The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 25, 1883, Image 2

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thf gonyers weekly CONYERS, GA,, MAY 25TH, 1883, Kansas City, Mo.. May 18th 1888. Messrs Editors :—I prom,tied you before I left, beside* many other friends of Rockdale Co., to write you as soon as I got out heie. I reached! here safely on the ni^ht of the 10th ot Febuary and found myself in a city of 85000 inhabitants I began work immediately the 2nd day alter I artived a,id nave been steady at it since. It would take up too much of your space to begin to give yon any¬ thing like a description of this place, but as some of your many r»aders ruay beiutcre ted in t 1 e rapid growth of our western cities I give you a con* solidated or short history obtained from a cit map I purchased soon af* ter I arrived- “The earliest h storK cal mention made ot the present eit*> of Kansas City is found in the me mois of Dfliiie' Mo >n, Jr , w bo r aeh* ed the “great ben of the Missouri Iiiver or ea-Iy at the close of the last century, Boon at the aue ,,f 18 iett his home at Fu Han*' ton on the Big Miami, and being well mounted on an Indian pony and well aimed came west. Aftei thirty days travel he reached the Mtss ssippi River and Al¬ lowed up its banks to the trading port ©f St. Louis. After a sojourn of a few n:ojiths thj* ad'*enluous yo mg man aga n star'ed westwari and hav¬ ing reached the “great American Den ert” returned to 3t Louis, passing through in his journey and noting the location upon which Kansas City is now built. Young Boon lived many years in the vicinity of Ka- sas Citv and now lb* buried in the old Westport grave ya’d with bo mark over his resting place. The 1st char¬ ter of the city was approved Ft buary 22nd 1853. The population in 1857 was 50C0 nud in 18 1 at the break* ing out of the war was 7000, but at ti e close of that terrible conflict the number had dor ased tx> less than 5000. In Oct., 1865 the first railroad was finishe 1 to Kaim. s City, the Mis* Bouri Pacific, This was a mw cr* opened and then it was tha* the mar* velousgrovvt.h began. In 1867 pop ulation 15,064,1869 31,140, in June oi this year the great bridge was fin¬ ished beintl the first to span the Mis¬ souri River. Iu 1872 population 42,0C0aud each year stuce the j opu- 1* ion has increased rapidly and now numbeis 85,000, We have 11 vai joads, the finest union dopot in lha west, two large opera houses, two street ear lines, ttiree large packing houses, with a total killing capacity of 25,000 hogs daily, 7 large grain el* evators and tnary other building* ot industry. The habits aud customs of the people are so diflsrent from Geor gia. The farmers for instance, are -the most independent class, You don't find any mortgages or claims on their crops, no guano notes to set* tie iu the fall aud nothing to pay with. Any fanner in this country would be g’ud to have some body remove the accumulations of manure off of his farm, the land is rich and does not need manure, I can think of many things that would interest my friends in Ga, imt space will not allow' me to prolong this letter, I will take this occasion to return my heart ful thanks to my many friendsi ' Con¬ yers and Rockdale county for the universal kindness shown me while 1 was with them aud it will be a long time before I can forget them, for i remember among my friends in Rock dale the whole county, There are i nly two men in Rockdale that I don’t think I would burst w th joy at meeting, one of them is an ignoramus, and the other is a big man in bis own eye only and some of my friends know him. It his plan suits hitn 1 guess no smaller folks can stand iu My family has been qui 1 e well since their arrival, and Mrs. Taylor also, and sends greetings. More anon. F. F. J ones. Conyers, Ga., Mav 7, 188S. City Council met in regular session and was called to order by A. M. Helms, Mayor. Present, a full board, with the exception of S. J. Cowan. Minutes ol li st meeting read aud adopted. Ou motion J. S. Daniell w as ex* custd for bting absent at last meet* ing. Street Committee, Finance Commit tee and Cemetery Committee made their reports which were adopted. Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer and Mar¬ shal made repoits which were sdop« ted. Treasurer also made his report for last meetiug and it was appiov* ed. Ou motion the Tax Receiver was ordered to open his books for the year*1883 to remain open until the 1st of August. O. .!«pvtiiion or:,.,-.. M. F Taylor was read and referred to the Finance comiuitu-e with iustruo* j ti -ns to mak* 1 the ties) p «sible set ttetnent ot the matter. Oa motion the petition of Jas. I have for rent two go )d dwellings— one three rooms with two good tire pla¬ ces and one with four rooms, kitchen &c Both well located. Fine water, fruit and 'ardens. Call at this office if you want a good dwelling cheap. J. N. Hale. luommui 7E5SIABLS PILLS Secure Healthy action tc the Li ver &r d relieve all ’oil' ^troubles. Druggists. Purely Vegetable; No Griping. Price 25c. Ail GEORGIA, Rockdale County— \ I THERE AS John Parker, Wm. VV Parker and G. W. Parker, Parker, deed,! Ad--, ministrators of Aa, >n Ordinary! repre-eiits to the Court of in their petition duly filled and eu tered on record that tle y lmvc ftdly administered Aaron Parker’s estate This is therefore to cite all person* concerned, h.-irs and creditors, u >how cause, il any they can, why said administrators should not he disci) > g ed 'roin their administration and res celne Letters of Dismission on tin first Monday in Juie, 1883, O. SEAMANS. Only. Mai ch 2, 3m FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a hiick store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is big -money for some one. Call early at tbia office. J X. Hale. GEORGIA Rockdale County— _ TT hereas M. H. Waldron, adminis— \/y tratnr of the estate of Levi the L, Waldrop, dctiM represents to court of Ordinary in his petition due ly filed and entered on record that lie has fully administered Levi L. Waldrop's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the lirsi Moidayin August 1883. O. SEAMANS, April 27 3m. Ordil) try, DISSOLUTION NOTICE, This is to give notice that the co* partnership hertofore existing be* tween W. V. & 7. T. Altnand iu the blacksmitliing business, is ties day dissolved oy mum.-d consent, Mr. Z T. Alm.-md retiring. All niitsiamling accnuniN will be collected by W. \ . Alinand. W. V. Alm.-’ii IV. Z. Alttmud. Conyers, Miy 1883 GEORGIA. -R-ick'hile Ciunty.— Whereas. ,J*. N. N x ai-1 .) E, Lt v rett administvalors of J T, O. Nix, dec’d repre ent fo the couvi in their petition duly filed that they have fully administered J. N. O. Nix's es* tate, t his is therefore to vim all aid sil , uliir> , he kill dre«l and c,edilors of| said deceased, to show cause if any they can why said administrators should not be discharged from their admin stration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, Next This May 11th 1883. O. Fe,-unary 3.0 Ordinary. CITY MARKET — BY- 5 -- rii keep a! ways on 1 - ie very st fresht st meal X w ay of j J.' J? & P O R K, -SAUSAGE,- Backbone & Rib . Also Mutton. When von want nice | meats, good w-e’ghts and cheap prices, call at the Gity Matket tiist door above Post Office Confers Ga. ...........