The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, April 09, 1889, Image 1

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J10CKPA LE BANNER. TEEMS : 00 iu advance-■•■$ 1 . . ..50 cts ....25“ .. tbi' ee Left advertizing medium of flocked* county. , . 12. ,ite factory is going to A dyns® Dade county. Look he built iu hole in _ the out noF for a big' ground in that part of the state. up Savan- 8 directory gives The new of 55,353 aah a population good deal of cx There is still a neigh cit meat in the Cove City 1 00 . 1 in iWhitefield county Larding , , , hydrophobia. Several f eksa go a rabid canine bit quite went t l iroa rii that locality and which number of dogs, since ;• •i fifteen twenty ftt least or ne unmistakable of have shown sign 7 dreaded hydrophobia. The L’ 7 0 !’ j L art5 a 1 i arm ed and /.oriiues are killing all suspicious . looking canines. u advices from the city of Mexico say that the board of health of that city has pronounced Americans lard l an adulteration, rffor use nncl - in-o v nbrted -I -..-j s sale, This action has been sus {aiued by Minister Rubio and will be effective throughout the re¬ public, and instructions have been liven to all custom-houses. H. S. Moore, who has been on trial In Atlanta for killing Repre .senative Hunt, was convicted and sen fenced to the penitentiary for life. The senate of the United States adjourned Tuesday last having confirmed all the President’s nom¬ inations except those of Murat Halstead and Eugene Schuyler.. The general result of the exeeu-' tire session, we think, has been to strengthen the hold of Blaine on the administration, and to weaken the partisan tie between the Pres¬ ident and some of the republican senators. EUCKLEN’S ARNICA SAL YE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever- Sores, .Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬ tively cures Piles, or no pay give re¬ quired. It is guaranteed to perfect satisfaction, or money re¬ funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee &Son. A popular young man of War renton, wishing to accompany a young- lady to church on last Sun¬ day, wrote her a note. She repli¬ ed, and handed it to the dusky hearer, who on his way back took the liberty of licking the envelope an d sealing it up. On reaching the room of the young man, he ivas met by Juddie Pilcher, who seized the note j scanned it for a moment, then placed the side which had been sealed up to his hps, and impressed upon it a fer v ent kiss, remarking at the same hmo, “She sealed this up.” A Load smile played over the little darkey's face as ho replied, “No -i, boss, I sealed dat letter up.” Hon. Jefferson Davis says of He Confederate Cabinet: “The f resident was an Episcopalian, i ue \ ice-President a Presbyteri fb Lie Secretary' of State a He "uA-', the Secretary of the Treas a P y 11 Episcopalian, the Secreta- 1 har a Presbyterian, the Sec ”‘ ll y of the Navy a Catholic, the i wtmaster-G enerai a Methodist, fm the Attorney-General a Bap ^Otv, -______ GIVE ATTENTION “We purification of your blood, drived iirm L^io Seasoa is ] ,enefi the b °dy t0 so e * ^I'sapariibt ^ch AprifndM^H T ‘?i r Hood - 6, s is h- , ^lating't.he ^Pairing iri^v? tins'll eU and ?r® Ever, tC, f a, nerve ivvic-Av^ ® aen t w ngaiul ?«»>" ’ ® ease .^.acideand ‘f chronic dis I’Ws to 1 ? fes. If' a healthy Jaod’, ne J&BZ , vcr soa. >r\ ^twtk” S’* \/** * .<■ - ‘iS; i i 1 yd —.Y. p.-.v ■ ~y Jl A W u Mi 1 iii M - gw r «’ v it At* m u CONYERS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1889. How to choose a Doctor. Dr. Herbert C. Harris has this to say in the Medical Age: “We have read somewhere about “how to choose a wife.” Some¬ where else “how to buy a horse,” and somewhere too “how to write a letter,” or “make a garden,” or “cure the rot in sheep,”—yes, we have read “how to get rich,” and how to do everything under the sun, except how to choose a doc¬ tor. Since we can not find an ar¬ ticle on bow to choose a doctor, we will e’en write one. To be a doctor one must first be a man, and a mean man cannot be a good doctor any f more than he can be a good minister . or a good husband An<1 a readll y honesfc > lar - e aiul loving man, cannot make a poor doctor, no matter wbat liis pet patliy be. rn lo have good , l y may y ^ good sense as a man. If your doctor lacks sense about other things, you may be sure that he does also about medicine and sur gery. If the doctor’s office be untidy you may be quite certain that he will come short of giving good counsel as to health and tidiness of body. If be be clumsy in hitching his horse, you may be sure that he is not handy at surg¬ ery or midwifery. If he be a great coarse, blundering fellow— careless of dress, farmer-looking man, you may be sure that he will lack perception of those finer symptoms by which a good doc¬ tor is guided. If he slanders brother physicians who profess a different pathy, you may be sure that be is himself a quack. Good, earnest doctors are too busy to find time