The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, June 11, 1889, Image 1

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RO CKDALE banner. TERRIS : in advance $ 1 , 00 . SJ’^^gijmonths “ • oOcts ..25 “ •• three Uf-i advertising medium of VockdaU county. Vol. IS. DEBTS OF THE STATES. of the statisti¬ T ‘ :lr ' of Cie United States cal abstra ct of the debt contaiiis a s tatement union. a l states of the Their ^oniHned indebtedness of * 220 000 foots 000 > ' - This won Id not be a heavy burden thirty-eight great states if it on qually distributed among were e unpleasantly them. pat it is lumped on some states Avhile others have little to carry and of the poorer states liaA r e some heaviest loads. arnoiw tlie ‘ Illinois, West Virginia, Wiscon shiniul Colorada have no debt, Kentucky owes only $674,000, Mis¬ sissippi $1,105,150, Kansas $1,500, flOO New Jersey less than $2,000, OOo! Florida $1,275,000, each. Minnesota The l and Ohio $4,000,000 rea i; state of New lork has a debt h ou ly $7,000,000. Georgia there is put down for $8,752,305, but is about property enough held by the state to square up accounts. The heaviest state debt is that of Virginia, which consist of a fund e d debt of $23,550,696 and an un¬ funded debt of $8,312,247. Mas¬ sachusetts comes next with a debt $51,000,000, and Tennessee is third owing $17,000,000. The debt of Pennsylvania is $15,000,000, that of Arkansas $12,029,100, of Louis¬ iana $11,982,621, of Missouri $9,- 525,000, of Alabama $9,214,300, of . South Carolina $7,012,741, North Carolina about $12,000,000, and of Texas $4,237,730. The total fund¬ ed debt of the Southern states is placed at $96,158,643. The New York Sun accounts truly for the accumulation of this big burden when it says: “This heavy and enormously disproportionate burden is mainly due to the years of misgovernment aud plunder which the South en¬ dured under republican carpet¬ bag rule. That Avas broken up by the efforts of the Southern dem¬ ocrats, aided by the Sun and some other newspapers; and the melan¬ choly period ended forever with the election of Samuel J. Tilden as President of the United States. “It is Avell to remember these things once in a Avhile. The fig¬ ures of the Southern state debts even at the present time remains as a reminder. The wonderful energy and new prosperity of the South is steadily decreasing the mountain of state debts piled up during the eight evil years of Grant and carpet-bag rule.” In cases of Fever and Ague the Wood is as effectually, though not so effluvium dangerously of the poisoned by the ?ould be by atmosphere poison. as it JF- the deadliest J. H. McLean’s Chills and lever Cure will eradiate this poison from the system. 50 cents a bottle. The Jacksonville, Fla., fire of _ une 5th covered an area of four ,llole blocks, and portions of three fflU-rs. Structures of all kinds Were sixty-five. destroyed to the number of The losses foot up iitout $160,000, Avitli insurance iffituU to estimate, OAving to tlie a sence of many of the proprietors an to the fact that policies Were iu many city. agencies outside of the troll! WuS 8ick n ^ ral headache, ^ c P^ns female in the SeSl Dr ' Kltaey Plllet3 ' avul * Ibmk and let think is as-ood a -live and let livi. Tntol < Q <: (strange ZT h as " it i S may * amm °* _ even among 0-eofalavgVart Baptists. Dogma Juneg. ChUrCb ‘roubles. Index Wv y m 5*«f y°AA are constipated, with apehte headache, take one and PWt W^* I 5 ^Lean's ', Plllets Little They Liver i - are you- *W* n *zs ms L J •fix -n ir- T>'» \'*~3 • ) A 'A Sj| 1 ■ . H.K -j $p pr r An- Cxi Ce. <> CONYERS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1889. Should a young man be care-less of his shoe laces ’tis said that he will be as neglectful of his wife, but in case he laces his shoes very tight he will be attentive, but very stingy towards her. Courtesy is admired by every one, and when visitors come among us treat them nicely, show them around, and make them feel at home, and you have Avon their appreciation, and Avlien they are gone they will speak well of pl ace> If v<ra spit up phlegm, and ere troubled with a hacking use Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. According to dispatches from Delaware, Mr. Bayard’s political career is not yet over, and it is very easy to believe that it is not Avlien the fact is considered that Air. Bayard is only about 60 years old, is in full possession of bis mental powers, and enjoys excel lent health. The statement is made that he will probably be a candidate for United States sena¬ tor at the next senatorial election in Delaware. There are many people, in different parts of the country, who Avould be glad to see him in the Senate again. Croupy suffocations, night coughs and all the common affec¬ tions of the -throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. The other day Louise Michel, the nihilist, called upon Ainelie Rives in Paris. The southern au¬ thoress is represented as having felt ill at ease in her presence, but she treated her politely. There are some neAvspapers in this coun¬ try which are always ready to misrepresent Mrs. Chanler, and this A'isit furnished them ivitli a pretext for so doing. They now state positively that “Louis Mi¬ chel, tlie nihilist, and Amelie Riv ers have become intimate friends.’ Imperfect digestion and assim¬ ilation produce disordered condi¬ tions of the system which grow and are confirmed by Strengthening neglect, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion stomach. and. gives tone to the $1.00 per bottle. Tlie losses by fire in tliis coun¬ try in 1888 were nearly $1,000,000 less than in 1887. For some time the average annual loss has been about $110,000,000. It is stated that most of the fires in the south last year were attributed to incen¬ diarism. Probably this is also true with respect to those in the north. AA bile it may not he tiue that most of the fires in this coun¬ try are of incendiary origin, it is a fact that most of them are thought to be. Old people suffer much from disorders of the gratified urinary organs, at the and are always of Dr. J. H. Avonderful effects AIcLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm in banishing their troubles. $L 00 per bottle. other , weal- . Like a great many late S. T. thy men who die, the Coleman of Macon made no will. AA'bpthe-he \A hethea he was opposed to male ing a will, or ^ ^ nq extent Inol of his last illness i IS not not knOAAii to to the writer. Mr. ^“worth alythere estimated from c ‘He wife 000 t0 ' _ 0 Q0 left a aml , iV^eencTaute'd teniporarv Cole man has been granted i letters of administration. it wholesale g00 "“ 0 ^ —— BUCKLE- ’ ARMCA " , p>heuni, Fever Maintains Sores,. Chapped Hands, and A 5 and all Skin Eruptions, posi- 1>n tively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is perfect satisfaction, or money re r e- Thomas Peters, of Atlanta, oral manager for the southern de of the Washington Life Insurance Company, has just leased an American graphiplione or one year. This is the first one °f these wonderful human ma chines that has ever come to Georgia ready to go to work.' Mr - Peters proposes to use the machine, which is in appearance very much like a sewing machine, n die place of a stenographer, When he wishes to have a letter written lie repeats the letter in ft trumpet-mouthed tube attached to the cylinder, turning the Avheels of the machine as ho talks. The typeAvriter changes the tube for a different one hooking in the ears, turns the machine, hears the let ter repeated and writes it oft on the typewriter. Air. Peters had bis little boy to sing a mother goose melody into tlie machine, Fie aa ill Save the cylinder so that the child can hear his oavii voice Avlien lie has groAvn to be a man. A large number of persons have called to see this graphiplione and to hear it talk like a mam of flesh and blood. You Avill have no use for spec¬ tacles if you use Dr. J. II. AIc Lean's Strengtliing Eye Salve; it removes the film and scum which accumulates on the eye balls, sub¬ dues inflammation, cools and soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens Aveak and failing sign. 25c. a bottle. The Farmers' Alliance of Coav eta and the business men of Ncav nan have come out flatfooted