The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 11, 1888, Image 2

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ROCKDALE BANNER. SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR tin *dvmnc« ...... * for 6 Mont hs..... ...........50 ct‘. Entered at the Conyers Port Office as second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand' Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. .Jlfc._— T. D. O KELLEV - - • - Bosinew Man ager JOHN K. MADDOX - - - • Editor The maimed soldiers of Georgia will receive their annual state ^ n * sions after January. Fifty gallons a week is the whis kv drinking capacity of one town in Oglethorpe, so ’tis said. Rial estate seems to have a strong upward tendency in every part of the state. The largest expenses of married life are frequently caused by the little ones. Belva Lockwood says that women are improving intellectually 13 per cent faster than men. The Ammcus Republican thus snms up our recent national defeat in rhyme: “The vote lc cast, all hope is passed; And votes, by close comparison, Now clearly shows that tbc country goes To Morton, Hell and Harrison.” What we call curiosity and in¬ quisitiveness in other people seem in ourselves only a laudable thirst for useful information. It is said that Gen. Longstreot’s visit to Gen. Harrifton has a politi¬ cal significance after all. Gen. Longstreet is charged with wanting to go into the cabinet as Secretary of the Interior. Isn’t he aiming a little high? A. E. McDonald, a merchant of Covington, has failed. His liabil¬ ities are supposed to be $ 0,000 or $8,000, and his assets $4,000 or $5,000. A mortgage for $2,000 was levied on his stock of goods Friday. A I>exington gentleman is work¬ ing upon a scheme to establish a eo-ojierative bagging 1'aeton in Lex¬ ington, or some other convenient point in Oglethorpe county. He proposes that the Farmers’ Alli¬ ance take the enterprise in hand. It is said that Senator Sherman proposes to play the statesman in¬ stead of the demagogue at this ses¬ sion of congress. lie gave some intimations at the last session of such a purpose. The country will be interested in the experiment. “Old Hutch,” the Chiaago wheat gambler, w hose speculations did so much to increase the price of bread a few weeks ago, has suffered toj the extent of a good many thou¬ sand dollars at the hands of two of his confidential clerks. He ought not to feel out of sorts because he is the victim of his own example. A petition is being circulated through DeKalb county in opposi¬ tion to the proposed bill to author¬ ize the county commissioners to issue $50,000 bonds for the im¬ provement of public roads, and will no doubt be signed by a ma¬ jority of the taxpayers of the coun¬ ty, if it can reach them in time. Three of the members of the board of commissioners are in favor, while two oppose, and if the bill should pass, it is hoped that a clause will he adder! allowing the people to ratify it Thousands of men breathe, nide and live and puss off the stage O'* life, and are heard of no more, Wiiy? None were blessed by them ; none eould point to them ns the means of their redemption; not a *•’ wm 'ir‘ i ,or :l " >,y tT coil'd lie recalled ami so they peushed; tlieir ... light went out Ml ... darkuesa. and , thev were not remembered more than the insert* of yesterday. Will you live tha J and die? Oman immortal, live for Something. Do good and leave behind you a mo of virtue that the storm Of time cannot d.stroy Write jour name of kindtie-a, love and mercy, on the hearts of thonaand* you come in contact with year by yeai, and you will never be forgotten. No. your uatue, yoer deeds, will be as stars on the brow of , ___ evening. n Go-hI v .,,1 a d* cis ,..i„ „.;n w ill i • as brightly Oil the earth as tiie stars of heaven. —Dr. Chalmers. The loot hn> has cltMlnrt y laid , • , down , the line* of the movement for tariff re form. There will be “no cessation of the etrujgle’’ antil it shall ei>d in o re . Liciug ihe «x»«t to con^ntuers of the "tcuyosaries of life.” Here is a queer story of wife-trad. imr in IVaghington coantv : It ' sccms that . two . marned -i were living only a short distance a p ar t ? and by neighborly intercourse each man became enamo ed of the other’s wife, while the ladies soon learned to love the other’s husband beem, from their first L,ve. When matters tiok on this .