The Rockdale banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1888-1900, June 06, 1900, Image 4

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How It Was Mrrked. The Bride—Mrs, I'inchpenny’s pres¬ ent has arrived. It’s a silver-plated but¬ terdish. •The Groom—How is It marked? iThe Bride—Marked down, I suppose, er we'd never have gotten it. t Klvrtrlrlly In (op*ole*. This now Compound, which Is mode from che»:> chemicals. Is .pot up.In c»| mile form mil when add'd »oJ* certain quantity of -water Will furnish olevtrMty el.....go lo light n house, drive an Automobile! or even a railroad Iron But tills Is malting i-omoAMHl 10 ttio stnuigth • niug |*cwer routainvd iu a ls,tll« o* lb-sot tqr’r Stomiidb Bitters. Ii cures Indlgo.cjIon, dy«|s'i*n. bllluusue* . liver aud kidney troubles mid 1111* tho system with uov vljor of lieultti. ‘Conscience makes cowards of ns all; ant some of the greatest cowards haven't much conscience at that. Better Blood Better Health If you don’t feel well to-day you cun b« made to feel better by making your blood better. Hood's Sarsnpurllla is the greut pure blood maker, That Is how it cures tlnit tired feeling, pimples, sores, suit rheum, scrofula anil euturrb. Got a bottie of this greet medicine and Begin taking It at once and see how quickly tt will brtng your biood up to the Good Health point. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America’s Greatest Blood Medicine. To Preserve Henry Vlll's Pslaee. Tho London County Council has been asked to sanction the expenditure of J 135,000 for tlie purpose of preserving the budding at 1" Fleet street, usually known as the “I’alace of Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey.” Tlie doubts previously expressed as to the historical foundation for this claim arc more than supported by tlie result of the in¬ vestigations of tlie officials of the Coun¬ ty Council, who report that the build¬ ing was Dot erected until 1010, when it was used as the office of the Duchy of Cornwall. Henry, Prince of Wales, trad control of it until iris death in 1013. There is n record, dated a few years later, stating that It was then a tavern. It was familinr to Dr. Jolin Jon, Burko, Goldsmith and Reynolds. Fo» niuny years It lias been used as a hair dresser’s establishment, much pa¬ tronized by barristers. Accented. "My dear madam,” said the gentle¬ man burglar, standing In the dim re¬ flected llght:of Miss Arabella Olotimer’s night-lamp—his voice was soft aud low —the time was two a. m.—“My dear madam, might 1 trouble you for your diamonds and cash—your stocks and bonds—your plate—your”—— “Oh. Lud!” sobbed Miss Olotimer convulsively, “th-thls Is so sudden—but y-yes—y-you may ask papa.”—Judge. Woman’* Way “Estelle, I don’t see why you buy two of those expensive pairs of antique snuffers when we have ouly one anti¬ que candlestick.” “Well, mercy mo, Edgar, can’t I buy another candlestick?” LIKE MANY OTHERS Clara KoppWrote for Mm. Plnkham’i Ad¬ vice aud Telia wliat It did for Her. “ Dkaii Mrs. Pixkuam :—I have seen so many letters from ladies who were cured by Lydia K, Pinkhum’s remedies that I thought I would ask your advice ^v in regard to my condition. I huvo been doctoring for four years aud have m taken different pat r %“ h ent medicines, but L received very little ■ benefit. I am 7 OTESi troubled with biu-U ache, iu fact nij» l&SCr whole body aches, I Kffei stomach feels sore, by spells get short of breath and am W ve-ry nervous. Men ll st runt ion is very ir- 11 \ \ bearing regulur with severe down pains, 11 cramps aud baek ache. I hope to hear * from you at once.”— Cl. A H.v Koi*p, Roekport, lad., Sept. S7, 1S9S. “I think it is my duty to write a letter to you in regard to what Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Compound did for me. I wrote you some time ago, describing my symptoms and asking your advice, which you very kindly gave. 1 am now healthy and cannot begin to praiso your remedy enough. I would say to all suffering women, ’ Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, for a wo¬ man best,understands a woman's suf¬ ferings, and Mrs. Pinkhaih, from her vast experience iu treating female Ills, can give you advice that you can get from no other source.’ ”—Clara Korr, ltockport, lnd., April 13, 18D9. $ - -y '.1 Vi Ii * OUT! For you r family's comfort ami your own. ; HIRES Rootbeer ^ will contribute of ice more to of it than s* tone aud a grow fane. 3 5 gallons for Vt cents. ^ Writ* ft»r hat of premiums offered fro# Iter tfttM-i*. CI1A BLKft K.1UUESCO. MuWm, l a. O oooks! $1.50, sml illustrated fcEES Catsloj? sent to any address for itO cents, stumps. Try us vv. A.sbKitM ii. mans aaih st., n. y. SFiVJtlsJwFjaToast” nDODCV HSW PISCOVERY; m worst *<» re* truer it t ree. Dr. H. M. OICSN S 60KS. B«x B. C* Sfl Thcmpion’i Ejri Water VFTS ' L 4 1 U rl AT 1 UVMJiwi i 4M Battle Scarred Heroes Take Pos¬ session of Kentucky City. THE LARGEST GATHERING EVER HELD General Gordon, Their Beloved Chieftain Gets a Tremendous Ovation—Maimed Battalion Great Attraction. A Louisville special says: Surround¬ ed by waving banners bearing the fiery cross of the Confederacy, listening to the cheers from the throats of 3,000 men who wore the gray, and confront¬ ed by the waving handkerchiefs of hundreds of ladies, General John B. Gordon, commander of the United Confederate Veterans, Wednesday, formally opened the tenth annual re¬ union of tho order, which, in point of attendance, is the largest ever held since the inception of tho organiza¬ tion. For an hour previous to tho time set for the opening of the meeting the veterans and their friends made their way in a steady Rtream to the hall and by 11:30 o’clock it was well filled. At the conclusion of the doxology General Poyntz, the presiding officer, introduced Mayor Weaver, who wel¬ comed the visitors in behalf of the city of Louisville. The mayor, whose speech was re¬ ceived with much applause, was fol¬ lowed lij Colonel Thomas F. Bullit, who welcomed the visitors to Louis¬ ville in behalf of the board of trade of the city. forward As General Gordon stepped to receive the keys he received a strong evidence of the regard in which ho is held by his comrades of the associa¬ tion. They sprang to their feet eu masse, climbed upon chairs, waved hats aud handkerchiefs frantically aud cheered again and again, aud General Gordon was visibly moved by the re¬ ception he met, and for several min¬ utes he stood bowing his thanks. When quiet was restored again he spoke in part as follows: “No man is gifted enough and no words are strong enough to tell Ken¬ tuckians what we feel at this hour aud how deeply we feel it. Shall I say for my comrades and myself that w« are grateful, profoundly grateful? That would be in the presence of such a demonstration the merest common¬ place, the needless statement of a pa¬ tent fact, which you already know or can plainly read in these moistened eyes and quivering lips. Bhall I tell you that we are amazed; that we are unprepared for siicte a display, such exhuberauce of hospitality, such warmth aud prodigality of welcome? I cannot say that, for it would bo un¬ true. We knew beforehand what to expect of this great hearted people. “We have come to find not only that is true but that the half had not been told. What can I say, then, what can any man say or do to repre¬ sent to this people the responsive echoes of our deeply stirred sensibili¬ ties? If I possessed the mystic power to catch and transmute into burning sentences the thoughts of these brains and the rhythms of these hearts, I might hope to give yon some concep¬ tion of our appreciation of this Ken¬ tucky greoting. “Why has not some Edison or some gifted scientist, moved by a genius divine, invented some means of photo¬ graphing human emotions? Why did not that crafty delver into nature’s se¬ crets, who discovered tho X-rays, give us a double X-ray powerful enough to expose to Kentucky’s view the emo¬ tions of these men? If such an instru¬ ment wero at your command this morning, you would see inscribed upon these hearts, in indelible letters, the beloved name of Kentucky. “Tho truth is, gentlemen, that your state holds a place among her sisters that is not only unique, but decidedly picturesque. “Heaven bless, protect and guide Kentucky. May harmony and Ghris tiau fellowship rule in alt her couusels and peace, joy aud plenty abide for¬ ever in all her homes.” No delegation of veterans has been accorded such au ovation as that given the Atlanta, Ga., battalion of maimed veterans. From the depot to their quarters they were cheered by tho thousands who thronged the streets and the impressiom they made equal¬ ed all expectations. TROOPS SENT TO PEKING, Admiral liempf Wires Important News to Navy Department. The situation in China was almost the sole topic of discussion among the officials of the state department Thurs¬ day. The following cablegram has been received at tho navy department from tho senior squadron commander. Ad¬ miral Kenipf: "Tong Kr (Taku), May 30.