The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 10, 1883, Image 3

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# pONYERS WEEKLY. f rA 4 v CITY OF CONYFRS. f|J^ 0 KOCKDAUE CQCNTY 0 G Q F Publisher Enrror. U. b aLE ■" perfect P astry P atent ^“'^FHarper made, gi>e it a trial. & Bro's at i.w f ^> vered Jackouet free ‘ and Fine Nain ‘S y Wee rinen , A Quigg’s. Fans, Laces, Collars etc. in feather □tides. I is not very f« off, secure a hand Kl ■ trunk for the occasion at . nc part's. meal and white I f res ° - tgj ’. rice, ’ »eis st Stea at . { nice light hoc, *° r 1 le a gtewart’s- Pastry and Peek’s Perfect Patent Jf-y.'l fl»» r at Stewart's. A few only- Picture fames left at part’s. Call early. Any one intdening to use < S’ j | (inter will do well to call on <n j f Tbecelebrated B. our or ,0 ■ "Stewart , 3. j 4 at work done with . | parties wishing ale team should call on R- A. Almand. : ju a beauty. The curtain Lace, for j fc, p® r }’ a rd at Stewart’s. j for sale find ' Fatties having pears can a | pod market for them as this office. Parties having houses to rent can have them rer ted and attended to by call-ng onus at our office. I perfect Pastry Patent flour for sale at Frank Harper’s cheaper than at any oth¬ er place in the city. ffeeverybody to advise give Perfect Pastry Patent a trial. It is the finest [ jour in the market. Call on U. F. Har der & Bro. ILrper & Brother conhnues to sell the famous P- P- P- flour tbe best and whit eton the maiket. A new variety of stock powders, “said to work wonders,’’ Call for ffiered t n box, at Stewart s. An endless variety of ladies’neck w,-ar at Stewart’s. Come one, come all, the old and young, th■- short, the tall, the rich the poor, we please them all. Count¬ ies bargains aw it your call at Stews mi’s. Tne paper speaks for itself. $1,85 Will get the ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTISITTION and THE CONYERS WEEKLY, one whole year! $1,00 Will get the Conyeks Weekly one year when paid in advance. "hen sent by mail $1.25 will be the p rice. Address, THE WEEKLY, Conyers, Ga. THE AGRICULTURAL BUREAU. “Hon- Lon Livingston says, in conver¬ I sation with a Constitution reporter, that ! the Agricultural B ireau of Georgia is not only sustaining, but pays $ 4 °, 000 into the State treasury—dividend from ! the, inspection of fertilizers above the | cost of running the Bureau. We would like to ask the Senator who actually pays ; these inspection fees? Do not the man- ! ufacturers of fertiliz rs count in inspec tionfees as a part of the cost of produc tionand placing their goods on the mar ket? Certainly they do; therefore, the 54oooo that goes into the treasury tc educate the negroes, and $20,000 that goes to keep up Jack Henderson, his Unfold and the dodgasted Bureau, are "umg out of nobody but the tax ridden farmers. And they receive no benefit, We have talked with over twenty of our farmers and not one says he has ever been benefitted by it. We now ask all of our farmers who have been benefit > hv this great Bureau to report us in what way and how much.” The above short editorial appeared in this paper July the 27th. In the Con etitution of the 7th inat. we notice a letter from Conyers signed by Mr. Tuck er-Swann and others in which says, ‘Ai it has bee« copied in several other Papers and conveys an erroneous impres **00reflecting the upon the intelligence of farms of our county, we ask that you publish the following reply.’’ Again they say that they have been' benefitted in various ways by the department and are unwilling to be misrepresented by toe Weekly “ «’« ^ lot believe the above tetter gotten up at the instance of a certain at,scrupulous politician, a State Senator we would not notice it, but we do believe PI he « its originator, and shall dea, "Rh it accordingly, iu the first ^ whole tener is false from begining to end. We de:y any man to show one word iu our editorial reflecting in the Obtest manner upon the intelligence «f our farmers. It can’t be done, and ffie attempt to prejudice the minds of { he farmers against us by such boldfaced, natl ‘ ue suteiaejits, is beneath the ty of any gentleman. We bam eyer worked for the interest of our farmers faithfully and well, and the man who testifies that we have ever knowingly misrepresented them or threir interests at any time or in any manner testifies to what is not true. How h>'ve we mis represented the gentlemen who sign the letter. Have we ever stated that they said they had not been benefitted? we said we had talked with over twenty o’ our farmers who say they ha^e not been benefitted, and it is true- We cm get the Tnafnes of 500 in neccessary. We now ask these gentlemen did we ever as ^ either of you about the matter? n< one of you can say that we did. We asr you through our editorial to report to us if you had been benefitted. Did you do it? No!