The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 18, 1888, Image 4

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.ROCKDALE 'BANNER. SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR (in advance'........$1.00. FOR 6 Months 50 ct*-. Entered at the Conyers Post Office as second class mall matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand* Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. T. D. O’KELLEY • - - - Business Mannger JOHN It. MAT)BOX Kditor “It is reported that Gordon has already announced his intention of succeeding Sena tor Brown two years hence. “The trouble with i>a,"saicl Mrs, Bentley, “is that he lets little things worry him. Ho was mad this morning because the baby kept him awake all night.” The Baltimore American ex¬ presses pleasure that leading men in the south are awakening to the necessity of giving the people, irrespective of race, the full right to vote. "When was that right de¬ nied in the south to anybody who was entitled to it? The Presbyterian synod, which met in Athens last week, determ¬ ined to build a University in At¬ lanta. The members of the clmrch in that city have agreed to*fuvnish the site and raise $75,000. 11 is expected that $150,000 will be raised for the purpose of inaugu¬ this new The following ministers have, been placed on the retired list by the Georgia conference: Jessie Bowing, A. J. Deavours, C. Trns sell, W. R. Branham, J. 13. t^uil lian, N. H. Palnier. 8. J. Bellow, & A. Conner, R. J. Harwell, W. J. Wardlaw, J. M. Bright, TV. J. Scott. F. F. Boynolds, J. TV. Ba¬ ker, M. H. White, J. Chambers, J. Tj. Lupo, J. A. Rosser, M. (!.' Hamby, M.F.Malsby, G.G.Smith J. J. Singleton and J. M. Arm¬ strong. Mr. Blaine has rented a house in Washington and will be in readi¬ ness to take charge of the Harri¬ son administration from the time it begins. He is apparently con¬ fident that lie is indispensable. Mr. Sherman also announces him¬ self ready to become Secretary of State, if wanted. It will hen good thing for the country if the ambi¬ tious rivals kill each other—polit¬ ically of course. Senator Sherman said in bis place last winter that when com¬ binations "wore formed by manu¬ facturers to prevent a reduction of price by competition the combi¬ nation ought to be met by a re¬ duction of tariff duties. This is the right sort of talk. The diffi¬ culty about the situation is that Senator Sherman resolutely re¬ fuses to see that such combina¬ tions have been formed. When a boy, says Lord Macau¬ lay I began to read very earnest¬ ly, but, at tilts foot of every page I read, I stopped and obliged my¬ self to give an account of what I had read on that page. At tirst i 'had to read it three or four times before I got my mind firmly fixed. But I compelled myself to comply have with the plan, until now, after J read a book through once, I can almost recite it from the be¬ ginning habit to the end. It is a very simple is to fond early in life, and valuable as .a means oi making our reading serve the best purpose. Tt ^ellOHl If ,J‘. s Alagazmo \r • says thorc ,, R. are two lessons taught 1 > V til© recent election 1 i- that .1 , the people Will , Ik 11 slow . to learn . until eoiuing events force them to a knowledge. Tht two lessons are! Fii"st, “that viovenuaeiit has [lassed from Hit political fabric built us by the lathers to a financial concern m which private interests dominab pubiie affairs,’’ and seeoml, ‘That no public mau, let hi and influence be what they may. can menace the moneyed powei of our laud and remain in pnblii life." These are lamentable facts yet there can be but little d< of their truth. The Republicans of the mat by a strictly party vote, re V ’ jt G n the Democratic amendm B ed to their tariff bill yestenhe If this program is kept Ull tl Of will be litt.e cha ice of fitly agree jneut between tho tno houses. Christmas ! At this season of the year it is the universal custom to give presents. Evcrbody gives them. Especially is this the case in families. The different ones like to give each other some token of their love, but are often prevented from so doing by the highprices of gifts at t ins t;me The things they would like to give, are beyond their means, ' and they ‘ would rather not give anything than poor gift a. Me can olmate this foi 1 ' 1 ’* ^-biistm-s, at ‘' u the entire stock ^ Mgl*t oi_a ru l ,t ' inanuiactuicr of ini. m-. goodb and are up m nuu some 8Cren boau “ fU ’ «•** in a box. We put up two boxes, one containing gifts suitables tor the members of a family ; the other for friends outside. TV e sell either These goods, . it box for 28 cents. bought at retail, at regular prices, would cost many times that. In ordering, state which box you J want, Remember, , 7’ tlio , price ia ■ only , . r „o cents. Order early, for although our stock is I a r go, it is going fast and we cannot replace it at the same