Newspaper Page Text
ie conyfrs.
WZ oegan city ok
K . kik kdai.e county.
frfTnn'B- .... I’UBU. UKR
... .........Eoitoi
y tfais ••••****
rssss- is about 992 feet
irl killed a companion , with itk a
>l>Augu A little g -ta, the other day.
miinienceaieiit exercises _ of Guinn
filer’s school closes with to-night
-ciable- Goldsmith a most n t
■ilias‘‘Sweet'’ s lady of Stone Moun am,
Uiveyo” ng the aest of Miss
iiiting in our city, £
iT Bilv. -
Ubitefflon by the name of Ilix, of
L Mountain, was severly,stabbed by
e other day. He . is . in a pre
Lrx the
Ciscoudition- r
E. McCalla, of Atlanta, is on
' ||j3t ' to relatives in our city.
gill Treadwell one of Atlanta’s
t- jaccessful business men, is down
ee k attending the commence
# .
{St* played havoc
fedcr weather has
^jj the gardens in this section.
feme 0! the most interesting local mat
icthis issue will be fo-ir.d on the first
[faepic-cic at Tucker’s mill to-morrow
Lises to be the most delightful affair
(jjje season- All who can should at
Lter Gene Lee, of Covington, was
L taking in the commencement this
I,Kiss Scruggs, an excellent young lady
■tune Mountain, is on a visit to friends
■oar city, the guest of Miss Alee Lee.
■theattractive Miss Ida Treadwell, of
■ants, is here visiting friends and at
Ljiag Em commencement, the guest of
Beulah Turner.
Itfe are glad to see pur young friend
pa Stephenson on the streets again,
for a severe attack of billions fever.
I Oar clever and handsome young friend,
I'.H.P-Bryans, of Atlanta, is down
pis week, visiting friends and attending
L Commencement.
Or. Thomas Andrews, well known in
Kpyeis Liya and Rockdale county, was run
train in Atlanta, the other
Land killed. He was under the in
Lgce of whisks.
fa. Born, a most estimable lady of
Wield, died on last Sunday morning,
fcra short illness. She leaves a young
Island and a little babe 10 mourn her
Itimelyeud. U’e extend our heart
fitsympathies to the bereaved ones.
Heirbeat and oat threshers are still
loving over the county.
Quite a number of Atlanta people art*'
pending the Summer with us.
Remove that the street tax of Con
tibeabol sied. We beiieve the street
»d be better without them,
Hie man Brighwel charged with rape
Atlanta the other day was acquit
|George Jones ships beavers to Liiho
hevery few days. It is getting to be
Bile a lucrmth’e business,
The music furnished by Miss Annie
bridge the other night was very fine
liieict cream furnishe l tiiis wees re¬
plied cold soup considerably.
Sir. Clark Goode, of this county made
briooo busuels of oats and a large
polity of wheat.
Clever Frank Smith, of Atlanta, is in
W11 this Week
Tie Bock of Ages” were in atten¬
dee at the exercises of Guinn <k O'Kel
Ws school the other night. The j a le¬
ft (?) two seemed to enjoy themsel
Miss Ida Nelms, one of our most ami*
tkle young ladies, returned from a visit
NMcDonough last Wednesday. She
fillopen her school near Covington in a
few days.
,,, "epaid McDonough „ short vi-it this
tekand found the old place tilled with
,w We and arranging a beautiful new
ftet. There is no better p ace to live
iribe south than in this little city
Srill not be many years before she is
iml to the brim •
Fresh arrival, of genuine C,ba mo
Ws at Stewart’s.
lt8 a beauty. The curtain Lace, f> r
f^.per yard at Stewart’s.
Tbecelebrated B. 3. B. flour for $’,o0
8a<*k at * Stewart’s.”
. ^ffionade
venders ruined several Cv\e
Besses during the Commencemeni. It
fepretty hard to have a $30dress ruiu.-d
*i'li a nickel glass of red lemonade
fTe are railed upon this week to
throniele the death of one of the noblest
ladies that ever lived in our midst, the
Lloved and iamentei Miss Lizzie Quigg,
*Wch occurred on last Sunday evening.
