The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, January 08, 1889, Image 1

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He Yet Lives pitiful poem, composed ^ f Doyal of Jfebo, Ga., a ujie publication, It i' I ' 5 ”' i 't;„f31r.Jo Of 3 W e atI,er ' S 1MB tr< **•}»&»***> ° 0im,y on Nov. * 20th, l sss - «'eeoin?, caltnly sleeping' n . t‘agrave 1 sadly todivy weeping, ; » n-vsr S -' 0ECWay ' tjv one the gea tie Shepherd One lamhs from every fold— rpthers loving bosom F0 F M them to his ffith tenderness untold, a sweetly singing 1 , celestial conr. = 3'e ringing Where melod;es ol love. With the °4tblv by one the Savo-T gathers one minstrels for own; urJoe luis joined the chorus And o elo round tde lb pone, Of the ans One by one the Father gatUeva Choicest flowc.s, rich and rare, And transplants thorn in liis garden— They will bloom forever there. He is waiting, ever waiting’, yor the friends he loved the best, And he'll gladly hull their coming To the mansions ol the blest. One Iw one the Lord will call us As our labors here are done; And then as we cross the river. We may meet him one by one. Ci'ouoy suffocations, night affec¬ coughs and all the common tions of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Tar fme Lung -Damn The Woman’s Christian Asso¬ ciation is trying to raise $5,000 with which to build a “Home” at Atlanta. The work of painting- the dome on the new capitol building has been completed. The dome it the same color as the building. The discussion of tho proposi¬ tion to divide California has elic¬ ited so much opposition in all parts of that state as to show that there is no proscTect of its accom¬ plishment. Imperfect digestion and assim¬ ilation produce disordered condi¬ tions of the system which grow and are confirmed by Strengthening neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Cordial and Blood Purifier, indigestion by its tonic properties, to cures the stomach. and gives tone $1.00 per bottle. Frank Ison closed up his bar at Griffin Monday night and retired from business on account of his health. He had probably the oldest business in Griffin, having commenced business there on Monday, May 4, 1844, and being in business ever since, except during the war and two years af¬ terward. Punctuation does not appear to be a fine art in Germany. In the New York Sun’s cable letter an extract from a South Gt ian newspaper is given, which is as follows: “After him came Lord Salisbury on his head; a white hat on Ins feet; large but well-blacked boots on Lis brow; a dark cloud in liis hand; the unavoidable walking stick in his eyes; a threatening look in gloomy silence.” If you spit up phlegm, and are L troubled with hacking cough, a nse Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. s!: The publishers of Webster’s dic¬ tionary made President-elect Har¬ mon a new year’s present of a C0 Py of that valuable and inter¬ esting also work. We hope that he be given an inauguration day present of a copy of the con¬ stitution of the United States. Frof. Isham, a well known school teacher cf Atlanta, said a { dered cv: cIa ys ago: “I have often won¬ fast why it was people walked so m Atlanta, so I made up mind to shadow two rapidly Moving pedestrians yesterday to ea ® business made them vak like there was a fire down he street. I am a pretty good Go ivalker, if I am old, and kept my men in sight as they almost Ban down Whitehall street. Sud J®ly 0 un 1 Giem they in disappeared, and ffiiiik. 1 ; a saloon, taking a I am inclined to the opin ion now that fast walking in Allan hs due to the climate.” cases of Fever and Ague,the so d. U 18 as offiHually, though K“p°boro by i Cj as >.'•«*e deadliest Fever M< & an ' s Chi]h c wttie . KtlMl rv <* -Ww” *4 K i-M r > ^ i’, /// •, '. W » ■ -- ' j G i fiy® 6 < ,< .< A ih a< S z EH i i. A I * m .» g 5 Art.- ot» o ,’N L Vol. 11. Riot in Henry County. A general riot or light among the colored population took place cliristmas evening in Love’s dis¬ trict. Negroes gathered to have a shooting match. Two negroes, Joe Turner and Isaiah Burton, hitched for a fight. Turner had a razon in his hand and when Bur¬ ton ran up to Turner he cut Bur¬ ton on the arm through liis cloths. Burton ran back, got a piece of rail and struck Turner, then Tur¬ ner cut Burton on the left side, making an ugly gash though not dangerous. About this time John Kelly jerked out a pistol, at the same time hollowing to the crowd: “Stand round! Loot out!” and fir¬ ed, striking Burton one-ha’f inch below the left eye. Burton fell, and died in ten minutes. An in¬ quest was held the next day by the coroner of Henry county. The jurors found after testimony John Kelly guilty of murder in the highest degree. He is at large yet. Ran off after doing the shooting. Perhaps liquor was imbibed freely. The authorities of the asylum at Milledgeville on Saturday evening furnished the music and gave a dance at the negro building to those of the colored convales¬ cent and chronic patients who could enjoy it. Several ox the of¬ ficers and their