The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 03, 1883, Image 2

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j . n♦ d.. tfJ Sti THE C ONYERS WEEKLY. ______— GEORGIAN:,. THE TICKET FOE !■ hStfS*- J ' A P J f ■S'- 5 A Jm &m jP^ . \ . Tt is better to b8 elected and defiaml eil, than not, to be electee at a _ FREE SCHOOLS We don't wish to be understood as mak i g a special w ar upon the Negro far i. jib it. They are an unfortunate race . nd would iiave our sympathy if they acted right Born—created, below tlra white man, without the capacity to direct their own labor; never working to the extent of their ability save when driven by the lash or the pangs of hunger ; without any morality or virtue—the rogue and the harlot forming the nucleus to which all their society clings, they are unfit foi rulers in any government and the more you educate them the worse they become. And yet they enjoy more favors than any race beneath the sun, which can lie sbo*n by tire facts existing here in our own little county. In looking over the tax digest we find that the Negroes give in not quite t\yenty thousand dollars in property of every kind, paying a tax on fbe suneof $180- They pay a poll tax of about $ 300 , making a total of $ 480 . They receive back lor paupers and edu¬ cation nearly ?i 200 , or $700 more tlian they piv in. And this is not all. Three foruths of their dead are buried by the whites, while not one fifth of their doc¬ tors bill are paid. And still we hear the cry “ more mon¬ ey to educate the Negro 1” When we remember that this money must be raised by additional taxes upon hard pressed farmers, we say enough. The Free School System should be rem¬ edied or abolished. Each race should educate their young. Fighteen years have elapsedisiuce the Negro was declared free and they have accumulsted about $20 ooo in property in th s county. They have drawn $ 21 , 000 out of our treasuries ! A water nteloa weighing nearly seten pounds and raised in this county was sold in this place last Saturday. While we admit that melons are truck, we do not desire to have Mr. Grady of the Atlanta Constitution excite our people on the subject of t uck farming simply because this seven pound«r was raised in their midst. ECONOMIZE, A terrible drought 1 Gardens have been dried up, corn is a w’reck and but little cotton will be made. Things have an infantile appearance— they look equawl-y. There is a fine oppening for an ex treme tightness in the money market, and a prospective scarcity of meat and bread that makes the stomach weak. The crisis is coming and our people have got to prepare to meet it. Economize. Not to-morrow—to-day Commence right now and keep at it. Do away with luxuries. Make out without new conveniences Eat less meat. Do without coffee and corn whisky. Turn a cold shoulder to Western bug¬ gies, sewing machines and seven shoot¬ ers and quart bottles. Keep out of the stores unless you have the money. He who goeth often to the sfore, buy eth g^oods and payeth not, is enemy to himself and a curse to the merchant. Extravagance,is the bane of our people. One-half of the money spent by the farmers of our county could be saved. There are hundreds of .long, unpaid accounts in tne bands of our merchants that should have never been made. Economize and pay your debts. If you are out of debt you wont find it half so hard to stand the droughts. There must be a change. The time and tl >e occasion are at hand. The old man must economize. The old ’otnan must economize. Boys and th« girls must economize, its their only hope, and we behve that our people will do it There is a broad chasm in h ont that must be crossed. Economy is the only bridge. If not a pound of meat, a pound of su¬ gar or coffee, a pound of tobacco or pint of whisky, suit of clothes or a silk dress besides thousands of other things, were sold in this county in twelve months we would live just as comfortably. Our crops have failed and no mistake, It is now a question of economy or bankruptcy It is true that some of our farmers can pet on all right, but they are not in the majority. The strapped'side constitute the mass. But our people will come out all rtgfit if they will begin right now to do w ith out everything but the necessities of life. Rich diet and fine apprrel can be dis pensed with for a while. it must be done. Friends ! Countrymen ! Ladies ! Kcon oinize. *-»»•*» ,ri ,BAua f ■ Will be sold .before the , cour house |^‘‘ V J gale 0D JJ r8 tb( '. 'fa, Tuesday in August 1883 (he follow ir* described prime- ty to wit : (170,) 3,ie honored and seventy acres of land, more or less,, it being m the 4th district of o.iginally Walton now Ifockdnle county and being pm toi L'lSd-.Und "Z Gl ‘(Hi) mo liundrud anil ninety one founded as follows ■ On the north by the land of J. II. McCalla and ,T. G. Cooper on , he ea«t by the lands of Robl. Can non, on the south by J. 1L McCalla and on the west by J. 11. McCalla. Levied on as the property of James ^ Kennedy to satisfy a fi la issued f roin "ocktlale stiperi ir court ia fa vor ot G. VV. Knox vs. James A. Kennedy and J. J. Hammons. Prop¬ erty pointed out hy pitff. Parties in possession notilied. T Lis June 2(i 1883. A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff. i llkO i E, VANWINKLE & CO., MANUFAC i'URERS OF Cotton Gins, Feed ers & Condensers, Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. j i j j k to s: I 7sss--ss/i/5Lfi firs* B itwn i&Miha Ta jmwm Mr*m W«,.„ At igW -CO- U* GIN ANT) SELF FEEDER, Ex i hi ted by. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., At the International Cotton Expo s.liou, Atlanta. Ga., 1881. Awarded best sample, best general results in Ginning, first and best constructed Ma¬ chine the prize, $100. or gold 13. iS. Ricks, T. M Rmed< s, M ssis ; YV. F. Bartow?, Conncticut. If, I. Kimball, Director Gen. Also, first | reinium at the South State Fairs and the Georgia Fairs. This Gen is an % iron fran c, steel shafts, everything of the very best material am! all gneranteed. m m Wtf ■ liiMii] if : F Y !j mL a 1 ; i M! niii't mm 1 1 ^ a liiti I mwm .r. DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. Said to be the Press in the world. Suitable for Horse, Steam and Water Power. Takes up but little room Ginning and Packing can go on at the same time. E. YANW1NKSE & CO, Atlanta, Ga. SPECIAL LOCALS Mothers, the children’s summer suits have cciue al Stewart’s. Your boys from 3 y< ars to 30, can bo suited at J. A. & T. IX St< wart’s. When you want a stylish straw hat, Gall at StewaVs Wo notice eott'>nades at Stewa t’s tbat i ooks llke fi ne ( . a s 8 simers. at 25 cts per yard. Grain cradles by the dozen at Stewart’. White Irish linens at 25 cts per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Muslins 5 to 15 c‘s and cotton wos ted 9 cts at Suart’s. Sarah Bernhart 8 nd other siyles of S^ oves a l Slew at l , «*• A fresh arrival of shirts and collars a t Stewart’s, When you want a Terrell scrape or your buggies or wagons repaired, call on \V. V. Alrnand. | W^a...A. ; Hu^id ^ ^ applie bto me for letters ol ad mums ! 