The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 03, 1883, Image 5

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RE-1 N VEST I (t VTF. I). A B ^^55^ e «^SS.«'S" r,,,ea An unusual art.cle from the Rochester IN. Y.) Democrat and Chronicle was pub¬ lished in this paper recently and ha- been the sub'ect of muoh conversation both in pro¬ fessional circles and on the street. Appar¬ ently it caused more commotion in Roches¬ ter, as the following from the same paper 8 Dr.* J. B. Henion, but who in is nearly wo l known not art only in Rochester, extended article every to ] this of America, sent an paper, a few days since, which was du’y pub¬ lished, detailing his remarkable experience certain and rescue from what seemed to be death. It would be m lossible to en m -raie the personal inquiries which have been made at our otl ce a to the validity of the article, bntthey have been so numerous fhat further inves lgation of the subject was deemed an editorial necessity. view representat With this end in a ve ox this paper called on Dr. Henion at, his resi¬ dence, when the following interview occur “That article of yours, doe tor, has crea¬ ted quite a whirlwind. Aie the statements a boat the terrible condition you were in, and the way you were rescued such as yon can KU6 ( ft ill ? ? 5 additional “Every one of them and many ones. Few people ever get so near the grave - as Fdid and then retm >, and I am not sur¬ prised that the public think it marvelous. It was marvelous.” physic “How in the world did yon, a an, come to be brought so low'r” “ By neglecting the fiist and most simple symptoms. I did not think 1 was sick. It is true 1 had frequent headaches; felt tired most of the time; could ertnothingoneday and was ravenous the next: felt dull, indefi¬ nite pains, and my stomach was out of order, hut I did not think it meant anything se¬ rious.” ailments “ But have these common any¬ thing to do with the fearful Bright’s disease which took so firm a hold on you?” inli “ Anything? Why, they are the sure dreadful caticns of the first stages of that malady. The fact is, tew people know or realize wh; tniD them, and I am iorry to say that too few physic ans do either.” “ That is a strange statement, doctor.” “But it is a tiu • one The medio 1 pro¬ fession have hi en treating symptoms astead . of d seas s for ye us, and it is high clipping time it ceaied. We doctors have been off the twigs when we should strike at the root. The symplomB I have iust mentioned or any • *unusual action or irritation of the water chann D indicate tha approach of Bright’s d sense even more than a cough anno inces the coining of consumplion. Vie do not treat the roigh, but try to help the lungs. We sho Id not wade our time trying to re¬ lieve the headache, stomach, pains about the body or other symptoms, but go dirrctly to the kidneys, tho souios of mo t of the e ail¬ ments.” “ This, Ihen, is one-half what you meant when which you saidmoro than the heaths occur arise from Bright’s disease, is it doctor?” ‘ B o isoly. Thousands of so-called dis¬ ease v aro torturing Bright’s people to-day, when of in reality it is disease in some one its many forms. It is a Hydra-1 ea led mou s or and tHeslighteatsympfomsshouldstriko who has Hu 1 terror to every one m. can look back and recall hundreds of deaths which physicians declared at the heart timowere caused by paralysis, npopl- xy, and disease, pneumonia, malarial fever other com¬ mon complaints which Ise mow ve e caused by Bright's disease.” “And did all those eases have simple symptoms at, first?” “ Every ono of them, and might have been cured as 1 was by the timely use of the same remedy—Warner’s Safe Cure, lam getting my ores ihoiovghly open in this matter and think I am helping ot'ers to seo the facts and thoir possible danger bearing also. Why, there aro no ond of truths on this subject. If you want to know more about it go and soo Mr. Warner himse’f. He was sick the same as I, and is the health est man in Rochester to-day. He give has made a study of this subject and can you more facts than 1 can. Go, too, and see Dr. Eattirn re, the chemist, at the University. If you want facts there are any increase quantity of thorn show in ; the alarming of Bright s dis ea o, its simple and deceptive symptoms, and there is but one way by which it can be escaped.” satisfied the tru'h Fully of and force of the Doctor’s words, the reporter bade him good day nod calhd on Mr. Warner at his