The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 18, 1883, Image 3

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I’gF CONYERS WEEKLY CONYERS, GAil MAY 18TH, 1883, EDITORIAL n otes, ^press met quite successfully. Jim Anderson and Larry Gautl are knowledge^ dudes ot the Ga. tie pros’ Under certain circumstances Cols. tfalsi' aml f^"' elloau t] P the rac iuet ob)9 o IimberljM Brother Roberts ot the Sparta Ish |j ti) is foolishly fond of strawber¬ ries sad gin. ______ gob Howaid, of the Jackson Hers *W. is 8 thoroughbred scribe, and can grub , than , of ... bis pije more any man g j n iu the state. The expression Grubb carries about, pa his face tells only too plainly that t ]jo cucumber season has struck the c ity ot Darien. Si Hawkins, ol Covington, deliver e,la lecture on how to back four fives against four j cks Thur.-d: y night. Christopher and Russ stuck togeth¬ er like Siamese twiua. When it comes to real unadultera t„d beau y Brother Hancock, of Am. ericu«, takes the cake—brother Russ not excepted. . „ ■ ,. ... — Kiiowle-, oftheGreeuesboro Homo Journal, is a getiuii e mashet. ___ —§ » --- -Col, Howell, ot the Atlanta Con . sfitution, can s'otnach more than any other Georg'?, editor. ■ - ~awet*> ..... ... Smith, of the Gainesville Eaglf,is it most precocious youth. The child actually ltad on .britches’. Ktnnebrew, of D.mieilaville, is one of the handsomest men io the gang, bis only fault his breath. Weigh , ot Augusta, can drink more beer than any duiehiuan in the state. ---* <8 * ------ Gov. McDaniel has appointed Mess H. E. W. Palmer, 0 ! Burke county, W H. Hairison, of Stewart cotin clerks in the executive department and £eidt ll resigned. It is rumored in Atlanta that Cols. and Colquitt have failed., A • it is that two such noble men go down in a day. Gov. McDaniel has puliid off his and gone to busiuess. Reese, of the Eaton ton Messenger, a Sue head—for bitting There should be a law passed by Legislature prohibiting the sale western corn in our state. For the Weekly.] ' "B» EIGHTEENTH GA REGIMENT Your old Regiment will hold a reun¬ of its survivors this year in Atlanta and timely notice of which will be and as we have organized a Sur ' Ivors’ Association it is de-ired that as if not all of you be with us on occasion. Now commence making arrangements to meet us, and come to relate everything that se¬ among your fellow soldiers that nil! be worth preserving for our future generations. We desire to get out a history of our service, and to make it interesting we must get all the facts we can from you. Make a note of of all acts of individual prowess that came under your observation so that you sill remember it on the day we meet. Keep it in your mind and speak to all your old comrades of our anticipated meeting and urge them to be with us so that all may be “present or accounted for.” Ex-Adjutant. Gats are ripening fast. Read app’icatiou for homestead in this issue. Read uolice letters of dism'ssion in this issue. Remember that Dr. L. G. Brantly "'iSl lie at the hotel in Conyers Ga., the first Saturday in every month. Br. Brantly was here on Saturday t 'clstinst. The doctor is looking 'fell, doing a fine 1 practice and is a* r’.ever and genia’ as ever. A few nights since the minks got isto Mr. J. H Dabney’s heuery and enried off’60 frying cl ivkens out of a lot of about 75. Tlris leaves Mr. 'shuey in a poor fix, ehickenly ’.-'Taking and, as Mr. D says is hard 'he preachers MAD DOGS. -“or the last few days the mad doga r *ve been playing the wild in the eouth pr n portiog of this countv. Twenty-two S yssince a stray mad doe came through Ang 2 do« of Mr. Helms, one of Mr. * \ L st c ‘'Jdayand * after considers le ubJ 8bot an ^ k, ' le d Mr ® bu ‘ - ’ f“ , U a '.f , ni ? I*- , 1 l h ° me m f' nH ¥ -.._ h he<lrd f ° T B T 9 ' ■11 others h * T )6f i ^ ta *v a ‘ ed ° ' l blgh t, “®. th ‘ t on ,* ' iiiel'otrirUo.Tl ool¥ , of worth , tawe. 15 : it by pu tin, a tax u^n tl e -d r- Too cool for cotton. Last Tuesday was a windy day for a fact. The delay in our last issue was una voidable. The mills are all doing a good amount of business. The whetting of the scythe is beard in the distance. Lightning bugs and grasshoppers haie pur in an appearance. The colored floats are going in droves to the cotton fields. Some of our farmers say that the spring oat crop is a failure. The- farmers are diiigantly applying themselves to their