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About The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1883)
fflF Conyers weekly CONYERS’ GA.j JUNE 8TH, 1883. ■ VALEDICTORY this iss« e of the Weekly my edi n-ith unction ceases; a connection P^iUng ' :i Y° been both pleasant and and desire profita- to health, a j|f. business m ore active, prompts ester a this step, Thanking my take Ld generally for their Si* 1 " 15 the public kindnesses an( j the many ex f'f/me p connee'ion with during mv trusting that the tt» Press, and „ Mr. Hale, I be continued to sifltf affectionate farewell. uy° u on 1 C. W. White. THE weekly, Remember you can now get the Oon iVf-EKLY, the liveliest and newsiest rlU’ ’"Liu Georgia for 7 only cts a °cts month. until 188 4 for 5 or Rear for 8scts. It and the Atlanta Jitution Yash one subscribers. year for $i.8 It 5 cts and strict- the Lthen. new for $1.85 Cultivator one year We inmnd to issue the best and Lest paP^ ever seen send in it Middle into ia And we want to Lands . and of every professional farmer man merchant in this mechanic adjorning countie*. jnil GEO. R LOMBARD & CO, jjf. Young, the traveling man for the ,50ve firm Augusta, Ga., was in our ©r this week. He is an exceedingly ( l e ver, social gentleman, and altogether tsuitable representative of the popular loose he represents. In Georgia Geo. j Lombard & Co., stands at the head of lie list in the machinery and foundry line. They have the largest and most tomplete shops and turn out a class of wor g that cannot be excelled anywhere, lie people of our county and the whole ( [Sfi<ldIe Georgia will find it greatly to their interest to send their work to this louse and purchas their new engines fa from the same place. SALE. The Kenedy lot joining the First Bap tistchurch was sold at Sheriff’s sa’e on last Tuesday morning and bid off by Mr. Willis Irwin for M r. Berton Brand, of Legansville. for $30.00. Considering the mortgage on the place it brought about 850 - FOR RENT Whltel»ead-Hou»e, Conyers, Ga. This splendid hotel situated in the very center of the city, right among the business houses and convenient to the railroad, is now for rent—and to good parties will be rented low down. It has just undergone a thorough renovation, and is now in most excellent order. We know of no better opening for a good hotel man anywhere as this house can easily be made to pay handsomely. Par lies desiring to rent will address or call on J. N. Hale, Real estate agt. Conyers Ga. CONYERS REAL ESTATE, While there is not much demonstra¬ tion as yet, there is no doubt about real idvance in Conyers being on the advave. Several private sales have been affected here of late wherein property brought lice figures. There is no reason why oar real estate should not be on the rise. Occupying one of the very highest points ia Middle Georgia; having good water, fine air, splendid churches and excellent common schools; surrounded by rich an 1 fertile lands, and a trade that has reach¬ ed this year, notwithstanding the re¬ markably small amount of provisions »id, between 50 & dollars more Tan last season. It conies from the in wase ol the trade drawn here and not iiy the extravagance of our people. \\ e ■are williag to resk our entire reputation as judges that in no place in Georgia hive the merchants made so large a pet Kiit on the amount of capital invested, bn vers has none of the high and fancy Rices of other small towns, neither in foods or for rents, We have two or ftree vacant stores, it is true, yet we b.ow that any man who will fill them ' ; .‘h goods can make money and make ’ l Lst. No town possessos a more true a! il reliable trade than ours and we in 'ite any man with capital and energy to Cl -ate among us. If you can’t make money merchandising in Conyers you c au t anywhere. Conyees, June the 4, i 883 . Council met in regular session and was Ji -ett tn to order . , by A. . M. Helms, „ Mayor. Present a full boat d Minutes of last meetine read and * adopted. street committee reported streets in riorder. Cemetery committee made a * hich was sd ^ ted ' Clerk and amount of $7 co Marshal collected fines Usance com, approved vouchers 108,59 Tourer rep’rt’d gen’l fund, Dr. 76,84 “ “ “ Cr, 76 84 r “ street fund, Dr., 87.66 - “ Cr., Balance ti Oo on hand 76,66 a motion it was agreed to instruct the Irshat to prevent the merchants from 5 Quoting the sidewalks with chairs or l J eets ’ an be d those living on the public ordered to keep their gates wsed. “then J ‘‘ e,e being no further business eoun ^wtJniy adjourned to meet the ist 5 Jon R at 4 o’clock. Maddox. A, M. Helms, Clerk. Mayor. R have something that will be of in •- "-s. to those who have houses to rent Sk aellT Dali at this office. p erfect