The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 04, 1883, Image 2

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' CONYERS GA., MAY 4TH, 1883.
C """county court.
We have talked with a large num¬
ber ot our people of late and find
then almost unanimous for a County
Court if it can be. established proper¬
ty. The plan upon whichihe one in
H*my county is conducted seems to
D0 most favorable/’ which is as fol
lows: The coing has full civil jurist
diction in the district wherein it is
situated, but nothin the other dis¬
tricts, For instance if a party in
Sheffield desired tc.sueliis neighbor
he would be compelled to do so in
i,is home justice court unless the
amouut was over §50. That keeps
the County Court from swallowing
up all the civil business of the county
and forces litigants to stay at home
and not drag such other off to town
-whether or not. In criminal cases all
floes nd forfeitures goes into the
county treasury and to county pur
poses- The judge receives no costs
or perquisites of any kind but receives
a yearly salary parijlmonthly out of
the couuiy funds. That such a court
conducted on the al ove plan would
save hundreds of dollars to our p> o
jj!e annually, there can be no doubt.
It would try hundreds of cases at a
cost to the coumy of not more than
$400 at the outside, while, if the cases
were to go through the Superior
Court, they would cost §2,000, or
more. We know that the way our |
County Court was formerly carried on
it was very distastelul lo our people
and very wrong- Butwitb a salaried
iydge there will be no excuse or cause
tor such unequal prefertheeB as werfe
before given. It is to the interest of
every tax payer to agitate this mats
ter and let us have a County Court,
If any one can raise any objection from to j I
it we would be pleased tohear
against self society and God.
tiou, or tiie arbitrary, tyranical inter¬
ior dgj with ves el rights and the
private life of individuals is odious and
intolerable. Ijeuce prohibition, what*
* good're’fiulfe it may promise at
tile staff, is bound to bea,f&ilura.
No humane law can be executed
nuless tho pebple are abreast with
them. It is not a crime to use stim*
uhints.’ The crime comes in with the
abuse. Hut the use of stimulants as
practiced here generally is so dan*
gerous, that abuse and all its dire
j Ilenco consequences those only wild, too often asraodic lollow. leg¬
also sp
islative enactments on our statute
We have been led to this train of
thoughts by perusing tiie decription
' of the Masonic banquet at Camden on
i Saturday. There was lots of wine ,to.
wash down the good things to eat.
At the Garland banquet wine allowed
most generously. It Joes so at every
banquenl we read of, and there is
always a minister on hand to ask a
blessing, too. At the Presidents table
six glasses for six different kinds of.
trine are set before each guest. That’s
all right. We- don’t object to .it.
Wine is a gift of God, as well as the
bread we eat and lie who remtunbers
it, will not abuse His gift. But what we
object lo is the outrageous hypocritical
legislation on this drinking business it
is all right for the rich mao to wash
down his venson, oysters and turtle
with burgundy and champagne after
sharpening his appetite with un petit
re: rede Cognac, but let a farmer or
poor laborer, after plowi ng or splitting
rails all dc till thesliirt sticks to his
back and after drinking his belly full.
ofinsipid, unwholesome creek water
all day, feel th i want of a little stim¬
ulant in the evening, that would
ward off sickness anil give him some
little relish to tackle his splendid sup
per of sowbelly and enrndoger—oh
no, he can’t have it. There is a law
forsooth, made by a lot‘of idiots
Jh k sobering off from t^e effects of
a banquet prayed over in due form,
that makes it a crime to sell whiskey,
wine or beer ih bis neighborhood.—
Ft. Smith New Era.
Mr. Henry Hollingsworth writing to
his parents here says:
I ought to feel thankful that I am able
to write to you. Tlie cyclone here beat
anything 1 ever passed through. I was
right in its center but did not get a hurt.
Our store was blown fiat to the ground.