duties. Our matrimonial market has been clos¬ ed until the cool nights in October. Mrs. J. J. Langford is quite sick. We hope to hear of her early recovery. Conyers : s now one of the most quiet and ordelv towns to be found anywhere. Mrs. S, J. Cowan we are plea-ed to le irn, has recovered from her recent ill¬ ness. Mr. T. H Bryans. Sr. is the happy owner of a beautilul new colt, sired by Aladin. Our citizens should continue to use paint on their residences, It is muney made. Quite a number of our people will go to the different watering places for the summer. A protracted meeting will be com¬ menced at the Methodist church on next Sunday. Parties who have good stable manure for sale can find a purchaser by calling at this office. We learn fhat an English company purchased several large tracts of land in Sheffield district last week. Messrs. Almand and Friedberger, two clever and popular Atlanta young men, spent Sunday, last, with Raekdale friends. The Georgia Railroad cannot boast of two cleverer or more capable men than ! Messrs. Husou and Shipley—conductor ' and engineer of the service train on this section. Rockdale lost only one bridge by the recent flood, and that across a small creek. One hundred dollars will cover the entire damage. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edwards, of Augusta, was buried in Rockdale cemetery Saturday morning. Large feet are now so fashionable among young gentlemen of style t hat a Decatur street young man has got to wearing his sister’s shoes. It is taid that there are several hun¬ ters in this county who cannot distin¬ guish between a wild and lame turkey. Rev. W. A. Parks, Presiding Elder of the Gainesville district, preached an ex¬ cellent sermon in the Methodist church, at this place, on last Sunday evening. Mr. Lish Maddox, while ditching Mou day morning, fell and dislocated his left shoulder. He received medical atten¬ tion, and is now doing well. Croquet is being indulged in to a limi¬ ted extent, and all of the delicate cuss words are finding employment with the f .ir sex. Thirty years ago this fall the beautiful sycamore trees in front of Mr. Thos. D. Stewart’s residence were set out by Mr. James F. Ma'ston, of this place. Mr. J.S. Darnell has had placed in his machinery room a large sky fight which is a grest improvement. Captain Summers is now the heaviest man in our city, with clever Jud L»Dg. fo.d a close second. We will send this paper till 18S4 to the bringing us the first pair of nice spring chickens. Jeff Almand fell a victim to the wiie fiend Friday night—so they tell us. Mr. Asa McDonald has another bounc¬ ing baby boy at his house. May he grow up to be as clever as his fattier. Mrs. Tom Armistead* of Atlanta, is spending several weeks in Conyers with relatives. At anta is to have a regular “high life” marriage next week, the groom being 6 feet 2 inches and the bride 6 feet. We learn that a couple of negroes will start a newspaper in Couyers at an early day. It will not die of o'd age. Fishing in Yellow river is like taking a chance in a lottery. Rice birds have madetheir appear mce and are doing considerable damage to the wheat and oat patches about town. Our clever and talented young friend, Mr. Sanders J. Frain, of the Savannah News, is on a visit to R ckdale friends and relatives, accompanied by his charm¬ ing wife. A negro by the name of Jake Harper walked off with a coop of Mr. John F. Almand’s chickens Saturday night. Jake now takes his meals with the Sheriff. Guss Osborne has b° u g , , ,, e , ^moua 1 cow formerly owned by Charlie Spence I of Monroe, and of which to much has ‘ of her wonderful yield of been written ! mil an "i T ehp ' will ; of milk a dav give seven t a .ons ' The boys and girls now spen tneir time in gathering the lucious wild straw berry, with which the old fields around lhe cool davs °l tAe pas nee as ■ consi j ra biy retarded growth of the cotton plant, and other vegetation. A burelar enter-d the residence of Mrs S- e' Brvans, Fndky about six miles from town on last night, and made off whh’one hundred and twenty do,lai, in currency which Mrs. Bryans had pltaed in a bureau drawer in her bed chamber entered the house after the family had Ptiill B. Thompson, the congressman, who recently killed Wal¬ ter H. Davis, of Cincinnati, for making his wife drunk and then debauched her, has been acquitted. Messrs. Marston & Wallace have com pleted their