The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 25, 1888, Image 3

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gOOKDALE BANNER PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. BY O’KELLEY & MADDOX CONYERS, GA., DEC. 25, 1888. Local Gatherings, Captain Lishe Maddox and squad, including our faithful standby, will rake the woods du¬ ring the holidays for game. As a gamester and a modern Nim rod°Mr. Maddox may be recorded as a happy success. We are a little late this week, beg pardon for same. Mr. Will Barrett and wife of Walton county are visiting 'Squire Irwin’s family this week. Mr. Zake Almand of Carrollton is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mr. Henry Bryans of Savannah is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mr. Billie Hollingsworth and Mrs. Julia Hollingsworth were united in marriage in the Presby¬ terian church last Thursday e ve Bing at G o’clock by Dr. Henry Quigg. The ceremony of the doctor’s was very beautiful. The attendants were: Miss Tinie Hol¬ lingsworth and Mr. Charley Clot felter; Miss Boyd Ogletree and Mr. Bob White; Miss Ora Rags¬ dale and Mr. Henry Hollingsworth. After the marriage the bridal par¬ ty returned to Mr. John W. Hol fingswortli’s where they were served with a magnificent supper. The groom is an upright, indus¬ trious, Christian gentleman, while his bride is one among the loveli¬ est and prettiest ladies in the country. To the heppy couple we extend our congratulations and wish them a life of unmixed happiness and abundant prosper ity. Heretofore those who wished to buy fine plush goods for Christmas presents were forced to go to At¬ lanta for them as such goods have never been sold by our merchants. Dr. AY. IT. Lee & Son has a large stock of these goods just received from Baltimore and will sell them much less than 1 the same goods m*e sold in Atlanta. Call and see tlieir Christmas goods and get prices before the rush. No trouble to show goods. The union Christmas tree of the Methodist and Presbyterian Sun¬ day schools at the courthouse last Monday night was a splendid suc cess. The tree was loaded with an endless variety of presents, some of the costliest kinds. The house was literally packed, there not being anything like sufficient room in doors to seat the crowd. Everything passed off quietly and nicely and everybody is well pleased with the brilliant success. Mr. David Vaughn and Miss Hayden Taylor, both of this coun¬ ty, were married at the bride s fa¬ ther’s, Mr. Sam Taylor, Tuesday night by Dr. Henry Quigg. The groom is a sterling and most wor¬ thy young man and his bride is a beautiful lady, possessing excel¬ lent accomplishments. AV e ex¬ tend hearty congratulations. Santa claus by the bushel at Cain, Elliott & Crossley’s. Toys, apples, oranges, candies, nuts, cocanuts, mince pie, etc. at Nuckolls. Big lot of toys and confection¬ ery at Nuckolls. Lowest prices Pvemeipber that J. A. Dukes has the finest supply of Christmas goods in town, nuts, oranges, ba¬ nanas, toys, candies, etc.—a smile and something to suit everybody. The completest display of Christ¬ mas goods in town at G. AV. Weaver. For fresh sausage, cabbage, turnips, onions, <£ct. go to Pierce, Cain & McKniglit. Car load shingles just received at Pierce, Cain <fc McKnight s. Hats! Hats! Hats! for Xmas at your own price at P. C. & McK. AA e have a few pairs of boj s boots to close out at 50-ets per pair at Cain, Elliott & Crosslev s. Call and see Nuckolls Christmas goods before buying, a Col. J. N. Hale, editor of the Henry County Times, has been spending several days in the city vdth relatives and friends. He went out hunting a few times and had lots of fun as well as hooked in a number of birds. Mr. John Stewart of Atlanta visited Mr. Joe McLean’s family in the city last week. He also visi¬ ted Mr. John Miss Lizzie Peek, one of the teachers in the Jonesboro Female college, is spending the holidays at home with her parents. Misses Julia and Totsie Stew¬ art of LaGrange are in the city spending the holidays. The little boy with his .tin horn is happy and so are we. I announce myself a candidate ’or Bailiff of this district, Elec ion 1st Saturday in January. J. M, McDonald. The job of papering done by Mr. Will Everett on one of Dr. Quigg's front room is a perfect model of