'radon on the estate of h izabe’.h Gregory lute of hockdale county, heeesae Uh.s .s tome all and 'he lai kmdted and creditoi, of Lliz^ abeln Gregory to oe and appear at »/ofhrm be ^Mom h^ „ AugUs slVoulJ n-’t lie granted to It. W. Howard on EMabe.h Gregory’s estate. Wits my hand and official signature, June 26th 1883 O. Seamans, 4t. Ordinaiy. GKOKGIA Rockdale County— hereas M. II. Waldrop, adminis \\ trator of the estate of Levi L. Waldrop, d.c’d represents to (he court of Ordinary in bis petition due ly tiled and entered on record that he lias fully administered Levi L. Waldrop’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from bis administration and rective letters ot dismission on the hist Mo itbiy in Avgust 1883 O. SEAMANS, April 27 3m. Ordinary, GEORGIA. Rockdale County.— Wh• reus. J. N. Nix and J. E. Lev rett administrators of J T. 0. Nix, deed represent, to the court in their petition duly tiled that they have fully administered J. N. 0. Kixs es¬ tate, this is therefore to cite all and singular, the kindred and eieditors of said deceased, to sl*nv cause if am thSy can why saitl administrators should not be discharged from their admin stratum and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, Next This May lltli 1883. O. Seamans Jill Ordinary, GEORGIA Rockdale- County— T y.Hz? j- nuzq O'-DCetJ, A. r r E m'c o'U(-&- r b r'rvrtv' km s ; r t -$<"K . 4 crm f-ppIL'c! tn me tor • ^ e i iicministt afcicn on the en ate . Eeajntr.iu Gregory late of Rock¬ dale County, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kio of Benjamin Gregory to be and appear at my office wuhin the time allowed by law and show can if any they can why permanent let¬ ters of administration should not lx granted to R. W. Howard in Benja¬ min Gregory' Witness my hand and official Signature. O. SEAMANS Ordinary... This June 2 Gili 1883 4t. ..»_.,-..~ ,. fl. .. . ». u: ,,..~.;.-;:,; . ,. .\ ........,...w~. «1' »~‘ 1 ' " ‘ 1 »..'- ‘ [oxide Acomb‘natianofPra- of Iron, Perumqn . » "".,,1“ .‘JQ’S" 5'" f . ’ , I ~, ~, ,; Bark andl’lwsphm-uszn (HF, f ‘1‘ v, ’lf: , ,_;‘ .- ‘1 1* ;. a palatable fornu For 1 . 3 q,“ d 1.. S, ”km. . ’). Debility, Loss of Amw .; ” ’ ». ‘- ' ~' .‘,:» ifiij'a' j»' 1. ,5. , tite, Prostratim of Vital é; ‘ . ,. - ' ‘1' ' '6 " . Powers 6: “indispensa‘ " ' T’ ~-“ . ‘ '1 1 " REV.J.L.TOWNER, REV. A. I. HOBBS Wrgtes:- . M»— s IRON After a. thorough tnal 9f the PURE FIE Industry, 111., says:— . in stating TON€g£fi iagzvplfigge e . E BBB THE . most excellent “I remedy consider; or :1: _ greatl fiinisters benefited b £111? 1ts a. use. and - the demhtated - - v1talforcea. - 110 Speakers . of the wiuflnd it n 9 - . _,A * - v " *3 1' '. "‘, ’._ ~ where a greatest. Tonic val u e ‘ 1,; (mg? 5,2,1”... ‘u L; . , 4i, ix" -. "3‘“: . Y , fl», , ls neces- : “' #:115- r' i ,: E =., ‘ I_recommend_it ~ ; ‘ 1 sary. tenable fifga' ,.} ..« ' ‘. , " ‘ .1351 as a. remedxal ,1 z; ,1 J - » _- , u}. agent, posseqsipg un- ? 22' 35" ,’ ; . .9. .. doubted nutrltwe and ‘2' " .3 .1‘ ,r- 33;, 4;: . " - . 31:25.4 ; restorative properties. -’» 52.5“? _ 4535!.“ €9.35“. :3 -’ 1:9 ' 29,. ‘ f 1;; ; ,_.~ .~ ‘ , 2'3 Luuimrille, Ky., 00!. 2, 1832. - ‘ » n,» w 4.. ...»... r _ - » U“ ' ' " ‘ “ . ‘ ' . PREPARED 5? THE DR. HABTER MEDICENE 60., 213 N. MAIN 51:,51'. mm. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, VE R, DISORDER^ED LI r three-fourths of From these sources arise the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, (Sick Head¬ ache, fullness after eatli.<, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, A feeling of having Fluttering neglected at the some duty. Dizziness, col¬ Heart, Dots before COIVSTIPATIOIV, the eyes, highly and de¬ ored Urine, remedy that directly mand the use of AsaLlvermedicineTUTT’S a acts on the Liver. the PILLS have Skin no equal. is also Their action removing on Kidneys and prompt; all impurities through these three “ scav engers of the system,’* producing stools, appe- clear titc, sound digestion, regular a skinandavigoroushody. TCTT’S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a MALARIA. perfect ANTIDOTE TO ?