The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 25, 1888, Image 4

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ROCKDALE 'BANNER, SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR (in advance).-. $ 1 , 00 . FOR 6 Months........... 50 ct«. Entered at the Conyers Pont Office as second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand* Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. T. D. O’KELI.EY - Business Manager JOHN II. MADDOX Editor Do Good Always. As you go out to-day make some¬ body’s heart glad. It M ill not take much to do this. A smile will do it. A kind word will do it. A hearty shake of the hand will do it. A penny to some poor beggar will do it. Don’t wait for some great opportunity to do good. Be content to labor in the vineyard in the small way. The little foun¬ tain bubbling up at the foot of the hill makes no noise. It glides silently along, making the meadow green, slaking the thirst of the farm horse—it nourishes the nod¬ ding flowors growing./,) fis banks, and wat^rxile roots of spreading Li 1 ST Day and night it goes on in its meandering course spread¬ ing beauty aud fertility over a wide scope of country. It does not thunder and excite the amaze¬ ment of the world, yet it is doing a very useful work. Ho let your daily influence be like that little quiet stream. Bo as a garden full of fragrance. Be as the bank of music creating gladness all around. Make it a point every day to help somebody. Be cheer and light to your neighbors. Experiment Station The bill which provides for the establishment of the experiment station and an experimental farm to be known as “The Georgia Ex¬ perimental Station,” was passed by the Senate Thursday. The bill was drawn by Hon. Martin Y. Cal¬ vin, of Richmond. It was sub¬ mitted to the Committee of Agri¬ culture, of which Mr. Calvin has been an active member the past six years. It was fully discussed, then submitted to a sub-committee. It was reported favorably by the latter, whereupon the general committee, by a unanimous vote, adopted the bill as its own, and directed Chairman Brady to in¬ troduce it in the House as the committee's bill. It passed the Houso on Monday after a protrac¬ ted debate; ayes, 118; nays, 4. The bill provides for a Board of Directors—one from each Con¬ gressional district, to Vie appoint¬ ed by the Governor. The appon tees are to be practical farmers. The Chancellor of the University of Georgia and a member of the faculty of the State College of Agriculture, (the latter to be amiu t By designated by the Governor) are made members ox-officio. Under the bill donations of sites may bo accepted; and, in locating’ the station, tho Board will be governed by centrality, healthful ness, adaptability of soil for ex¬ perimental purposes. The scien¬ tific part of the station can ho lo¬ cated at one point and the practi¬ cal part, the farm, at another, or both at the same place. The bill places the station under the man¬ agement and direction of the farm ers for whoso especial benefit Congress voted the annual ap propnation 1 iron vi at inn of Ot V. *15 Io,UUU. 000 Mr. Calvin lias devoted a great deal of time and thought to the subject matter of the bill and to the great interest the appropria¬ tion is designed to aid and ad¬ vance. In the fall of 1K87, Mr. Calvin pressed upon the House the necessity r‘ -----a similar bill, practiea. same bill, His purpose v,. ‘ieipat* the action taken b„. 18, 1888, making avai 000 voted under the act March 2 , 1887. The act o. arch 2, 1887, was perfect but the item was unintentionally left out of th it* appropriation act. Mr-A. A. Buck, Chairman of the Republican State Committee i of Georgia, wants to go into Gen. i tt. Hamsou cabinet, , • , and j Ins , . friends . . . s are urging that he be appointed. ] DON’T FAIL TO SEE T. J. KING'S Full line of Home-made Harness and Shoes of the best Quality kept always on hand Will sell cheap for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Fine Boots and Shoes made to order and fit guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done neat¬ ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Remember that we use the celebrated Brass Screws; will not rip—will not rust out your shoes. COME TO SEE US AND BUY OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDEP.S T. J. King. Scott building, 1 door below. Dr. Lee’s drug store. Conyers, Gn., Oct. 18th 18 8 . -HI a —v 1 —m'Y'Who arc Weak, Nervous 1 1 a § I RJ 1 m % fei-ing- all, i Debilitated from Nervous aud suf- Dc- 1/1 B1 will i ■ tility. Nightly Seminal Einis.siong. Weak _L" f JL ■ * ness, . _X. and all the effects of ear¬ ly Evil Habits, which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption Diseases or Insanity, Man, send for Pears’Treatise on of with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. No cure no pay. .1, S Pears, til:! and fill Church Sprrifalivllle', Tenn. JwTTERS of dismission. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— Whereas Isam J. Bond as administrator of Rebecca A. Whitlow, deceased, has filed his petition .with me in which he claims that he lias fully discharged all the duties as such ad¬ ministrator and prays to be discharged from his said trust. This is tnerefore to cite and require all persons concerned to show cause against the granting said discharge of said administrator on the first Monday in March 1880. This December 3rd 18S8. O. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— Whereas H. C, Gay and Rebecca E. Gay as executors of Joel II. Guy, deceased, have filed their petition with me and in my office in which they show that they have fully dis¬ charged all of their duties as such represen tivo8 and pray their discharge from said trust. This Is thorelore to cite aud require ail persons concerned to show cause against the granting the discharge of said executors on the first Monday in March 11*89, This December 3rd 1888. 0. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. YEAR S SUPPORT. The application of E. L, McDaniel the next friend of the minor children of U. J. Shipley, into of Rockdale county, deceased, for a year’s support from the estate ol’ said deceased has been duly filed in tho Ordinary’s office ns the law directs and if no objections are filed by the 1st day of December next aw order will be passed selling apart the year’s support for said minor children ns prayed for. Tills 29tli day of October 1888. 0, Seamans, Ordinaay. LA ND NOTICE. By virtue of an order from the Superior court of Henry county will be sold before the court. in Conyers, Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday in December 1888, the follow¬ ing tract or parcel of land lying in Conyers, and liounlcd ns follows ami known as the t'. M. Dickerson property; On the east by Mill Street, on the west by John W. Johnson, on the north by College street and south Metho¬ dist parsonage, proporty of Floyd Christian and others. Sold to settle the indebtedness of the estate. M, W. Dickekson. Executor. Conyers, (ja.. Oct., 39th 1883. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. STATE of Georgia, Rockdale county— Whereas T. J. Treadwell, guardian of Buiali llill, having applied to the court of Ordinary of sai l county for a discharge from his gunr iunsliip all ot IStilah concerned Hill: this show is therefore toeite persons to cause why the sniu T. J. Treadwell should not be dismissed from the guardlanshin of Iliilah Hill and re¬ ceive tho usual letters of dismission on the first Monday in January 1889. O. Seamans, 3m Ordinary. WIDOW’S ALLOWANCE. The application of Mrs. T.auracy Wetherford, widow of F. M, Wetherford late of Rockdale county, deceased, fof a year’s support for her self and her minor children from tho estate of her deceased husband having been duly fil¬ ed in the Ordinary's office as the law directs and there be no objections filed by tho 18th day of November next an order will be passed setting her apart a year's support for tho widow and minor children as prayed for. This the lotli day of October JS88. O. seamans. Ordinary. LETTKUS OFADM INISTlt ATION. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— Whereas, James S. Wetherford has in due fotm »VPUed to the court of Ordinal y of said <„nnty for permanent letters of mlministra lion <le bonis non on the estate of F. M. Weth < rfoid. deceased; this is to cite all jlbvsons concerned to show cause 011 or before the first Monday in Janua^* next why James S. Weth¬ erford should not be appointed administra¬ tor d, bonis non ou tho estate of said deceas This Jfov. 2Cth 1888. 