es'ab lishmint cn inclined Exchange be street. At first Mr. War erwas to reticent,, but learn¬ ing II at ihs information desired wasal out the alarming increase of Bright’s disease, his manner cstly: change 1 instantly, and he spoke very car • It is t ue ihat Bright’s disease has in cren ed wonderfully, and we find, by reliable s ntistics, that in tho past ton years its g.owth h: s bean 250 percent. Look at the pro ninent men it has enmd off: Everett, fu nner, Ch iSe, Wilson, Carpenter, Bishops liaveu and Feck, and others. Thisisteiri ble, and sho vs a greater growth than that of any other k sown complaint. It should be pla n to eve y opj that something must be done to check this increass or there is no knowing wheie it may end.” “Doyou it to-day think who many people are afflicted witli do not realize it, Mr. Warner?” “ FRmdrvds of thousands. I have a strik¬ ing example of this truth which has ji st come to my notice. A prominent profes or in a Now (Irleans medical college was led ; r tng before his class on tho subject of Bright’s dlseofs. l’e had various fluids under mlcro ee.ipic aualys s, and was showing this the terrible stu d.ntswbat thB indications of laindy were. In order to show the contrast .letween healthy and unhealthy liuui; he had provided a vial, the contents of which were drawn from his own person. ‘ And now, gentlemen,’ unhealthy he said, ‘as we have seen the indications I will show • ou how it appears in a state of perfeot health, ’ and he submitted his own fluid to the usual test. As he watched tho rouills his countenance sud¬ denly him, changed—his color and command both left and in a trembling voice he s lid: ‘Gentlemen, have 1 have made a painful dis¬ covery; / Bright’s disease of the kid¬ neys.’ and in less than a year he was dead.” “You believe then, that it has no symp¬ toms of its own and is frequently uni nown even It by has the person who is afflicted with it.” “ no symptoms of its own and often at all. Usually very have none no two people thj same symptoms, and frequently death is tho first symptom. The slightest indication of any kidney diffoulty should In enough to r-lrika terror to any one. I know what 1 am talking about, for 1 have I e n through “ You all the stages of kidney diseas .’ know of Dr. Henion’s case?” “ Yes, I have both read and heard of it.” “ It is very wonderful, is it not?” “ A very prominent case, but n> more than so a great many others that have come to ' my notice having been cured by the ns same means.” “You believe, then, that Bright’s disease can be cured?” “I know it can. I know it from the expe¬ rience of hundreds of prominent persons »h i were^givenmp to die by both their physicians “You,speak of your own experience, what “ Afearful one. I had felt languid and fitted for business un¬ for yea s. But J did no know what ailed me. When, however. I found it was kidney difficulty. I thought there was little hope, and so did the doctor.-. 1 have since learned ihat one of the phy-i dans of this city pointed me out to ft centJe man on the street one day, saying. ‘ there goes a man who will be dead within a year.’ I believe his words would have proven true if I hadnot fortunately secured and used the rem¬ edy now known as Warner’s Safe Cure.” “And this cause! you to manufacture it?” ’No, it caused me to investigate. I went to the principal cities, saw physicians pie scribing and nsin 2 it, and I therefore de¬ termined, as a duty I owed humanity and the suffering, it known to bring it within their reach, and now ts m every part of America, i sold In every drugstore and has become a household necessity ” Th> reporter left Mr. Warner, much im¬ pressed with the earnestness and siueori y of his statements, and next paid a visit to Dr. S. A. Lattimore, at his residence on P,ince street. Dr. Baltimore, although busily engaged upon stma matters con ni'Ct d with the State bi.ardof health, of which he is one of the analysis, courteously answered the questions that wero propounded ^*‘‘ 1 Did you make a chemical analysis of the ca;e of Mr. H. H. Warner some three years ago, doctor?” << Yes sir.** you?” “ What did this analysis show and casts ‘•The presence of albumen tube in greatabundance.” And whet did thesymptoms indicate? ’ “ “ A seiioos disease of the kidneys.” could “Did you think Mr. Warner re¬ cover?” _ -‘No, sit. I did not think it f o a ble. It was seldom, indeed, tint so pronounc d a case liad, up to that time, ever been cured.’ “ Do you know anything ab ut the remedy which cuie:l him?” “ 1'es, I have chemically analyzed it and upon critical examii afion find it entiie’y fr< e from any i o sonous or deleter oub sub st&nco ^ We publish the foregoing statements in vies of thee mmotiin which the publicity and of Dr. Henion's article has caused to meet the protestations which have been made. The standing of Dr. Henion, Mr. Warner and Dr. Lattimore in the community is beyond question and the statements they make cannot for a moment l e doubted. They conclusively show that Blight’s deceptive disease of the kidneys is one of the most and dangerous of all diseases, that it is ex¬ cel dingly common, alarmingly increasing and that, it can be cured. A Governor’s Veto, Governor Pattison, of Pennsylvania, in his veto of the bill entitled “ An act au¬ thorizing married women and their hus¬ bands, living separate and apart under a deed of separation or mutual agreement, to sell and convey their separate real es¬ tate free and dear of rights of dower and courtesy and other interests,” says:— “Legislation anti judicial interpretation have already gone a long way toxvard im¬ pairing the sacred ness and weakening the strength of the marriage relation. marriage If this bill should become a law in Pennsylvania would contract, be of little tho more most than a temporary serious rights and solemn duties of which the parties might relieve themselves at their mutual pleasure. They are aban¬ doned by this bill to the full effects of their immediate prejudices, and passion is given full vent to work the most se¬ rious evils and destroy all vestige of homo or mutual property. The fruit of their union, the innocent children of wedlock, are exposed without shield or guardianship from the law to tho worst consequences of the intemperate disposi¬ tions of their parents. The destruction of home having been begun this bill in¬ vites its complete desolation. This ought not to he and it is to be hoped never will become the policy of our law. That policy should be to conserve and not fa¬ cilitate the extinction of the marriage re¬ lation. The sacredness and strength security of of its homos are the glory and and temple.’ a State, ‘a fortress at once a It is to be devoutly hoped the law may never relinquish it's brooding guardian¬ ship over them. For these reasons I re¬ turn the bill without my approval.” Really In Love. Some years ago a rich man’s son in New York fell in love with the chamber¬ maid, but, unlike many rich men’s sons under similar circumstances, wanted to marry her. His family thought this was going a little too far; so he compromised the matter by agreeing to go a good deal farther—that is, to Europe—for two or three years. Having a fortune of his own schools, he placed and the girl being in one of the best she, ambi¬ tious and devoted, improved her oppor¬ tunities so well that on his return, find¬ ing her more attractive than ever, he married her and she is now a noble, re¬ fined, charming woman. A Pocket Companion. Dr. C. D. Barham, small Southampton full Co., of virtue Va., endorses it. When a , ling and speedy cure, can insure against death or violent pains, it olight to he about tho person Cholera as a pocket and Diarrhoea companion. Dr. Worthington’s eminent physicians, is recommended by men and ministers as the best and surest for all kinds of stomach and bowel complaints. Price 25 and 50 cents. In conversation, humor is more than desire xvit, easiness more than knowledge; all few desire learn or to think they need it; to pleased, or, if not, easy.—Sir William Temple. Liver disease, headache and constipation, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Brown’s Iro n Bitters. _' Be fearful only of thyself; and stand in of none more than tliine own conscience. There is a Cato in every man; a severe of his manners. And he that reverences judge will seldom do anything he need of.—Fuller, Lewis, Iowa. Dr. M. J. Davis says: “Brown's Iron Bitters give the best of satis¬ faction to those who use it.” t A good word is an easy obligation, but c o speak ill requires only our silence, osts us nothing.—Tilloston. (Jakpibld, Jowa, Dr. A. T, Henaksays: “Once using Brown’s Iron Bitters proves its superiority tions.” over all other tonio prepara¬ _ Whatever disgrace We have merited, it is almost always in our power to re-establish our reputation.