’ !:e " as buried at the side of her moth
(l in Xewton County, on last Tue day.
"R "ill give an extinded notice written
lithe hands of one more capable; more
“tar and better acquaint’d with her
830 7 noble deeds, soon. *
Fehave on hand a few ‘ Top Buggies
Brewster side Bar, also end spring. Buy
° se ^ or association and camp meetings
Surry up” at Stewart*•.
Do you need a first clas; two horse
losing cheap; call early, as we are
fteyart oat our stock. J. A. A D. T.
Stewart s are closing out summer wool
worsteds at Hoc per yard, several nice
shades, call at once and g t choice.
Mr. J. P. Harris, of Newton County,
had the misfortune to get about 100
bushels of wheat and 125 bushels of oats
destroyed by fire la-t week. The fire
was caused by a spark from the engine
of a threshing machine.
Before God and man, before the church
and the world I impeach intemperance,
i charge it wiili the murder of innnnim
able souls in the country, blessed with
freedom and plenty, the word of God
and the liberties oi true religion. I
charge it as the cause—whatever be* their
source elsewhere, of almost all the pov
erty, and a most ail the crime and almost
all the ignorance and almost all the
irreiigion that disgraces and afflicts the
land. I am not mad most noble Festus.
I speak, the words of truth in soberness.
I do in my conscience believe th .t those
intoxicating stimulants liave sunk into
jrerdi ion, more men and women than
found a place in that detage which swept
over the highest hill tops engulping the
worlds of which but eight ever saved.
as compared with other vices, it may be
said of this, Saul hath slain his thousand
ai d David his ten thousands.
Dh. Guthrie.
A self noting sofa, just large enough
for two, has been invented. If properly
wound up it will begin to ring a warning
bel! just before 10 o dock At one nun
ate aftei iO it splits apart, and while one
hah carries tiie daughter of the house up
stairs, the other half kicks her voting
man out of doers. They will come high,
but people must have them.-Pbiladel
phia News.
The Southern Exposition at Louisville
offers a premium of $i.0oo for the best
bale of long staple cotton; $500 for the
second best, and $230 f r the third best,
The same premiums are duplicated
ihe best three bales of short s'apb; $500
for the best exhibit of sea island cotton,
ami if250 for the second best. These
cotton premiums offered make the list
foot up §5 150 A local cotton house
will increase the amount to $i0,000 on
the e tto;i alone.
A New York broker, who took his
wife up the country last week to paths
tb.e hot months with the old fo'ks, was
enticed into attecd-ng a viGage church
Oil Sunday, and when the box was
passed he dropped a trade dollar into it.
The preacher himself counted the col
lection and when he had figured up he
remarked :
•‘Home person has contributed a trade
dollar. Was it his intention to beat tiie
Lord out of ten cents ? ’
“No, fir,” promptly replied the broker,
a.- be rose up. ‘ What 1 meaut was to
give him regular rates and take
tage of the discount myself !'
The preacher sighed, and ga r e out the
opening hymn.
A su-e take holiday next week
**ill be d j issue of tills [taper.
Tiie exercises of ^t 11i v ; 'S’ e \
school ....... being j'’St . l;.il t. t will
111 a v.e
not be aide to give a fall a .-count this
week, but will in oar next i-sae.
The old members of company ‘IP Its.h
Georgia fiegimei.t are requested t m >ef
at the Court House in thrs place oa the
2nd Jaturday in July at 3 o’clock i- sr.
Head in this issue the
of the Schofield's Iron Works, Micon Ga.
Ihis is one of’the oldest best, and has
by its superior work an! machinery be¬
come one of the leading houses in this
Hne in the state. When the people of
this, section want machinery of any kind
or any woik in the foundry line we ad
vise them to send it to Macon for no
where can they get superior Work or
lower prices.
The Walton News sayE: “Grading
has commenced on the Gainsville road
betweea 3Tavern and Mouroe ' The
work has been divided into three
tlons ’ - VIr ' Blackstock ^ ets lli0
“ iies Monroe ’ ^
t he mldu!e . sectlon , ’ and 5Ir ’ H ' D ’ Jicb
son gets the section nearest Jug
T ,.„ gra(J5l?g is to be fiu i she d by
ber first, and the track hid and cars
nii.g by December first.
