The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 03, 1883, Image 4

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A QUEEIT OF THE STAGE. “ SMr t &SW ” 0,n ‘ n (iVeia York World.) Several years ago the American public Were arou-ed by tne entree upon the s<age of a little lady who had been previously innu¬ but lit le announced. She was one of an merable number of aspirants for pub ic f vor and had no i. strumentality, aside from her own talents, to cau e recoguiiion. she quickly In spite of this fact, however, the heart cf the achieved a warm place in ed hold public, wh.o.i si e i ns cont n to eve • since. When it was an ounced, world therefore, that Miss Maud Granger star the ccmig season in the play “Her second Love,’ wr.tten by Mr. John A. JSte en , it wa- only i at talthat unusual inteies should bj mamfes ed 1 0 : only in thea.r.iat cir. 1 s, . b it ui br ncl.os of tne community. This spec ally (h i oa e, ns it was k iown t at Miss Giang r h .d for the past year, the been n exceeding.j delicate hea th, and d. t rmmat.on to star in a strong emotional p!ay wis tie more surprising. 0 » e of the sla of this pa e wa - accord ugly depute ed to see the 1 o ular 1 dy and veiny the rumor or at no tnce .ts inc-oire tm-ss. Miss Granger’s countenance is familiar to nearly eieiy one in the Ln.ted States. It is a face once seen never to be forgotten. Features remarkable in their outline and contour aie surmounted by a pair of large and deep i yes indicative of the greatest soul power, [l is easy to seewheie Miss Gianger obtains the ability to portray charac.ers of the most emotional nature. She possesses within herself the elements of feeling, with¬ out which no emotion c m be conveyed to an audience. The man of news found the lady at her home in this city, and was ac¬ corded a quiet welcome. It was evident at once that she was in greatly improved her health, which the expression and color of countenance both indicated. “ Is it true, Miss Granger, that you con¬ template a starring tour the coming season?” “ Yts indeed. My season begins in Chi¬ cago on July 16. From th re 1 go to San Francisco, and then play the remainder of the season through the Eastern and West¬ ern States.” “ Are you confident your health will per¬ mit such an undertaking ?” A ringing laugh was the first reply to this question, after which she said: “Certainly. It is true 1 have been ill for the past iwo years, but now 1 am wholly re¬ covered. Few people can have any idea of the strain a conscientious actios > undergoes in essaying an emotional part, it is neces¬ sary to put one’s whole soul into the work in order to righ ly portray I ho character. This necessitates an utter abandonment of one’s personality and an assumption of the portrayed. If this is an emo¬ tional part it is necessary to feel the same emotions the part is supposed to feel. For more than a year 1 acluaJy cried oach night in certain passages of a part J was playing. The audionce considered it arl. Probably it w. s, but those were none the less real tears and the effect wai none the less trying upon my health.” “But do you anticipate avoiding this in the future?” “Not in the least. I expect to have just as great astrain as before, but with re-to:eel health and a knowledge of how to retain it I do not fear.” “You spe dc of a ‘know’edge of howto re tan health.’ Will you p ea e explain what you mean by that?” “ You must be aware that women by then very natures a e sub. cot to troubles and afflictions unknown to the sterner sex. The name of these Coublos is legion, but in whatever form they may co ve they a e weaknesses which interfere wiih every ambi¬ tion mid hope in life. I believe thousands of noble which women the are to -day suiiering agonies of even r best friends and rela¬ tives know little or nothing, and when 1 re¬ flect upon it I o.uife s it makes me sad. Now all this misery ari os largely from an ignor¬ ance of the laws of life or a neglect to care bitter observe experience them. 1 speak from the dept! s of a m saying this, and 1 am thankful I know the means of restora ti m, and how (o remain in perfect health.” “ Ph ase e.vpl tin more fu ly.’ specially “Well, adapted I have found a remedy which seams for this very | u pose. It is