The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, April 30, 1889, Image 1

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KOC kpale banner. TERMS advance.•••?!. : °° ****££• in ....50 cts : ....25“ .. three dvertising medium of Male Ugal cov ^ nt . y- IS. -"i^SCAKl DUNDEE. Sometime* S a young he likes man some «““f ad [tOXU e ,„d says future. I say to vice ask to his “sp.*k te ' lr " tll d - i “ be P h 0l °T‘h ' W>' te *" debt. right away und tries He goes nominated for office, und i n be months he vhas in jnaype in six There gbail for embezzlement. I belief it vhas best to {ore, mans who like shpeak to young Abound do slmst will be like all you right want to do und you her Sometimes a girl bring me album und says she likes me to ^ite in it. Hike to oblige her und so I write: “If you expect to be happy m der parlor you must practice in der kitchen. _ ^ economy I dat album Der next time see dot page vlias cut oudt und dot girl vbas telling people dot some old Dutchmans vhas slmst too cranky to live. Therefore I be¬ lief it vbas better to write in that I album: “Find a rich and foolish young I m an—marry him—sit doAvn in der I parlor— let de kitchen go py Halafax, und you will lif one lioonered years und take all der happiness dere vhas.” Sometimes an oldt man comes I to me und says he likes to get 1 married again to a young girl, I und he would be glad if I tell him how it vlias. It vhas pleasure for me to say: “Dot man who vhas feety years I old und lnif seex shildren vhas an idiot asylum to marry himself by | a girl of eighteen.” Dot oldt man says lie vhas ever so much obliged, und he goes light oft und marries dot gal und in four Aveeks all his shildren Avas turned oudt doors. Somebody spheaks about Carl Dunder, und he says I don’t know so much ash dot bird’s nest of last year. Therefore, it vhas better for me if I tell him: “It vhas all right, Mister Schmidt—marry at once—it vhas your duty—young wives like old husbands—never mind dose child¬ rens—you vliill be so happy asli niver vlias.” > Sometimes a fellow comes to me und says it vhas queer how I get along so vliell. He goes down hill all der times, vhile some odder peoples who don't Avork half so hard ash he does goes oop. He says he like to ask my advice, undpooty soon I tells him: “Don’t go by some saloons— keep oudt of strikes—let politics alone—smoke a pipe und lif like der mans who makes only tAvo dollare a day.” He says he vhas eafer to mooch obliged, und he goes by a saloon un d sets em oop for der boys, nnd say I vhas a fool und der liberties of dis country vhas in danger. him: Maype she vhas better if I told “Drink -L>nnk all ->11 der rlo* beer l you can ‘SSfSSTSS e ?.( ery "'“U, .wear dot der rich vhas growing* n rii all der time.” advise 1. vhas herself. tired. Let somepody BTOKLEN-S w ARNICA SALVE, p® ffK, 6 Bru Best l; ses Sake Sores, in the Ulcers, world Salt for C&fe . (SSffr. Tetter, . ^ cures It is Piles, or no pay re Derf ce i satisfaction, guaranteed to give - or money re ^sab gmaeu. Pnce 25 cents per box. by Dr. ito , trorti “'' i ;., ,i , r“ <U ‘' ! ‘ e es ' bead t ^ 1 D aius m the UWe 25 cents Liver Ind Ktt' 1 etS a vial. NV THOMAS! Cpf rilt Wn{” * rA^Sjit^, V? ftfl mm lL f4 ^ h iw™ hm TIT V O JJ U El fj wm. / mm fefia >?n.- ft . 1 Os Pee? %% xrr ■*-T" Ml Rs i r CONYERS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1889. FROM COVINGTON. These items are from the last issne of the Covington Enterprise: The Standard Oil company will soon erect a house near our depot for the storage of their goods. Miss Loulie Hardwick, from LaGrange Female College, is spending a few days at her home at Almon, to the delight of her many friends. Rev. C. A. Evans, of Augusta, will preach the commencement sermon for our female college this year. Gen. Evans is one of the best men in the land, and an elo¬ quent speaker. Mrs. A. J. Webb and daughter, Miss Gussie, visited relatives in Atlanta last week. They will spend part of the summer at Cum¬ berland Island and other pleasure resorts on the Atlantic coast. Late Monday afternoon Ave were throwing a cast net in “the long hole” at Cedar Shoals. At this point there is a rush and whirl Avater, SAvift and strong, and as Ave threw the net in the current we covered two fish and attempted to tangle them securely, and succeed ed in getting our hands on both the fish, but one of them the lead line up witli its head and put out for deep water. The saved was a carp that weighed pounds. The one that was almost as large. delegation will A Newton county visit Oklahomasometime in May. Tlie taxable property of Geor¬ gia increases eacli year but increase is mainly in do toivns cities. The farmers not rich rapidly. You Avill have no use for tacles if you use Dr. J. H. Strengthening Eye Salve; it moves the film and scum which accumulates on the eye balls, sub¬ dues inflammation, cools and soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens weak and failing sigh. 25c. a bottle. A good rule for guidance of a girl through the years Avlieu she is the object of admiration and flattery, is to do nothing Avliicli she would not be willing to tell now to her mother and hereafter to her husband. Life may be made tamer for her by observing that rule, but it will assuredly be more pure, womanly and safe.