The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1888, Image 3

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ckdalemnner PUBLISHED FRIDAY EVERY j/yr.T.BYjy MADDOX. jjyERS, GA OCT. 12, 1888. - 100 a ^gatlieriiigs, Davidson left the city [is* Magg' e visit to friends for a two wee ks ndaV Boi»e- tei meeting begins at the [be protrac chare h on the i8ih inst. Dr. ssbvterian be ass isted by the great evan £ ill Dr. Bachman. E Shipley and mother % , arle visited triends and fives'in m this week. the city danger from yellow fever in All be considered as .orgia may now er. torn down the t. Zachry has a P dwelling and moved it up irmer He bought the house his home. Mr, Jack Pierce. m has been 3ick Mrs. Dr. Stewart Hope veral days with fever. , sc be restored to health. e may soon , L f Livingston made an Lin r . Bom. Tuesday in the \ 4 of the Farmers’ Alliance tore Alliance day and pesday was the L Atlanta’s d«yattlie Rome cx Lition. E. Mrs. Press Elliott and Mrs v Lberts are attending the Holi L Convention now in session at LrleiP, Ga. !pr. Stewart is having his servant buse on Mill street fixed up and larged. relative to in The amendment sensing the number of supremo U judges in this state was de atedby over 6,000 majority. J. Dobson Carroll, formerly a inter in this place, is now pub shing The Sun, in Magnolia, N. C. ho first issue which is to hand is liitc creditable. ■ The state fair will open Nov. 5th Id continue one week. Col. Nor len, the president, has been very |chistrious in working up the ex l-iits, and evory thing now display seems Ivorable for the grandest ■ Georgia products ever offered to |e world. A great nany of our lople I will attend. Atlanta has a municipal ticket ith Col. John T, Glenn for mayor Lit is said to represent Atlanta, [ml Lhibition. is neither prohibition or anti It is hoped the war nstiife passion and personalism hour capital will soon die out. Miss Carrie and Linic White, two four most worthy young ladies^ in Mrs. Amanda Mosely of Easley, [outh Carolina, has been spending jeveral isiting days friends in and the city relatives. and county Mr. Fletcher Stansell returned pt Monday morning to the deaf jnd has dumb institute at Cave Spring* the pe spent at this institute pll number of years allowed by pv, but owing to a regulation of pe institution he gets three more Nrs for having made the best [ecord of any of his class. He, ough deaf and dumb, is a bright pong man and we congratulate P' m upon his good fortune. I Congressman John D. Stewart M Hon. Jas. A. Gray have appoint pents Rockdale to address the citizens of county on Saturday, Oct. fdh, at 2 p. m, at the court house. • i be.v are both fluent speakers and P Ur people will no doubt turn but R masse. I Octob r is the prettiest month in pe year, it is the time for fatten F 1 ? bogs, housing crops, etc., and peryhody is healthy and happy. L ow * s time to subscrioe for the •w Paxxer. Tiie Covington and Oxford street failw av was completed to the center l ^ ^ford Saturday and the cars running. The present session of congress is Y e lon g e st ever held in the United '' tat “ s - ^is has been a year of plenty in Pallets spite of floods. The best of Georgia soil and many fences exhibited of Georgia progress will at the state fair. Blood. In the Family. Allen Veal is a ginger-cake color¬ ed negro. Allen lives on Mr. Mil¬ lard Dabney’s plantation about two miles above town. Allen is a mar¬ ried man and lives with his wife when he is drunk and when he is sober. Allen went rusticating about with the boys Friday last and loaded up with mean liquor. So Allen got bad drunk, and suddenly to his wife's great surprise became desperate. Allen also has a single barrel shot-gun. Allen, at about 10 o’clock at night, flew onto his wife with the gun, and thrashed her down over the head, flaying off a large piece of skin. Allen’s neigh¬ bors sent for a physician .n much haste and Drs, Rosser and Guinn responded, and dressed the wound on the head of Allen’s wife, taking in ail 7 stiches- Allen’s gun was badly hurt. Allen’s wife is doing finely and Allen himself is in very good health under the circum¬ stances. Mr. Edward Swann was married, last Sunday morning, by Dr. Quigg, at his