pure and paint: b’.o and controls tliol.ealth and life as, I bel eve, nothing else will. It is really invaluable and if all the women in America wore to use it 1 am quite sura most o ' tha suffering and many deaths might be a\o ded.” “What is this wonderful remedy?” “Warner’s Safe Cure.” “ And you use it ?” “Ooiu-t intly.” “ And honca believe you will be able to go th o gh the coming sia'-ou successfully.” I am qu to oerlnia of it.” “A few queilions more. Miss Granger. Will you p’i a e g ve me a list of tho parts you have created ant tho plays you have taken part in sinte your first appearance in public ?” “1 fits pin ed for some time wilh t! o amnio ns in Now York an t Brooklyn, lthen wen to ti e Ui ion Square theitre for two i easous, after that t > the Boston Globe for one s a on ml (hail to Boo h’s theatre ii tins cily. Next I supported John McCullough m d afterwa ds starred in Ju iet, O mille, Rosalind, etc. Subsequently 1 created the part of Cicely Blaine in the -Galley Slave’ and also starred in ‘Two Nigh sin Rome,’ playing the part of Antonia. The past year I have been playing in tho Tl liter's Wife’ and the coming Second season, ns 1 have .-a d, w.ll bo devoted to Her Love.’ ” As the writer was returning home lie fell mto a train of musing and vonderedif all the women in tins land who are suffering could only know Miss Granger’s experience an l the remarkable results achieved by the pure might remedy she u e I, how much suffering he avoided aud how much happiness secured. household, Charley, stood the three-year-old and of inter¬ the an attentive ested looker-on while grandma was par¬ ing potatoes for dinner. Presently she made a sign of discontinuing the work with a single potato little left unpealed and unwashed. The fellow reached into the pan, took it in his chubby hand, aud turning his bright eyes in an ap¬ pealing glance to grandma’s face, ex¬ claimed: “Take ’im c’oes off and givo ’im bnff, too.’’ Full of Hope. Dr. Charles Lloyd, of Great Bridge, Va., endorsed it. In the full vigor of life, a sudden cramp is often the precur sor of death. Dr. Worthington’s re¬ nowned Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine should be in every household, as a sure cure for all complaints of the stomach and bowels. Price 25 and 50 cents a bot tie. A seven-year his older, with the asked punster bis mark on brow, at dinner mother wliat was in the jar on the table. “Pickles, my son,” was the reply. ‘ ‘Then, mamma, pickle little one out. for me,” came with a stunning force from the child, and the mother fell over a chair and fainted. “Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills for the cure of Neuralgia are a success. __ Dr. G. P. Holman, Christianburg, Ya. 50 cts. at druggists. There is more sense than poetrv in the remark of somebody’s wife, who said she was glad the family was not rich, “foi then we wouldn’t have half the fun w« now have in paying our bills and trying to save a dollar for a rainy day ” “Five doctors; no end of medicine; no re lief. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure has driven awai. nil eruptions and I'm. nea^-ly well.''—Ida. C. Young, Hamilton, Ill. Army worms are taking Rapides par ish. La. Do you i-leeji hitdly at night ? Why suffei from indigestion? Gastbink will give yon All relief. Gastbine is in liquid form. druggists. Long Ago.—M ore than half a century ago Widow Ross of Lyman, Maine, ad¬ vertised in the Kennehunk Gazette for information of her son, whose name, singularly enough, was Charlie Ross, and who had mysteriously disappeared. Read This. The Army out and of Navy Liniment takes the soreness spavin, ringbone, splint or curb, and arrests their growth. Cures colic, scratches and other diseases. Good for man or beast For sale by all druggists. There are $800,-000 in the State Tresis ury of Texas. Ladies A children’s boots A shoe* can't run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffener, are nsed. There are 600 more [men than women in Butler county, Ala. " Not a drink, not sold in bar-rooms, but a reliable, non alcoholic tonic medicine, use¬ ful at all times, and in all seasons, is Brown’, Iron Bifters.