The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 10, 1883, Image 2

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY. the TICKET FOR GEORGIANS. '-1 Ife&i A L 7 ; * s , . r : f PM r V It is better to be elected and defraud ed, than not to be elected at all. HAYGOOD & NEGROES From the recent speech of Mr. Hay good at Monteagle, Term., we are led to beleave that the gentleman lias become so much wrapped up in his love for this ‘Brother In Black’ that he considers fern the equal to the white man in all that goes to constitute a respectable human being: naturally physically, mentally and socially. The same process be says is used to teach the negro as the white child, and one learns just as well as the other, and is put as good a s the oth¬ er, and he invokes the aid of the govern¬ ment, and invites the negroes up to so¬ cial equality and equal standing with the witt race. Now such talk as the above may do for the dirty Radicals at the North and their paid henchmen such as Mr. Ilaygood seems to be down South but it don’t suit the respectable people of Georgia. When hungr ;y they steal and when convicted and punished they feel no humiliation and their standing socially among themselves is not lowered but raised. They have been fiee 18 yeais and yet they have not, accumnlated one cent in our state above w hat they have drawn out of our treasuries and every¬ day as they become more educated they become more worthless, and to day they cannot bury their dead. The more you educate them the worse they become morally and the sorrier as laborers. What then is all this cry “educate the negro” for? It is the voice of the hypo crit i, the demagogue and the traitor to Southern cause, Southern pride and Southern sentiment. But, thank God! such men as Kaygood, don't represent the people of Georgia! We have no objections to the negroes educating themseivrs, but don't t-ix the white man to do it. Such speeches a« Ilaygood's are only fuel to the flames jthat the negroes aie raising all over the state now; holding their indignation 'meetings and clamoring for social equal¬ ity. They do more to excite their al¬ ready badly prejudiced minds than the talk of the very worst abolitionist and we say lie should he drummed out oi the State. COTTON FACTORY. f The ci'izens met at 'he Count House latt Tuesday, Capt. Ztehry in the chair, A. M. Helms sec’y and listened tosp ech es from Col. Barton, E. Steadman and others, in which they demonstrated clearly that a cotton factory could be built, run successfully and be of incalcu¬ lable interest to our people and county. A committee consiting of J. C. Barton, 11. P. Almand, J- H. Almaed, J. H. Al¬ mand, Sr., J. M. Stewart, Jr., G, W. Simmons, D. N. Hudson, W. II. Me Hanied, W. L. Peek, B. N. McKnight, were appointed to solicit subscriptions, and they arem et tig with fine eucccss That the factory will be built is a settled fact, and our people who fail to get stock will not only miss an oppportunity for a good Investment, but will fail to do their most imperative duty to their county and tliqir town. If we wish success we must help to push and help with our money and muscle widingly and energetically. APPLICATION ASKING FOR LET TEF.S OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, Rockdale County Whereas J. T. Adair AdiniBistra tor of James , G. _ Kuknturuk ... . tale 1,1 said i county deet aseu, li.iui.ntr liaveng tnaue adplieatiou '. to me for nave to pee ft part Ot . the lauds , i.ii be omug to i! tnc r, estate ot Paid the as -d. This is to t-tto all persons concerm-d kindrett and c-edetots of sad deceased .o bo and appear at my ( ftice oh t ne first Monday in Sepiemberffiext by 10 o clock a. M. and show cause it any they can why adniHUStiaioi should Hot have leave to sell the lin part the land-delorging to said es rate lor distvibru.ion ameng the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Given under my hand and official signature. O. SEAM AMS This July 26ih 1883. 