The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, May 21, 1889, Image 1

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BOt TDAIiE banner. TERYIS : in advance. • ■ ■ SI. 00. .... 30 cts 23 “ .... .• three legal advertising medium of IE Male county. Vol. 12 . The Homeless Singer. dd dark night, when the ffjniUiis ° n 4 ^blowing • j hard, Conrad, in a worthy little town « Jjjg flute, idi'h Germ jT y ,’X his wife, was heard pre aring supper, They a 1’ voice singing outside. swe et good eyes Tears filled the man s be said: “What a fine weet ffi What pity it should be voice! a spoiled by being tried m such think it is the voice of a child. Let us open the door and see,” said Ids wife, who had lost a little boy not long before, and whose heart was open to take pity on the little wanderer. Conrad open the door and saw a ragged child, who said, “Charity good sir, for in, Christ’s little sake!”^ one,” said ■ “Come my for the lie; “you shall rest with me jiiglit.” said, “Thank God!” and Ike boy entered. He was given some sup¬ per, and then he told them that he !vas the son of a poor miner, He and wanted to be a priest. wan¬ dered about and sang, and lived on the money the people gave him. His kind friends would not let him talk much, but sent him to bed. When he was asleep they looked in upon him, and were so pleased with his pleasant face that they determined to keep him if he was willing. In the morning they found he was only too glad to remain. They sent him to school, and afterwards he entered a monastery There he found the Bible, which he read, and from which he learn¬ ed the way of life. He became the great preacher and reformer, Martin Luther. Little did Con rad and Ursula think of wliat they were doing when they eared for this “least of tliese“my brethren!” You will have no use for spec¬ tacles if you use Dr. J. H. Mc¬ Lean’s Strengthing Eye Salve; it removes the film and scum which accumulates on the eye balls, sub¬ dues inflammation, cools and soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens weak and failing sign. 25c. a bottle. “RocicofAgeh, Cleft for Me.”— In the pleasant county of Devon, iu one of the sequestered passes, with a few cottages sprinkled over it, mused and sung Augnstus Top latly. When a lad of sixteen, and on a visit to Ireland, he strolled into a barn in which an illiterate layman Avas preaching—but preaching reconciliation to. Got! through the death of his Son. The homely sermon took effect, and from that moment the Gospel Melded all the poAvers of his bril¬ liant, active mind. Dui'ing his illness, Augustus Toplady seemed 1° li ye in the vestibule of glory. To a friend’s inquiry he answered Mth a sparkling eye: “Oh, my dear sir, I cannot tell the comforts H fee] in my soul; they are past ex¬ pression. The consolations of Lod are so abundant that lie leaves nie nothing to pray for. My pray¬ ers are all converted into praise, en joy a heaven already within my soul.” And Avithin an hour °f dying he called his friends and ^ked if they could give him up and when they replied in the af Wive, tears of joy ran down iao!T StS* ° tbat you are 4 made “ OI i' wi ■ of delr °i Ver int ° the liands witknie/f mv edeemer and. i part £k»i„g me, for no mortal can live af see. the glories which A-a beautiful CSSfw!L7 hvinn 1 ^ f7 t ud 1! t Qeftfrirr ^ 1D «p Itock i- of Ages, \ ^ Old for people me.’-Selected. n suffer ci disorders , nel m,u muc JS from t lom - afl d are ai unn ? r 5 r c rgans, ^•Lean’s Liver J *H ajSSg* 2.» nd Kidnev Balm YV 4< "" - ? ^'7 ffl m3, li M w- Srt.- 1 Co. ■e\: ; a I »r:- .B m- >m a Jr A h CONYERS, GEORGIA, MAY 21, 1889. Just Three Things. “I once met a thoughtful schol ar,” said Bishop Whipple, ‘“who told me he had read every book he could which assailed the reli gion of Jesus Christ, and-he said he should have become an infidel but for three tilingsi *First, I <xui j a man. lam vom* somewhere, To-night I am a day nearer the grave than I was last night. I have read all such books can tell me. They shed not one solitary ray of hope or light upon the darkness. They shall not take away the guide and leave me stone blind. Second, I had a mother. I saw her go down into the dark valley, where I am going; and she leaned on an unseen arm as calm¬ ly as a child goes to sleep on its mother’s breast. I knew that was not a dream. Third, I have three motherless daughters. They have no protection but myself. I would rather kill them than leave them in this sinful world, if you blot out from it all the teachings of the Gospel. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬ tively cures Piles, or no pay give re¬ quired. satisfaction, It is guaranteed to perfect funded. Price 25 cents or money box. re¬ per & Son For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee ----• * A Scotch gravedigger once said: “Trade's very dull the noo. Iliae n a buried a leevin’ cratur for three lveeks. When you are constipated, Avith loss of apetite headache, take one of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. They are pleasant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. It is related of a young clergy¬ man Avho Avas the happy father of a charming and beautiful daughter that one day preparing his Sab¬ bath discourse he Avas suddenly called away from his desk on a mission of mercy. So imperative Avas the summons that he left un finished this sentence: “I never see a young man of splendid physique and the prom¬ ise of a glorious manhood almost realized, but my heart is filled with rapture and delight. His daughter, happening in the study, saw the sermon and read the words. Sitting doAvn, she wrote underneath: “Them’s my sentiments, papa, exactly! Croupy suffocations, night co u°'lis and all the common affec¬ tions of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. Jr H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. President Candler, of Emory college, promises an interesting commencement at Oxford this ...... The sermon will be ed Ly Rev. G. B. Stridden, D. J> and literary addresses aviII be made by Hons. John Temple Graves, F. H. Richardson and Peter F Smith. Excursion rates will be" o-iven by the railroads so that visitors who desire to spend only the day at the commence ment can easily do so. For sick headache, female troubles, neuralgic Beilis jn Lie Litl Liver aud'Kitne; Pillets. 25 ceuts a viai - The northern people are pre arin „ to celebrate their decora :■ ““ r be^ifulanil xi..v-«tn This custom is appropriate “*• and the nortb true “ patriot iUs in will ,?r honoi so “u the ’’ people who , adheie i, to it The season o the year has come when sanitary . ■ 1 should * be ' eryS1,1 '- V - The Piedmont Chautauqua r „ , , ya Rome is under-going the* experi ence of all prohibition cities. There is great agitation there over the existence of blind tigers, and it is said that it is no trouble to obtain whiskey. If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel und look wreclied, even in most eheerful society, an ^ loly ’ T ou ^ ie 1 ' J ' ' Liver nnd Kidney Balm, will bottle, set you right again. understood $1.00 per he cause they when refused nomination to withdraw that he Mr. ante* Hipead’s it w con firmed. A special from Washington to the Louisville Courier-Journal, alluding to the great accumula tion of money in the vaults of the treasury, and the cost of employ ing a number of experts for se\ eral mouths in counting it, says. , ‘If the people will pause and gaze on the picture of at least sixty ex perts engaged daily for a period of four or live months in simply counting the idle wealth wrung from the laboring masses, there may be such a revolution in public sentiment as shall secure refroin in taxation and economy in ex¬ penditure.” Imperfect digestion and assim¬ ilation produce disordered condi¬ tions of the system which grow and are confirmed by Strengthening neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion stomach. and gives tone to the $1.00 per bottle. Mr. J. W. Loyd came near being seriously liurt by lightning Mon¬ day afternoon, *He was severely shocked while in his store, near Salem camp ground. Six other men present were also shocked. The store building was struck and the roof badly damaged. Some bottled goods were broken and the room was hot and sultry, there being no air whatever in circula¬ tion. It Avas “squally" times around and about the store for several minutes. If you spit up phlegm, and are troubled Avith a hacking cough, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. Quiet woman are women Of power. The noisy, blustering, ar rogant, self-asserting among them, make the air hot with their voices, and trouble the Avorld witu their superabundant activities, But this cannot be called strength—it is more generally a sham and a show, which breaks down under the pressure of personal and pri¬ vate trial; Avhile the true power of those Avho, as wives, influence the present, and, as mothers, mom the future, lies hidden from the public, all the more valuable be cause of its reserve. Frequently accidents occur in g ie fi ouse fi 0 kl Avdiicli cause burns, uts sprains and bruises; for use i n such cases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment luu. for If a Avoman would believe less of what a man tells her before marriage, and more of wliat he tells her afterwards, the marriage state would be a much more liar mornous affair, A boy'll description of having a tooth puileil expresses ns well as anything aac hiiAe seen. “Just before it killed me tue tooth came out. “EVERY SPRING," CQ one of the best housewives “eceLity v„„, England “We feel the SnSriElL*!fsSiuX ..flakinga ga*! laeili n 1 ^ s tlie children free from hu mors, myb^d 1 > „r, r i sava sa^ it n ^es cfiA’es him a good api 1 coulcl j neAU ao ^ self I am sure not for this my work if it Avas strong am headache or IMPORTANT FACT EXPLAINED. The Philadelphia News plains that while our exports to South America are decreasing our imports from the counties of that continent are increasing. Last year we exported to South Amevi cn. $28,000,000 woitli of pioduut and manufactures of all kinds, * 30 ’ 0 ? 