__ Five thousand alligator hides were re¬ cently shipped from Orange, Texas. Wai.tkrboro, S. C. Dr. J. M. Klein says: “Brown’s Iron Bitters have given uni vei-sai satisfacti on.” __ Immense quantities of tomatoes are being shipped from Chattanooga, some 600 boxes daily. Conyers, Ga. Dr. W. H. Lee says: ‘•Brown’s Iron Bitters is a good medicine and many are using it in this place.” There is more sense than poetry in the remark of somebody’s wife, who said she was glad wouldn’t the family have was not rich, fun “ for then we half the we now have dollar in paying our bills day.” and trying to save a for a rainy We Advise It. If your hnir is thin and falling if out, if hail yoi are becoming prematurely bald, your is d”y and sickly, usa Carboline, the grea' natural Hai r Restorer. One dol lar a bo .tie A judge in Toronto, Canada, on dis cnarging marked that a snow-balling “the boy youngster, re¬ who would not peg snow-balls should be put under a glass as a unique specimen. ” Chapped hands, face pimples and rongl skin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap madt by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. Offended. — Harvard students art offended by a remark of President Eliot that the initiation ceremonies of then secret societies “have ceased to be barbarous and are simply foolish.” “Herb, now,” said a mother to he? little boy, “take this good medicine. It’s sweet as sugar.” “Mamma, I km little brother,” the bov replied; “give ii to him.” Pure cod-liver oil, from selected livers on the sea shore by Ca3weli, Hazard & Co., Nets York, Absolutely pure and sweet. Pa tients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians declare it superior to all other oils. Offended. — Harvard students are offended by a remark of President Eliot that the initiation ceremonies of their secret societies “have ceased to be barbarous and are simply foo lish.” ON THERTT DATS* TRIAL. The Voltaic Belt Co. , Marshall, Mich, will send Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial who for thirty afflicted days to men (young and old) ity, lost are vitality and with nervous troubles, debil¬ kindred guaranteeing speedy and complete resto¬ ration of health and manly vigor. Ad¬ dress as above. N. B.—No risk is incur¬ red, as thirty days’ trial is allowed. A Boston artist pointed a string of who ten trout so naturally that the man bought it told everybody that lie had pur¬ chased a picture of 575 trout all on one string.— Philadelphia, Till- Doctor’s Indorsement. Dr. \Y. D. professional Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the indorsement: “Ihave Dr. Wm. Hell's Balsam for the in a great number of eases and always success. One case in particular was given by several consultation physicians with who myself. had The been patient called for all the symptoms of confirmed consump¬ cough, night sweats, He commenced hectic fever, immediately harrass etc. get better and was soon restored to his usual I have also found Dr. Wm. Hall’s Bal¬ for the Lungs the most valuable expecto¬ for breaking up distressing coughs and that I h ave ever used." _ Durno’s Catarrh Snuff cures Catarrh and all of the mucous membrane. QR-WORTHINGTON’S oe© A rfc v= 1 & HQLERA 'llARRHOEAtfuRE YEARS.^^te^^ <■^VER 2lf Dysentery, The host remedy Summer for Complaint, Cholera. Cramps, Dlnrrhfra af ections of the stomach and bowels. Introduced I>yspepsla. in and othti the Army 1862, by Surgeon-General C. S. A. Recommended by Gen Warren, IJ. Purveyor-General; Hon. Kenneth Ravner, Solicitoi S. Treasury . and others. Price. 25 cts. Sold by Druggist and Dealers. Onlv genuine if our name is blown in bottle. Sol naroprietors. THE CHAS ES A VPGEIER COMPANY, o nu&ictufi' b Otoij ach Bitters, by in creasing vital pow¬ er, and rendering the physical regular func¬ tions am active, keeps tin system in good and work ing order, pro tects it against dis gAi^ip: ~ r : ease. For constipa = -~~ tion, complaint, dyspepsia am m liver ner vi tttene ss ? Kidney ailments, ant rheumatic r it is invaluable, defenct and if affords a sure fe against malarial vers, besides removing all traces of such dis BiTTEB 5 Mae from the system. For sale by all druggists and deal¬ ers generally. YOlW MEN WANTED in Sept., tolars TELEGRAPHY. Situations guaranteed. Address Join. A R. R* Tei. Ooiiege, Ann Arb r, Mich. MM 55 to ■■I .. rrx • WU.LW1WD A key _____ So • - is-V that WATCH f^oy waicnmakers. By mail 25c. Circulars A Veteran Soldier. I Mr. O. F. Bowles, of No. 24 Common Street, Lynn, While in the army. »t the battle of SpottsylTania, 1 fell while getting over a rail fence and wal badly injured and left for dead, but after a time I was picked up by comrades; and upon examination it was found that ml back was badly hurt and my kidneys seriously injured. atten'd ^d^‘to“as on ^td g " to business, and am free from the pains I for merlyhad; and I wish to say to my friends and comrades that Hunt . Bemedy will do all that is claimed for it. and is worthy of all praise. Ton canuse my testimony when you have occasion to, as I most heartily recom Tp d tm atha ^^ iyertrouble8 '” rii 2 “You May Use My Namf.” I desire to Inform you what your valuable medicine has done forme. I was induced to try it by a member of famiJyj “who had been benefited by its use. ” our i have suffered terribly from kidney difficulties. At times I have been very bad, having severe pains in my back, with general loss of strength and vitality. My urine was very bad, with a heavy sediment of brick-dust, which was fast leading to gravel. I com¬ menced using Hunt’s Remedy, with a marked improve* ment from the start; fche pains left, the urine became more natural, and I can truly say one bottle effect91 a permanent cure . both here and I have recommended it to many persons in Boston, all of whom speak of it with the highest Iraise. You are at liberty to use this letter or my name in any manner you may think best, that other sufferers may learn the value of the greatest of all remedies. Most truly yours, JOHN F. COX, 62 Pleasant Street. Malden, Mass., Ap ril23, 1883. __. There is no use in contesting the seat when you have an eight ounce will carpet be tack for a rival. The decision strictly partisan .—Detroit Free Press. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBES t DU HALL’S WM. SUE BALSAM f nr e» Hoarsanoss, and all Aithma, Dluuei Craaa, af tha Brenthin, Whooalnf Couch, Organa, It aaathea aad haals tha Membram ilaease, •f the Linn, and Inflamed the and night aolaaced by th J prevents sweats ta tlghtneea acroas the cheat incurabla which aooompaai It. Conaumptlen BALSAM la aot an malady. HALL’S profeaclonal will fall#. aura yea, area though aid IRON WORKS. D. A. MULANK, Manager. P. 0 Box 1690 New Orleans, La ^Manufacturer of^^nol dsM3ejebra Steam, Hand A Horse Power. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, and Building Menga Patent Dredgeboat Work. Black Fronts, Columns. Railings, smithing tar-ORDERS and Machine SOLICITED. Work. CHICAGO SCALE CO. 1 2 TON WAGON SCALE, $40. 3 TON, $50. Toil Ib-am Box Included. The COTTOW “Little Detective,” BEAM & 14 FRAME, $45. lb. $3 oz. to 25 300 OTHER BIZF.S. Reduced PRIG E LIST FREE. FORGES, FOR TOOLS, LIGHT WORK, &c. $!f REST FORGE MADE $11 4i> lb. 4 nvilatul Kit of Tool*, Farmers savo time and money doing odd Article jobs. Hl-rJ '***•*. Blowers. vitwicq > nvil^. PHD'.KA. Vicos WIIOLKS4LK & Other * RETAIL r »«r COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS BALTIMORE, MO. The practical advantages of thi* school are unsur¬ passed. Clinic held at City Hospital, Maternite and Maryland Woman’s Hospital, all of which belong to this Work school. required Physiological of Student. and Chemical Apply for Laborrtory catalogue every a to DR. THOMAS OPIE, Dean. 39 N. Carey street. THE COLUMBIA ATHEN/EUtYI TENNESSEE. A Boarding and Oay School for Young Ladies Founded 1852. Chartered 1858. Advantages:—H ealthy Location. Large Grounds. Commodious Buildings, well Lighted and Ventilated. Full and Efficient Faculty. Best Advantages in Music, Art, etc. Fine Aparatus and Library. Thorough In¬ struction. Good Table. Next Session September 3rd. Catalogues _ROBT. Frse. E. SM ITH, A. M., President. Roanoke Cotton Press. The Best and Cheapest Prea* Vi made. Costs less than sheltsi I over other presses. Hundred a m in actual use at both steam and horse power gins. Makes hea\ .