father’s residence, to Miss Stella Huson of Griffin, Ga. Mr, Swann is one of the most sterling young men of Honey Creek district and his bride is a young lady of rare beauty, charming ways and superior accomplishments. They are both to he congratulated upon their good fortune and the Banne ; extends the same to both. The Baptist church of Coving¬ ton on last Wednesday night re¬ elected Dr. J. M. Brittain as their pastor for another year. The Covington Star claims the honor of first nominating Judge McCalla of this city for the legisla¬ ture. It has persistently contended that the Judge will make a record of which all his friends will be proud. A farmer living near Shellman, who saw his family arrayed in new hats, exclaimed. “There goes my wife and daughters with a bale of cotton on their heads.” For some time it has been the custom of the Rockdale Bible Soci¬ ety to meet once a year at the different country churches. The annual meeting at Smyrna will he on the third Sabbath in this month. Every body most cordially invited to attend, Several speakers will be on hand. Dr. Boggs, of Memphis, has been elected chancellor of the State University, but he asks for time to consider the question. He will doubtless accept, however. Mr. Jack Pierce was quite sick yesterday. He is suffering with a bilious attack. Even if p.aying always did bring rain, some people we all know of, would never need to buy an umbrel¬ la. We had a pleasant talk with Maj. Pearce last Saturday. He said that he did not wan the people of Con¬ yers to think that he had abandon¬ ed his rock interests here; but that he intends resuming work when the market gets in a more promising condition, The Major has lost considerably of late on account of the condemnation of his blocks. We hope that a healthy market will soon be restored and this ex¬ cellent gentleman will have an op¬ portunity to do for us what we can not do for ourselves. Hon. Matin V. Calvin, who has just been elected to serve a fourth consecutive term in the legislature, from R'ehmond county, will be a candidate for the position of speak¬ er protein of the next house. Of the members of the last leg¬ islature forty-one have been re-elec ted. The state convention of the Chris¬ tian church will be held in Griffin, beginning on Oct. 17, We have enrolled th£ names of several new subscribers this week. The people know a good thing when they see it, and it is easy to understand why they rush with su ^ h eagerness for the Banner. judge Gleaton is meeting with satisfactory encouragement in bis for solicitor-general of Flint race him either circuit. All who know personally or by reputation regard him ns n very ah’e lawyer. A Happy Editor. Last Monday evening, between 10 and 11 o’clock, while we were wandering along the wicrd coast of dreamland, there canto a rolling flood-tide of joyous sweetness pour¬ ing in upon our soul—yes, a flocd tide of sweetness such as few mor¬ tals enjoy. Would that it had lin¬ gered nany times longer; for, like every intense joy on the shore of time, it stayed but a moment, and passed away seldom to return. We say seldom to return, because it has always been so with us in the past not that we wish it so; for if there is anything that the writer of this most enjoys, it is the sweet voices of terenaders on his doorsteps, or under his windows, in the soft stilly hours of night. Kind friends, whoever you are, in all soberness and truth, if you only knew how much your kind visit was appreci¬ ated, you would come again and come often. Judge Gleoton and Col. Glenn attended Lawrenceville court this week. We arc confident that a visit to Pierce, Cain and McKnight’s will pay you, the popular trading- resort of Conyers. Last Saturday and Sunday was quarterly meeting at the Methodist church. Dr. Yarbrough preached a fine sermon Sunday. Remus Jones, a well known young man in Atlanta, suicided Tuesday night, He had been drinking hard for some days. Pierce, Cain nnl McKnight have paralysed all high prices on dry goods. The fall term of Bmory Collge opened lust Wednesday with a fair prospect of a good attendance. Cards are out announcing the marraige of Miss Fannie Pierce and Mr, Charles Cain of this place, on the night of the I8lh