beauty. The workman¬ ship is very neatly executed and he harmony of colors, so tastily and attractively linked together, gives the room an appearence beautiful beyond ordinary dis cription. Mr. Everett, so we un¬ derstand, intends to make Con¬ yers his future home, and in ad¬ vance we extend him a cordial welcome, feeling assured at the same time that he will find satis¬ factory work in his line of busi¬ ness. Miss Ida Peek returned last Wednesday from LaGrangeJwhere she has been attending college ::or some time. Messrs. Ira Jones and Steady Sanford, whojare students of Mer¬ cer University, are in the city spending the holidays. We are glad to state they are making a fine college record. Mr. John L. Pate, one ofGwin nett county’s best citizens, has moved into our county, and now ives where Mr. William Turner recently lived. Another good citizen of Gwinnett, Mr. Alonzo AIcElvany, son of Maj. James McElvany, has recently moved among us. We give all spell cit¬ izens a most hearty welcome, and wish them great success. Rev. J. L. Lupo has purchased the McClelland house and lot on Almand street from J. H. Dabney. The social club has suspended its meetings until after the Christ¬ mas holidays, but the exercises will begin again on the first Mon¬ day night in January. Miss Minnie Smith after a stay at college for several months past lias returned to her loving home to spend the holidays. The tickle box of the town was overturned on last* AVednesday night at Mr. Beau Hudson’s at which time and place the young people gathered in all imaginable costumes to what was known as the “Tackey party.” All the col¬ ors of the rainbow were brought into play but with little harmony. The boys displayed great talent, it is said, in the selection of trousers of appropriate length and scarfs of delicate hue. Even on the morrow the grin of the pre¬ vious evening was very observa¬ ble, thus giving token of the ex¬ cessive pleasure of the night be fore. Mr. Jim Plunkett and Miss Belle AVooley were married last Thurs¬ day evening at the bride’s home by Rev. H. F. Buchanan. Both of this county. The groom is one of our nicest and best young men, and bears very honorably the rep¬ utation of an extra gcod farmer. His bride is a handsome, lovely and amiable lady. AVe wish the happy pair a life of much joy and prosperity. Mr. Isaac Hollingsworth of Eas¬ ton was in town last week circula¬ ting freely among his many ac qaintances and relatives. Always glad to see you, friend of our boy¬ hood days. In Honey Creek district there are two candidates for Justice of Peace: Mr. John D. Scott and ’Squire AV. H. Brisendine. Elec¬ tion comes of 1st Saturday in Jan uary. Considerable interest is being manifested. Dr. Quigg preached two most excellent sermons at the Presby¬ terian church Sunday last. You Can Put Our goods BY THE SIDE OE MY MERCHANT AND WE LEAVE THE COMPARISON WITH YOU. HUDSON BROS, SOMETHING STARTLING. First article on the list is our whole stock of clothing all new goods—latest styles. $20 worsted suits at $10. $16 worsted suits at $13. 115 worsted suits at $12.50. $12.50 worsted suits at $10. All wool suits $10. Same broken lots at auction prices. Overcoats al $2.50. $7.50 overcoats at $6.50. $8 overcoats at $6. A fine all wool ivorsted overcoat genuine serge lining at $10. Pants from 75 cts to $6. Embroideries, ribbons, gloves, uchings at bankrupt prices. The reason given is we want to raise money on our stock of. goods, and have put down the price to sell them out, Again, to ail parties we have accommodated you must settle up. Its clue. ¥e need the money. Come and pay and save us from collectin * .Ssame by lawyer Conyers Ga Nov 27 1888 HUDSON BROS Every possible effort is being put make forth the by Banquet our young the people night to of on the 28th inst. the crowning pleas- is ure event of the holidays. It hoped the occasion will meet most happily the expectation of all. Mr. Frank Sims done a nice job of painting on the hotel colonade last week. Mr. Sims is in many respects a talented man. This is the world’s holiday and wo all should indulge freely in its festivities. Make it a matter of duty to make at least one person happy to day. To some over nervous people of the the racket and confusion holidays may be disagreeable all but just remember that we were