0, Seamans, Ordinary. WIDOWS ALLOWANCE. The application of Lucinda Smith, col., wid¬ ow or Henry Smith, col., late of Rockdale c-mnty, deceased, for a year’s support for her . and her minor children from the estate of ,icr deeeaswl husband having- been duly filed in the Ordinary’s office as the law directs and f there be no objections filed by the 35tli day of November next au order wili bo passed setting “P art a year’s support for tho widow and her minor children as prayed for. This 2»th day of October 1888. 0. Seamans, Ordinary. NOTICE, * " dl be in Conyers the first Sat Un wishing \ a v’ 111 to ever see .V me mouth, will find patients at me tb<} hotel or at Dr Ue>f . drug &tor<J . Dr. L. G. Bkantlev CHRISTMAS EXCUBSM BAIES The Georgia Railroad —AND— Southern RE Gainesville, Jefferson & WILL SELL AND ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO Fjohi all Stations On Main Line and Branches. Tickets will be sold. December 21 to 25 inclusive, good until Jan. 3, ’89 On December 29 to 31 inclusive 5 sale of tickets will be resuned, good to vefjixn Amjtil January 5th, 1889. The Round Trifr^atW KWJ JBe - CENTS A MILE +~? This gives every person liAing at on these Roads a chance to their neighbors in the Holidaj^s W. White, E. R. Dorsey, Travelling Passenger Ageui. General Passenger Agent DR. J. J SEAMANS DENTIST, CONYERS, - GA. Office in Cain’s wooden building, up stairs, opposite Hotel. WANTED. 100 cords dry pine wood. Conyers Oil & Fer. Co. TO RENT. One large store-room under Ma sonic Hall in this city, For fur ther information apply at the Ban nek office. RESTAURANT. I keep a first class Lestaurent in the J. F A'luand building on Commerce St. Meals at all bouts for on 25 cents. A separate room specially prepared for white people. Pleas Turner. FOR SALE. A house and lot in the city of Conyers on Mill street within three hundred yards of the court house. A good well of water and a healthy location. Any person wishing to settle or buy ical estate in Ccnyu’s is respectfully invited to call on R. A, Guinn, Mill street, Conyers, Gn. Nov 13th 1S88. The F. F, Plow. We have just received a large lot of the celebrated F. F. one and two horse plow stocks. We think they are the best plow on the market. The main expense of this class of plows is the extras, such as points etc. with these, the extras, cost very lit¬ tle points only 10 cts. We guarantee them to turn as well or better than any stock on the market. They are cheaper this year than ever. Very truly, H. D Terrell & Co. Those who owe me will save cost by call inff on Aim settle and & Lang in 30 ford and days, Mrs, S, J. Rich ardson. LOOK HERE? People Wishing anything ...... the in Granite line will do well to address or call on O. W. Edwards & Co. Conyers, Rockdale county, Ga. Physicians prescribe Dr. J. IT. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm ; in it they find no tracs of opium or morphia, while its efficacy in curing all throat or lung diseases is won¬ derful. A . . dwelling, , mce room ... geod • ° water and 3 acres of land for sale Call at this office. w $CI ENTIFlfAMERICAN ESTABLISHED 1845. Is the oldest and most popular scientific and mechanical paper published and has the largest circulation of any paper of its class in the world. FuUv illustrated. Best class of Wood Engrav¬ ings. Published weekly. Four Send for trial, specimen fl. copy. Price $3 a year. months’ N.Y, SlONN & CO., Publishers, 361 Broadway, ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS M Edition of Scientific American. 0 A great success. Each issuo contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen. ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plans and specifications for the use of such as contemplate building. Price 12-00 a year, 25 cts. a copy. A1UNN & CO., PUBLISHEUS, PAIEMTfe$s IB 40 vears* experience and have made over >. Bi ■ 100,1)00 applications for Handbook. American and Correa-; l or- | eitfn patents. Send lor pondeuce strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not registered in tho Pat¬ ent Office, apply to Munn & Co., and procure Immediate protection. Send fo« Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, ftc., quickly procured. Address MUNN & CO., I’ntcnt Solicitors. GkNBitAL Office: 3CI Broadway, N. V. If you wish to b your Christ¬ mas good at bottom prices, cab on G. W. eaver, Call at Dr. W. II. Lee <t Ron’s drug store for all kinds of Christ¬ mas goods for old and young. GEORGIA RAILROAD Stone Mountain Route, Georgia Railroad Co., t Office General Manager, j Augusta, Sept. 29,1S8S COMMENCING SUNDAY. 