The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 08, 1883, Image 5

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THE CO MYERS WKEELY WJMr.-iW.-u.wAi. ntcaatm s * JJrm—rw *a «*• - - DID YOU BORROW THIS PAPER ? Beaded have you borrowed tb : s paper of your neighbor! If so. put it down, a»d so straightway and sub. scribe lor one tor yourself. You are fond ot reading the paper, but you haven’t soul enough to pay for one o: yoru own You would ra’ka¬ sponge upon your n ighbor and bor¬ row his Why don’t you borrow the baker’s loaf, or the butcher’s or roast j You might as well do eithet, as lt> borrow a newspaper. There would bo no newspaper to barrow if all men were like you • for the printers could not afford to print their papers for the benefit of borrowers, and would have to do36 their offices and go out of business altogether. What should be thought ol a man who would make it convenient, every day about meal time, to drop in and seathimself at bis neighbor’s table! You might ibw 11 do that, as to avail yoirstl every week of his intellectual food Without paying tor if. The mail arrives at the pos office, the paper are opened and distributed, and you make it convenient to h nj aw u I and get bold oflho papir and read it, perhaps, even before the owner bus a clmtice to get hold of it. lie tnay he to polite to repel you or deny you, but you rnay be sure you lessen yourself in bis esti nation. G> and subscribe for your self A Boiler Shop. Has long been needed in this part t>f the state and we beg leave to say to our friends and all who have old boilers to be rdpaircd, or want New Boilers Built, that we now have a good Boiler Shop 40 feet wide, 80 feel long, with an L 40x40 feet. We are fully prepared to do all kind ol Boiler work promptly. We have fitted out our Boiler Shop with (he latest improved Steam Riveting Ma chine, power punch and power shears power rolleas and a so id crane for handling iron with a few hands. We have employed a thoroughly corapes tent Boiler Maker as foreman of this pepartmeut of our work, aud a good set of men to work with him. We now feel lully prepared to build or re¬ pair li Locomotive Boilers, Return Tubular B filers, Upright Tubular Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, ” Sheet Iron Tubes for carrying water to wa¬ ter wheels. Tanks, Stacks and sheet iron work generally. We keep on hand a large stock o Boiler Iiton, rivets, Boiier flues and jbI kinds of Boiler Fittings. Give us a trial. GFO. R. LOMBARD & CO FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS. 101 > to 1926 Fenwick Street, just above Passenger Depot, Augusta, Georgia. kinds of Machine Work Ail and Castings, both Iron Biass promptly done. We aivnow working about 100 hands Also Copper Work done and Engines Repaired. 'HIE QUEEN CITY BARBER-SHOP, FRANK LYNCH Consorial ^itist in <T barge :o: Hai. cutting in the neatest and new est style, Shaving, Shan poonir.g and Dyeing executed with neatness and SX*n5E£3l&!££ a- , i . i- xt-,. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Thi- is to give notice that the co¬ partnership hertofore existing be¬ tween W. V. <& Z. T. Altnand in the blaeksmitbing business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Z. T. Almand retiring. All outstanding accounts will be collected by- W. V. Almand. W. A r . Almand. W. Z. Almand. Conyers, May 4th 1883. OPIUM HABIT AND DRUNKENNESS. no form of Opium. Troth inTite* invemiKation. R.terencn b««tin ihe For ternrs. pnroplr Itw »ud proof*, kUdtea, with throo oontbtamp, w. c. 8Eu,* jrr, m. 7 14 Broad st, Atlanta, 6a. FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a biick store, centrally located, in t his place, call at this office. I have property in which there is. big money for some one Call early at this office. J N. Hals. li. (treat Specific far Kearilgia and Headaofie Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4ih 1879. Messrs. Hutchingson & B r o : Having thoroughly tested your Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer with neuralgia and headache. T. M. Wood, 01 Howard, Wood & Co, Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro..—It is with leal pleasure that I add my tes timony to the great virtues of yout Neuralgine as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing and all sufferers should keep it on pand. J. It ’’alloy, 136 Cathedral street, Baltimore C OMEBCIM COLLEGE, MACON, GA. mrnma mmium | SkI action Secure the Healthy Liver to nS H ■ ar.d relieve all bil* troubles. Purely Vegetable; Ho Gripicg. Price 25c. All Druggists. IE \ % s m «*e irfg.-. 1 : i mm dp ' lira TKEGBEAV I. I-014 RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest , Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera! Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar end Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil us Remedy. a tut/'e, sure, simple and cheap External A trial entails but the comparativolj suffering trifling outlay of 50 Outs, and every one vith pain can have cheap and positive proof of i«n tlaims. directions in Eleven Languages. WIX BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER! IN MEDICINE. A.VCGELER & GO., Haiti jnore t Md. t XJ, 8. JL The DresrMaher’S MAGIC SCALE. 1 . 