The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 03, 1883, Image 3

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[|conyers^ee]£ly^ CONYFRS. rlTY OF KOCKDALE COUNTY. Ml oRO '‘ m a — _III!........"' , ........PuBI.ISHKR Hoffliw. EniTor. perfect P astry P atent. gi it _ trial. . ^fafPrHarper&Bro’s made, ,e a at i. to ’ff delivered free. and Fine Nam hli* LiB ’ Jackonet Lt Pierce & Q'tigg’s. Fans, Laces, Collars etc. in father quantities. ^ far off, secure a hand git i* n ot very the occasion at line trunk for Ofjrt’s. meal and wliita fresh gr* 18 ’ noe, is at Stewart's. 1 3 nice light hoc, for the boys, a Perfect Patent Pastry and Peek’s ja.,18<> or at Stewart's. ' few only- Picture fames left at A Call early. .jiart’s. coni this i*f° ne intdenifig to use w ill do well to call on Pierce tor - ¥$S- B: ftbur for $I,oO ^celebrated B. 3 ’. \ at “Stewart’s.” Parties wishing work done with jable team should call on R. A. Almand. beauty, The curtain Lace, for Its a Stewart’s. Stper ya rd at Urties having pears for this sale office. can find a ,-j market for them at [parties having and houses attended to to rent by can calling have j^rer ted gi as at our office. Perfect Pastry Patent flour- for sale at [junk Harper’s cheaper than at any oth ,place in the city. ffeeverybody to advise give Perfect fc yry Patent a trial. It is the finest urin the market. Call on U. F. Har ftr& Bro. Isrper & Brother continues to sell the OHS P. P. P flour the best and whit lit on the uiatket. | Anew variety of stock powders, isiiJto work wonders, ’ Call for iered tm box, at Stewart s. I An endless variety of ladies’ neck Lr at Stewart’s. I Come one, come all, the old and Lug, thr- short., the tall, the rich fc poor, we please them all. Count Re bargains await your call at Stews Ill’s. Die paper speaks for itself. $1,85 Fill get the ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTISUTION and THE CONYERS WEEKLY, one whole year! $1,00 Kill get the Cox vers Weekly one year when paid in advance. bw I "hen sent by mail $1,25 will be the Address, THE WEEKLY, Conyers, Ga. A CALL! HI the citizens of Rockdale County, mil especially the farmers, and me tonics, are requested to attend a ; mss meeting at the Court House in j ■ S’ers, on Tuesday, August the 7 th %t.o o’clock A. M. for the purpose ^discussing the feasibility of building [Masd ht the question fully discussed, all who are interested in the Wding up of our county come out. Business Men. behave had a little hower. lake : Be up your grub and walk. Cruse House is now in full blast The poetry by Little Annie in the r°N South is very good. “Fatty Anderson ” the most popular Uel man in the State is now with the te House. Farmers and mechanics are deeply in- tefest’d in the cotton factory, and we ad n ® them to come out Tuesday. . ^e Cotton learn has that commenced to open. j the trustees of Salem i 'Sffipground have decieed to have no "“sting this year. Smyrna should do : •wise, 'L Lave an excellent communication titled a cohol whitfh will appear ne t reek. : ' - ® am Night will open out business . “ er ssoon. C°l. T. C. Nolan, of Atlanta held an •vdito r s court in the Brand and Kenedy ^‘erethis r ® UI- ton Baand week. and Son of Logans ’ y,, e ffere city attend ’ our this week i„ legal business. e8 8r3 ' J J- Langford & Company have ' Jf -, ffieir [ ■ stock of goods J. H. Almand to Y n ' " e have heard that a new firm ““Posed of Messrs. J. H. Ain ami & 11 and J. j. Langford and Richard Ley will be or has been formed. *■*# are all most, excellent business «ul we bespeak for them much suc- 6 eartl ^ at dronth has been as seat Uctive in portions o' Hen c «>ps some r,v < 0u nty as in Rockdale. Fine cigars—call c n Frank Ayers. Mrs. G, W. Cain is visiting hei father in DeKalb. Mr. lames Scott, of Newton county, is dead. A good man gone. Mrs. J W. Langt"o;d is visiting lier mother in Newton county, The re-union of the i8th Ga will , come offin.Conyers next year Messrs. George W. Hale also, Charley and Joseph McDonald, have gone to McDonough to put up some storehouses. Gabriel Mitchell, charged with stealing