The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 29, 1883, Image 6

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FI HE POTATOES For months past our country ex¬ changes have been filled with compli mentary notices of ail kinds of truck brought in to the editor with the best regards of his friends, while the News cupboard has been bare. Peo¬ ple seem d to think because we were not married, and livid at a boarding house, we did not n< ed anything to eat. Bless u4 as it one average edi¬ tor could not cat enough for two 01 three families, and as if boarding houses—weil, as if boarding hous< s were not-only just boarding houses. But now a change has come which We hope may bo permanent and for the better, and which casts an Early Rose glow over our future. Yester^ day Mr. H. T. Brawnev sent up a dozen fine Peerless potatoes which weighed ten pounds and filled a good fcizid basket. They were beauties su. o enough and looked like the pictures in a seed catalogue. Mr. Brawner raised nineteen bushels of them on less than one temh of an acre. He planted the seed potatoes without cutting, and is satisfied that this method makes larger and better po¬ tatoes. We have got the potatoes and are now ready to go into partnership wiih any young lady who can fur¬ nish a house and cook stove. pliennts will please furnish samples of cooking.—Griffin News. A Boiler Shop. Has long b6cn needed in this part rf the state and we beg leave to say to our friends and all who have old boilers to be rdpaired, or want New Boilers Built, that we ttow have a good Boiler Shop 40 feet wide, 80 feet long, with an L 40x40 feet. We are fully prepared to do nil kind ol Boiler work promptly. We have fitted out our Boiler Shop with the latest improved Steam Riveting Ma¬ chine, power punch and power shears power rolleas and a eo id crane for handling iron with a few hands. We have employed a thoroughly compes tent Boiler Maker as foreman of this pepartment of our work, aud a good set of men to work with him. We now feel fully prepared to build or re¬ pair “ Locomotive Boilers, Return Tubular Boilers, Upright Tubular Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, ” Sheet Irou Tubes for carrying water to wa¬ ter wheels. Tanks, Stacks and sheet iron work generally. We keep on hand a large stock o Boiler Iiron, vi.ets, Boiier flues and jul kinds of Boiler Fittings. Give us a trial. GFO. R. LOMBARD & CO FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS. 101.) to 1926 Fenwick Street, just above Passenger Depot, Augusta, Georgia. kinds of Machine Work Ail and Castings, both Iron B,ass promptly done. We are now working about 1(10 hands Also Copper Work done and Engines Repaired. 1 HE QUEEN CITY BARB R-SHOP, :o: FRANK LYiOH Cousorial '^itist in € Ijnrge :o: Hail cutting in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shan.pooning and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. Located in the Night builuing first floor on t he left upstairs. DISSOLUTION NOTICE, This is to give notice that the co¬ partnership hertofore existing be' tween W. V. & Z. T. Almand in the blacksmithing business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Air. Z. T. Almaud retiring. All outstanding accounts will be collected by W. V Almand. W. V. Almand. W. Z. Almand. Conyers, May 4th 1883. OPIUM HABIT AKD DRUNKENNESS. DH. P«atiTeJ7,*peedIly HKELEY’S GOLD aud REMSOlKtS, permanently containing cured by no for® of Opuim. the Truth State. luvltet incestigation. Heterencen lets beslln For terms, paniph aud proofs, address, 'vita three cent stamp, W. C. BELLAHT, M. 7 1-2 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of fered in a hiick store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is big money for sc«e one Call early at this office, J Jl IL.i e. MURALGiK lb* Great Specific for Neuralgia and Headache Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4ih 1*79. Messrs. Hutcbingson & Bvo : Having thoroughly tested your Neuralginc I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer with neuralgia and headache. T. M. Wood, of Howard, Wood & Co. Messrs. Hutchinson & Bin..—It is with leal pleasure that I add my tes timony to the great virtues of your Netiralgine as a specific for neuralgia and sick headache. Such a remedy is a blessing and all sufferers should keep ‘ it on pand. J. R ’’idley, 136 Cathedral street, Baltimore IskC-A-OOltT A First-class COMMEBQiAUBusinessSehool “cISgl Equal to any North or South. Send for Circulars, tree. MACON, GA. W.McKAV, Principal. TOBHTS INDIAN mimmm 1 1 I! Kga Wj action Secure the Healthy- Liver M to ■AEs& rS ffl and relieve all bil ^ - ----- —......~ : tmiH troubles. Purely Vegetable; No Griping. Ptlco 25o. All Cruggistn. SEE trade g. maj: u. 1 . V ,[U ffep. •A . .If- JlpgpBll m wif a till THECREAT^ lit X-'O.TV nm iAiAioi Neuralgia, Sciatica, of Lumbago, Chest Backache, Soreness the Gout, Quinsy, Sere Throat, Swell¬ ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other . Fains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On. t *m u sttfe, sure, simple and the c heap comparative); Externa? lt* nu‘dy A trial cr tails lut 'rifling outlay of 50 Cents, and everyone suffering vith j»uiu cau have cheap aud positive proof of it* via ima. Birections In Elevon Languages’ Dir dy all druggists akd dealers IN MELIOINE. J& Tr Q & CO., . Aid., V. 3. At The DresrMaher*S MAGIC SCALE -- —— 1 ~-r >s 1 XX r Thi ® ii 3 \ 14^ ^ in tbo Magic Scale. r __being ^^iss^lS^actual one-ninth its ' size. It i 1 not a mod or chart, but a Beale of inches, it a lady con cut from any iuehion X- 0 ^ plate, making a pcrt^t fit without lion.. A«m*.w«trt. a MERIT! SIMPLICITY !! PERFECTION!!! By it you can cut any garment. is The only system in the world that