The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, February 09, 1900, Image 1

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The Banner Will Give You All The News of Conyers o«d Rock¬ dale County. 10L. XXV. GOEBEL DIES FROM WOUND grave flan Succumbs After Long and Heroic Struggle With Grim Reaper. IDE END WAS PEACEFUL Beckham Is Immediately Sworn In as Democratic Governor of Kentucky. A Fraukfort special says: The bullet fired by an unknown assassin Tues Ity morning, January 29tb, ended l jj the life of General Goebel at 6:45 o’clock Saturday evening. The only persons present at the deathbed were "Goebel’s sister, Mrs. Braunaeker, and jifs brother, Arthur Goebel, of Cin¬ cinnati, wfioliad been in constant at¬ tendance at Governor Goebel’s bed side. Goebel, another brother, who Justus Arizona had been hurrying from as fast as steam would carry him in a Ta in hope of reaching his dying broth¬ er in time for some token of recogni¬ tion, arrived forty minutes too late. Oxygen was frequently administer¬ ed tho dying man during the after¬ noon in aa effort to keep him alive at least until his brother’s arrival, but iu vain. By the cruel irony of fate the train on which Justus Goebel was trav¬ eling to Frankfort was delayed several hours from various causes, and when Mr. Goebel finally reached the city it was only to learn that his brother was dead. SUFFERS RELAPSE. Governor Goebel’s condition Friday sight and well into the morning was considered so much improved that for the first time since he was shot down in front of the courthouse, hopes were entertained of his ultimate recovery. About noon Saturday Governor Goebel bad a relapse aud steadily grew weaker i with each hour. There was practically I uo tally irorathat time until his death. I At 2:50 p. m. Goebel’s physicians f had abandoned hope. Efforts were then made to keep him alive until his brother from Arittrtm coirid arrivo. Among bitter partisans of both par¬ ties deep grief is manifested, and already a movement has been started to erect a fitting monument for Gov¬ ernor Goebel’s memory on the spot in tho state house grounds where he was shot. Within a few moments the follow¬ ing announcement had been prepared and was silently handed about hotel and in the streets: ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE. To the People of Kentucky —It is with profound sorrow that we an¬ nounce the death of Governor William Goebel. In his last moments he coun¬ seled his friends to keep cool and bow !o the law in all things. We, his bis friends and advisers, beg of the people of Kentucky, in this hour of affliction, to carefully abstain from any cot of violence or any resort to mob law. It would be his wish if he were alive that thero should be absolutely i co stain on his memory by any im fprudent act of any who were his Wends. The law is supreme and ciast in time be re-established and all ■wrongs he and his party have suffered will find their proper redress, doe C. S. Blackburn, W. S. Pryor, Ley Woodson, C. M. Lewis, J. B. dcCreary, Andrew John K. Hendrick, James firadburn, Scott, Lewis McQuown, B.YV. S. J. Shackleford, C. C Mc Lhord, South Trimble, speaker of the ouse; L. H. Carter, speaker pro torn d the senate. This . was the first intelligence given me public of the death of Mr. Goebel. BECKHAM SWORN IN. Exactly one hour after the death of ^ r ' ^°ebel, Acting .Governor J. C. - ® ec kham was sworn in as governor Hie state, the oath being adminis !f ^ ed court b y S. of J. Shackelford, clerk of Lad appeals. “ been determined to keep »«ret the news of the death of Gov ra°r Goebel until Lieutenant Gov , -or Beckham should have been maaliy , inducted into and the office, s made greater by the inability Will Cost 6,000 Men. v *i- r Bathurst, who wounded ■ . was ■‘“e battle of Colenso, arrived at hampton Saturday on board the j/ •>ers na - at He the says Tugela there aie but 20,000 that rsnenal Bailer river, :■ can get through if he i r tpared to sacrifice 5,000 6,000 X-::, or ‘90 Bodies From Manila. f Ca L'- e from Manila received from MWermaster’s department states Hancock sailed for San Fran slifi) 0 ? <danuar ff 19, with the bodies -dead soldiers. The Indiana is l Le immediately Ohio with 200 bod- 5 , p lr with 138 arrived at »ocisco last Friday. scotTmay hold seat. Committee Decides to Ask Th*t p the Case Bo Closed. i Se pat-e committe on privileges Lotions decided to recommend 10 Anther proceedings be taken u iT C S .fL of the protest of Senator kf\ ?