against jute'bagging. Greensboro has a rooster that climbs a tree by using bis spurs as a telegraph lineman uses liis leg spikes in ascending a tele¬ graph polo. If your kidneys are inactive, you Avill feel and look Avreched, even in the most cheerful society, and melancholy on the jolliest AIcLean’s oc casions. Dr. J. II Liver nnd Kidney Balm, Avill set you right again. $1.00 per bottle, cause they understood avLou he refused toAvithdraAV Mr. Halstead s nomination that he Avanted it con¬ firmed. Since it became knoAvn that the republicans had a very slim ma¬ jority in this congress, death has been busier Avith democratic than with republican members. The only members that have died have been democrats. They are three in number: Messrs. Burns of Mis¬ souri, Townslien of Illinois, and Gray of Louisiana. Democrats have been elected to succeed the first two, and as Mr. Gay’s district gave a democratic majority of about 12,000 at the last election, lie will doubtless be succeeded by a democrat. It is a little singular that every death thus far among members should have been of democrats, but the republicans need not argue from that fact that Providence is on their side. Frequently accidents occnr m the household which cause burns, cuts sprains and bruises; for use , Dr. J. H. McLean j i„ such cases has for s Volcanic Oil Liniment , many years been the constant fa vonte family remedy. I The settlers have found iron ore in Oklahoma. This is some com-! pensation for the agricultural rich- [ , es they did not find. Air. Alex Hawkins, of Cum -1 min- has two stalks of corn which liave gvov.n from the same seed, j “EATERY SPRING, S»« one of the LVessky offaking a good iedi t<) pU refy the blood, and -we ,b A..i- (1 Hood’s Sarsaparilla. tJ It | ikta fvo.nta t e^id Ur°my- do all se lf I am sure I could never • , i{ k wag no t for this < yj me dicine. It makes me feel i strong and cheerful, and lam witb headache or; tiro! fediag, a, I used to be. The stage will not be elevated by the addition to it of Mrs. Les lie Carter the young woman who figured so prominently in a di vorce case in Chicago recently. Mrs. Carter came out of court a disgraced woman. She seems to regard that fact as something in her favor as an actress, however, She has no ability for the stage, so far as is known, and she will depend chiefly upon her scanda lous notoriety for financial success. Characters of this kind Avill con tinue to drag down tho stage as long as the people encourage them, A box of Ayer’s Pills has saved many a fit of sickness. When a remedy does not happen to be within reach, people are liable to neglect slight ailments and, of course, if serious illness follows they have to suffer the consequen¬ ces. “A stick in time saves nine.” In many parts of China the Bi¬ bles given to the natives by the missionaries are used in the man¬ ufacture of cheap boot Avhich arc not the kind of souls the Bible is intended to benefit. But the heathen in his blindness doesn’t knoAv any bettor. Now in America it is different. In many parts of this country Bibles used for pressing ferns and autumn leaves, and are frequently placed on a child’s chair to elevate little one. ELE0TEI0 BITTERS. This medicine is becoming well know and mention. so popular All as need have no special 1 Electric Bitters sing usei same song of praise.—A exist and it medicine does not guaranteed to do all that is claim¬ ed. Electric Bitters Avail cure diseases of the Liver and will remove Pimples, Boils, Rheum and other affections by impure blood.—A\ ill Malaria from the system and vent as well as cure all “Malarial fevers.-—For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion satisfac Electric Bitters—Entire tiau guaranteed, or money refund¬ ed.