once just as irolicsome as those who now make the welkin ring with the blasting horn and booming cracker. If every farmer in the county would give ten dollars apiece they could start a pine stray/ bagging factory of their own. Mr. Will McKniglit moved last Saturday into the dwelling with Mrs. Eunice Jones on Decatur street. AVe intend eating a cliristmas turkey don’t somewhere to be provided—but immodest. we care How do you like our new head¬ ing and how do you like the gen¬ eral make up of the paper? Gen¬ tle reader there are better things ahead. Lots of people in town Saturday last. Seemed that arrival everybody of San¬ was making up for the ta Claus. Dr. I. L. Gunter of Henry coun¬ ty has introducod a bill to pro¬ hibit money lenders from evading the law by receiving a greater amount of interest than is allow¬ ed by law\ to-wit: eight per cent. No one is more warmly welcomed to our editorial sanctum than the one who has an item of news. Perhaps w r e might except the one who comes to pay a subscription. The Scientific American has long held the first rank among the leading publications regarding pra ctical information about art, sciences, mechanics, chemistry, in¬ ventions, and manufactures. No one who wishes to keep acquainted with the rapid advancement along these lines can dispense with it. Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, New York. Price, $3.00 a year. Co¬ pies of the paper may be seen at this office, and subscriptions re¬ ceived. Three young men at Prattsburg, ate five dozen oranges. One ate twenty-three: another nineteen; another eighteen. They were all well at last hearing. BARGAINS RARELY FOUND. Unlaundered plaited bosom shirts at 65 cents. Laundered tine linen bosom Wamsetti muslin plaited at 90 cts. Childrens ribbed hose at 10 cts. sell all the time at 15 cents. Childrens fast black hose at 10 cents. All ladies and gents hose at cut prices. Dr. Warner’s celebrated health and coraline corsets at $1.00 and $1.25. The best 50 cents corset in the world. Last Thursday morning at the residence of Mrs. Ogletree in Newton county Mr. Dave David¬ son and Miss Cora Langley were united in marriage by Dr. J. D. Rogers. The ceremony was im¬ pressively performed. The bridal party, immediately after the cere mony, returned to Mrs. Richards’ for dinner. AVe wish the happy pair a life of much happiness and prosperity. Dr. J. L. Pierce will preach a Christmas sermon in the Metho¬ dist church next Sunday morning. Under the circumstances we are disposed to urge every one to turn out on Sabbath morning. The doctor never fails to preach a big sermon. This is the place to have your tickets printed. Mr. Joe AValcott of Griffin is in the city, circulating among Iris many friends. Mrs. Alice Melton, noc Miss Lawson, left the city Monday foi¬ lier new home at Sheolman, Ga. Miss Hattie Jones of Atlanta is visiting Mr. Beau Hudson’s fam¬ ily in the city. The holidays break in very agreeably with the monotony of business. Dr. Quigg will preach a christ ma* sermon next Sabbath mor ning at Smyrna church, and at night at the Presbyterian church in this place. The poetry editor of the Sol id South is making a record. AVe note the improvement in our neigh - bor with much pleasure. Some¬ times we are inclined to poetry, as for instance: Tbsre was a little dog. a very little dog, He one day ciune to town, to town; A we little can was attached to his tail), And the way he flew around, around! And so did the can. And also did his tall Pardon us if there are any omission of the names of the city visitors. To one and all we are hopeful you are having a pleasant time. Messrs. Ed and Jessie Almand of Dahlonega are in the city spending the holidays. They are both bright young men, and we trust the day may come when they will have filled up perfectly the the master teacher’s advice, that “they..have written there names on the wall.” Mr. Bob Tilley and wife and Mr. George Tilley of Atlanta are visiting Mr. Jim Tilley's family in the city. Don’t fail to see Almand & Langford’s line of christuaas.tricka- WONDERFUL. Handkerchiefs at 2A cts. 5 cts. A lare bargain “ 10 cts. MONEY IN JERSEYS. Jerseys at 65 cents worth 75 cts. “ 85 cts worth $1.00. “ $1.10 cts worth $1 25. The whole stock cut down. An excellent line of ladies and gents undergarments