The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, July 13, 1883, Image 2

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THECONYERS WEEKLY gpFHISKY. Our clever brother of the Solid South, Speaking of Col Pe t's whisky bill, says • he has in possession a petition claim., Ing t j represent the mass of the people of his county ; such is false” and 4 there kt another petition asking that the p es entloca law be repealed, and we learn that Mr. Peek has dedined to have any thing to do with it. If such is the case he faila to represent the wishes of his pe jple at home ." Now, as to the peti¬ tion which it is said Mr. Peek had in bis possession (we doubt the correctness of the assertion) failing representing the rna jorityormass of our people, it does no such thing. It not only represents the wishes of the Chritians hut of every lover •f peace and order, and who will say they do not constitute the mass of the people of Rockdale county ? The other potion represents the wish !* of those di¬ rectly interested in the whisky traffiic. The charge or insinuation that this class predominates in this county is an insult to our people; one which our es teemed contemporary can well afford to throw in their teeth. As to our tepre sentative, who ever knew him to betray a trust or disregard the wishes or inter¬ ests of his people ? Has he not always proved true and faithful ? But we say i he knew a petition signed only by five r presented the best interest of the mass of his people, he should support it in preference to one signed by a thousand. Bill Peek was elected by our people as their representative; they knew he was a Christian gentleman and a strong sup¬ porter of temperance, and if lie fails to do his duty like a true man, (even tho threat* of ostracism stare him in the face,) he will belie his former record. We 11 ust confess that we are surprised to see our ooutemporary take the stand it baa; publishing articles so much at variance in sentiment with the Church and all that leans to the elevation of the morals, intelligence and happiness of our people. That the sentiment is condemn¬ ed by oar people all know. No doubt about Mr. Peek being re¬ membered in the future. As at the bAl lott box heretofore our people will glad¬ ly decide the issue in favor of temperance and every step they may make will be towards the extinction of whisky. ^■»i» - Judge Crawford is still very tick. Whilst the ]>eople of lower Georgia liave been deluged with rain some of the upper counties are suffering. Jefferson finds that she can get her merchandise and food supplies cheaper from Athens by wagon than from Atlan¬ ta by rail. Friday morning a Bartow county far xner sold (07 bales of cotton of ast years raising. The post office at Pendergrass is called Emory. The department would not name P Pendergrass because they a id it was too long. Washington went crazy over the Han¬ cock plow and thousands of of dollars were paid for territory. Somebody hints that the purchasers have be n gulled. The wife of General R<»he t Toombs, of Washington, fell from her bed to the floor the other day and sustained slight injuries. The Survivors’ Association of the 18 th Georgia Regiment, which was organized last August at Acworth will meet in their e< c jnd annual reunion in Atlanta, on the first of next month. An infant was found in a pool of water near Thomaston last Saturday wrapped in a sila dress. When found its color could not be determined it had under gone so much decomposition. The af¬ fair is a mysterious one. Mrs. Shipp, a widow lady living in Chattahoochee county, has two little tons aged five and three. They were .playing in a room together, when the oldest got hold of a pistol and shot his little brother in the left breast. Fortu¬ nately the wound was only slight and the little fellow is able to run aboat at present. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Haile both diel at Camilla on the 5 th innt., only 15 hours intervening between their deaths. Mrs. Haile has been sinking ever since the birth of her bab*, several weeks ago. Mr Haile was worn down by watching and exposure, and finally took hemmorrhag k fever on last Friday. The baby is not expected to live. Athens is over run with Btreet beggars et present. There will be, according to the crop report, plenty of corn whisky, and a Bur plns for bread this year. The Georgia Legislature has an eye to the main chance. Air. Jordan, of Han¬ cock, introduced a resolution on Thurs¬ day to pay the members mileage for the recent extra session. Mr. K. L. Bloomfisld, who is connec¬ ted with the Athens and Western rail i road, says the road is now a certainty, and they will begin grading it as soon as the charts is had. Thera are about fourteen parties in jail in Savannah, serving ont sentences imposed by Jodg * Adams of the Superior Court, in lien of the payment of fines and costs for gambling. , Mr. W. A. Buchanan has purchased from General Bob Toombs his large plantation in the northern portion of Early county. He intends it in Bermuda grass and stocking the plaee with fine cattle and horses. FOR RENT Wblteke*<-HonM, Conjrer., Ga. This splendid hotel situated in the very center of the city, right among the business houses and convenient to the railroad, is now for rent—and to good parties will be rented low down. It has just undergone a thorough renovation, and is now in mo 3 t excellent order. We know of no better opening for a good hotel man anywhere as this house can easily be made to pay handsomely. Par¬ ties desiring to rent will address or call ou J. N. Iiale, Real estae Ojuyer Ga. DYt' j, Jf you want thc bargain ever of ferw] in a b|ick store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have property in which there is big money for some one. Call early at this office. J N- Hai.b. FARM GATE. The best thing in the way of a gate er introduced in this county is the one now being made and sold by W. Aliiand of this place. It is durable, easy to work and cheap. Every farmer should see and have the gate. Farm rights tor »a’e. Call and-see. w. A. Almand. 4 . tiroes. SHERIFF’S-SALE FOR AUG. i 8 Sj, Will b-* so d before the eour house door in the city of Conyers within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August 1883 the follow¬ ing described prope ty to wit: (170,) one hundred and seventy acres land, more or less, it being in the 4th district of oi'ginally Walton now Rockdale county and being pait of lots of land numbers (3)8) three hundred and eight and ( 201 ) two hundred and ninety one and bounded as follows • On the north by tho land of J. h’« MuC'alla and J. G. Cooper on the east by the lands of Robt. Can¬ non, on the south by J. R, McCalla and on the west by J. 11. McCalla. Levied on as tho property of James A. Kennedy to satisfy a fi fa issued from Hockdale snperi >r court ia fas vor of G. W. Knox vs. James A. Kennedy and J. J. Hammons. Prop¬ pointed,, notified. out by pltff. This June Parties 26 possession 1883. A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff. ^v£^-OOJ<r A First-class "'WMERCIAL Busi ness Sc hool COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South. Send for Cirr.utaru, free. ACON, GA. W. MeKAY, - Prineip.t. 0ME TREATMENT A certain enre far Nervous . — ...... Debility, Impotence, Seminal etc. Weak The Recipes n.utl ness, in practice for 25 Years and anlllnatratedbookoiSOpairca my rect lone for relf-t reatincnt, sent free. piving Addrest full dt DS. X. WILLIAMB. 