The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 18, 1888, Image 2

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■ROCKDALE BANNER. SUBSCRIPTION: per year m advanct' ...... si,oo. FOR 6 Months................50 cti Entered at the Conyers Pc«t Office as second class mall matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand* Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. T. D. O'KELLEY - - Busin« ?? Manajrer JOHN Ii. MADDOX Editor Dr. Felton, of Bartow, is the champion of education in the Georgia Legislature, where he is doing the noblest work of his life, The farmers of DeKalb county are taking active steps to have a change in the road laws. They propose to levy' a tax for the pur¬ pose of improving them. The action of the legislature, in appropriating a large sum of money for the benefit of the pub lie schools, last week was wise and proper, and will meet with the approbation of all good citi zens. The total destruction of property by fire in the United States and Canada during the month of No vein her amounted to about >9,000, 000, which is nearly $7,000,000 less than for the corresponding month of last year. Of the 400 survivors of his old regiment, 223, it is said, have ap¬ , ! plied to Gen. Harrison for office. It seems to us the old vets are a j little greedy. If they have not all got pensions now, they soon will i have. To claim both pension and i office doesn’t give other republi- j cans a fair chance at the spoils. A bushel of corn makes four j gallons of whisky. It sells foi $1(5 at retail. The Government gets $3.60, the farmer forty the railroad $1, the manufacturers $4, the vendor $7, and the drinker all that is left—delirium tremens. The Scientific American lias long held t tie tii st tank among tm 1 leading publications regarding practical information about ait. sciences, mechanics, . chemn try, m ventions, and manufactures. ho one who wishes to keep acquainted with the rapid advancement along these lines can dispense with it. Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, New I oik. Price, $3.09 a year. Copies of the paper may beseem at this office, and subscriptions receiv ed. The lower house of tiro legisla¬ ture of New York contains only fifteen farmers, although the agri¬ cultural districts cast over half the entire vote of the state. Among those elected as farmers are sever¬ al who are said to do only “parlor farming.” In Georgia it is differ¬ ent. The legislature, now in ses¬ sion, shows an increased number, iu fact a remarkably large number of farmers, and the indications are that the people won’t regret hay elected them. The colored man is going out of fashion in New York, much to his » disgust, according to a speaker at the (’bickering hall meeting last week. ‘‘The colored coach - the ,. colored . . barber, , ,, . he man ami said, have disappeared from New York, the Englishman wears the waiter s apron in the hoted dining rooms, the Irishman has seized the whitewash brush, and the al moud-eyed Mongolian peeps over the washtub where once the key'sjace was seen.” If what Judge Cooley says is true, the inter-state commerce law is by bo in©tins the success its authors expected it tobe. mg to him the railroads on each other, and the big ship pers who beneht by rebates and other illegal practices won’t inform on the railroads. All this is very natural. The law was enacted on the principle that these people would not do the fair thins - , audit was proposed . to force them . to . it. Tho remedy is to make the law better. Mr. Powderly says he is alto¬ gether happy. The Knights Labor are neither bankrupt nor j extinct, but art gi owing stronger both financially and numerically. I Nobody need send Mr. Powderly j a “Merry Christmas’’ card, house ou McDonough street. Life Policy. Conyers, Ga., Dec. 14tli 1888. To the readers of the Rockdale Banner: Will von please read and take a policy in the King’s insur- j anco company, the greatest, old- ; est and only absolutely reliable j fire, marine and life insurance company in the world? Cash capital:' The unsearchable riches of Christ. Bible, assets: Real estate, and j j inheritance incorruptable, un defiled and that fadeth not away, j reserved in heaven for policy hol¬ ^ lars.—Bible. Cash in bank: Gold tried in the nre. Bible liabilities: Whosoever will mav coine ._Bible. The .promise of life which is in Christ Jesus.—Bible, Supply over all liabilities: Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.—Bible. Condition of policy: ante toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.—Bible, • President: King of kings, Will you take a policy in this •ompany? Are you insured? Reasons for insuring in King’s insurance company: 1. It is the oldest insurance company in the world, having been in successful operation thousands i of years. 