to slander their bretli ren or their rivals. It is the same as with lawyers, ministers, and ers. The truly good and truly ure at do not detract from the reputation of others, they are gen erousand magnanimous even to rivals. If your doctor flatters you and humors your lusts and appetites and helps you out of a bad scrape secretly,' without re proof, as if you had done no wron" distrust him. If you can hnvlmntodo 1 • 1 ?:’ , fra A rt nr o c- say iv what wha lie he would not do without the line, beware of him. Good doctois cannot be bought. Your doctor ought not to be a single man. He ouriit to be a married man, and if you see that his wife respect him and his children obey him, that is a very good sign that he may be trusted. If your doctor ters you bow to keep well, that is a good sign. You come to him with toothache, and he gives you creasote and clove oil for tbe tooth and at the same time suggests that ->'011 do not wash enough to keep well_that is a good sign. If the children like him, that is a o-ood si°m. If you find him read ing in his office that is a good sign and especially if he is a set tied, middle aged man. If he says, “I once thought so and so, but I was wrong, it is a good sign. If tbe doctor is neat and liandy in rolling pills and folding powdeis, that is to his credit. If he under stands how to bud roses, graft fc* trees, n»x strawberry poHea tor put “S lock, or n order ail these are so w v If further, meet ^ him the sign of f him quickens • v von j , aiTd you - are 0 M doctor, your confidential f .^d fi H d him, trust him. ' ______—^ That tired feeling and lo» of appetite are entirely oyei the com ^ Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Try it and see. pecu i medicine. Mr. H. Y. McCord, of Conyers, -uld make a taW- «ective, so says the Lithonia Era. VALUE OF COTTON SEED. There is in a ton of seed 25 pound of lint not taken off by our common gins worth 5c. per pound. $1.25: 37 gallons of oil at 45 cents gallon, $16.95; and 800 pounds of cake worth $8, making a ton of seed worth $25.30, showing that cotton seed are worth 25c. at the ginnery. The seed of the croj> in Georgia is therefore worth five millon dollars on the farm. We use in Georgia 136 thousand tons of guano paying one millon dol¬ lars for the ammonia in them when we have five million dollars worth of ammonia on the farm in the cotton seed. Within 40 miles of Charleston there’s nothing but phosphate rock and we have already on our land the ammonia in the cotton seed. These combined give us a good manure, The farmers should resolve never to sell another bushel of cotton seed, but press them for the oil and use them for guano and keep the immense profit in their own pockets. In cases of Fever and Ague the blood is as effectually, though by not so dangerously poisoned atmosphere the effluvium of the as it could be by the deadliest poison. Dr. J. H. Meloau’s Chills and Fever Cure will eradi¬ ate this poisou from the system. 50 cents a bottle. There is a cow in Vienna that is said to have gone to a tree and knocked off her horns so that she could get her head under a buggy seat. It is said, also, that when she finds a bucket under a seat, she will take off the top and eat what the bucket contains, then, replacing the lid, walks compla eently off to hunt other depreda tions. A move - g on foot to st , irt a new paper at At h enS) with Col. A. R. L;unar '‘ ag 1 e( ' j itor * , . cutS) spra i nsJ an d bruises; for use i„ suc h cases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for “S^mUy'Zedy. James Collins of ,,, Rockmart . , has a qu * eer piece of workmanship, e product 1 of an Mian ‘ ■ imitation of a duck, made of claj, and is • t .i - ft counterpart of one of these fowls. He found i w n c ic bands were working on the tome about three miles from > Rockmart, it having >een ex burned by one of the workmen. The following note was given by a negro in Oglethorpe county, for a horse, to be supplemented by a new note in twelve days, or no trade: “Jan y 34,’89. Clem Gear is ter by the horse from Nelson Might for $50 credit tell fall for ther money. W interville in 12 das or no trade,” After the ex piration of twehe days t ioo ow ing was ac i cc . 1 ioaK You will have no use for spec *ces* g iVe; it ye a re mov ^ g t j ie alK ] SCU m which accunlu ] a tes on the eye balls, sub dues inflammation, cools and soothes the .nerves, *ep ft s weak aad fa.hng The newspaper biographies of a great many of President Har risou’s appointees contain such assertions as “He is a man of ! considerable wealth,” “He is very . It really looks as may be honest, capable and other wise deserving, but if be isn t j | * ^ uViv bp will net left Is this ° IWdent upou which Harrison is dealing out the offices? . ^ the vast majority of the ’ ,11 throw appheants may as'.en np the sponge, fe.JW nt ,ither It has been stated from a num¬ ber of sources that Rev. Sam W. Small will probably be a candi¬ date for congress next year from this district. The republicans think that he will sweep the dis¬ trict if he will make the race. Mr. Small will be remembered on ac¬ count of the agressive campaign he made for state senator last year and the people will not elect any man to office whose aims is to di¬ vide the Democratic party. His course in the past has shown a tendency in this direction. It is Seriously doubted whether he could be elected? from this district to any office.