The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, June 26, 1901, Image 4

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JAP ATI I'i WINTER. to! .Trr In of <’»e Rich Mil'll * In Open Sun Rhine. that the American peopl* run i •;-shins an* the only western l:: i ri ally kei i) warm in whiter. y. ■' who dwell in other countries : they have the same Ideal by t< 11 i i . l-ici • nt effort to attain to It,” v Aram N. Benjamin hi Ainslee *. ■•'i : "hnaTiese winter is’ most trying on a: * i. i f its eejitinnal dampness. but t»: . . n. re are content to remain ( ■ ; 1. ’I I.: y make almost no effort to o', e; me it. The old’bushklo'(eliival i ; 1 id. a of the ‘samurai’ (knights) w: t »i was effeminate to feel cold. r. :ch is their revere training tliat tl. do not really feci <t as we do. The . wear:,:;' of some extra ‘kimonos' and the : e of a ‘hihachi,’ or brazier, ir wlf are a few tiny sticks of lighter cf.a d, are the only concessions to wilder weather. With the ‘hihachi’ tii ever pretend to heat more than the finger tips, which they hold over the Us. It is used when tVe houre la cut I:, ISV&ATSESShS hi;; nols which serve for doors nnd win cs have paper panes. They are , ns apt to be open as closed during the day. When I took my first jinriWsha rid' through the streets of Nagasaki. I ' for t my own sufferings in ray sym¬ pathy fur this unhappy nation, which as surely as the cold came endured such mis' y from it. The coolies wear thin blue cotton clothes nnd are always pad din ; through the mud. The storekeep¬ ers sit out in their open booths, and the wot; ;■ go bareheaded about the streets. In 11 houses of the rich the still cold behind the closed panels is often more inti n. e than that outside in the sun¬ shine, where the air is stirring. The schools and public buildings are equal¬ ly frigid. “It seemed to me that the only warm tlili’; ' in Japan were the babies, who look 'd like bundles of gayly colored crape, their round heads covered by knit caps. They slumber peacefully tucked down their mothers’ backs. The attempt to keep warm in winter is not entirely a ‘modern Improvement,’ though it goes with western civilization. The Koreans do it very thoroughly, the Chi¬ nese to a certain extent. The Japanese, ns a race, continue to scorn It ns they always have done, and this is merely one of a hundred examples which prove that the Japanese are still true to their traditions In their dally life and os yet little affected in the ordering of their homes by the IdeaB adopted from the west.” NOVEL CURES. Unique Method. Kinployed in Over¬ come Certain Dlneasea. Freezing, baking, illuminating, tor turiiiat, frightening and bruising nra among the accepted ways of curing cer¬ tain diseases, says a writer In the Phil¬ adelphia Times. I-'or example, the bak¬ ing cure: When one has a well devel¬ oped rheumatism, lie is placed in n spe¬ cif: of stove and the crystals of uric acid are literally melted out of his body. Another odJ cure once tried for rheumatism was burial In damp, warm clay. The first rheumatic burial took place at Menominee, Mich. The treatment was not a success, aud this form of cure has been given up. The freezing cure: This was first In¬ troduced by a Swiss doctor, Paul Bttr deyrout. He placed his patients in sheets immersed In ice water, packing the patient all about with crushed (ye This treatment is today u-*d in typhoid fever cases. Or the patient is plunged into an ice water bath. The treatraent saves many lives. IJaging fever *bove 103 degrees F. has been brought dowu by these mer.i: to normal—98 2-5 degrees—In less than ten minutes. . Neither of these modes of treatment actually freezes one. A physician of Paris, M. Figcau. Introduced in ISlR) an ammonia vapor method, which really froze the patient. The body was placed in a chamber Into'which certain chem¬ icals were Introduced. Ammonia gas. by sudden evaporation, then produced Intense cold, nnd the blood in the body lost most of its heat. M. Figeau’s method did not meet with success. Some of Ills patients succumbed to the drastic measures, aud the practice was abandoned. i Tbe Wheel Problem. Which, at any given moment, is mov¬ ing forward faster—the top of a coach wheel or the bottom? The answer to this question seems simple enough, but probably nine per eons out of tcu, asked at random. would give the wrong reply. It would appeur at first ^lght that the top and bottom must be moving at the anme rate—that is. the speed of the carriage. But In a' little thought it will be die covered that the bottom of the wheel is in fact, by the direction of its