— Youth's Companion. Imperfect digestion and assim¬ ilation produce disordered condi¬ tions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening by its Cordial and Blood Purifier, touic properties, cures indigestion stomach. and gives tone to the $1.00 per bottle. At Milledgeville tlie directors of the recently organized oil mill company haA r e called for a 10 per cent assessment. When that amount is paid in the work will be begun. Tlie moving spirits in the oil mill company propose to push it forward to completion at a ver y early date. At any rate it will be in operation by the time the season begins. If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled with McLean’s a hacking Tar cough, B llse Th- J- H- me L B a!m. It i* DOW settled fact that a cot ton factory will soon bo erected at Carrollton. Xlio coropanj \\i commence work in fifteen days. The oldest war horse is not dead after all. It is alive at the age of 84, and is owned by A. W. Barrett of Stewartsville, This animal is a mare, known as -Old Fly.” She went into the ™ til Septem in , JUl UT re , 8 b Stowas": several big battles and numerous skirmishes. T . occur taMch"w*Dr 1“ S has for iany “ , • ear? T iniment lie been constant vorite"family remedy. One of the foolisliest things in j this day is tlie the effort biggest of newspapers | to get out paper, j The people have not the time to read even a four page Aud, on Sunday they must go to church, and, therefore, can read no paper on the .only day they might set apart for their The Alabama farmers have join ed those of Georgia in their fight agaiust the bagging trust. It there is any binding force in resolutions solemnly adopted, there is going to be a revolution in cotton baling methods this fall, and the trusts will not benefit by it. NOW, GIVE ATTENTION To the purification of your blood, for at no season is the body so susceptible to the benefits to be derived March from April a good and May. medicine, Hood’s as in Sarsaparilla is the people’s It sfeinds favor ite spring medicine. unequalled scrofular, for purifying salt rheum, ill e blood, curing kidneys liver, regulating the and repairing nerve tissues, strength- whole ening and invigorating the J 0 f' aC ute and divonfc dis ease, and restoring the afflicted parts to a natural, healthy condi tion. If you have never tried Hoods Sarspaiilla for your spimg me lcme, v o so sea sou. Michigan lias adopted high li cence. A laAv passed a few days ago taxes all retailers of intoxiea ting liquors $600 a year, $1,000, brewers $250, wholesale liquor dealers $800, Avine and beer merchants $600. As these are state taxes in tion to local licenses, Michigan entitled to first place as a high cence state. Tlie dcav law not go into effect until May, 1890. This paper for only $1 per year, Mr. Callaway Franklin of Meri Avetlier county says by throAving Jerusalem Oak, a Aveed that grows on all plantations, among corn as it is cribbed, rates Avill be kept away from tlie grain. He avus greatly annoyed last year by the ravages of rats in his corn; this year he scattered Jerusalem Oak in his corn as he tlireiv it into the crib and has not been troubled at all. *Mr. Franklin says the Aveed lias been worth many dollars to him this year. A TRUE TONIC. When you don’t feel well and hardly know Avliat ails you, give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial. It is a flue tonic. T. O. Callahan, Cliariotfc, N. C., writes: “B. B. B. is a fine tonic, aud has done me great good. L. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga., Avn-ites: “I believe B. B. B. is tlie best blood purifier made. It has greatly improved my general health.” “B. B. An old gentlemen writes: . B. gives me new life and strength. make If there is anything that Avill an old man young, it is B. B. B. P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, \ a., August 10tli, 1888, writes: “I de pend on B. B. B. for preservation had it in of my health. 1 have my family now nearly two years had and m all that tune have not to have a doctor.” Thos. Paulk, Alapaha. Ga., writes: \I suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The use ’of B. B. B. has made me feel like anew man. I Avould not take a thousand dol lars for the good it has done me.” NY. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., Avrites: “I had a long spell of ty p hoid fever, which at last seemed to settle m my right leg which swelled'apem>rmou P 8 l|c^An f„ G f matter a day. I then e B B B a trial and it cured me .» ll your kidiie}Uare~ and look Avreched, Avill feel eveQ - n mos t cheerful society, and melancholy on the jolliest oc Dr. J. H McLeans Liver und Kidney Balm, wH^yt cause refused (they to Avitkdraw ^understood Mr. Halstead when he s nominaUon that he wanted it con firmed. THF TRUE AIM OF LIFE. OncofBrowning'sgreatestser vices to his generation in the way c f mora i impulse is the clearness w Rh which he has presented the a i m 0 f pf e ils the development of the individual soul. Life to him means, above all things, intense a nd continuous activity; the out of the emotions, the gray¬ pling of thought with themost dif ticult questions, the answer of ac tion to opportunity, and the irresistible impetus which a great affection or a great passion gives to the whole movement of one’s nature. It seems to be the theory of many people that the aim of life is to keep out things, to hold care at a distance, to shun responsibili ty to get away from work, to shield themselves from all painful am j trying experiences, and to spend .\ theiv days on some quiet /, ls bunl . in . the ,, gieat , steam , of hu man action. Those who hold and act upon gucll a creed, defeat the very ends of tllciv life - hold that liar bor-bound which was mean for the seas; they keep that in tlie seed which was mean to come to flower and fruit; they imprison in the va gp the fragrance that was mean for the free air Life is to be sought, not to be shunned; and the things by Avhich it is developed—work, responsi bility, care, groat burdens—are to accepted joyfully, not to be sedulously avoided. He is the most happy servant in whom the greatest trust is reposed, upon whose shoulders the Ai eightiest responsibilities are placed; and he ought to be the most unhappy servant to Avliom is given, for lack of capacity, the smallest place and the lightest duty. That Avhich more than anything else makes great souls is passion for life; an intense and irresistible desire to drink the cup to the bottom, to find out all that life has to teach, to receive all that life lias to give, and to pour out iu exchange all that there is locked up in one’s oavii soul. The greatest lives have been those which have been most com¬ pletely developed, Avliose growth has gone on Avithout hasting and Avitliout resting to the very end and this is the only life worthy of those avIio Avere born for eternity. —Christian Union. When you are constipated, ivitli loss of apetite headache, take one of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Fillets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. There is a new sensation in the Woolf oik murder. The report reaches Macon that the trunk of Miss Pearl Woolfolk, one of the butchered victims, a young lady about seventeen years old, Avas found a feAv days ago full of clothes at the house of Green Lockett, eoiuicu u tu Woolfolk planta- 1 It also declares that bask- , tion. a et full of provisions has also been f OUIU i a t Green Lockett’s house, If . ig 8aid tAiat j t i s the same bas ket of eatables that had been pre pared by tlie W oofolk family, on the night of the murder, for the pi cil ic of tlie next day, and no trace (){ which basket could he fould at the Woolfolk house on the ai.oovery of the murderer. It is also reported that stort handle ax like that with which the Woolfolk family were killed baa abo been found at Green Locketts house. It ^H | b e remembered important that Green Avitness Lock-j for | wag ail ^ ^atn at *iu. thuh,^ tt^of tri*l of Tom lorn 80 ,„ e effort was made to run him l y an Atlanta detective.—Ma- Don’t forget the poor editor when you have a news item, says an eastern exchange. If wife licks you, let us know it, and we will set it right before the public. If you have tell ns, if you are not ashamed your visitor. If a youngster rives at your bouse begging raiment, buy a lot of cigars come around; and, if you are cash suberiber, we will foul suitable name for him or her the circumstances will And if you have a social ing of a few of your friends, arouml a big cake, seven or bies and a bam—not to eat, but as a guarantee of good faith. You need not about inviting us, for it is a too cold for our Avardrobe. mention these lfttle thing for want the news, and avc Avill it. The superior . merit ,, of , Ayer . Cherry Pectoral as an expectorant is due to a skilful J’jj'S 11 Ruthin fu ev ^ r been attempted and its success in the cure of monary complaints is In February last John P. man delivered an address to Virginia conference of tlie North eru Metliodiat Church, in course of which lie said tlie American blood was to be in the South, and he did not but the people of tlie South to thank God they had been born South of the Potomac. The North would have to engage in a death grapple with the foreign element, which avas fast dominating