wives and quite a number of convalescent white patients, male and female, attended as spectators and enjoyed it very much. They danced mostly quadrilles, but after they ended the floor was cleared and Lacy Malone, a prominent negro man of Atlanta, owning some proper¬ ty, and Alice Turner, both consid¬ ered fine dancers, danced a regu¬ lar old-fasioned jig which enter¬ tained ali very much. Dr. Powell takes great pains to supply as much innocent amusement as pos¬ sible to the unfortunate inmates cf the asylum. Parents and. teachers have grea¬ ter responsibilities resting upon them in the care of children than they appear, as a general rule, to recognize. They should look af¬ ter the children’s moral as well as their intellectual training. Many a boy that might have made a good and useful man has become an outcast from society, or the victim of violent passions or de¬ praved appetites, for tlio want ox a little good advice timely adminis¬ tered. Parents should keep a watchful eye upon their children, and be as careful of their moral natures as they are of their health. Evil tendencies uncorrected and evil associates are the ruin of ma¬ ny boys who might be trained up to pc honored mempers of society. m - The first train that left Atlanta af¬ ter Sherman had reduced the city to ashes consisted of a locomotive and a tender. Thomas Gaillard, now of Mobile, Ala., tells the fol lowing story: “When Johnsons army was scattered, I and about ten comrades turned up in Atlan¬ ta ragged, hungry and penniless and beheld the city a mass of smoking ruins, Everything was in confusion and disorder. It was impossible to get anything to eat, and we roamed about look ing for a place to spend the night I We found an old locomotive and tender, and one of the men in the crowd, who had formerly been an engineer, proposed to fire up the engine and make a run to Mont¬ gomery. A rail fence furnished fuel, and the water was obtained from a well and poured in the , , , m, Loftingh. olr waj“aad we Moat-omery in tvw days and " We stopped m nfehts. j I fresh supply of rails, CONYERS, GA., TUESDAY, Jan. 8, 1889. Returns His Thanks Conyers, Ga., Jan. 4, 1889. Citizens of Rockdale county: I tender you my sincere thanks for giving to me your support and in¬ fluence for the office of Clerk Su peor Court. Respectfully, W. T. Huson. Pm When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take one of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. Mrs. Lucia Brisendine, wife of Mr. J. A. Brisendine near Griffin died some two weeks ago. She had many friends and relatives in Rockdale county. She was buried near Griffin. The people who are trying to induce Gen. Harrison not to at¬ tend the inaugural hall will he positively horrified when they learn that the women will wear the decollete costume on that oc¬ casion. If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even and in the most cheerful society, melancholy on the McLean’s jolliest Liver occa¬ sions. Dr. J. H. and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. $1.00 per bottle. Mr. S. H. Wilson of Spalding county, near Griffin, died a few days ago. He was one among the wealthiest farmers in that section. He was very prominent, and was beliked by all. He was buried in Griffin. The best anodyne and e xpecto rant for the cure of colds and and coughs and all throat, bang, and bronchial trouble, is, undoubt¬ edly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your druggist for it, and, at the same time, for Ayer’s Almanac, which is free to all. The weakness and debility which result from illness may be speedily overcome by the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This :s a safe, but powerful tonic, assists diges¬ tion, regulates the liver ancf kid¬ neys, and cleanses the blood of all germs of disease. Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary org ans, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean's Liver and Kidney Balm hi banishing their troubles. $1.00 per bottle. The south is broad awake. She is hard at work cultivating those industrial opportunities which na¬ ture has given her, and which for so long have lain neglected. The statistics show a healthy gro-wth and expansion in all the lead mg branches of industry in flhe southern states. This gratifyii ig condition is not confined to aipv particular section of tne south, hut appears to embrace the whole. It is rumored that every head of a negro family, except two or three, on Col. Spain’s place, in Brooks county, has sold his pro¬ duce at a sacrifice in order to buy a through ticket to Kansas, on the promise of some emigration agent that on their arrival there, the money spent on the trip would be returned to them, and that the government would give each of them 160 acres, a horse,, farming implements, a wagon, and provis¬ ions enough to run them, the first year. Frequently accidents occur iu the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Yolcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant fa¬ vorite family remedy. The $10,000 insurance which Gen. Harrison placed on his life the other day makes ....... Ins life in¬ surance $30,009. His physical condition is represented as being good, ho doubt it is much bet ter than it will be after ho has few } ears. Y r es; They Met. In 1868, three years after the close of the war, and just twenty years ago, a Southern nmn wed a Northern bride, and located in North Georgia. Two bright, in¬ teresting children, both girls, were born. The father died and the mother returned to Massachu¬ setts, her former home, taking one of the girls, tho youngest, with her, and leaving tho other with an uncle in Georgia. That was sixteen years ago. The youngest was an infant, and the other child not quite two years old. The sis¬ ters have never seen each other since until a few days ago. When the fast mail train rolled in a few days since from New York, a fair young girl stepped out on the platform and looked wistfully around. The sister, who has al ways lived in Georgia, was keenly watching the passengers as one after another alighted. With the instinct of a sister, she rushed forward and clasped, for tho first time, a sister whom she did not remember. The reporter who, knowing' the circumstances, wit¬ nessed it, and he frankly confesses with moistened eyes. The sisters are Misses Carrie and Mary At¬ kins, the latter having boon, for seme time, with Miss Kate Collins in her millinery, store, She is known by many of our readers. Tho young ladies were brought together by their uncle, Mr. R. C. Lambert, at whose house they are iving.—Thomasvillo Times. For sick headache, female troubles, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. 25 cents a vial. At a meeting of tho citizens of Douglassville and surrounding vi¬ cinity last Friday night, at the court house, $800 was subscribed for the support of the Douglas vilie college for the year 1889. The determination of the demo¬ cratic party to keep up tariff' agi¬ tation excites the sputtering in¬ dignation of many republican contemporaries. They really can¬ not understand a party that sticks to its principles in the faco of de¬ feat, in the sturdy belief that the right always triumphs in the end. You will have no use for spec¬ tacles if you use Dr. J. II. Mc¬ Lean’s Strengthening Eye Salve; it removes the film and scum which accumulates on the eye balls, sui dues inflammation, cools and sooths the irritated nerves, strengthens weak and failing sight. 25c. a box. A church [for deaf mutes lias just been consecrated in Philadel¬ phia. Buch a liouso of worship lias its advantages. When a member drops his offering into the contribution plate, the congre¬ gation can’t determine from the sound whether it is a niciiel or a one dollar bill. And a man can enter fifteen minutes lato without burning the heads of all present. Mr. Lincoln was reported to have said that he framed his cab¬ inet, mentally, the night after his election. Gen. Harrison’s mind does not appear to work as rapid¬ ly as Mr. Lincoln’s did. It has been nearly two months since lie was elected, and it is said he has not decided on a single cabinet ap¬ pointment. During the next four years, a good many other differ enees between Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Harrison arc likely to be ob¬ served. CITATION. GEORGIA, Rockdale county— To all wbo.n it may concern: Whereas Eli L. McDaniel] has in due form applied to the court of Ordinary for the guardianship of the persons and property of Sairic, Ida, Thomas, and Nora Shipley, minor children of R. J. Shipley, late of said county,deceased. No¬ tice is hereby given that this application wiil be heard at the Ordinary ’s office on the first 3Iondry in February next This January the yzd 1869. 0, Seamans Ordinary No. 46. Selection of Court Officers Representative Bell, of Forsyth county, has introduced in "the House a bill providing for the election by a direct vote of people of judges and solicitors general. There are three recog nized methods of selecting these officers. One is by election by the legislature, another is by elec tion by the people, and the third is by appointment by the gover nor. The first was adopted in this state some years ago. Previously, however, judges and soiieitors-general were appointed by the governor, but there was objections to that method. The objection was tha t it subjected feno governor to the temptation of making appointments more with a view to helping himself politi¬ cally than to putting the best men in office; that his appointments were likely to he made as a reward for political service in tho past, or as a bid for the same sort of sor vice in the future. There is objection to the present methods also. The tendency is to drag the bench into politics. In some instances the tight for judge ships and solicitorships is begun in the campaign for nomination G f members of the legislature, can flidates ftr the legislature being avowedly in favor of certain men for court officers, and their merits being in a measure obscured. The election of judges and so¬ licitors by the people is not unob¬ jectionable. It would bring about scrambles for the nominations, and would drag tho bench deeper into politics than tho present method. Frequently the candi¬ dates who were the best wire workers, though not possessing tho proper qualifications, would get tho offices. As a general thing pretty good officials are selected by tho present method, and it is doul>tful if the pco] >le are yet ready to abandon it for tho one sugges¬ ted by Mr. Boll.