The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, February 26, 1889, Image 1

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i.4LE BANNER. <fEKMS: $1, oo. one^ r in advance 50cts .p-tioD .:5‘* t * .. tlnce ferti^uj wedhtw of w a idak county- Vol. 12- *„t,lUSew Edison i s rein-esentetl as York Star re artirit ■SutaW l* e l* a<1 :llll)U ' succeed of Mr. Thomas ’ railroad lniildci "* tlu "'uW. n inventing the > lU ' Lilli)" in designed Avliicli is 5 0 whistler, ; locomotives and "'Inch in Place min ceiiu! instead of shriek W to talk successful, it would ed vliould he down of whistling for ikes, em it the word “Brakes, the brakeman would be sure j Idmto-i Itis also asserted it will be able to call out the a The abili me* of the stations. 1 this so as to be under od would bring upon its mveu the benediction ot a long irs public. iffering in _ city _ There is a maiden lady a It for from Elbe) ton "bo w instituted [it th;tt she slid ( t anion of water but a u nne <i a [ie. tub After for remaining coupe away o lotus from bath a i6 commences to famt and almost locates, and to piocuie le nst at once cover her entire body cold water. She lias m her am ii pool of fresh water, and ithis she spends a greater part [her time, both winter and sum er. Otherwise her health is |ery |Col.R. good. H. Jackson of Heard ■minty, said at Brunswick Thurs |ay: light “My sister-in-law marriage, presented on the of my fee with the first fruit cake I ever few, and I just put it away for liken years, and one night we Irought it out for supper, and six losy-faced lo darlings were with us help dispose of that wedding Like. That is how it came about pit my children partook of my redding supper.” For sit-k headache, female (roubles, lead take neuralgic pains in the Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Fillets. 15 cents, a vial. I Mr. Cleveland lias been more rileiy slandered than any other pan who ever sat in the presiden¬ tial chair. The republicans could M forgive him for being success pi, p people and they in have pictured him to e such a way that inilliims of Americans have iilsolutely no idea wljat sort of a luaii drover. Cleveland really is. I h The New II York Star has struck out bt”p«inev ora of to a UH “ firSt ' daSS t , A tremendous moral wave is sweepin» ‘ ° over’ 1 Chicago Chlca »°- Three rblee , »wspaper reporters and oleo an “arganne maker in that city turn ed from the error of their ^ In one I* dav lmf eek , imperfect . digestion r ;. and assim ,] n PJl ^ Uce disordered condi Kane °M of the system which !®d are confirmed o-row H. McLeen’s bv neo-leet Dr. '■ Strengthening t01 S, an,i J? lo<)( l Purifier, by its '•l.UOper bottle. • Foiu'-fifi]m n f n, Q O'Ae .i i. republx- , r «»«io “o CXI • r ralSC *..... 'v "'•vribii, Washir.q i „ M f f the others will 1Ut as aU a PP earauce soon ac n Tli e eitv tounci - i t has begun : a ^hieli St 0e .^ improvement ^Iberv^tre will 1 , a ll edwitl1 deli »ht. t . , rev.T Walks are soo “ ^friend? so ° U 1Zed . ? liat tlleir f!,i ’m a 1 reco nize them. ^ “tack laC ’ Touw'iu * ° n ' boles If Stn^nSn ^ lave 1)0 Dl use for spec . *1 the^fihuaiHl ’ ^ Ic ‘ seen <Cs tol 110 ^ !*” S s the sernn wtiicli 011 eye balls sub ^hg rt he mmation jrdti'ted . cools’ end ».;uT str *:uotlu,rt ,rMi nerves, ‘ adfaaiD B»8l<- IMSIS" 10 * —• V T~Z. •*.. •u I ag&g. * . ; . \h f- & HPi 4 m •* —rr - z .d m* : lt l' Ar* fM»- On A CONYERS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, February. 26, 1889. riiPie is ^nat oxuti im i.t in northernCuorgm over the dis corery of a ven, of quartz fom ferf w ,le. SOf,.fort deep and three n ' * '• j 1 '' Ul > 11,11 111 ** ' tJ - “ * ,u:nt/ ' ias l*»*eu thorough y tested and yields $30 nt pure srlver to tire ton Albert lluell, the snpennternlent of the Rock t reek Mining Company, the owner oi the. property, is now in Chattanooga to purchase an en gme and stamping mills to operate the mines. He is an old Califor ma miner and says the company has stiuck it rich. coughs Croupy and suffocations, night all the common affec Tar teHevecfby Wine Dr.