price. Penn Novelty Co., Aldington, Pa. Buck Ion’s Arnica Salve, The best? salve in the world for C uts bruises, sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever sores, Tetter, chap¬ ped hands, Chilblains ‘Corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Jt is guaranteed to give perfect rat infliction, or money refunded Price 52ets per box. For sale by DU. TV. II. LKE&SON. DON’T FAIL TO SEE m , J. KING’S Full lino of Homoinmle Harness ntnl Slices or U\e lw sd Duality kept Always on hund Will sell cheap for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Fine Boots and Shoos nimleto order ami fit KUUNUitocri. All kinds of repairing done neat-' ly und promptly. Never Ripping Work! Itometpbcr that wo use the celebrated Brass Screws; will not rip-will not rust out your shops, COME TO SEE US AND BUY OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDER S T. J. King. Scott building, 1 door below r Lee's drug store. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 18th l8 T S. T! I 17 ' Who are Weak, Nervous tv and Ili liilititltttl and suf¬ * 1 fering- from Nervous Bo¬ unty, Seminal Weak n«8s, Nightly -Emissions and all the ell’Pcts ot t’ur ly Evil ltahii^, which itiatl to [hvinalurc Bei-ay, Coasiiniption or 1 nsiinily, semi tor Rears' ‘Treatise on Diseases of Man, with pari eulars for Rome Cure. Cures auarnnleeil. No cine no pav. .1. S. Rears, PI:: and till Rlnirob St., Nashville, Tenn. LETrERS OF DISMISS10N. (5 EC. 1101 a, Korkdalo county— Whereas Isam .1. lloml as atliaii>i3trsitoi- of Hohwott A. Whitlow, divoasod. Inis filed his petition with mo in which ho eltiims that lie has fully dischitixeil nil the duties as sueii ad mlaistratorimd prays to l>o disoharj.-oil from ids said trust. This is tm-ref ore to cite and rinjutre all persons concerned to show cause aguinst the ji-rantins- said discharge of said udministnitor on the tirst Monday in March im Tills Decomher drd 1853S. O. Seamans. 3m Ordinary. LETTERS OF I)ISM 13IION. OKOKtll A, Rockdale county— Whereas H. t \ (lay and Re he ova K. Gay as executers of .loci 11 (inj, tleeeasu l, have tiled their petition with vne and in vay oiliee in which they show that they have fully dis eharjied all of their duties as such i vpresiui lives and pray their djVehnrg-o from said t rust. Tid;. is there! ore to cite and require all persons concerned to show cause ftjtaiust thctrramfim- tlitMUselianre oi said executors outburst Monoav in March i;-80. Tbis December oi.l '..VS. o. . seamans, „, x . am •‘.niinary. YEARS SUPPORT. The application of R. I„ McDaniel the next friend of tlio niinoreliildron of it. J. Shipley, l> of Iioek luie county, dooeased, t or a year's support front the ostal. of sai l do. Cased has *K:eu duly filed in the Ordinary's oiSce as i In .aw directs ai.d if no objections ard fiitkl by the 1st day of December next an order will tie passed setting' apart the year's support for said minor cUtid:v;i as pray ed for. L'liis :Dilt day of October 1888. O. Seamans. - uiy LAND N0TI E. By virtue c a-tler it-oi at the Superior v.ct of Hour; eold before th> art house in laie counfj OI) e first Tn*f.i! n DeoetB»K > r ing- ti aat or pt I of in ml iyiti'T - • an ! bomiied us an n as tin . M. D’ckof fu ; ( t!i 8tret;t, on the wr t*y Jblin W. JohnsGU, DU tbe north by (X)l p street anti south i Christ fan > settle tire indcbi^ios oi M, W. 1 iv :£u< N. , -Kaeditor. Conyers, Oa., Cot., tTth IKV Persons* who lead a life of ex¬ posure are snbject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment ; it will banish pain and subdue in¬ flammation. Far better than the -harsh treat¬ ment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and "destroy the coating.of the stomach. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chills and Fever Cure, by mild yet aflective action will cure. Sold at 50 : Cents a bottle. Hick headache, wind on the stom ach, ^ biliousness, and eably nausea, banished are pt]y McLean’s agre Little Liyei by Dr. J. II. and Kidney Fillets. 25c. a vial, When nature falters and requires pool, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strength¬ ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 per bottle.