4'. citation. Stale of Georgia Rockdale e< unty. Wlien as John O. Bohanaii °xccu ter of Mai y 0. Ozbiirn represents to the cowl in his petitions duely fi'ed tna, he has !ui y administereil C. OHdwrn estate. I bis is therefore to cite ail persons cimcorm-ti lu irs and creditors to show cause it any they can why said executor should »r,i be discharged lrom his executer . ^hip aiid r, eeive letters of dismi-siou i n the first Monday in Scptemhci 1**3. O. Seamans 3, in. Ordinary. t“,Te Zl LI door in the city of Conyers within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August 1883 the follow¬ ing described prope ty to wit; (170,) one hundred and seventy acres oi land, n ore or less, it being in the 4tl of oAginally Walton 110 ".' Kockdale county and being part of ] ot3 ot j am ] numbers (3 ) 8 ) thro* hundred and eight and (201) bounded two hundred and ninety one and as follows • On the north by the land of J. 1’. IdcOaha and J. G. Cooper on the east by the lands of RoH. ( an non, on the south by J. R. McCalla and on the west by J. R. McCalla. Levied on as the property of James A. Kennedy to sati.'fy a li la issued from ‘Eickdale superi >r curt in fas vor of G. VV. Knox vs. James A. Kennedy and J. J. Hammons. Prop¬ erty pointed out by pitff. Parties in possession notified, lids June 26 1883. A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff. UNO i E, VANWINKLE & C0„ MAN UFA CTURERS OF Cotton Gins, Feed ers & Condensers 1 Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. I'li'i f m TOES i- ■ "ii m S^SI I H S'" % 'Sri-ffl- 0 * : He'.: — SAW GIN AND SELF FEEDER, Exil.ited by. E. VAN WINKLE k CO., At the Intemntii nnl Cotton Expo s.iion, Atlanta. Ga., 1881. Awarded for Lest sample, best con-tru'-ted general resets Ma in Ginning, and best chine the first prize, $160. or medai. B. S, Ricks, T. i\I Smed-s, M ssiss si| p‘. ; W. F. Bartows, Conneticut, Jtidffcs. H, I- Kimball, Director Gen. Also, fust ji't niimn at (he South Carolina State Fa-rs and the Georgia Fairs. This Gen is an iron fra'-, o, stm 1 *h«f.H, evtry thing of the vary best matciial and ad gucianU-td, REHBBa ra.'ZXXS Km "iSj *S fes »‘t c»»"5j5 V DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. Stild t,<> lie th ‘1 1‘rcss in ih(> world. Suitable fur Hui's.-, Stt-.-nn and \V;f or Power. Takes up hut liUle room Ginnim- and 1’ackiii" on can 'oi ou at the ■ game time. K. ,, uivwivi.^p V AN VV INKS)!', A c, LG nr\ , ____ SI ECIALLOCALS Mothers, the chihhen's summer suite have come at Stewart’s, Y our boys lrom J y* ars to JO, OA can be suited at J. A. & '1 D. St* wart s. . wi ieu y„„ want a stylish straw . ll8t . > Gall at tnewa-Us We notice coft nades at Sfccwo t - that looks like fine ca-s-iiuers. at 25 ets per yard. Grain cradles by the d< zen at Stewart’. 'White Irish linens at 25 els pi r yd Stewart’s. Nice For baby aprons, Muslins Nto 15 c's and sollou wos ted 9 ets at Suart , s. Sarah Beruhart and other s«}lcs oi ,»]oves at Stewart’s, A fresh arrival of shirts and collars at Stewart’s, When you want a Terrell scrape or your buggies or wagons repaired, call ou W. V. Almand. GE->r;GJ _ A )(.y , , ,, , V» hen a . A. A. ’ t f Dev h , kail) county, vingin proper sdminiss ..pplio bto me for 1- tters of i ration on the estate of E'izabe.h Gregory late of Rockdale county, hecesie 1 ibis is to cite all and sinon , the lav kindred and creditors of Eliz¬ abeth ji egory to oe and appear at my office the first Monday in August, nex% and show c use it any they can w hy letter of administration should not be granted to It. W. Howard on EHabeth Gregory’s estate. Bits ness my hand and < ffieial signature. June 20th1883 0. Seamans, 4t, Ordinary. GEORGIA Rockdale County— bereas M. II. Waldron, adminis Wt.ator of di the c’d estate sents of Levi to the L, Wald 1 op, repri court f>( Ordinary in his petition due iy tiled and entcu <1 on record that h<i has fully administered Levi L. Waldtop’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons cone rm d h. its and creditors to show cause, d any they can why said administrator should not he discharged from his administration and recite letters ol dismission on the fiist Mu 1 d-.v in Art gust 1883 /\ ' 1 , t\ A U iVi AXO, A wa April 27 3m. Ordina' v, GEORGIA. Rockdale County.