31 b. Ecitob;—D o you like to see
ladles mJ , n f ee gomg . a , \ or f °' Jr st,ee
and side walks chewing l their .
like a flock of sheep and goats
their cuds and ethers with a sties
their mouths with a black me- 0.1 ...
i ner end of ' the stick and the ti ll,
daubed in the corner of tneir
Are not such practices worthy of a.’! it..
if -iiion 9 4
Do y u like lo s e the ] r :)e boy
youths of our town assemble i efore
church door of nights, and tngag
wri stling, while the preacher and con
gregation sre engaged in the
service of God? as a as the case at
Methodist church on last Sabbath
while Mr. Bigfaam was preaching.
rents look after your boys when out at
nights for you know not what kind
company they are ke-nin*.
Did tou like u hen you was a
boy, to see some of the larger
go to the desks oi others, and take
from the dinner of a fellow student
eat and hand round the s ms to
students, and then make short of
meal thus pertained? as was the case
ODe of our schools a short tim-since b;
two student; s who are ca, efi voting
dies, they were from good Em
whose parents would fee! mortified
it tnown to theta? no names for this
{ fence bat look oat for the next.
Tciese* woin by
girls, in the supposed interest M cool
ne>s, do not add anything to
appearance, t'l'is shonjd not neir their
bed ity by WCit g Vi i ,1 n#_ ,i<; »*.
(The Covington Enterprise.)
The 45'1 i annual commencement
this time-honored Instiio ion began Iasi
Gun day morning with a sermon
t’residcnt Haygood. in 1 he afternoon
memorial services uere held in honor
of the memory of the venerable
Dr Alexander means. Tender and ap
propriate eulogies on the life and char -
acier of this eminent Di ine vie e de
live red by Bishop Pierce, Doe or
am! lion. James IT. Pace, On Monday
morning the sophomore exibition came
off; the Junior exhibition followed on
Tuesday morning, and the
exertises took place on
Monday night the various endowment
medals \y< re delivered. Tuesday the
sophomore and junior medals wen
aolivered in very eloquent etv’.e by
Coi. J dm W. Aikia, of Carter vi le,
Tuesday afterimoa a peasant n iugo i
the alumni was held. At night tlse
Few and Phi Gamma Societies bed
their annual reunions with brief ad.
dresses while the secret societies
' i;, lged in elegant bankets.— On Wed
nes ^ a >’ afterno, a the annual literary
was delivered before the
°*eties by F. If. Richardson, of the At
,^ auta Donstituticn, who is one of
«-°st brilliant young men in the South, ,
^nd an hunor graduate of oil Lur-ry
li,e College is in a most flouiKhh.j
e0fl "-Iifi on, a-’»d has nearly three h .mired
students A large number of risitois
from abr0al1 attended the various exer
clse= - Tlie socr Lie Wednesday night
" asa mos " pleasant affair.—Every one
i ,re -' i < :n t, and there wt-r many, svemtd
t0 en i°y the occasion. Long live Emory
How to o p negro laborers from
leavi «g the mm is a question which has
YviNed South - • n farmers e» er since the
w ir. -Many of the negroes aie totaily
unreliable in the matter of contracts.
jhey will engage to work for tiie year at
a g-ven rate of wages, and then when
tUeir labor ia most needed and their
pi ace not he supplied, they will quit and
[ ea!e unlucky farmer to extricate
|a mseif from his dilema as best he can.
A North Carolina farmer has struck
U p 0U , v } ia t seems to be the true solution j
the di/fieuLy. Acting on the belie. '
that the farm is not 8 tliciently attrac
tive, he proposes to erect a h >ge dancing
hall on ins farm, and ,,t least once a
month he will have a free concert, with i
music and lemonade free and plemifa
for all. Undoubtedly lie has struck the •
key to success. The humdrum of farm
file H getting too 111 a noton us for tin i
average dai key, and as a couseq-enc |
they flock to town where they can see!
and hear iho inspiring mus’c of the
bands, j->i in the procession, go to
picnics, drink lemonade and soda ivatei i
have a good lime generally. The;
attraction of free waterme’ona and lo-.
chicken roostv ar.i not strong on nigh b,
overcome the allurements ■ f city it
and the natu a' consequence is a never
ending gravit lio 1 to the towns. The
North Carolina manhaseviieutly stiuc;V.
the right string. The idea of a genuine
‘blow out” at least ones a mon.b will
prove an attraction greater ; ban any!I,i; g
that has yet been tie night of.