„ . .. . . . . i HE QUKEN CITY BARBER-SHOP, :o: FRANK LYNCH (ToUSOnitl 'Jitist ill (£ lUirOf 1 :o: Hait cutting in the neatest and est siyle, Shaving, Shaa poonirg snd Dyeing executed with ncatrers and dispatch. yt^i^Licated in the Night b'jdning first floor on the left up stairs, -ifev- 2 Ac Dress Makers MAGIC SCALE. rrTTTl 3 3 3 Tin. ia th«* Mapic Scale. i jP""- being one-ninth its Actual rite. It i 1 not a mod¬ el or rhqf, but a scale of inches. With it a lady can cut from any fashion plate, making a perfect 11R3. fit without K. 8FM.VFK8» altera¬ tions. A cents wanted. j V-kn. Agent, Couyer*, GA MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION I 1 I 1» I ! I Rv it you can cut any garment. The onl ^ A', stem world thatis , Book and lessons go. Strict attei* b° n gi'en to letters ot it quiry. Local and traveling agents wanted, i MRS S E. SUMMERS. Gen. Agt. j Conyers, Ga 2m. 1 Jq'isoi co!., asking for a lamp to be , pu up near ili€ coloied church on Brvans sleet, was granted with the consideration the council furnish the Ian ,pand the petitioner keep itligh'ed up. reported streets Street Committee in bad condition. Treasurer's Report. Atn’t. gen’I funds $118,54 t t Si reel land 27 66 i i E<tra 2 00 t.05 20 Amount drawn out 105 90 Balance on hand 97.30 Mayor approved license 5.00 < < Imposed fines 17.50 Marshal leported having coliectid $12 00 fin s. Clerk reported having issued h* cense $5.00. No further business conned ad jammed to first Monday in June at 4 o’clock. J. R. Maddox, A. M. Holm*, Clerk. Mayor. true-lies. The ‘ Bears ’ seem to-be on top in the city of Macon. A Con vers doctor paid off an account the other day by giving a fellow a check on his bowe's A fellow oy the name of John Water man was lodged in a Middle Georgia jail the other day for stealing yam potato slips. Wonder if he is a relative of the honorable John of Forsyth. The Jonesboro News is run by A. Polk Berry. Between Ovv Butler and the Commis¬ sioners the Massachusetts paupers are having a poor time, even for paupers. Minnie Butner, the Powder Springs murderess, has been lodged in jail at Marietta. The best way to dispose of Minnie is to Batner on to a gallows. Wanted : A Sunday school picnic that was not a success and upon which some body did not get gloriously happy—on whisky. “ We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” For the latest styles from the whisky department take a peep at the Georgia Leg'slature. SHERIFF SALE FOR JUNG Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers, between the lawful hours of sale, on l he first Tuesday in June, t ext, the following described property, to wit, one vacant 'ot of land supposed to contain three-quarters of an sere, more or less, in the lbtli district of oiiginally Henry now Rockdale, it being in the city of Conyers and bom ded aa follows: On the east by the First Bap¬ tist church, on the south by Rufus Christian and It. A. Almond, on the west by Mrs. R. A. Jones and on the north by Decatur street. Levied on as the props,-ty of . James _ A. ... Rem edy , to satisfy a tifa issued from Rockdale Su¬ perior Court in favor of Geo. W. Knox vs. J- A. Kennedy. Property pointed out by plaintiff. A. P. Mitchell. This May the 2nd i 88 ,‘{. Kheiiff. GEORGIA, RocKdth- County.— When as, Susan C. Kiikpaniek l as applied to me for the petting apart in valuation a homestead in realty, and I will pass upon the same May 28th 1883 at my office at 10 o’clock, a m. May lHh 1883 O. Seamans, 2i. Ordinary. NOTICE. a iis is- to forbid all persons cr; •3 th s ui’h my lands, either fishing = ing or otherwise. Fair notice IL L. SitlPi ky.D. Vaughn, Z T. Altnand. SPECIAL LOCALS. Mothers, the children’s summer suits have come at Stewart’s. Your hoys from 3 \tars to 30, can ho onited at J. A. & T. D. Stewart’s. When you want a stylish straw hat, Call at Stewart’s We notice cott<>nades at Stewart's that looks like fine casssimers. at 25 cts per