The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 11, 1888, Image 4

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fMcR'CAlE' "EAN NER 4 SFBSCKIPTION; PER YEAR tin advance*... St.OO. FOR 6 Months............ 50 cts. Entered at the Conyers Po«t “ e#cond c " ss m *" “ Advertising rates made known on Demand* Job Work Neatly -nd Promptly Executed. Dr. Frank McCalla will not move to Covington from Monroe until after Christmas. Cel. J. A. Stewart, son of Hon. John D. Stewart, was elected may or of Gridin last Tuesday. lie tol^.vri-bright onlv 9 2 vear« old hut is reported young man. Senator Ingalls has been expres sing some views on the so-called southern question. He docsn know what to do with the negro In that cape, he might let him alone, A man last week sat up in coffin and took charge of his own funeral, ordering the same to be indefinitely postponed. All sur¬ prise vanishes when it is that he was an Ohio man. There is an immense difference between knowing a man and know ing about a man, and there is same difference between knowing a thing and knowing about n thing. It is this latter kind of knowledge with which the young and the old of this generation are, to a large extent, supplied. Rev. E. R. Carswell has moved from Eiberton to Atlanta, and his residence is at276 Whitehall street; but his office is at 32 N. Alabama street, which be desires to be known as his address in future. His* pub¬ lication, The Baptist Expositor, has also been moved to Atlanta, the November issue of which is 10 000 copies. He will engage in gen¬ eral evangelistic work in the State. The necessity for first-class school accomodations is shown in the forthcoming report of the United Stales commissioner of education Some thorough examinations of the eye of pupils in various schools have been made, and here is one of the results : Five per cent, of near¬ sighted children were found in an old, badly illuminated and ventila¬ ted school building, and only 28 percent, iu a new and well a ranged house. This is a discovery of which school authorities every¬ where should tako advantage. The law governing the meeting of president ill electors was ap¬ proved February 3,1837. The date of their meeting is now the first Wednesday in January, The change was made in order that there might he plenty of time, be¬ tween the election and the meeting of electors, to make the official can¬ vass. Of course Gen. Longstrert did not go to see Gen. Harrison about an office, hut nevertheless he prob¬ ably vvouid he glad to have the President-elect remember the visit in a practical way. And, somehow t>r other, there are a great many people in Georgia who, while de¬ ploring his politics, hope the old general will get a big, juicy lump. President Cleveland, like our¬ selves in one particular at least, will eat his Christmas turkey if he wants to. _ W e Will, provided . , . nl- , ways.onr finances will will JUSlliy iustifv such SUCH lUXtineS. From every J body’s - note hook:! >V« are growing older. But the question to us all is, are we also growing better? Jt is the part of tho critic to crii-ise, but it is the privilege of the criticised to be profited thereby. A critic . fliend , Of a says Gen, Harrison lias a big head and a silent mouth. , And , , another , . one m a critical turn says the republican party has both the big head ami big mouth. The presence of Rev. G. B. Jer. D. I),, in Athens has attracted eonsidera • ,, notice .. the - among Stu dents, largely from the fact that he was tbe firrt choice of lhe Trustees the Chance (lotah ip. Tl ose who hearil his sermon a* the Biptist church SuBiiay pronounce il one of the ablest ever heard iu Athens. Subscribe now fur the Baxxer, It will do you good i The F- F. Plow. We have just receiver! a large lot of the celebrated F. F. one and two horse plow-stocks. We think they are the best plow on the market The main expense of this class of «*>« - •««*. etc. with these, the extras, cost very lit points only to ctB. We guarantee them to tnrn as well or better than any stock ,n the market. Ih f v &re f H- D Tep.kell & Co. A nice 3 room dwelling, good water and 3 acres of land for sale Call at this office. ► *mi LOOK HERE? People Wishing anything in tlie Granite line will do well to address or aril on O. '.V. EJ,tarda & Co. Comet?, Rockdale county, Ga. Physicians prescribe Dr. J. II. McLeans Tar \\ ineLung Balm ; in it they find no trace of opium or , Hr o«t Vu iig 5 diseases - : u OI pA ? K.'