‘ J.'h^mS Lmm s Lung Balm. A sensational writer in y or k avIio makes $20,000 a year on ^, 0 f j,j s stories says he has one fixed rule. It is to make soine happen within every " thon gan(1 W01 . (ls< That is to 8ayj i ie „.j ves readers not merely words but incidentg Naturally people read any sort of stuff’ that iseg tliem witll a succession of adventures. Fifty converts have been made by a “revival” at Barnesville. Rev. J. N. Bradshaw, the pas¬ tor of the Presbyterian c-hurch at Darien, lias resigned. He lias been there for the past four years. He goes to Madison, Fla. The Spalding county grand jury found over 100 true bills, 2i> being against “the boys” for gaming. If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled with a hacking cough, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. Tlie Louisiana Lottery is to have a rival. At a recent election the people of Nevada adopted by ‘ tfc 1 -/.ixlo.l iiiotMi-ifi' a constitutional ’ n’ amendment allowing • lotteries. i ,, • , All sorts of gambling are popular in Nevada which is little move than an aggregation of mining camps. A labor conference was held in ^ ill- ( l V i q ., a. t j ()b _ • - , o ; W1K , ^ i' j?,i solnlaaon r of t all tlie i a i >( r 1 „ ' ‘ tions in Amenca urn m one 1 ‘ (l Mr. Powderly thinks that the cot sididatioii can be accomplished. Another conf'et cm . \\t\\ ll< 111 ’ u L tlt " lllL 1 1111 he ^ ° . In cases of Fever rtufi Ague, fcli.' effluvium of the atmosphere as it could be by the deadliest poison, Dr J. H. McLeans Chills and Fever Cure will eradicate this poison from the system. 50 cents a bottle. The Valdosta Times says Geor gia is fifty years behind m the ma iter of public roads. The Times about , ,• i f rp pr „ i )<is is ng i • general complaint iout , long been a the condition of the public roads tion ^ toward statl y a lcbnm | * • taken thus far. It is to >c iop thattlie Koacl Congress s° on tn b “ helJiu Atkula '“."T • ol i,U ' “ U ", system for keeping . tm: l’ n , '’ i- 1 roads of the State in good condi ,io “ One farmer . in Llbeit has 11111 - negro children bound to him un til they are 21 years of age, and mos t of them are now able to do good work. -----——«—---- BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALN E. The Best Salve in the xvorld for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Tibeuru, Fever Sores, Aet ei, _ Svelv cures IMlei, guaranteed or no pay to re quired It is give perfect satisfaction, or money re to«- f Dan Langley, a moonshiner, was tried and convicted in Atlanta recently. At the trial he told that .......- to he married in a little <>'<t :i mouth. ;m<l tli«- judge therefore sentenced him to im prisonment for one month. He was thus able to quit jail on a Monday and start for his home m Gordon county, where he was to be married on the following Wednesday. He was so thankful for the light sentence that lie promised to send the judge a gal Ion of the best moonshine whisky to be got. You can’t prevent the devil from shooting arrows of evil thoughts klto y° ur lieart i hmttake care that you do not let such arrows stick fast and grow there. Do as an old man of past times has said: 1 , <“ ,1 ‘ ., 1 Prevent a bird from Hying • over my head, but I can prevent him from making a nest in my hair.” If your kidneys are inactive, you wili feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerful society, and melancholy J. on H. the McLean’s jolliest Liver occa sions. Dr. and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. $1.00 per bottle. A very little gill in the infant •class of one of our city Sunday schools came home one Sunday and told her mother that the teacher had taught them a new song. On expressing a wish to hear it, the mother was much as¬ tonished at the following sentence which was all the child could member, “I’m a little greenhorn among a half a cheese.” The words which