yard. Grain cradles by the dozen at Stewart’. White Irish linens at 25 cts per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Muslins 5 to 15 ers and cotton wos ted 9 cts at Stcart's. Sarah Bernhart and other styles of j gloves at Stewart’s, A fresh arrival of shirts and collars j at Stewart’s. A new variety of stock powders, to work wonders, ’ Call for ,jie red tin box, at Stewart s. An endless variety of ladies’neck* wear at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart’s. Call early. Come one, come all, the old and ! i voung, the short, the talg the rich, I j the poor, we please them all. J Jess bargains a your call at Stew* art’s. Fresh grits, rice, meal aud white F&S at Stewarts. A nice light hoe, for the boys, Perfect. Patent Pastry and Peek’s No 1 fl- nr at Siewcrt s. If it is not very f*r off, secure a hard some «uc trunk for the occasion at Stewart’s. ■IL* *lh« Great Specific for 'Seordgia and Headache Atlanta, Ga.. Feh. 4th 18t9. Messrs. Huichiugscn & B"o : Having thorough y tested your Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend it 'o all who suffer with neuralgia, and headache. 'I. M. Wood, O 1 Howard, Wood & Co. Messrs. Hutchinson & Hr". •—It ’ 3 with teal pleasure that I add niy tes 'mouy to the great virtues of your a- a specific for neuralgia “>•< sick headache Such a ? » a '” i 3,1 V .Lflev *• «.' > “■> \*nd. K P JgV 136 Cathedral street, Baltimore. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev¬ er introduced iu this county is the one now being made and sold by \Y. .t 1 nand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see an 1 have the gate. Farm rights ior sa ! e. Call and see- \V. A. A Inland. 4 tin es. A First-class MMClTt]Business School South. COSLEGE equal io any North or l Send for Circulars, free. MACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal. j',,1 , T ** ;-r9rv‘rm-ry> J M. ALMAND CONYERS, GEORGIA. Have iust received their new' spring goods. Call and examine goods and learn prices Keep constantly on hand a lull line of Dry Goods, Notions Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a firsGclass dry goods house. OROf nisei *9 A large lot which we are i o\v offering at cost for the t ash. Come and sie. GRQGEElBSj ETC, C. R. Sides, S i ar Cured linns, Lard, Cliffee. Sugar, Rice. Svrtip, Mo'ases Fine fl jih's, Pe f ot Pastry Puteni, Carters's Fancy, Ileckers Self raising flour and many other brands. Tueoelabrated Sno.vy As 1 1 an! Ran l uckei cigars am! a lull line of ihewing acd smoking tobaccos, Hard-ware ot all kinds. Plows i nes, p;o tv stocks, lakes, hoeliandlcs, shovels, cradles ect. HTOVES, stoves. stoves. Just received, a tu I line of cookiun stoves and stove fixtures, which they mil >eit low for cash or to prompt pay ing customers uu time. #TOiri«®a« A complete line ot furniture alwavs on hand. Fine Walnut and Poplar Suits. Dies-it ft (..'uses, Dress- rs, Bureaus, Wa-hstandq M trifle Top Tables, ’ Chads. Lounge-, Setts, Picure Cord s etc. Their slock is eomp.ete iu ev> , i y rfc.'l net. Cad and M-e I il 01 N M I NI). ms r-9 jGH.! NEAL AND COL PANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN w r b h a t w a b 9 NOS. 7 anil 3 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATUNTA, GA. :o: Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades of Fur* uitnie. A share of the patronage ot Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest sol eVb d. Be sure and give- us a trial before making your purchases. v. n ) The Spot Cash! O' r ' il- 1 --Ot ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line of Upping? ®n€ BUbimAp DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, IN THE STATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves nil expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, anil gives his customers the benefit of the Lowest Cash Prices in the Bouth. ---Give him a trial and yon will always trade with him.