* bales by liana faster than an 1 j gin can pick. The new describes improve¬ ments in gin houses in the words of their F inventoi ‘I l.j free Iron to Wor all. tKB, Add ress Chattanooga, | R KOANOKK Tenn., or Roanoke Cotton Press Co., Rich Square, N. (.t ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, CHAKIiOTTESVLLIiE, VA. Able Faculty. Healthful and beautifnl loca¬ tion. Instruction thorough. Terms very low. Session begins September 20th. Order cata logue. Wm. Kev. P. A. Eubank, A. M., | Principals. Dickinson, FREE Send to MOORE’S It I.MVEBSITT, Atlanta, La. ’•’or Illustrated C’-^ni^r ?Ath year <o 5-TON lac - JONRI 4 ro\“;?k. 8 K'™ t, T^BV T Ay,ia?: | J S a {•Id OB trial. Warrant* 5 years. All sizes as low. *or free Wok, sdctrsss I ■ K JONES OF 8IKGUAITU!t, BINGHAMTON, H-t. Hoy information went STEPHENS, is by Of eagerly his EDWARD. South brother. solicited in whe 1863 J. 1NO. J. STEPHENS, St. Stanislaus, Elobis iant, Missouri. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. The Medicine sold for a small margin aboT“ the cost o oropounding. on.” lor t«dl A paiticulars ! 1 cases treated by special prescrij addre-a the i)hcnvC]'«t IS. S. B, GGLU«f. La Pori , !ttd, MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIEi OF ALL KINDS, BELTING, HOSI and PACKING, OILS* PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, SRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, 4s. Ssndfer Prles-liflL W. H. DILLINGHAM ft 0« 431 Mala Strati iOUISVILLE. KY. S jntt Best Cough WMm Syrup. AU Tastes CISC FAILS. good. Dse in time. Bo(a by druggists ■ eg M A6ENTS WANTED titi« with Itacliinc IltEDani over invented. TOE complete Wif knit a pair of stock ’osT'- ft 'It also knit in 2U minutes, there " is always a a readymarket. grea variety of Send fancy for circular work, for & which terms CO- 163 Tbem Street, knitting machine ont BOSTON, MASS. Or. LaFIEUS ’ FRENCH MOUSTACHE VIGOR p & G rows a Ivartl o n the smoothest fttce in 20 days or wi ^ tUv money refunded. Never fails. Eenton receiptof50e YL» Jj 8t imitations; * ,n P? ** none ; S other packages genuine. for $1. Send Beware for circular. of cheap Address. T. W. SAXE, box 23. Warsaw. Ind. U. S. A. ApilliyB * IWI And home WhTsKY IIABITS cured ■ v at without pam. Book of par ticulsrssent frre. B. M. Woolley, M.P . , Atlanta,G a. • 7 0 ^ WEEK. #12 a day *,t hose easily made. Ooetlj # I A outfit Aadresa Tbus ^ Co.. Augpras. M« A GENTS WANTED for the Best and Fastest selling XA Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. Rational PtrBLiBHiyo Co., Atlanta. Ga. 'ILW) —, ,I 1' h/— J'- Til 6 SU^Hor MCrltS Of the yj^Q^eS haVUig SteVeUS’ Patent imnrCVetYieiltS I are UCkflOWledCjed perSOYl lUedTlYlQ • ^ jt 111601 QU - £]J£Yl\ J SlClUrOClCl , HICR, aiMl 011161 nlhnro 3 l vn 6 quiring great accuracy in time pieces, endorse them, and we are prepared to show by meon /poGjrft/g WOOf, J that 00 Other ‘ U) fat £11 ROt 0 00100 f t/l£?S6 iMprOVB JTlBTltS Will ...____ pPOCtll/CB SllClT/ CLCCll“ rate results in time keeping. They are durable, dust-proof, and reliable, and considering watch quality, the cheapest in the market. Send for our illus¬ trated catalogue and prices. J. P. STEYENS WITCH CO., Atlanta, Ga. If and If. “ It you are suffering from poor health * or languishing cn a bed of sickness, take ' che» r, if you are simply ailing, dr if you ‘feel weak and dispirited, without clearly ‘ knowing why, Hop Bitters will surely ‘cure you.” “If you are a Minister, and have overtaxed yourseli ‘with your pastoral duties, or a Mother, worn out with *caro and work, or a man of Ltiiiners or laborer weak¬ ened by the strain cf your every day duties, or a man ‘of letters, toiling over your midn'ght work, Hop * Bitters will surely strengthen you.” “If you pre suffern t, from • over-eating or drinking, any * indiscretion or dissipation, or ‘are y ung and growing too ‘fast, a? is often the case.” “ Or if you arc* in the workshop, on the ‘farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel * that your system needs cleansing, ton * ing or stimulating, without intoxicating; ‘if y< u a’e old, blood thin and impure, •pnue feeb’e, renet uug'eady, faculties ‘ wai in , Hop Bitteis is whatyou need to ‘give y u i e v li e, health and vigor.” If you aie costive or dyspeptic, or suf¬ fering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault If you remain ill. If you n:e va t'ng away with any form of KiJney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for a cuie