P astry P atent. The finest flour made, gi*e it a trial. For sale at U. F. Harper & Bro’s at I.IO per sack, delivered free. Col. J. 0 . Barton is the boss chicken raiser of our city. Our merchants now close their stores at 7 o'clock. The Enterprise firmly believes that Newton county wi'l adopt the stock law when another vote is taken. There is a great deal of sickness re¬ ported in this and a 1 joining counties. The sweet gnl graduate will soon have the eyes of the state riveted on her. One of our citizens is up before the Mayor this morning for attempting to stand another fellow- on his head last night. * Cols. Helms, Glenn and Perry attend¬ ed Spalding superior court this week. Two fashionable weddings, according to the Star, will take place in Midway soon. Good schools and roads do more to bu Id up a town than netwoik of rail¬ roads. The grape crop is very promising in this section. We are longing for some good wane. The finest opening for a fortune just now is cattle raising. Who will begin here iu our county. We will esteem it a great favor for our friends to call in and tell us all the news they may happen to know. Green apples, salt and the colic are having a high old time among our juve¬ niles. Here is food for the doctors' Remember we wish to purchase some of Aladin’s fillies. Parties owning them should call at this office at once. Mr. B. N. McKnight purchased one of the Perry Royee reapers from our pop ular agent, J. S. Daniel!, this week. Mr' A. B. Osborn has two fine steers for sale. Call at once if desire to pur chase. Messrs. G. M. Jones & Co. are not agents for sewing machines, and the words in their advertisement saying so are in the vrong place. Covington came near being the scene of another bloody tragedy last week. We trust the affa'r will be amicably adjus¬ ted. We have a splendid article on tem¬ perance and the story of a fighting preacher that will appear soon. We have not the room this week. Mrs. Osborn, a most estimable lady ol this county, died at the home of Mr. J. C. Bohannon on last Monday evening, aged 60 years. Mr, J. E. Maddox, our live and sue cessful farmer, showed up cotton squares on the 6th inst. We regret to learn that our clever young friend, Mr. John Stephenson, is confined to his bed wish billious fever. We hope he will soon be restored to his usual good health. Mr. Andrew J- Smith has had his en¬ gine and threshing apaaratus flitted up as good as new, and will cal! on the far mers to thresh out their wheat and oats in good style, Our town will ever need a good bakery and it is the duty of our citizens to keep one up. Mr. J. E. Ivladdox makes as fine bread as can be found in the State—it is fine and no mistake. There is n > disputing the fact, the Ragsdale family is in a bad condition and should be looked after. They should be relieved of the afflicted young lady, Miss Margaret; so also should the county she being on the pauper list. We pay a stats tax for the maintainance of the in sane and the state should take care of them. Mr- D. Vaughan, of this county, has a young half Jersey heifer, 21 months old, that has a calf and is giving from two to three gallons of milk a day For several weeks before she-gave ninth to the calf, she gave from one to two gallons of milk daily, which, when churned, yielded about one-half pound of nice butter. It is now said that. Frof. T- D. O’Kei’ey is not the author of that miserable, fear¬ fully and wonderfully constructed piece of doggeiel, "Our Dreams,’, which re¬ cently appeared iu our esteemd con¬ temporary, the Solid South. W a have known Dean a long time ; know his worth and ability, and have never really believ¬ ed that he would afflict the public with such stuff as the poetry, so-caPed, above mentioned. W e are truly glad that he is not its author and that, we have this opportunity to set right one of the clev¬ erest and brightest young men in our community. SHEFFIELD 'ODDITIES. _ A Sheffield voting young men went to a party with a young lady, accompanied by another couple, and they say the y. y fair maids n-mt wait m, tried . , to encircle . , the ... with his coat sleeve-to protect her from the chilly night air, I suppose. But ie f. m- objected to this “ waist of sweet ness” and drew back her dainty (?) fist j chmnidetnds, ,. , wn There the but I wou.d liketc know, The belle of Hayne creek wen. to see the belle of Gum cree s, an ey \s ! down t0 the ” plums, eek m and they „ waded 1... 