The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 29, 1883, Image 2

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j ALMAND CONYKBS, GEORGIA Have fast received their new spring goods. Call and examine goods ami team prices Keep constantly on hand a lu.l lion oi' Dry Goods, ISotions Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kept in a firsUciass dry goods house* otomrsr© *9 A large lot which we are tow offering at cost for the cash. Come 9ml see. &RQGERXBS.*. fit©. C. R. Sides, Sugar Cured Hams, Lard, ChfTee. Sugar, Riee. Svrnp, -Mo’ases Fine Hours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Cnrters's Fancy, Heck-re Self raising flour and many other brands. Toe celebrated Snowy Ash am! Kan j uekei cigars and a full line of (hewing and smoking tobacci s. hardware of ail kinds. Plows foes, plewstocks, rakes. hpehandles, {■<>’• els. cradles e«t. STOVES. STOVES. SiOVES. Just received, a f'ud line of cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they will sell low lor cash or to prompt paying customers on tune. waiistai* A complete line Cases, ot furniture Dressers, always Bureaus, on lmnd. W* list Fine and--, Walnut Marble Top and Rallies, ^'op-ar Suits, Dressing Setts, Cord Thcii stock i: comp.etc in Chairs, Lounges, Picture s eic. ev erv respect. Call and see them. ALMAND. J II & N M « L. A. m PP y ®wA»- « a CONYERS, GEORGIA. ^ LIVERY SALE AtID FEED STABLE @ jggyThe best of vehicles, sale drivers and good, fast and reliabe horses I have always ready to suit anyone, day or night I have horses women and children cau use. Saddle horses for men and women. A1 Cheap. FEED. If you have a horse that you want fed and well eared for, you can have it done at my stable cheaper and better than you can do it youi self. I invito everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him niKIi me Good lot, still's and attention. SAFE. Parties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Drovers make their headquai ters with mo. BOUGHT I pav the liigh( st price for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. L. A. SHARE. 45 §>Amm * mrmwm^&yw —AT CONYERS J I 8 a Q3 I Y£i m YET HU .7 m 0 I << IKMA Y mm YV y DEALERS IN wwmmY ; 0 : In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agon's for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous EGLIPSE SSTftXRRS AS® SAW JSO.XXr'BTvH Nnsn © 36 ■£*&,&0 B S And all other nircliinery manufactured by Fr-'ck & Co. at their large works tub ©tsems aBJLS*BS # The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its snperiorty, has taken the awards of England and America. D'e handle the Winship Gins Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery you want can be had through us at better rates and on better terms than through any one ols >. Call on or ad dress Carr & Ovorbay, Conyers, Ga. F. J. COOLEDGE AND BRO 1 53 South. 13 road Street Arlanta, | . —WHOLESALE— Paints,Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window Zh —Headquarters for allkinds of— SIXB® miHTS $ AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices. jpyWc also keep as tine liue Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and <dt Sizes of Glass. F- J. Cooledgo & Bro., 53 South Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. i. W, WEAVER 1 09 l i . Convers, Gt DEALERS IN aLL KINDS OF ff© JES” "5$a Clothing,flints, Caps, Boots & Shoes also Groceries such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Syrup. Dice, Grits Meal, Oat Mual, tobacco, Snuff e'c. We call especial attention to our line of TaHCYGROCER’ES&CONFECTIONERI’S Such as canned tomatoes, peaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon, Mack¬ erel, sardines, condensid mi k, jelly, pickles candy both fancy and t baking powders, Here¬ stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon and spices both ground ford's bread preparation, e'c , etc. Our pepper and grain are the very best in the market. gzvs tskm & fim. We also keep a gord variety of Fresh Crackers, both plain and sweet, Also the celebrated, Shoe and Sieve Polish. A good line of Table and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware, etc, JSPWE MAKE FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,“"©a Our Short 1U ofits and quick Sales. Terms o strictly motto: BliO. CASK. G. IV. WEAVER & 11 m 53 rk—niJ LSI ■I Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CQNYEBS. GA, 0 ©®®©® Willi % -HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF General Merchandise at Bottom PriceS. sell the NEW HOME Sewing Machine. fiiffrWe keep all kinds of a@“SEWINU MACHINE NEEDLES."®g Headquarters For all School Books adopted by the Board of School Commissioners of'.his county. ME POPyifll! THAI EVER. The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MACHINE! ADD MUCH TO THE MANY EXCELLENT QTJ A L - TIES of thi s Superior Machine. Tati os and Others, ad ’S|i \ Mg Who use them for the many vantages they poaess over WHITE other Sewing MACHINE Machines. %. Y EVERY h Warrented for 5 years. J. 1). & T. F. SMITH. 4 . HI® Wholesale and Retail Dealers 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. II. P. & D M. AI.MAND, Agents, Conyers, Georgia. B p’l-l -BY J W LANGFORD i© j Garriaes Wagons, Bugles, MY own make. j i ALL WAITED TO jsi IH prwH t L ! *3ADTRp;n 1 Alt S tUyLflii. Aft j Ikesp also a GOOD LXH3 of Western 0. rriages and Bug gies which I sell LOW DOWN Repairing ot Carriages, Wigons and Bugger, and Trimming of all grades done ort sliort notice. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS NEW have now on hand th>- largest and best stock of waggons, of my own mnkc, bogies homemade atm of western build tha I have ever carried, I you want bargains j -u had belter call. All wh owe me for work are ear nestly tequest to come forward and settle promptly. I need the money and must have it. These w ho do not pay promptly will be given but short time. So you will please settle prompt y. It should be rernemberd that My estabh&hment is HEADQUMTH3 KSESTMEI8 GOODS COFFINS and CASKETS of all grades and sizes, and COFFIN HARDWARE in fact everything thu is kept in a lirst class LTiidevtaker. 53TCOFFIS3 1DELIYERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OIl COUNTY Most ResDeeifuV’-, J. W. LANGFORD. D H H i Fistula, Fisure and 1 ectular Ulcers, Dr. Taber, i NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., j ! MAKESSA SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure you of Piles I will return your monev. 'F. Address, enclosing stamp, F. TABER, P. 0. Box 262, Atlanta.Ga. I II. F. SUPER G H H RAL T~\ a T MilCHA ™^ UibK f Ke, P always I ' KOTIONS, DRY HATS, GOODS HARDWARE, & ICRaCKERY, GROCERIES" SUSAR, COFFEE, CO«FECTI« MEAT ,emK FLOUR R l E s, S?ICES SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, A CONDENSED MILK SAN D;n!ES5 SAUCES, PICKLES, BUSTARDS * And in fact everything kept in Thin Market WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to se’l goods as cheap guarantee to give satisfaction. We want all to ,-.11 as I* anybody , and we Y e 1>ay G 6 hiR t f,,r 1 give n a a trial. W We t keep the V best grades m“ ,,nces a11 ttOU.lDry' produce ot Tobaccos, 1 cigars and Cigarettes, 'Ye specialty of the make % LUCY IIIJYTON Tobaco. All goods delivered free in the City, respectfully, u. F. ' HARPER & BRO S. OANIELL, -DEALER IN- / MACHINERY. FERTILIZERS READ 'illlS. Steam Engines Co'ton Presses, Saw Mills, Syrup Mills, Threshes, Cotton Gin--, and Portable Corn Mills, Beltingsetr. and in fact for ail and any k nd ot machinery that is wanted. \\ her you want machin cry don’t fail to call on nim. Also agent, for the famous Aultman & Taylor Machinery. You can save money by calling on me. J. S. JJANIELL. H H _JX ) Xt JlllEBS 3. 5. AND 7. HOTEL BLOCK - - CONYERS, Gf. -------- (■, :) THEY CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY THEY SELL r„„ F0R Jk TF -i most goods NEY! H I I I --- THEY PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. (s«'0 j ’ ohe/ti 0 (:o:> In this ... line their _ s'nek is selections firstsclass particular, and embraces very inige and their in ev¬ cheapes? ery and best linens of prints of the latest and nobiesl styles, the all kinds; fine damask table cloths, towels, han kerchiefs, napkins &e in end'ess varie'y, at low figures; all kinds of hosery from (lie c' eajiesi to the first grade in mens, women’s, children—the greats est bargains in this line of goods ever offered to the people ot this place, Trimings and Embroiderie’s of evry disciiption and style; all kinds if la dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pins, ties, and the PAR EXUELENCE Gorset mada. Window shades fine and cheap, fine oil cloths, carpetings, tickings, sheeting-,'hirtings, cambrics, ghinghams, cheeks, bleeehings and in fact even thing in this line that is ever wanted or called for and we ask die ladies especially to call when tney want any' kind of beautiful new dress goods notions or other Dry Goods, No trouble to show goods and we want to give you our prices tor we know that they will please yon. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES &C., We have a he-ivy stock nf all grades ar.d styles that we are selling lower than was ever knewn before, Jenls clothing, Hals and Shoes and ladies tine shoes we have many beautiful goods of tlie very latest “notion ’ and we especially invite all to come and examine ours before bnyimj. We mean exactly what we advertise and when you cail on us you will find it true. We keep the very fullest kind of a stock ot both. HeavYand FancY Groceries. VV tieu you want them don't foiget to call on us for we can supply you end will not be undersold in any ot these goods. Sugars, coffees, syrups, can goods, rice, grits, potatoes &c. all sold low SUPPLIES.^ dow. We have From ALL FARMER’S anaoiner a nickls worth of soda up. Corn, flour, meat, oats, syrup plowstocks, provisions, h.i-dware, woodware, glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, carpenters i„./ tools and everythin" else in this line they need. We are oner speda ! m ducements aid ask you to call and see us. We are agents for that Elegant Sewing Machine. The New No, 4 Victor, which is without a snperioj, for a'l the fine quali ties to do good work. We sell them low down. Come and see also the Famous Well Elevators, The best arrangement that was ever placed in a well, Come and exam ine this and we know will buy. We give the best referenses on this and show you can you many in use. get them; and When you want goods of any kind remember that you can i reach by get the best goods and at prices that no other house can under calling on jewelry. Fancy and 'Tiny carry a large stock of clocks and elegant fine Groceries. A complete stock of Hardware and Drv Geo s i ■ Hats Boots and Shoes for the million. They defy Competition, an f cash so low that their prices cau’t be beat. Call at this stoie w c want Goods at Bottom Figures, PIERCES- QVIGG. UOTELl BLOCK CONYERS, GA ' — IS THE tmr :1 m m ‘.-J! *£**■<£. . IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE With or without Reversing Gear. 10,18 and 16 Horae Power. Bull! t RUSSELL. & CO., Massillon, 0. LOOK closely ted Sells Birdsall, thecelebra-1 I Anli and Engines, man Tavlor the Van and Winkle, Gullett Winship I (Jot ton (fins, file B -s' 1 the 0 nid.'^ j j n very Fla - ‘■•si i’ll resiles gild I Perry Royce Reap a, the best made.