2. The only company insuring against loss in the great Judg ment day fire. 3. The only company insuring against shipwreck in the river of death. 4. Its policies never expire, giv¬ ing to the holder® eternal life. 5. It is run on the fountain prin c-iple; you begin to draw on the ompany immediately after receiv iug your’ policy. 6. There has never been a draft from any policy-holder, when pro¬ perly signed, dishonored by this company. 7. It 1ms never changed man - agement. j It insures a mau for more than he is worth. v i» i i. i> I ovs • ibous ,, 1W rd 11 ..lining inline- to rn liave n0 souls need not apply. 2. Applicants come direct to the ; preH id eut ftn d not through priest, l,i K ] 10 p or pope. No sub-agents iu i]lis CO i n]mny . g All companies offering to in sure policies after death are frauds, After death the judgment.—Bible, May God help you all to live as Christians live, and die the death of the righteous, is the pray¬ er of your humble servant. S. L. D. Ok #« ttUMki Washington county went over¬ whelmingly “dry" in Thursday’s election. Eleven of the strongest prohibition districts give an offi¬ cial majority of over 800 for pro¬ hibition. Stanley has been found again. It is getting about time for some¬ body to go out and find the man who has found Stanley so many times, and bring him home. He deserves a rest. A good deal is said about the race question iu the south. There is one race in which the south will come out ahead if her rivals don’t limTy vp> au(i that ia tho ffidustri j r aco. ~ s ~ “What will we do in heaven?” is a subject now being discussed in the pulpit and in the newspapers. The question is produced only to those who have paid up their subscription to the papers. Those who have not paid need not dis cuss the question. They should more iutcicstccl in the price of k> o and sum mer ehrtliesY Capt. ^ John A. Cobb of , us a O , uplo of raro 5(Ut , nt pieces, as of they the are kind. the They only in ex were ,n ade in 1857. when the dies were them. V'^noyed ant ^ u o more made like The followin' r beautiful , • ( ,, ^ “No has HO forcibly expressed: man oyer lived a right X heeU < j 1 tel F l1 1 by a .woman s lov e, enobled i n by her evoaon, strem V “ er ; and i guided ■ ] by i ‘ courage, ^ her v. dis retiou. 1 Die largest lot of Christmas goods j 'hug :ver brought tore cf Er, »o Conye W. if. s at Lee the & J bon. I CHRISTMAS EXCUBSM BATES The Georgia Railroad Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern BR ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO AND FcIOlll all Stations On MB!!! and Branches. Tickets will be sold December 21 to 25 inclusive, good.'until Jan. 3, 89 ' On December 29 to 31 inclusive sale of tickets will be resumed, good, to return until January 5th, 1889. The Round Trip Rate Will Be FOUR CENTS A MILE ■ ?S 25 Joe W. White, E. R. Dorsey, Travelling Passenger Ageni. G enertd Passenger Agent OR. J, J SEAMANS DENTIST, CONYERS, r< (tA K - - - Office in Cain's wooden building ? up stairs, opposite Hotel. v YV v r A a \T JN Y 1 Id C. U\ U. dS , - COl Cl y pine trrnftrl Conyers J Oil . & Fer. (JO- 10 REM. One large store-room under Ma sonic Hall in this city, For fur ther information apply at the Ban nr a office. RESTAURANT. I keep a first class Restaurent in the J. F A’maiid building on Commerce St. Meals at all horns for on 25 cents. A separate room specially prepared for white people. Pleas Turner. FOR SALE. A house and lot in the city of Conyers on Mill street within three hundred yards of the court house. A good well of water and a healthy location. Any person wishing to settle or buy leal estate in Ccimrs is respectfully invited to call on.R. A. uir a. Mill street, Conyers, Ga, Nov 13th 1888. The F. F, Plow. We have just received a large lot of the celebrated F. F. one and two horse plow stocks. We think they are the best, plow on the market. The main expense of this class of p]ows , 3 the extrab; such a3 points e tc. with these, the extras, cost very lit tie points only io cts. We guarantee them to well or better than any stock on the market. They are cheapei t! ^ SJear tfi au e ' er - \erytruiy, H. I) Tekbell & Co. Those Who OW 6 m 3 SS»Y6 COSt l3 V r C8>1X“ ing on Aim and <fc Lancr ford and Settle in 30 dftySj Mrs, S, J. Rich ardsOIl. LOOK HERE? People p , Wishing . anything ... in . Granite line will do well to address 11 ou O. W. Edward- & Co Conyers. R„c M * ------ Physicians prescribe Dr, J. II. McLcan ’s Tar Wine Lung Balm ; in it thev find no trace of opium 01 morphia, w hile its efficacy in curing aII thr0;lt or Iun g diseases is won tierful. " ‘ - A nice 3 room dwelling, gaod water and 3 acres ofland for su , -t* L all at tins office, > Deductions! IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT pjerce, Cain & McKnight I CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of low,! Our Dry-Goods Department Is complete. We always keep a beautiful and well selected fi n8 , dress goods and notions. 