* f ''fast Virginia, continuing to i J^nnnittee S Seatin senate, with it* was unanimous fail j^vobably Jr 'j’faHon, present Senator minority Pettus, who a re- The Rockdale Banner. of Dir. McCormick to leave the bed¬ room of Governor Goebel and make the proper certificate of death. Until this had been done, th* Democritio attorneys were unwilling that the oath of office should be administered. The ceremony took place in a small room on the same floor as that in which Governor Goebel died, and but a few doors to the west of it. In the room at the time of the administration of the oath were Senator-elect Black¬ burn, Colonel Bennett H. Ytoung, Col¬ onel Philip Thompson, Eph Lillard, J. H. Illis, Lieutenant L. E. McKay, S. J. Shackelford, clerk of the court of appeals; Dr. P. W. Welle. Colonel Harry McKay, Colonel Jack Chinn, Kit Chinn, Dr. McCormick, Joseph Blackburn, Jr., and three representa¬ tives of the press. The first official action of the new Democratic governornvas the appoint¬ ment of a new adjutant general and his last as acting governor was an order removing Adjutant General Col¬ lier and Assistant Adjutant General Dickson. The new governor seemed to be deeply affected by the position in which circumstanses had placed him, and he did not reveal much joy over the congratulations which those in the room showered upon him, although he accepted them gratefully. Saturday night Governor Beokham issued a proclamation announcing the death of Governor Goebel. HEADQUARTERS AT LOUISVILLE. Louisville is to be the seat tem¬ porarily at least, of the Democratic state government of Kentucky. Gov¬ ernor Beckham aud several of his chief advisers reached that city Sunday, and it is the purpose to mako Louis¬ ville the headquarters of the executive and legislative branches of the state government as long as the presence of troops keeps them from Frankfort or until the present conflict of authority in tho state is settled. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Restraining Gov. Taylor From In¬ terfering With Meetings of Legislature. Saturday morning Judgo Cantrell, of the circuit court at Frankfort, granted a temporary injunction re¬ straining Governor Taylor from inter¬ fering with the meetings of the legis¬ lature and from removing the seat of the legislature to London, Ky. The temporary injunction is to remain binding until February 8, when the hearing to make it permanent will be heard before Judge Cantrell at George¬ town, Ky. No attempt will be made to secure personal service of the writ of injunc¬ tion upon Governor Taylor. Immediately after the issuance of the writ Judge Gantrell instructed Sheriff Suter, of Franklin county, to make no effort to present the order of court. The judge directed that it be allowed to remain binding without service, because of the danger threat eding the maa who should undertake the task and the results th&t might ensue owing to the excited state of the public mind. BIG DAMAGE SUIT ENDED. Buclci Lumber Company, In Florida,Wins a Barge Verdict. One of the longest trials ever held in the United States court at Jackson¬ ville, Fla., was determined late Satur¬ day evening by a verdict in which the plaintiff was given damages. The case was that of L. Bucki & Son Lumber company against the Fidelity and Deposit company, of Maryland, and action was for damages alleged to have arisen from issuing of two attachments against the property of the plaintiffs in Jacksonville more than two years ago. After the trial, which began on January 18th, the jury returned verdict giving the plaintiff damages for a sum of $10,880 aud allowance for solicitor’s fees of $7,500. TAYLOR HAS OPERATORS. Telegraph Inslruuients In Executive Chamber At Frankfort. A Frankfort dispatch says: Gover¬ nor Taylor has provided against the delay and inconvenience of receiving and sending telegrams in his present exclusive quarters by means of mes¬ sengers. He has had two wires run into his office and has his own opera¬ tors within the office. Public Buildings for South. The senate committee on public buildings and grounds has authorized favorable reports on the bills author¬ izing public buildings at Selma, Ala., and Natchez, Miss., each to cost $100, 000 . _ UTAH ELECTION CALLED. A Congressman For Roberts’ Seat I* To Bo s *'‘" c ; ed " President Ben E. Rich, o , ,, e sou ’ ern Mormon headquarters in a a nooga, Tenn., has recenea a te egram Governor Heber M. \Nells, ox stating that he had called a election for April 2d for tne of a congressman to succee H. Roberis, who was refused ! his seat by the recent congress. CONYERS. GA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1900. AT COVINGTON. The Remains of Gov. Goebel at Home—A Rebuke to L. & N. By Dead Man’s Friends. The Goebel funeral train arrived at Covington, Ky., at 8 o’clock Tuesday