The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, October 19, 1888, Image 2

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ROCKD’ALE BANN-ER. SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR (In advance)........*1,00. FOR • Months 50 cts. Bn«er*d at the Conyers Post Office as seosnd class mall matter. /.dVertlsIrtC^ates made known on Demand Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. T, D. O’KHLLiiT Business Manager. JOHN B. MADDOX Editor. There are five counties fall prohi¬ bition) in this State that are not represented in the penitentiary. They are Murray, Towns, Johnson, Catoosa, and Colqui t. Only twice since the war has Indi¬ ana gone democratic at a national election, and on both of the tickets was the name of Hendricks, the ablest democrat the state ever had. There is no Hendricks this year. Judge John I. Hall of Spalding has retired from the race for the pres¬ idency of the Senate. There are still three candidates, viz: lion. Fleming G. Dubignon of Chatham, Hon. C. B. Wooton of Calhoun and Hon. J. M. Dupree, of Macon. The Georgia School of Technol¬ ogy is the only technological school which is purely a state institution. The school has at present about one hundred and ten students. Geor¬ gians will do well to encourage this noble effort for industrial education. We have a democratic President, a democratic cabinet, a democratic House, a Senate which is on the verge of being democratic, and now we have a democratic chief justice. The country is safe. People are going on attending to business, and everybody seems to be happy ex¬ cept, possibly, the mugwumps. j’be State Attorney General of New York has determined to bring an action against the Havemeyer and Elder Sugar refining Company to annnl its charter, claiming that it has violated the act under which it was incorporated. This is one of th« fourteen companies that com¬ pose the Sugar Trust. Their part in this matter is the cause of the suit It is not easy to get the number of Alliance clubs, but tbe member¬ ship was recently re ported as fol¬ lows: Alabama, 23,820; Arkansas, 60 r 0C0 ; Mississippi. 45,000; Georgia 10,980; Louisiana, 13,920; Mis¬ souri, 15,530, Tennessee, 10,GOO; North Carolina, 32,500; South Car¬ olina, 4,050; Kentucky, 1,G50: Ver ginia, 740; Arizona, 2,460; New Mexico, 1,020; Texas, 112,900. Benjamin Hutchinson, “Old Hntch” as he is often called, the great Chicago wheat king, once worked in a country store at $ 20,00 per yenr, and could not read writ ing. He is now worth his millions and was the direct cause of the re¬ cent rise in flour. His profits in his last jwheat deal is variously es¬ timated from three to four and one half million dollors, a large part of which will come from the cotton belt of our country where people do not raise there own wheat. It appears from the report of the Comptroller General, that the taxa¬ ble property in our state has in¬ creased since 1879 $122,207,910. FrOlll rs. the report, it , also 8time ap nears that ibe colored citizens of the 1 been idle. . _ _ In I j State have not - s • the amount of property owned by them was $5,182,398; now it is $9,631,271. It will be seen that since 1879 their property has been nearly double in value. It appears from the report that the disabled ex¬ confederate soldiers in this state paid ... less than , tIUU eacil i mi are nually. The comptroller general thinks they ought to be paid at least $100 each, and he is right. He savs- “In a few years they will - , . all passed . and what . . have away, IS tO . i UB UUU Anne should be done at once. dollars to relieve their . A few 410W ©ressine r™ 8 wants will be worth more - . than thousands of dollars 111 llionu* menl 6 erected to their memory after * thev detld. , Jn . 1 c „„ the , total . art <m- ' amount paid them was $69,870: 1888 the total amount was Persons' who lead a life of posure are subject to and will i K Uralaia and lumbago find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment, it will banish pain and subdue in tiammation. Far better than the harsh treat¬ ment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chill* and Fever Cure, by mild yet affective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Sick headache, wind on the stom¬ ach,. biliousness, nausea, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr J. lb Mcldjan’s Little Liver and Kidney Fillets. 