inst. at the Methodist church. In advance we extend our hearty congratulations. Pierce. Gain and McKnight have u big lot of Lad ic’s wraps on hand. Mr. Joe Wallis, who holds a govcrmental position at Washing¬ ton, D. C,, is in the city, on a visit to relatives and friends. A white man in Atlanta pawned his baby carriage to a bar keeper on Decatur street for a quart of liquor. A newspaper asked the bar keeper and he refused to give the name of’the owner of the car¬ riage, saying he must protect his ustomers. Call at Pierce, Cain and McKnight’s and get your water ground meal. Pine straw bagging is rather heavy, but is equal to, or better, than the jute bagging for all purposes. All sorts of matting is being manufactured out of the pine straw, and Georgia would do welj to establish a few such factories. It is made by machinery.—Louis¬ ville Observer. Jay Gould allows his daughter $25 a week for pocket money, most of which she spends ii. charity. If y >u want a perfect fitting shoe call at Pierce, Cain and McKnigh Twenty-one little girls, ranging in age Horn nine to fourteen years, who were brought by Mormon elders from Europe on the steamer Wisconsin. September 25, were ordered by Collector Magone to be sent back to Europe on the return trip of the Wisconsin. Lumber, Lime and Shingles— Parties wanting either lumber, lime or shingles will do well to consult me before buying. A. J. Pierce. Conyers, Ga April 6th ’88. tf , Miss Alice Lee has about recov¬ ered from a severe sickness. If you are anxious to delight your children, please your wife, and be come instantly happy, pay $1 and secure the Banner for only 12 months. Whatever vou decide upon consult your own interest by first calling on Pierce, Cain ana McKnight at hotel! block. Mr, J. B. Gordon and family of Lithonia visited Mi. George Lure* family in the city this week. We understand Mr. Gordon intends making Conyers his future home Call at Pierce, Cain and McKnight’s and get a big onion. Misses Mamie Winburn and Era raa Willingham have opened a mantua-mukers establishment iu a room adjoining the store of Pierce, Cain and McKnight. Mrs. Ben Langford is now very sick. We hope soon to hear of recovery. A Serious Experiment. The Alliance Advocate, which is printed at Montezuma, and which appears to be the liveliest and most useful of the alliance organs, warns the members of the organization that any haste in establishing a state exchange in Georgia may re¬ sult in such a failure as the experi¬ ment has met with in Texas. The Advocate .gives this advice in view of the fact that the trustees of the state exchange are to meet in Atlanta on the 24th of this month for the purpose of organization, The losses of the Texas exchange are probably the result of enthusi asm and inexperience. In business atrnsactions neither enthusiasm nor inexperience has a place, in fact is such a provokingly cold¬ blooded affair that a great many worthy people refuse to have any¬ thing to do with it, and go into politics instead, where sentiment and humbug are allowed full play It appears from the statement made in the Advocate that the Texas exchange has become terribly involved by reason of had manage¬ ment. It has lost $40,000 in a lnmp and this loss comes out of the pockets of the farmers who com¬ pose the alliance. It is to be hoped that the experi¬ ment in Georgia will have no such disastrous result. Mr. William Brooks of Sheffield, who was so seventy wouoded by a Jerscv bull some time ago, has so completely recovered that his phy¬ sician considers him out of danger. Mr. J. L. Zachry, son of Capt. J. M. Zachry of this pi ace, is attending the school of technology in Atlanta, lie hoards at home, going and com¬ ing daily by way of the trains. Go to Pierce, Cain & McKnight’s and get your rust proof seed oats, Miss Belle Hull of Rockdale and Mr. William Clarke of Dekalb were married last Wednesday evening, Rev. Mr. Fincher officiating. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Goss is hotter. These two persons in Sheffield district are very siok : Mrs. Joe Lard’s little hoy and Mrs. Henry King’s daughter. Mr. J. D. Maddox, jr., lost his pet mule, age about 25, this week. He died according to J, D’s statement a natural death. Major Pearce and family left the city yesterday for Columbia, S. where they intend residing until the Major’s business Mere will au¬ thorize his return. Mrs. Dock Rosser of Birmingham, Ala is visiting in the city, guest of her sister, Mrs Dr, Lee, Mr. George Hardeman of Stone Mountain was married to Miss Jo sie Crossley of Lithouia last 8unday. We extend congratulations, Miss Josie is a tister to our clever townsman, Mr. Davis Crossley, The Enterprise only wants the solid, ior general’s place one more term. This liberal spirit reminds us of the charitable man who was so charitable as to oelieve in chanty beginning and ending at home. To this very generous proposition of course everybody will feel like tumbling. The Covington Enterprise says Judge Stewart will have opposition in I89O. Who is it? When nature falters and require? help, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strength¬ ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 per bottle. In 1890 it is possible that either Col, Peek or Judge McCalla will enter the congressional race, This end of the dis trict has never been honored with pro ducing the congressman, But if the favors of the political gods should smile upon us we have plenty of statesmen who would dignify the office and most beSttingly represent every interest of the 5th district. It is hard to tell with cer¬ tainty what will turn up but stranger things than our naming the next con¬ gressman have happened. There is a mule in this county Jthat is 43 years old. Mr. Hoi Bryans remem¬ bers distinctly when the mule was a colt Mr. Lewis Henselee has been off from business for a fews day on accouut of an injured hand. Drunkenness of itself in this state is not a crime but it is often the parent or encourogerofetime, Some distinguished judge haa said that liquor is the cause of almost all the crime committed. REAL ESTATE AGENT Those having property either in the citv or county to sell or rent con place close¬ it in mv hands and I will look after ly for ten per cent I will rent houses aud collect the rent for ten per cent. Respectfu’ly, J. N. IIesdeihos. What a Neighbor Says \Vp ^et this item from the Griffin Sun: “Liquor hurts.'i town every wav amino good it an come from it to any community and those who intimate such a tiling are unsafe advisers'. T’-e most, prosperous ritie-< we know of in Georgia are Conyers, Covington, LaGrange and Newman where no liquor is sold. If Griffin had oeen free from rum our population would be larger to day. The boys who have pass¬ ed awav in delirium tremens, the men, -jvh’te and black who have been murder¬ ed willfully on the streets, would be here in smiles and happiness but for this woe—the drunkard's cup, and tin} widows who wear the weeds of sorrow, and orphans who toil with the adversities of life, would wear instead, the habili¬ ments of a grateful heart,, and the smiles nf unalloyed joy and plenteous prosper ity.”. Fire Fiend at Work On last Sunday night about 10 o’clock if was discovered that the Rockdale Paper Mills were on fire. The alarm was given, the hands and neighbors gathered in. After sev¬ eral hours of hard work, the flames were extinguished ; hut not before they had destroyed one end of the main building, including ragroorn, blccching room, machinery, etc The damage is estimated at$lG,000. while there is only $6 000 insurance. The proprietors, Stewart Eros, of this city say they will not likely rebuild. They are thrifty and en¬ terprising, and will succeed under almost, any circumstances; but it does seem that the firefiend is pm suing them in a very cruel manner. Only a few years ago they had the misfortune to have their mills burn¬ ed in Atlanta, thereby suffering great loss. Stewart Bros, have the sympathy of their many friends of this county, who also hope that they may rebuild in some manner and thus save the county the great loss that might otherwise result. When Will It End? The Macon Telegraph has been in the national observatory and his searching eye left nothing unseen as this short editorial will show: “The Woodrow controversy has broken out again in South Caroli na. Presidential elections come and go, kings die and the lines of empire shift, wheat goes to $2 and drops to $1.10, the bagging trust fastens its grip on (he poor farmer, ex¬ positions and fairs are postponed, quar¬ antines are laid and raised; ad things show signs of change—all, save the vVoodrow controveisity. It seems des¬ tined to take rank with the immemorial riddles of squaring the circle and discov¬ ering perpetual motion. Col. Womack is a funny man all round He wants others “rotated out - ’ but he wants himself to be “rotated in" all the time, 'i lie election of a mayor and city coun cil comes off the first Saturday in Decern, her. As yet no avowed candidates are in the race. LADD' LIME, Positively the best lime on the mar ct can be had cheap by calling on A. J. Pierce. Conyers Ga, Oct 12th. tf John H. Alma nil .Tun J Langford. AT, MA ND & LANGFORD, EXCHANGE BROKERS Will keep on hand a well as¬ sorted stock of general merchan¬ dise which they will sell at rea sonableprices. Also BUY and SELL EXCHANGE. DISCOUNT APPROVED PAPER. RECEIVE MONEY ON DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. Store cotton and make liberal cash advances on same. Also, will buy city and county script. in their , line. Call on them they will be pleased to serve you COTTON SEED Owing to the fact that we are 15th. putting in new machinery we will not receive any seed until Oct. We will pay 18 cts per bushel for sound seed at mill. We will not take damaged seed at any price. will receive seed We not on damp or rainy days. Oil F, Co. Conyers <fc Candidates Announcement. $5. (X) each strictly in advance. CITIZENS OF KOOKDaLE. I take this methc-il of announcing mv self a candidate for clerk of the superior court of Rockdale county, subject to the leraocratic nomination on Paltnday No*. 3rd. i earnestly solicit and will grate* fully appreciate the support of the citi¬ zen* of the county. If elected I will faithfully discharge the dnties of the of¬ fice to the very best of my ability. Very truly yours, R. .1, Guinn. Sept. 12 iSB8 • - FOR .SHERIFF AND DEPUTY. We announce ourselves candidates for the office of sheriff and deputy sheriff of Rockdale county, subject to the demo¬ cratic nomination!. Trusting o«r friends will give us a hearty support, we are. Very truly, Asa D. M’ Donald, John M. Dat. Sept. 12 1888. FOR TREASURER. Cit izens of Rockdale county, I ask your support for the Office of Treasurer, sub¬ ject to a nomination. Respectfully, \V. T. Huson. Aug. 3o?h 1888. VOTERS OF ROCKDALE. T announce myself for reelectian to the office of county Treasurer, subject to the democratic nomination. With thank* for your remembrance in the past. I am, Very truly, Wm. G. Ci.otfbi.tkr. Aug. 3ist i888, CITIZENS OF ROCKDALE. With my kindest thanks for your sup¬ port in the past, I present myself for re election to the office of sheriff, subject to a democratic nomination, promising a faithful discharge of the duties of said office if elected. Very Truly yours W. H. M. AUSTIN. Aug. 31st 1888. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. At the approaching county election I respectfully ask ray fellow citeens to support ms for the office of Tax Collector, subject to the democratic nomination. I have been afflicted for 40 years and have never asked for an office at the hands of my people, I hope to merit a liberal HUpport. Pledging myself to faithfully discharge a>l the duties of this office, I am most respectfully, Dan W. Murdock. Conyers, Ga., June 13th 1888 *♦ FOR TAX RECEIVER. 1 announce myself a candidate for re election to the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the democratic nomination on Nov. 3rd. Hoping to be re-elected, I am, Very re-plfy, R, L. Hudson, Sapt. 13 1888. VOTERS OF ROCKDALE COUNTY. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Rockdale coun¬ ty, subject to democratic nomination. Owing to bad health and haring a small business in town to look after, it will he impossible for me to thoroughly canvass the county. I will appreciate your sup¬ port and assistance in the race. I atn yours to serve, J. E. WillTAKKR. Oct. 1st, 1888. Physicians prescribe Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm; in it they find no trace of opium or morphia, while itsjefficncy in curing all throat or lung diseases is won¬ derful.