mo¬ tion around its axis, moving backward. In an opposite direction to that which the carriage Is advancing and ia con¬ sequently stationary In space, while the point on top of the wheel is mov¬ ing forward with the double velocity of its own motion around the axis and the speed at which the carriage moves. u of the Sea. Flower Garden* The sea has its flower gardens, but the blooms are not on plants as they are on the laud. It Is the animals of the sea that make the gardens, the corals of the tropical waters particu¬ larly making a display of floral beauty that fairly rivals the gorgeous color¬ ing and delicate grace presented by laud flowers. Ho closely do they resem¬ ble plant blooms that It is hard to be¬ lieve that they are wholly animal in organization. Dr. F* lack ford says that among the coral gardens there arc fishes of curious forms and flashing colors darting about, Just as the bird* find butterflies dart about plant f»p $«us on land.—Chicago Chronicle. \ OOKI LOOK! Dori'i fail to examine oar line of Fishing tacFlo r ish. hcoKs and lines. HanarnocKs, Base balls.. Crc <- . iuet sets, and other sporting goods, before you buy Our line is c triple te and we will save you money. A Vue Ga\\ey Abrvus C r”N > __ A2-CZr:7 STAP^r MS EARN 625.00 to $150.22 G't Gur Prices or'' •v/e Hxnonsas of Traveling Men. ” YOU m SAVE MONEY p S IN BUYING YOUR FROM T7S, ONE PRICE TO ALU.—A child buys of us as well and at same prlco as an expert. SOUTtiERH FACTORY DISTRIBUTERS . FACTORIES TO HOMES DIRECT . E3I Br4lt!U3 A IVIHC 150.00 to ODfS A SU 6£ $22.00 to r 1,000.00. $500.00 SOLE SOUTHERH DISTRIBUTERS. FARR MASON AND & PUTNAM HAMLIN &VOTEY ORGANS HAZLETON EVERETT POSTER HAINES PIANOS FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOMES. ALL FREIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FREE. EAQY TERMQ 1 0r B ans so,d on payments S3.00 and $5.00 monthly, tAOl ICnmO a Pianos sold on payments $8.00 and $10.00 monthly. Write us for Catalogs. Honest Terms Goods. suit Square Dealings. Lowest Prices. to all. McArthur & sons co. KNOXVILLE; TENN. p. m 1 1 ■ l a i ■Ml Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the pate ability of same. “How to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patei secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consult by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, WSrOB J. EVAMS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans BuiSdUng? wASHsmroN, a, # 0 re O ****** wmmss CM Helps Everybody in the Spring, As £i Spring Sirertgthener It Has No Builds Up ami Fortifies Weak Spots of t£m Human Organism Which Always Needs Help at This Season of the Year a : fSBsf • . • , , , ; • Y# « : ». •s v. « i inllilhkK.. « •i ?.*••• • ft ■is ■* • » ^ \ * * • • fe • * V • * / • • f ' '• m s. • » . _ ** r 4 rV i* * * • * V - - « »V 1 ir_v. .-I 9 ■\w m N V I i V .* \Y: # \ \v» : p tf/ V ; m vitT-Js & 1 0 6 'ToT A - /.I Vh t f M'l; Ii m m i 'A \ MRS. JUlfA OSBORNEaM. SON »£ MRS. JVLIA OSBORXE, n TT!ghl*nd Are., Nevart, If. J., says: about “I three have been nnd taking I feel Dr. it Greene’s duty :>rvura write and blood tell and it nerve has remedy off and on for vears. my to that helped me wonderfully. I had a fall ar.d rr. c hurt inwardly, an’d the doctor said I would never be well One day my little bov brought in a b-x>k which was an advertisement of Dr. Greene’s Nervura. aud as it seemed to be just the thing that I needed I got a bottle and tried it, and one bottle helped me so much had that f I inting have kept spells on taking it and I am now almost r. well woman. I was very nervous, and would be unconscious for a longtime. JIv son, who is about twelve years old, takes it also whenever he is not t v -Unp well, and it aiwavs seems to help him, and he is improving every day. I am thank, • ’ for what it has done for me and for mv son, and would not be without it in the house. I have also recom¬ mended it to my friends, and many of them say they could not live without it. I hope the medicine will help others as it has helped me. Dr. Greene r s hsrvura Blood and Narve Remedy Is the Safeguard of the Home. It helps father and mother, and it helps children. ’When it is relied upon to build up after any acute illness it is soon found to be effective beyond anything else, will always and the be family found that depends upon it for a tonic and strengthener feels the of recommending it broadcast.. spring, Everybody and this grand medicine need of a blood Dr. Greene’s, purifier made and flesh of purely builder vegetable in the elements, helps Nature and fills the veins with pure