latures and municipalities, and might be that the South have to march forth for the servation of our dearest national institutions from foreign encroach¬ ment. Humors run riot in the blood this season. Hoed’s expels every impurity and vital¬ izes and enriches the blood. Postmaster-General W anama ker’s Sunday-school class has increased in number from 288 ta this time last year to 685. His bus¬ iness is booming in all branches. The spot where Gen. Albert Johnston fell at the battle Shiloh, is now marked only by small cedar bush, the tree by he died having been car¬ away, root and branch, by ♦ Old people suffer much from of tlie urinary organs, are always gratified at the effects of Dr. J. H. Liver and Kidney Balm banishing their troubles. $1. per bottle. In the town of Bessbrook, Ire¬ where John G. Richardson 3,000 people in the man¬ of Irish linen, no liquor been sold for forty years, and a result there is neither police prison, pawnshop nor pau¬ in the town. Croupy suffocations, night and all the common affec¬ of the throat and lungs relieved by Dr. J. H. Tar Wine Lung Balm. R. L. J. Gordon, state organi- is of the Colored Alliance, with much success in his undertaking. In Givin and DeKalb counties he has four lodges recently a membership of 364.—South - Alliance. OF THE . PEOPLE „„„ have used Clarke’s Extract Plan (PapiDon) Skin Cure of Skin Diseases. Pimples, unsightly Erysipe Eczema, eruptions, humiliating Tetter, etc., all ^ Carbuncles, nuparatron ,l 0 at all Drug Stores. good for Clarke’s Flax Soap trice is 25 cents. Skin. Try it. WORDSTO FRIENDS: Job work solicited and satisfac¬ guaranteed. I tellable attention given advertis TERMS REASON A RLE. No. 10. GENERAL LAWTON ABROAD, It is exceedingly gratifying to General Lawton’s many in this country, aud especially Georgia, to hear from every quar¬ ter the most complimentary ex¬ pressions of opinion concerning the manner in which the general discharged the duties of his high position while ho was United States minister at Vienna, General Lawton’s ability, zeal, amiability and dignity produced a very favorable impression at the Austrian court, and the press and society of Vienna bear tic testimony to the tact and fiuement of the gracious, gentle and gifted lady who aided husband in doing the honors the American legation. In this instance the country been signally fortunate in its resentatives at one of the and proudest courts in Europe. In cases of Fever and Ague the blood is as effectually, the not effluvium so dangerously poisoned of the as it could be by the poison. Dr. J. H. Chills and Fever Cure will ate this poison from the 50 cents a bottle. The Odd Fellows of Macon ebrated last Thursday night 70th anniversary of the of the order Avitli appropriate exer¬ cises and a banquet to which justice Avas done by the members and their families. The was an enjoyable one, and long be remembered among the pleasant anniversary of the order in this city. The Indipendant: the thousands “The in Kansas Avomen voted by last week, the. number far exceed¬ ing those of 1887. Over 2,360 voted in numbers Topeka, elsewhere, anil correspon¬ The ding then, de¬ one issue now, as avus cent municipal government, and our readers do not need to be told which side the women Avere on. It made very little difference to them Avliother the ring candidates were Democrats or Republicans; their votes wont for pure govern¬ ment every time. Oskaloosa has re-elected its feminine rulers, aud two other small cities, Cotton¬ wool Falls and Iiossville, have put their government in the hands of women. Not less than and forty thousand Avomen voted, the policy of female suffrage, like that of prohibition, Kansas.” has apparently come to stay in All the railroads in the United States and Canada, without ex¬ ception, now use the standard time of one of the four sections—east¬ ern, central, mountain, or Pacific. Cities and towns have very gen¬ erally conformed to railroad time of their respective sections. Out of 288 cities of over 10,000 inhabi¬ tants, less than tAvcnty-five retain local time. DON’T FAIL TO SKK T. J. KING’S Full line of Hoino-mude Harness and Shoes of the best Quality kept always ou hand iVill sell cheap for cash. Wonder for Neatness! Fine Boots and Shoes innde to order and fit guaranteed. All kinds of repairing’ done neat¬ ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Iteraemberthiit we use the celebrated Brass Screws; will not rip—will not rust out your shoes. COME TO SEE US AND BUY" OUR GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDERS T. J. Ki.\g. Seolt be,Id,,,?. 1 door below. Dr. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 18th 18 8. , ,.j ( KIM US SIIKKIFF SALE. win be sola before tbe court hou»e door, in aock*i«Je county, on the FiwtTue^r in May ^ ^^ ^ 8Uf>e rior court of Bookd»te county. This April a.». a. a M-nonau, sa.„«.