—Griffin News. When you are constipated, with loss of apetite headache, take one of Dr. J, H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Fillets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. The Milledgeville Union-Re¬ corder wants to know why it is that the negroes of the south, if they do not get justice in this sec¬ tion, do not go to the north. This is a very easy question to answer, but not many answers will come from the north. Mr. Henry George and Mr. Samuel Smith, a Gladstonian rnemder of the British parliament, are going to engage in a public debate in London next month, presumably on Mr. George’s pe culiar theories. Whatever peo pie may think about those theo ries, Mr. George is not an easy man to turn down in a debate, and the English Smith would do well to prepare thoroughly for the occasion. For sick headache, female troubles, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLeans Little Liver and Kituey 1 lllets. 25 C ® ntB a A ia ’ Democrats behold with pleas¬ ure the manner m which the re¬ publican brethren dwell together jf >*"W however, that harmony is not spelled with a big H by the ground old party leabs. Imperfect digestion and assim ilation ^ pro Juee disordered condi ong 0 | tj ie system which grow au( ] are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Purifier, Strengthening by.its Cordial and Blood tonic properties, cures indigestion an( j gives tone to the stomach, $L00 per bottle. Q ne 0 £ oul . exchanges gets oft ^ f 0 ji 0W i ng; .“Editors know how farmin g anduear]y every business g j ldul j p e maDa ged, how all sorts 0 f government should be adminis¬ ^ered, what laws are needed, and many other things too tedious to enumera to. In short, editors are right smart men. If editors were rich and were allowed to boss the w }iole country just like they want ^ 0 j p WO uldn’ this land of the f ree S00D <r row fat and sleek with prosper ity!” jj enry yf Stanley writes a gra p hic letter from Africa, That seems to settle the puestion about which the coimtry has so long been agitated, and assure us that he has not been made soup of by the cannibals or swallowed by a ^ oa constrictor, The White Chief ha3 however, had a tough "Saturday Night,” the most popular story and fa,,uly paper ,n this country, having a circulation of 200,000, may be subscribed for at this office. When you wish to read a story, read the best. On the cosy fireside eager to hear a nything novel or romantic we know of no pleasure equal to that of reading to them u w e U- S The subsenption puce o “Saturday Night” is *3.00 per year in advance. We offer it and the IIockpale Paksee both at S3. 00 a year in advance. Gen. Bouluuger ig evidently not of the stuff of which success¬ ful revolutionary leaders arc made. He is anxious to be dictator of France, another first consul of the Bonaparte pattern, but not anxious enough to put his neck in serious danger in pursuing his ambition. The introduction of the keen point of M. Floquets rapier among the muscles of that useful part of his anatomy taught him that the broad guillotine blade, if set to work, would be anything but agreeable. A burn ed child very wisely dreads the fire and Gen. Boulanger dreads cold steel. At the business of revolution-making, in which he has been engaged for the last year or two, makes special demands in its final developments on the maker's willingness to risk neck and ability to handle cold steel, the general shows himself peculiarly unfitted for the work he has undertaken. you ^ will Y -u U feel I ! dlln and v y ' S i look !U i° wreohod, lnac ^ lv 9> even in the most cheerful society, and melancholy on the jolliest McLean oc casions. Dr. J. H Liver nnd Kidney Balm, will set you right again. $1.00 per bottle. Among the political rumors at Washington is one that the repub¬ lican senators who voted against the confirmation of Mr. Halstead’s nomination have been put upon the black list, and that when they appear at the white house to mako recommendations they will bo coolly received. The President is reported as saying that these senators have been guilty of a breach of party discipline, be¬ cause they understood when he refused to withdraw Mr. Halstead’s nomination that he wanted it con¬ firmed. Croupy suffocations, night doughs and all the common affec¬ tions of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. The thirteen superstition, in its original form, was surrounded by too many conditinos to be very forcibly impressed upon people, but the number 13 has gradually come to be regarded by the sup¬ erstitious as being In somo way connected with misfortunes almost everywhere it occurs. If ill luck befalls one of those unfortunately constituted persons, he at once begins an investigation to see if the number 13 was not responsi¬ ble for it. A woman, writing to a contempoary, says tliut she was married on Aug. 13, and that her married life has been almost a perpetual struggle. Her hus¬ band lias repeatedly failed in bus¬ iness. Fortune might seem to smile upon him for awhile, but in the end he would fail. She wants to know if the fact that she was married on Aug. 13 hadn’t some¬ thing to do with it, Old people suffer much from disorders of the urinary gratified organs, the and are always at wonderful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. $1. 0() per bottle. John Smith, who killed Henry Henderson in Texas valley district in Floyd oounty, last November, was found guilty of murder Tues¬ day and sentenced to hard labor in the penitentiary during the re¬ mainder of his natural life. BLAIR SAYS IT’S ALL RIGHT. ** ^Mnot kceplnmsl Chica-o says without yQur Clarko - H Extract of Elax Skin Cure and Cough Cure. \\e numerous to evcry family having children. used it for Whooping quick and Cough satis with remarkably <X7e™?«ugh the'famUy 1 hot g „ Q n i y one 8 i ze , large the t]e price *L00. If you want best toilet soap get Clarke’s Flax Soap, 25 cents. Ask any of yom Druggists, for these preparations, WORDSTO FRIENDS: Job work solicited ami satisfac¬ tion guaranteed. Reliable attention given advertis¬ ing. TERMS REASONABLE. No. 7. SOA5 VS. LAW. A Missouri constable r de out t 0 a f a rnx near St. Joe, armed with a subpoena for a woman who was wanted as a witness in a case iu court. He found her in her back yard, busily engaged in stirring a boiling, bubbling mass iu a large black kettle. He stated his busi ness, and she said: “I can’t go to-day.” “But you must." “Wliat’s the hurry?” “Why, court’s in session, and th 0 case is now on trial. They want you by noon.” “Well I aint going. You think j ! m g-ojng- off’ and leave this hull kittle o’ saft soap to spile, just to please your old court? No sirree!” “Why, my dear madam, you must. You really don’t seem to understand—'” “I understand that I’ve got a big kittle o’splendid soap grease on to bile, and it’ll make thin, sticky soap if it ain’t finished to dav. You go ° back and tell the . : „ S() - “You 11 be fined for— “Pooh! I’d like to see the Mis soury jury that’d fine a woman for not leavin’ her soap biliu’ when it was at a critical p’int, as one might say. Tell the jedge I’ll come to¬ morrow', if we don’t butcher our peegs then; an’ if we do, I’ll come some day next week.” “But I tell you that won’t do. You must come now." “Lookee, young man, you think I’m a fool? I reckon you never made any soap, did you? If you had; you’d knOw that—” “What does the judge care about your soap?” . “Well, what do I care ’bout the jodge, if it comes to that? Law’s law and soap’s soap. Let the jedge ’tend to his law, an’ I’ll tend to my soap. The good book says there’s a time for everything, an’ this is my time for a bar’l o’ saft soap.” “Well, madam, if you want to be fined for contempt of court, all right. You'll be fined sure as—” “Bah! I know’ all ’bout the law, an’ there ain’t anything in it ; nor in the Constitution of the United States, nor in the Declaration of Injeopeudeuce, nor iu nothin’ else that says a woman’s got to leave a kittle o’ half-cooked soap, and go off to court when she aint a mind to. I guess I know a little law myself.—Tid-Bits. If you spit up phlegm , and are troubled with a liackin g cough, Wine use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Lung Balm. A TRUE TONIC. When you don't feel well and hardly kuow what ails you, Balm) give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood a trial. It is a tine tonic. T. O. Callahan, Chariott, N. C., writes: “B. B. B. is a fine tonic, aud has done me great good.” L. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga., writes: “I believe B. B. B. is the best blood purifier made. It has greatly improved my general health.” 1>. An old gentlemen writes: “B. B. gives mo new life and strength. make If there is anything that will an old man young, it is 13. B. B.” P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, 1888, writes: “I de¬ pend on B. B. B. for preservation had it in of my health. 1 have my family now nearly have two years, had and iu all that time not have doctor. ” u Thos. Paulk, Alapaha. terribly from writes: ‘,1 suffered dyspepsia. The use of B. B. B. has made me feel like a new man. I M ould not take a thousand dol¬ lars for the good it has done me.” AY. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “I had a long spell of ty¬ phoid fever, which at hist seemed to settle in my right leg, which swelled up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged I then a cup full B.B. of B. matter trial a and day. it cured gave a me.” This paper for only $1 per year.