corn from Mr. Thomas Posey, was brought here yesterday by Mr. Dh k King and placed in jail. Th 1 doctors repot t a great deal of sickness over the county. The drouth has p’avcd rad havoc with the corn crop. Cotton is probably cut short one-half. The bear continues to disturb the slumbers of the average darkey. Miss Emma Peek, the charming daughter of Col. W. L Peek, spent several . days , . citv ., ... this week, . with ... „ in our " friends A negro living in the upper part of Sheffield, while caielessly handling a S' 110 , accidentally diicharged it, shooting off the big to • of his left foot. We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. Jbhn Reagin, which occurred on last Sunday morning. He has been an invalid from his infancy. A cotton factory will give the farmers a market for their products and work to the mechanics. They are the ones most vitally interested. Our young friend Joe Johnson, accom panied by about 30 feet of good grass rope, want out the other day to capture the bear. It is said that he was going to tie him like his grand pa used to do. The re-union of the 18th Georgia Wed' neslay was a grand day. Company ‘‘B,” Dr. Stewart ot this place captain, was the largest and will receive the old battle flag. We learn that the speech deliver¬ ed by the Dr. was a noble effort, patriot¬ ic and full of fine thoughts and true sentiments. The Diamond shirt has been received in large quantities at Pierce & Quigg s, and if you want the best shirt ever seen in this or any other market for the price, call and soe them It is the best made shirt we ever saw, and is of good goods. We advise every one to at least see these unexcelled shirts before purchasing. We sympathize with Mr. Ehney in the loss of his little child. Just one week ago he was called upon to mourn the death of his noble wife, and now death has robbed him of his only child. Truly the hand of Piovideiue reHs he wily upon him. A CORRECTION Mr- Editor—You spoke last week of the small attendance at the funeral of one of our best Christian membets of the Methodist Church. In extenuat’on of which, I feel it my duty to give the fol lowing reasons for the honor of our Church. First, the pastor was not at home. Second, by some neglect, the bell was not tolled, and but few, therefore, knew the.time of burial. Third, in consequence efthe extreme hot weather, decomposition had so far advanced that great despatch was nocec sary. Th se reasons will. I believe, ex¬ onerate us from any mean neglect of the much loved Christian sister *!n our last , u leS . 0 , ie ‘‘ Mexuodist. The above “correction” don’t correct., 80 far as the P astor ls c ° ncern * d he ls j ^leased. Iu the s-c -nd reason wh " e odist church does contain ma.v good and noble ohriftains, is guilty. It ought not ; to have been “neglected.” Tne church knew she was dead; knew when she was! to be interred and it was somebody 's ; dirt!/to toll t he bell. j • ... -«=—— - APPLICATION ASKING FOR LET TEKS Of DIoMlbSlUri. I GEORGIA, Rockdale Countv Whereas J. T. Adair Administra¬ tor of James G. Kirkpatrick late of said county deceased, having made ad; lication to me for teave to see a part oi the lauds beloning to the estate of said deceased. This is to cite all persons concerned kindled ar id credetors of said deceased lo and appear at my office on the first Monday in Septemberlnext by 10 o’clock a. m. and show cause it any they can why said administrator should not have leave to sell the Ju part ihe lands delooging to said es. tate tor distribru.ion ameng ihe heirs and creditors oi said deeea a ea. Given under tuy lrnnd and official signature. 0. SEAMAMS This July 26th 1883 4t. Ord’y. CITATION. State of Georgia Rockdale county. Wbe-'eas John O Bohauan j xecu ter of Mary C. Ozburn represents to the court irt his petitions duely filed tnai he has tul’y administered Mary C. Qsdurn estate. This is therefore to cite all persons enneerned hens and creditors to show cause if any they cau why said executor should not be discharged from his executer Ship and receive letters of dismission on Mhe first Monday i. September 1883. 