work on Mr. J. II. Almand’s handsome resid-nee. They have done their work most admirably. We are now prepared to do all kinds of job work in the very neatest manner and at prices to compete with Atlanta or any other place. Pierce & Quigg are now offering some of the greatest bargains in dry goods ever heard of in this place. Wo advise the ladeis to call and see their goods befoie purchasing elsewhere. Bill Hudson is # now spending a majori- j ty of his time sleeping on the green : banks of the Yellow River, fighing gnats and baiting his hook. IVhen you want to buy goods at the i very bottom figures fo ■ the cash call on U. F. Harper & Brother, fhey sell cheap, and don’t yo i target it. When von want a nice bnggv, wagon, coffin or any kind of repairing, call on J. \V. Langford. His prices are the low¬ est to be Sound anywhere and his work cant be excelled We learn th it an effort will be made ! to have a county court for this county again. We are in full sympathy with the movement nnd hope ft will succeed. It is to the interest of every tax payer to give it their fn’l support. Rockdale county has no dairies or cow farms, but has over one thousand cows t that will bring $50 a piece- all on ae count of the stock law. Never before in the history of our county have we seen so much attention given to the raising of horses and mules. Hundredes of fine young colts can be seen at the different farms. Parties owing us for legal ad'eriise ments will please make settlements at once. Ttie season of the year has arriv¬ ed when we are compelled to have mon ey to run our business and those indebt ed to us should come up and settle like men. While passing through Harmony Grove last week we ha t the pleasure of! shaking the paw of our former townsman I Prof. L. M. Landrum. “Hi is well and prosperous. Our brother of the Solid South now supports the euphonious title of the “Jersey Bull." John is a thorough breed, and don’t you forget it. Mr. Arthur Sharp carried all of his liv ery stock to Atlanta this week to sell them. We learn that he intends em¬ barking in the same business at Jackson. Mr. John F. Almand has repainted his elegant residence. It .now has a sno w white body bordered with red and pre¬ sents a most beautiful and attracti e c appearance. The Weekly office is now in the May- | field building,on Decatur stieet, where 1 , ! we will be pleased to have oar friends calf and bring us the news, road the ex changes and leave the e .rly vegetable. Mr. John IT. Almand’s handsome resi¬ dence is rap dly aporoauhing completion. It will be one of the prettiest on Decatoi street. Mr. Ben Moon has purchased of Mr. D M. Almand the 'ot formerly owned by Mr. A. F. Sims, and will erect a hind some residence on it soon. Mr. Almand will rebuild on the site of his present dwelling. Conyeis came very near having two burning this week. On last Tuesday evening the residence of Mr. Henry Me Cor.l caught tire and but for the timely discovery the building would soon have been enveloped in flame. Laler the res idence of Mr. Rich Almand was discov ered to be on fire, but was promptly extinguished with one of the new force pumps. Both buildings nought from de ective stove flues. It’s stated as a fact that most people hear best when their eyes are closed. This accounts for so many of the mem¬ bers of the church keeping their eyes so tightly closed during preaching. Miss Eunice Hudson, one of Sheffield’s most excellent young ladies, is in the city on a visit to her cousin, Miss Ida Hudson, Frank JfeCalia was attacked by a large sheep, the other day, and sustained se rious injury to his clothes. ‘On account of the wether” he will be unable to make his customary Sunday visit to Con¬ yers for the next month. Read the advertisement of Mr. J. S. Daniell in this issue. When you want machinery we advise you to call at his machinery warehouse on Commercial street and examine his goods. He ban dies none but the rery best and his pri ces and terms are the best to be had Georgia has lost all charms for McKee now. We wish for Lem and his bride I all the happiness possible for heaven to bestow. Fried chicken is near and yet so Irgh. Gov. McDaniel has decided that Jones, Og) e (horpe wife murderer, must He wi „ 8wiuf (o;day . Georgia . will soor 1 be' treated toajumjv ping match, between Mr. G. T. Logan, of Griffin, and a Few York bank cashier, for one thousand dollars a side. Don’t „ ou j