- Y ou sent your answer to the Atlanta Constitution unjustly condemn ing us for the purpose of assisting one or two mean politicians. The whole matter is two trauspar ent to gu 1 many people. Whv did you not report <o ns? Why say we had reflected upon the intelli genee of our farmers and misrepresented you when no word reflecting npon them was used and your names did notap pear in our paper? Surely yon do not set yourselves up as the entire farn ing force of this county. It reminds us more of the circulars of a certain Island Shoals merchant than any thing else— ggjf persecution to get sympathy. Now a few words as to the benefits they have received. What are they? a manual on the hog, sheep, chicken, analysis of soil ( es f, crop reports Ac. Now we want to know what in the name of goodness they have received in tbe way of benefits from the manual on the hog? How many hogs do you sup pose these gentlemen have? Sure'y not enough to authorize the ereetion of a Bureau at a cost of over $23,000 to issue manuals, directing his cultivation. We would like <o know how many more hogs these gentlemen have raised siuce-l they received these valuable manuals and how much larger they are? And they have also been ‘ ben efltted by a manual on the sheep! How much? Is there any man of the signers who owns 20 sheep? Is there 100 sheep owned by the whole number, 38, of the signers? Don’t they own as many dogs as they do sheep? We venture the as sertion that they do and belie re the facts will susta n us, Surely then the manual on the sheep is sufficient cause for a $25,000 Bureau? As to the manual* on chickens and the crop reports they are all bosh. They do not increase the yield of either nor raise one cent the price. They say‘‘through the inspection of fertilizers, even admitting that we pay the fees for inspection, we teel that we get many dollars worth of protection for every dollar we pay out. We do not believe this true The ma¬ jority of onr frrmers do not believe it true, for theyjsay that they got beltei _-u ano before the inspection was forced than they do now, for then it sold npon ,ts merits, but now it is sold on the gr iund of having been inspected one pint «ut of a cargo! Even if the inspec¬ tion did give ttem benefit, is it necessary to pay $23 000 for a Bureau to have it done? Can it be inspected without it? Certainly it can. It seems that a child might see through this thing. The charge has been made that we have misrepresented our farmers and that we h ive reflected upon their intefii gence. We say it is false and give be h>w the names of good farmers who say they have not been misrepresented and the most of whom say farther that they believe the Agricultural Bu.eauto be an imposition upon 1 he farmers. Had we time to see them we could get the names of 500 farmers, and we know that if the quettion was left to our farmers they would wipe out the Agricultural , . , , Bureau „ stitution *D’ ° 1 ' to . I0 ' * novv / D G sa D ailes 8 ? *? o give o a lg men >. these » l * neB P ald ou ^ of 1 ' air hard warnings, and t t ev know (lat ie men who are working so hard for it, using eve,y means, foul and fair care nothing for it only to get mto office Its a com r-liment to the intelligence of our farmers to sav that Jiey condemn it a«-d they so taae it. Any assertions to t ie contian won t hear washing. Here are the nams of good men h- say they have never received any benefit from it. Willis Irwin, J »hn Whitaker, Bob Ir win* E Thotn - S Mit « he | 1 ’ M . J M Zaehry, James u son, i- D. <^ nn Ti P TreadwU- Sam Night, D N » C Hudson, W. H. McDaniril, D Rogers c White, Joseph Reagan, John I lunket, J« hn Harris, J Hamby, Henry Dabney, John Carr, Dave Hudson, G Jones, Mitchel, J House worth, E Hump us, M Chandler, J W Johnson, G 1 moi.ton, L; oup Smith, W Covtan, Robinson, O J Almand. G H weaver, G T Warren, Owen Haygood, L-Snarp, A Mooa ’ A Boru M E Stewart ’ J b ' U3and ‘ J w McClung. Geo Burnett, « D , t£ P Almand, i II Bnans, I H Bryans, Jr. Ben -aUave, J noma» O.vetis. * Broadnax. VV D Broadnax Dr. R li lur uer. *, t> Mai A r. Hamoy. G \- uale. J» hn Henry, G", u -> tBAnd.Sr. Wies . whe'i^ . want a nice sh-*e and c d shoe , one that will fit well, look e aUd ,1 .... * ...