—LaRochefoueauld, Dost Faith In Physio nns, rherc aro innumerable instances where cures have been effected by Rosailalis for ali diseases of the blood, when they had been given over by i heir physi¬ cians. It is ono of the lvest remedies ever offered to tho public,and as it is prepared with the greatest care as a specific for certain diseases, it is no wonder that it should be more effectual than hastily written and carelessly prepared prescript ions made by iucorape tent physicians. Take this medicine for all disor¬ ders arising from impure blood. It is indorsed by leading professional men as well as by eminent . hys ciaus and others. Try it. Ladies & children’* boots A shoes can’t run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffener* are need. Long Ago.— More than half a century ago Widow Ross of L.ymau, Maine, ad¬ vertised in the Kennebunk Gazette for information of her son, whose name, singularly enough, mysteriously was Charlie Ross, and who had disappeared. The first real skin cure ever discovered was Or. Benson’s Skin Cure. It cures all rough 8d 1 scaly skin diseases and makes the skip moofb and healthy. It is an ornament to ■.nr ladv’s toilet. The conqueror is regarded with awe, the man commands our esteem; but it is the man who wins our affection.—From French. H Uastrinr. A lady says: “When 1 feel at all distressed eating, a table q oonlul of Gastbine me almost instant relief.” Druggists. A HANJifF'ME woman pleases the eye, but a good woman pleases the heart. The one is a j wel, and the other i a treasure. Questions and Answers. What is the best Hair Dresser? '''hat is the best Dandruff Eradieator? ''bieh w tbe ■ ) 3 t Hair Restorer? Which is the best ot ill Preparations for the Halt? C abboline. He who waits to do a great deal at once will never do anything.—Johnson. yd^-H. M. Coc ’ din, Shepherd town, Pa. 50c Humility is a virtue all preach, content none to hear.— prac¬ tice, and yet everybody is John Bolden. Fob dyspepfia, indigestion, depression of spirits and geatral debility, in their vanou forms: t Iso as a preveu tire aga'nst fever the an( aeue and other intermit'-ent fevers, ” made r er^ ro-Phosphorated Elixir of Cahsaya York, and by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New sold bv all DvuggRts, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever and other .ickness, it has no equal. j [No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth. Francis Bacon. ______— Drops of Water. Mr. Joseph G. Bicknell. No. 642 Main Street, Cambridgeport, Mass.. writes, April 87. 1883: “I have been terribly afflicted for a number of years with gravel and kidney disease. My urine Oontained bnck-dust deposits, and at times I *>uld not pas* my water except in drops and with great pain; and have had to get up SB many as fifteen times during the night. I tried several physicians; they did me do good, but a friend of mine. who had used Hunt's Remedy, told me to get a bottle and try it. He had been cured of a severe case similar to mine, and that others had used Hunt’s Remedy in Cambridge and pronounced it a medicine of. real merit. After being repeatedly urged I purchased a bottle, and before I had used all of it I passed a *tone as large a S a pea, followed by smaller ones. I have used in all ten bottles, and it has completely cured me. My kidneys are in excellent condition, and for one of my age (68) sixty-eight years, 1 can truly say I feel like a young man with strength and vitality. My family use the Remedy, and would not be without it, and never fail to recom¬ mend it to our friends and neighbors in Cambridge and Boston. You aro at liberty to wse my c ame in praise of t he best kidney and liver medicine, Hunt’s Rdmedy.*' “Did Wonders for Me.” The above words are from Mr. Lewis Keen. No. 9 Highland Avenue, Malden, Mass., April 28, 1883. He says: •' I have been troubled for years with kidney and liver complaint, followed by gravel, with severe pains in my back and groins. I had great trouble in passing water, it being scanty, and accompanied by terrible burning, the vessel beiug coated with brick.dustdeposit. I was recommended to use Hunt’s Remedy by a friend who had been completely cured of a similar trouble. I purchased a bottle at the druggist’s, and commenced to improve at once. I have used but two bottles, and it has done wonders for me—no more kidney trouble, nc more pain. It has given me now life, and I would not bo without Hunt’s Remedy at any price. It is all that it is recommended to be, and I cheerfully give this testimony for the benefit of the many sufferers from kidney disease and gravel,"__________ He tliat wants money, means and content is without three good friends.