The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 08, 1883, Image 2

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THF CONYERS WEEKLY CONYERS, C A., JP .iE 8TH, 1863. The Borne Ccirier wants tbs vagrant law enierced: “ The enforcement of the vagrant law, we think would have a ten' dexcy to drive to work a class <A negroes vhe can be made useful in the field, uiffarmmg friends are always in ueedytf eld hand*.” A faint rumor rip; ’ the surface that adge Blackley will soon resign his seat ,pon the Supreme Bench. As the story p*t*, the fudge will letire to his moun jfin fa Habbersbam county, and will subscribe for every paper in the State, a»d give them his undivided study for three month*. Judge Bleckley is now in New York. Cothbyrt Appeal: The greatest curi o*ity in the way of an Indian relic we hare ir-en for yei-rs was given us a few d. ys a.r.ce by William Stevens, of the Sixth dAtrict of thi« county. It i* a fin g i ring ratted out of stone, and from ar.peanMices hao been worn for years. Tho store is as hard as flint, and it cer tair y required great skill and patience fc . ork it into present shape It was found in an old field where it has prob¬ ably lain for a century, yet it is not de¬ faced in the least. The Courier give* a favorable report of cotton manufacturing in Rome : “From investigation, we learn that this factory ig proving a dee ded success. Mr. Bru¬ 1 ner, the efficient secretary and treasurer, informs us that he is unable to fill more than one-half of the orders he gets. He says when he sells to a party once he is sure to get an order for a second lot. All of the machinery of this factory is of the latest improved patents, and is .irst-c ass in every particular, most of it being pat eated as late as July, i88a. Hands are easily obtained. There is no doubt but that cotton factories in Rome will pay big profits if properly established.”. Allen Goolsby killed George Wise near Jackson this morning. Both col¬ ored. Wise assaulted Goolsby with a knife, and as it was diflicult to draw Goolsby took advantage of the fact and used his freely, cntlting Wise in the ab¬ domen and killing him instantly. Gools¬ by then came to town and gave himself up to Judge Carmichael, who sent him to jail. Goolsby states that Wise abus¬ ed him and knocked him down near his house, and after warning him to desist Wise drew his knife, whereupon Gools¬ by killed him. Goolsby is a harmless old darkey 6o years old, while Wise was said to be a fussy negro. The Alanta Republican is getting un¬ easy for fear the negro vote will go ever solidly to the democratic party, and it tells the negroes the oft toll tale that the party is their only friend and the democrats their most deadly enemies. It tells them that the republican party wants to “ elevate ” them, fill our legis¬ latures with them, put them in the jury box, on the bench and in congress—all of which means, if it means anything, that the republicans would make the ne¬ groes the ruling power in the south. The Republican says the democrats are op¬ posed to all this, which is as near a truth as we ever find in any republican pa¬ per, and which is the best argument we know why the negro should vote with the democratic party, as that party op¬ poses every measure that tends to push the negro aboveh is station. The demo¬ crats waut him to have “equal and exact justice, nothing more and nothing less,” and the demacratic party will see to it that he does have and enjoy all the privi¬ leges he is entitled to-—Griffin Sun. LAPSING INTO BARBARISM, The horse, the cow, the hog, the dog and other domestic animals deprived of the care and attention of man will go b ck to their first condition*. Hatch a brood of wild turkeys under a barnyard hen, and when their wings are strorg enough they will fly away. Patridges under similar circumstances will go away so soon as they can run. And so with the lower race* ofj men. There have been some very marked instances of this. Lafayette carried an infant son of “ Corn Planter,” a chief of one of the Six Na¬ tions, to France, and educated him in all the accomplishments of a young man of rank. \V hen he returned to America, accompanied by a lady of great beauty and good family, there was no finer gen¬ tleman in the New World. Yet within four and-t wen ty hours he was found in the streets of Boston drunk, wrapped in a tattered blanket, and surrounded by a party of his savaie countrymen. Next day he deserted his French friends, and when Aaron Burr was traveling from Canada to New York. i» 1789, he found the unfortunate wife of the irreclaima b!e savage wandering In the woods, cru ellv maltreated, stripped of her proper¬ ty, almost naked, and subsisting on ber¬ ries and wild fruit. It has been so, over and over again. A young Botocudo boy was brought up by a Braxilian family at Aahami, attended the schools and the uuiversity, obtained a medical diploma, and foy a time practiced aa a physician. Soon> however, he was seized with an irresistable longing for his