in one small piece. Satisfaction Guar¬ anteed. Price with instruction book §3 Book and tessons So. Strict alteD- tion gi\en to letters ot inquiry. wanted. Local and traveling agents MRS S E. SUMMERS. Gen. Agt. Conyers, Ga. 2in. CITY MARKET : , -BY W B & P B SMITH. --.0: —— npivey keep always on hand the very [ nicest freshest meats, in the way of B E E F & I’ O R I<, ■SAUSAGE, Backbone & Bibs. Also Mutton. When von want nice meals, good weights and cheap prices, call at tile City -Market tl»fit door above p rOSt-UIUCe . ('ntivers V onjers, ITn na. FARM GATE, The best thing in the way of a gate ev er introduced in this county is the one n0 w being made and sold by W. Almand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every fanner should see and have the gate. Farm rights tor ?a ic. Call and see. TV. A. Almand. t times. TH OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF u i jL ) DEALERS IN- RAILED tD BLOCK jjj f GEORGIA Having been established for 18 years, an d carrying one ot the largest, fullest and most complete slocks in the coutry, we can sell goods as low as any, i il l we guarantee f-iitisdiutier, When you want DRY GOODS* NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C, Call on J.H, ALMAND&SON yn E — V_u j 1 I The Spot Cash! Wmt IJ®#IIs® m mmmm § -Ot ATLANTA. GA., Has the finest line of- ■ Supine And 0muiep DRY” GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES IN THE S’’ATE. Sell For CASH Exclusively. Saves rill expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise, and gives his custoineis the bom fit of the Lowest Cash Prices in the South. ----Give him a trial and you will always trade with him, One Price To All 39 and 41 Peachtree street. Atlanta, Georgia, In every case where money does not accompany the ordor, good will be sent C. 0 . D. Samples sent free. March 22, 1883. JOHN HEAL AND COL PANY J -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN I IT 11I¥VB1| NOS. 7 undo SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. •:o: Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades of Furs nitnre. A share of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest solicited. Besure and give us a trial before making your purchases. BBTBY ; W % * Ni % ih pi 1.1 si § a,®. —( X %g9 to © Ph ft: 03, tna« 122:2ki -aa IL-> Whols w a I?et^ b"bFo° 4I” SfGlte 0 S?v A ?iAloT way ’ —DEPOT' OF— i:®Aip sa jm$, -IJtrORTERS D11JECT FBOM ETROl'K OF— Violins, a \ S t irtars, Harmonicas Etc STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE B®”Nobody van underbuy us. Nobody can undersell us, EsteyOrgan Company Atlanta, Ga W. II. LEE, Agent. m ‘ <11 Mmmum ggjjj IpHE * I. ft- T 0 : Wm ■ 1 I m 54 .4 %AY:_F-'W. Li JBS^Production—One EUROPE Larg- he S every OR st U Organ n mmu:es. AMERICA! Factory in j H.<oirinm CONY KBS,.............. Have just received their •••••.- GEORGIA learn prices Keep constantly new spring goods. Call a ?' d ® : Xm l r,tl on hand a lu 1 li ne 0 an ,{ Ifats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually U W 00 * 1 '- Motions dry goods house. j Kept m a fi rg i sc j af . g A large lot which 6&078XVa, we are now offering at cost for the cash Come and sie, ■ •J '~XS -—. C. R. Sides, Su u ar Cured Hams, Lard, Chffee. Sucrn,- p;., e Fine flours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Carters’s F*ncv’ H j. Vru ]?’ Mo ’a*e* flour and many other brands. Tnecelebrated Snowy AshLuTlt 1 cigars and a lull line of chewing and smoking tobaccos n i Ucker ktad - *“ ect. will Just sell received, low for cash a fu 1 line to of cooking paying stoves and stove fist^ urea, which they or prompt customers on time. A complete line ot furniture alwavs on Waahstlnds,Marble T^tTi^ Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, cOmp.iVin Iv’ Chans, Lounges Setts, Picture Cord’s etc. Thei, stock U ery respect. Cad and see them. ‘ tu e >'' J H & N M ALMAND A. SHARP, M k 'NsJ SQNYERS, GEOR&IA. LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE. BSTTlie best of vehicles, safe drivers and good, fast and reliab'e horse* I have alwt>s ready to sad. anyone, day or night I have horses women and children can use. Saddle horses for me .j and women. All Cheap. 1AEJEI). If you have a horse that you want fed and well cared for, you can have it done at my stable cheaper and better than you can do it your, self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him with me. Good lot, stalls and attention. S 6ILJE . Parties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Dr< vers make their headquaiters with me. liOUCH'T I pay the highest pigs for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. Ij- A. SHAltP. 4o —AT— OONYERS f i i l i SfiSSss -k m i. V Wm WM T DEALERS IN lAiHllIlf ITSET SSS§S!3Pf 1©S * ; 0 : In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agent* for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous ssassss as© sj.w vftm mmEmmm And all other mrchinery manufactured by Fr : ek & Co. at their large works iiE osaesv The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its stipf 11 ^ 1 ! L.. taken the awards ot England and America. We handle the i" f ‘ II F Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery you want can be had th'oug 1 be'ter rates and on better terms than through ar.y one els'*. Ca 011 dress Carr & Overbay, Conyers, Ga. I A J. COOLxDG i H I 53 Soutli Broad Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints.OUs, Varnishes, Brushes & Wnl>» ? —Headquarters for ali.kinds of at wholesale. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Machine, Send Engine for color and Cylin card ^ as i* JBX-We also keep as fine line kept in the City, End are for and all Shea of Ola Ilea (J quartet -s any ,Ga. & Bro., 53 South Braad X, W F. J. Cooledge