morning from Fiankfort, It consisted of a baggage car with the casket and floral tributes, a coach for tho pall¬ bearers, judges of tiie appelate court, legislative committee and others) aud a Pullman with the relatives. It was an impressive scone when the casket was removed from the Capitol hotel at Frankfort. The hearse, fol¬ lowed by carriages and many pedes¬ trians, proceeded under the electric lights to the special train which left at 4 a. m. on the mournful journey. Although the train made no stops except at junctions, yet there were groups at the stations along the way to see it even in the darkness of the wintry morning. The only railway that runs through Covington and Frankfort, tho Louis¬ ville and Nashville, is credited with opposing Goebel. At any rate, those in charge of the arrangements insisted on Goebel’s remains being carried from the capital to his home without traveling over any of the rails of the Louisville and Nashville. This bit of seutiment caused the special to be run into Cincinnati on the Queen and Crescent. After cross¬ ing the Cincinnati Southern bridge the train was run around through the yards of ono railway into the yards of another railway in Cincinnati and transferred back iuto Kentucky over the Chesapeake and Ohio bridge, and thus reached the Chesapeake aud Ohio depot in Covington. This route by traiu involved about twenty miles of additional travel and hilf of this dis¬ tance was through the railway yards iu Cincinnati. The demonstration in honor of Goe¬ bel in the city and county, which ho had represented in the state senate for twelve years, was peculiar and simple. A large detail of police was stationed about the depot and another detail kept the streets clear from the depot to the Odd Fellows’ hall, where the body lay in state. While the demon¬ stration was participated in by both city and County officials, yet the Com¬ mon people made Up the long line of the procession. At no time during the forenoon was there any cessation of the current of people passing the catafalque. Later in the day excursionists reached the city from adjoining coun¬ ties. Many crossed the bridges from Cincinnati, nud the attendance from Bellevue, Dayton, Fort Thomas, Lud¬ low, the Highland and other Kentucky suburbs was Very large. The remains lay in state in Coving¬ ton until 10 p. m., and then they were placed in charge of the guard during the night aud convoyed back to Frank foit by special traiu Wednesday morn¬ ing, to lie in state untikthe funeral. HOARD ABOLISHED. South Carolina Dispensary Rules Radi¬ cally Changed. The South Carolina slate board of liquor control is to be abolished aud the management of the dispensary to be Radically changed. The senate bill to provide a new system of govern¬ ment was passed in the house Tues¬ day and Governor McSweeney will approve the act. The vote in the house was 77 to 24 in favor of abolishing the board. The action of the general assembly is the result of dissatisfaction all over the state caused by lack of harmony in the present board. There were no charges of open dishonesty in the speeches, but it was plainly asserted that the factional fight among the members on the board had hurt the state, BRYAN’S TOUR OF NEW ENGLAND. Brought to a Close at Hartford and Bridgeport, Conn. Thursday night William J. Bryan finished the work for which his New England trip was undertaken. He delivered two long addresses. Tues¬ day afternoon in Hartford he spoke to an audience of 3,800. He took occa¬ sion to rap the knuckles of the iusur ance and manufacturing capitalists of the capital city, “the splendidly wealthy city of Hartford,” as he put it. In Bridgeport he was wildly ac¬ claimed upon his arrival, and later be spoke to an audience which taxed tc its utmost the largest theater in the city. “TURN THEM LOOSE.” Senator Cattery Gives His Idea of What Should Be Done With Filipinos. Senator Caffery, of Louisiana, in a discussion of the Philippine question in the senate Monday broke new ground in developing his position as an anti-expansionist. With . haracter- ' mtic courage of conviction he declared “Turn the Filipinos loose as soon as we can get rid of them. That would be better for them and infinitely bet * er or ^ 8 ’ , . • . Mr. ,, Ca ery s aignmen wa Y of the constitutional _ a discussion invol„d in th. Philippi.. policv. MACRUM ARRIYES. Former United States Consul at Protoria Beache. New York. j Charles E. Macrum, the former {j n jt e cl States consul at Pretoria, who agjjgfl to be recalled at a time when t j, e a ff a ; rs D f the republic were at a or j 8 j Si and when his presence in the , Transvaal republic was urgently re- ’ re( j