old life, and within three years after graduating was reaming about the forest with his tribe. •' Jemmy Button,” the Fuegan, whom the lata Admirabl Fitzroy brought to Bngland and educated, was within a few months after his return to Terra del Fuego as complete a savage aa if be bad never worn kid gleve* and polished boots in London. The dread of this thin* seems to op press the mind of the Indian, At the industrial school at Carlisle, Pennsylva¬ nia. atffi Hampton, Virginia, the govern¬ ment is educating a number of Indian children bel mgirq to the vamos tribe*. “They have made some progress, but at *he late examination the boys begged they be not sent back to the West And a vision fell solemn and sweet, Bringing gleams of a morning-ht the land ; I saw the white shore where pa'e waters beat And I heard the low lull as they broke at their feet, beautiful strand. Who walked on the And I wondered why spirits should cling To their clay with a struggle and sigh, When life’s purple autumn is be ter than spring, flies like And the soul away, a spar¬ row, to sing die. In a climate where leaves never come close to my bed, brow; And lay your dear baud on nay same touch that thrilled me in days that are fled, A nd raised the lost roses of youth from the dead, brighten the brief moments now. thank Thee, Great Father, for this, That our love is not lavished in vain ; germ, in the future, will blossom to bliss, And the forms that we love and the ^r. s that we kiss, oe the light of this faith I am taught, That my labor is only begun ; the strength of this hope, I have strug¬ gled and fought With the legions of wrong, till my armor, has caught gleam oi eternity's sun. look forth and behold, From headland, from hillside and deep day king surrenders his banners of gold, twilight advance* through wood¬ The land and wold And the dews are beginning to weep. moon’s silver hair lies uncurled, Down the broad breasted mountains _ away, again shall be Ere sunsets red glories furled On the walla of the West, o’er the plains of the world, I shall rise in a limitless day. Oh I come not in tears to my tomb. Nor plant with frail flowers the sod ; Thero is rest among roses too sweet for its gloom. And life where the lillies eternally bloom In the balm-breathing gardens of God, Yet, deeply these memories burn, Which bind me to you and to earth ; And I sometimes have thought that my being would yearn, In the bowers of Us beautiful home to return, And visit the scones of Its birth. 'Twould even be pleasant to stay. last; And walk by your side to the But the land-breeze of Heaven is begin¬ ning to play— eternity’s Life’s shadows are meeting day, hushed in the And its tumult iB past Leona, good-bye 1 Should the grief That is gathering now, ever be Too dark for your faith, you will long for relief, the journey, And remember lonesome, is brief Over lowland and river to me. SPECIAL LOCALS. Mothers, the children’s summer suits have come at Stewart’s. Your boys from 3 years to 30, can be suited at J. A. & T. D. Stewart’s. When you want a stylish straw hat, Call at Stewart’s We notice cottonades at Stewa. t’s that looks like fiue casssimers, at 25 ets per yard. Grain cradles by the dozen at Stewart’. White Trish linens at 25 cts per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Muslins 5 to 15 cts and cotton wos ted 9 cts at Steart’s. Sarah Bernhart and other styles of gloves at Stewart’s. A fresh arrival of shirts and collars at Stewart’s. A new variety of stook powders, “said to work wonders,” Call for the red tin box, at Stewart’s. An endless variety of ladies’nec-k Wcar at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart's. Call early. Come one, come all, the old and young, the short, the tall, the rich, the poor, we please them all. Count¬ less bargains await your call at Stew¬ art's. Fresh grits, rice, meal and white peas at Stewart’s. A -nice light hoe, for the boys, at Stewart’s. Perfect Patent Pastry and Peek's No. 1 flour at Stew'art’s. If it is not very hr off, secure a hand some xinc trunk for the oecasion at Stewart’*. NOTICE, This is to forbid all persons going my lands, either fishing hant or otherwise. Fair notice. L. Ship lx i. D. Vaughn, Z T. Almand. to teach other Indians, hut that they might be permitted to get work and live in the States, Was it the dread of go ing back to savagery ? And is it this fear that makes Fred Douglas admit and de¬ dare that the negro, if separated from the white man, will surely sink into degradation ? LEONA, BY JAMES G. CLARK. [The following p»su'. is unsurpassed Py any other production of its class in our language. It is perfect in rhyme, beautiful in figure and expression, and deserves a place in every ones eciap book.] Leona, the hour dravreth nigh, long Tee hour we’ve waited so For the angel to open a door through the That my spirit may break fro* its pris¬ on and try Its voice in an infinite song. Just now as the slumbers of night Came o’er me with peace giving breath. The curtain half lifted revealed to