There were 75 or 80 houses blown down
here, and some of them blown literally
blown away. It came on us about 3 o’cl'ck
in the evening. I was lying down in my
rtom, having been asleep. It g°tt<*
thundering and f went^ut to look at the
cioud and just »s I got to the door there
were six or eight heavy peals of'thunder
and I heard the cyclone coming. First
thought it was tho train but soon saw it
was in the elements. I ran for the cut
at the railroad and as I got there saw it
coming scattering timber and houses. I
looked to be crushed but come out all
right. It lasted ab rat one minute, and
then I got up and found the telegraph
operator in four feet of me, both arms
broken, having been blown iOOfeet. I
took him in my arms and carried him
up the embankment and to a room. I
worked till 11 o’clock at night in the
rain without coat or hat. Many fami¬
lies had everything blown away, even
tlieir clothes being torn off them. There
were about 20 killed here and several
more have since died. There is but one
store here. H. M. Holligsworth.
ipu, —
We notice 1 that e.evfral of our most
protniilent are.circulating pe¬
titions and gjijtfjng hundreds of sign
ets, to have the sale, rfuknufacture and
dealings of all 1, kinds in whisky, abol
ished in thi^ COUtityD -This is the step
in the right dfivyetroii and the one
that should have been taken at the
start That it is a tremendous curse
there can be no doubt, aud the way
to remove it, i? to dig it out by the
loots Wharf ,g!ed that all classes
ate taking an interest in the work.
Men who have a!way’s drank, arc iu
hear and eay : y eapp^rt removed jvitiY off«ro.y the movement, That it
can be dona there is :i uot the , shadow
of a doubt, and w hen it is effectually 1
CD. a place without' °a]
an equal iu all that OQ tea to make
bright, happy and intelligent people.
Wa have here most excellent citizens
and elevei\f^qeial families. A large
majority are moral upright ehristains
—workingand using their influence j
lor Christ and good, and all say that j
they meet their greatest foe iu wilts- j
Lei'. lis a terrible curse. If a cy-;
clone such as we had the 22 should '
eweep througblhe country every wee’ I
the damage would be but small when
compared to the ravages of
whiskey. Siates should not lie idle be '■
cause Congress does; counties should
not lie idle because states do, towns
should not lie idle because counties
and cities do, people should not . fie
idle because their neighbors do' -end
” you should not lie idle because I do.
All should work, and work we intend
Ao do, and work will the people of
this county untill it is removed root
fttfd brqdek; * 4 ’ News.
The American dribking habits are
IiUle .else than beastly. Extremes,
beget extremes, hence the prohibition
mpvemtnt ever-where. But two
wrongs de not make pne “right,"
Digtdcenneas - Is an infamous crime
HACOIT A Fir*t-c'.ass
CMtBuT Business Sc hool
COLLEO.. *° Bn 9 North or South.
lira'] tor Circular, l,o».
MACON, QA. W.MctCAV, . Prteoisaa
SISBiStS*******-*****. mrri
^g-?5 M3u
%*r— *V. ’
W%£ Brnm* C SCRif%-~
Tfrill -be mailotfFiuttito to cue.
toiuers About of last year without illuHtrationa, ordering prices, it. Itconttvirui accurate
J75 i>a^es. 600 valuable directions planting
1660 deecriptiohH varieties and ot Vegetable and Flower for 8'jeda,
Plants, iaily Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable td all, espeo.
to Market Garden era. Send for it!
D. M. FERRY Sc CO. Detroit Mi oh.
■ H mg Secure Healthy
H action to the Liver
Hi 3 ar,d relieve all bll*
.. ~ l nnii troubles.
Fatily Vegstaiie; Its Price 25o. All Crogpirti.
GEORGIA Rockdale County—
--.Imreas V\/ Af. II. Waldrop, admiids
trat-or of the estate of Levi L,
Wald'op, di c’d represents to the
court of Ordinary in his petition due
ly filed and entered on .record . ihat,
he has folly administered Levi I„
Waldrop’s estate. This concerned is therefore
to cite all. persons heirs
and creditors to siiow cause, if any
they can why said administrator
should not be discharged from his
administration and seoeive letters
dismissiiiM on the first Mii iday in
August 1883, <>. SHAMANS,
April 27 8m. Ordinary,
GEORGIA, Rockdale County—
w THEREaS John Parke,, Wm.