—Savannah News. The merchants and Alliance men of Bainhridg’o arc having a lively twist. The merchants re¬ fuse so buy from any store which sells to the Alliance store, and far mers refuse to buy from any of he merchants except I. Kililecki. The whisky trust began the New Year in inaugurating a war on tho outside distillers. This is a war which will excite no popu¬ lar indignation against tho trust. Its object is to raise the price of whisky and restrict its production. While Lera is Liis ; - r r.houU trie;! to avn> Hj>: (uth.iit. v,:. -.1 ail otiter rewedioa have Ayor'a Cherry i‘T- tor J h;*s 1,v&u r :ite<l!y knmvi: to r.iakb ;t i*jrto cure. Waukegan,Til.. ' pity yiutra ago,” writ!.., i.i.ji Urip; "I v/«3 troubled with a disease ; ! 11.a ice's. Lectors a-Tor.icd no roe .if, s.r.'l I con. t not live many mouths. I began using Ayer's Cherry J'ttttorai, and s • n to ,.td U was h.-'.phig me. t continued t;> tnhc this modi . unlit a cure o/as eli'cctcii. I latt e no doubt that Ayers Cher ry VorL.rr.i aveil my life.” :- foret of niaU,equally us sail .factory, are «u llio. frtiihrcd by lir. J.C./y a Co., Lowell, Mass. OAKLAND SEMINARY. The Spring Term of this Institution Opens Second Monday in Janu ary, 1889, VXIBMDi 2 cents. FOUPiTH Grade per day........ ..... 7 THIRD “ “ “ 8 “ ........ ..... SECOND “ “ “ 11 “ ........ ..... FIRST “ “ “........ .....15 “ INCIDENTALS month 10 “ per A. Murray, .... Principal ..... Thos. A Piano Given Away. Tlie Georgia Music House, Ma¬ con, Ga., with its characterictic progressiva spirit, -will this year, give some lover of music a hand¬ some Upright Piano. This is a 1 big stroke of enterprise, and those | who would like to have an ele > gant piano, free, should write at once and learn all particulars. It will cost you but a postage stamp. Napoleon used to say that it did not matter what a man’s trade was— if lie was the best workman in his line he was a very superior man, deserving as much honor as anyone in the empire. Young men just starting in life with a prejudice against manual labor would do well to get this idea into tlieir heads. When a man is determined to do his best work he will improve his methods, and his increasing brain-power and skill will he so apparent that the lowest honest occupation will be enno bled, and the toiler will have the respect of all good men. A Georgia justice recently per f orIQ ed the marriage ceremony f or a CO uple in a manner entirely ull iq U0 . After asking and receiv ing affirmative responses to the usual questions ho concluded tho the words: “By the authority vested me as an offiicer of tho state of Georgia, whirl! is sometimes called the Em pire State of the South; by tho fields of cotton that lie spread out in snowy whiteness around ns; by the howl of the coon dog r and the gourd vine whose elingingtendrils will shade the entrance to your humble dwelling place; by the red and luscious heart of the'water molon, whose sweetness fills the heart with joy; by the heavens and all that is under them, in the presence of these witnesses, I pro¬ nounco you man and wife, and may the Lord have mercy on your souls.” Atlanta will in a few days be¬ gin to lay Belgian blocks on East Fair street. Rev. Sam Jones is adding another building to the orphan asy¬ lum at Decatur. It is to be a chapel and school house. It will be ready for occupancy by the first of March. Boston has invented a new vice. Her servant girls now get drunk by eating tea. This shows how deep the refining influence of Boston culture has penetrated. To get drunk in the ordinary way is too coarse and vulgar to be tolerated. Gov. Hill of New York has drop¬ ped from his staff the gentleman who declared during tho last cam¬ paign that ho would rather have tho drinking saloons behind him than the churches. By this the governor certainly makes a con¬ cession to the moral sentiment of the country which should be re¬ cognized. # This paper for only $1 per year. There is Hope 1 Even who » Com:Etnptlcn h«J apparently etatmud its victim, If Ayor’a Cherry I scleral i* prouipuj anil penuleully I'eiui Uii to. ltoduojr <iolui»i»l. i.f bpriiigiiohl, LI., atateai “SIX years ago, I contracted n severe cold which nettled on mjf lungs and soon developed all the symptom* of <ousur::;;t!oi>. 1 was so completely prostrated as to be confined to my bed most of the time. After trying various prescriptions, without ben* ofit, my physician finally determined to givo tae Ayor's C!icr ry Pectoral I took threobottle-of this preparation, and ara, now well.” «» Sold oy a,I Druggist*. Fr!co$l; six bottles,^.