The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, December 22, 1899, Image 1

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The Banner Will Give You All 7 S 2 The News of Conyers and Rock- 2 2 dale County. rOL. XXIV. err* IT A' y J W JLv a. « JL jJl . , V, ! JljL j •y c 5 We will give to the customer who brings us the largest amount of our cash tickets the following: BE 3 XT A 0 A P JACKET, REGULAR P $12.50. IP <^E3^TIL.E31VIA.Kr,__-^ $12.50. BD ?i m » P STED SUIT, REGULAR PRICE All tickets must be IsrottsM fn Saturday, Beeembcr 33. IVc Kiurantco on each pnrcliMO to save each one some money 3 oil/S'™ ho above iTnrices Christmas present. on that will please No tronb eI1 si »w J »»ds < 1 m^i k pttces, tlio tne full We invite every inspect our line. You will tint) new goods anil hear prices .........e. wish the best goods at right prices, see us. line is marked in plain figures, at small profits, having only one price to all. Remember that it yen to buy I i li EY DRY GOODS CO. 5 un> CONYERS, GEORGIA. MINORITY IS BLOCKED No Amendments Were Allowed To the Financial Bill. CLOSING DEBATE WAS SENSATIONAL Representatives I.entz aiul Clark of Ohio Make Seathlng Spc-ctiRR anil Cause Excitement. The six days' debate upon (ho cur reney bill . ... in . congress closed * i Satin CHntvi^ day in a sensational manner. The Itepub iieaa leaders had evidently set a trap for tho minority to show that discord existed on the money question, and it was timed _ so as to make the . scene as dramatic as possible. Just at tho close of the debate three of the heavy weights, General Grosvenor, of Ohio; Mr. Dalzell, . n of r Pennsylvania, t> t and . Mr. Doiliver, of Iowa, were put forward to call the attention of the country to the fact that in the long debate very little had been heard about free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 from the minority side it m H Eh Sji] m i if m r; - { • ZB £ » 5 it » n A a r, l\ ■ A v ; V.y /J El I' m FOR PARTICULARS AS TO GENERAL AGENGY CONTRACTS APPLY TO R. L. WHITE, Special Agent, Conyers, Georgia. -c: - 1 The Rockdale Banner. of the house and that no one had of¬ fered nn amendment containing such a proposition. of the Air. Grosvenor said it was one signs of the coming regeneration of the Democratic party. Air. Richard¬ son, the minority leader, indignantly denied any intention of abandoning silver and called attention to the fact that under tho special order tinder which the house was operating neither a. substitute nor ft motion to recommit was in order. Then Mr. Dalzelt chal ienged a member of the opposition to offer a free coinage amendment. In response half of tho democratic membership rose and demanded the privilege, bat here and there was an eastern democrat shouting bia disnp Thore were crie# of “bluff” from (.be democratic side, but the ro publicans, after the parliamentary ob stacles had been removed, through Mr Overstreet, who was in charge of the bill, asked nn&mmotza consent for ^ afcmu]jnent to the rtlle t „ permit f - [ie amendment to be offered. Then Mr. Driggs aud Mr. Levy, two New York democrats, blocked the game with objections. \ No amendments were ^ ^ o the bin dnring the tlay> aud OI) j y one section of the bill was read, r £\, e whole time was occupied iu five ^ minute speeches, i The incidents of the day were a seu • r n y ir E > nn \ ft r ■ INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. Home Office, Newark, N. J. John F. Dryden, President. ASSETS JULY 1st, 1899, - $ 30 , 876 , 019 . 39 . SURPLUS JULY 1st, 1899, - $ 5 , 747 , 423 . 39 . INCOME FOR 1898, - - $ 17,481,875.00 NEW BUSINESS 1898 - $164,694,784.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICY-HOLDERS TO DATE, $ 39 , 333 , 060 . 09 . CONYERS. GA„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 18911. sntiona! Ki’ccch speech itv by Mr Mi. Lentz bent*, Demo- nemo s j crat, of Ohio, denouncing the prose¬ cution of the war in the Philippines and charging an alliance between Great Britain and the United States to subvert liberty, one in South Af¬ rica aud one in the orient, and an at¬ tack upon the memory of ex-President Hayes by Mr. Clark,Democrat,of Mis¬ souri. Mr. Brown, of Ohio, Repub¬ lican, warmly defended tho memory of Mr. Hayes. In reply Mr. Clark declared that Mr. Hayes was “a counterfeit presi¬ dent,” for whom he had a supreme contempt, even though he was dead. “He stole the presidency,” said he savagely, “the greatest crime in the tide of” times. I wish that he could haved lived forever and borne the scorn of decent men to the end. His sepulcher should bear tho words: ‘This man was guilty of the monumen¬ tal crime against human liberty.’ “Now,” concluded Air. Clark, as he retired to his seat, “if they can make anything out of that let them make it.” Air. Clark’s words were received in silence on both sides of the bouse. Air. Lentz, of Ohio, charged that the pending bill had been prepared by the 3,000 national banks, a secret com¬ bination that wielded more influence thau the Masonic fraternity, the Odd Fgl5ows aml the Betl Men combined. The bill was intended to increase the power of the national banks. All the rest that was in it was already iu the law. As he proceeded Air. Lentz’s remarks became more and more seu Rational. “We are in favor of renominating William Jennings Bryan,” said he, “and we will put in a plank against trusts; wo will put in a plank against imperialism, and we will put in a plank against the British alliance, an alliance that is now open and appar ent. (Applause on the Democratic side.) They are shooting down lib¬ erty in South Africa while you are shooting it down iu the Philippine is¬ lands. (Applause on the Democratic side.) That is evidence sufficient that both governments are operating upon parrnllel lines. inside out, how “ff things are not can the Republican party stand im¬ potent and silent while England is shooting to death a republic in south Africa, and while under the military and imperialistic powers that patron¬ age has delivered to the president here the crime of crimes is being committed under the stars and stripes of the union. Tho president at Madison, Wis., said: ‘One small fraction of one small Iribe resists our authority in the JAMES O. WYNN, Manager Southern Department, Prudential Building, Atlanta, 6a. orient.’ Aye, my friends, with an army there and on the way of 75,000 men to subdue one small fraction of one small tribe, an army larger than Sherman needed to march to the soa; an army larger than Grant needed to take Vicksburg, is now called into requisition and kept there for nearly a year to subdue one small fractiou of one small tribe! Is that the source of your prosperity? Egan pension of 875,000 “Is your for being reduced,degraded and murdered dishon¬ ored; is your beef trust that 4,800 men while tho Spaniards only killed 350— is that the source of your prosperity? (Applause on tho Demo¬ crats side.) Is your humiliation and subordination of tho man who won the most magnificent naval victory that the world has ever seen, Winfield Scott Schley (applause on the Demo¬ cratic side)—is that the source of yo«r prosperity? Is your subordination of Brooke anti Miles and Merritt, tho men who had been trained, together with tlioir associates, at an expense of millions of dollars to this country and the putting of politicians in the army saddle—is that the cause of your prosperity? (Applause on tho Demo¬ cratic sido.) You will livo to be ashamed of your record.” It is te be hope 4 that the projected great national park in Aliuuesota ot Official Organ Largest or Rockdale Circulation < oun- In £ ^ ty. Has 2 The County. TRANSPORTS ARK NEEDED. EiiRlnnil Will Bend More Men »» TavgeVo For Iloer Hlflea. Tho English newspapers are calling upon the government to employ the Cunarders as well as tho White Star steamers as transports, seeing tho urgent necessity for getting more men to the Capo as speedily as possible. Forty thousand men could ntill be sent from England without calling upon tho militia for foreign service. The militia effective is 100,000 and from this body ‘20,000 carefully se¬ lected could easily bo spared for Mouth Africa. Moreover, tho colonies are again proffering assistance. EXHUMING THE BODIES. ilcinulno of Maine Heroes Removed From Colon Cemetery. A dispatch front Havana says: Mon¬ day morning a gang of fourteen grave diggers, superintended by Chaplain CUidwiek and Dr. Maroon, began the exhumation in Colon cemetery of the remains of the victims of the Maine. The coffins were first raised to the graveside, then immediately placed iu tin-lined eoilins prepared with lime and charcoal bottoms, after which tin¬ smiths nailed down and hermetically sealed the lids, the names being dis tinctly painted thereon. THE PRUDENT!! Offers all That is Good IN LIFE INSURANCE And Under the Best Conditions. NO 5I>. PENNSYLVANIANS MOB NEGRO. II« Shot Ills Employer and Was In Turn Riddled Uy Bullets. A dispatch from Dunbar, Pa., says: Sanford White, superintendent of con¬ struction of tho W. J. Rainey Coke company, was shot and killed Tues day by David Pierce, a negro em¬ ployee. then fled to the mountains, , Pierce followed by an angry mob. He was discerned in hiding and riddled with Death was instantaneous. There is great excitement. FILIPINO RECORDS COMING. out will Forward To Washington Somo #l|?nific»nt Document** A dispatch to The Now York Herald from Manila says: Among the numerous valuable rec¬ ords of tho insurgent government which have been captured by the Americans, it is said there are numer¬ ous letters from the junta. rebel Other letters found among the archives indicate that Agninaldo has had tho active moral support of prom¬ inent anti-expansionists iu the United Htates. General Otis will forward these im¬ portant papers to the war department iu Washington.