— E. Lev Vi h- r«-« 8 . J- N. Nix and J. rett administrators of J T, O. Nix deck! represent to tin* court in theit petition duly filed that they have fully administered J. N. O. Nix* es¬ tate, 11 ■ is is therefore 10 cite all and singular, the kindred and eii-uilors oi said dcccasid, to show c;use f an \ they can why said administrators (should not he discharged from then i administration and receive letters o! i dismission on the first Monday in j S September, This May Nixt 11th 1883. O. Seamans 3.u Ordinary. GEORGIA Redo Tie County — "X ■ s.T r i' ’ ■■'-’.." ■ ;.'ce>73, A U { r' r«'U-'--•'!'• r- 5 tim - :■ ■ - Y - ■ - '• i':t -LI I YE 5 tor . 6 i I: emit isirction od the ea >;t* B&. jatnin Grcgr.ry late of Rock . dido Goutity, deceased, this s to cite all and singular the creditors amt next of kin of I>ai faiuiu Gregory to he and appear at my office wrhin the time allowed by law and show cause if anv they can why peiniati. nl let¬ ters of idintnistiaiioti should not -in granted to R. \Y. Howard in Benja¬ min Greg-’i v’s estate. Witness ray hand and official S gmi tins. O. SEAMANS 0;din-try. This June 26th 1883 4t. 253%? :W'x'nm. ' ’ A combination of Pro- 5%.“..“33-4; \' 27614.";ij ~ " 4"? , ‘ 1'" _. "*f fl £0.’c£z(eof11mt,1’eruvian . /7 fiafg‘ #35523 gu' 52" {£3 «a .9? 3‘ .3 y 53! k; 5 a [7’ :72: , 5'4“ Izzy a; Bar): pglawble uudl’laqsphoruain ’g' 2" “2&1 £35311: vffi‘l 5‘: - “(pi [5,"? 43312355 42.54»: «1 Dclnlfly, Loss jomn. Of Appe— For éi fi‘fl‘ ,grfigfiif- 4 ,r' ,, 3 _'-< £3? 1, 41; " 4:32.55 f ‘5’? ;§ C” 55 gi'ifi 31,35, Powers 25%, Progtration of Vital '2 1t isindamema. . 71.x; .;-.37-§:.-.:r.~,usimmhzr . , “4. (s by *fle‘m“ 9 “6 ,. v“ W.“ “*5 » ' - naa-m-mn mmnmguwim WW BEV.A.I. HOBBS Wrgmz— ,fT’ffiTrFi‘AES Phfii REV-JLEOWNER, mar} After .9. thorough 1:an of the/' ,/ Industry 111. sayw-é Eieitfvmbegeitced A :romg, L' 5.: I $5; va p1%zsure e een / / . SEE 7w: mosh gxcenegt , .21 remedy conéider for it Pub- its _ a use. 15-6 Sfieakers Ministers and Cl . N 1,7 4: .. the debihtated vxtal forces. of the Will find it mflfifi”. .54... 4.. 1.3.7124 .., .5. ~, wheraa. greatest Tonicis vaXue “h 2f 32.x, 4,4,5 [gem mu m ,3; . "b" 4...” W' TV ,;3-‘"“.~<""~a I Mm neces- w i :5. ,4 41‘ 4:5 - 5 4.1. .2, 4‘ 4;: 4"" U: » a‘reliable 24V" . as remedial 4. {fig “27' 5’3) ‘ éfié’} 3" f7 3: (11;: .“35174‘3‘. agenu, doubtegI assessing 1111- - , 45/ ; .- 3, _ .f (3'33? 5 say“:- ”.4 I (4 l ;.N nutritive and ’2 i“ 1:: - “3‘ " My 3', 153’ 3?.) 2t.- _. restm‘ative PropertieS- &' a .4» um :41: ’...,’;1.-:?5Y’.«......r Luuisrille, Ky-s “1.241332. Wind‘ummm , ~ ,_.4 «A . 2- ¢ PREPARED .4 BY ma DR. HAHI‘ER MEBICENE 00., 213 N. mm sax, 5130313. TIITT^S PILLS - in ^^■•w BrnaiwrT rr mmi!mm TORPID BOWELS, LIVER, DISORDERED | i and MALARIA. hnma^ce° Thcsl TThl U symptoms indicate theirexistence:I.o«» of Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Beau* ache, fullness after eating, Aversion to etertton of body or mind, Eractetion af food, Irritability or temper, low spirits, A feeling of having neglected ored Urine, coarsTiPATionr, and de> pitots have no equal. Their action on the “1 S&S& ph-i-s ekin and a vigorous body. TUTT’S egwe mm. nausea) or interfere ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, Puutevc-.y W ucTc.a 5 c. otaco, 4 tMurrayst..x.Y. TUTT 8 HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed single in¬ stantly to a Glossy Black by a ap¬ plication by of this Dye. receipt Sold by of Druggists, SI or sent express on York. • Office, 44 Murray Street, New TUTT’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. THE Plain English* -■ HERE EXPRESSED! Cur Free Circular tells the rest Harris Remedy Co.