had been misunder st oodbytlie child were these, “I’m a little gleaner among the harvest sheaves. , ,.w, v ' v1 ^ 1 ^ iel ^' llTS ^ ,IS ^ eal Ui ^ 8 1( - will hold another the coming . fall, ^ ftU exeellelit m cthod ^ b wllicl) to a dvertisethe re¬ sonvces of a country, ggy-WINE OF CARDUI a Tonic for Women. The pension list of the I nited States is almost as expensive as the immense military establish inent of Europe. A\ e will pay abo ut $90,000,000 in pensions du v i llsr tlnKnext fiscal year which is ^ of tl|( , al ,imal cost of England's standing army and within $18,000,000 of the. ex peuse of Germany s gigantic mili establishment. pimples, Som, Ad,e. and Pains. saparilla oi other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-bom scro fula or contagious blood } • remember that B. B. B. ‘ (Botanic Blood pi , Balmllias L ) g rained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable m st ances. Send to the Blood Balm n Atlanta Ga. ’ for “Book of ’ „ and , , be • ■, Tf V ondevs, , conun , < . the only TRUE blood itlifiei:. yy Messer, Howell’s X K ““^ Ga -’ " Tites: .,.“ 1 "'■' S a ffiicted 1 nine years with sores yj the medicine I could take did nl( . „„ s o»,l. 1 th,'n trial B. B. B- «"<’ red ma aonnd." s M .. ...... .. .....; - t:iin, Texiis. wilt's: "A lady tneml of mine was troubled with huiu]>H ShnU'^ , pimples on her face and neck. lKittteH of B. B- B. au d her skin got soft and smooth, pimples disa]ipeared, and her j l6 alth improved greatly. t. is l. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “Some years ago I con trseted blood poison. I had no a ppefcit e , my digestion was ruined, y^matism drew up my limbs so ^ hardly walk, my throat cau tcrized five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit, and mv life was one of tortune until I j J7‘. L- ave B. B. B. a trial, and, sur it mav se ein, the use of ttrebUto nured mc.“ An improved plow stork Inis been invented hy Thomas Cnvin, of Madison. The improvement consists .......ondduation oflever eounevtiuSr with the foot of the stock and having- an adjustable upright lever between the handles, by which the operator can instant ly set the plow at any desired on gle for deep or shallow work, or to suit the requirements of hurd or soft ground, all of which may be done without stopping. Mr. Cav in claims that by the use of his im provement a great saving is effect ed which is lost in stopping to make such adjustments in the or dinary plows now used, besides having many other advantages. Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. Me X^an’sLiver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. #1.00 per bottle, The Rev. Mr. Baxter, an En glisli clergyman, is it gloomy minded man and predicts gloomy tilings. He has a good many fol¬ lowers and they are very simple minded. He told them tho other day that the world was coining to an end in 1901. He says that in the meantime, however Austria will lose the Dauubian provinces and that England will lose India and Ireland. There is no doubt, lie says, that his predictions will come true, because his calculations have been made with the greatest The Rev. Baxter is harm less and amusing. Fifteen negro gamblers were ar rested in Albany Saturday night, Frequently accidents occur in ^] 1( , household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises: for use many years been the constant fa vorite family remedy, It was stated the other day politics had something to do with the rejection of a brother of Pres¬ Cleveland as pastor of the Presbyterian church at South am ton, L. I. It is now said that jealousy among women also had something to do with it. The r ov . Mr. Cleveland’s wife has a vm - fine voice, and when her lmsllM11(1 delivered hi s series s<»rinous at Southamton, j u iucd inthe singing occasionally. Female members of the choir, it is said, became jealous because her feywenUo wOTkbo'tefoh 'fie! At Adairsville, Sunday morning ftt 5 0 - clock the steeple of the ?? ^ } , struck ‘ 1>V h ohtmngand the church i v set n on n fih- e . Considerable damage was done b J the lightning. The par tition all betw een the vestibule a , , . f church torn to . Dr. n Bradley « was pieces. being up and discovering the fire, tbe a j arm The fire was ” aid of 0(m extin‘niislietl by the Imcleb tl.