The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, November 21, 1900, Image 3

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IN SPITE OF THE fiaLmawmea -I 'kj**' ISON ABLE Wl miilJm paw i Our business, f? : so far, 1 nas sun passed the corresponding months oi T < i last The best apply for remarkatr i year. reason we can our 3 O yj success s GRFATEST JL0TH1NG VALUES. ! i I \ Mm rfija 4 n IK - V > fe, We are very critical as to just the Kind of clothing that comes into this store, If it is passed by our chief examiner it goes o.i sale, if it fails to pass—it goes back, We never take chances—the best and most satisfactory clothing wc have ever sold is the ‘ ‘VITALS” Brand. It comes nearer the mark of perfection than any other makt. SUITS This We is AND the offer character OVE you It from of COATS the $ 4 . 5 fl-Slil 0 ftems l]Ocal an,d personal. Stick Balt at Hewlett, Reagan* Downs. Mr. T C McCall a is at home fora few days. Mrs. Geo. Jones will move to Alabama in a few days. This is the season when mo hers are r 1 armed oil account of croup, It ifi quick jy cured bv One Mimite Cough Gaiiey Cure, Drug which children like to take. Co. Fresh Prunes and Raisins at iL-.vlett, Reagan & Downs, Miss Julia Swann is visiting Miss Austin in this city. Mr Cunnardand sister, of Mon* tioollo, are visiting friends hore IT i oth n r pills can eonal DeWitt’s Lit lie Early Risers for promptness, eertniu ty aad efficiency. Gailey Druy Co. WANTED—1000 dozen eggs at Hewlett, Reagan & Downs. Torturing skin eruptions, burues and so ca are soothed at once and promptly hcii’ed by applying DeWitt’s Witch Hn fed linvare Salve, the worthless best known counterfeits. cure for Gailey pile*, of Drug Co. HANG ON TO YOUR $ Until you see my solid fact bargains, I have a stock of goods that beats the record for low price? I will close it with a big stock disposed of and the best pleased lot of customers you ever saw. Be Fair With Yourself And See My Fall Stack. My store is crowded xvith the newest of new sty los, selected with experienced care, as to quality, and style. Depend upon me for perfect satisfac ‘ion and value for your money. M. H- PLUNKET, CONYERS, GA. E very clay brings us new customers, who appreciate the fact that j we can clothe them better and for less money than elsewhere. We have confidence in our clothing. We knew that every suit that leaves this store is going to give perfect satisfaction. • # * EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US THAT EVERY SATISFIED CUSTOMER BRINGS US A NEW FRIEND. THAT'S HOW WE BUILT UP THIS BUSINESS. Mr. Ben Boston, of Atlanta, spent Sunday hero with his sister Mrs. W. J. Eakes, The best method of cleansing the. liver is the use of the famous little pills Icnowr as DeWitt’s Little Early risers. Easy t< . take. Never gripe, Gailey Drug Co. Mrs. E L Malcom, of Monticcl lo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T A Bflliott of this city. WANTED—1000 lions at Hew¬ lett, Reagan & Downs. Feelings of safetv pervade the house hold that uses One Minute 0 -ugh 'hire, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is insalliable foi coughs, colds, croup nud all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump tion. Gailey Drug Oo. Miss Lurlcne Langford, of Log ansville spent several days here with relatives. Bring all your green and dry hides to Hewlett, Reagan & Downs It is well to know that DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will heal a miru mid stop \ he pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It iB a certain cure for piles. Counter¬ feits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Gailey Drug Co. Say, Mr.! Bee McDonald has just received a barrel of that fine Ribbon cane syrup you was look¬ ing for See him’ A. D. SUMMERS, Slg <£a§‘$ Mrs. IT Y McCord, after a pleas¬ ant slay with lelativos in V, arren ton, has returned home. Mr. Ed Ewing has gono back r.o his home in Augusta after a pleasant visit to relatives here. * Dr. IV. If. Lewis, Lawrenceville. Va., “I am v singKoclol Dyspepsia Cure iu my practice among severe cd cases of iudiges r.iou