™h!>rn* ’ ^ ’ °* TO BENT. One large store-room undei Ma t onic . „ a 3n . , . . or ll,r ‘ ier information appi v at the Bax KRoftc e - __ Lumber, Lime and Parties wanting either lumber, lime or shingles will do well to consult me before buying. A. J. Pierce. Conyers, Ga . April Gth ’88. tf LADD’ JLIM2* Positively n the best lime on the . et can be had cheap by calling on A. J. Iierce. Conyers Ga, Oct 12th. tf DON’T FAIL TO SEE T. J. KING'S Full line of Homo-inade Harness and Shoes of tl»e Best Quality kept always on hand Will sell cheap for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Fine Boots and Shoes m»de to order and fit guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done neat-’ ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Remember that we use the celebrated Brass Screws; will not rip—will not rust out your shoes. COM# TO SEE US AND BUY OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUIt ORDERS T. J. Kixo. Scott building. 1 door below Dr Lee's drug store. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 18th 18 8. -T" Who lire Weak, Nervous I ^ and Debilitated and suf foriny front Nervous l)e * Ulity . Seminal Wenk ¥ ness, Nhrhtlv F.inissiong. ^_____________ i- and nil the effects ot ear¬ ly Kvil Habits, which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption or I nsanity, Mail, send for IVars' Treatise on Diseases o! with part eulars for Home Cnro. Cu-es iruarauteed. No cure no pay. J. 8 . Pears. 81:! and fill Church St., Nashville, Tenn. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GKO ROIa, Rockdale county— V. horcas Dam J. Bond as administrator of Rebecca A. Whitlow, deceased, has filed his petition with me In which he claims that he has fully discharged nl! the duties as such ad¬ ministrator and prays to lie discharged from his said trust. This is tnerofore to cite and reqnire ail persons concerned to Show cause against the jrrantinfr said discharge of said administrator on the first Monday In March I8W». This Decern tier drd 1888, 0. Seam ins'. 3m Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GKOJtGIA. Rockdale county YVhercaa 1[. C. Gay oad Rebecca E. Gay 08 executors of Joel 11. Gay, deceased, have filed the; r petition with me end in mv office in which they show that they have fully cha W .,l «u Of their duties us * uc h represea ttrei and pray their discharge from said (rusU Thisis thttrt , lorc to cite ttnd ruquir( . | all „ argons concerned to show cause against ,ho ^«he discharge of said executors on the first Monday in March 1S88. This December 3rd is-s. O. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. yearssuppop.t. j The application of.E. I„ McDaniel tho next I friend of the mlmy children of It. J. Shipley, i late of Rockdale deceased, ! county, fora year’s i support from the estate of said itecoased has been duly filed in the Ordinary's o£ice as the j directs and if no objections are fiicl by ! the 1st day of December next an order will tie i pass*--! settinir apart tlie year's support for ! <“f nor children asprayi-i tor. I This 28th day of October 1888. j O. Skam axs, Ordituuty. LAND NOTICE. ny v!rt ' IP of an or<i ' >r from thf ^povtor court of Hmrj- countj will be i<afcl before the oourx house )ij foyers, iieoktlatc county, lhe flr?l Tuesday in December 18K8, the follow ln V^ t °Lr Wl .