1 in „ t0 U i ^ green I the water after the currants (currents), I supoose. But the the young man ploug'hmg on the hillside did not see them oh no 1 A certain young man not manv miles from Conyers goes to see a girl and she makes him wash dishes. He helped her cook dinner once, and you should have him walking gravely about the seen _ faded calico _ skirt kitchen with an old in lieu of an apron swaying gracefully over h" wish dishes, visiting friends in Logans,iue. and .re is a certain pair of bine eyes that w, 11 8 ,o. b„ sb «, .to, to ^ Mai and Crowley, adieu ! Everybody lias gone a fishing. Wheat harvesting has commenced in earnest. had some delightful showers this week. M e are glad to learn that wheat and oats are yielding finely. The air is redolent with the perfume of the jessamine and magnolia Tue showers of the past week bare greatly benefited the growing crops. When tou want good meal and a big turnout carry your corn to W. Z. Over¬ bay and have it ground. We regret to see Mr. P. H. Ferguson on the sick list this week. Hope he will soon he all right again. Go down and get some of that fine bread from Lishe Mr.ddox if you want to be happy and grow fat' We extend our congratulations to Mr. Jack Stansell. It is one of the finest boys in the county. An extensive grin now covers the visi ble part of Tom Elliott's head, lt is a fine boy. Mrs. McLean, nee Miss Bobbie Jones, of Ringgold, is here on a visit t > rela¬ tives and friends. Mr. J. P. Tilley now has one of the finest young colts in the county. He holds it at $ 300 . Rev. Sam Jones is doing for Christi¬ anity and humanity more than all the missionaries in China. Henry Bryans was so sorrowed at the departure of a certain young lady that he had his picture painted black. Mr. W. H. Smythe has been appoin¬ ted assistant post master in Atlanta in the place of Mr. Joe Nall. Th i Atlanta Republican will now have an opportunity to lecture upon the inti delity of Republican post masters. Tom Bryans says he thinks his girl must have been mad the last time he saw her, as she was “ up in arms ” The musiea e at the residence of Mr. II. Y. McCord Wednesday evening was a most delightful affair. The News is confident that Walton will adopt the stock law when another vote is had. Stephenson, the Gwinnett county m nr aerer, will hang to day. A laige number have gone up from this county. Alf Doyal, the Gtiffin murderer, will be the next one to “ climb th t golden stair” by way’ of the gallows. Mr. Jim Mo.Calla killed a large high¬ land moccasin in his yard Monday even¬ ing. We are glad to see Mr. W. T. Huson at his post again, after his recent severe at¬ tack of cholera morous. It is estimated that two thousand ne goes attended church at this place last Sunday. We liaro never seen a more quiet and orderly crowd. Chicken fighting continues to engage the attention of some of hoys, It is a low and brutal pastime, boys, and you should stop it. We regret to learn that Mrs. Richard¬ son, mother of the lady who died last week, is dangerously sick, and little hope is entertained for her recovery. To the young lady who presented us with son e nice peaches, this w;eek, we return onr hearty and unst’nted thanks and trust she will do so again. It may be right to feed and educate the heathen and allow your own widows and orphans to suffer but we don’t be lieve it. We return thanks to a sweet young lady up the street for a box of lovely flowers. They were only eqna’led in ap parance by the placid beauty of the fair giver. Everybody should have as many as possible of the ever bearing mulberry trees upon their premises. They are the greatest thing for children and fowls ever discovered. If every fish that lias been caught by our fishermen could he sold at one dollar a pound the receipts wouldn't pay ten per cent, on the cost of catching them. The days are getting very warm and we advise everybody to call at Johnny Haj - good’s and get a nice, cool and exhi'ora ting drink of soda water or lemonade. Ice always on hand cheaper than water in Texas. j The young men who went to Dead old ;, river on last Thursday had a high ; ^ me. In fact the boys got gloriously happy. They caught about fifteen hun¬ dred pounds of something, enough to weigh them all down. The venerable Dr, Means, whose name was a household word in Rockdale, died at his home in Oxford last Tuesday, after , 1 a long and painful illness. He was prob ably the oldest Methodist preacher m the | state. Peace to his ashes. > Thurmond, , formerly , , of . Yo ung Mr. this placP) ma de two attempts at suicide Au gusta, the other day, but failed in j j, vv p[ p, e remembered that his father BU ; c i<3 e( j about two months ago. Dr. L. G. Brantley, one of the best ^ ^ ^ on ^ Saturday and did a ; X here is disputing the pra€tjce no benefited call fact; if you want to be on ; Mr. J- S. Daniell, our live, thorough | going machinery man, sold and deiiver ed to Mr. H. W. Hammock one of those r splendid Perry Royee reapers, this week, j This is, beyond doubt, the one market, of the