The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 20, 1883, Image 3

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tSeCONYERS weekly CONYERS, GA,, APRIL 20, 1883. for host on the 20th. ^embers Mk begin operations will soon fir t be doctors. eat f 3 improving most wonderful ^ Ltbe last week. you w mt afijoe hat call on Jud When and get it ..nvford outlook in Rockdale is Ihe sma ll grain indeed encouraging. X dog fight enlivened things at the nost effice Tuesday evening yon can get bargains at J. J- Langford j Co’s to shoes ’ The m u j berry crop is exceedingly fine aB d promising- made their Strawberries have appear ance in small doses’ Ho W is your time to get this paper and tte Georgia Major. The ladies should call early at D. N. pdson’s aud get their notions. ’ Ten or twelve reapers have been re jived at this place this . week ( The Atlanta Presbytery expresses it dias not prepared to express any opin¬ ion on the merits ot the question of mar riage with a deceased wife's sister. There are only two liquor dealers in Rockdale county, and each mamifactur ' e6 his own spirits. The pistol which ‘-wasn’t loaded” is getting iu its deadly work. Robert Smith, the young man who was accidentally shot through the head, near Logaasvilte, last week, cannot possibly live Miss Sue McCalla, one of Sheffield’s loveliest daughters, is spending the week with friends in our city. A patent medicine man and a tomb stone agent were drui, ruing together iu Conyers, this week. Cause and effect. Jud Langford is selling the most goods tar the least money ever offered in this plaee. Call and see him and be con vinced. p. N. Hudson has just received one of the nicest and most complete line of no tions ever shown in Conyers. The la dies are most- cordially invited to call and examine his stock Mr. J. W. Langford is having new failings put around his residence Mr. Henry S. McNair has the job in hand. Three ex-Confederate Brigadier Gene als and two hundred Colonels have (heir residences in Covington. The guano supply at this place has been entirely exhausted. We d >ubt if two tons can be found in the place. When you have butter to di pose of Mrry it to Green Jones. He pays the very highest prices. Ladies there is no use to go to Atlanta now for D. M. Hudson car. furnish you anything in the dry goods line you want at prices lower than any Atlanta house. Just call and see. When you want a suit of good cloths, never stop until you get inside of G- M. Jones & Co’s store. They have a most elegant stock and can suit anybody. Ladies, there is no use trying to dodge the fact, you can buy just as nice goods irom G. M. Jones & Co., as you can any¬ where and we know at less figures than in Atlanta. Just call and examine their etock. D. N. Hudson has the finest ties, cor¬ sets, laces, linen and other kinds, hos¬ iery, gloves &c &c-, ever you did see. .They are simply pretty and no mistake. Call at once and see. Pyof. Cohahn, of Oxford, will deliver a lecture at Almand’s Hall to-night, on his natural method of imparting a speaking knowledge, in a limited time, of modern languages. The public is cordially invi¬ ted to be present. A little son of Mr. Lish Maddox has the measele. There are many cases in the county. The umbrella mender ha3 been in the city this week. Afr. J. S. McLean, of Gainsville, was down shaking hands with his Conyers fends, this week. The tragedy at Covington Saturday night should be a warning to all young Eton to keep from the outside of whisky and the inside of houses ot ill fame Another young man attempted suicide in this county, last week. All on ac¬ count of a lie, sir. “When a man lies,” remarks an ex shange, “the devil laughs.” Well, if the old fellow has been listening attentively to the Conyers fishermen this season he must be “tickled” almost to death by this time. It is rumored that acting-Governor Itoynton is soon to wed one of Walton’s most charming and estimable ladies. The girls now hie to the woods to gather the fragrant sweet shrub and de¬ lightful honey suckle, and spend the following day in an industrious endeav to rid themselves of the pestiferous dagger. The Conyers Examiner has suspended itotil fall. Mr. Harp, the editor, will 20 to Atlanta to accept a situation in the iob office of Harrison & Co. We wish the old gentleman much snceesa. the Livingston “worked” his rabbit foot on ^ forthe convention, which probably accounts nomination of McDaniel. Mr. W. T. King, of Covington, was lound in a ditch near the depot at that Place Sunday morning in an uneonsci condition with his left arm shatter ^ with a pistol ball and otherwise bad } bruised up. He is an a dangerous condition, D and unable to give any clue as how his injuries were received or who ’is Assailants were, feeveral parties have ecu arrested on suspicion, but