Parker and G. W. Parker, Ad¬
ministrators ot Aaron Parker, rjec’d,
repfe-eitts to the Court ot Ordinary
in their petition duly filled and en
tered on record that they have fully
administered Aaron Parker’s estate:
This is therefore to cite all persons
concerned, h< irs and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said
administrators should not be discha g
ed 'rorn their administration and res
ceiae Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in June, 1883,
O. SEAMANS, Ord'y.
March 2, 3m.
GEORG! A, Rockdale (Lmuv
IIliREAS David Graham, Ad
ministrator dclumis nor,,'with the
will annexed, of Josiuh Griihaiti,
dec.’d, represents to ilie Cobvt of Or"
dinary in his administyqi^ petition duly-filed,
lie lias fully the
of Josiah Graham. Tips: is there
fore to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors, to show cause, ii
they can. why sad administrator
should not be discharged from his
administration and receive Letters
Dismission on tbo first Monday in
May, 1883. O. SEAMaNS,
Feb 2, 3iu. Ord’y
From Honey Creek.
Our farmers are working hard and
if Godwill smile 011 us this year we
will soon be all right. We ought to
thankful to God for the oullo k
no w. Our church at Honey Creek
is in a flourshing condition. Our
Sabbath school is growing constant¬
ly. We desire to thank the bffelUreu
of all denomination’s lor their fibers
ality towards us, the good Methodist
and Presbyeriaus especially.'- They*
have all come up like men. Wo will
have a good house of worship soon.
We have about $300 made up now,
and we feel satisfied we can build
Everything seams to be governed
by human nature. It is just as easy
for some people to quarrel as it is for
water to run down fctiaam. There
ave some folks, w ho it they could not
talk about people, could not live,
for it is human nature, I knew a
woman once, who, every time they
went to eat, she threw the cups and
pla'es at her husband’s head, but he
had to let her alone as it was human
nature. Young folks, old folks, wid¬
ows and widowers all marry but it is
human nature. The world is gov*,
erutd by hum-ah nature tbo’ some
people are pxcetHiona to the rule and
show more hag'.vMti human. K.
Mothers, tho children’s summer
suits have come at Stewart’s,
Your boys from 1 3 30.. can
be 9lvited at j_ A . & T . D . Stewart’s.
wheaj vaut . ^h"" straw
CalUf SrewaiDa
W0 notice cottnuades .at Btewa, t s
tl,al lookB lik<! ti,,e 1 I'D
016 Peotard. f
Grain cradles b .the dozen at
Stewart’, •R
White Irish linefi* atD25 cts per yd
at Stewart’s. Nice For baby aprons,
Muslins 5 to 15 ets and cotton wos
ted 9 cts at Sieart’s.
Sarah Bernhart and other styles of
gloves al Stewart's.
A fresh arrival of shirts and collars
at Stewart’s.
A now variety of stock
“said to work wonders.’’ Call for
the red tin box, at Stewart’s.
An endless variety of ladies’
v*ear at Stewart’s.
A few only. Picture fameB left at
Stewart’s. - Call early.
.* ^ Ft
Come one, come all, tlie old and
young, the short, the tall, the rich,
the poor, we please them all. Count¬
less bargains await your call at Stews
Fresh grits, rice, meal aud white
peas at Stewart's.
A nice light hoe, for the-boys, at
Perfect dour Patent Pastry and Peek’*
1 at Stewart’s
"Notice! ■
Administrator, Executor and othei
advertisement* ot the kind can be in**
scried in this paper cheaper than
elsewhere, itemembei' out rates are
tbo lowest. Lie sure and cel! end see
ee before ruaki-Tg contract* wjth any¬
We, the nndereigned, hereby warn
and forbid aO persona against si ring
on our lands. Parties .i ^ i seining
on said premises wjil be. prosecuted
to the full extent of {he law.
R. tJ. Cannon, J. R. McCalla
Heesceel Summers.
'Sheffield, A pri! 25,1888.
I have for rent two good dwellings—
one three room:-! with two "good fire pla¬
ces and one with four rooms, kitchen &c
Both well located. Fine water, fruit and
gardens. Call at this office if you want a
good dwelling cheap. 3. N. Hale.