« amaW lire com ){iny ,, Harrison savs that it is es ^ [ ,,, “ t , L , r j u v H re a as n ’ st ill noticeable. constipated, with . hen you are Liver and Kidney Fillets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. _ The Georgia chautauqua is all the talk at Albany now, and prom ises to be a great success. Mayor H. M. McIntosh, secretary and superintendent, is working in defatigably, and devoting his en tire time to this important and im proving enterprise. His corres pondence is already simple im rnense, and is constantly ing. A meeting of directors took place tills week. A reinarkalde linguistic feat or cured in the city court of Atlanta recently. It was in the case of Tunmsso. who i- -nine tin AHuntf) mol West Eud sh ed way for damages. There* was a witness put upon the stand who spoke only French. There was only one interpreter who spoke French and he spoke only French and Italian. There was only one interpreter who spoke Italian and English. So the testimony of the witness delivered in French was translated into Italian by the first interpreter, then from Italian into English by the second interpreter. and thus through three tongues reached the judge. Judge Van Epps now sleeps with a lexicon under his pillow. Any one jutving us #1.20 in ad V:,m ’ e < " . ., a, new or <dd sub amber, can get the liockdale Ban¬ ina- and the Home and Farm for one year. Two papers for it little more than the price of one. The Home and Farm is two well known i tO v ueeil «v 1 UllV OUCOllllllUl • from t Its. T It , is simply first class . paper de¬ , n voted to the interest of farmers and to making home happy. Those who Wave paid us one year in advance, may get the Home and Farm by paying us an additional 20 eta. Now is the time to sub¬ scribe. No farmer can afford to miss the opportunity. It is said that Mrs. Cleveland has consented to write an article for a magazine. The critics anxious await the appearance of the tide. The public, too, is curious to know how pretty Mrs. Cleve¬ land will succeed as an authoress. The alliance of several counties of north west Georgia are accumu¬ lating a fund something after the plan of huiidiugund loan associa¬ tion, enabling people to borrow money at legal interest so they can make cash purchases and do away with the time supply system. The Mormons are making converts in Glascock county, and the citizens are becoming very much enraged. Six converts were baptized rotmntly. The Mormons aJ . e } )0 jng watched by a secret so duty called “Frtends of Honor,” a uil' tliev will be mi the march |i|-ett\ sooli. Does Experience Count? It dons, and’especially in every line of busi ness, in eonmouu ! a iUufoah.l i", '««»l complished by the remarkable cures it has ac The head of the firm of C I. IIootl & Co - 18 a f-** borough! r com peten t an d experienced p arma c i 8 t ( having devoted his whole life to the study and actual pre paration of medicines. He is al so a member of the Massachusetts aud American Pharmaceutical Associations, and continues ac tively devoted to supervising the preparation of and managing Hood’s the business eounec-tcd with, So B „n.ri„rity ,„„I culiar merit of Hood’s Sarsapiir ilia is built upon the most sub (onudatiim. In its 11 ':" .«»*»» pr^' 1 »" *'• combined with long expftrieuce, braiuwork, and experiment. It j s ou ly necewtary to give this med- —--• • •— The Scientific American has long held the first rank among the leading publications regarding practical imformation about art, sciences, mechanics, chemistry, ventions, and manufactures. No one who wishes to keep acquainted with the rapid advancement along these lines can dispense with it, Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, New Price, $3.00 a year. ms of the paper. may lie seen at this office,, and subscriptions re- WORDSTO FRIENDS: «/oJ icori solieited and satisfm Hon guaranteed. J?eltable attention given advertis ing. Tf:ii‘M$ Jih\ i so.w i in. /:. No. 1. ^ A PrnfllnhlA Profitable Business, hnciniao nT ” ^t^rrSickri..'