as yet tething has developed against them, -r- King is a popular young man, and for several years been express agent *sd connected with the Georgia railroad *‘Co»ington. We hope he will soon be * E « I ely recovered. A Ro tkdale mother has named her “cherub” for Henry D. McDaniel. Rev. T. J. Christain, of Norcrosa, was here this week, visiting his parents. The legislature meets on the 9th of May to count the votes and declare Mc¬ Daniel Governor. A party of Conyersites will go to In¬ dian Fishery next week on a fishing ex pedition. Many jugs are shipped from Conyeis to Lithonia. The latter place is a pro¬ hibition town. The Presbyterian Sabbath school will pie-nic at Stone mountain the first Sat¬ urday in May. Fare for the round trip 60 cents; children half fare. Remember that next Tuesday is elec f ion day. Come out and cast a vote for that noble statesman, Henry D. McDan iel. A military company is spoken of by the citizens of Conyers. We trust the enterprise will be successful. A Monticello doctor died from the ef fects of a mad-dog bite, last week. A Rockdale negro gave a mortgage on his mu e and wagon, the other day, so he could give four dollars for a single barrel shot gun. How such a fool negro ever got possession of a mule aud wagon is what bothers us. Mr. Rufus Cruse, formerly off the Cruse House, Cov'ngton, will proDablv take charge of the Whitehead House at this place- Mr. Cruse is an excellent, hotel man. We want some one to write a com¬ munication setting forth the real un adulterated value of the Agricultural Bureau. We have got it down in our list among the numerous frauds that the fanners ot this state are bur¬ dened with. It is strange, but nevertheless true, that every politician in Rockdale county feels sore over the nomination of Mc¬ Daniel, and some of them go so far as to say they wili support any one who will antagonize Ifm. McDaniel has long been a thorn in the side of the Rockdale demagogue. The Butts County Argus says that a young woman of that comity has just been adjudged a lunatic and sent to the asylum, leaving a young husband with¬ out any visable means of support. It was very wrong in the courts to adjudge that woman a lunatic before she had provided a support for that “young hus“ band.” Misses Barn tt and Butler, two of Madison loveliest and most accomplished young ladles, honored Conyers with their presence Friday, last. Dr. Seamans, of this place, is one of the most popuiar as well as skillful dentists in the state. His practice extends aU oyer middle Georgia. People as a general thing, are so apt to deviate a iittle from the truth in report¬ ing the result of their fishing excursions, that we think it prudent not to say any¬ thing tt all about our recent “lock” at Peachstone Shoals. But if you desire to know more about it, call on Capt. Tom Broadnax and be will give you the “facts.” A Hall county man sent the following order to a Gainsville merchant; “Please send me two pounds of shu gor, a blackin bresh, five pounds of Cof¬ fey and some little nails. My wife had a baby last nite two padlocks and a munkey rench.” Mr. Arthur Sharp, at the Livery Sta¬ ble, has a few good second hand buggies for sale. Call early if you want a bar¬ gain. An agent was in town this week selling medicated cups. Go out to hear the lecture of Prof. Cohahn, at Almand’s Hall, to-night. Mr. J. S. Daniell has just received one of the finest engines and separators ever shipped to this place. They were manu¬ factured by Russell & Co., Massillon, O. They are superior in workmanship and finish to anything we have ever seen, and will be operated by Messrs. McDon¬ ald, Williams & Shiply. Mr. Daniell has also received a car load of the Perry Royce Reaper, which are peculiarly adapted to rough and hilly ground. Angie Ruff the colored woman who has been confined in our jail for several weeks past, has been released on bond. When you want a stove, a hoe, trace chains, or anything in the hardware line you can buy it from Toombs Almand cheaper than anybody. We learn that a young Mr. Stansell, of Newton county, lost his pocket book be¬ tween this place and his home on last Saturdry, which contained some money and valuable papers. It is said that a Conyers young lady lived all of last week on the memory of a parting kiss. Not so. We saw the same girl last Friday evening standing behind a rose bush in the garden devour ing four onions, a pone of com bread ev¬ ery 15 seconds. Talk about the memory of a parting kiss, but it takes onions and green apples to mase a girl happy. Bargains at G. W. Weaver & Bro’s for the next ten or fifteen days, in conse" quenee of having to move. Elegant new lawn, prints, hats and ati other goods at J. H. & N. M. Almaads cheap for cash and on time. During the late war Hon- Henry D. McDaniel had charge