435 VAitti Ll, tWa, W» - FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. ...... not**<l A favorite and »ucce«»ful prcacrlptlon npt‘Ci*ltBtii of one In theU.8. of ftof toost rotlrod) for tho of Tfervoum MPebilitUi (now jVanhood, ffenkur** cure Mid J>ee«f/. Seni Wjomt scaled envclope/Voe. Druggists can ail-U In plain Addres, DR. WARD & CO., Loui«i*nj, Mo. ROSHFERk 4i... Wa , .. Av, f ; r-;S D|fT£R S Ho»t*tt«r'* Stomach Bitters meets ths requirements losophy which of the rational prevails. medical It phi¬ at present is tiag perfectly the three pure vegetable important remedy, properties embra preventive, of a a tonic and an allerative. It fort Ales the body against defense. invigo¬ rates and revitalizes the torpid stomach and liver, and effects a salutary change in tbe entire system. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. X effect P astry P atent. The finest flour made, gi,e it a trial. For sale at U. F. Harper & Bro’s at 1.10 per sack, delivered free. India Linen. Jackonet and Fine Nain¬ sooks at Pierce A Quigg’s. Feather Fans, Laces, Collars etc. in large quantities. If it is not very Groff, secure a hand some zinc trunk for the occasion at Stewart’s. Gome one, come all, the old and young, the short, the tall, the rich i ) 0 or, we please, them all. Count less bargains await your call at Stew¬ art's. Fresh grits, rice, meal and whita peas at Stewart’s. A nice light hoc, for the boys, at Stewart’s. _ P'- f . Patent ^ Pastry and , „ I eek ,, r ect s No. 1 flour at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart’s. Call early. Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay, logs of Memory. Advice to Young Men, by a r Kevlar k ," , 'S*rr Jhystcwn. SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, f 01m ely known as the Atlanta H tflthInstitute “Water Cure,” is universally acfcnowL edged to he the most complete an< 4 thoroughly rational and scientific e< aick*in'the l flo»11 1 ern states? 6 The iowing area few oi the mane remedal agencies employed in addit o to the usual approved remedies: The S:wJ'a 1 'STSmSi Vapor, and Russian Born: n, E echo. « une twenty different hi ds of ELECTRIC WATER BATHS. ALSO Swedish Movem nt by tra chinery, ana manua operation by trained manipulators, Massage tieats uient, etc., etc. the Special attention given to t S5 reotment of Diseases peictiliar to I = valid Lndie.-; also Dysfpep-ia, Neu> the talgia, Rheumatism, Diseases ol Kidneys Liver and Bowels, Eye, Ear. Nose, Threat and Lungs. Chornio diseases arc r< adily and permanently cured at thisinsiitntion. At dress U 0 ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, Atlnala. Sena to MOORE’S f llpf bcsisess bmvirsiti Koi Illustrated Circular A live actual *'U» lies® School tu mh vea** $60 5-TON [JOKES] «* 5°o n I vE T J. r, i«VaV r, S I V5 r i ,, JAM«Ltt¥: fold OH Jrf*L Warrant* A JC*ZB. 411 Bizet ea low. For free took, eddre** a JONES OF BIHGHISTOX, BINBHAMT0N, H.Y. H ARRIS REM EDY C0., 8r *i»i ..iniBraainH mi n TSTg VliaiuUD and Sole Prop’* O. hsmM PRO?. HARRIS’ PASTILLE REMED) Voting .Men and otlors who suffet from Nervous *mi i'hjrsical Debil Z\ Premature Kxhauxtion anc •heir many conaequeuec*, %re quickly »nti radically cured, The Ueitiedy is put up iu «h»xc*. No. 1 (lasting a mouth), 92 , 5o. 2 (enough to effect * cure, tin levs in »m to rate*,) fl; (l:vstlti£ three month*), 97. Scut each by mail Box. Id Pamphlet plain wrapper* Dlrn tliiii* for IVInir ing 1 arroni ipany de*cri blog this dls ease • nd mode of i cure scut sealed on application *m§&w 1 WiU mailed JFOtt 1388. applicants, nud be _ to all to free CUtt tomera of last year without ordering it. itcoutains descriptiona about 175pa*rcd. COO illustrations, pricY», accurkto nnd valuable directioiis for planting 1600 varieties of Venretablo and Flower