-cape it cam - 1 to be noticea- 1 1 ’ by all con e nod, and many evenings passed while each husband was at the other's house pouring out his tale oflove and fidelity into th « wi ]H ng ears of the listeners Finallv, one of the husbands, a lit tie bolder than the other, proposed an exchange. This was met with gladness by nil thefparties interest ed. and the proposing party consent ed to the trade on condition that the other would allow him $5 in cash and seven bushels of Quaker peas. This was readily consented to and the trade was made, each wife going to the other’s home, carrying with hpr the children, and are now living in the sweetest do¬ mestic felicity. They will try to have the courts make the trade le¬ gal. There is a woman living in Hart county who has six breasts, all of which have afforded life-giving fluid to her children. She has two daugiiters each of whom have four breasts. Three women with four teen breasts is a novelty that few counties can boast of. Let the four legged chickens take the back seat. Professor C. B. Lallntte, of Gainesville, has been elected presi¬ dent of the Douglasville college. DON’T FAIL TO SEE T. J. KING'S Full line of Home-made Harness and Shoes of the best Quality kept always on hand Will sell cheap for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Fine Doot 9 find Shoes made to order and at guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done neat- ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Remember that we use tbo celebrated Brass Screws; will not rip—will not rust out your shoes. COME TO SEE U3 AND BUY OUIl GOODS OK LEAVE YOUR ORDERS T. J.King. Seott building. 1 door below Dr Lee’s drug store. Conyers, Ga., Oct. ISth 18 8. Who are Weak. Nervous ami Debilitated and suf¬ fering from Nervous Do Uiity, Seminal Weak¬ ness, Nightly Emissions and all the effects of ear¬ ly Evil Habits, which lead to Premature Decay. Consumption or Disunity, Man, send for Pears' Tn at'so on Diseases of with part radars for Home Cure, cures irtiarontood. No cure no pay. J. s. Pears, GW and 6 U Church St., Nashville, Tenn. LETTERS OP DISMISSION. GEGROfA, Rockdale county— Whereas Isum J. Bond as administrator of Rebecca A. Whitlow, deceased, has filed his petition with me In which he claims that he has fully discharged all the duties as such ad ministnUornnd prays to be discharged from his said trust. This is tnerefore to cite and require ail persons concerned to show cause against the granting said discharge of said administrator on the first Monday in March 18*». This December 3rd 1838. O. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. LETTERS OFD 1 SM 18 LION. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— Whereas H- C, Gay and Rebecca E. Gay as executors of Joe! H. Gay, deceased, have filed their petition with me and In my office in which they show that they have fully dis¬ charged all of their duties as such represen tives and pray their discharge from said trust. This is tberclore to cite and require ail persons concerned to show cause against the granting the discharge of said executors on th *' fl,st Monday m March im This December 3rd IS??. O. Sbamass, Sui Ordinary. YE \ R s SUPPORT. t "" *"«•*<“«*■ ■- «>- »«< rriend of tie minorchldren of K. J. Shipley, 3 * late , of Rockdale county, deceased, fora year's i D^‘ H ‘, rt 'j 1 ®*^ ta .l e ,*![, M1 '. 1 d air'filed ^ , ‘ RSld h:,s ; Uw (lirocts an . !lf oUJecUons by the 1st day of December next an order will le pas>M setting apart the year’s support for f for. This 33th day of October Ordinany. LAND NOTICE. By virtue of an order from the co ’-- rt of Henry county will be soid before the court house in Conyers, Rockdale county, on llu . , n lK ^. nbor u,,, tollosv . ing tractor parcel or land lying in Conyers. and bounled as follows and known as the 0. M. Dickerson projierty; On the east by Mili strect , u „, howsl b> - John v .', Johnson, on the north by College street and south Merho dist parsonage, property of Floyd Christian »nd others. Sold to settle the indebtedness of the estate. M, W. Diokkkscn. Executor. Conyers, gs. Oct-, S9th If??, Persons who load a life of. ex j posure afe «nhj**p.t to rheumatism, t nearalgia Valuable anu lumongo and win 1 find a remedy in Dr. J. H. j McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment; it will bai.ish pain and subdue in j flammation. Far better than the harsh treat ment of medicines which horribly e Dr!°J. Blomach. ». : McLean’s Chill* and Fever Cure, by mild vet affective action will cure, Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Sick headache, wind on the stom ach, biliousness. agreeably nausea, banished are promptly and by Dr..I II. McLean s Little and kidney Fdiets. 2oc. a vial. ^ hen na tl \ re fliers and requires *vUll‘rir'/j*/!T.‘"klV-T^nr^TtSb- . . ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. $ 1.00 per bottle, Exposure to rough weather, get¬ ting wit, living in damp localities, are favorable to tLie contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. As a preventive, and for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble, use that valuable remedy, I)r. ,J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. $ 1.00 per bottle. Children will freely take Dr. J. H. Me Lean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm ; unlike cough syrups, it contains no opium, will soothe and lieal any disease of the throat or lungs quick¬ er than any other remedy. There are many accidents and dseases which affect Stock and cause serious inconvenience and loss to the farmer in his work, which rnav be quickly remedied bv the use of Dr J. II. McLean's Vol¬ canic Oil Liniment. Are you restless at night, and harassed by a bad couah? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm, it will secure you sound sleep, and eflect a prompt and radical cure. Ifyou suffer pricking pains bear on moving the eyes, or cannot sight bright light, and find your weak and failing, you should promptly use Dr. J. H. McLean’* Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. Syrup of Figs Is nature’s own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers ; to Cure Habit¬ ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Dr W. II. Lee & Son. The Delightful Liquid Laxative Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable and valuable family remedy, as it is easily taken by old and young and is prompt and effective in cur ing Habitual Constipatation and the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Liver, and Bowels It acts gently, strengthens the organs on which it acts, and awakens them to a healthy activity. For sale by Dr. \V. II. Lee & Son. NOTICkT I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬ urday iit every month, patients wishing to see me will find me at the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store' Dr. L. G. Brantley LETTERS OF DISMISSION. STATB of Georgia, Rockdale count.}-— Whereas T. J. Treadwell, guardian of Bulah Hill, having applied to the court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge from his guar iansbfp of Bulah Hill: this is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause why the raid T. J. Treadwell should not be dismissed from the guurdinnshio of Bulah Hdl and re¬ ceive the usual letters of dismission on the first Monday in January 188b. O. Sea mans, 3 m Ordinary. WI DOWS ALLO iV A X < -’E. The apptieat ion o f Mi-s. Lauracy Wetherfcrd, widow of F. M, Wetherfcrd late of Rockdale county, deccas td, fof aycur s support for her self and her minor children from the estate of her deceased husband having been duly fil¬ ed in the Ordinary's office us the law directs and there be no objections filed by the 18th day of November next an order -.rill be passed setting apart a year's support for the widow and her minor children ns prayed for. This the 16th day of October is* 8 . O. <EAMANS, Ordinary. LET US R$ OF ADMINISTRATION. V. : ' »» „ form applied to the court „ of Ordinaiy of said ( . |)unty for p0l . mwwiit otters of ad mi ate tra do bonis the estate of F. M. Wetl- : tion non on ^"^y JanuJynext onoS-f™ thX’t' I m whv ai JamesS Wetl, erfonl sh:niill no , lipp n ted administm-' t „ rde bonis non on the estate ot said deccas This Nov. *5th Li 8 S. O, Seamans, Ordinary. WI DOW s A LLa IWANCE. The application of Lucinda Smith, col., wid ow of Henry Smith, col., late of Rockdale oeccascl, for a year's support for n. , self and her minor children from the estafeof her deceased husband having been duly tiled in the Ordinary’s office as the law directs and if there benoobjootions Sied by thetKth day of November next an order will be passed setting apart a year's support for the widow and her minor children as prayed for. Tins stth day of October 188S. OJSkamans, OrJir.ary. g P f* Q g £ 0 L H S I m 3 h. ^5 it e have recently increased our stock of Spectacles and Eye (jj a g geg ant [ n0 , v have over $500 ^ ojm suit anv one both in quality and price. Our price* range from 25 cents per pair to $12 per pair. We have a large assort ment of common glasses and peb We Steel frames, brass .composition fra.mes, nh kel ’ ’ tne « an( ] co j t j fra mes. Having recently purchase ! a fine optimeter we are prepared to test the eyes and fit them properly with glasses. Call and examine our stock and pri e s You will certainly be pleased. Dr. W. H. Lee & Sox. MIXED PAINTS If you wish to paint your house, buggy, wagon or furniture you will save money by buying our ready Mixed Paints. There paints are ready' for use and any one can apply them. We also keep a large stock of White Lead, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Dr. W. If. Lee & Sox. -—-«■» Our Jewelry. We are Headquarters for nice re¬ liable Jewelry. Call and inspect our stock, prices low. I)k. W. If. Lee & Sox, GEORGIA RAILRQAB Stone xMouatain Route, Georgia Baii.road Co.. 1 Office General Manager, f Augusta, Sept. 29 , 1888 , COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O, insl, the following Passenger schedule w ill he operated. Trains run by 90th meridian F a S T L I N E. no. 27 *' EbT BAILY. Lv Augusta 9 45 am | Lv Athens 8.30 am ArOoiiyers 11 57am | Ar Atianto i 00 pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 00 pm Ar Confers 34O pm | Ar Augusta 8 10 pm NO 2 E AST DAILY NO 1 WEST paily. Lv Atlanta IS.Co am | Lv Augusta 10.45am Lv Conyers 9.19 am | Lv Macon 7.10 an ir Athens 5.15 pm 1 Lv Mil d’v. o 