of an estate, the property of which vested in orphan and minor children. A portion of the prop¬ erty he sold aud invested the proceeds in Confederate bonds. After the close of the war, when the bonds were value less, soon as be earned the amount he so sound redeemed every dollar with cur rency- The people of Georgia should be proud of so faithful and honest a son as their executive officer. I have for rent two good dwellings one three rooms with two good fire pla and one with four rooms, kitchen &c cea and Both well located. Fine water, fruit gardens. Call at this office if you want a good dwelling cheap. I- Haia Much local matter is crowded out of this issue. We will do better next week The masquerade party at the Whitt head House Tuesday night. May the 1st, pr om ises to be a grand affair. Covington, At lanta, Stone Mountain, Madison, Jackson, McDonough and Lawrenceville will be represented. The boys captured a rabbit on one of our most public thoroughfares, yesterday. Married In Oxford, Ala., on the 27th ult., by Rev. Mr. Kira, Mr. P. P. Heifner and Miss Sallie C. Greer, Tne groom is one of Oxford s most popular anl deserving young men, in every way worthy the fair flower which he has won. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mr - L. F. Greer, of Forsyth, and is too well known in that place, Barnesville and Conyers to speak of her many lovely traits of character. The happy pair left immediately for Ocala, Fla., where Mr. Heifner has gone to look after the inter¬ est of his orange grove, After spend ing several weeks in the 'and of flowers they will return to Oxford We wish them a long, happy and useful life. D. M. S. AN EARLY MARRIAGE An early marriage m ay be looked for in thes parts—all on account of me Li¬ za. Tom’s girl is very offectionate, and loves him with a ten horse E.-lips pow er, and as Tom is, himself, pretty badlv stuck on things affectionate, he allows nor to wallow in Ins lap a good deal, twisting his mustach and eating parched goobers and striped candy out of his pockets, of course these proceeding have beeu kept secret from the old folks, but the bad little boy, (every banquet has its ghost) found out how thiugs were going and on last Friday n ; ght procured a rope, made a runnin; noose, and just as Tom aud she was locked in a fond eti trance slipped up behind, dropped the rope over and bound them hard and fast. A yell or two brought in the pa¬ ternal part of the household and matters reached a cry—sis. Everytning has been arranged now. No explanation was re - quired—theltableau explained itself. Tom says he is going to be married to the nicest little girl in the land, but don t mention that it is at the earnest solicita¬ tion of a double barrel shot gun in the hands of a six foot father. We wish them happiness COUNTY COURT. It is our humble opinion that the worst day s work Rockdale county eve did was the abolishing of her County Court. With a good man for the judge ship (and we have a number of them) it will save to the tax payers of this county from i to 2 thousand dollars every year. It costs from $125 to $150 every day to run our Superior Court and at least three days are ta 'en up every session with cases that could be settled by a County Court. Our jail often has a number of prisoners in it at a heavy boarding ex¬ pense to our people which, if we had a County Court, could be JLposed of and the expense averted- Let’s have a Coun¬ ty Court with a salaried judge and we will save hundreds of dollars to our peo¬ ple. NOTICE, This is to forbid all persons going through my lands, either fishing hunt¬ ing or otherwise, Fair notice. H. L. SHiPLur, FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a buck store, centrally • located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is, big money for some one. Call early at this office. J N. Halb. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev¬ er introduced in this county is the one now being made and sold by W. Almand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see and ha. e the gate. Farm rights for sale. Call and see. W. A. Almand. 