0 ’ 000 in 1884 * 0m ' South American imports, . which were only $(.>,000,000 m 1884, last , , year amounted to $84,000,000. If the News really wants to know j-fi 0 i-g^on of this unfavorable change and the explanation of our puny trade with South America, -j. s fi ou ifi read prayerfully the fol \ ow i n g editorial from the llio j ane j ro Jfews: “There is something extraordi nar fiy sanguine in the tempera men jj G | American merchants anil legislators. They feel that they ought to have a controlling influ euoe i u this great South Ameri can trade, and they are doing an immense an^punt of talking and planning over it; but somehow they never get beyond offers to sell, and objections to buy. Their idea of trade appears to be an exchange of manufactured goods for cash, no matter how it may be obtained. They are even willing to subsidize steamers to carry out the goods, if they will not bring back anything except cash. There is not a practicle of doubt but that American merchants and manufactures might largely in¬ crease their trade with the Latin American countries, if they would only consent to trade on equal terms. But as long as Uncle 8am refuses to take what they can produce, they will very naturally go and buy where they can sell. In cases of Fever and Ague the blood is as effectually, though not so dangerously poisoned by the effluvium of the atmosphere as it coiild be by the deadliest poison. and Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chills Fever Cure Avill eradiate this poison from the system. 50 cents a bottle. The California papers are quite polite in their allusions of Rev,Sam Jones. The Sacramento Bee says; Sam Jonef left thi$ city and tliil State quite replete Avith big North American $$$$. There are no flie$ on $am. The average man has very little use for a smart Avoman. She is full of schemes, and is ambitious to shine, Her disposition is anything but domestic, and slie is not the most genial companion for a man Avhose mind taken up with business. Dyspepsia causes depraved blood, which, affects every organ and function of the body. As a remedy for these troubles, nothing can approach Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, strengthens It vitalizes the blood, all dis the stomach, and corrects orders of the liven null kidneys. headed , *,!•* by Mr. Alford Parish, will anave Atlanta in a feAv days. The gentlemen comprising the party are hoav iu Birmingham and will stop over in Atlanta for a feAv days on their arrival A senator asked Mrs. Sallie ch . w , „. onJen , lid „ ot leave thi _ tem M „ 0 , k to mell lo make the laws; they Avould be re¬ sponsible and take the consequen¬ ces. “Because,” she ansAvered “you do the Avork uoav and the women take the consequences." Asa nepotist, President „ riarn. is a ilccMeil success Urn» far. ' ' us brother to one m B ashington ter ^ ^ fttther _ iu _i aw ^ one r L tan, , anil i nis hi vnte wife’s s neuheAv ncpnc to one in a foreign country. Prob spoils belong chiefly to Ins rein- IT IS ANSWERED. A few days ago we were handed a copy of what purports to be a lecture before the Presbyterian of New York city “re garding faith cures," in which the author expresses his belief in the. fuitli euros of our duy. we do not pretend to make a re view of this little book or its au thor, but only submit a few words in reply. (1) When it was handed us, we were told it was by a Presbyterian divine. In answer to this we con fess that there are a few Presby terian “cranks also, (2) We suppose there are but fow genuine Christians of any or all denominations who do not bo lieve that, people have been cured of disease in answer to faithful prayer, just as truly as they re oeive their “daily bread" or the forgiveness of sins, If this is all that is meant, we see no room for discussions among cliristiaus. But if it is meant that some of the present day have the gift of mi raculous healing, we hope to be pardoned for withholding our bo fief until we have seen at least some evidence. (3) The author referred to says that “Faith Cures possible; > are . and then asks the question, “Are they probable?" He answers the question positively, “No. That would require little less than om¬ niscience.” If this man is good authority, are not Christians sub¬ ject to mistake when they assert that certain parties were healed in that way, and therefore liable to do great harm by making unre¬ liable statements? Our author, Mr. Pay son, says that proof is impossible, because avg cannot know “all the antecedents of the cure;” but that this is not to he taken as “evidence against the ex¬ istence of the fact.’’ Very good; but in certain individual cases, it is very demonstrable that the “faith cure" did not avail. When the “faith cure has been attempt¬ ed, and for aAvliile everything seems favorable, yet eventually the cure is undeniably it failure, it is very clear that neither the mod icine, . . the .. . the noi imisillg, . nol “anointing oil,” nor the the faith - fill „ , , has AVl’OUght , , . prayer tl cure that case. (4) In the last place avc remark that, in our opinion, any one who feels and acts and talks as though God Avas in honor bound to ansAver their petitions, have got beyond themselves, and that He Avill soon show them lioAV lit¬ tle they and their petitions are in his sight. An essential part of every genuine p/ayef is that hum¬ ble spirit that prompts one to say, “not as I Avill but as Thou Avilt. The man ivho dies n orth less than $5 will never have two widows putting in a claim for his est;ite. Poverty has its advantages, after all. if rorrn hack a runs Or you are it all In worn general out, eebliity. n-ally good 1 for nothing ry hits. mm n .v’.t / hu v /; / r r It will cure you, and give a good appetite, Sold by all dealers in tnec’ cine. There is a negro in Hart county whose foot is fourteen inches long, actual measurement. A WOMAN’S DISCOVERY. * “Another Avonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fast enetl its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its se¬ verest tests, but her vital organs wele underminded and death imminent. . . , For three ,Gy silo "«»*». ^ »«•»'“■*«« f Ki Discovery f.u Consumption and was so much relieved on taking night first dose that she slept all and with one bottle lias been um ‘ Her name is Mrs HainJckfco., . e Tims UsL’lbyN. Avrite W C , cT Get a free trial bottle at Dr. W. I-AS-V- «««• WORDS TO FRIENDS: ./oft v'orl' nol!eited and mtinfac bon guaranteed. Relitdtie attention given advertis ing. ■ TER MR REASON A RLE. No. 13. Mr. Gladstone attributes his health and vigor to his habit of sleeping seven hours out of the twenty-four and never thinking of business after he goes to bed. Men who are unable to sleep soundly and haven't the faculty of freeing their minds from anxious thoughts would be very glad to o’.low the English statesman’s rule of life, if they only knew how to do so. Two great enemies—Hood’s Sarsaparilla and impure blood. The latter is utterly defeated by the peculiar medicine. Some of the Georgia newspa¬ pers speak of Macheu, a little town in Jasper county, on the Covington and Macon railroad, as the Guthrie of Georgia. The point of resemblance doubtless is the vapidity with which each spang into existence. Maclien was not a barren waste, so to speak, one morning and a city the the next, but it has grown quite rapidly. Xeuralf/ic Peraona Ami those trouble! overwork with will iiurvouiiieM be iell*veil by niilUnf taking fioiu rare or Jirown'tt Iron Jiittmr*. Genuine lias trade murk nmi ciosBcd red lines on wrapper. A movement has boons tarted in Hart county to have farmers de¬ cline to hire hands unless the hands can show in writing that they either fulfilled their previous contracts or have been honorably released from the same. The Chief B»nn for the great -*uc cess ,,f ,,0,K| ’ 8 Sarsaparilla *- f"'<M ,n tll# article itself. It la merit that wins, and tli® jj,. a Hood's Sarsaparilla actually a<s eompiishcs what is claimed tor it. is wi>ai ha* given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa¬ Merit Wins rilla or Wood purl* Her before the public. Pond's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Kliuiim and all llumors. Dyspepsia. Side Headache, lliliotisuess. overcomes That Tired I t'cliug, creates an Appctlle. strength - tin the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. lloo<l'* MnrmtpMriltn is sold by all drug fists. $ t. six for $5. Prepared by C. 1. liou* l; to.. Apothecaries,.Lowell, Mass, DON’T FAIL ’IX) SEE. T. J. KING'S Full line of Home-made Harness and Shoes of the best Quality kept always ou hand Will sell Olivap for cash. Wonder for Neatness ! Fine Hoots and Shoes made to order and fit guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done neai. * ly and promptly. Never Ripping Work! Remember that we use the cob brated Brass Screws; will.not rip—will not rust out your shoes. COME TO SEE US AND BUY OUU GOODS OR LEAVE YOUR ORDERS T. J. King. Scott building. 1 door below. Er. Lee’s drug store. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 18th 18 8. FO R LETTEIiS A DM INISTR ATION. n«.o rsTT™"ar z t beei-t«teofjohiiMorjfan.!ateof#iiidcoun ty deceased, this is to cite ait and siuvuiar ki„..,e„ and „ editor, of dohu Morgan to be and appea. at my office within the time allow, wi by law and show cause if any tirfy can why 1H ‘" n “ ,w ‘ nt le,t ' 18 of administration SJSU" O. Seamans, Ordinary. April 30,16S>.