ura p against that fellow, Charlie. A ^ York bank caghier tbat caDnot , 8t ,te when pushed, is not cent An old house at the intersection of De catnr an d Commerce streets, in which was Btore cl a quantity of corn, fodder and shucks, caught fire from a spark from a b'acksmith sh:p near by, Tuesday eve ni ,g and had gained considerable head war when Covered. and rigorous work on the part of our citizens soon had the flames subdued- The dam your children cannot attend Sabbaih We are in need of a good canvasser for our paper. . The Grand Lodfe of Knights of Pyth¬ ias has been in session in Atlanta this reek. Mr. Tom Broadnax will have a beauti¬ ful and attractive residence when com¬ pleted. The Stock of goods of John W. Al¬ mond will be sold at public outcry to¬ morrow. Some of our citizens are digging storm pits. They afford the only safety in s cyclone. Mr. Bartow Willingham, of Oxford, was in our city on Sunday, last on a to cietv visit. Capt- Zdchrv wi’l cut his wh«at to a„ T . He will have it threshed immedi rt ely and some of it ground, A Rovkda'e ben laid an egg, the other day, 1 bat weighed seven and a half ounces. It had two yolks, Mr. G. P. Ellivtt has rebuilt the Fletn ra ing house, which was recently blown down by the cyclone. Mr. Green Jones is a good farmer. He plants two-thirds of his place in grain and the remainder in cotton. When you want a Terrell scrape or your buggies or wagons repaired, call on W. V. Almand. They are now using gypsum for paint¬ ing bouses. It has long been used here for painting 110-es. G. W, Weaver & Bro. and Dr. M. R. Stewart have placed nice awnings in front of their stores. Dirties having land to se 1 or rent, houses to sell, swap or rent will find it to thoir interest to call at this office. The school of Rev. G. R. Moor pic nics at the river to day. We wish them a p’easant day, Capt Zachry fell while seining th# other day, and was considerably bruised up. We hope to see him all right again in a few days. The Covington Star says that I, J. N. Hale, am a rising member of the Georgia Press. True. All that holds me down at all is my feet. Our young friend Tom Almand. of Jackson, is the happy father of a nine pound boy. Come up, Tom, the boys to congratulate you. An ither terrible cyclone visited Ken tucky last Monday, blowing down y$ houses in Empire an l killing a large number of people. The absence of Brother Perliam at the late Pi-e^a Convention was greatly felt The boj s, however, set his share of the’ whisky aside about 9 quarts. Our young friend Pat Langford has gone to Log insville to wo k with Messrs. Diy A Langford in the : r carriage manu¬ factory. We are pleased to learn that th v are doing well. One of Gpi n & O’Kelley’s scholars read the following composition a few weeks since: “The Coiv is an Animal Uorns Ti)lL . whh a * >s vry Foild of everything Green, and I w mid advise our Teachers to keep out ot the Way of the Cow.” •* She w. s an old lady and haded from the coun'y of Walton. She was dressed line S it Luvingood s character, in a cob pipe checked apron and gi ighams bon net. Being thriaty she went to the well where the water is drawn with a chain and took her stand. After waiting some fifteen minutes she remarked to sheriff Mitchell that “ this mus be er moughty deep w ell? ’’ “ Pretty deep, ” says Crock. After.waiting another half hour she be¬ come impatient and exclaimed : ‘‘Sakes o'live and don’t it beat all ! Here ive stod for the last hour er wait¬ ing for t he dod gasted old bucket and it haint come yit. I stay till hit comes if hits spank dark, ” and the last seen of her she was on all four peeping down in the w ill looking for the bucket. Ladies’collars nice io nicer 15 very nice 2O and 25 and extremely nice lace 25 to 6octs—at Stewart’s. If you wish to get married procure license and call, one wedding only, so far this week—at Stewart’s. Fresh arrival, of brocade and satin par" asols. Now’s the time to get one, at J. a. & T. D, Stewart’s, ^ negro by the name of Bill Turner, w j j0 rece tnly shot at a man in DeKalb, was arrested in this county last Saturday night. DeKalb is the banner Sunday-school county in the State We are glad to learn that the little daughter of Mr. John Whitaker, who has been seriously sick for two weeks past, is recovering. Newton county Union Sunday school convention comes off to day. Several of our citizens will go down. We trust that Snapping Shoals