3O. met, the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian. FASTLIN E. no. 27 West daily. Lv Augusta 9-45 am I Lv Athens 8.3O .ur ArConyers 11. 57am I Ar Atlanto iOOpir, NO. 2S EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2.42 pm | Ar Alliens 7 00 pm Ar Conyers 340 pm | Ar Augusta 8 i5 pm NO 2 EAST DA ILY no 1 .west daily. Lv Atlanta R.Ooam [ Lv Augusta 10.45211, Lv Conyers 9.19 am | Lv Macon 7.10 am Av Athens 5.15 pta [ Lv Mil tt’vi o 19 am ArWaVi’n 5 2O pm | LvWash’n 11.20am ArMild’ve 4. n pm | Lv Athens 850 am Ar Macon 15.00 pm j Ar Conyers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 30 pm | Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 0 20 pm | LvCov’gt’n 5.40 am L?Conyers S 07 pm j I,v Conyers 0.72 am LvC vt’11- 8 35 pm | Ar Atlanta 7.55 an: no. 4 east daily no, 3 east daily Lv Atlanta n 15 pm I LvAugustal 1.00 pm E*SS,T LvUmonPo,nt 5 S I | «*?" .‘til! %$*££# 54’jm|A rr ai hens 940 m l ui “ IUMS «» Train Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at and recieve passengers to and from the following stations onlv : Grove town, Harlem Dealing Thomson, x orwo od, Brnctt Crawford ville Union Point. Greensboro. Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, ft tone Moun¬ tain and Decaiui drain No. 1 co; needs for .VI noin s West and North West. Train N<>. « j connects >n and at! points | Eat No. 27, for all points West | and South Wes', No. 28 for Charles- j ton and Savannah. No. 3 for points West and North West. No 4 for Charleston, Savannah and all points East. JOHN W GREEN. G.n. Manner E. R. DORSEY, G’n. Pass A vent OEW. WHITE Gen Tra I'aaa'A* Big Deductions IK ALL DEPARTMENTS AT pjgj-gg, Ogjll i, Hijifflt Q*U CONYERS, GA. The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulator* t , complete. Our We Dry-Goods always keep beautiful Department and Is a well selected r 11116 dress goods and notions. DON'T FORGET US 01 Our Shoe Department J ” and complete. We have the largest and most attractive li ne ° tents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t f a ji t ee us and get our prices of shoes. MB,WALE D IN BEAUTY! Is just Our beautiful, Clothing Department * the most attractive line of clothing you ever look¬ ed through. We are making a specialty of clothing this "season, We lit e the^ and latest our styles will and certainly can give astonish you any style and quality you may price yon. Amazes TJie Buyer. Don't forget us on hats. We are the leaders in hats, :<nd ean fit styles. you m size, style and price. We have n. big stock, over 350 different Y ou can certainly get suited by looking at our stock. TO THE DIES; Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles and something new. \\ e have a big stock of ladies wraps and can give you any rtvlc and price. LARGE STOCK \ T Of Gents burnshing Goods Ye have a beautiful and well selected stock of gents furnishing goods. Come to see us at Hotel block. iA e) ■Jar-Mas 2o0 barrels of flour bought before the rise. Call and see us, "'c will ou the advantage f vise in flour. Brail we keep a full stocjv. i Haj’, oats, etc. We sell will give bushel of coan, water ground meal er we one meal for a bu hel of corn. Come to see us befoie you buy your groceries, Our Hardware Department We have every thing in this department you may call for. Don’t stand back but come and see us before you buy. CLRY W make jewelry a specialty. We keep everv thing that is kept in 3 jewelry store We Keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watches and nothing but what we can guarantee. The Disorganizes of High Prices 1 I-ain & MeKmght will guarantee every pair of shoes sold for one » doLar and a hall to be worth two dollars. “Don't fail to examine our stock betore buying. 8,000 6 o Visit the Hotel block before you or © /» rr- . „ . . , ■—• rf.r.dl rvJ.'.!,' ° ! ii iancl b’ n K'. The No. 1 shingles wh we V nn ! lan 011 can buy them make Ladd r j S huie j. commodity in business. in any market We also our Pierce, Gain. FKnight I