25c. a vial. Exposure to rough weather, get¬ ting wet, living in damp localities, are favorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. As a preventive, and for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble, use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. $ 1.00 per bottle. Children will freely take Dr. JL. 11. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm ; unlike cough syrups, it contains no opium, will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quick¬ er than any other remedy. There are many accidents and d Boases which affect Stock and cause serious inconvenience and loss to the fanner in his work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean’s Vol¬ canic Oil Liniment. Are you restless at night, and harassed by a bad couuh? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you sound sleep, and effect a prompt and radical cure. If you suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight weak and failing, you should promptly use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. Syrup of Figs Is nature’s own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known t» Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habit¬ ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Dr W. H. Lee & Son. The Delightful Liquid Laxative. Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable it and valuable family remedy, as is easily taken by old and young and is prompt and effective in cur ing Habitual Constipatation and the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Liver, and Bowels. It acts gently, strengthens the organs on which it acts, and awakens them to a healthy activity. For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee & Son. WIDOW’8 ALLOWANCE. The petition of Amanda Harris, col., widow of Wostley Harris, col., late of Rockdale coun¬ ty deceased Tor a year’s support for herself and seven minor children from the estate of her deceased husband, has been duly filed in the Ordinary’s office as the law directs and if no good and valid objections are tiled In my office by the 18th day of November 1888 an or¬ der will be passed Belting apart a year’s sup¬ port for the widow and her minor children us prayed for. This the 18th day of Oct. 1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary. WIDOW’S ALLOWANCE. The application ot Mrs. Amanda E. Shipley, widow of H, L. Shipley late of Rockdale coun¬ ty deceased for a year’s support for herself and her mi nor children from the estate of her deceased husband has been duly filed in the Ordinary’s office ns the law directs and if no objections are filed by the 18th day of Novem¬ ber 1888 the order will pass sotting apart a year’s support for the widow and her children as prayed for, This 10th day of Oct, 1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary, CITATION. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— To whom it may concern: Whereas Eli L. MeDaniell has in proper form made applica tlon to the court of Ordinary for permanent letters of administration Oil the estate of R J- Shipley, late of said county deceased, and I Will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November, 1888. Given under ray hand and official signature. This Oet. 1st 1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, uookdau couuty— To all whom it may concern: Whereas Jo¬ seph K. Wetherford, administrator of Francis M. Wetherford late of said county deceased. having in proper form applied to the court of Ordinary for leave to ssll the ten! belonging to the estate Of said deceased .'and said appli cation will bo heard.on the first Monday ill ^^ptl’^h 1888 , — “■ * ^ r ] iu aaT v ?L -- urrnntT'fi WIDOW o ALUin irTDiVlVt'F AMA The application of Mrs. Lauracy W etherfordi widow of F. M. Wetherford late of Rockdale county, decessed, fof avear's support for her. seIf alMl her m lno children from the estate of her deceased husband having been duly ed in the Ordinary's office as the law directs !lnd t*<ere be no objections tiled by the ISth day of November next an order will be passed s ,»tting apart a year’* support for the widow O. 