my sight" windows which look on the Those kingdom of light, of death. That borders the river I have for rent two good dwellings— one three rooms with two good fire pla¬ ces and one with four rooms, kitchen &c Both well located, Fir.e (rater, fruit and gardens. Call at this office if you want a good dwelling cheap. J. N. Hale. rnmmm vegetables | Secure Healthy action to the Liver t ~J land relieve all bil _____iouH troubles. Purely V«e«Ufcle; Ko Srlplnj. Price 25o. All Erajgijti GEORGIA, Rockdale County— A I THERE AS John Parker, Wm. \l\j Parker and Aaron G. W. Parker, Parker, dee'd, Ad¬ ministrators of represents to the Court of Ordinary in their petition duly filled and en¬ tered on record that they have fully administered Aaron Parker’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they caD, why said administrators should not be discha, g ed from their administration and res ceiae Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in June, 188.3, O. SEAMANS. Ord'y. March 2, 3m. FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a l>i ick store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is big money for some one. Call early at this office. . J. N. Halb. GEORGIA Rockdale County— __ T hereas M. II. Waldrop, adminis Waldrop, W trator of the estale of Levi L. dee’d represents to the court of Ordinary in his petition due ly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Levi L. Waldrop’s estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors to show cause, if any should they can why said administrator not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mo \ day in August 1883.. 0. SEAMANS, April 27 3m. Ordinary, DISSOLUTION NOTICE, This is to give notice that the co¬ partnership hertofore existing be tween W. V. & Z. T. Altnand in the blacksmithing business, i.s this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Z. T. Almand retiring. All outstanding accounts will be collected by W. V. Almand, W. V. Almand. W. Z. Almand. Conyers, May 4th 1883. GEORGIA. Rockdale County.— Whereas. J. N. Nix and J. E. Lev rett administrators of J. T, (). Nix, dec’d represent to the court in their petition duly filed that they have fully administered J. N. O. Nix s es tate, tliis is therefore to cite all and singular, the kindred and creditors said deceased, to show cause if any they can why said administrators should not be discharged from their administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, Next. This May 11th 1883. O. Seamans 3,ii Ordinary, CITY MARKET! -BY W B & P B SMITH. ■:o: UMiey keep always on hand the very nicest freshest meals, in the way of BEEF & PORK > -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call Post-Office at. the City Conyers, Market first door above Ga. 1 HE QUEEN CITY BARBER-SHOP, ■:o: FRANK LYNCH Cousoriul ?Uist in Cfjarge. Hait cutting in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shampooning and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. Located in the Night butlning first floor on the left up stairs. The DreMaher MAGIC SCALE. witKHifiMMnciixvKinrvvv* •*. ■» TO* \ i 8cMuZ ^ b«ing one-ninth it* r *etQ»l aise. It i< not * mod ^ el or chart, but a acale of inehoa. 1 it a lady can cut from any fhahion plate, tnakinf a nerfect MRS. fit 9. without *. BlTtHKSA altera¬ tion*. A*<wtt wanted. Qea. ▲gent, Coajtra, MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION!!! Bv it you can cut any garment. The only system in the world that is in one small piece. Satisfaction Guar- I anteed. Price with instruction book83 1 Book and lessons §5. Striot atten¬ tion given to letters ot inquiry. Local and traveling ageDts wanted. MRS S E. SUMMER*. Gen. Agt. Conyirs, Ga- 2m. lta Grot. Specific for Neuralgia and Headaata Atlanta, Ga.. Feh. 4th 1879. Messrs. Hutchingson & Bro : Having thoroughly tested your Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer with neuralgia and headache. T. M. Wood, - Of Howard, Wood & Co. & Bro..—It is . Messrs. Hutchinson with real pleasure that I add my tes. timony to the great virtues of your Neuralgine as a specific for neuralgia and sick [jeadache. Such a remedy is a blessing and all sufferers should keep it on pand. J. R. ’’idley, 136 Cathedral street, Baltimore. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev¬ er introduced in this county is the one now being made and sold by W. Almand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see and have the gate. Farm rights tor sale. Call and see. W. A. Almand. 4 times. MihCOK r.OLLEGE, MACON, GA. JH.&N.M. ALMAND' CONYERS GEORGIA. Have just received their new spring goods. Call and examine goods and learn prices Keep constantly on hand a full line of Dry Goods, Notions lints, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a first-class dry goods house. 