0 . Seamans 1 3, > ru. Ordinary.. TWO VOICES. We sit in (he garden. The last pale tays of fhe summer sun are tinging with a fashionable Ime the withering leaves of the old Fnglish peach lree that forms a canopy o’er our head A gentle zephyr fans our brow, plays wkh our silver locks and softly rubs the tip of our auburn nose. What’s that! A delicious odor softly touches the sense of smell; a soo'hing influence steals o’er our brain and we realize that we are in the home of the silver skin. What’s that ! A gentle voice is creeping into our ear! It is the voice of the cuke I He !s talking to Ihe silver skin. “ What’s thy future ?” we hear him ask, and tiie sweetscented reply is waft¬ ed back upon the gentle breeze, “ I am hlin(i as to the future. Its the one tiling ^ can f scent - the dark horse in the I 806 01 Uf * B,lt l know ,he r f, C(mi o{ m v - .. -o‘^r , lowed , T’ was swm a pi»t °f salt, a pone of light f. bread and . °* . , ^ . . by delicate , Georgia SIX er sls , eis a belle. The belle went to church about a week after my mother’s demise and soenl her last remains out thiough the audience, It was an effecting scene. Several ladies fainted, and every time maiden bieathed a victim dropped. She kissed her beau good by that night and as her hot breath moved through his delicate mustache he pressed her to his breast and whispered ‘my own dear silver skin. ’ They married. My mother made the match. My father is dead. During the great w ar on dogs in Atlan ta he was sold to a butcher of that city and disappeared with the noble howlers through the sausage mill. My brother perished in Africa He was carried there by’a missionary. The missionary fell into the hands of savages. My brother was used as a flavoring for for a missionary stew'. My sister was considered a murderess, bhe weighed to pounds. She fell into the hands of a McDon¬ ough b*dle. Inguns, especially silver skins, don’t grow to large for their emporiums. The belle was a determined girl and said, “ I will eat you or bust !” She busted. What will be my record and fate I know not. I am longing to go out in the world, to be in actual use. I care not to what land I go. 1 care not how' I am served or into what I am made just so I am never get into Atlanta boarding'house hash. That would oe a humiliation ; a stain upon the family record I could not bear.’ The voice was hushed and thus spake the cuke: “I, too, have a family and a family record, but I will not give it. I propose to make a record of my own. I long to get free from this frail vine ami down to actual work. When I get out in the world L will have thousands of friends. The physician is the friend of the cuke, even as the cuke is the hope of the physician. I am the “ trucu ’’ for the doctor. I am the truck that converts the sweet infant mo a howling half-moon. Iam the tinea that pins the upper limbs of the old man to the pit of his stomach, and throws the old lady to (he floor with the gripe of death. I am the truck that leads the fair maiden into the valley of the shadow of death and leaves her with the physician “ * ' ,^ !m h b . to cll the LG _ ur ^ f u,e e of the d c k I am the truck that waf s on high the soul of the saint and fills with sinners th' catacombs of hades. O, I m a daisy and I want get to huso . ness. My hom is in South West Georgia— Quitman, care of A P. Perham, my ad> u reaSj aiK l 1 want yon to read my rec ord. ’’ The voices are still. ’Tis dark. The leatherwingedbat flits snappishly athwart j the gloom. The screetchowl hoots as he j snatches a careless mouse from the old | barnyardfence, and leaves Ihe world to j darkness and to me. Married— at the residence of the bride’s father in Covington at 11 o'clock on last Wednesday morning, Rev. W. F. Robenson officiating, Mr. R. Cruse of Conyers, to Miss Edd’e Smith, of Cov¬ ington. Quite a number of relatives and friends were in attendance, among ethers were Miss Chick of .Social Circle and Messrs. J. A. McCord and C. J. Almand of Conyers. They arrived here at 12 o’clock accompanied by Mr. W. B. Mul¬ len and Lady, sister of the bride, and partook with several