4 times. TO THE PUBLIC, I have removed next door to Dr. Lee’s Drag store and as I now have more room I will keep a much larger stock of Mil¬ linery and fancy goods than ever before. Do not fail to call and examine my stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Mrs. A. M, Lee. D. N, Hudson has received a mag¬ nificent spring stock of ladies dress goods, shoes, clothing, hats and iu fact everything, which he is offering verylow. Give him a call before ma¬ king your purchases. BEAD. This is to give notice to the pub¬ lic generally that my store will be kept open till 9 o’clock at night after this date. M. R. Stewart. FOR SALE. The property of Mrs. M. F. Tays lor near the the First Baptist Church fronting Wm. Overbay and joining Mrs E. H. Stewart, will be sold in Conyers on the first Tuesday in next month. Titles good. The most elegant lot of prints and dress goods in the city at D. N. Hud son’s. The ladies should call and exs amine his stock. MOOHE’S SOUTHERN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, Ga. The best Practical Business School in the South. Send for Circulars. *@“$100 covers Tuition, Stationary, board etc, for threp mouths. H i J NUMBERS 3. AND 7. HOTEL BLOCK• - CONYERS, GA, THEY CAIMiY THE MOST COMPLETE (•o:) STOCK IN THE CITY. THEY SELL THE MOST GOODS FORTHE LEASTMONEY! (: 0 :) THEY PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR . ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. •(:o:) / vM. oorM / In this - line . their . s'oek -Ooo-- selections . is large and their firstsclass in very ev¬ ery particular, and embraces prints of the latest and noblest styles, the cheapest and best linens end'ess of all kinds; fine damask tadle cloths, towels, ban kerchiefs, napkins die in varie‘y, at law figures; all kinds of hobery from the cheapest to the first grade in mens, moinen’s, children—the greats esl bargains' in this line of goods ever offered to the people ot this p'aee. Triinings and Embroiderie’s of evry disciipvion and style; all kinds >f la¬ dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pins, ties, and the PAR EXOELENCE Carset mad. Window shades fine and cheap, fire oil cloths, carpetings, tickings, sheeting-j shirtings, cambrics, ghinghams, checks, bleeckings and in tact everything; in this line tha, is ever wanted or called for and we ask the Udies especially Dry *hou Goods. tnev No want any kind of beautiful new and dress goods notions or other trouble to show goods we want to give you our prices lor we know that they will please you. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES &C We have a heuvy stock ot all grades and styles that we are selling lower than was ever known before, Jents clothing, Hats and Shoes and ladies fine shoes we have many beautiful goods of the very latest “notion” and we especially in vite all to come aud examine ours before buying. We mean exactly what we advertise and when you sail on us you will find it true, We keep the verv fullest kind of a stock of both. W IleavY them and fo,get FancY Groceries. supply lieu you warn, dmi t to call on us for we can you end will not be undersold in any ot these goods. Sugars, coffees, syrups, can goods, rice, grns, potatoes &c. all sold low dow. We have From ALL,FARMER'S mold’s worth of soda SUPPLIES. oth a up. Corn, flour, meat, oats, syrup and r provisions, ha dware, woodware, glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, plowstocks, carpenters tools ana everything else iu thi* line they need. We are offers ing special inducements and ask yon to call aud see us. We are agents for that The New Elegant No. Victor, which Sewing is without superior Machine. ,for a'l the fine quali¬ 4 a ties to do good work. We sell them *o<v down. Come and see also the Famous Well Elevators, The best arrangement that was ever placed in a well. Come and exam¬ ine this and we know you will buy. We can give the best referenses on tbis and show you use. When you want goods of any kind remember that you can get them; and get the best goods and at prices that no other house can under reach by calling on They carry a large stock of clocks and elegant fine jewelry. Fancy and Heavy Groceries. A complete stock of Hardware and Dry Goods, Notions, Hats Boots and Shoes for the million. They defy Competition, and sell for the cash so low that their prices cau’t be beat. Gall at this store when you want Goods at Bottom Figures. "IX PIERCES; QUIGG. HOTELL BLOCK CONYERS GA . D. H, DOUGHERTY .1 The S .pot Cash J -Of ATLANTA. Ga., Has the finest line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, IN THE STATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, and gives his customers the benefit of the Lowest Lash Prices in the South. --Give him a trial and you will always trade with him, OnePrice To All! 39 and 41 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Georgia, In every case where money does not accompany the ordor, good will be sent C. . b. Samples sent free. March 22, 1883, u . A.&TD. —DEALERS IN— STEW A > Dry Goods, Notions 9 Groceries, -AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. :o: GUANOS & ACID PHOSPHATES. — vvE SELL— L. 1 C 6 II 3 II 0 ■ 1 Acid Fh^pli’te These Fertilizers are Strictly Standard Goods, £^-WE buy THEM FOR CASH AND DEFY COMPETTTION. Call and see ns. A. & T. D. STEWART J. * 11 P.USINESS [} NIVERSIT IESa S EMD f 0 ft CATALOGUES (i~aw § IlfLDrafflBunu IJM I I || V ■ ■■ ■ ■ Band B action to the Llvsv ■■■ relieve all Wh — — -Irma tronblM. Itttif T«c*UU*i It Wtlag- rriMatABSntlWe J H DABNEY, AGENT FOR THE Following high grade Fertilizers. :o: Eutaw Acid. Futaw Guano. E Frank Coe Guano, Ga, Standard, And* Bone Ash Phosphate, Orient, Gilt Edge. :o: JCSTlt will be to your interest to call and see him before purchasing. Office at H. P. & D. 31. Almand’s, 0 rnyers, Ga , Commerce street. 