The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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ROCKDALE BANNER. SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR (in »Ar»nco)... 81 . 00 . W OR 0 Months...... 50 ct=. at Wie iony*!* Post Office i* sssoKfi cl*** -non Matter. *.4 v »t«« ■ — f a kaownon J*b Mom k Waatly •nd Promptly Eji«rcute<3. ■r f* own r «t - - Bualnnm JOHN 8 MADDOX Kditor. Mrs. Harrison, departing from the custom followed by Mrs. Cleve¬ land, refuses to allow her photo¬ graphs to lie sold. This is very modest and nice in Mrs. Harrison. Gen Gordon's inaugural address is attracting much attention from northern newspapers, and their comment ia unanimously favora¬ ble. It is not given to many south¬ ern men to lie popular and roapect ed both north and south as it is to our governor. *w.~ •' ra s sssnr; Now we may look for the passage of the dependent pension bill. The modest sum of $70,000,000, that is now being }*id to federal pensioned soldiers will be' increased in the next four years irom this sum to ♦200,(XX),000. It is theirs and full¬ ness of the earth, boeides—let them hare it. * * . Gen’J .Gordon recomrnonds the increase of pension for our wounded confederate veterans. That’s cor¬ rect; they fixed many of the - hoys in blue for elqw traveling, who are not getting royal boutics, from the governBient, and it does seem that w« should pay our war worn vete¬ rans liberally for doing such noble work. The convict, Oscar Carmichael, who killed W. J. Gresham near Griffin Friday, is reported to have been hilled at hit wifo’s house, near the line of Henry, Friday night *bv a posse that wei.t in pursuit. The sheriff came back to town, hut the poase Wwnt to his wife's house aid watched for him, and when he was teen- approaching he was firod on, "Cud according to reports was liter¬ ally riddled with bullets. The New York Herald hits the bull’s eye, so to apeak, when, in an¬ swer to the Jqueetion, “Is tariff ro fora to be given up now?” it says: “Why, no. Dr. Cleveland inocu¬ lated the patient and the virus ‘took’ powerfully. The doctor was din charged, to he sure, which was an sasy thing to do, but who can get .be viruj out of the system? It is bound to work and there ia no power this side of the blue sky that can stop it." The ‘‘campaign of nducaiion” will go right on with its good work. Look out for some¬ thing to happen in 1892. An exchange observing the times, person* and their ways gives this bit of cheerful news in a spi/it of good-hnmor: “It is not an uncom¬ mon thing for a newspaper sub¬ scriber to call around at the office and order it discontinued, because he’s offended at something he has read in its columns. All newspa¬ per# have such experiences, The wind which blows from one direc¬ tion to-day may come from another quarter to-morrow, and the experi- ] enced newspaper manager calmly , pursues the course which he believe- | i. right and aa tf, whether it plea,or everybody or not. In all probllbil UjCltc auiele which offettd. one subscriber will ploa 6 # a huudred or a thoesand and when one get-s an¬ gry enough to stop his paper twen¬ ty new subscribers are liable to take hi# place. The paper goes along on its useful mission, instruc¬ ting end pleasing thousands, while the hot-headed follow who ordered it stopped has the mortification of seeing that it flonrishes quite as well without bin patronage * and that ... the only real losor, because , De IS obliges himself to go without or to oorrOW it from Ills (letter tempered neighbor. Stopping one’s * DO nor ^ i<; ‘ ... taking , . , one S money out of a nmarvirnii* prosperous sannge carihs: Knob bank. Tl,„ The ,1. dc pOCltor Simply epites himself and loses the in tc est on his investment Mr., Cleveland shows no sign of undue disappointment over the re . suit Bun,oi of vue the election ejection. Now for the Figures. The report of State School Com missioner Hook, covering the edu cational operations of this