*?J a,rf ,y lR<r "* Conjrere ’ an l tw.un led as .oilows ami , known as the C. M. Dickerson property; On the east by Mill str t, on the west by John W. Johnson, cn ***** BOf *® hy Coliege sti-eet and south Metho ilist parsonaire, property of Floyd Christian and others. Sokl to settle tbe iudebteilno^s of the estate. M, W. PlCKKH^ON. Executor, Cuttyers, on.. Oct., - th ItjSS. Persons wno ie id a 1* fe of ex posure are subject to rheumatism, ! e urai'j:i am j ],. *«* o and will - find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. ^ ^an , XYIcanie Oil Linhuer- : ”*. 1 ^ * r *” n? .:, . . er j p<r , ljie p3t j ent an <] J^troy the { : oat ing of the stomach. Dr. J II. « eLean ^ Chill . an ,j Fever Cure, h - mild vet nftectivc action wiU cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Sick headache, wind on the storn biliousness. nausea. are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr.-J. H. McLean's Little Liver Kidney Fillets. 2oc. a vial, When nature falters and requires pie). recruit her enfeel led energies with Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength Cordl.j^nri Blood Purifier Exposure to rough weather, get ting-wet. living in damp localities. are favorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. £ Sl'lnd valuable remedy. I)r. J. II. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm, *1.00 per bottle, Children . 1 , will freelv . , take , , Dr. * H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm : un,ike cough syrups, it contains no opium, will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quick er than any other remedy. There are many accidents and diseases which affect Stock cause serious inconvenience and loss to tin* firmer in his work, which may l>e quickly remedied by the use of Dr J. II. McLean’s Vol¬ canic Oil Liniment. Are you restless at night, and harassed bv a had con eh? Dj . j H McLeril p, Tar wine Lung Ba!ni|it wil] , ecure yon BOlind ,] eepj nt ] effect a prompt and radical cure. If you suffer pricking pains on moving tlie eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find y -yur sight weak and failing, you should promptly use I)r. J. II. McLean’s Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. Syrup of F!gs Is nature’s own true laxative. Ix is the most easily taken, and tLe most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches. Colds, and Fevers ; to Cure Habit¬ ual Constipation, Indigestion, only by Piles, the etc. Manufactured California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale bv Dr W. II. Lee it Son. The DoliKhtful Liquid Laxative. Syrup of Figs is a most agieeahle and valuable family remedy, as it is easily taken by oM and young and is prompt and effective in cur¬ ing Habitual Constipntation and the many ills depending on a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Liver, and Bowels It acts gently, strengthens the organs on which it acts, and awakens them to a healthy activity. For tale by Dr. \V. H. Lee A Son. NOTICE. I will bo m Conyers the hrst Sat urd.yv in every moiun patientr wishing to see me will find me at ' the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s Bbantlev drug store Da. L. G. LETTERS OF DIS *1ISSIOX. state of Gisorffia, Rockdale county— Whereas T. J.Treadwell, guardian of B;;lab , HIM. bavins: applied to the court of Ordinary j SH^dpTn^’min concerned "his show why ^ the ) raidT. nil persons to cause J. Treadwell shouici not U- dismissed from io of Uulah Hill and re the usual letters of diymission on the first Monday in January' MAS. O. Seamans 3ni Ordinary. WIDOW’S ALLO WANCE. _ ^ appbea ... ion of ,,, >,«. T T+uney We „ herford. r , doccascil, KM. Uetherford fof a y t-ar a Ifrtc support of Rookie for her , au<i l,er ,!,:nor cUua «'“ fro in tbe e f“ U P ! hordecetwed . been , du.y , fil- , the Ordumn-s office as he m,v di^-u lnd lhcrc na obj ^ 1 *. UlQ m ‘ 1 apart a year’s sujrport for the widow : her minor children as praye -1 for. This the lath day of October J.