Seeds, Plante, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec¬ ially to Market Gardeners. Send for it! D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. -- A. P. 9 13 Broad Strekt, ATLANTA, GA. Mists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass e!e. —Agents For Averill Mixed Paint Als'i Agent* For THF SILICATE PAINT COMP\NY Petrify Liquid, a sure remedv fur damp walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aeallh Congress and Sanit-ary Insti tute of Great Brittain. HEVDQUAltTEBSFOa COMMERCIAL MEN, OWENS HOTEL Formerly Cru-e House, J M OWENS, PROPRITR. Newly best fitted tbe up. Table affords. supplied Hacks with the market Free meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON....................GEORGIA. C 3 ® OT Keatwciiy Uaiversity, LE'.ING fOM, KY. Ttv * to complete the Full Diploma Ku»:iu-m Course atiom 10 week*. Tula! Co*t, including Tu'tion, Rook*. .Stationery, Beard, &e., about desired, |85. free. Telegraphy taught. students Literary Cmir»e for one year If Nearly 400 front 21 Stale* last year. 5,000 Mrenihl graduate*. Students can herin at any time; no vacation, Fall aoflOD bofin* September 10th. For fall particular*, aidreu WILBUR R, SMITH, UQhlnston, Ky. BARGAINS We offer from t-h’s day ou our bteck Cass Suits at a 1 ])TT( If ~ (NT jp JAtoJM fVH U to 1 | i WIN ) / tol TW ENTY-FIVE PER CENT. In addition ro the above BARGAINS We have a small lot of BROKEN & SINGLE SUITS tirstclass, all wool goods, which we sell at $10&$12 A SUIT, Fogmer Price $«8 and $ 20 . All we ask is for you to See for. Yourself COATS AND VESTS In black and colored. Also a full hue of T I T .) _ y-. I ) l ) 1 I ( 1 P 1 YY rn I \ AND HOSIERY. Please give us a call. Very respectfully, . 4 . S. ROSENFELD, Gate City clothing store, 24l\VliIfohal I Street, Atlanta, Ga. l'Mm. We have on hand a few ‘ Top Buggies Brewster side Bar, also end spring. Buy one for association and camp meetings -flurry up” at Steward, A Boiler Shop. H “ 8 lo " g b "" r ...... ln ’' . say f ,h to ' our ““ friends T and fill , who S ?°'Z have to boiln,, to b. rdp.i,«i, or want New Boners Built, that we now have a goo 1 Boiler Shop 40 feet wide, 80 teel long, with at. L 40x40 feet, We are fully prepared to do all kind of Boiler work promptly. W e have fitted out our Boiler Shop with the Intest improved Steam Riveting Ma ch| r , lUnchand power shears power rollt,as and a 20 >d orane f handling iron with a few hands. We have etnpioyed a thoroughly com; e~> , eut J 5 0 j ]er >I aker as foreman of this ,k ’,T?* 8 d of men to work with him. We w now feel lully prepared lo build or re pair “ Locomotive Boilers, Return Tubular B ikrs, Upright Tubular Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, ” Sheet Iron Tnh<s for carrying water to wa ! f e r wheels. Tanks, Stacks and sheet jj-ou work generally. ! We 1 eept n baud a large stock o Boiler limit, ri.ets, Boiier flues and pfi kinds of Boiler Fittings. Give us a trial. GF0. R. LOMBARD & CO j FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND BOILER WORKS. 101 ; to 1V2G Fenwick Street, just above Passenger Depot, Augusta, j vrCor^lfl. SS'ASiSS hands Also Copper Work done and Engines Repaired. The LrcrMUfS MAGIC SCALE. ^KIEKHVKHlfHWKKl 5 - -* r ^ %\ •c if th« Magic Sc*le, being one-ninth ill „ jsl^gS^el actual gize. It i i not a mod* ’3 orchard, but a»ca leof inche*. •a P*wjth it a lady can cut from any fashion plate, making a perfect flt withont altera¬ tion*. Agent* wanted. MRS. S. E. 8UMMKB& mi- Cs*. Agent, Ceu/tif, G* MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION!!! :o: |4v it you can cut any garment. world The only system in the that is SaSttSTiS B"ok and lessons 85. fctnet attend tion given lo letters of inquiry. wanted. Local and trave'ing agents MRS S E. SUMMERS. Gen. Agt. Conyers, Ga. 