—-Price 50 cts. and $1.00 bottle at Dr. AV. II. Lee & Hon Drugstore. A colored man by tlie name of Abednego Young was in Eaton ton last Tuesday, avIio is sloAvly turning Avliite. He Avas very sick last year Avith typhoid fever. AATien he began to recover, white spots showed themselves on one side of his lace and ear and on different parts of his body, which are gradually spreading, and the prospect is that eventually, if he lives long enough, he Avill bscome wholly white. His beard growing out of the spots is Avliite, other¬ wise it is black. The death of a wealthy and ec¬ centric old man at Tyler, Texas, has brought to light a remarkable will. The old man had no rela and his last Avill ... and-tes^ tions, ’ m tameut he .toteil all . Miy to bo .Wed equally among all persons living m the southern 8to t es ,vBo ,vere born on his birth day, the 4th ot Aiiirca, 1 i.t.lm Mi. D. 1. Akins, of Tyler, notifies all parties interested to send in their name8 1)efore the last of July. Tko amoullt of the fortune to be listributed is not mentioned, but ifc is Silid to be very large. ........ jg CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? mS Bead the following: Mr C. H. Newark, Ark., says: “Was with Al»ce S » of, and friends and physicians pronounced rue un Incurable Consumptive. \Iy Cons now on third bottle, and aide to oversee tlie work on my fam It is the finest medicine ever mrn.e. King’s New Gincovery for Con sumption I would hftvt < >-• Lung Troubles. AVas giAeu_ by doctors. Am now in liealtn. Lc™ 1: SonDru free at Dr. AN . H. Lee &. bon Uiu 0 Store. The legislatures of Massachusetts and Connecticut have appropria ted money for the relief of the Pennsylvanin flood sufferers, the former donating $10,000, and the latter, $25,000. A good woman in Brooklyn committed suicide when she heard that her husband had been arres¬ ted for stealing. The greatest sufferers from crime are not the criminals nor their victims, but tlie families of the law-breakers. THAT TIRED PEELING Afflicts nearly every one in the spring. The system having be beconie accustomed to the bracing air of winter, is weakened by the warm days of tho yields changing season, and readily to at¬ tacks of disease. Hood’s Sarsap¬ arilla is just the medicine needed. It tones and builds up every part of the body, and also blood. expels Try all impurities from the it this season. Up near Washington, in Wilkes county, there lives an old man of 75 years by the name of Isaac Dickson, avIio last year raised 100 bushels of Irish potatoes and 300 bushels of sweet potatoes off the same acre of ground. He is a hard worker and did all the labor himself. The Avay he did Avas to put in sweet potato slips between the hills of Irish potatoes Avlien the latter Avero about matured, and then as lit: dug the Irish potatoes he would hill up the sweet potato vines. This is a Avouderful yield, though by no means improbable with the cultivation given, and is vouched for by the best citizens of Washington. In the recent declamation con¬ test at Harvard University the first and tho fourth prizes Avore Avon by negroes. Clement Gar¬ nett Morgan, avIio is described i s “uncompromisingly black,” de¬ claimed an extract from Gail Sohurz’s speech on the Emanci¬ pation Proclamation, and bore off the first prize. It has btei only three or four years since the hon¬ ors for oratory at Harvard were borne off by a Chinaman. The youth of the land of AVebster, Choate and Everett is hardly hol dinghisoAvn in the field of o.atory. A VALUABLlTREMEDY. A letter from H. P. Wardwell, Boston, says: “I used Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Papillon) for Ca¬ tarrh Cure in Juno lust Hay Fever Avitli great satisfaction, and find it is the only thing I have seen which would inflammation allay, Avithout of the irritating, the Its soothing nostrils and throat. and healing properties were mark¬ ed and immediate.” Large bottle $1.00. Clarke’s Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at all leading Drug Stores. Old ., Georgians „ . that , , . 