—Shakespeare. DrWorthinbtons ■HOLERA fRAI lillmtfuRE frp-i ES& USED Jgfhs&r OVER 25 YEARS IXnrrliociu The best remedy for fiholern. Uruni|»*, Dynpcpwla, and Dysentery,' See mm I'TdotupIuliit, >in(i houielt. Introduced lnt in the Army, other afections of th le stoi>i< uch . !«(>”. by -riirgoon-General tt. S. A. Keconnnended He by Gen. Warren, Purveyor-General; ; Hon. Kenneth R:-iyn er. Solicitor (L K. Treasury, ami others, th'* Price. 25 cts. Solti by - uruj Druggists itud Den ;uvrs t'nlv genuine nut if our nunc is blown in bottle. Sole Wopritq oi, THE CHAHES A. VBGEUR COMPANY is. A. Ro time should be lost if the ach, liver and bow¬ els are affected, to adopt the sure e d v, Ilostetter’* Stomach Bitters. Diseases of the organs others W **Al Iji named far more lioget serious, and if hazardous. Dyspep &&&£** jdB'jBK* ? v Vv>~ : «»a, Chills Liver Complaint, Fever, and ear ra^fijyigKr Rheumatic tmngo§ Kidney Weakness, bodily brillff serious trouble if trifled with. Lose no time and in using safe this effective medicine. For sale by aU Druggists and Ctilers generally. w._ 10| HP®* millImb ^■MANUFACTURE®] Hi iu*il til tilt 1 m tip l»; a® 1 W w Ulifafii 1 mm e£ S72£i3tS: ‘MTOS Ade. East*. OostH Mb. 568 * :re«. we** Address M jour H. own U iui town, ri.i a oo„ era. Portland, snd $b ontfil Mb. ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Able Faculty. Healthful and beautiful loca¬ tion. Instruction thorough. Terms very low. Session begins September 20th. Order cata¬ logue. Rev. A. Eubank, A. M., | Principals Wit. P. Dickinson, lovely COMPLEXIONS possible to’all. What Nature denies tomany Art secures to ail. dispels Hagan’s Magnolia Balm Eedness, every blemish, Freckles, overcomes Sallowness, Rough¬ ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi¬ dences of heat and excite¬ ment. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexional tints— no detection being possible to the closest observation. Under these circumstances a faulty Complexion is little short of a everywhere. crime. Magnolia Costs Balm sold with full di¬ only 75 cents, rec tto ns. The superior merits of the watches having Stevens' Patent improvements are acknowledged by every person wearing them. Railroad men, and others re¬ quiring great accuracy in time pieces, endorse them, and we are prepared to shew by incon¬ testable proof, that no other watch not having these improve¬ ments will produce such accu¬ rate results in time dust-proof keeping. They are durable, , and reliable, and considering quality, the cheapest watch in the market. Send for our illus¬ trated catalogue and prices. J.P.STEYENS WATCH CO., Ga Atlanta , FREE Circular. Atlanta. Stn Oa. For Illustrated year Men Medical Collep, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Regular session begins Clinical EIbST WEEK advantages in October first-class. continues five months. address For catalogue, ml <VM, terms, PERfelN etc., NICOLSON, Dean. P. O. Box 254. I AND WnISKBY HABITS OUREr In Three Weeks. For phnmpliletH. proofs and terms, -j address in confidence, with 3c. stamp W. C. P.BIVLAMY, M. !>., Vi Rroad Street. ATLANTA. GA. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OHS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &c. Sendfor Price-list. W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO 421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. oleaian Business College, Newark, N. J. Terr Positions for graduates. Write for circular. $5to$'2025&L u 8 uome. TIN BON bat A upies Oo., Portland, worm #5tre* 2A# S 25 mm. Wo will pay tlio above reward for any case of lihcn mausm or Neuralgia Diphtheria we cannot cure. Jt will reliev< any ease of or Croup instantly. The Aj mu and Navy Liniment will relieve pain and soreness am remove any unnatural growth of none and muscle oi man or beast. Price, large bottle, one dollar: Final basli ave., Chicago. I or sale by all druggists generally OPIUM HASH Cured Painlessly. The Medicine Hold lor a small margin above the cost •. rion. mpotmdiiur. ’ For full All cases treated by special prescri J particulars address the Dhcovcre DJI. S. 8. COLLIN?, La Port , ind tonnoRe botton i'rfsn. SB i The Best and Cheapest Pres« made. Costs less than shelter over other presses. Hundred* in actual use at both steam and horse by power gins. Makes heavy bales hand faster than anj J |jL gin can pick. The new improve 1 ments in gin houses described in the words of their inventor* free to all. Address Roanoki ipnn work ES, Roan C i OKE hattanooga, COTTOJ* Rich So’iar*. N. O Y<iO •.