bridge will soon be rebuilt, as some one up here is anxious for some one down there to “pass o'er the river.” Mrs. S. E Moseley, a most estimable lay of Easely, S. 0 ., is here on a visit to relatives. SHERIFF SALE FOR JUNE Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers, between the lawful 1,ours o( sale ’ °" U ' e ^ supposed to contain three-quarters cf an acre, more or less, in the 16th district of originally Henry now Rockdale, it being in the city of Conyers and bounded as follows: On the east by the First J tist church, on the south by Rufus Christian and R. A. Almand, on the 1 west by Mrs. B. A. Jones and on the north by Decatur street. Uvied onas | vs-J- A Kennedy- Tro^ny F£.ntad i THIRTY REASONS FOR THE ABOLI TION OF ALGH0H0L1C DRINKS, 1. They deprive men of tbsir reason for the time being. 2 . They deprive men of their greatest intellectual strength. 3- They foster and encourage every epeoies of immorrality. 4 - They bar the progress of civilis itlon and religion. 5 - They destroy the peace and happi¬ ness of tens of thousands of families. 6. They reduce many virtuous wives and children to poverty. 7- They cause many thousands of murders 8. They prevent all reformation ef character. 9 They render abortive the strongest resolutions. 10. The millions of property expended are lost. 11. They cause 75 percent of the oases of insanity. 12. They destroy both the body and the sou). 13. They burden sober people with millions for the support of paupers. 14 They cause immense expenditures to prevent crime. 1 5 . They cost sober people immense sums of charity. 16. They burden the country with im¬ mense taxes- 17. Because moderate drinkerB want the temotation removed. 18. Drunkards want the opportunity removed. 19. Sober people want the nuisanoe re¬ moved. 2 0. Tax payers want the burden re¬ moved. at. The prohibition would save thou¬ sands now falling. 2a. The sale exposes our families to destruction. 23. Tl^f sale exposes our persons to insult. 24 The sale upholds the vicious and idle at the expense of the industrious. 25 . The sale subjects tbs sober to great oppression. 26. It takes tire sober man’s earnings to support tire drunkards. 27. It subjects numberless wives to untold sufferings. 28. It is contrary to the bible. 20. It is contrary to common sense. 30. We have a right to rid ourselves of the burden. 8 . Our people should not simply sit around and talk about free school, but should go to work in earnest for them. There is no one thing of so much impoitanco to our p ople and not to push the matter is d flagrant wrong. Come, you men of age, influence and wealth, lake hold and let’s have a free school that will be an honor and ev ‘.Hasting blessing to the comrnu ni , y But little guano is left in the ware¬ houses to be carried over this year, is the cause of the sorrows of the warehouse men. - HARPER & BRO. Road the advertisement in this is¬ sue of U. F, Harper & Bro. This fnm is composed of two as clever young men as our town affords and they are offering to the people of tiiis section a line of goods unsurpass¬ ed in quality and low prices. Tney keep a general variety and when you want goods cheap they \yjl let you have them. They will pay the very highest prices tor year produce. Call on them. GEORGIA, Rockdale County.— Whereas, Susan C. Kirkpatrick has applied to me for the setting apart iu valuation a homestead in realty, and I will pass upon the same May 28th 1883 at my office at 10 o’clock, a. m. May 11th 1883 O. .Seamans, 2t. Ordinary. _ NOTICE, This is to forbid all persons going through my lands, either fishing hunt¬ ing or otherwise, Fair notice H- L. Siiipi.ey, D. Vaughn, Z.T. Almand. tii JAlDBSDL mar mi 1 ■ ' * m iYv " I Mi ■ X m “HEJ mmm FOR RHEUMATISM > 1 Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ! "V 9 *** Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily . ju’j a c I ** Aches Ko Prymtion on «nh j*ro« o,. - re MEDI 0 I 5 E. ^ U. F. HARPER and BR. — DEALERS IN — G H H H RCHANDIS H DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very best DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOUR ETC., SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES,CANNED GOODS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in This Market and others WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to seH goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee to give satisfaction We want