1853, say 111 there ivas i hardly n any ram • until *-i , 15th , uld tll „ corn, ivlliob time vcry J l ow in rtalk, Ja»t . a „ 1 went . ears. T It . must . have been ngnt funny to see a fieW <)f C()rn with no thing hut { “ fiuoear8 kicking out of the , n ‘^axed clothing and , free . wins j ky- dear sugar and cheap to shibboleths VT™ indeed i'T in the ? mouths T of democrats! Fancy Jefferson or 'j' ackson or il,kn xu " g ‘ Democratic party to abolish .. . all taxes on vice, mdulgonccs and luxuries in order to so diminish ',j ie rcvt5nU es as to render perpetu ‘ “> ^ °” ^ necess.t.cs of toe people. Nothing does more to invigorate woman who has been I-king..... |and dal. the fall, spring than a ^ , in sum me. ' a wlse thing when they consented j to close their stores at G o’clock in tllG afternoon. They will ly lose anythin,, anythin- by J it. WORDSTO FRIENDS: Job work solicited and satisfac¬ tion jvaranteed. Reliable attention given advertis¬ ing. TERMS RE A SOM A RLE. No. 16 According to the Anniston Hot Blast, a negro editor at Selma is giving the negroes violent incen diary advice through the columns of his paper. If this is the case, the negro editor is acting unwise¬ ly and is certain to work injury instead of good to his race. LA 1)1 UK Seeding u tonic, or chilriien ihut want building up, should take 1 IHOWS S 1 IK .V IllTTERg, it is and pleasant to take, A11 cures .Malaria, indiges¬ tion, biliousness. dealers keep it. The Detroit Free Press expres es the belief that the jute bagging trust realizes that there is such a thing as plundering the consumer too extensively. If the farmers of the cotton growing states car¬ ry out the plans they have already made the fears of the jute men will become a reality. Many iVrsons Arc broken d >" u from overwork or household. cares ItrowuS Iron Miners rebuilds tlie system, aid** digestion. v» m--v* s ex ci'S,* of bile, niVt cures uml:i r hi. Get the ifentiino. The Amoricus Recorder, De¬ cember 10th, 1850, making men¬ tion of a sal*' of negroes, says a negro* boy thirteen years old sold for $1,810; a common field 1 and brought $1,020. Little girls sold for $1,500, and a woman with an infant and another small child brought $2,008. A The tliicf IleiMon fur the preat suc¬ cess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found In tho article Itself. It is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac¬ complishes what is claimed for it. Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa¬ Merit Wins rilla nr blood puri¬ fier before the public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Diliousness, overcomes That rtri-d I oollutf, creates an Appetite, si length bus the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood’s Mil rail |»ari Hit Is sold by all drug Jtsts. 61. six for S3. Prepared l.y C. i- I loo* - MJo., Apothecaries, l-owetl, Mas*. TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA. Rockdale countv— T.» all wDom it ma co.ic.en-: AVIwn as I! F. M mu. H'liiiifii-trator of M a. (JliarloMn A, Moon decease*!, Diivny i i proper form uncle application to Ilia -onrt of ordinary f >r leave to tell tlie lamia Del.niijiiy to the ostale of «nM de¬ ceased Haid Moiuiav application wi'l SS De h aril on the flr^t in J.ilv 1 9 . Tis June 3- 188/ O. oe.irmin*, 100 a K. onl-nary. FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEOHOIa, Itnckd-ile county— To nil whom it imiv coufijrii: Whi-i” hf A M. Hdrmt. adininisliHtor of Henry Wilti< n de- the eeaseil hiiviuy' In proper fi rm HppDed to court of oi'll• in> v for ieae * I f' Hell tlie litrnlK IwlonKiutr to file estate of said lieeetiHod. seal iioplidiition ivi I »>'• pasu Inn in o.-i tho flint Monday in July 1SSJ. This June U IHHfl. O. Sd,.MAi.r>. Ordinary. Kfhv-U ADM INDI It V HON LETTER4 OHO HOI A. RncK-lalc county — To nil wlioin It ui-i.c uicevn—Whcra* A. M. Helms having in <l'io form m i le applientio i jo the court of Ordii nrv for iiernmncnt ietter; of ndinlnlstration on the estnte of V. H.Owm lute, of said county, deceased, this is to cltoidl persons, kindred an 1 creditors to show enusrs if any they can. why A. M. Helms should not lie in-anted letters of administration on the estate of V. H- Owens deceased on the Hr-t Monday in July next. O. Seamans. Ordinary.s This May 31,1K>9. I.<( KLA1 Kt III III l-Al L. Ifflllrellittl)eco1Irt hm, 8 o m Com er, m, 8 aw comity on the «r*t Tuiwriny in July next “ ^ - j |itv: ShW lM>lllllJ H# t „ Un „ .h «„ u th m-i nas n n.mih vy Ai-m. a ZZ smith, and j. m. Pn^ton and levied on hr tho pr0|K , lty of a. h. Zuchry. uuder an attmh went a. 1,1 fa. k^mhIc ,a“ D^T.i/ud s.yrio shur.ffimcWiUec,