— Secre¬ tary of Navy, Washington: One hun¬ dred men landed aud sent to Tien Tain yesterday. Fifty of these go to Pekin today. Other nations lauded rneu. “Kempf.” OTIS TARRIES AT ’FRISCO. The General Arrlvea With Three Cuot u( Smallpox Aboard. The transport Meade, with Major General E. 8, Otis, arrived at San Francisco, Wednesday, tweuty-fivc days from Manila. The Meade had three cases of smallpox aboard. She was placed iu quarantine where she will rernaiu an indefinite time. Gene¬ ral Otis stated to the quarantine offi¬ cials that he was in excellent health -»»* trave jj er w jj 0 was narrating his experi¬ ences,” yawned the mountain pass—” ‘‘Do you know,” artlessly interrupted one of the younger women in the com¬ pany, “that seems very queer to me? How can a mountain yawn?” "Did you never see Cumberland Gap, missV-”"be asked. And there -were-no more Interrup¬ tions.—Ch i cn go Tri bu n e. l< Men Were la Supreme Control If tile men ran things for three weeks the human race would be eating off wooden dishes that they could put into the lire after each meal. He Was Satisfied. "Do you believe that those who can sing and won’t sing should be made to sing, Mr. Sourdropp?” asked Miss Screecher, with a coy glance at tire piano. “No, I believe in letting well enough alone,” said the mean old thing.—Baltimore American. The Point of View. Biggs Flggs has the clearest head of any man I know. Diggs—That’s right; there Is absolutely nothing In It.—Chicago News. To Curt* a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All driiKgistH refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. aic. Hurd and Tough. “They’ve got a new shell at Washington that will go through any hlug.” father-in “I’d like to see It tackle ray old law's calloused conscience.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. The man who smokes Old Virginia Cheroots has a satisfied, "glad I have got it tt expression on his face from the time he lights one. He knows he will not be disappointed. one—Maine No Texas, matter where he buys California—he knows or they Florida or will be just the same as those he gets at home—clean—well made—burn even—taste good—satisfying! Three hundred million Old. Vlrginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 (or 5 cents. The Vicious In Poitou. “Yes,” replied the Boston parent, “a boy soon acquires vicious habits if he is suffered to mingle with street boys. Once I thought otherwise and permitted our Emerson to choose his playmates, as chance should throw them tn his way. It wasn’t a week, sir, until that boy, in spite of bis he¬ reditary tendencies and the careful home training he had received, was asking me hypothetical questions that simplyreeked with cpsuistry!”—Puck. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn? Nhako into your shoes Allen’s Foot-Kuse, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Smarting aud Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, it 5 cts. Sample sent FltEE. Address Aden 8. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. Couldn't Stand It. Sandy Pikis—Billy, yer brain wurks when ycr Billy sleep. Coalgate—Uat settles It! Frum dls lime on 1 refrain frum Bleep.—Chicago News. The ltest Prescription for Chills sml Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless ( HIM. I ONIC. It Is simply iron and quinine lu a tusieless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c. Conservative. “Come, Bobby, tell us which you love best— your mo or me.’’ “No, you don’t, pn; Pm a middle of-the rosiler. Chicago Record. It require* no experience to dye with Put¬ nam Fadeless Dies. Simply boiling your goods in the dye Is all that's necessary, Sold by all druggists. In Case of Emergency. “What is a synonym?” asked a teacher. “rleaBe, sir,” said a lad, “It’s a word you can use lit place of another If you don't know how to spell the other one. Glasgow ICvonlng Times. Indigestion is a bad companion, Get rid of it by chewing a baT of Adams’ Pep¬ sin Tutti i’rutti after each meal. Economic Measure. Sunday School Israel)—Hubert, Teacher (during lesson on the children of tell me why It was the children of Israel built the golden calf. Hubert—I d n’t know, uyloss ’twas that they didn’t have gold enough to tnako a cow. -In! 0 . Plso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of throat and lungs.—YY m. O. Kndslky, Vanburen, lnd., Feb. 10,1000. II. II. Grkix’8 Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their liberal offer in advertisement in an¬ other column of this paper. A Fact Explained. Miss Jones—It seems to me that all the nieest men nre married. Mrs. Brown—Well, dear, they were not always so nice, you know; they have only been caught early and tamed. ossiP for Virginia ha, furniahed m*ny laader* many cause*, la the Baking Powder Hit*. she ha* furnUhcd «OOD LUCK." In sales and popularity. "OOOD LUCK ex¬ ceeds In the South all other brand* combined. Highest Leavening Power; Wholesome and HealthfuL "Horse. Shoe" on every can. to ret urnon sawmctjimsb c#„ bmu (*' o ta Creole Will Restore those Cray Hairs ■4 P La Creole Hair Restorer isra Perfect Dressing Restorer. Price $I.OO. The Inevitable Inference. Mrs. Browae-Stoa '—My present husband reminds me so mu;hof my lirstons. Mrs. Joke-Smith—What's the matter with hi ml __ FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous¬ ness arter first day’s use ot Ur. Kline’s Groat Nerve Restorer. *2 trial bottle and treatise free. Ur. It. H. Klikk, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. PiUla., Pa. It is easy enough to And a Beat in a crowded street car, but it is alwaya occupied.