- *♦ e ♦- -
- - I 'i V
C£L£SS/i I£3 ^
- ft
_ K “i
mppz .j. i •
Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters meets the
perfectly- pure vegetable remedy, embra
: cing the three ini^x>rtant properties oi a
preventive, a toni<3 and an alterative. It
and liver, and effects a salutary change in
the entire system.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
, S
longexpenecce m caring ( of tie iiloon. Skin sod
5 > 2 i-*£S£l
I >
' i|kae{alrfc».
SU Sit. Loan, He
5AAOCAT \ A r irst-class
; -;*A3in03S i
jPor ' 'j : J2i :j u,cr Svj h
p q, K '•» °~ ' -
UiiU.kUt.) | Send t ,i- Circuiai-S, tr-*?.
.MACON, CA. j W. M cKAY. Frisc’raf.
ocEieeai CHiJsSi «**»G
j ^jjp) dkZNXTSCS.
eofeiaveiy. permanently eared i,7
j £
W. C. RELI.A?fY, n. n.
71*2 Broad SJ., Atlanta,Ga,
XL 1 '-!- • j Ccb'lity,Seminal A c-irtaia «src tx v.-ccX
biSaSr ri3S3. Impotonee, etc,
Ihb Recipes;.Cud ia my pructico for 25 i c"r
and an itlnetin-.cdbook of SOycyse giving m
rfctiozjsfcrjelf-treatineDi, esftt vrOC', St. .11 ;A«kM, • Vv
SB. T. w r.iTAifS . 43? L Vst«
COttOIl GlllS FOSd
jGV~~ Condensers >
Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and
Saw Mills.
m §& s?. 11
«S g fe< P |g pi
. Jm, -
Exibited hv.
A 1 the Intcrnafi nal Cclt<> Expo
s.’iou. At aula. Ga.. 1381. < ItiM
for best .-ample, b- st general ro-n ts
in Ginning, and best cuvslrii -ted Ma¬
chine tie first prize, si00. or gob:
15. S. Hicks T. M Smc L s, M sms
p- ; W. E. Bariows, Conneticut.
s. H. I Kimball, f)T“ctoi Gen.
Also, first pnminm at the Souti
.State Fairs and the Georgia ,'
hi* Gon nn U a ff3>: e, 1<-« 1
<. evi rv 0 ihe very S-t-st
in 1
> >*—r. h
P tip 0S
LTh: iri--: : §A SzA , t
j;-. ' ; Ai
; '*■
: r 4
| 1 iS ’-rr-3. -M-.. ,
S fid to be t ie Press in the world.
! Suitable f-.r Hors--, Si and WaG
Power. Takes up but little
Ginumg and Packing can go 011 at
same time,
Atlui.ta. Gn.
-’»- t. VW —- -
l - ii-» i J & SUfi2» P*ioj>r et'-rs. Mac n , Georg’a.
w *w w .
Manufacturers and Dealers in every Variety of Agricultural Machinery,
Schofield’s Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, EngineS
SAW , GPR-Wimd FIDt’l; MILT.*. F" RATIO Mil. 1A and KETTLES,
i a :ii»gsof iivtT- iv n»K Shaftinj-., PalU^siiml iLingers.
— Agents Knr—
Jiidsoii's SliiadiutS Governor, Nordyke And Mimwin Mi ls.
And the Celebrated F AUGHT PKERTVO t'ORM-: POWER.
— Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of—
zo o 0 cs vrcs?;ja II j ft twsssm IS tzrsmm zmi ■it-.2 fir&ts+A " s, OR) .-a*v;rs CO >-* CO
o o i!U •c z. <■ E rn OJ
iUaoQ33f, V - Ceoiaia,
F.'ffOLAY’S 0.1FAT i r* -T A" IPt’ SCRJ-W S3 TIN PRESS.
fi Hours : i^rry VED WROUURT SCREW 5=»M
•rrj ■c P3 fP.ESS. for water or
0!M G£&R* ST&Ac/l eNSiGEsD- BOiL&RS. . ^ Saft f*>f!D a.iiS^
IRON FENCIG (Wroughtand cast,)
«®“Send for ciicnlars and price for all the above. A’dress,
C.D. FINDLAY, Agen .
P e.tect 1 ..fry P atent.
The finest flour made, give it a trial.
For sale at U. F. Harper & Pro's at 1.10
per sack, delivered free.
India TJnen, Jac.konet and Fine Nain¬
sooks at Pierce & Q tigg's.
Feather Fans, Laces, Col'ars etc. in
large quantities.
If it is not very fir off, secure a hand
some zinc trunk for the occasion at
Come one, come all, ihe old and
young, the short, the tall, the rich
the poor, w • please them a'.!. Count¬
ies, bargains avait your call at Stew¬
Fresh grits, rice, meal and whit>
peas al tileivart's.
A nice light hoc, for the boys, a
P.-rf ct Patent Pastry am! Peek’s
No. 1 tl mr at Stewart’s.
A fi-w only. Picture fames left at
H's. Call early.
A favorite pr-nt-Tipilots cf ono of tWI
r rr’. n c •! hucce^sful spt-ciallffts in tbeU. J*
: now r- rv;i ;'<>r the ctire of Acr vot*» Lietiili+Vt
. i Ji , : *- owasf. ti'cciJSnmt*nu '. Itecatr. j>tra
. ^cseiUtdeiivelopei'Vce. l)xuggi!>L3c&u
,‘Adres* DA W. p .SO A CO., Lcuiiiiua, Mo.
Hervous EzhaustioBt
Pucuia,tm T Q Decay,
Loss of Memory.
An R0-j>nc;e Cloth-bound Book of wlit.le.Homc
Aii . a to \ ouiig Mon, by a Jcegular J’hysiclan.
S£N T. F pm B l?£r* t A 0 la™S h ' m * Ba
n* «*, Seiio to
;s, , sBCM.VESscsnat:ns:Ti
for i,..i-:raSFcircaUtr A Ure/Iftimi 8ao
oe* 8 *'School Ertaliiixhed tueniv year*
r-j’. x ‘seiBnraxia
wQX^YHSHia i3 S3HSf
•; li aoj •»•*■>? 5 »a;; nopp>j in£
•ZVBrZjSi* 3HI «.IYJ SB ‘KSKor
I— m
g"R .5 RSriicL/ CD,,’iitlSStiih
a %*' yi* a v**, •• ,«<*..! w,>•»•
V-..4 •' i>i- .KV'YYLa.,,
V'eomj ndktUr . r astyqutB st*.
«u*<l ctired.
. ; icnr*, 7 tcu<. to rfcr- s- ;«.5: iiift N .
K . tit at ■jr rr,*M tp p.nn wrap;*™
•L**r riehUoi. Pa..: ;..<■{ tl' -cri
a^ ; i-Auoo
known n* the Atlanta EDalth Institute
“ A :;tvrCure,” is uni verealh a< know 1
t-L’ed to be tlie complete sn<
t loroughly rational and scrrniific t-s
t.ibliabint-nt ter the treatment ol tin
sick in the southern state?, i h - fob
io-nim; area few olthe titan' rc-media »
in lioivs emp'oyed in addition t
npi proved remedies: J Tin
Alolicre-Titermo Eh < rti«
B.ttK Implored Turkish,F ill Hectrb
ilu*-i a llomnn, Electro-Vapor, ano
>«>mc '.’.ii-mv different kinds of
ALSO Hwcdi.-tii Movein lit by rrn
ciiinery, and mauua operation bv
tied inauiptila ors, Alassage ticat*
j met:t, etc., etc.
i Hpecial attention given to tin
j tareotment of 1 iiseises pereuliar t«>
; Invalid La iito: a’ o D G.seUi- spopt-ia, N u
raigGi. U;-ntnatistn. of ih.
j Kidneys. Liveranri Bowels, Eye.