jjy the state department, ar jved at New York Sunday on the mer i can i; ne steamship St. Paul, j ■ WALKER LIBERATED Conflict Ibtwaen Civil and Mili¬ tary Authority Averted. TAYLOR IGNORED HABEAS CORPUS In the Meantime lie lleleases Prisoner of ilia Own Volition and Affair Blows 0*er. A Frankfort special says: Governor Taylor Saturday afternoon refused to acknowledge tho existence or permit the service of a writ of habeas cor¬ pus issued by Judge Moore, of the county court. Taylor thus tacitly sus¬ pended the writ of habeas corpus in the courts of Franklin county for the release of Alonzo Walker, a steno¬ grapher, who was arrested and put into confinement after pinning a notice of writ of injunction on Governor Tay¬ lor’s chambers iu the executive build¬ ing, Something wkioh, tiuder the con¬ stitution of the state of Kentucky, cannot be done legally except in cases of rebellion or invasion. When Sheriff Suter returned his writ uuserved to Judge Moore, the latter announced that he would see that the sheriff was given power sufficient to enforce the mandate of his court. In so declaring ho used the following words: “No attempt will be made to enforce the writ until Monday. At that time another demand will bo mad* for the body of Alonzo Walker, aud if it is re¬ fused, a sufficient number of men will be given to Sheriff Suter from Frank¬ lin county and adjourning counties, as well, to enable him to take possession of the capitol grounds and catry out the purpose of the writ.” Thus civil and military authority in Kentucky came face to face at last and unlesB the ministers of one or tho other should recede from the positions they occupied there could be but one outcome, and that was civil war. WALKER RELEASED. Such a crisis, however, was averted when Governor Taylor, Sunday morn¬ ing, ordered the release of Walker, Wkilo not recognizing in his action the existence of the writ of habeas corpus which had been sworn out in behalf of Walker, Governor Taylor, by releasing the man, removed the most threatening sign cf trouble. The commanding officers of tho troops which guard the capitol grounds are careful to say that the situation is en¬ tirely a military affair, and that they extend the writ of habeas corpus very little consideration, but whether they regard it or not, Walker is frjpe, and Sheriff Suter will not be called upon to summon force iu the attempt to secure his release. The appalling consequences which would follow such an effort on the part of the sheriff were too much for tlio more conservative members of the Democratic party, and it was decided Sunday that no matter what Judge Moore should say as an individual, there would be no attempt to take pos¬ session of the capitol grounds by force of arms. When Walker was released notice was served upon him that the charge against him was still pending, and could be pushed at any time if the military authorities should so decide. Various rumors were circulated in regard to the reasons for the sudden release of Mr. Walker, among them being a report that his release, by or¬ der of Governor Taylor, was in defer¬ ence to a telegram from Washington advising his discharge. Governor Taylor was too busy to be se>,n in regard to the matter, but Ad¬ jutant General Collier emphatically dnied that any such reason existed for Walker’s release. WATTERSON BLAMES L. & N. Attributes Kentucky Troubles to Rail¬ road’s Manipulation of Politics. Henry "Watterson, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, Las given out a statement which in part says: “The head and front of our present troubles in Kentucky, at once the source and the resource of the revo¬ lutionary proceeding by which Re¬ publican government has been for the time being struck down and a military dictatorship set up iu its place, is the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. “Iu the recent state campaign it supplied material resources in such abundance as to draw out all the dan¬ gerous elements of society and to put into activity ail the forces of political adventure. The two leading parties to the contest were as nothing by com parison with its gigantic machinery f or corrupting the election.” Tariff For Porto Rico, The genate committee on p orto Rico hag ]uded it8 consideration o{ the bm providing a form of gover oment th island . The rate of duty pro £ . rid(jd on bronght from p rto Rico to the United States and for articles taken from the United States P f th , bw GEORGIA BEEF FOR CUBA. A Large Shipment I* ]Vfade From Jack¬ sonville, Florida. The steamship Jamaica, with 550 head of cattle for Havana and Cieufue gos, attracted crowds of people to the wharves of