avd best is j reapers ever put on well adapted to our lands. When it comes to saving wheat the rearer beats the world. Ea«h agricultural club in the county j beWd an ag ^Southtu game u w There is a letter in the Covington Post Office for Miss Alice Richards. Another big chicken fight will take place at an early day. Many of our farmers have finished laving by some very fine corn crops. The indications are now that the truck farmers will take the state. “ Nall gone.” is what the Atlanta post master said when he went to look for the cash. Tildcn and Hendricks will again be elected in 18S4 to the Presidency and vice Presidency. We lean that Col. W. A. Harp—for¬ merly editor of the Examiner here, is again breathing the air of freedom. Some of our people who have been using 'lie quasi cups pronauee them splended medicine. H. P. & D. M. Almand have a paper wash pan they have been using several years. It is still all right. We believe as a class the negro can be educated to a higher degree than the hog. No less than seventy-five births have recorded in our county- this year. Rock¬ dale is going to be a big county, whether or not. The religious crank is still here eating free hash and doing nothing. We are de¬ cidedly opposed to such humbugs. Mr. J. W T . Langford sent two buggies to Logangsville this week. Good work, such as he always turns out, never fails of sale. Augusta. Ga.. is threatened with negro police. We fear Augusta is not a heal¬ thy place for “ cuflie ’’ in such a capac ity. We often hear the remark, ‘‘ if it was a white m»n so and so would be done,” conveying the idea that a nigger is as good as a white man. We hold that they are not, by a long shot. The oat yield will be much larger than was at one time expected' This is one of the most important crops that our people can raise. The reputation of Dr. Gus Hasiby is , on the increase. He extracted a most difficult case ot the ,, , hooks , here , srmetime back in a manner so expert that eve . those standing by could not see how it ,ras done. The painting on Mr. Thomas Biod nax's new dwelling, being done by Mr. E. W. Jeter, is a beautiful piece of work. Mr. Jeter lvs a thorough knowledge of the ute of he btush. Weave exceedingly sorry that the Czar was not blown up with dynamite. The failure of the nihilist to do their duty loses us a dozen cigars, The Augusta Evening News must get up and hump or the Athn'a Evening' Journal will takp the place it has so long held as the best evening paper in the k01.ll.. The cry for bat tel factories and the abolition ofwhisky both coming from the mouth of the Gainesville Eagle sounds a little Inconsistent. Change your yell, tom tit. Quite a nnmb?r of our people are at¬ tending the hanging at Lawrenceville to¬ day. We hope none of them will get tost. We want to have a hanging our¬ selves sometime. It is our candid opinion that the ne¬ groes arrested as DeFoor murderers are innocent, and that the ten cent detec¬ tives who are running the case are prom¬ ising candidates for the chain gang. Mr. David J, lludecn, of this county, has four thousand pounds of fodder and five hundred bushels of corn for sale. He is a farmer what is farmer. Mr. Henry Austin, who has the con¬ tract for painting the residence of Mr. J H. A,man,I, is one of the best and most reliable contractors we know of. If you want any painting done, and done right, get him and clever Bob Langford to do it. The preaching at the MAhodist church Sunday evening, last, was not at all after our idea of decency and fitness, When it comes to crowding in with a lot of ne groes simply to gratify the curiosity to h ar a negro Bishop preach, we are unan iinously out. Bishop Hoisey, of the Colored M K Church of America, preached to a largo and intelligent congregation at the Methodist church in this place Sunday aft- rnoon. His language was good, his though 1 * deep and logical, and his ser¬ mon highly interesting. A petition is being circulated and ni> to rep far as it relates to the city ol Conyers. There is no doubt but that the law is very defective as it now stands and it should be either repealed or remedied. We would be giad to see the gentlemen of our city get together and organize a club. You call it a debating socitv, mutual aid society or anything you like, but don't fail to have the organization. Many pleasant hours can be spent thusly and it will bring our business and profes¬ sional men men together and create a new and more pleasant feature of social enjoyment. Who will start die ball in motion. Wc are pleased to learn that Mr. Ar thur-Jbarp has decided to continue his livery stable business here, Our town certainly needs a livery stable and as Mr Sharp will keep good conveyances and everything in first-class o>der, our peo¬ ple should give him a liberal patronage. When you want a team, call on him and gat it. He is a nice, clever gentleman and we want him do well and our people have a place where they cau be accom¬ modated. Read the advertisement of Messrs. A. & 8. Rosenfeld Atlanta, Ga. in this issue. This is one of the best clothing houses JTn and wa"will guarantee them satisfaction. Remember A. Sc S- Rosenfeld 24 White h .