and find it an nirable remedy.” i Many luiudieus of physicians depend u oo!i the use of K/vlol Dyspepsia Cure iu stomach troubles. It digests what you -at and allows you to eat all the good tooflyou need, piovidiug you do not wevload yotur stomach. Gives instant h oUet aiid a pamautt cure. Gailey Drug Mr. Fred Thompson formerly of our c ty is firing on the “Conyers Flyor” his week. Mr. Parish Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with relative*. The Sacrament of the Lord’s sup per will be a Imiuistoredat Smyr¬ na on the 1st. Sunday in Decem¬ ber next’ Preaching at 11 o’clock on Saturday. Everybody cordially invited. Do not g> t scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer fiom indiges¬ tion. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure digestswhat you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest, It is tne only preparation class known that completely dig 1 sts all es of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach tronole after everything else has sailed. It may be taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you'good. Gailey Drug Co. Misess Florence Bishop and Fannie Norton, two accomplished young ladies of Lithonia, wore the guest of Miss Floredce Austin Sun day afternoon. Messrs. Jordon * Goodman, tho photographers arrived in the city ve terday. If you desire a nice photo of yourself, see them in the Knight building. j Mr. C Umphries has rented Mr. I). Maddox’s fine farm out j liear Fil!e h ° 2 bndge ’ Mr ’ Madd0X wiI1 moVe t0 At]ai;ta at an earle >' | < * ai0 ‘ ___ RUN-A-WAY. H'J ' The worst run-a-way of the sea son was the one that occurred yes terday evening about 6 o’clock Mr, I. L. Langley’s two gray pon ies hooked up to a phaeton took a running start, below town T 0 ”* Liaitl ‘ 0 ''' 8 tot> ljugw ' We know wc can tlnpeod on it, because we know that it is tailored thoroughly, Its chief strength lies in the fact that the insides [“ViTALS”) are tailored as good clothing only should be. The insides being good, the garment is bound to fit perfectly and keep its shape. gDon’t forget us when you go to buy CLOHllNG. ALLEN i). SUMMERS. THE BIG CASH H0U3E- BIU SHOW THURSDAY. While at the Gentry Bros. Show to-morrow, if you will stop in ut Bee (3, ivicDuuaid’s Family and Dancy Grocery store, you will see another show equal to tne as Gentry Show, I have a stock of go idr. fresh and nice of loose m 00 and if you ftdi to buy groceries me you money. 00 3® m a® 30 m Come to my store and be convinced of tins great 00 m in buying groceries •” m 3d i& fact: “I will save you money as m M m 3$ G 00 ■B&|Youlx*s Truly, KiMia m Bee B. McDonald. ing it into inters. They turn¬ ed the corner in front of the Gailey Drug Co.b “a Hying,” striking the h™ awanihg polls and bonding them as they went. The tongue of the vehicle caught in Mr. A. I). Summers’ bicycle and threw it in ^ the air Mr Lan?ley ran iut0 the stieet from Stephenson’s store and jumped up on the “breast tree” between the running horses and stopped tlmm. This was a great rist. The phaeton was not hurt to ameuntto anything. Mr. Ed Bailey, of Atlanta, was here last week. Mrs. Jno. E. Whitaker's condi¬ tion lias grown considerably worse. We sincerely hope that this good lady will recover. < 7 % fpot % i PATENTS GUARANTEED m Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description s£ any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent¬ ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent” sent npon request. PateE&j secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, Tub Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, . VICTOR J. EVANS & CO (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. ^ mm Have you tried that new ribbon cane syrup at Bee McDonald’s. Misses Ruth and Louiso McCal la entertained a tew friends very delightfully last evening. araKE2^S3S0SSS«Se5iK23Sffi* b\A rK 3 •set.: ■i#? V 7 ■? /k-H • K y v 2 i\ y / if/ --- E. The meeting at tho Presbyterian church closed last Thursday night. Much good was accomplished and several received into the church. Take this paper for one dollar,