invited guest, of an exce’Ient dinner at the Cruse House. The bride wore a handsome brown silk and looked beautiful. To Mr. Cruse and his excellent lady we extend, for our¬ selves and the people of Conyers a hear¬ ty congratulation and a true welcome, and wish them abundant success and happiness. We also return thanks f or the splendid “waiter” placed on the ed¬ itor’s desk. ™ ea -. loads ,oads “ of watermelons watermelons tte were e sold m this place last (saturuay, and the negro was never happier. Rice was in active demand last week Caro ptneetings will coon be in order. H J A full line of Cici!ca» and Alapaca COATS AMD VESTS in all sizes from boys up to 8 breast also EXTRA long sacks. Also a small lot of COLORED ALPACA COATS at $1,50 to, $3,00, former prices §3,50 to $5,00. Just received a full lot of OUR OWN” perfect fitting dress shirts, fn lanndried and unlaundried, at the same popular low prices Please give us a call. Very respectfully, A A S. ROSENFELB. Oate City clothing store, 2 t.WhHelinI 12-3m. Street, Atlanta, Ca: 13 Bro.vd Street.........ATLANTA, GA. Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For — Averill Mixed Paint Company. Als' 1 Aeents For THK SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure rentedv for damp walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary Insti¬ tute of Great Brittain. xrao- -#si HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. OWENS HOTEL Formerly Ctu c e House, J M OWENS, PROPRI’TR Newly fitted up. Table supplied Free Hacks with the best the market affords. meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON GEORGIA. ATTEND THE Ot Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, KY. Tim* to complete the Full Diploma Business Course about Bh^PSSS£SS& last yea Sfude: begins SMITH) Lexington. Ky. WILBUR R. <0 5-TON JONES] Bold Jorfree on trial. book, address Warrants & years. All sizes as low. *•' 1 •v JOKES OF IfiKGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, R. Y SOUTH’RN SANITARIUM ✓ THIS INSTITUTION, formely known as the Atlanta H-alth Institute “Water Cure,” is universally acknowl¬ edged to be the most complete and thoroughly rational and scientific es tablishment f or the treatment ot the sick in the southern states. The foi 'owing area few oi ibe rnanv remedial agencies employed in addition to the usual approved remedies; The celebrated Moliere-Thermo Elecrtic Bath, Improved Turkish,Full Electric Russi n Roman, E Vapor, and some iwcntv different kinds ot ELECTRIC water batiis. ALSO Swedish Movcm lit by lrn-j chinery, and mauua operation by j uained rnenfc, etc., inanipula'ors, ic. Massage tieai-J < Special attention given, to the tai'cotment of Diseases peroiiliar to Invalid Ladies! also Dyspepsia, Nous lalgia. Rheumatism, Diseases ol rhi* Kidneys Liver and Bowels, Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs (Jhornic diseases are 1 adiiy and permanently Address cured at ihisinsiitution. U 0 ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, AUnata. Ma.:,OCH'| A First-class Busine ss S chool COlLiiGl •~qual to any North or South. Send for Circulars, free. ACON, GA. W.McKAV, Principal. ’IHE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP, :o: Consort'dl Artist in <£ljar§e. :o;- Hail cutting in (he neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Sha ; poonir.g and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. StUrKmated in tlie Night builniitg first floor on the left up stairs. VIGOROUS HEALTHforMEN TESTED 'S' CUPg ^1*3^ mm FCliX YEARS jj,y nse j„ thousands ^ FOR -^yscleutiflc of cases. Founded on •JffJSjuciples, medical prin ^**^01* ^ it has been trow while Its ing in favor and reputation invariably lailed. The numerous direct application competitors of have this remedy to die seat of the disease makes its specific influence felt without delay. The natural functions of the human organism are restored. The animating ele¬ ments of life which have been wasted are given back. The buoyant enengy of the brain and muscu¬ lar system renders the patient cheerful; he gains strength NERVOUS with rapidity. obscure