the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad at Jacksonville Tuesday. This is the largest single shipment Q f cattle ever made from that port, The cattle came from south Georgia and Florida, 2. The canal shall never bo block¬ aded, nor shall any right of war be ex¬ ercised, nor any act of hostility be committed within it. 7. No fortifications shall be erected commanding tho canal or waters adja¬ cent, the United States, however, shall be at liberty to maintain such military police along the canal as may be necessary to protect it against law¬ lessness and disorders. Article 4. The present convention shall be ratified by tho president of the United States by and with the ad¬ vice and consent of the senate thereof, and by her Britannic majesty; and the ratification shall be exchanged at Wash¬ ington or at London within six months from the date thereof, or earlier if possible. whereof plen¬ In faith the respective ipotentiaries have signed this conven¬ tion and thereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, A. D., February 5, 1900. John Hat, Paunckfote. The president’s letter of transmittal to the senate was as follows: “To tho Senate: I transmit herewith with a view to receiving advice and consent of the senate to its ratifica¬ tion, a convention this day signed by the respective plenipotentiaries of the United States and Great Britain to facilitate the constrnction of a ship caual to connect the Atlantic and Pa¬ cific oceans, and to remove any objec¬ tion which might arise out of the con¬ vention of April 9, 1850, commonly called the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, to the constrnction of such canal under the auspices of the government of the United States. “William McKinley. “Executive Mansion, Washington, D, C.. February 5, 1900. BIG TIMBER DEAL. Georgia Firm Purchases 20,000 Acres of Land In Florida. Ga., have I Greer Bros., of Dakota, purchased at Dover, Fla., a site for a j big sawmill and 20,000 acres of tim her land, the cash consideration being j The firm will cut lumber for export to Cuba and Central I j South American countries. They also construct railroads to rnn | property. CAN BUILD © Nfl NCI CONTROL Under New Canal Treaty America Cannot Fortify the Channel. MUST ALWAYS REMAIN NEUTRAL Text of the Agreement Between Secretary Hay and British Am¬ bassador, Lord Pauncefote. - The following is the most important of , the treaty , negoti- .■ provisions new ated in relation to the construction of the Nicaraguan canal: “The United States of America and her majesty, the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, empress of India, being desirous of facilitating the construction of a ship canal to connect the Atlantic and Pa cific oceans, and to that end remove any objection which may arise out of ue convention of April 19, 1850, com monly called the Clayton-Buhvcr treaty, to the construction of such oa nal under the auspices of the United States, without impairing the ‘general principle’ of neutralization establish ed in article VIII of that convention, huve for that purpose appointed as their plenipotentiaries: United States “The president of the ,Tohn Hay, secretary of state of the Unitod States; her majesty, the queen of Great Britian and Ireland,empress of India; the Kt. Hon. Lord Pauucefote, G. C. B., G. C. M. G , her raajasty’s ambassador extraordinary and plenipo tentiary to the United States. “Who having communicated to each other their full views, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following ar¬ ticles: Article 1. It is agreed that the canal may be constructed under the auspices of the government of the United States, either directly at its own cost or by gift or loan of money to indivi duals or corporations, or through sub scription to or purchases of stocks, or shares, and that subject to the provis mas of the present convention, the said government shall have and enjoy all the rights incident to such Con struction, as well as the exclusive right of providing for the regulation and management of the canal. Article 2. Tho high contracting parties, desiring to preserve and maintain the “general principle” article of neutralization established iu 4 of the Clayton-Bulwer convention, adopted as the basis of such neutrali zatiou, tho following rules, substan tially as embodied in the convention between Great Britain and certain colonial and certain and other powers signed at Constantinople, October 29, 1888, for the free navigation of the Suez maritime canal, that is to say: 1. The canal shall be froe and open in lime of war as well as in time of peace to the vessels of commerce, and of war of all