blood. Without purging and without shock it does its masterly work in perfect harmony with natural laws. 5 Dr. Greene's Advice is Practical Help. Dr. Greene will give his advice free to nil who call on him at liis office, 35 W. 14th St., New York City, or write to him through the mails. In this way his work is carried on in proportions which only those who come in practical contact with it can appreciate. Great numbers of people seek Dr. Greene's help, and none without good result. His great experience and scientific acquirements in medicine make his advice the most valuable in the world for the run-down and weak, yet this counsel is free to fill, rich and poor alike. . no * ke'wS&Gxi Dftm GREENE’S nervura in house.” KEEP S * ? ? COOL THIS HOT WEATHER You csix buy your ■ft-"-' *a0K ’ES&5< (IS /ft Hit «.■ SM Os /ft • • * Tdr • • » jar » • • THOMPSON STEWART. PJtiiSIPT PK1.1VKJ1.Y Hits ELEOAiNT SODA FOUNT Will also furnish delicious cold drinds every day. 'J ry 'J hem. r-m3ES7r Fancy Groceries Sold at reasonably email sma l profit.;. Cali and let us fiii your Thompson StewarL Fhnne IH. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURT'S OUR. RIGHT TO ••’HE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AMD ••PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADEMARK. L DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Uyamis , Massachusetts, vms the originator of “CASTOR!A,” the same that '.ias borne and does now bear - on every the fac- simile signature cf * r wrapper. This is the original “CA3T0 R! A” which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years, LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have alway s bought on the ana has the signature of wrap • per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company , cf which Chas. II. Fletcher is President, March 24,1898, hi ’- -- f.-t-x- Yl fy Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child fcy accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on It), the gradients of which even hs does not know. it The Kind You Have Always Bought fS BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ^ & • -> r # •P * # ilP-tiwWv-str Irtish on Har-rff The Monarch of Strength is h I t-1 j s itifer Lirr r - 4 fr l era m 3 ' r v;^ S'? .*US«l.lJTEI.y ”!P.K.) ,t9 strength comes trom i s puriDo »t j 3 ri j r , ul o coffee fresrvy roasted, and is sv ici omy ?n o- e-pound sealed DaitKages. Each pad wi.: n aKe A ups. Tne p-ck ss** is sealed at too Mid - *-o that ; JZ (D aroma is never waai-ened. It !’. s r- ( e I'i'.us fiav ' 7? incomparable strength. It is a uxi r / \ .'i n the reach of aii. ||->sist O ' ‘ CofffQ Never g-i-ound r>or sold in bu'k Nona Can j r.a without Lion’s head. Sf Grocer il'H'i not i-nv» I .Inn C-.STo" In M» stnro, your ii' his nr.iiio n:nl taMivss V> »> !M«v ' i 4 Mil a .1. .'-.prv. I M lb»t fiftTpt r V.y <’ i» j f*.; . V* .*• . f:: ro.. T.,l.,i... Bead tills JAPANESE i l n ] A New and Comp’eto Treat:, consisting of SUPi OSITOKL Capsules of Ointment nnd ] Boxes of Ointment. A never- j itig cure for Piles of every mr.J and degree. It makes an e I tion with the knife, which i- ] .: | fid, and often results in d Why endure this terrible die i We [>ack a Written Guarantee- ii each $1 Box. No Cure, No id 50c. and .fi a box, 0 for $5. ; '•y mail. Samples free. oixtmext 25 c. and 50c. CONSTIPATION Cured, i Prevented, by Japanese Liv j r lets, the great LIVER amid A Cl l REGULATOR and Hi. PLUIFIER. Small, mild to take: espeoially ted for childrens u-c. 50 doses Dr. W. H. Lee, Papers a Wesq FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE. This paper and the Atlanta \ Twiee-a-Week Jour¬ nal for ♦ $ 25 - 1 . . t) Here you get the news of : world and all your local news wti - ■ tt Is fresh, paying very little nv- ; than one paper costs. Bither pa ' la well worth ft.00, but by spee:a- r srrnngemont we are enabled to V -- ^ In both of them, giving three pap«-' ‘ a week for this low price. You ea • ■ not equal this anywhere else, <*■ - j this combination Is the best P-- tj who want a s ' - tnlum for those paper and a home paper. with ,; ^ these and you will keep up — ^ t,mes - the T-" TwfC e- ^ Besides general news, much ag r) ^ ^ a-Weelc Journal has articie ^ other - tural matter and Bpeclal Interest to farmers, l ■ \ regular contributions by T«»P- . ^ Mrs. W. H. Felton. John # Graves, Hon. C. H. Jordan a- ^ ether distinguished writers. a Call at this office and leave : ^ both papers ; aubscrlptlons for either P“ can get a sample copy of , per here on application. M CASTORL ■ For Infants find Child ?* 13 flM- *:•=!, tf