*.Y. Sold everywhere, 25c. Offiee, 44 Murray St., TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or Whiskers changed single in¬ plication stantly to a Glossy Black Sold by a Druggists, ap¬ of this DYE. by or sent Office, by express 44 Murray on Street, receipt New of $1, York. TUn’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. THE MI to else constant I improvement like and since that time (Oct-. ‘ 1881) have felt a new man. I truly hope that m tany of the sufferers will find out that you have a spec ific for nervous weakness and be cured by the same. P. S-—You will Respectfully Vours,-- ing referred not publish my name bat persons visit¬ you may be to nod I wi ll answer them. To every young, middle age or old man troubled with nervous or physical debili¬ ty free. or Send impotence sealed circular is sent full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, Mo. We want your address. You need cur remedy. Send and be convinced of this. one for asgoda tio» and camp meetings •‘Harr y up” at Stewart*. . F q r SALE , __ Que o( the most va1uable )ot8 in the l * n the very / center of the business <, iUiat on the corner of cen and tl.e rail™.!. Know* . »■« M BM Scott lot. Koto ™]ntal l.nune.s otom call no mistake on John If. tor Almand terms atJ. partculars^ it. Almarul & Son’s store. MES®EMB Bm and action Secure relieve to the Healthy all Liver bit --- —- ----~t; iou3 troubles. Purely VegstaHe; No Gripiig. Price 25e. All Druggists, C°~D-BUTO Skin anti long experience iu curing diseases of the Hones.-Nervous Debility, Inipot incy, Mercurial Or^ao'e WeakneM* Affections specially Gonorrhoea, treated syphilitic on scientific and, principles, ■with safe and sure remedies, call or write for List of tjues lions to be answered by those desiring treatment «i their by address,\ mail. ff Persons Buffering from Rupture should set I and learn somcihing I o their advantage. U is uot a Iruss.^ AddrCHS, DR. BUTTS, 12 N. 8lh S(., St. Louis, So, ESTABLISHED OVER THIRTY YEARS. OPIUM HABIT ..a.. AND DRUNKENNESS. DR. POSiYJW‘ly KEELExs 998‘!le aux.» and R germanently ‘MEDIES, containing cured by ‘ Inn fopm of 0p1um. '1‘11x1L11 State. invitesnnvesligation. ' ‘IRefcrences 1ewaudproof3,nddr958. hasun he wxm three For terms. cent stamp. pamph- ‘ V W. C. BELLAM'Y, M. I)“ V Ii 7 1-2 Broad 32.. Atlanta, Ga. i jUmS&L jyr OME A crrtaJo TREATMENT. for flatvou? Oebhity,Seminal enra fear mr'Ws Weak The Becipesii- rmss, >jct Ctnootonce, etc*, ia my practice for 21- >■■■■$■ and in !l!uBtrs,cabook offiOpapes fi -ii!).; fa!. j> ifctioneforpeU’-trcntmen*.. ' VJZIJ Ifc-E-s J'aA.oiO-i, Ag-hef jk T. T.' SiT. Si, ; - - ■ t -« JpPfeH -fp* F H E E1 aifc.=- B5 uLt atki *rjOutt A favor proscription of on« of the mostnot-d and fuccessfui Specialists in the U. b. (now retiredi for tits cure of Xervoi<» MtittM Ens* yCaiifiood, W'eaftiicsaatid Jiecni/. bent th plain sealed envelope/cee. Drusgtsiscauhll.u. AJdrass DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. iSIFEift j \ f. -1 <0 ■AS* jf-A li ' msSKmS Kk r i> felffiRS fiostetter’s Stomach rendering Hitters, hy Increasing physical vital power, aud the functions regular and active, and keeps the system in good working order, protects it against and disease. liver complaint For constipation, dys¬ pepsia kidney and rheumatic ailments, nervousness, it is in¬ valuable, and it affords a sure defence against malarial fevers, besides removing all traces of such disease from the system. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. HAsms nmtaf 51 Fg i'hemistt. co.,*swsbs nml Prop’s* Sole o HARRIS’ PASTiLLE fiEtfED' .V.;iiitJf*| Y*:ung iom Nervous Men ami others J'liysicai who uebil nutlet . i aud 'Situ* -ir qjjicklj- ^15241^2^ and radically cured ---- re The is put up in o-ixes. No. 1 (iastiug a lnoult No. (euoM/h u> tleet 3 cure, ti tnless in sov •ere rases, (iastiug tfiteo mouths;, S ent by mat i it: HirerI L.tit fur T»t S? acroni ipany or eh Box. 1 bin* this disease # mode '1)1 !