„ G„ P P P. The finest flour ever sold in this mar¬ ket can be bought at TJ F. Harper & Bro’s for Si. 10 a sack delivered anywhere in the city. Notice. Time for receiving tax returns of Rock¬ dale county will be out July 1st 1883. W. T. litisox, T. R. NOTICE Will be sold on the freehold of Mrs. Martha Francis, on the 16th of June, 1883 at 10 o’clock, A, m., two yearlings, one black no horned heifer about one and a half years old, no mark, appraised at four dollars. The otht'r a red and vvhi'e bull, short horns, no mark, about oueytarold appraised at three dollars. This June the 6 th, 1883 A. P. Mitchell Sheriff We advise everybody to give Perfec Pastry Patent a trial, It is the finest flour in the market. Call on U. F. Har¬ der & Bro. Perfect, Pastry Patent flour for sale at Frank Harper’s cheaper than at any oth¬ er place in the city. When you want a Terrell scrape or your buggies or wagons repaired, call on W. V. Almand. A Boiler Shop. Has long been needed in this part of the state and we beg leave to. say to our friends and all who have old boilers to be rdpaired, or wani New Boilers Built, that we'uow have a goo 1 Boiier Shop 40 feet wide, 80 feet long, with an L 40 x 40 feet. We are fully prepared to do all kind of Boiler work promptly. We have fiited out our Boiler Shop with (he latest improved Steam Riveting Ma c .hjite, power punch and power shears tolleas ,, and , , crane for pow 1 er a bundling iron will, a few hands, We have employed a thoroughly compes lent Boiler Maker as foreman of this peparnneiit ot our wot k, and a good set of men to work with him. We now f ee j tolly prepared to build or re pa , r - Locomotive Boilers, Return Tubular B alers, Uptight Tubular R ’ Cylinder J Boilers,” Sheet Iron Tubes for carrying water to wa ter wheels. 1 artks. Stacks and sheet iron work genet ally, We keep on hand a large stock of Boiler liron, rivets, Boiier flues and kinds of Boiler Fittings. Give u8 a trial. GEO, R, LOMBARD & CO, FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS. 1 01 t to 1926 Fenwick Street, just above Passenger Depot, Augusta, Georgia. kinds of Machine Work and K 3 g~AH both Iron Boass promptly Castings, working'about 100 done. We are now hands Also Copper Work done and Engines Repaired. READ THIS. Steam Eng ires, Cotton Presses, Saw Mills, Syrup Mills, Threshes, CottoD Gins, and Portable Corn Mills, Beltings etc. and in fact for all ami any kind ot machinery that is wanted. Vv li e n “ J you want maebin cry dor* , j, t x Tail ' 1 1 to call on nim. BARGAINS We offer from this day on our stock of Cass Suits at a REDUCTION OF TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT. In addition ro the above BARGAINS We have a small lot of BROKEN & SINGLE SUITS lirstcliiss, all wool goods, which we sell at $10 & $12 A SUIT, Fogmer Price $18 and $zo. All we ask is for you to See for Yourself A full line of Cicilean and Aiapaca COATS AND VESTS In black and colored. Also a full line of UnderweaR AND II 0 S I E R Y. Please give us a call. Very respectfully, a ** JtOSEKCKUK 21 GEORGIA, Rockdale County.— Whereas, Susan 0. Kirkpatrick has applied to me for the setting apart in valuation a homestead in realty, and I wi l pass upon the same May 28t!\ 1883 at my office at 10 o’clock, a m. May 11th I s 83 O. Seamans, 2t. Ordinary. NOTICE This introduced ig to give not i ce that there will be a yp in the Legislature at the July session of 1883 to prohibit the manufacturing or saie of all intoxicating liquors or intoxicating b tters in tiie county of Rockdale, except for medical purposes, and to regulate the disposition and the sale of the same for said medical purposes. June 1 st 1883 . GEORGIA, Rockdale County— To all whom it may concern ; J. T. Adair having in proper form a)m plied to me for peimanent letters administration on the estate of James (4. Kirkpatrick, late of sa.d county, deceased, this is to cite all and singu¬ lar the creditors and next of kin of said James G. Ivirkpa'rio-k, the to be and appear at toy office within term allowed by law and show cause it any thoy can why permanent letters of ad ministration should not be gi anted to J. T. Adair on James G. Kirkpat¬ rick's estate. Witness my band of¬ ficial signature. O. SEA MANS June 1 st 1883 . Ordinary. U. F. HARPER and ,u- a J -DEALERS IN H H IANDIS H DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very best DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HATS, HARDWARE, [CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOUR ETC., SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES,CANNED GOODS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &G. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in This Market and others WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to seM goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee to give satisfaction. We want all to call ami give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. -:o; We keep the best grades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make & specialty of th,e LUCY HINTON Tobaco All goods delivered free in the City t RESPECTFULLY, * U. F, HARPER & BRO J. S, 1ANIELL, DEALER IN MACHIN ERY. FERTILIZERS ETC. The list iiMU ' - IS THE - TRACTION ENGINE _ Wlifc or without Reversing Gear, 10, 111 and IS Horse Power. Bull! t by HHJS 8 ELL & CO., Massillon, 0. Also agent for the famous Anltman & Taylor Machinery. You can »avt» money by calling on me. ,/• S. liANTMLL H \ ) NUMBERS 3 . S. AND 7 . HOTEL BLOCK - -CONYERS, GA. THEY CARRY TIIE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. THEY SELL THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY! (:o:) THEY I’AY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOK ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. (: 0 :) / /f.'JU In this line their s’oek is very largo ami their selections firstsclass in ev¬ ery particular, and embraces prints of the latest and noblesl styles, trie cheapest ami b'-et linens of all kinds; lino damask tadle cloths, towels, ban¬ ket-chiefs, napkins &<; in end'ess first variety, at law figures; all kinds of hosery from tin- cheapest to the grade in incus, mometi’s, children—the greats est bargains in tins line of goods ever offered to the people ot this place. Trimings and Embroiderie’s of evry disciiption and style; all kinds if la¬ dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pine, ties, and the 1’AU EXCELENCE Oarsei mad. Window shades line and cheap, fine oil cloths, carpetings, ticking?, shooting-, shirtings, cambrics, ghlnghams, checks, bleeckings and in fact everything iu this .line, that is ever wanted or called for and we ask ■lie ladies especially to call win u tnev want any kmd of beautiful new dress goods notions or other Dry Goods. No trouble to show goods and we want to give you our prices toy we know that they will please you. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES &C., We have a heuvy stock . f all grades a- d styles that we are selling lower than was ever knewa lit-fore, Jents clothing, Hats and Shoes and ladies fine sitovs we have many beautiful goods of the very latest “notion” and we especially invite all to come ami examine ours before buying. We mean exactly what we advertise and when you ea'l on us you will find it true. We keep the v» rv fullest kind of a stock of both-. V\ HeavY them and PancY Groceries. hen yon wr.m don t to,get to call on ue for we can supply you end wi’l not be undersol.1 in any ot these good J . Sugars, coffees, syrups, can goods, ALL rice, gri's. FARMER’S potatoes Ac. all sold lo w SUPPLIES. dow. We have From a ntckl’s worth of soda up. Corn, flour, meat, oats, syrup and other provisions, hi dware, wood ware, glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, plowstocks, offers carpenters tools and everythin" else iu tlii- line tliev need We are ing special inducements and usk you to call and see us. We are agents for that Ne*v Elegant Victor, which Sewing Machine. for 1 the fine quali¬ The No. 4 is without a superioi, a ties to do good v'ork. SVe sell them low down. Gome and see also the Famous Well Elevators, The best atrangement that was ever placed in a well. Come and exam¬ ine ihisand we know you will buy. We can give the best rt-ferenses on this and show yon many iu use. When you want goods of any kind remember that you can get them; and get the best goods and at prices that r>o other house cau under reach by calling on stock of cloc.ot Fancy an<U . They carry a large and elegant fine jewelry. Heavy Groceries. A complete stock it Hardware and Dry Goods, Notiowp Hats Boots and Shoes for the million. They defy Competition, and tell for the each so low that tbeir prices can’t be beat. Call at this store when you want Goods at Bottom Figures. PIERCE & Q UI'" IIOTI LI BLOCK CONYERS GA . LOOK CLOSELY, Sells thecelebra ted Birdsall, and Anltman Tnvlor Engines, the Van Winkle, Winship and Gullett Col¬ ton Gins. Tiie Best C nidensera and tiie very Ftn • est Threshes told in the South. A large supply of the l’trry Royee Reap ea, the best made.