all to call and give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We kiep the best grades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make & specialty of the LUCY HINTON Tobaco. All goods delivered free in the City^ RESPECTFULLY, U. F. HARPER & BRO J. S. SANIELL, DEALER IN MACHINERY* FERTILIZERS ETC. Steam READ Engines, 1IIIS. MesliiMarH LOOK Sells CLOSELY. the celebra¬ Co'ton Presses, — IS TIIS - ted Birdsall, and Saw Mills, Syrup A Ault man Taylor Mills, Threshes, wmm Engines, the Van Cotton Gins, and Winkle, Wirmhip Poi table Corn y and Gullett Cot¬ Mills, Beltings etc. K ton Gins. The and in fact for all = Best C mdenseis and any k'nd ot ■y/, ami the very Fin machinery that is »R\jr~£ est. Threshes s>ld wanted. lien • _ */<- . in South. w IMPROVED FRACTION ENGINE the A you warn maehin- With without Reversing Ge*r. 10, 18 16 large supply of the don’t fail to or und Perry Royee Reap 1 ry RUSSELL llorso A Power. CO., Built Massillon, by 0. rail on nim. ea, the best made. ALo agent for the famous Ault man ifc Taylor Machinery. JJANIELL You can save money by calling on me J. S. H H IM.Tf KI.ICS 3. !>. AXD 7. HOTEL BLOCK - -CONYERS. GA. - (■•(>:)- THEY CARRY TIIE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. THEY SELL THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY! - (- 0 -) THEY PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. (:0i) l/iu A J J 6 VfWJh) In this line their s’oek is very large ancl their selections firstsolass in ev¬ ery particular, and embraces prints of the latest and noblest styles, the cheapest and best linens of all kinds; fine damask ladle clotlis, towels, han kerebiefs, napkins &c in end’e«s vurie'y, at law figures; all kinds of bosery from the cheapest to the first grade in mens, niomen’s, children—the great-, est bargains in this line of goods ever offered to the people of this >f place. Trimings and Emhroiderie’s of evry disciiption and style; all kinds la¬ dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pins, ties, and the EAR EXCELENCE Carset mad. Window shades fine and cheap, fine oil cloths, carpetings, tickings, sheeting", “hirtings, cambrics, gliinghams, checks, bleeckings arid in fact everything in this lino that is ever wanted or called for and we ask the ladies especially to call when triev want any kind ot beautiful new dress goods notions or other Dry Goods. No trouble to show goods and we want to give you our prices lor we know that they will please you. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES &C., We have a be ny stock r.i all grades n r .d styles that we are selling lower than was ever known before, Jents clothing, Hats and Shoes and ladies fine shoes we have many beautiful goods of the very latest ‘‘notion’’ and we especially invite all to come amf examiue ours before buying. We mean exactly what we advertise and when you cad on us you w ill find it true. We keep the very tidiest kind of a stock of both. HeavY and FancY Gir cerieS. \Y 1 ,en yon went, them don t to,get to cal) on us for we cau supply you und will not be undersold in any ol these goods, Sugars, coffees, syrups, can goods, rice, grits, potatoes &c. all sold low dow. We have ALL FARMER’S SUPPLIES. and oth From a nickl’s worth < f soda up. Corn, flour, meat, oats, syrup stocks, r provisions, hi Aware, wood ware, glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, plow offer-. carpenters tools and everything else in thi* line they need. We are in<y special inducements and a»k you to call and see us. We are agents tor that Elegant Sewing Machine. The New No. 4 Victor, which is without a superioi,for all the fine qtiftlL ties to do good vrork. VVe sell them low down. Come and see also tbe Famous Well Elevators, The best arrangement that was ever placed in a well. Come and exam¬ ine this and we know you will buy. VVe can give the best referenses on this and slow you many in use. When you want goods of any kind remember that you can get them; and get the best goods and at prices that no other house can under reach by calling on stock of fine jewelry. Fancy and They carry a large clocks and elegant Heavy Groceries. A complete slock of Hardware and Dry Goods, Notions, Hats Boots and Shoes for tbe million. They defy Competition, and tell for cash so low that their prices can’t be heat. Call at this store when yen , Goods at Bottom Figures. PIERCE & QUJGG. IIOTELL BLOCK CONYERS GA,