state for i 887 and 1888 . shows ;hat the en rollment of pupils in the public schools for 1887 was 342,294, of which 208,865 were white and 133,- 429 were colored. This was an in¬ crease over the previous year of 22 570, but the average regular atten¬ dance showed a decrease of 117. The attendance of children and £2 per cent for the colored. The fund for tlio public school purposes is de rived from the following sources: Half rental of the state road, divi dends on Georgia rarlroad stock, taxon shows, liquor tax, hire of convicts, fees for inspecting lzers, and poll tax. The fund for 1,887 was $489,008.54. and it will be merenre,] ,,, tins . )«ar , by about , , » 2 o, 000 . 1 roin this, however, are to he _ ducted the expenses of printing, and the salaries of state and county commissioners, amounting to about $30,000. Dividing the fund for 1887 among those composing the school , , population, ... c«oh , child , , »» entitled to 82 ceuts ; dividing arnong the pupils enrolled, each was entitled to $1,35. An exchange asks: “What is home without a newspaper?” to which a brother editor replies “It D a place where old hats are stuffed into the window panes, where the children are like pigs, the house wife like an aboriginal savage, and the husband with a panorama of the Dismal Swamp painted on his shirt bosom with tobacco juice. LADD’ LIME. Positively the best lime on the mar ct can bu had cheap by calling on A. J. Pierce. Conyers Ga, Oct 12th. tf NOTICE. I will be in Conyers the first Sat urday in every month hJ atienta wishing to see me will mo at thft hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store' Dr. L. G. Bbantley DON’T FAIL TO SF.R T. J. KING'S Full lino of Homc-uiado Harness and Shoes of tho best Quality kept always oil hand. Will sell choHp for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Finn Boots and Shoos m«do to ordor nnd fit uruurtintood. All kinds of repairing dono neat¬ ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Komombcr that ire u*e th# celebrated liras* Screw*; will not rip—will not rust out your •hoes. COME TO SEE US AND BUY OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDERS T. J. King. Scott building, 1 door below Dr. Lee’s drug store. Conyers, Gn., Oct. 18th 18 8 . MEN and fering ness, and bility, Who all Debilitated are Nichtiy from the Seminal Weak. effects Nervous Emissions Nervous nnd of Weak¬ suf¬ ear¬ De¬ ly Evii Habits, which load to Premature Decay, ('onsumpi ion or Insanity, send for Pears' Treatise on Diseases of .Man, with part'euiars for Home Cure. Cures iruarariteed. No cure no pay. .1, S. Pears, 418 and (ill Church St„ Nashville, Tenn. WIDOW 8 ALLOWANCE. Vk* application of Lucinda Smith, oo!., wld ow of „ mrr * rajth . , ato of HocWdale <*>unty. n yoar** support for her «<?‘f r.nd ho r minor children from the estate of crd husbandhsvi,,,been duly tiled in the Ot dinary’s office ns the law directs and Ui»art a year’s support for the widow and her "JESS'S 3 SSSSa ISA M ANS, Ordinary. YEAR S.SUPPORT. The application of R L.- McDaniel the next friend of the minor children of tt. J Shiplev, la to of Rockdale county, dot-eased, fora year’s support from tho e*tata or said deceased has Usu duty Bits! in the Ordinurr’s office as the law directs and fl no objections arc filed by the 1st day of December next an order will be pas set] acttiiitf apart the year’s support for said minor children as prayed for. This 39th day of October 18.88. o. Sbamanb. Ordlnaav LAND NOTICE • By virtue of an order from the Superior court of llonr - v eouuty will be sold berore the ; court house iu cYmyot*. Rockdale oounty, on i the ar*t Tu-Wtlay In DeeciaUor 1888, the follow- 1 Inx tract or parcel of land J, lytutr Vowu in Cbnvers L 2 I and lwuu5od ttS fo!low< k 0. s. Diekerion property; Oil tho cast by Mil! | j ** OU the west by John W. Johnson, on: ; the north by College street and south Metho- i j S £!SZ£Z2£ theaetate. m, w. dmxbmo.n. Executor, conyer*. G a..Oct.,s»thU 88 . Persons who lead a life of ex¬ posure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will fini f „ valuable remedy in Dr. J. II. McLean’s V Icanie Oil it will bai i.