—- -Kansas, Gents—I Juno 26th, 1882. used the Pastilles aa directed and they completely cured me. In about ono week from the time l commenced using them I began to sleep well and i continued to use all the box with constant improvement like and since that time (Oct. 1681) I have felt a new man. I trnly hope that many of the sufferers will find out that you have a specific for nervous weakness and be cured br the same. P. S.—You will Respectfully publish Yours,-- not my name but persons visit¬ ing yon may be referred to me and I will answer them. To every young, middle age Or old man troubled ty impotence with nervous sealed or physical debili¬ or circular is sent free. Send full address on. postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, Mo. "Wa want your r.ddreas. Voil need our remedy.. Send and be convinced of this. We Lave on hand a few ‘ Top Buggies Brewster si lr Bar, also end spring. Bay one for association and camp -‘Hurry u p at Stewarts pQp SALE. One of the most valuable Jots in tire city. In the very center of the business portion. Situate on the corner of cen ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the okl Dan Scott lot. It is a capital business lotand no mistake For terms, part culars &e., cull on John IE Almand at J. IE Almaud & &on’s store. WBI1OTM * m , f m Sr I Secure Healthy % % Liver action to the da ii Ian d relieve all bil ; i_ __ i __ _^^. iou3 troubles. Purely Vegetable; i!» C-rifizg. Price 25o. All 2rn«lsta. j I^OtlSVlXtTV^TllT^r^Q & |Tj| jLj » ami sccmt me g I h longexiMri'enccfrMmringiiui.-a-swof v/“a^RcS it tueitiood, , uc‘”nd’Mir*uri«i sutnami r Gonoprk'J.a, !-Vpii'iu fi*n<t learn wmplhlrs l« theiradinntage. Itl» St. nul Louis, a!ru,,./ So Addre««, I»I£. BUTTS, 13 N. 8ll> SL, ESTABLISHED OVER THIRTY YEARS. flflfi‘flfl HERE? AND DRUNKENNESS. P08”! mffofih‘w J » d'l (33L? ‘ A (1 aflfixfimfisfiflgfimfi t1 (1 l I DR. .kaerences no form of Opium. Truth invites in'.'esv.igp.mon, best“: 118 Sum}. For terms. pumpnv less and proofs! address. With three cent stamp. £ W. C. BELLAMY, M. 1).. 7 1-2 Broad sn. Aflsuita. Ga. ome rnE%rsm, ¥ A certain euro for fSwrvou? &2M Debialty, Seminal Weak ---------_ Thi Re#n»Snsudl j-.-jss.«, for etc. and in icy practice giving S&Y.'/.t ssi illustratudbcok of60 pages full rcction3 for self-treatment, Bent free, a.t’ro— SB. T. TVTLLIiJffS. 45P M Wntcr St, fiibfttija. fe ----— aS% • ♦ • m*mm 0gBr* F11E E! &£*!!& self* x favorite prescription cf one of tbs A‘.-Vo« D3. WARD 4 CO., LmUu* M«v r if. SIIIJEJI -•-tfe*-. 7vi C Mm m- f s?i£fp STOMACH _ postetter’s Stomach l^LX^ Bitters, l.y increasinK S Te system in good working For order, constipation, and protects dys it against disease. pensia kidney and liver complaint nervousness, and rheumatic ailments, it is in all of disease £! S besides the 6 removing traces such from system. For sale by all 0 Druggists and Dealers generally. HARRIS BSii ST. “3 MISSOURI. fellid'jjiJ rlli " PiiOE. Gning HARRiS' Met* ami W3TIUEaralff< others who sullei r .. .... ;.-Si Nervous auJ Physical Debit 'A', ty. Preiu&turo Exhaustion anc Vh'T ''HjZMitiix A-i'L’- ..:.quickly S’ “vir many glooray radically consequences. cured. au<l Tin* Rem edy i- p>:t up 111 •«" * s. ho. 1 (lasting & month), §3. din. 2. (t*in ..Hjrh : ,i cite ut a i. di e. unless in severe i‘a-e-,» ^5 j No. ii (las tmg tli.r-- ■ -•th.s), ^ 7 . f-e&t by m ail ic plain mappers Uwiit.v > l -it k a»-<-t>B»i>any earh Hot, Pat.iphhtt de?tci‘i biug this d:-t i. 11.1'Ote t:f 1 111 e t scaied uii appiiuaiion fSE'SPj I - j aU^pliiwitB. Will \' - J and to bt: it Itconteina cus toinerfl of last