__ MITCHELL’S c " « =sa3 £ IK v [!: "l&fcsP a: F rice, 25c. 3& Tn £ -M I ■ 'f; a -JlLJ 1 U * ??r 1 i tYlffiSl Puffs under the eyes? red nose; pimple* drink¬ blotched, greasy face don't mean hard t ing always as much as it shows that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink¬ ing and over-eating overloads the stomach, > •’r*. it: but failure to assist nature in regularly dis¬ U , v .' ‘ % posing of the partially digested lumps of food [I that are dumped into the bowels and allowed / to rot there, is what causes all the trouble. CASCARETS will help nature help you, and i'.t r; will keep the system from filling with poisons, »• will clean out the sores that tell of the sys¬ tem’s rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure and becomes unshapely, the breath fpul, eyes kind of skin yellow; in fact the whole body neglect fills up with filth. Every time you to help nature you lay the foundation for just such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the naturally and poisons out of the system and will regulate for you week and help the easily and without gripe or pain. Start to-night—one. tablet—keep it up rich, a liver clean up the bowels, and you will feel right, your blood will be face look clean, eyes bright. Get a 10c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you are not cured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat is quickly and permanently CURED BY W:‘ m ■ C/ANDY CATHARTIC •56 J 0 c. ALL 25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Ad tress Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. 420 Oh, LoYe, Sweet Loie. ‘‘You have not kissed me,” she poated, “for fifteen minutes.” “I know it,” he said, “I have a very sensitive tooth which is liable to ache if I do.” “What do you mean, sir?” “Why, you are so sweet, you know!” FOR CHILLS MALARIA, AND FEVER ■‘i The Best Prescription Is G rove* Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Formula Is Plainly Printed on Every Botti So That the People May Know * Just What They Are Taking. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medi¬ cine if you knew what it contained. Grove’s contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a 'Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove’s is the Original and that all other so-called “Taste¬ less” chill tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove’s is superior to all others in every respect. You are not experimenting when you take Grove’s_its superiority and excellence having long been established. Grove’s is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections of the United States. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 500 Why Go To Hot Springs? Is your blood poisoned? We can cure you at borne of rheumatism, syphilis, and all chronic sores aud blood troubles. Sole makers of Dr. Howard’s Hoot Bitters. Has no equal for Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Absolute cure for Syphilis. If taken in time and no cure effected, vo will refund money paid. One month’s treatment by mail $5.00. Sample package $1.00. Addr ss OCOEE MEDICINE lO , CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Mention this Paper In writing to advertisers. ANU -1 Uto-23 Among the Nondescripts. The announcement of James J. Corbett that be is a candidate for con¬ gress seems to indicate that he had found the pace of the strictly heavy weights too fast, and that he desires to enter a scrimmage at catch weights. — S‘. Lonis Republic. OPIUM AND MORPHINE bftMts cured at home. NO IMS. NO PAY. SOC11STV. Correspondence Lock confldcnU box 715. A GATE CITjf :aacris? .e—.".$ I WjSSWHfcRE Syrup. ALL ELSE f AILS. Beat Cough Tastes Good. Cse tn lime. Sold by druggists. When a young rooster gets a comb he reach®* the top notch of his ambition. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la a llqald the Moo* « Internally, and acts directly on ,Ite IU mucous surfaces of the system >> i i aonials, tree. Manufactured by Toledo, Q U. F. J. Cheney & CO., teething, Mrs. Winslow’s softens Ihe Soothing gums. Syrup r '^“ 0P 5,‘ tereMJdrt« u “ ™ Hon. allays pain, wind *dle. -jC. a l iie. eures , {25 -x—-;u- c175;