^ in the wyi-ld. '»«'<• nl.-.a of |Vo|i|.. « it any business engaging in any ,,,ulva8slr 4f will do well pl.Sll ’ JlSdheTatmt^d “ general the publishers. Thcp otter most exceptional advantages fco those who are sufficiently enter¬ nothing wi'*° e ?.f^ e ft coste make successful canvassers, particulars’will as well as men. Full ? e sent to those who address the ^Pove° !lt,less 1S " lveu •■S IrwIifHarhlnr o at Old ••fabliau ia all pint, byfl JLi p.Hkiuf our U.acUiucaX — _ fooda nbeir the |>« <? 1c <-an •♦• ui w« willairad IVo«* m«ui pt auu !ii «a>:h bv *')i_v ,ii,e verv ’■%»i ••win|r->»tacliin* ui«ii« <u I hr w oiid. w itb al! •!(« air* D r n«!' altu »cui||rr« • « un.p,*i» Hus. »»f our j'oiilf I no valuable ait laaH.iil*:* I • t •• t o»tj *v»< aak iha: you lrb<.'V V, ii«l >\* aeiid. ihoar who iuay raii at your hum*' and alter at kuioaik* *!i aha 11 bfcouie your onu Iprny'eriy. lbia rtand machine ia |made altar iha Hite *rr peieat*. Lwhich have ran out; brtorc paten.a ruu out il sold forflMKft. %%i.h the F a*iatburtn, •*»0. and mow a«lle lor Ail B«at.atrouf«st, uioat uaa aa> hin« m tlie world. Ad i» briar t»t»m ^---* tiaua 1 wfi., writa r*ijuir*d. Plain, given. hoar la ua at anct can aa. ‘_ ur * nr«« tba beat aawiaf>tua« liiun ia th* world, and tha .i?it mu* l i'J , i?^"' * #r CO., ^* 0 ^il* au | a ,, f4«, ***ra»i«wi»to*etb*rio Aii|«wu, Malm. Atnvru-I. LETTERS Ok DISMISLION. QKORGIA, li,u’kilitlr county— Whuroas |[. C, Ony and Ki liocuu K. Guy nti oxct-litors of Joel II. Guy, <J<-t**'ns,-r). btivcfllixl tlicii- petition with me tin,) In my olllee In which they nhow (hut they have fully 'lifi uhurife,] ul] of tliolr duth-H^n* hu«,Ii reprenen- 11\-08 and pruy their diHehurtre from mild triut. This In therefore to elte and require ,11 persons concerned to show cause unuinst '.he irruntinir the dlscharKe of said executors ,n tho lirst Monday In March 18811. This Docetnher 3rd 1888. O. Sea M.i.vs, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. UKGIUJIa, Kotik,lul<- county— WIltrnH* iHuin J. Boml „a udininintrator of Itcboecrt A. Whitlow, dect'iiocd, Iiuh Hied IiIh petition with me in which he eluliim that In* lias fully dlaelmrtreil nil the diitlea as such nd miiiiatrntoruud prays to be dlsoharted from his said trust. This Is tnerefore to elte and require all persona eoneerned to show cause WiiiMt the tri-Hiitliiir said diseharae of said idnilnlatrutor on the first Monday In March 18811, This December llnl Is’ss. O. 8h.AM.VNS, in Onllnary. DON’T FAIL TO >KK T. J. KING’S Full line of I!oiii<*-mjnl(* Marnoss and Shops >f tho Lest (Jimhty Y o|»t nlwavn on v ill soil plii'H)) lor cash. for Neatness! 1 i 11 • llonf: iiiiii Slioi’.- liimii In miliT hdI flf suuru/jtei'il. All kimle oi n ftuii in# >lotn- neat• !y ini*! promptly. Never Ripping Work! ltemcmher Unit »<• in-*'th*.* colcliriitofl Hihhh S crews; will not rl|i—will not rust out your shoes. COME TO SEE US AND fil’Y OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDERS T. J. King, Scott building. 1 door below. I r. Lee’s drug store. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 18th 1888. DR W. H. LEI & SON Corner f'vnt r un i Commerce SI,. CONYERS, GA MK.VI.KliS |X • Pure Drugs, Medicines, Clieni icals, Paints, Oils, A’arnishes, Biusli.s. XViuilvw Lamp., ....... and T.«M A rti.-l.-- S.a, <■— ................... . «•'»•«( Stationery. Confeetionery Pocket etc. VIOLIN ‘ AND GUITAR STRINGS. GARCEN S. 3 ED School- Books. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. . X J CVVCuy. ® 6 * D C “■ A U T A (i U !■ I F t W Q I 1 MIXED PAINTS Paints ready mixed for houses, carriages, furniture etc. TERMS CASH.