1133 * fggp This J it the Magic Scale, 1 being one-ninth it* actual size. It i i not a mod¬ f el or chart, hut a scale of inches, With it a lady can cut from any fashion plate, makinjr a nerfect fit without aitera *r tioab. Agents wanted. MRS. S. K. Conycis, SUMMERS, G* Gun. Agout, MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION!!! By it yon Ci m cm any garment. world that is The only system in the in one small piece. Satisfaction Gnar ?,nieed. Price with instruction book$3 Book and lessons $5 fMrtot alien. tion given to letters of inquiry. Local and traveling agents wanted. ">» 8 K- SUMMERS. G». A s ,. Conyers, Ga. 2 m. CITY MARKET -BY W B & P B SffSITH. —-:o:- ''phey keep always on band the very J. nicest freshest meats, in the way ot BEEF & P O R K, ---SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When vo» want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, above call at the City Market fiist door Post-Oilice Conyers, Ga. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev¬ er introduced iu this county is the one now being made and sold by TV. Al mand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see and have the gate. Farm rights tor sa’e. Call and see. W. A. Almand. t times. A First-class Business School Equal io any North or South. Send for Circulars, free. W.McXAY,_ - Principal. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF u ) _DEALERS IN- ■ RAILROAD BLOCK CONYERS, GEORGIA Having been established for 18 years, and carrying oue ot the laiges', fullest and most complete stocks in the mu try, we can sell goods as low as any, i nd \te guarantee saiifclattion. When you waut DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C, Call on J.H, ALMAND&SON T j ) The Spot Cash! SOBflO; -01 ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line of- 8§piin| I and Mmmmmv DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES IN THE STATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, and gives liis customers the benefit of the Lowest Lash Brices in the South. ---Give him a trial aud you will always trade with him, One Price To All 39 and 41 Feaclitree street, Atlanta, Georgia, In every case where money does not accompany the ordor, good will be sent C. 0 . D. Samples sent free. March 22, 1883. JOHN NEAL AND COS, PANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN IllilfIII § NOS. 7 ami 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, BA. :o: Special inducements offered to DE ALERS and others in all grades of Fur¬ niture. A share of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases. uni OB CM CM 3 >) Jp 5 ^0 %) Lq, POPULAR- 3 -iLil)* «6 MOST LSA OT AD SI -THE IT IS Uk> —339 LAA ^ 14, S. s. . — IV,PORTERS DIRECT FROM ETROrF. OF ■ Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Etc STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE ©^“Nobody can underbuy us. Nobody can undersell us. EsteuOrqan Company Atlanta, Ga J ° W. II. LEE, Agent. I . -I,. Ill I ’ if ivt. Y: I ■ *• m ■- T T:j JKsT’rroduction— EUROPE r -S One ti , every OR ITj ten c minuses. AMERICA! ji 95 ^3 95 C5 G *-^5 G J H.& N, M, ALMAND CONYERS, GEORGIA • Have just received their new spring goods. Call and < vamh, learn prices Keep constantly on hand a full line of kAt Brv S , l^" gor ’. s nCf! Hals, Caps, Boots aud Shoes, aud everything usually first-class 1 ons dry goods bouse. - a QLQTEIHQ*, A large lot which we are row offering at cost for the eash. Come and st e. Sucar Cured s C. II. Sides, Ham*, Lard, Chffee. Sugar, Rice o„ . Fine flours, Perfect Pastry Patent, CmUrs's Fauev, H •••Ws' s’n-^ 68 flour cigars and aud many full other line brands. the« ing Tae edet-ra! Snowy Ash Ad IfA VEE' L'Tt a ot aud smoking tobaccos. II kinds. Plows, hoes, plewstocks, takes, lioehaudies, war DI l STOVES, f h,r. c -!s 1 STOVES. STOVES. will Just sell received, low for cash a fu 1 line of cooking paying stoves and stove fisim'es ’ vhieh ' ,1 y or to prompt customers on tune, A complete line ot furniture alwa vs on hand. FOe Walnut and p 1 "T Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Wa.-hstand.-, Marble comnA T ot . Chairs, Lounges, Setts, Picture Cord's Theii " ' [’ etc. stock ia •. a tt cry respect. Call aud sec them. 4 ' j H & N M ALMAND. It \ ; J HI a aa ms mfwv .lt m D mwm- sjf A Kb Cl stg m Pri & « 4 ta m. ■ LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE, JS@“The best of vehicles, sale drivers and good, fast and reliab’e hersos I have alwi\s ready to sa : t anyone, day or night I have horses woim 11 aid children can use. Saddle horses for me . aud women. All Cheaj YJCEJ) If you have a horse that you want fed and well eared for, von can have it done at my stable cheaper and het.t er than you can do ii ymu-. self. I invite everybody «ho brings a horse to town to leave him wi'h 111 -. Good lot, staUs and attention. SAXjTS. Parties wishing to buy or 'rad,' horses should call. Drovers make their headqua.’ins with me. JJOl-'CHT I pay the high,-m price for corn, fodder, bay, oats etc. X. A. SlIAltP, 4~> / ©A? II & ©If 8RB At -AT CONYERS I i l I OS .1 INS r mm W Iran lz& mmmm B DEALERS IN KYSSY BUSS * S f IC ST. ; 0 : In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agents for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous S0X>393S SSftZSSS SAW MIMS, mif mwwm g£flI&f§S§ rks And all other /nrchinery manufactured by Frck & Co. at their large w ■ isx essossr ex.&ipkb The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its superiorly, hss taken the awards ot England and America. We handle the V\ inslup <>ms Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery yon want can he had through ns at be*ter rates and on belter terms than through any oue e’s 1 Call on or ad . dress Carr & Overbay, Conyers, Ga. H . J. COOLEDGE AND BRO ) 53 South Eroacl Street Atlanhi, —WHOLESALE— Paints,Oils, Varnishes Brushes & W.ih’J - r ; , —Headquarters for all^kinds of KISS© ?ASSTSS« AT WHOLE-ALB. Gu.vanlced equal to anything roade. Sen.-] for „ is US-We also keep as fine line Machine, Engine andCylmdei kept in the City, and are for and all Sizes ot 0, <(*■'■ Headquarters any F. J. Cooledgc & Bro., 53 South B-oa i st., **