4M8. F 1 1 1 T ZERS f H H H (:o;) Baldwin’s - ■» •* Fertilizers. Merry man’s Fertilizers. Acid Phosphate for Composting. KlfaQEV fiun BDVAMG J Agents, Congers, Ga. *—• 1 H {:<>:) ffSTl take this method of informing my former customers, all my friends and the public generally, (hat I have opened a s;ore at S. J Cowan & Son’s old stand near the Court House, Conyers, Ga., under the firm name of J. J.LAN-GFORD&CO, Where I will keep a well assorted stock of goods such as are usually kept in any first-class house haviut bought the stock of S J Cowan & Son at a TREMENDOUS REDUCTION, will be able to sell a great many goods very low, I expect to replenish ray immediately with HUNDREDS OF ELEGANT NEW GOODS. Having been so long employed with the wollknown house of J II Almand Son, I feel that I am well posted as to the wants of the peoplp. Don’t forget the place, and to give me a call. Yours Respectfully, J. J. LANGFORD. old notes and accounts of S J Cowan & Son are all in the hands of W H I have nothing to do with their collection here. I hope my old customers will give me their patronage as bofor. Respectfully, J S Cowan, with J J Langford & Co. WHAT YOU FARMERS NEED is A plenty of seeds, A cider mill, A wind mill, A fruit drier, A sulky plow, a riding cultivator, a wheel horse rake, a screw pulverizer, a field roller, aone horse harrow, a two horse harrow, a mower and reaper, a two horse feed turning plow, a one horse turning plow, a Haiman drill, or Ferguson plow stock , bell, a cutter, a cotton planter, a corn and planter, Beeder combined, a grain a good churn, a farm a spring tooth sulky, harrow JteT'We have them for you._4Bf MARK W. JOHNSON & CO. 1-12-3M 27 MRITTA ST., ATLANTA, GA, JH.&N. M. ALMAND CONY HRS, GEORGIA. Have just received their new spring poods. Call nnd examine goods Notions and learn pvices Keep constantly on hand n lull line of Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a firstsclass dry goods house. *9 A large lot which we are tow offering at cost for the cash. Come and see. MOfltiUUDBS '9 3 STG* C. It. Sides, Sugar Cured Hams, Lard, Cliffee. Sugar, Rice. Syrup, Molases Fine flours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Carters's Fancy, Hookers Seltraising flour and many other brands. The celebrated .Snowy Ash and ltan 1 ucker cigars and a full line of chewing and smoking tobaccos. Hardware of all kinds. Plows, hoes, plowstoeks, rakes, bcehandles, .-hovels, cradles eet. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Just received, a full line of cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they will sell low for cash or to prompt paying customers on time. raunvtnas. A complete line of furniture alwavs on band. Fine Walnut and Poplar ' Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Wa hstands, Marble Top Tables, Chairs, Lounges, Setts, Ficiure Cord’s etc. Their slock is complete in ev>« ery respect. Call aud see them. ALMAND. J H & N M ► JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN IVBlIfVBl NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, OA, :o: Special inducements off-red to DEALERSlnd others in nil grades of Furs A share of the patronage ot Rockdale end adjoining counties earneet Be sure aud give us a trial before making your purchases- Foundry, 50x214. Machine Shop, 40 x 120 —OFFICE OF— w GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Foundry. Machine & I3oiler AY'rks Just Above Passenger Depot, Near Water Tower. * AUGUSTA GEORGIA. /^'BUILDERS OF Engines and boilers, saw mills, grist mills, and all kindso machinery of the We latest improved styles. Shaftings, hangers, pulleys, and gearing gin journal Gin boxes. for have gin. a large assortment of patterns, sugar rollers ribs any DEALERS IS Engine and mill guppI/eiV, circular, saws, files, gnmmera, swage, globe, check and safety valves, whistle guages, steam pipe and fittings. Babbet metal rom 10 to 40c. Belting, lacing, rubber, hemF, soapstone <x asbestos packing. Oil and oin ps, wrenches, emory wheels, etc. gtjf AGENTS FOR Eclipse donble turbine wheel, Korting’s universal injector*, the beet made. Bradford Mill Co.’s portable mills- Nordyke A Marmon Co’s plantation corn and feed milts- Atlas engine works and Erie City Iron Work's portable and it*. tfonarf engines, Konkel’s pop softy valve*. Clond Creek mill rocks. Iron and Brass Castings and hands. all kinds of repairing promptly done. We cast evetr (jay and are working t bout 100 Boiler repairs promptly done.