<i YEN SffiiM'SrlfSSaS «ni 1 , I ■■ m, ad dress P. W. UHA.U, A da, O hio PIOM Marsh. No cured. years MORPHINE pay established, State Oniner. till cured. case. HABIT Mich. 1,OOO Teh Dr. f smithing Fronts, ted Steam, Engines, Patent P. D. Manufacturers 0 Platform A. Box I Hand Dredgeboat ROM and Columns, MDLANE, Sugar 1690 Machine & COTTON Horse of WORKS. New Mills, Reynolds’ Railings, Work. Work. Power. Orleans, Manager. and PRESSES, Building Celebra Meng* Black- Steam L* **»'”<iRDERS SOLICITED. _** "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." e.vgixes, THRF^HFfK ''lltJIlLnO saw-mills, Horte Powers ‘ Clover Hnlsrs (.Suited to all sections, i Write for FREE IIIus. Pamphlet and Prices to The Aultman & Taylor Co., Mansfield, Ohio S3 mOAOO SCALE CO. 2 TON WAGON STALK, $40. 3 TON, $50. t 4Ton &t>0, Beam Box Included, 1 „ COTTOti BEAM <&. *4 FRAME, $45 € no “Liitie Detective,” oz. to 25 lb. 13. 300 OTliKR SIZES. Reduced PRICE LIST FUEB. FORGES, TOOLS, Ac. BEST FORGE MADE FOR LIGHT WORK, $10 4o lb. % s*vi! and ICit of Tools, SlO Fnrinees save time and money Other doing odd jobs. Blowers, nvil?. Vices &, Articles AT LOWEST PRICKS, WHOLESALE A RETAIL* A A iv.iifc Cum i-»r LpUHpay or rus in ’M noura. rTee w. Jfpwif. 1*H. I vRUEE, 2 S44 A rsen al at., St. Lou is, Mo. isfonnaiion Of BDWABD. J. m STEPHENS, who went South in 1863 is eagerly solicited by his tiroth er, JNO. J. STEPHENS, St. Stanislaus, Plobis SANT, MlBSOUBL H E R IRE All EIRE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tames geod. Use in linae. Bold by drareigts. CONSUMPTlCBxi - -A_S‘n- '2- - A. N. V.... ........Thirty.—’F 8 Jr\ A GENTS WANTFT) for the Best and Fttetest selhc Pictorial Boobs and Bibles. Prices ^educed 55 pei cent. National PcphbhingOo., AtlantA Ga. |C.IEtJ G- M- Jones & Company Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CONY'EBS, qa if -HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF_ General Merchandise at Bottom Prices 8@fWe sell the NEW HOME Sewing Machine. NEEDLES.^ JSSTAVe keen P pin,- klnd8 GSTSEWING MACHINE j ol Headquarters of School Commission ers m cr y county. the Boa Carriage Manufactory BY J W IiANGFOBD «* Garriages Wagons, Bugles, M own make. ALL WAMNTED TO BE FIRST-OIASS SN REVEY PARTICUli I keep also a GOOD LINE of Western Carriages andBi gies which I sett LOW DOWN Repairing of Carriages, Wagons and Bugg e?. and Trimmi of all grades done on short notice. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS NE g y f have now on hand the largest and best stock of waggons, of mv o’ make, bugies homemade ana of western build that I have ever carried, you want bargains you had better call. All who owe me for work aree uestly request to come forward and settle promptly. I need the money a must have it. These who do not pay promptly ' will be given but sh time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS UNDERTAKERS GOOD COFFINS and CASKETS of all grades and sizes, and COFFIN HARD WAS in fact everything tha is kept in a first class Undertaker. £2g-COFFINS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OR COUNT! Most Resceetfufi'”', J. W. LANGFORD. llflf ESTEE afigflw, STELE’ .281. §———THE MOST POPULAH,—-w ?@EEZEQDER casmwéxm -m ‘3E91VJ‘]@2:&@0- T '!’ ; 'i: "■ '' . i t fjk _ij' 1 ■ - 2A Mil mu ' : ■ : “JP- " £ Wholseale Southern Depot for ESTEY ORGANS, Steima; Weber, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIANOS. —DEPOT SBJ®S, OF— ®JMM> -IMPORTERS DIRECT FROM ETROPE OF-- Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Et STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISI JS^'Nobody underbuy us, Nobody can undersell us. Esteij Organ Company A tlanta ( W,H. LEE, Agent. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN ip •v m m§ NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all tl ol Rockdale and adjoining [irnes nifnre. A share of the patronage making purchase.___ solicited- Be sure and give us a trial before your TH OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF u CD -DEALERS IN- — General Merchandise ^ Etc RAILROAD BLOCK georgi CONYERS, Having been established for 18 years, — fullest and most complete stocks i 3 the coutry, " e c ' " any, rnd we guarantee satisfactio S . When you ua rt DRY GOODS, qH on W‘Productlon—One EUROPE 0R ten minutes. AMERICA! ‘ every