This is to forbid all persons going
through my landr, either fishing hunt¬
ing or otherwise, Fair notice
*5 V- ’’ H. ' Shipley.
. t
If you watit the 1 best bargain cv-^r of
feml in a brick store, centra'iiy located,
in this plaee, call at this office. I have
i property in which there k big money
•forjspmt one A , Cailjparly atthis^ofrice.
J N. Hale.
The beet thing ia the A way of a gate ev¬
er introduced hi this county is the one
ow being made aitd sold by W. Almaud
of this place- It is durable, easy to work
and cheap. Every fr.rmer should
and have the gate. Farrn rights for
sa'e. Call and see? W. A. Almand-. -■
4 ttees.
From this da,e ad Ordinary’s ads
vertiseroents will be inserted in the
Conyers Wkekly a public gazette
published in Rockdale County, Ga.,
and this is to give notice that this pa¬
per is now my legal advertising medi¬
April, 1883, Ordinary.
The Dress Maher’s
Lu (F-WH \|*ate£«d| «?$0***^ Magic ie Scale, the
being one-ninth it*
ftotua l I® i i not a mod
chart, but a scale oHnohea.
it a lady can cut from any fashion
plate. a uertect fit SJTC^SUMMER^ withoot altera
tiow. AgettU wanted.^MUS.
By it you can cut. any garment.
The only small system in the world that Guar¬ is
in one piece. Satisfaction
anteed Price with instruction book§3
Book and lessons $5, Strict atten^
iion given to letters of inquiry. wanted.
Local and traveling agents
Conyers, Ga 2m.
Th» Great Speoiflc for Neuralgia and Hoadaolie
Atlanta, Ga.. Feb* 4th 1879.
Messrs. Hutohingson & But :
Having thoroughly tested your
Neuralgine I cheerfully 'recodimend
it to all who suffer with neifralgiaf
and headache. T. M. Wood,
Ol Howard, Wood & Co.
Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro..—It is
with real pleasure,,that I add my tes
timony to the great virtues of your
Neuralgine as a specific for neuralgia
and sick headache. Such a remedy
is a blessing and sufferew'sbould
keep it on patid. , ..J. .JL p idley,
136 Cathedral street, Baltimore.
• ' "A.
ffe V
UffiMEOl Md Hm'.
RHEUMATISM, Meuralgim, jSfiiatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Sorerieis ol the Chest,
Bout, Quinsy,-Sore Throat, Spell¬
ings Scalds, and Sprains, Genera / Burns Bodily and..
Tooth, Ear and ffdadache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, arui ail other
Pains and Aches.
Ko Preparation on earth eq ft air Sr. Ort r
m a safe, sure, simple and cneajr Sxternair.
Hj*niedy A trial entails hut tho c*W»par*!:Y«»l/
trilling: outlay of 50 CeptS, and positive erery one suffering*'
* ith palu can have cheap ind proof of i«
«la ma.
Wractlona fn Keren Langnafe*. '
Bult-Morv. 3fd., U. S. A, j
53 Soutli Broad Street A-ilanta,
Paints,Oils, Varnishes , Brushes & Window Blass
—Headquarters for alljkinds of—
Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices.
ZZSTW e also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is
kept in the City, aud are
Headquarters for any and ail Sizes of Glass.
F. J. Cooledge & Bro., 53 South Broad st., Atlanta, G
H-A i-DA J T IN AT )
I Sonera! Merchandise ---DEALERS IN- Etc.
Having been established for 18 years, and carrying one ot the largest,
fullest and most oomple stocks in the country, we can a&l goods as low as
any, and we guarantee satiatactiou. When you want
Call on
JT ■v t'
Center Street,
Keeps ahVays’-owdsanjl a
Full v An*
Dry goods, Notions, Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Groceries and
—All Kinds
Hardware, Tinware, WVodware,
&c&c. Also a quantity of r ice Gati i
dies. Fancy Groceries, Apples, Grans
ges, Nuts&e. In fact a full stock ot
goods, at prices that will defy corns
petition., • The highest market price
paid for all kinds of produce in goods
ut bottom figures. Call and see for
---BY:- r -
/ "{' v hoy c. on hand the very
niev ®
B EE F >' .& PORK,
Baskbo^e £z Ribs.
