
. -
TYl fl. lTYl fiY*. All work we and
. 010116 •« ailO. jj at reasonab 1 e
| priC6S. SilOp IirSt HOOT abOVC . O. n ^ X>.
Hudson’s store. Come to see me.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
_ ! c. B. IRWIN.
Milk is excellent fut lining liens
as it contains the constituents of
the whites,
CUarcoa'feil Lhertvliy in small
] ulIi pg brights the combs and gives
thorn a tonic.
A letter sont Lack to a certain
(I'm tl rough the Dead Letter Of.
iioe the other day boro, in addi¬
tion to an array of po*t marks,the
following sagacious comments:
“Undelivered for season stated on
bauK, “Deceased •>) “Lieu six
months ago,” “Present address
u known.”—London Invention.
3“? {T5,
1 will be glad to
haxre you call on rue
when in need of
any thing line. in
N. a X’si SON.
My fall and winter stock of
millinery and everything that
goes to make up a first-cDss
millinery establishment is com
The fall styles are very pret
ty and my stock is eomplei e in
every department
I will be glad to show you my stock.
--Having bought out Mrs. Genie Hay
good’s millinery business 1 expect to oiler
to the people, this season, a handsome line
of new an l stylish millinery at l >w prices
shall he my aim to please all ensto
mers and I invite all to call and see me.
---I have engaged Mrs. J. A, Guinn as
trimmer and feel sure that perfect satisfac*
tion will be given all. Hoping to have
your trade, I am
Miss Lena Bishop.