to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that ter¬ rible sickt e s, Nervousness, you will find a “Balm in Gi e td” in Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, of a miasmatic district, barricade your s>* ‘ein against the scourge of all countries— malaria, epidemic, bilious and inteim t tent fevers—by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply cr sallow skin, bad breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, the iweetest breath and health. $500 will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. Tint poor, bedridden, nvalid wife, sister, mother di daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bo: t'os of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle._ 1 i •i- ; ~ S. : ’ 8T,T SEE '■ •y-.'T '• '• - — ILL r Ilf I , "fijl J ^ noH Simla jgpi W^M SSES mmm LEYS SHKSiBUlQESQg} 11 sifsif [ai iaati 1 DHE I] Bow forig m n ft Ip* n ' The Gullett Improved, Lignt Dralt MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Feeder and Condenser. ’ Jj.-a J k ; SS9K& v . l m m ft ; J m Better Workmanship and Material, and Gives Better Satisfaction Than Any Other Gin on the Market. The Magnolia Gin has come in competition with nearly every other Gin on the market, at St tie Fairs, etc., Rnd in every instance has beaten all competitors and tr.«<>n ;©n the tne honors nonor for fine samples, light draft and quirk utcK Firth’s and and good good Celebrated work. work. direct Saeffield, English [ Stee Steel, imported from only used, Every Gin actually tested with cotton before shipment. FACTORY PRICES (free on board cars): Mngnolia Gins, Condensers, per Saw, $3.50. Feed ers, per Sa .v, $1, per Saw, $1. Write for particulars. GULLETT GIN MANUF’G CO. t Postoffice, Amite, La. A. N. c. Thirty-Cne.—»83 AN it WHISKEY HABITS OUKKl* In Three Weeks. IIP For phamphlets. proofs and terms, v A address in confidence, with 3c. stamp JfcfcMjfMT, '1. Dn 8BOA® SlBUU, G- M- Jones & Comp Comer Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CONYEB 0 HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF_ General Merchandise at Bottom Pri ice ^We sell the ^^^OME Sewing Machine. g%“AVe keen v! S6TSEWING MACHINE NEEDLE V „ii allkl . Headquarters Carriage Manufacto -BY J W IjANctord Carriages Wagons, Bugies ) own make. ALL keep WA R ANTED TO BE FI R ST*CLASS IN R Carriages EVEY PARTli I I also a GOOD LINE of Western an gies which I sell LOW DOWN. ’ of Repairing all grades of done Carriages, short Wagons notice. and Bugg ef-, Painung and Til on ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS £*gTl make, bugies have now homemade on hand the of largest western and build best stock of waggons cwi| of J ana that I have ever you nestly want bargains you had better call. All who owe me for work j request to come forward and settle promptly. I need the raonl must have it. These who do not pay promptly^ will be given but time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS UNDERTAKERS GOO COFFINS and CASKETS of all grades and sizes, and COFFIN HARD’ in fact everything tha is kept in a first class Undertaker. JESrCOFFINS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OR CO Most Respectful^ .J. W. LANGFO fc- ESTEE afiwzm szww 3819 gj—THE MOST POPULAR.— ' -—mm firm W©3E®r '-1 "■ ' Hi :,:r ", . i an 1 Ml Si $ 7 I ■ H i i ii m. ■ 7 Wholsaale Southern Depot for ESTEY ORGANIi Stein' Weber, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIANOS. —DEPOT OF— t J. I -IMPORTERS DIRECT FROM ETROPE OF Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas E STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHAND] B^Nobody can underbuy ns. Nobody can undersell us. Estey Organ Company Atlanta Ga W.IT. LEE, Agent. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN |iN NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades off 1 nitu: • A 4 sha 1 of p the pgtronag t i~> 1 J _ 1 — - «A n/IiAimnrr Ortlintilft? Cl Del e. e O cited. Be and ^ive us a CT tes. so sure TH OLD RELIBLE FIRAM OF U -DEALEftS IN — Etc General Merchandise RAILROAD BLOCK georgi CONYERS, *ny,;nd we guarantee satisfaction. ^Ahen you CLOTHING wan &C DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Call OflNl on , r , n . I ' I p I ' . i ' . 1 @Prodnction—One every ten minutes-