Also Mutton. When vqu wai»t
meats,-.good City Weighs .and' 'fiist chea’p door .prices, above
call at the' market
Post-Office Conyers, Ga.
I » V i
Wagons, &
For the next thirty days I will of
for any of my buggies, wageas &e.
at strictly cost prices. I have a large
lot of them, both of Western an 1 my
own make. If you want, something
good, now is you time to call on
j. W. Langford
€ousdtial %d\$t in Cjjarfl*
Hair cutting in ihe neatest and new¬
est style, Shaving, Shan poohirig end
Dyeing executed with neatness and
dispatch. S'tS’Located in the Night
builning first floor on the left up stairs.
1 ____________ —■ -
Emmy - mwm gammy " 3&19
wzmgmam .
EPélmtmg‘DLI: ~Lj1‘1 "u’S-sz; \‘flfll‘aiflo— "
§MMM # 0 < nH& 8 jk*g>
C&RYBtt*. « i
' jt
■j i
• t
. ,
OTIlf SXftQlLSMraV m
In this, Newton,■‘“Gwinnett and many V’juiniqg counties they are agent*
for the very .best, machinery made, embracing the famous
And all other mrchinery manufactur'd .,\ Fr : ck &G:*. at their Jarre worts
ns §ii©»K m* 4 yfes s
The most complete reaper, one which, by reasbjiT.of its snpeiiortyj has
taken Presses, the award# audio Al fact England ui'acf»ifl% and Amerce ’»Ve haifj^the be'had through ..WinshiJ Gins
esc. my his at
be'ter rates & and Ovorbay, on better term- G '1 aft fttrcStftfUr.jr one alas. Call on or ad
<1reed Carr Conyers, i. y.-Jf
m DABNEY, Agent far
. 1
l •- .. .r-TKE CELEBRATED—
PK.-t ijfjM&itrrs, TX BtmUiVtr, turrox Planers,*8orgli)u,m Mills rrvv. and Evaptralore,
Cotton Pres^ii : fit-<3
Mr a. c M lit jri iIneral’ y
’jgjjSC Any piece of machinery duplicated on short notice direct from the
manufactory. It will be to the interest of all to consult with me before
purchasing." commercial Term fertilizers, easy to .Office go d parries. II. P, I AD. am also M. agent A!«mti4*s, for the Commerce best brand
of at
street, Conyers, Ga.- 1-0-Tv. J. fj DABNEY.
I. -Sc DAN 1ELL,
Steam ^Engines, Cot WINKLE AD
ton Glus, Presses Saw v WAIN SHIP COT
Mills, Pori able Corn TON
Mills, Belting THE etc. T A- m GINS A
Also agent for the famous Auiwufto <& T.’iylorcMachlnery. You,can save
money by calling on iue • tf- S. .DA XJl. /. /.
I wm -5)
v j;/:-- mm
■ 4
B@^The best of vehicles, sate drivers and good, fast and reliable horse*
I have si ways ready to suit anyone, day or night I . have horses Cheap. women.
and children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. All
FEJED. If you have horse that you want fed arid well cared for, you
can have it done at my stable cheaper and netier than you can do it your.
self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him with me.
Good lot, stal's and attention.
SALE. Parties wfshTf g 10 buy or trade horses should call- Drovers
make their headquarters with me. SOTJCMX I pay the highest price
for corn, fodder, hay,.oats etc- ; s L. A. SIIAAiF. 45
liflf ©BSA»1
The Largest Drama 'Fador‘y in
@Produutlonn NEURQPE One OR AMERICA! '
every t(rn m'umes. .__ ,
, rii
■ GLT "''A*
. :fc J. ; a.
Si 1
Violins, Go tHrs, Hiwmonicus
*g“Nobody van underbuy us. Nobody can undersell us.
.V jfctey Organ Company ' * • Agent. ^