'tAM.lSS, Ordinary. administrators sale. n.v virtue of an order from the coon of Or . (linaryol Rockdale county will be sold on the «r»t Tuesday in xrnmbcrW parceiof iandto .wi t : part ©not ifo. «a in i«h district of originally Henry now Rockdale county, known as the William Moore place-, containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less, and adjoining lands of Alex. Farmer, P, H. White and others, five miles from Con¬ yers and has on it one of the finest granite quarries in the state, about fifty acres being covered with a bald rock of the finest variety of granite. A. M. Helms, Adrnr of Wm. Moore, deceased. Oet. 2,1888. ADMINI8TATOR’S SALK. By virtue of an order from the court of Or¬ dinary of Rockdale cou nty will be sold on the first Tuesday in November 1888 at the court house door in said county between legal sale hours the following described real estate be¬ longing to the estate of N. W. Maddox deceas¬ ed to-wit: The place whereon said deceased resided at the time of his death, the same be¬ ing in the city of Conyers, lGth district of orig¬ inally Henry now Rockdale county, part of lot 290 bounded on the north by Ga, R. It,, east by lands of .1, H. Almand, sr., south by O. Seamans, west by Mai Maddox and others, containing twenty six acres more or less, well Improved. This tract of tend to be sold sub¬ ject to a collateral deed held by John H, Al raand to seenre the payment of a debt of six hundred and forty-four dollars, and tbe said John H. Almand agrees upon payment of his debt to make quit claim or such other titles, in addition to administrators deed® as may be necessary to the purchaser. Also at tbe same time and place parts of lots Nos. 238 and 211 in 16th district originally Henry now Rockdale county, known as the Zachry place, contain¬ ing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, adjoining lands on south by A. Whitaker, east by A. J. Smith, west by Josiah James and north by L. F. Scott. Also the east half lot No. 116 in 11th district of originally Henry now Rockdale county, containingonehundred one and one-quarter acres more or less and known as the W, L. Maddox place. Term* half cash with interest at 8 per cent on remainder, or all cash if desired by pur chaser. J. H. Almand, Adjnr N. W. Maddox, dec. Oct. 2. I8S8, LETTERS OF DISMISSION. STATE of Georgia, Rockdale county— Whereas T. J. Treadwell, guardian of Bulah Hill, having applied to the court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge from his guar ianship of Bulah Hill; this is therefore to cite hi l persons concerned to show cause why the said T. J. Treadwell shoulcC'not be dismissed from the guardianship of Bulah Hill and re¬ ceive the usual letters of dismission on the first Monday in January 1889. O. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, To all whom it may concern: Whereas B. F. Moon having in duo form applied to the court of Ordinary for letters of administration op the estate of Mrs, Charlotte A.' Moon, late of said city deceased, and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in November 1888.. Given under my hand'and official signature Sept. 30,1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE. Wo will sell at public outcry before the court house door in Conyers, Rockdale county,' at 11 o'clock a. in. on the first Tuesday in Novem¬ ber next two houses and lots in Conyers, one being the home and lot where Joel H, Gay re sided at his death, the other being that on the east side of above lot and bounded on its oast side by G, P. Elliott’s lot.. Said two lots being well improved, with good wells of water. Al¬ so one open lot in said town fronting on Cen¬ ter street, and bounded on the north-east by G, W. Cain lot and H. P. & D, M, Almand lot on south west. Also one hundred and seven¬ ty-two and one-half acres of land more or less. Same being parts of lots Nos, 2f« and 262 in the sixteenth district of said county. Same ad¬ joining lands of W. J. Vitehelland others, and lying some three miles north-west ot Conyers which lots or farm Is well improved,' with good dwelling and out houses, weil timbered; quantities of granite, ete. Said property sold by consent of legatees under the wiil of said Joel H. Gay as belonging to his estate for a division. Term, one-half of purchase price of each lot cash. The other half of same due November first 1889 with interest thereon from da,te at 8 per cent, and bonds for titles. This property may be bought at private sale before the above time, Hayden C. Gay, Rebecca E. Gay, Sept. 20, 1888, Executors. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, Rockdale eounty-By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of said county will be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers said county on the first Tuesday in November next be¬ tween the lawful hours of sale the following property to-wit: Fifty-nine and three-fourth <5044) acres of land being part of lot number two hundred and forty-two (242>»nd bounded on the north by Mrs. White, on the east by the place whereon John F. Harris now lives, on the south by the Reagin land and on the west by Gt anode land. Also, ninety-four acres fdl) being parts of lots Nos. 267 and 268, bounded ®n the north by Bentlv land, on the east by the dower of Mrs. S, E. Harris, on the south by one hundred and eleven (lll?i) acres being part of tot No. 208 now occupied by tenant of E. C. Grannde. on the west by Mrs. White laud, Uie Reagin tend and the fifty-nine and three fourth acres above described. Also Ill 1 , acres of tend being part of lot No. 288 bounded on the north by dower of Mrs. S. E. Harris, east by said dower and Almand land, south by Reagin, and Huff’s land and west by Rea gin land. Also one share of the capita! stock of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Com pany, as the property of the estate of E. D, Harris late of said county deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceused. Terms cash. Jamns C, Barton, John K. Harris, Administrators GUARDIAN’S SALE. By virtue of an onler of the court of Ordi nary of Rockdale county will be aoM at lie outcry before the court house in the city of Conyers, the first Tuesday in November, within the legal hours of sale the fob lowing propertyjto wit: Twentjfacres of land lying in the 11th distaiet of originally Hcnry now Rockdale county, part of Lot No. bound Oil the North and East by J. G. Mann, on the West by N. J. Bowen and on the North by John Crawley. Sold as the property of Robert E. Bolton and Carrie J, Carrie J. Bol ton. Sold for the purpose if making division with said Robert E. and Carrie J. Bobon wards. J, G/Mann. Guardian. Terms of sate cssh. J. G. Mann. Sept. 2T Suardian. We have recently increased our stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses and now have over $500 worth. We can suit any one both in quality and price. Our prices range from 25 cents per pair to $12 per pair. We have a large assort¬ ment of common glasses and peb ble glasses, Steel frames, brass frames, composi’ion frames, nickel frames, silver frames ami gold fra nies. Having recently purchased a fine optimotcr we are prepared to test the eyes and fit them properly with glasses. Call and examine our stock and prices. You will certainly be pleased. Dr. W. H. Lee & Son, MIXED PAINTS If you wish to paint your house, buggy, wagon or furniture you will save money by buying our ready Mixed Paints. These paints are ready for use and any one can apply them. We also keep a large stock of Whit“ Lead, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Dr. W. II. Lee & Son. Our Jewelry. We are Headquarters for nice re¬ liable Jewelry. Call and inspect our stock, prices low. Dr. W. H Lee & Son. GEORGIA RAILROAD Stone Mountain Route, Georgia Railroad Co..) Office. General Manager. I Augusta, Sept. 2g, 1888, COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O, inst, tbe following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 9°th meridian FAST LINE. no. 27 West daily. Lv Augusta 9-45 am | Lv Athens 8.30 am A-rConyers 11 57am | Ar Atlanto lOO pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 00 pm Ar (^Jonyers 340 P m I Ar Augusta 8.i5 pro NO 2 EAST DAILY NO 1 WE8T DAILY. Lv Atlanta B.Ooam | Lv Augnstai0.45an, Lv Conyers 9.19 am | Lv Macon 7.10 am Ar Athens 5.15 pm | Lx Mil d’vi o 19 am ArWa’sh’n 5 2O pm | LvVVash’n it.20am ArMild’ve 4.11 pm [ Lv Athens 85O am Ar Macon 6.00 pm j Ar Conjers 4.24 pm Ar Augusta 3 30 pm | Ar Atlanta 5.45 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 6.20 pm | Lv Cov’gt’n 5.40 am LxConvers 8.07 pm | Lv Conyers 6.12 am LvC’vt’n- 8.35 pm j Ar Atlanta 7-55 am NO- 4 EAST DAILY- NO, 3 EAST DAILY Lv Atlanta 1115 pm | Lv AugustaH.00 pm LvOony’rs 12.39am j Lv Conyers 5.07am Ar Augusta 6,45 am | Ar Atlanta 6 3O am Ly Union Point 545m | Arr Athens 94O m Lv Atnens 6 15 a in I Ar UuionPoint845m Daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and recieve passengers to and from the following stations only : Grove town, Harlem, Hearing Thomson, Norwood, Barnett Crawfordville Union Poii::. Greensboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Moun¬ tain and Decacui Train No. 1 connects for Train a’l points No. West and North West. 2 connects for Charleston and all points East No. 27, for all points for Charles¬ West and South West, No. 28 ton and Savannah. No. 3 for points West and North West. No 4 for Charleston, Savannah and all points East. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Manager. E. R. DORSEY, G’n. Puss Agent JOE W. WHITE Gen Tra Paea Agt map Commercial College LEXINGTON,KY. OF KY. UNIVERSITY, Ti l m ■IlHTHfii SE E - it *6 Location or Dbpartmints or Bndaeas Short-hand A- Writing, Telegraphy. Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. HIghe«t World’s Honor Exposition, and Gold Medal over Rook*keealn( all other Colleges, and at for 8T«wm of Geaeral Business Education 10,000 Graduates in Business. IS Tcschers employed. Cost of Full Business Getuwe. including Tuition, Sutionerr. and Board, about 090. Short-lland. Typo-Writing. A Telegraphy specialties. > uefttion. Enter Now. Graduates Guaranteed Succeaa. For circular* address Ephraim W. Smith. Principal, or Wilbur R. 8nith« Leiington, Ky. Mtntion this paper. Distinguished Business Educator Frof. Smith. Principal Col¬ of lect- the Commercial Ky. Vuiversfty, of Ky., Lexington. received the Gold with Medal his son, and Diploma of Honor at the World's Exposition for Sys¬ Z. general tem of Business Book-keeping Education. end lie can refer to 10.000 gradu S.-- ates-in business, besides Con gressmen. city, county and State officials. His College, ->0: >'/ W recognised jtiphest as the Cheapest. the of which Best, in Honored, col¬ Advertisement appears another umn, numbered last rear l.MAatudeats from 30 Stales, in the finsstress. Phtmoaraphic. Department's, rupe- U'rtl snp, f K **mnnship, and meirraphie pre- - paring to earn a living, and to hold nigh and hon¬ orable positions in the cosiness world For circular* ef ttd College, iJd.-vSjU llt>ur l».Siailh.L»Xiagtoo.Kj. Deductions! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT Fierce. Gain & Mnight I CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of l ow Dry-Goads Department . Our Is complete. We always keep a beautiful and well selected line of dress goods and notions. DON'T FORGET US SHOES! Our Shoe Department, and T s full and complete- We have the largest most attractive line of jents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don't fail to ee us and get our prices of shoes. UNRIVALED IN BEAUTY Our Clothing Department, of Is just beautiful, the most attractive line clothing you ever look¬ ed through. We are making a specialty of clothing this season. We have the latest styles and can give you any style and quality you may want and our price will certainly astonish you. OUR HAT STOCK! Amazes The Buyer. Don’t forget us on Iiats. We are the leaders in hats, and can fit you in size, style and price. We have a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can certainly get stated by looking at our stock. TO THE L ADIES is • Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles and something new. We have a big stock of ladies wraps and can giv? you any ltyle and price. I . LARGE STOCK Of Gents Furnshing Goods We have a beautiful and well selected stock of gents furnishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. r\ : . GROCERIES! 250 barrels of flour bought befoi e the rise. Call and see us, we will give you the advantage of rise in flour. Bran we keep a foil stock. Hay, oats, coan, etc. We eel! water ground meal er we will give one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. Come to see us befoie yon buy your groceries. Our Hardware Department We have every thing in this departm mi you may call for. Don’t stand hack but come and see ug before you buy. JEWELRY We make jewelry a specialty. We keep every thing that is kept in a jewelry store. We keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watches and nothing but what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices Pierc*, Cain <0* McKnight will guarantee every p ur of shoes sold for one dollar end a half to be worth two dollars. Don’t fail to examine our stock belore buying. 8,000 Dollars Of attractions unpresedented. Prices never hoard of in the history of the dry goods trade in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block before you buy. We Shingles have Here. sell on hand all the lime. The No. I shingles which we can you cheaper than von can buy them in any market. We also make Ladd’s lime commodity in our business. Pierce, Cain. M’Knight.