DEBILITY, organic weakness, and best numerous physicians, result diseases, baffling indiscretion, the skill oi for youthful too free indulgence, and over brain work. L>o not temporize while such enemies lurk in your ss'stem. Take a remedy that has cured thou¬ sands, and does not interfere with you attention to business or cause any pain or inconvenience. ( Send for r. Descriptive Pamphlet giving Anatomical^ % IiluKtrafiona, theyembe which will convince the manhood, most sceptical and that restored to perfect W ■ fitted for the duties of life, same se if never affected. ■ Sent free to Remedy sold ONLY by the * any one. HARRIS REMEDY CO.MF’G CHEMISTS. 30 S , N. I 0 «h. SI. ST. LOUtS. MO. iae Ujstl'Etjeatscfit 55 . tro scstis S 5 . tins afstis *7 -■ CC amtsmm !r-1 0 GO Oa P JZ o ■w Ai@i& M3 & &t *SIS to * SUGAR MILLS & SYRUP KETTLES, ClfJ SEAR; STEAM ENGINES BOILERS. SAW AND GRIST Wilt MACHINERY AND GASTINGS OF AIL KINGS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wrought aiBf cast,) ©af’Sewd for eiienlar= and pn'cesfbr all ihe above. Address, Agen. C. D. FINDLAY, SCHORELdT IRON WORKS! Ji S SCHOFIELD & SONS. Proprietors, Manor, G.bdr”i», Manufacturers and Dealers in every Variety cf Agricultural Machinery, Schofield's Pat. Cotton Presses, Baiters, Engines.t SAW, GRTST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers’.' —Agents For— Judson’s Standard Rover nor, ISordyke Aiitl MiinnbnMtk And the Celebrated FAUGH T DELHI NO HOUSE POWER. — Keep constantly in stock a Full Lii.e of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING. PIPING, COMBI¬ NATION MONKEY W BENCHES &C &C, 1 1 —DEAI.HRS IN— G H H M H H DECATUR STREET, CONYERS. GA. Keep always on hand a lull and complete assortment of.«he very best DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, N0TI0KS, HATS, HARDWARE,'CROCKERY, meat, flour etc,, SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPiCES,.CANNED GOODS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, M. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in This Market and other WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to se’l goods as cl;cap as r.m body ami we guarantee to give satisfaction. We uant a I 10 call ami give its a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We loop the beet Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make a speeialiy of the EVCY HINTON Tobaeo. All goods delivered free in the City^ RESPECTFULLY, U. F. HARPER & BRO 0 I I Convers Get DEALERS IN aLL KINDS OF ry pods & Notions m- Boots A Shoes nlso Groceries such Sugar, Clolhing, llats, Caps, as Snqff Coffee, Tea, Syrup. Rice, Griis Meal, Oat Meal, Tobacco, etc. Wccall especial nitr ation to oar hue of 801 -. FANCYGROCER’ES &C0KFECTI0NER1’S Such as canned tomatoes, peaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon, Mack¬ erel, sardines, condensed mi k, jolly, pickles, candy both fancy and slick, nuis, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon baking powders, Hors ford’s broad preparation, etc., etc. Our pepper and spices both ground, and grain are the very best in the market. aiTO tmnm & We also keep a good variety of Fresh Crackers, both plain and sweet, Also the celebrated, Lustro Shoe and Stove Polish. A good line of Table anil Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Class and Wood ware, etc, ttaTWE MAKE FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,' Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales- Terms strictly CASH- (x. IV. WEA VEli & Jilio. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER, The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MACHINE I ADD MUCH TO TIIL 1 MANY EXCELLENT QTLfl L - TIES of this Superior Machine. »' . \F It is an E-peial Favorite of Ladies, m. . Tail os aud Others, m * 1 Who use them for the many advantages m fvWVUl they pisess over other Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE Warrented for 5 years. a J I) & T E. SMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, .-1; tBi. 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. H P. & D. M.. ALMAND, Agents, Con j ere, Geotgia, —J—