The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, December 12, 1900, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY BANNER. VOL. XXV . ) ' V: kwf£p‘ * 4 Q ( m mm ■m- : 18 - r 1 0 THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL LOW PRICES IN EVERYTHING YOU NEED FROM THE SHOES THAT GO ON YOUR FEET TO THE HAT THAT COVERS YOUR HEAD ALMON DOTS. Mr.P. E. Broadnax, of ami Mr. W E Stovall of this went out bird hunting Friday. On account of the scarcity of birds their luck was poor. Miss N ra Sherwood, of Fair view was shopping 11 b in the city J Fri day afternoon. Mrs . W. E. Stovall visited Con¬ yers Saturday. From the quantity of whiskey being shipped here their must boa lot of drinking. There Ins been 4 barrels consigned to Win C irr Col of Rockuae Count Dr, S. W.Everito, the champioi bird-shot of our city goes hui ti } very often but fails to bag the gam the Dr. gives for l:i-> excuse, tin: lie lia u a very fine Grey-hound 111 i takes all his time trying U lear.. lam bird-dog tricks. We are very sorry to sta'e that * i iss Linda Berry is very sick this week. VVo hope that she vullenon r, cover and be able to attend school again. We are sorry to state that Rev. E. A . Gray \Vi 1 rent out hi.*- home and move into the Rev. Simmons residence at Oxford. Messrs Joreph, Chas. and Roht Dob's were in Coir, era Saturday on business. Messrs Otha Tucker ond Joseph Dobbs attended a pound part y at Mr. Frank Manns Friday night. “Hot Bones.” TV otice to Debtors And Creditor!*. All persons holding claims against tU- estate of Burr J Mar blit deceased are undersigned requested to present same to the ihoseindebted properly authenticated, deceased t'f » to said are k quested to make settlement. XV. S. Marbut, Exc't. Dont BuY a Wagon UNTIL YOU SEE OUR STOCK. c-ss 55 VS -W We have just received a solid carload of the Famous Fish Bros’ one £ nd two horse wagons. These wagons are guaranteed to be the gyp* irenffest, Most Durable and Lihtest running Wagons made. Having bought in Car lots we have secured the best pries and lowest rate of height and we are going to give our customers the benefit. UOeiES: We have a nice assortment of Open and Top Buggies that HARNESS: If you need a set of Buggy Harness, you want to see our we are going tosell FOK THE NEXT HU DAYb at regular stock before you hi y. I HOLIDAY PiUCES JMEoJEJET * 7 J:. j Tax Collector'ss IVotico. I will be at court grounds for. pose tJj of collecting tax on Sheffield:—Sept. 26, Ocr. 23, Nov. 21 . Creek :-Sept. 27, Oct. 26, Lorraine:— Sept. 28, Oct, 30. Nov. 28, The remainder of the time I may he found in my office at Turner Bros. st"ie in Conyers. The books will close December 20. Meet me prompt ly to pay yovr G. tax,- Clot fe!ter T. C. w. Dismission. To whom it may concern :—It A Al maud. Administrator of S D Almand, late of said countv, deceased has made his final return and applied for letters ot dismission as such admin¬ istrator, and iwii-l pass upon thosHine on the first Month y it January 15)01. Given under my mind and official signature, this, Oct. 4th, 15)00. A. M. Hdins, Old. Di Months Support, Malinda. Tumor, col., widow ol hos. J. Turner, col, deceased, bavin} applied for a twelve months suppor ut of tier said deceased husband' state, end the appraisers appointed office havina filed their return in my this is to notify alt persons concern cd, that I. will pass upon the sniru oil t':e 1st Monday in and January 1901. Given under my hand official sig nature, this Dec. 5th. 1900 A, M. Helms, Ord . — - ----------- Months Support Georgia, Rockdale County:— .To wnoiii it may concern. Mrs Fannie B Simpkins* applied wile of XV H Simpkins, having lorn twelve months Suppport- out of Iier - husband's said deceased , os fate, and the appraisers appointed, having tiled their return in my office. and this is to notify ail persons that L will pass upon the same on the 1st Monday in Januaiy, 19ul. Give n un* rier my hand and official this December 6th, 1900. A. M. Helms, Ord Application For Adminis¬ tration. To whom it may concern. J. N. Hale, having in due form admin¬ ap.. plied for permanent letters of istration on the estate of Mrs. M. O. Hale, Isieof said county deceased, and 1 will pass upon the same on the 1st Monday in Janua v, 1001. Given under my hand and official signature this Dec. .5th, 19)0. A. M. Helms, Ord. CONYERS. G.A., * DEC. Vi. 1900. OAK GROVE NEWS. Mr. Hoard Allen will ore: t a nice house on his plant for \V. F. Tucker real soon. What lias got the mother with Jim Owens'? He lms not Been to Conyers since August. He hauls wood to Mr. Bills Mi'chell’s and his dady hauls it to town. Miss Minnie Butler was in Con¬ yers Wednesday. Her fellow from Lithonia met her there ant they had their pictures taken, Mr. Henry Tucker was in oar midst Sunday. Dogs is not needed when John Hart goes hunting, he come out to my house last week and inform d me at the well if there was any rabbits on this place. I told him to go down throw the orchard and s 0 if he could find one. ho wei t 1 bout 10 steps from the we’l and diot at one But missing it the rab dt run off and JohnVight Behind t loading his gun eo fell down on top of his gun But he got up run¬ ning and cent in site of the rabit away the rabbit went through the pasture the rabbit run fast but Johti run faster when fJohn went over the f nee the lahb t went through, tho rabbit cepf going John went too, ’ But here the rabbit camo Back I y the well and Johp ami two more dogs wright in ..... behind it the chicken , . , and running fcj ie house cat out of the orchard and I was sick and could not run and the rabbit liked to run over me But John was still after it ho out run tho cat, dogs rabbit and all and shot the rabbit on top of the hiil and killed it at last. “Dandy Jim-” OASTORI4., fits Kind Yon B#arptna Have Always denature 02 47. A MAN SHOT Out the frontdoor of his residence and came hur¬ rying down the street. He had forgotten to bring home any groceries, with him, hence his hot run THROUGH THE HEART of tho city in search oi a grocery store, He tried several, hut found the price too high, and it is possi¬ ble that lie might still be looking for those groceries had he not been directed BY A WOMAN to M. H. Plunket’s, where he found the nicest line of Groceries in town at lowest prices, Mr. Plunket also has the prettiest line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Clothing to be found in Conyers at such low pi ices. He needs nobody to direct him now - he just fol¬ the crowd to MHPLT3NKET, Conyers, Ga.