below all competition. Everything in ladies dress must go. A'on will do well to get our prices before buying. Our shoo stock is too largo for this market and you can save 25 per cent on any grade of shoes. Both the Conyers papers now havo fast power printing presses, which is an evidence of the pro gross of these journals. Wo bare our bead and bow to our young friends—the editors—upon their prosperity. Gentlemen, may no pent up territory contract your powers, but may the whole bound less universe ultimately be yours. —Covington Star. Thanks, brotli er Anderson. We wish the Star a happy new year, and greater success than ever before. Miss Annie Davidson’s Sunday school class had a party at John R. Maddox’s Tuesday night. Read tlio Brady bill as publish¬ ed on onr first page. It is the bill pure and simple. The parade of the Volunteers Tuesday was one of the company’s best public performances. The company is in good trim. Mr. AY ill Bellah and family of Henry county and Mr. Henry Stewart and family of Snapping Shoals are visiting Air. Press El¬ liott’s family in tlio city. Jun J. Langfoiuv ALMAND & LANGFOED, EXCHANGE BROKERS Will keep on hand a well as¬ sorted stock: of general merchan¬ dise which they will sell at re sonhbleprices. Also BUY arid SELL EXCHANGE. DISCOUNT APPROACH) PAPER MONEY ON DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIGHT. Store co’.ton and make liberal cash advances on same. Also, will buy city and county script. pleased . their Hue. Call on them they will be to serve you in COTTON SEED Owing to the fact that we are putting in new machinery w’c will not receive any seed until Oct. 15th. - bushel - - We will pay 18 cts per for sound seed at mill. We will not take damaged seed at any will price. receive seed We not on rainy or damp days. Oil & F, Co. Conyers —. ALL MUST CO. Flour, tobacco, soaps, crockery everything must go as explained be¬ low. A thousand other every day ara teles that we have not taken time to enumerate, but which you n« get the price by coming to see ed will sve money by doing so. posted mean business and if you arc on the prices of good you will look to your own intere and save m moy. UN EQUALED. Old mans Young mens II it?. Boys II iUj. Children Huts. Wool Hate. Far Hatf. Darby He F. The finest selection 0 .‘ hi ta at 160* .u*U wholesale prices. Senator Colquitt thinks Col. Back is about as acceptable as alj y southern republican for a cabinet position, Mr. Will Stewart is clerking He for Mr. Alien D. Summers. is a smart young man and is with a good house. _ Almand & Langford, sou Hcwlnt-lluliliiii To ft< ©uc* tithbllib 1 trade In nil parts, by —I sIV placing oar whnrn m*cbiln<i*£ people nml food* the can •*• SbbmwST them, we it* will Mod f re« to on* each locality,tbe vary ...L ' * Last Mwmgvmacbian made in the world, with ail the attachment*. I m m Wo will alao land free a complete line of our eoatly and valuable art fgjj a samples. show what In we return tend, v/e to aalt tboae that who you H may tali at your home, and after & ^property. • month* all ehatl become your own This errand machine i# [mane L after tbu binarr patent*. which have run out; before patente ffilipt $ V m run run out ou t it it eold told for for IIIMi. Mil* with wim t me for ho H „.r U menta, end now br»0. Beat,wrongest,stoat world. u*« ■ul machine in the All U ree. No write cspiul required. Plein, brif» instructions rivcu- Those •e who who • to ua et once can *« cure free the beat sowing-mechi ng-machiue in the world, In America. aud tJb« finest line of works of I high high art art ever ever shown si together JkLttiu** TaUEAl'O. . Jttokv 710, Autfuwtu. 8M.» Soil.! <3al<t w.lrk, m J. .Sold for 1OO. unt! 1 lately, n ltest $85 watch in lit* world. K Perfect timsksspsr. War H rautad. Hcivjr Solid ..... (ial« Cmw ' Noth lAdiae* m f 1 gemts' size*, with works tyf/Jti JJjiWw 9 VII and Onal'crma CMC of equal iueacb value. la m / . jS&JS/.QW togvtbrr us ole lino with of our The*# *«cur# IIoa*«»Uol4ft large sample*, one and free, v»U Humpies. watch •* wv mm Free, •»•! w>“ *>*»« <Ji,m In your horn, for ft month. •«<! .hot* ra*m t® Who imy havo cnllod, th«r b.crnn. of your ow. property. thv «4f who write st once ran be sure metvmg AddrnnA nod, W.j,«y nil e«ur«H, freight,•!« Main*. Uiliuvu <b Co., Sox 81«, lurtlond,