Nose, T ; r f ’;it and Lungs Choreic
disesncs are r adilr and permanently
| cured at ll isin-iitnrion. Ai dn ,
T-ii MtLijuuu^it street, AUnai*
.ty ir —* <■ .
We ‘iffei from tri a day on ous stock
< ass A' tits aba
In addition, ro the abovq.
W e have a small lot of>
tii’otclass, ail wool goods, which we sell att
$1G& $12 A SUIT,
F.-gmer Price $18 and $20,.
All wij ask is for,yon to.
See for Yourself,.
A full line of Cliches 1 and Atapaca
Iii black and colored. Also a fail line o<^
Please give us a call. Very respectfully,
Gate C’ity ( iotlifng store, It WhUehftUi
Siircet, Atlanta, <;a. I2*3m.
13 Broad Strekt......... ATLANTA, G. 4 *.
Atists and Painter’s Material,
French and American H’indow.Glassetc-.
—Agents F >r—
Averill Mixed Paint Company
Alsu Agents For
waits, Petrify Liquid, a sure remetJv for damp
recommended by the Internation-,
al Aeahh Congress and Sanitary Inst^.”.
tute of Ureat Brittaiti.
OWENS HOTEL FormerlyCru e House,.
Newly the best fitted the market up. Table affords, supplied tree Hacks with
meet all trains. A trial is all I ask.
One of the most valuable lots in the
city. In the very center of the business
portion. Situate on the.corner of cen-.
ter and Commerce streets and fronting,
the railroad. Known as the ohj Dan,
Scot* lot. It is a capital business lotandj
no mistake. For terms, part’culsrs Ac.,
call on John II. Ain,and atJ^ H. Almand;
& Sou's store.
We ?ro g’ad to say to our many cii0
“omers that our corn mill has been re¬
ared tince the wastmvay and is 1 ow in,
,s good or better order for making good
ui al th in ever before, and if you wanti
good sweet corn bread : s you once bad,
cmie to see us. We are at the miii at
all hours. Man saw in two or three,
weeks. * II. E- Yvflfhr. & Bro.
Time for receiving tax returns of Rock*,
laic comity will be om July ist 1883.
W. T. llusos, T. R.,
Mothers, the children’s suinm'T..
sails have ci iin- at Stewart's.
Your boy:; trom 3 y- ars to 30, can,
he suited at J. A & T. D. St' ivan’h
When you want a stylisli straw
hat, Call al Steivn’t'B
We notice eott nades at Stewa tl
that looks like fine casssimers, at 25
cts per yard.
Grain cradhs by the dozen at,
White Irish lim ns at 25 . (its per yc^
it Stewart's. Nice for baby aprons.
Mus’ins 5 to 15 c's and cotton was¬
ted 9 cts at S rart’s,
Sarah Bt i nhart and other styles ofc
gloves at Stewart’s.
A fresh arrival of shirts and collars
at Ste writ tV,
A new variety of stock powders,
•‘said to work wonders.’’ Call for
he r< d ff 0 !>ox, at Slew art s.
An endless variety of ladies’necks,
vv^ar at Stewart’s.
m mmm
»ill lx*i WokfidH aiJe4 u>ail 1833 applicants, .S& and ___ to
fbju-; cus
tomer« f la*»t year witbfjnt oraf-rlr.*• It. It contalnB"
about 17a pear****. rji*j niufstratAons, prices, accurate
| aeacnpt<on.« and vshtaWi*9 direction* for plantmtf Seed!.
t I'L.nts, iii»i v»n<;!ie» of VtKutable and Flower
Fruit Ti'aen.frfc. Invaluable to all, e»pec
I ially to Market Gardenere. Heud for ft!
O. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mioh.
\ ver soi ijin this mat
!fe«t can be lm .ghj at V F. H*rper A
Bra’s for $i,«oa sack delivered anywhere,
in the city,
tv Jinn you want a Terrell scrape 03.
>’>r buggies or wa£.ons repaired, call
W, V. Almand.