-h pain and subdue in¬ flammation. Far better than the harsh treat ment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chill* and Fever Cure, by mild yet affective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Sick headache, wind on the stom by Dr. J • H. McLean r" ""f f Little t? n r^ Liver and Ki a. ney Fillets. 25a a vial, When nature falters and requires phel. recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. II. McLean’s ening Cordial and Blood $1.00 per bottle. ’ Exposure to rough weather, fret ting wet. living in damp localities, : ' re <*™rah 1 o to the contraction diseases of the kidneys ami bladder, A , „ pww>ti „. a „ r l f or , 1k . rnrn a }j Sidney and liver trouble, use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. ^ McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. <h ^ l )0r Children will freely take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm : unlike cough syrups, It contains no wi „ ,Uho and heal any disease of the throator lungs quick or than any other remedy. There are many accidentsand d senses which affect Stock and cause serious inconvenience and loss to the farmer in His work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of I)r. J. H. McLean's Voi oanic Oil Liniment. Are yoq restless at night, and harassed by a had couch? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you sound sleep, and effect a prompt and- radical cure. If you suffer pr'-cking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot hear bright light, and find your sight tveak and failing, you should promptly use Dr. .J. H. McLean’v Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box, ■ Syrup *>t FAffa Is nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Headaches, Bilious or Costive; to dispel Colds, and Fevers ; to Cure Habit¬ ual Constipatir n, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Mai” liCturcd only by the' California Fig Caj. Syrup Company. San Francisco, For sale by Dr W. II. Lee & Son. The Dellirhtful Liquid Laxative. Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable and valuable family remedy, as it is easily taken by old and young and is prompt and effective in cur¬ ing Habitual Chmstipatation and the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Livor, and Bowels. It acts gently, strengthens the organs on wdiich it acts, and awakens them to a healthy activity. For bale by Dr. W. II. Lee & Son. TTIDOW’9 ALLOWANCE. The petition of Amanda Hnrrts, col., widow of Weetlcy Harris, col.. Into of Rockdale coun¬ ty decensed for n year's support for herself and seven minor children from the estate of her deceased husband, has been duly filed in the Ordinary’s office as the law directs and if no (rood and valid objections are filed in my office by the IHth day of November 1888 an or¬ der will be passed setting apart a year’s sup¬ port for the widow and her minor child ran as prayed for. This tho 16th day of Oct. 1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary. W1 DOW’S A L LO'V A NCE. The application oi Mrs. Amanda E. Shipley, widow of 11. T,. Shipley late of Rockdale coun¬ ty deceased for a year's support, for herself and hcr minor children from tho estate of her deceased husband has been duly filed in the Ordinary's office as the law directs and If nr, objections are fiiert by the 18th day of Novern her 1883 the order will pass setting apart a year’s support for the widow and her children ns prayed for. This 16th day of Oct, 1888. O. Seamans, Ordinary, LETTKKS OF DISMISSION. ; STATE ol' Georgia, Rockdale county— Whereas T. J. Treadwel 1 . guardian of Huirth Hill, bavinir applied to the court (rom of Ordinary of said county for a dischaoro his yuur iausliip all of Hulah Hill; this show is therefore why to cite the persons eoneorned to pause raid T. J. Treadwell should not be dismissed from the gruardianshio of nalnh Hill and re¬ ceive the usual letters of dismission ou the first Monday iu January 1889. O.