01 DOST FORGET US 08 simBi U the oldest and rdost popular scientific ana Fally illustrated. Best class of Wood Engrav¬ ings. Published weekly. Send for specimen Oonv. Price 43 a year. Kour months’ trial, fl. Is.V. MU'NN & CO., PCuMBBElts, 3G1 Broadway, H ARCHITECTS & ItJSUERS O Edition of Scientific American. rjs&. a bmim* sacafiSB“art*«* cnr * Mhn 1 WhaTe°iiUovsr vp*™’ exoerieuce and have made over *»<»•«.« ■««» confident. «i. TRADE MARKS, COPYRIOIITS for bucks, charts, maps, \ (jj;., quickly procured. Address ail!XX &- CO., Pntent Solicitors. GESSBAL (JCMCE; 301 BflOADWAY, N. V. If you wish to buy your Christ¬ mas goods at bottom prices, call on G. W. Weaver, Call at Dr. W. H. Lee it Son’s drug store for all kinds of Christ¬ mas goods for old and young. GEORGIA RAILROAD Stone Mountain Koine, Georgia Railroad Co- 1 Office General Manager, f Augdsta, Sept. 29,1SS8, COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O. mst, the following Passenger schedule wiii be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian FAST LI X E. NO. 27 We§T DAILY. Lv Augusta 9-45 am | Lv Athens 8.30 am ArConyers 11- 57am j Ar Atlanta iQOpm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm i Ar Athens 7 00 pm At Conyers 340 pm j A r Augusta 810 pm NO 2 EAST DAILY NO I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 6 0oam | Lv August-tiC.45an, 1 Lv Athens Conyers 9-19 am | | Lv Macon 7.10 am Vr 5.15 pm Lv Mil <t’vi 019 am ArWa’sh’n 5 2 0 pm | LvWash’n il.2oam Ar.Miid’ve 4. ir pm | Lv Athens 85O am Ar Maeon 0-00 pm j Ac Conyers 4 24 pm Ai 1 Augusta 3 3~* pm ! Ar Atlanta 5.40 pin CO VIXa TO X ACCOMMOD STICK. Lv Atlanta 6.20 pm j Lv Cov’gt’n 5.40 am LvConvets S.07 pm 1 i.v Conyers 6 12 am LvC vt’u*, 8.35 pm j Ar Atlanta 7.00 am no. 4 eatt daily- no, t ea^t daily Lv Atlanta 1115 ! bv Augasthll^oopm Ar A^sfa^ Ar^ukntoe^a® tv 1 .'T-Y 5 ^* i Ath i>“ S 9 f “ Mnei, • Train Nos. 27 and o: ' w Hop at and recieve passengers to and from the follow! ••o stations only : Uroie town, Harlem Dealing Thomson,! Norwood, Frnett Crawford vilk union Point. Greensboro. Madison! Rutled SG Social Circle, Covington ^ ^ tv.Tx- ,‘ u ‘ ^ .. ... I West a ul North West? ' TtJmS! *>! connects for Charh stouand all points : and Eat S>iuh No. 27, for all points W Wes', No. 23 for point's ton and Savannah. No. 3 for 1 West and North West. No 4 for j Charleston, Savaaaah and all -points ■ East. JOHN W. GREEN, Gi_n. Manager.; E. R. DORSEY, G’n. Pass Agent 02 W..*muE Gen Tra "Pass Ag. SHOES! Our Shoe Department j ’ and complete. We have the largest and most attractive line of lents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don't foil t 0 ee us and get our prices of shoes. * 9 ™ ® BEAUT! Our Clothing Department i rH s just oeautitui, the most attractive line or clothing you ever look¬ ed through.. We are making a specialty of clothing this "season, We e the latest styles and can give you any style and qualitv you may nt an.l om price will certainly astonish you, OUR HAT STOCK! Amazes The Buyer. Don’t forget us on hats. We are the leaders in hats, and ean fit 3 »u in size, style and price. We have a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can certainly get suited by looking at our stock, Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles anil something new. Vie have a big stock of ladies wraps and can give you any rtyie and price. LARGE STOCK Of Gents. Furnshing Goods Me have a beautiful and well selected slock of gents furnishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. GROCERIES! 250 barrels of flour bought befoie the rise. Call and see us, will give you the advantage f rise in fl6m\ Bran we keep a foil stock. Hay, oats, coan, etc. We sell water ground meal er we will give one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn, Come to see us befote you buy your groceries, Our Hardware Department TYe have every thing in this department you may call for. Don’t stand back but come and see 11 s before you buy. JEWELRY We make jewelry a specialty. We keep every thing that is kept in a jewelry store. We keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watches and nothing but what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices Pi f^’ Cai ” will guarantee every pair of shoes sold for ^ur m stockb^buv bu > in n- - ° "° rt tW ° ° llarS ' D ° n ‘ ^ 8,000 Dollars attractions unpresedented. Prices never heard of in the history ot . the dr goods trade before you T in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block ^ be -Shingles Here. refl have on hand all the lime. The No. 1 shingles whh we cl 5^?- per thaa V01 “ cai >. b »y thein^m any market, ■ We also mate Ladd hme ‘ S Commodlt J r m our bualncf?s * Pierce, Gain. ffl’Kniglit