-X*. O. Seamans, Grdiaan-. LETI KP.' OF ADM IXISTitATION. GEORGIA, Hock»iale county— Wbercas, James S« Wetherford has in applied tQ the court of Ordinary of admioistra- of said j for peimaneiit letters ; • ion dc bouis non im the estate of F. M. Wei. - deceased: this is to cite all person s 1 to show cause on or before the first ? \ in January next why James 8 . VYeth shoirid no* be appointed aJiuinistr tor de bonis non on tbe estate of snM decea This Nov. 28th 1888, O. Seaalixs, Ordinary. W i DOWS ALL- >WANCE. The ar plication of Luiiuda Smith. cai„ wid- ! oi Henry Smith, eoi.. late of Rockdale- | county. deceestKi, fur a year's support for her «•*« ««“> ber minor ehikUvn from the estate of her deceased husband having been duly fiietl in the Ordfnarj-’g office a? tbe law directs and if there be no object ions died by t’ne 25 th day of November next an order will be passed setr. as apart a year’s support for the widow nni her minor chiUrca as prayed for. ' O.^eamins, ’ PEGTAGLES! A -K v ^7 T s> •St , tVe have recentiv incH-an d our stock of Spectacles and Lye «•»*• ■* —■.»»« — w rth - V* e can suit any one in quality and price. Our prices ran *e from 25 cents per pair to H2 per pair. We have a large assort ment of common glasses and hie glasses. Steel names, brass > : " 11 ■ i ^ “ 11 "** . * 1 ’ ni«-kel si:ver ,r:,,aes auu ?‘ >:d frames. Having recently purchased a fine I optimeter we are prepared to test the eves and lit them properlv with glasses. Cali and examine our stock and , G >r : e , You will certainly be e . l5 , ^ * Pa. \V. II. Lee & Sox. —•• • MIXED PAINTS If you wish to paint your nouse, j buggy, wagon or furniture you will save money bv * buying our ... , n : . . ili: e P ai,lts are rea,l V fijr 11 and any one can apply them. Vie a ] ?0 keep a large stock of White j p, r i ; ^| ]e - oils Varnishes Glass and Putty. Dr. W. IT. Lee & Sox. --• - ♦ _ f Hit* 0 1 T , *y’ * *“ We are Headquarters for nice re liable JewelrjL Call and inspect | our stock, prices low. Dr. yt. H. Lee it Sox. GEORGIA RAILROAD Stone Mountain Route, j Georgia P.ailroad Co.. } OXice General Manager. .Augusta, Sept. 29, 1SS8, COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O, inst, tLe futlowing Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian F a S T L I X E. xo. 27 West baily. F.v Augusta 9 45 am j Lv Athens S 30 am ArOonytra 11 57am j Ar Atlanto iOO pm NO. 23 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 00 pm Ar Con>ers 34 O pin | Ar Augusta 8 10 pm NO 2 EAl-T DAILY NO t WEPT DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8 - 0 o am \ Lv A tignsta 1 0. 45 am Lv Comers 9.19 am | Lv Macon 7 . Jo am \r Athens 5.15 pm ! Lv Mil <i’v. c 19 am ArWaVh’n 5 2 O pin | LvWash’i! il.aoam ArMiM’-e 4 . it pin | Lv Athens 85 O am ; r Macon (5.00 pm j Ar Comers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 3 ") pm | Ar Atlanta 5 4-5 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv \tlanta 0 . 2 o pm 1 Lv Cov’sjt’n 5 40 am LvConyers 8.07 j;m | Lv Conyers 6 12 am LvC’vt’n,- 8 35 pm | Ar Atlaota 7-55 am NO. 4 EAST DAILY- NO, 3 EAST DAILY Lv Altfnta 1115 pm j j Lv Angustutl.oo pm LvCony’rs 12. 39am Lv Conyers 5.07am Ar August i 6,45 | Ar Atlanta 6 30 am LyUnion Point S4 )!n 1 Ar r Athens 940 m Lv Atnen-6 15 a in j Ar UnionPoint845m L'aiiv except .Sunday. Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and recieve passengers to and from the following stations only: Grove town, Harlem Bearing Thomson, Jni{)n p J in: Greeilgboro Madison Rutk . dg 6 ’ Social circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, ■‘'tone Moun¬ tain and Dccatui Train No. 1 cot "eels for all poin's West and North West. Train N'». 2 connects ior C haileston and fin points La t No. 2,, tor all points Charles- -* est and South Wes'. No. 28 for ton and Savaun da. No. 3 for points West and North West. No* 4 for V ,,, harieS'.LU, , - aAannaa , AlKi j til „tiL„:„.« pOiIilS TT.,ct -> - i. ■JOHN W. GREEN. Gen. Manager. E. Pv. DORSEY, C.’i. P -s Agent OE W. v. HITE Gin Tra Pass Ag. f 88 f w. rm Commercial Ooilegs LEX OF KY. INC UNIVERSITY, TOM, KY. 'jiiL; Wi HOUfe Location <jw DirmNun t-» ghort-hand Jk Type-WrUtas, Tele#r&pbr. Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. Honor wd Gold or«*r tii ottw CoDrfo*. *t ’H'arid*-* K**MWt!i!on for Srnen of Book.ktenlnc Ge»er»l Bn>b«M l.duc»;io». 10,000 4irjt<!*isstei !n 1U Teftettcr* cteplored. Co«t tHTFnll BbaIbmi Cohmi*. tDf'HMtfttj’ Tairioc. Ft*tioni»rv. and Board about if90. >o Short-iland, Viioutloi-.. T.T?o»Wrlll«t, A Tvl^crapby Ga»nnuerd «q.»9ci»UI«. ricceess. Ltiter Now. Graduate* For circulars adiress Knhraini W. Smith. Principal, ©r Wilbur li. .-'cilia, Kj. Mention t*.U yoper. BlstlngiiSshed Prof. Basiness Smith* Educator PrSacipal ol Hi© CoiB&ierrial Col of Ivy. Cniversit y % 2 ^ lAexliisrJon, Ry„ h:s so n, r i'cc i v eci t ii e < iol:1 Medal and World's J'iplorna Exposition of Honor at the for Sys¬ general tem of Business Book-keeping- and Education, ale can refer to 10.CCO gradu IfT atesiu business, besides Con Wm C’^ 3 smen, city, county CoHege, and State officials. His A&r recogtrffdd as the Cheapest, advertisement of Best, Highest Honored, col- the wb>ch appears in another mtm, numbered Iasi year 1,000 students from SO States, in the JPhonofrraphic, ^ pc-Writ tnij. paring Penmanship ,and Teiefrrapftie and hold JkrpnrtmcrJ*, high pre¬ orabit* to eern a living, to and hon positions in the business world circsl ats ot Uiu Ccittys, .dsrcuWU.ur R-Ssiiih, ,Xv. Big Deductions! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT ■"CTI ieroo, Cain & McKnight i CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high pi ices, and regulators of low. Our Dry-Goods keep beautiful Department Is complete. We always a and well selected line of dress goods and Lotions. DON'T FORGET US SHOES! Our Shoe Department 5 Z* r.rd ronr plete. We have the largest and most attractive line of Jents aril Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t fail to ee us and get our prices of shoes. MRI TILED IN BEAUTY Our Clothing Department, Is just beautiful, the most attractive line of clothing you ever look¬ ed through. We are making a specialty of clothing this season. We e the latest styles and can give you any style and quality you may r.t and our price will certainly astonish you. OUR HAT STOCK! imazes Tlxe Buyer. Don’t forget us on hats. We arc the leaders in hats, and can fit you in size, style and price. Wp have a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can ceitaiuiy get suited by looking at our stock. TO THE LAU f IES Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles wad something new. We have a big stock of ladies wraps and can give you any ltyie and price. 1 ARGE STOCK Of Cents Furnshing- Goods Vi e have a beautiful and well selected stock of gents furnishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. * m ©•—t-iisa •o V s 250 barrels of flourl ought hcfoi e the rise. Call and see us, we will give you the advantage f rise In flour. Bran we keep a full stock. Hay, oats, coan, etc. We sell water ground meal er we will one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. Come to see us befoie you buy your groceries. ur Hardware Department AVe have every thing in this department you may call for. Don’t stand back but come and see us before you bnv. JEWELRY We make jewelry a specialty. We keep every thing that is kept in t jewelry store. We keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watcD? ind nothing hut what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices Piere«, Gain it McKnight will guarantee even- pair of shoes so Id for >r,e dollar anu a half to he worth two dollais. Don’t fail to examd ur stock belore buying. I 8,000 i Dollars •V Of attractions unpresecented/-. Priros never heard of in the histcri >f the dry* goods trade in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block before y c buy. I ! We have hand all tlie lime, The No. 1 shinnies wh : eh we c n p ’1 on fiho nia c cheaper than buy them in market. V e ' vou yon can any Ladd’s lime commodity in our business. Pierce, Cain. M’Knight I