2m. CITY MARKET i I ; ---by b e e f & pork * SAUSAGE, "Ro ■DCA'GiA.UkJllC y»"lrVtrtTT O OO J&T T?iEq Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market fiist door above Post-Office Conyers. Ga. 1 IiE QUEEN CITY BARB R-SH0P. FRANK LYNCH Censorial ^itist in Cjjargc. - :o: Ilei; cm ting in the neatest and new— est. style, Shaving, Shan poonirg and Dyengr executed with neatness and di8j . a .,.,,. ^^-Located in the Night bu Ining fii st floor ou the left up stairs. mmims mmum ETH Secure Healthy S faction Band to the Diver H relieve all tail -|rm« troubles. Furtlj So Sriplig. Frle« 35c, JL2I Srugglttt. C”®B C -BUTO §l£§Jl%^jp /p«M«a«ir*H»ffroniuipt«r*ak<Hi!d*tt^ \M<i Itara MMiUii to thtlr id*aot«f«. UH n»l tnu*,/ a AUne, DB. BUTTS, IS 8. 8lh »w, 8U Umk, Be KMABLISHED OVER THIRTY YEARS. OPIUM HABIT AND DRUNKENNESS, mf , R 08 ^I£ic £.*1 ° < vife lnvtter^Uivesti*iltloU! CBr ? 1 |n* form of Opium. Troth IteferencM bent in the State. For terms, pamph¬ lets and proofs, address, with three cent stamp, W. C. aSLLAMT, M. 714 Brood St, Atlanta, Ga. Abv one intending to use cotsl this winter will do well to cal! on I’ erce & Quigg. oo OO ro Findlay Iron Woi ks! OO Eaeaa l CCQEgiii, FINDLAY’S GREAT ‘ECLIPF’ WR0UBlfS QPDcuj P FINDLAY S JMPR POWE Ofi VE0 PRESS FOR WATER CRP W ji${ &Tc!m c OS -,11ft ■ n . •'tA* qUOASi HULLS - & - SYRUP ■ lllf ■ VCTTl | I LES Pit CIN GEAR, STEAM ENGINES- BOILERS, SAW AMH dd.-t * MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER** 11 ll\U/l\ TDAM C p \jT TP VV n rvto L 1 \ r) Tlfi C*^\ cf O u U ’ UU CCICH - > U. rliNJULAY A rr -. A . ’ * gen. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J S SCHOFIELD & SONS. Proprietors, Macm, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers in every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers , Engi me SAW.GRTSTand FLOUR MlhRS SORGHO MILLS », d KF.rrLES Ca-tings of I-very kind, Shaftimrs, Pulleys and Hangers LES ’ Judson’s Standard Governor, —Agents For— Nordykc And Marmon Milk And the Celebrated FAUGHT DEEUING HOR^F I’OWFR —Keep constantly in stock a Full Liue of— ““ *m srasw TH OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF U -DEALERS IN General Merchandise Etc. RAILROAD BLOCK CONYERS, GEORGIA Having linen vstabl shed for 18 y.'O.s, and carrying one t.l tho largest fullest and most complete stocks in the ooutry, we can sell goods as low as any, iinl we guarantee satisfaction. When you want - s. DRY goods, notions, 1 clothing AC, Call on J.H. ALMAND&S0N JOHN NEAL AND CO, PANY j -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN III ICE m MM§ > NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BHOAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. :o: nitnre. Special A inducements share of the offered to DEALERS ot Rockdale and and others adjoining in all counties grades t ot rie Fuj 8 1 > d. and palronage before making purchases. solicit* Be sure give us a trial your U. F. HARPER and BR 0 -, —DEALERS IN— G H N H 1 RAI H rchandis H 1 DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, G A- best Keep always on hand a full and complete aseormeet of 1 0 ve / DRY GOODS & GROCERIES NOTIONS, HATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOUR ETC., SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES, SPICES,CANNED GOO SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS kept in This Market and oth r And in fact everything WE BUY FOR THE CASH goods cheap as* and *e And are able and prepared to sell as ^ trial. guarantee to give satisfaction We want a, ®‘ juce. for all co «"to Jf pr 0 ( make a We pay the highest prices eigars an g We We keep tbe best grades of Tobaccos, sppeiah; of iln- 7 ICY HIXTOY Tohaco. , All goods delivered free in the City, RESPECTFULLY, U. F..HARPE