nations on terms of equity so that there shall be no discriinina tion against any nation or its citizens or subjects in respect of tho condi tions or charges of traffic or other¬ wise. ATLANTA IRISHMEN MEET And Fall Resolutions of Sympathy and Aid to Boerg. ^t a rousing and enthusiastic meet j„g 0 f divisions ono and two of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians, at At ] rtn ta, Ga., Monday night, $450 was ra j sfl d to be forwarded to the Boors in g^th Africa to aid them in their g t rng gi e against England. The following resolutions were also passed condeming England’s policy in y 0 uth Africa: Resolved, therefore, That we, the members of divisions 1 and 2 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Fulton county, Georgia, tender our heartfelt By mpathy to the struggling patriots and 0 ff er an earnest prayer for thoir success. Resolved, That we pledge our moral and financial support in aid of the widows and orphans of the brave Boer soldiers who are so gallantly defend¬ ing their homestead against a foreign invader. Resolved, That we earnestly protest against any alliance or secret under¬ standing with Great Britain, and urge our representatives to oppose any such complications. FILE NOTICE OF CONTEST. Defented Candidates In Alabama Allege Fraud at Girard Meat. A number of candidates in the re¬ cent election in Alabama have filed no¬ tice of contest with the Democratic ex¬ ecutive committee, alleging that fraud was committed in the Girard beat, de feating them. The committee gave them until Feb¬ ruary 21st to produce proofs. Should the contestants bo successful in throw¬ ing out the Girard vote, it would give the county to Mr. Morgan and elect the contestants, as the county outside gave a majority for Morgan. ROBERTS OFFERS AMNESTY. Trans vaalerg and Free Staters Have Chance to “Give Up.” A London special says: Lord Rob¬ erts has caused to be distributed in the towns bordering upon the tnvaded colonial territory an invitation to Fr^6 Staters and Transvaalers to go into the desert, offering them good treatment and a restoration to their farms on the British occupation of republican ter¬ ritory. those The manifesto guarantees that bringing horses can sell them. For¬ eigners will hare their passages paid to Europe. Colonial rebels are advised to surrender in preference to being taken prisoners. LINDSAY HAS NOTHING TO SAY. Kentucky Senator Postpones Repression of His Opinion. United States Senator William hind sayt of Kentucky, was asked at the board of trade banquet at New York Wednesday night what he had to say about the attempted assassination of Senator Goebel and the subsequent incidents. moment and Senator^Lindsay said: “I do not reflected know a that I have anything to say about the matter. I do not know that I coula eay anything.” Official Organ of Rockdale t oun ty. Has largest Circulation in The County. AGREEMENT DRAWN UP Looking to a Settlement of the Troubles In Kentucky. A CONFERENCE AT LOUISVILLE Republicans and Democrats Get Together and Work For Peace and Harmony. A special from Louisville Raya: Shortly after midnight Monday night, tho Republican and Democratic con¬ ferees, in session at the Galt houso, oarne to an agreement. A f tenographer was summoned and a documont was drawn up idt tho signatures of the participants in tho conference. If the agreement drawn up at tho conference is accepted and carried out, tho strife which has rent Kentucky from end to end for the past few weeks will bo ended. Drawing up and signing the agree¬ ment was slow work, and it was after 2 o’clock Tuosdny morning when the conferees separated. The Democrats gained nearly overy point they contended for, nud tho Republican representatives, Lieuten¬ ant Governor John Marshall, General Dan Lindsey and Attorney David Farligh, gave assurances that tho agreement would bo accepted by Gov¬ ernor Taylor. in 1 ho argumont provided that or¬ der to leave no question as to the title of William Goobel and J. C. W. Beck¬ ham to tho offices of governor and lieutenant governor, respectively, the general assembly shall pass a resolu¬ tion in joint assembly validating the acts on that subject since the legisla¬ ture lias been prevented by troops from holding its regular session at Frankfort. As boou as the legislature should do this Beckham’s titlo to the office of governor was not to be questioned. The Democrats grant immunity to Governor Taylor and his associates from -puoseoution for treason, usurpa¬ tion of office, or contempt of court for what has been done since the phootiug of Goebel. These matters aro to bo hold in abeyance for a.week. According to tho terms of the agree¬ ment the Republican legislature was to be withdrawn from London imme¬ diately, and no filibustering or other uttempts of this character wero to be resorted to by tho Republicans to ob¬ struct tho carrying of this agreement in tho legislature. The Democrats suggested that in view of the great crowds expected in Ft nnkfort during tho Goobel funeral ceremonies the soldiers should be withdrawn. Tho Republicans askod that an adequate guard be left to pro¬ tect Governor Tnvlor and his associ¬ ates. It was finally agreed to leave to General Dan Lindsey, ono of the Re¬ publican conferees, the decision ns to how many troops should be left to prevent a clash as a result of tho Goe¬ bel funeral, other troops to be with¬ drawn at once from Frankfort. It was agreed that tho board of election commissioners sitting as a contest board should be allowed to meet at Frankfort without molesta¬ tion, the Democrats agreeing that no summary action be taken on these contests and that nothing be done without due hearing of evidence and argument. TO CHANGE GOEBEL LAW. The Republicans asked that some provision fora repeal or modification of the Goebel election law be included iu the agreement. Tho Democrats agreed that to two leading Republi cans and two leadng Democrats should be left the matter of suggesting changes in the Goebel law believed to be wise. The acceptance cf the agreement by tho principals was the only element of! uncertainty remaining in the situation! when the conference ended. It is probable that the Republican! policy was materially influenced by 1 the following telegram: “Washington, D. C., Feb. 4.— Hon W. S. Taylor: The unani¬ mous sentiment here is that you are wrong in preventing the legis¬ lature from meeting, and that you should submit the disputed ques¬ tion to the civil courts. Federal assistance cannot be given you on your requisition so long as the legislature is in session or can be convened. There is no doubt but it can be convened if you will permit. The Democrats intend that if any violence occurs, you shall be the aggressor. You will by forcible resistance alienate all who formerly sympathized with your case. No assistance. An¬ swer. W. J. DeBoe.” CENSUS OF CUBA COMPLETE, Population or I>lan4, According to th* Report, Is 1,572,840. Under General Sanger’s direction the Cuban census supervisors have completed the preliminary enumera¬ tion of the population of Cuba, and the results were handed to Secretary Root Thursday. of the entire island The population which is between 50,000 is and’60,000 1,572,840, than it when the less was last census was taken by Spaniards. boers are^ active England Continues to Dis¬ patch Large Forces to Africa. CENSORSHIP IS TIGHTLY DRAWN Consequently Authentic News From the Sent of Hostilities Is Hard to Get. A London special sayss In the west¬ ern field largo operations are appar¬ ently about to begin. The Boers are showing groat activ¬ ity in the Naauwpoort and Oolesberg districts. Many of the guns hitherto fa« iu 8 Lor(1 Methuen are believed to have £ gone to Norval s point, ihe Britis therefore, may flnd formul¬ lde t )od j es of Boers there. The war office announces that fifteen transpoits will bo dispatched between today and Monday with 13,000 troops. These 13,000 are not included in the 180,000 due to be in South Africa on February 15th. The Eighth division of 10,000 men is still available to send. Military opinion in Loudon contin¬ ues to assume, from very slender ma terials, that General Builor is again throwiug his army against the Boer works. A retired general,Sir William Heury Green, whose distinguished career givos weight to his opinion, thinks that General Buller with 25, 000 men is making a wide detour to the west and north iu order to avoid the roughest parts of the country. As General Buller must have some thous auds of wagons, Sir William Green points out that the advance would necessarily be slow. No authentic word is nt hand save that the war office reaffirmed orally to newspapers inquiries at a late hour that it could not confirm the reported advance. There the Natal situation rests. Sir Alfred Milnor, in a letter written three weeks ago to the former lord mayor of Belfast, said the war would last three or four months longer. Sir Alfred Milner has sent most hopeful and encouraging reports to the gov ernment regarding the prospects of the campaign and it is understood that kiB views are shared by Lord Roberts, The censorship seems to have com¬ pletely shut down-the correspondents at Spearman’s cair.p. No dispatch from that point appears in Monday morniug’s papers and nothing lias been allowed to issue since Sunday evening. NO. 4.