9 a. large lot which we are cow offering at cost for the cash. Come and see. tmoirissfisgj, ns© 9 C. R. Sides, Su'.ar Cured Hams, Lard, Chffee. Sugar, Rice, Syrup, Melases i Fine flours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Cartt-rs’s Fancy, Heckers Seltraising | flour and many other brands. Tne celebrated Snowy Ash and Ran Tucker I cigars ami a lull line oi chewing and smoking tobaccos. Hardware ot ail 1 kinds. Plows, hoes, plowstocks, rakes, hoehandles, shovels, cradles ect. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. Just received, a full line of cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they will sell low for cash or to prompt paying customers on time, | vmunnrnui ♦ A complete line ot furniture always on hand. Fine Walnut and Poplar Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Washstands, Marble Top Tables, Chairs, Lounges, Setts, Picture Cord’s etc. Their slock is complete in ev¬ ery respect. Call and 6ee them. J H & N M ALMAND. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN < 1 * P 1 NOS. 7 anil 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. to: Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades of Fur¬ niture. A share of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases. » D. H. doug: 1 j I ) The Spot Cash! Dpy ©#•€» ill -Ot ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line ef Bpplll if I'llill ©P DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES IN THE STATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, and gives his cusTomers the benefit of the Lowest Cash Prices in the South. -Give him a trial and you will always trade with him. One Price To All 39 and 41 Peachtree street, * Atlanta, Georgia, In every case where money does not accompany the ordor, good will be sent C. O. D. Samples sent free. March 22, 1883. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF J-: GALMAND & SON -DEALERS IN General Merchandise Etc. RAILROAD BLOCK CONYERS. GEORGIA. Haying been established for 18 years, and carrying one ot the largest and most comple stocks in the eountry, we can sell goads as low as nd we guarantee satiafaction. When you want DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C. Call on J.H. ALMAND&SON A First-class Equal to any North or South. Send for Circulars, free. W. McKAY, - Principal. w m •I £' f r-i Aft; m iflf ■ p* tillEDY. m FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equal* and cheap Sr. Jacob* Oil u a jo/f, sure, simple but the External tirely ltemedy. A trial entails com para infling outlay of 56 €«»%*, and every one Buffering ‘vith pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* tlaima. Direction* in Berea Language*. 10IX BY ILL DEUG&IST8 A KB DBALEBt IK MEDICINE. A .trCGELER. Be CO., Knlt/more, MtL, XJ. i. JL L »• $#« m$ k ' 4 3 CONYERS, GEORGIA. LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE. W &*The best of vehicles, safe drivers and good, fast and reliab’e horses I have always ready to suit anyone, day 6r night I have horses women and children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. All Cheap, FEED. If you have a horse that you want fed and well cared for, you can have it done at my stable cheaper and better than you can do it, your. ’ self. I invite everybody who bvings a horse to town to leave him with Hitt. Good lot, stalls and attention. SALE. Parties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Drovers make their headquarters with me. DOUCHT I pay the highest price for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. L. A. SIIAlii*, 45 —AT CONYERS P I I I I sjs! ■m ® 2 gjg» **.' n S3 DEALERS IN Ml m & e 3 STS 1 IT 8 Z 80 SS 3 PYZ 0 V * ;o: In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agents for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous mifii mmsMB ass saw mizzb, »W MUDIM And , all „ other , mrchinery manufactured Fr’ck «B2PJLaUk*8M by & Co. at their large works tM’B 0 S 80 M maSJUMSE The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its superiorly, ha# taken the awards of England and America. VVe handle the VVinship Gins Presses, etc. and in fact, any machinery you want can l-e had through us at better rates and on better terms than through any one else. Call on or ad Ureas Carr & Overbay, Conyers, Ga. F, J, C00LEDGE AND BRO, 53 South. Broad Street .Atlanta —WHOLESALE— Paints.Oils, Varnishes, Brushes & Wniy.i) Gls —Headquarters for all^kinds of— fca 1. O AfltW g> AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices, jCST'We ateo keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils a# is kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and all Sizes of Glass. F. J. Cooledge & Bro., 53 South Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. § tm MTdSB POPULAR- UlL!Do 9 MOST w® omm -THE -USS Via! ? mmr s PIAN0 " (CT^T TPl -V P 'J. J —IXPORTEKS DIRECT FROM ETROPE OF- Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Etc STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MCSICAL MERCHANT •^“Nobody can underbuy us, Nobody can underse Estey Organ Company Ail £nta^Ga^ f /: Y*. - G m PI? m CM m m L -r m ■ l h, ) £ - l 1 pjM|f BSTri’oduetion— H EUROPE a as One "S every OR ten c minutes. AMERICA £ a 1 ft C mm v: 7