19 am ArWa’sh’n 5 2O pm j LvWash’11 il.2onm ArMiKl’ve 4 n pm f Lv Athens S5O am 'r Macon 000 pm j Ar Comers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 30 pm j Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlmiia O .20 pm | Lv Cov’gt’n 6.13 5 4O an LvConyers 8 07 pm I Lv Conyers am LvC vt ’115 S 35 pm | Ar Atlanta f. 5 n am NO. 4 EAST DAILY' ,vn, 3 EAST daily Lv Atlanta 1115 pm j Lv Loo pm LvCony’rs 12 39am j Lv Conyers 007am Ar Augusta 6.4') ,im | Ar Atlanta 6 3U am Ly Union P'-unt 540m | Arr Athens 94O m Lv At iens 0.15am | Ar Union Poin 1845m Daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and recieve passenger? to and from the following stations only ; Grove town, Harlem Hearing Thomson, Norwood, B rnett Crawfordville Union Poin:. Greensboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, ■‘'tone Moun¬ tain and Occam t Train No. 1 eo.joeels fy a’l poin’s West and North West. Train N<>. 2 connects for C hurleston and all points Fa t No. 27, for all points Vest uni S,.utli Wes', No. 28 for Charles¬ ton and Savannah. No. S for points West and North West. No* 4 for Charles! on, Savannah and all points East. JOHN W GREEN. Gc-n. Manager. E. R DORSEY, GO. 10-8 Agent OE W. - ITITE Gen Tra Pass Ag. Commercial Coilsgs LEX! OF KY. NC UNIVERSITY, TON, KY. im '.f -c:: [OBKTOW] i«ni i Locino* or Dw*jrr*K<T. o» Baring Short-hand A- Type- Writing, Telegraphy. Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. ”fSXSSfW gSS oTIt^^STJS Sh^^afTy^rtO^ Teki^*5?S5S2: Wilbur K. Smith, Lexlnston, Ky. Jlention tilt pqftr. Distinguished Prof, Business Smith, Educator Principal of the Commercial Col¬ lege of Ky. I Diversity* Le.Yintfton. Kt„ nritb bis son. received theiiold Medal ■ and Diploma of Honor at the World s Kxposition for Sys tern of Book-keeping and general Business Education, Kj SjgfljpsT^ ties li caa in business, to 10-000 besides gradu- Con * y city, county and prossmen, officials. His CoUefe, State J sip / recocnixed * '• 't, Jliahr as st Honored, the Cheapest, the advertisement of wM a appear^ In another col nmn, numbered last ; oar 3.000 b^rdents from 30 States, in the jfctine-x*. jPhonoarxtphie. Tupe-Writ tne. /v»imor>w/»i/>.and Teiep r apftie hold Departments, hifrh pro orablepc? paring to earn 'ons a in living, the business and to world and hon For circular* Of thin Q#L "j, adcUvts >V tlbur UUmlth, Lexiagtcc , Xy, Big Deductions! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT ierce, Gain & McKnight I CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of low. Our Dry-Goods beautiful Department Is complete. We always keep a and well selected line f dress goods and notions. 0 DON'T FORGET US 01 SHOES! Our Shoe Department, ~ n (1 <( rrplefc. We have the largest and most attractive line of .{mis and l adies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t fail to ee us and get our prices of shoes. USE! FALED IN BEAUTY Our Clothing Department, Is just beautiful, the most attractive line of clotlwng you ever look¬ ed through. We are making a specialty of c lot hing this season. We e the latest styles and can give you any style and quality you may nt and our price will certainly astonish you. OUR HAT STOCK! Amazes The Buyer. Don’t forget, ns on hats. Wu are the leaders in hats, and <ctn fit you in size, style and price. We have a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can certainly get suited by looking at our stock. TO THE J Li ikJ,’ 7? IES K9 a Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles and something new. We imve a big stock of ladies wraps and cau give you any rtvle and price. LARGE STOCK Of Gents Punishing- Goods We have a beautiful and well selected stoek of gents furnishing goods, ('unit to see us at Hotel block. 1 v i±t K 250 barrels of Hour bought befoie the rise. Call and see us, we will grve you the advantage f rise in Hour. Bran wy keep a full stock. Hay, oats, coan, etc. We sell water ground meal er we will give one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. Come to see us befoie yea buy your groceries. ur Hardware Department We have every thing in this department you may call for. Don't . stand bac k but come and see us before you buy. JEWELRY Wo make jewelry a specialty. We keep every tiling tliat. is kept in s jewelry store. We keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watches and nothing but what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices Pierc. Gain A- McKnight will guarantee every pair of shoes 8 ° Iti for , |jt one dollar and a half to he worth two dolhtis. Don’t fail to tx; “" our stock belore buying. 8,000 Dollars Of attractions unprecedented. Prices never heard of block in before of the dry goods trade in Conyers. Visit the Hotel buy. all the The No. shingles wh h ", r r ' p ]Ji We have on hand lime. 1 nia te roll cheaper than von can buy them in any market. Meal ? 0 Ladd’s lime commodity in our business. Pierce, lain. M’Kiigkt S