-Seam \ ns, 3m Onlmary. WI DOW S AU /1 iVANCE. T1u “ animation Of Mrs. Launicy Wotherfonl widow of F. M, Wetherford late of Rockdale deceased, fof a year’s support for her self tt,ul hcr ,n,nor ctu ’ ,r * fn troiu ,he MtaU ' of her dccc-asod husband having been dulyfii e -1 in the Ordinary's office as the law directs and there be no objections filed by the 18th day of November next an order will ho passed -uttinir apart a year’s support for the widow am! her minor children Ss praye-1 for. TWUwMtiiUayorocioucMaj Ot\liokiy. Lu.MBRR, LlME itUtl SHINGI ^8 — wanting either lumber, lime or shingles mil do well t c consn.t me before buying. A. J. L- ieuce. Conyers, Ga. Apri Cth ’SS. tf SPECTACLES! A Sf 'v tVe have recently increased our stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses and now have over $500 worth. We r suit . both , can any one in quality and price. Our prices ranee from 25 cents per pair to $12 * pair J . We have a large aseort ment , of - glasses , and 1 peb- , common p] e P ]asses. pteol frames, brass Zazz c ■ x« ljU * H r™ Jiailieb a u n ^ c uiu frames. Havihg recently purchased a hue optimeter we are prepared to test the eyes and fit them properly with ‘ j. Calf igs es . and examine our stock and }>t j e s you will certainly be ..... e . iS ecl Dp.. W. II. Lee tfe Sox, ♦ * MIXED PAINT’S , If vou wish to paint your house, biTggv, wagon or furniture you will save money by buying our ready Mixed Paints. 'These paints are ready for use and any one can apply them. We also keep a large stock of White Lead, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Dr. W. H. Lee & Sox. • - —* ■* • Our Jewelry. . We are Headquarters for nice re¬ liable Jewelry. Call and inspect our stock, prices low. Dk. W. H Lee <fc Sox. , GEDRSIA RAILROAD Sfone Mountain Konle, Georgia Railroad Co.; Y Office General Manager- . / Augusta, Sept. - 9 , 1888 , COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O, mirt, the following Passenger schedule will he operated. Trains run by 9°th meridian Fast LINE. NO. 27 5|,t DAILY. Lv Augusta 9-45 am t Lv Athens 8 . 30 am ArConyers 11. 57 am j Ar Atlanto lOO pu> HO. 2 # BAST DAILY. Lv Allaaka 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 00 pm Ar Conyers 340 pm | Ar Augusta* i5 pu> SO 3 SAhT DAILY NO I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8-0o am | Lv Augusta 10 . 45 am Lv Conyers 9 19 am | Lv Macon 7.10 aco Ar Athens ft. 15 pm 1 Lv Mil d’vi o 19 am ArWa’sh’n 5 J0 pm | LvWash’n 11.20 am ArMild’ve 4 .U pm j Lv Athens 85 O am 1 r Macon 6.00 pm j Ar Conyers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 30 pm | Ai Atlanta 5 48 pi* COVIHGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta H 2© pm | Lv Cov’gt’n 5 .49 am LvConyers 8.07 pm | L» Conyers 6 12 am LvC vt’ng 8.35 pm | Ar Atlanta 7■ft' 1 am NO. 4 EAST DAILY' NO, 3 EAST DAILY Lv Atianta 1115 pm | Lv AugustaH.00 pns LvCony’rs 12 . 39am | Lv Conyers 5 07am Ar Augusta 6.4.5 am j Ar Atlanta 6 3C arc Ly Union Point 546m | Arr Athens 94O ia Lv Atneu* 6 1 $ • m 1 Ar Union PointS45iu Daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and recievo passengers to and from the following stations only .- Grove town, ITarlera Dearing Thomson, Noiwood, 13 rnett Crawfordvillt Union Point. Greensboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington. Conyers, Lithonia, ^tone Moun¬ tain and Decacui Train No. 1 coimec.fs for all poims West and North West. Train No. 2 connects for C harkston and all points Ea t No. 27, for all points West and S ,utli Wes:, No. 28 for Charles¬ ton and Savannah. No. 3 for points for West and North West. No 4 Charleston, Savannah and all points East. JOHN W. GREEN. Gen. Manager. E. R. DORSEY, G’n. Pa-s Agent OE W. vfHITE Gen Tra Pass Ag. '-J Commercial College J O* BuelnfM, Short-Iiand i Tjpo-WriUne. Tcl^rtpkjr. Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. Hlfheftt Honor and Gold Medal over all other Collage#, at Worlds Exposition, for System of Book-keeping and General 11 utines* Education. 10,000 Graduatea in Hnalnoaa. 18 Teacher* employed. Coat of Full Bnalneoo ('oarer, including Tuition. Stationerv. and Board, about $90# >'o Phort-Hand, Vaeatlon. Tvpe-Writing;. Kntai Now. Graduates A Telegraphy Guaranteed spooialUaa. Sueces*. For circular* addreee Epkralm W. 8 mitb. Principal, ar WtXbar It Smith, Lexingtei, Ky. Mention this paper. istineui C3U ' of Prof. tho Smith. Commercial Principal Col* leffo Lexinston. of Ky. Ccircrsity, Ivv., with his son, received liie tJol d Medal and Diploma of Honor at the World’s .Exposition for Sys¬ tem of Book-keeping and general Business Education. Jie can refer to 10,000 gradu fties in business, besides Con pressmen, city, county and * S^tate officials. Hia College, ? .* recognised 1-rst, Highest as Honored the Cheapest Irhe , of . *-1vprti8Pmptit last which appears in another col¬ umn, Dunihcred year 1.001) students from 30 State-, in the Ihisinrst, J’honc<'r<a>hic. Tupe-Writ Oh?. JVanmuA ip, and Telepraphir ru/mrtmeiits, pra parlrnr to earn aJiviny, and to hold bi*ha»d hon orable positions in the business world For rirralars Of tti. C«u»sr, Ukar U.«Hith.L«xiai'.oo.Ws Big Deductions! IN AIL DEPARTMENTS AT erce. Cain & McKnight I CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of ] ow Our Dry-Goods Department Is complete. We always keep a beautiful and well selected line of dress goods and notions. DOST FORGET US ON SHOES! Our Shoe. Department, ' aid complete. We have the largest and most.attractive line of tents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t fail to ee us and get our prices of shoes. UNRIVALED IN BEAUTY Our Clothing tfeti Department, Is just beautiful, most attractive line of clothing you ever look¬ ed through. We are mating a Specially of clothing this season. We e the latest styles fthfrjcan give you any style and quality you may nt and our pneo will certainly astonish you. 01® HAT STOCK! ■*: Amazes The Buyer. Don’t forget us on hats. We are the leaders in hats, and Man fit you in siie, style and price. We Tiara a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can certainly get suited by looking at our stock. TO THE B ABIES v* e Graud opening of Fall and Winter wraps, khe latest styles and something new. We hare a big stock of ladies wraps and can give you any rtyle and pries. * ' LARGE STOCK Of Gents Furnshing; Goods Me have a beautifi] r-nd well selected stock of gents famishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. GROCERIES! 250 barrels of flour bought hefoie the rise. Call and see ug, we will give you the advantage f rise in flour. Bran we keep a full stock. Hay, oats, eo*n, etc. We sell wet** - ground meal «r we will give one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. Come to see us before you bur your groceries. Our Hardware Department We have every tiling in this department you may call for. Den’t stand back but come and see us before you buy. JEWELRY We make jewelry a specialty. We keep every thing that is kept in a jewelry stone. We keep a good line of gtnts and ladies gold watches find nothing but what We can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices Gere*, Cain (V McKnight will guarantee every pair of shoes 8 'dd f° r one dollar and a half to be worth two dollars. Don’t fail to examine our stock betore buying. 8,000 Dollars Of attractions unpresedented. Prices never heard of in the history of the dry goods trade in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block before you buy. Shingles have Here. sell We on hand all the lime. The No. 1 shingles which we can yon cheaper than you can buy them in any market. We also make Ladd’s lime commodity in our bupiness. Pierce, Cain. M’Knigbt 1