- 1 One Price To All i 39 and 41 Peatlilree street, Allanta, Georgia, | O. In every Samples case where free. money does not accompany the order, good March will be SS sent C. 1). sent 22 , 1 3 . THE OLD RELlABLff FIRM OF u J 1 -DEALERS IN General Merchandise Etc. 1 RAILRO \D BLOCK 1 CONYERS. GEORGIA Having beeu estib’ished f> 18 years, an I carrying one ot the ** “ ‘°” “ DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C. Call on J.H. ALMATsD&SON 5®0M fs». S fi% fY"/, ; * m m jam HflL m THEGREAT ^ I ■ i-ott a Neuralgia, Sciaiica, Lumbago, the Chest. Backache, Soreness ot Swell¬ Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera! Bodily Pains, r onth, Ear and Headache, FrGste 4 Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil es u safe, sure, simple and cheap comparative! Externa/ • : nifily A trial ei.tails but the j filing outlay have of 50 cheap Cents, and and positive everyone proof suffering of iP ith pain caa *iaims. i irections in Eleven languages. JQtr BY ALL DRUGGIBT3 AHD DEALEEi IS MEDICINE. A TT C firELEH & CO., . 7*a?t? Tf orp, Hid., 17. S. JL ». SHARP 7 A A V" N -■ B '2 CONYERS, GEORGIA. m i|P LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE a? SSTThe best of vehicles, sate diBrers an 1 good, fast and reliab’e h orai I have alwass ready to suit anyone, day or night. I have horses womt-i and children can use. Saddle horses for ir.eo and worm it. A1 Cheap. * FEED. If you have a horse that you want fed at d well eared for, vn can have it done at my stable cheaper and ‘>ett er than you i nn do it join self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him wi.ii m Good lot, stal’s and attention. SALE. Parties wi*hing to buy or trade horses should call. Droved make their fodder, headquaiters hay, with me. BOUGHT L. I A. pav SHADE. the highest ,,nj for corn, oais etc. 45 ; -- -7 © Ml * ©V 3 BM —AT— CONYEP.S I I I I I <33 mstc • ! m DEALERS IN MACBlWBIiTT S'f'SBT TDISGEIPTIOK r. j i >: In this, for Newton, the Gwinnett best machinery and manv nude, adjoining embracing counties the famous limy are agon's.] very 3 BCLXrc 8 SEr*XSS 3 JUi 9 SAW m%ZZ 8 , aOISGlEE ATO And all other rnrehinery manufactured oy Frck & Co. at tijeir large works fUB ©iBOaS REAPER, i The most complete reaper, aid one w hich, by j-easr>n of its superiorly, has j taken the awards ot England an-1 Amor ci. 'V« hurdle the \Vmship Gin- I Pnsses, etc. and and in fact better any ui-iehin.-ry il tbit y vi ugha-.y want can he ltad tlm-ngh Cull ns ad at ] ] he* ter rates on ti ins an oils e s •. on or dress Carr & Overbay, Conyets, Ga. H U COO H '^110 H AND BRO, 53 Sontli 33road Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints,Oils, Varnish? 3 , Brushjs & Wi iI)jj rli 3 > —Headquarters for all' k kinds of— IKXXSD PA.THTS, AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices. w e also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, End are Headquarters for any an d all Sizes of Glass. F. J. Cooled go & Bro., 53 South Broad st, Atlanta, Ga. MET.Ml r BIS G-Aft .a ) * % m POPULAR £ MOST 7 1 h % 9 ---THE ■(jr.Tiruvfrr, N Wholseale Southern Depot for ESTEY OR&ANR Weber, Decker Brothers and Gate CUy PIA^w —DEPOr OF— ■ (m m ^9 m -IXPORTEES D1KECT KHOM ETBOPE OF—— Violins, Gif tars, Harmonicas El MUSICAL MERCHANDI- 5 " STRINGS. AND ALL KINDS OE. undersell rtn lerbuy Nobody esn us. can us. Estey Organ Company Atlanta Ga tv .11. LEE, Agct- ,\f. li ; Y -*.v ills® ____ T' rSS = mimes m 'am rl a M fill Its ss % mfj - ■ , ! fj h a -A V roduction— EUROPE o L «*» One *<> every OR T Uu iu AMERICA! mots nines. j* K o w-