year without ordering about 175 pages, and 60i) valuable illustrations, directions prices, for accurate planting descriptions varieties of Vegetable and Mower Seeds, Plants, iftin Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, Market Hardeners. Send for it J espec. tally o. M. to FERRY &. CO. Dethoit Mich. ■m j Nervous Sshaustioa, ‘ Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. An so-page Cioth-bound Book of wholesome Advice to Young Men, by a Kegular Physician. ' SENT FREE threH ' caa THE HtAlT'J JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. Vt'IS. CITY MARKET i -BY f • I- & P- B- SMITH 8 -:o:- rphey I ■»,, keep «,,, aiway- niway' on .... hand the „ very , B> 1 ftesucst meats, in the way BEE F & FOR K. --SAUSAGE,- ■Ro iJtlvKu01*o f>Vbrm O Ar Oo T?ihq Also Mutton. When von want nice meat*, good weights and cheap pi call at the City Market ii;st dour above Post-Office Conyers, Ga. H DTT T? H GOi Fistula, Fisure and ectular Ulcers 1 Dr. Taber » NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA. GA., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE diseases, And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Care ATo’! cl , yon of Files I will return your money. ” F. Address, r. n E" -a, R I fail to cure TABER, r. O AUa nta ,Ga. L. A. SKAXP } mm- J ■ y jr* \ v CONYERS, GEORGIA. LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE, S^-The best of vehicles, sate drivers and good, fast and reliab’e here* I have a! w -u s ready to suit anyone, day or night I have h ors * 8 Wom ei> md children can use. Saddle horses for me . and womtn. Ah Cheap FEED If you have a horse '.hat you want fed and well cared for oni have it done at my stable cheaper and better than An- V | can you can do it self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave him with til;. Good lot, stul's and attention. S ALE. Parties wishing to buy or trade horses should call. Drovers »i ke their headquarters with me. BOUGHT I pay the highest price, tor corn, fodder, hay, oats etc. L. A. SHAIIP . 45 . J. S.DANIELL, ---DEALER IN ’ mmimm* feitilizess eto. HEAD 1 HIS. Steam Engines. Go* ton Presses, % *; Ml!] ^ s ^ } u.5,, 0 O I U » Belt.ngsetc. and 1B fa T u \ r 31 and , any k ltd ot machinery that ts wanted. G her yon want niachiti don’t tail t< eall on nun. AUo agent, for the famous Aulttnan tfc Taylor Machinery. Ymi can 'a v money by calling on me, A. S. BAEIELL H’ u , r 53 South Broad Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints,Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & WindcwGalss, —Headquarters [or afi^kinds of— masts 3PASH1® $ at wholesale Gnuran-cerl equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices r-s#* it P a'so keen 1 as fine line Machine, Kugme and Cyiinaer mis t» >» kept in Site TTontirttia C11V, fud file fnv find dll Size® (jrlfFW J Coolie TV nn,V S South F-oa-l st„ Atlanta, Ga. m 4 Ss OI M V ;C:-) —AT CONYERS, I I » I B ■W DEALERS IN ts 9 j . , ; -'jW SK* -Hs f-SET S lismiPtiiS. -- \OL gyyW % j wuvm wmmn B0SM51&3B s , , rks d i.) Fr ; ck & Do. at 1 Amj . othor B , K |,inery uiaaulactur. CT8 08BOSK I j,,, prrperiprty , ha* and which, by f Winship . 1 The mos. complete reaper, England and one Ameiica. ,|, e through a fakeu th„ awards ot w»nt tan p e j, a J « - I Presses, etc. and in »■ ct any machinery yo«» C «! ou be’ter vales and on rr or t r rms than threugh ^r.y one « ! lkvSg (j, it r &, Overbuy .Coayers, Gu. •’ t ' — IS THE - ii ITT ^4 ~**~*Zr . IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE With or without Reversing: Gear. 10,18 andlG Horse Power. Built by RUSSELL & CO,| Massillon, 0, LOOK CLOSELY Sells thf celebra¬ ted A'llitnau Birdsall, an I j Engine-*, the V.-m- j Winkle, Winshipj and Gullett (Jot ton Gins. The Best C uidertsera i and the very Fin j est Threshes g >14 1 n t!ie South. A 1 urge supply of th« Perry Royce Reap a, the beat made.