^ Exposure to rough weather, get¬ ting wet, living in damp localities, arc favorable to the contraction of jj >seaHe8 p f the kidneys and bladder, ,\ s a preventive, and for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble, use that valuable remedy, Dr. J. II. McLean’s E ver and Kidney Balm. bottle . Children will freely take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm ; unlike cough syrups, it contains no opium, will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quick¬ er than any other remedy. There are many accidents and (1 senses which affect Stock and cause serious inconvenience and loss to the farmer in lus work, which may be quickly remedied _ by the use of Dr. J. H. McLean s Vol¬ canic Oil Liniment. Arc you restless at night, and harassed by a bad cough? Use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar TVine Lung Bahrpit will secure you sound sleep, and effect a prompt and radical cure. If von suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright'light, and find your should sight weak and failing, you promptly use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. am Syrpp of Figs Is nature’s own true laxative. It is the .most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers ; to Cure Habit¬ ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. * Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, by San Francisco, Cal. For sale Dr \V. H. Lee & Son. _ < _ The Delightful Liciuid Laxative Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable it and valuable taken family by old remedy, and as is easily and effective young and is prompt in cur ing Habitual Constipatation and the many ills depending pn a weak or inactive condition of the Kid¬ neys, Liver, and Bowels, It acts gently, strengthens the organs on which it acts, and awakens them to a healthy activity. For sale by Dr. \V. II. Lop &<Son. • • « 4 NOTICE. I will be in W tW Sn* W me Will fin'i Hie at tl» hotel or at hr. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. STATE of (loorgia, Rockdale county— Whereas T. J. Treadwell, guardian of Bulali Hill, having: applied discharge to the court fr.otn of his Ordinary guar of said county for a therefore cite iaushin of But ah Hill; this is to nil Morsoiis concernon to show cftusc dismissed why the laid T. J. guunlianslilu 'L'readwoll should of Htilah not be Hill and re¬ from the dismission the ceive the usual letters of on tirst Monday in January 1889. O. Seamans, dm 'Ordinary. WIDOW’S ALLO WAN CD. Tlio applicationofSTrs. T.auracy Wetherford, widow of P. M, WetherfoVd late of Rockdale eomuy, (loci ased, fof a year’s support for her self and her ininor-children from the estate of her diA'cased husband having: been dulyftl pd in the Ordimuy's otiice as the law directs ami there bo no objections tiled by the 18th day of November next an order will be passed settinir apart a yor.fs support for tlio widow and iier i U iuorcliildn-ii October-ltd*. us prayed for. TliistUe 10th day of _ O. "Seamans, oi-dinary. LETTERS OF ADM INISTlt ATION. GROROIA, Rockdale county— Whereat:, dames S. Wetherford has in due form applied to the court of Ordinaiy of said county for permanent letters of administra li ?« de !U,U l ’; 1,hc estate of F. M. Weth afford, deceased; this IP to cite all persons e Jnecruetl to siow OH use or before the first Monday . January _ next why , James , b. o u v\ . etn in orford should not be appointed administva .or de bonis non on the estate of said deoeaa ; ed. This Nov. 2Cth 1SS8. i O, Sbamans, Ordinary. ' WIDOWS ALLt iWAN^E. The application of Lucinda SmitVi, coi.. wid [ ow of Hbti ry Smith, col.. late of Rockdale :oumy. deceased, for a year's support for hoi soif and her minor children from the estate oi her dcceas, d bu^iaml liavipg been duiy fileti in the Or, in i y’sofliee as the law directs ami if thaide objectious Sled by the 25th day of November next im order will lie passed setting' apart a'year's support for t bo widow and her miam-clHl iren as prajn. for. Tbtsitt i day of October 1888. . . • • . . O. Seamans, lit ary. spectaolesi jgam? '■>7 ' ^■--- - Y" v. ' We have recently increased our stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses and now have over $500 worth. Wo can suit any one both in quality and price, Our prices range from 25 cents per pair to $12 per pair. We have a large assort¬ ment of common glasses and peb ble glasses, Steel frames, brass frames, composition frames, nickel frames, silver frames and gold frames. Having recently purchased a fine optimeter we arc prepared to test the eyes and fit them properly with glasses. stock and Call and examine our pri es You will certainly be pleased. Dn. TV. II. Due & Sox, MIXED PAINTS If you wish to paint your house, wagon or furniture you will save money by buying our ready Mixed Paints. These paints are ready for use and any one can apply them. TVe also keep a large stock of White Lead, brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. II. Lee & Son. Dr. VV. -♦ ♦ *- Our Jewelry. , We a re Headquarters for nice re¬ liable Jewelry. Call and inspect our stock, prices low." Dr, W. II. Lee & Son. GEORGIA RAILROAD Stone Mountain Route, Georgia Railroad Co., 1 Office General Manager, j /- Augusta, Sept. 29,1888 COMMENCING SUNDAY- 30, met, the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian FA8TLI N E. no. 27 West daily. Lv Augusta 9-45 am I b v Athens 8.30 am ArConyers 11. 57am | Ar Atlanto iOO pm NO. 28 EAST DAILV. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm | Ar Athens 7 00 pm Ar Conyers 340 pm | Ar Augusta 8 10 pm NO 2 EAST DAILY NO I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta B.Oo am | Lv Aug«stai0.45am Lv Conyers 9.19 am 1 Lv Macon 7-*° am \r Athens 5.15 pm | Lv Mil d’yi o 10 am ArWa’sh’n 5 2 O pm | LvWashffi 11 . 20 am ArMild’ve 4.11 pm | Lv Athens S 5 O am Ar Macon 0.00 pm j Ar Conyers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 3-5 pm | Nr Atlanta 5.4-5 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 6.20 pm | Lv Cov’gt’11 5-40 am Lv Conyers 8.07 pm | Lv Conyers 6.12 am LvC vt’n- 8 35 pm | Ar Atlanta 7-55 an. NO. 4 EATT DAILY- NO, 3 EAST DAILY Lv Atlanta 1115 pm | j Lv Augufitall.oo pm LvCony’rs 12. 39am Lv Conyers 6 6.07am Ar Augusta 6.4.5 ain | Ar Atlanta Athens 3O 94O am Ly Union Point 540m | Arr m Lv AtnensG I5 a in j Ar UuionPoint845m Daily Train except Sunday- and 28 will Nos.-27 stop al and redeye passengers to and from -the following stations only : Grove town, Harlem Hearing Thomson, Rutledge .Social Circle, Covington. M0,,1> fiKS & ‘°“ C Train No. 1 coaoeels for a'l poin's West and North West. Train No. 2 connects for Charleston and all points Ea t No. 27, for all points West and South Wes‘, No. 28 for Charles¬ ton and Savannah, No. 3 for points West and North West. No 4 for Charleston, Savannah and all poisb East. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Manager. E. R. DORSEY, litTtfi G’n. Pass Agent )E \V. vV Gen Tra .Pass Ag. .... r Commercial Mgs iii T 114 1 »iiii illP as Location of Dbpartmxnts op % Bulnew, Short-hand A- Tjrfc-WHtha Telc*raphy. Cheapest& Best Business College in the World. J||*k*«t Honor and Gold Modal of owr sil other Colleges, fit gseneral World’* tlu«!n««A Kx po»U!on. Education. for Syswm 10,000 Book.keeplnc Graduate* In Si^fnw. is T^hers employed Cost of Full Wilbur K. Smith, Lcxiuartou, Ky. -tfcNtiun tNP . ’4’tr. Dlstlnguishod Business Eflucaior Prof. Smith, Fri-ieipa! of the Con, mere in I Cel, K'Ste of Ivy. University, l.rvinelou, ivy., with lus son. received iLc t;c!d Afedal sr.d World's Diplomacf exposition Honor for at thg Book-keeping i-ys. jr trm of and general Business Education. m K He can refer to U>,«W graau j afesla business, besides Con f> IPS gU Elfc Cfessmei. Statu officials. city, His county Co.ipg«, and recognracti Vi'iy.KjJ as Honored, the Cheapest, file tsement of which apt>ears In anotber coi numbered last year J,OT students from 30 Big Deductions! IK ALL DEPARTMENTS AT Pierce, Cain £ IcRnigiit B CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of ] ow Our Dry-Goods Department Is complete. TVe always keep a beautiful and well selected li ne of . dress goods and notions. DON'T FORGET US ON SHOES! Our Shoe Department, ’ and complete. TVe have the largest and most attractive line of tents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t fail to ee us and get our prices of shoes. UNRIVALED IN BEAUTY Our Clothing' Department ) Is just beautiful, the most attractive line of clothing you ever look¬ ed through. TVe are making a specialty of clothing this season, TVe e the latest styles and can give you any style and quality you may nt and our price will certainly astonish you. OUR HAT STOCK! Amazes The Buyer. Don’t forget us on hats. TVe are the leaders in hats, and ean fit you in size, style and price. We have a big stock, over 350 different styles. You can certainly get suited by looking at our stock, TO THE LADIES »> • Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles and something new. We have a big stock of ladies wraps and oan give you any rtyle and price. LARGE STOCK Of Gents Furnshing Goods TVe have a beautiful and well selected stock of gents furnishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. V 2o0 barrels of flour bought befoi e the rise. Call and see us, we will give you the advantage f rise in flour. Brail we keep a full slock. I,lay, oats, coan, etc. We sell water ground meal er we will give one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn, Come to see us before you buy your groceries, m X'iiJ i TT o have every thing in this department you may call for. Don't Rand back but come and see us before you buy. Tl TYc make jewelry a specialty. TVe keep every thing that is kept in a jewelry store. We keep a good line of gaits and ladies gold watches md nothing but what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes • of High Prices F:erc^, Cain A Mclvnight will guarantee every pair of shoes sold f° r .me dollar and a half to be worth two dollars. ‘ Don’t fail to examine mu- stock belore buying. 8,000 Dollars C/f attractions unpresedented. Prices never heard of in the history w i the dry goods tiad.o in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block before you C a*.-. We. have hingles hand Here. cftell n n all the lime. The No. 1 shingles whh we ■*ou cheaper than you can buy them in any market, We also make jikiu j? lime- commodity in our bt^inef'S. Pierce, Cain. M’Keigbt I -