• S.;Dt .SrialCt 1 cat: fi/: MSEEC n 3SMSIJ / MWM1L without f SSi ^feffss it. It contains tomere of last year illustrations, oraeriner jirices, accurate about 175]>aAre.w, odd directions planting descriptions and valuable for ioOO varieties of Veyetaljle and Flower Seeds, Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec¬ ially to Market Gardeners, gend for it! D. fifl. FEIRRV & CO. Detroit Mich. H ervoas Exhaustioa, Pi’emature Decay, Loss of Memory. An SO-page Cloth-bound Book of wh< lesomt Advice to Young Men, bv a Regular J’hysician. SENT FRE E THE HEALTH JCUSNAL, MILWAUKEE. WiS. MARKET j ~ ET ~ ' beef & poRK,| ■RpfpVhrmP jDaCKLDOUvj Rr OC T?ih^ ^ , Also good Multon. weights When and v„ cheap w,„ prices, „,ee J I meats, City Market first door above! call at the Post-Office Conyers, Ga. * H D H C/J j ■ Fistula, Fisure and ectular Ulcers I Dr. Tpher, , i NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., . MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE diseases, T~- nta.Ga. A. SHAXP, *Wr4 L~~. ■• r - m ' HP 83 CONYERS, GEORGIA. 4 LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE * ©SrThe best of vehicles, sale drivers and good, fast and rediab'e Im I have a!wt\s ready to suit day night I have ° rscs anyone, or horses women and children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. Al' Cheat) FEED If you have a horse that you want fed and well eared for have it done at my stable cheaper and hep ihan \’ V van can er you t an do it 0 self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him with m ' Good lot, stal s.atui attention. SALE. Pat ties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Drovers nv ke their b('adeptatters with me. BOTJCHT I pay the highest price for corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. L. A. SlfAliP, 45 J. S, DANIEIL, ’ -I)E A LER IN MACHINERY, FERTILIZERS ETC. ■ HEAD i HIS. >team Engii es (colon Presses, s- y. Mills, Syrup M .i /, Tlneshce, t ottm Gins, and Poll able Corn F ills, Beltings etc. and in fact for an , and k-nd ot any machinery that is wanted. lien you earn machin¬ ery don’t tail to call on aim. Al-o agent for the famous Ault man Jb Taylor Machinery. You can «a v money by calling on me. J. S. DANIELL H u H H , OO r-' r» Soutli Broad Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints,Gils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window Galss, —Headquarters {or alljdndsof— itISIS AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and pviops. JTST vV e also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils mu kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and, all Sixes _ (xtass. F. J. Cooledge & Bio., 53 South Broad si, Atlanta,La. ©iam &vwsm at —AT- C£3 CONVERT I I l I I I | SUiS^pi mmM if 07 1 ?1 ___ DEAI.ERS IN AOI HJ j 9 svsmT »ii§as?tio» iff ■ ; 0 : are agents * es SHtHSM AS® SAW MShU, SHg oiSdSUit ■M3 9 , has The most complete reaper, England and and one Ame wBicB. ^ aS £“ n ,{]*, had the thro»g taken the awards ol • • j . T-s-es. m-. -T -.V he'ter rates and on better terms than emc ^ ( j r .. ss Qair & Ovcrbay.Gonyers, Ga. Hi Mia tin H — IS THE - : • j tt- 5*« T M t - IMPROVED TRACTION With or without Reversing Crear. 10.18 amt 1 G HorsePower. Built by RUSSELL CO., Massillon, 0. CLOSELY Sells thecelelm fed Birdsall, and Ault man TavJor Engines, the Van Winkle, Wiiiship and Gullett Col¬ ton Gins. The Best C mdensers nml the very Fin pst Threshes s>hl u the South. A 1 t'l'l' ’ v LlOycC . J : I‘ Y I trap M a, the best made*