„ OI , n \ * ‘ ’ Miss Hall, a pretty young tady ..... .of w ar renton, is vWting lriends in our city, the quest of Mrs Henry McCord. Campmeeting at Rock Chapel com mences to-day. Several of our citizens ’ will teat,. The man who parchaseth a water mel¬ on andfoigeteth the paragorie is not fit for the rear ng of a family. Mi. J n e McCord represented Conyers lodge at the Giar.ri Lodge of Odd Fel¬ lows which met in Augusta this week. Mr. Lish Maddox has just returned from a trip through Henry eonaty, and reports crops as badly injured by the drouth as in Rockdale. Mr. A. H. Zaehry, of Fl-rida ie at Mr. B. N. McNights. Mr. D. N. Hudson has just received a Gill line of elega -t shoes in mens, boys, vomeu and childrens- "hen you want i ;<>od shoes and want them of the be.-t quality and at bottom fignses, we advise you to call on their house—the boss shoe he use. Mr. Demps Ray, of Atlanta, was in our city last week. Mr. Ray was once a cit¬ izen of our town and is now engaged in a large lumber, contracting and house furnishing business in Atlanta, "hen our people need anything in this litre they should patronize him, for he is a gentleman of high standing a id strictly reliable in ah of his dealings, The appearace of a ripe peach upon our streets, the other day, sound and uninhabited, created quite a sensation. The peach crop is n. ’c. More building is going on in our coun ty now than we have ever known before at any time. Court commences Monday week. ( Mr. R. A. Almand has shown us some open cotton bolls from his cotton patch, the first we have seen. The bolls arc* small and th s staple very short. The! cotton yield will be slim indeed. Deaf Dick Scott, a negro well known here, di d on fast Saturday. Mr. W. P. Mitchell, of Daniellsyille, who has been here on a visit to relatives and friends, has returned. The campmeeting at Smyrna was very well attended. We are pleased to state that onr young friend, Thomas McCord, is rapidly im proving. He will, we hope, soon be all right again. Many of our farmers around town are cutting down their corn and feeding it to their f-tbek. Mr. Henry Hollingsworth. *f Beaure gard, Mississippi, is he>e on a visit at his father's. We wish him a pleasant stay, The negro question is exciting n u h comment. Hon. Mark H. Blandford has been elected supreme court judge. Mr. J-L. Arneldal ha, a piece of cot¬ ton over »aist high a id loaded with bolls from bottom to top. Who can ! heat it? Miss Annie Ware Fre 'man, of Augus¬ ta is visiting Miss Sadie Taliiaferro. E, ROBERTS, Mr- Roberts has changed his place of business, going into one of the elegant rooms of Mr. S. D. Night, where he will be pleased to have all of his friends, customers and the public generally tocall on him. He is well fitted up to do all kinds of tin work from the mending of a dipper to covering a house, and has a full stock of all goods in his line which can be bought lew down. He has just receivsd a car load of stoves and all who want one can get them cheaper than ev¬ er bef re offered. Call and see him. . - GEORGIA, Rockdale County. To A. P. Mitchell Sheriff of said coun ty greeting — You are hereby require'! to summon the persons whose names are written below to appear at the Superior Court to be held in and b>r said county on the 3rd Monday in August next to serve as trayers jurors. W. T. Brooks, Alplired Sims, W. J. Williams. J. J. Bartlett, Jonh H. Hardin, F. F. Bryant, C. Humphrise, C. A. Biake > F. S Tieadwell, John F. Wallis, A. M. Stowers, L. H. Sigman, C C. Ktng. John E. Cowan, J. J. Langford, Peter Oiotfeller, W. S. Cowan, Ale Ivery, M. R. Stewart, C. J. Stinton, George A. Keen, R, J. Cross!}', C. VV. Berry, H. B. L. F. Shipp’ey, Tucker, j j M. C. White, George W. Cain, John R. Maddox, j Janies A. Moon, M. A. McDonald. ] This May 18th 1883. J. R. McCord Clerk J. C. GEORGIA, Rockdale County To A . p. Mitchell Sheriff of said coun ty gre etinp. „ re j iere j 3 y required to serve the f 0 u 0W ; ng name Grand Jurors to serve at the Augus t term of the Superior Court 1883 3 Monday— Jo{m G Mann John S. Albert ? D- Night. W. Bates Rea gin, VV. W. 8*ann, George T. Smith, Ben j. Fio weis, Get rge P. Elliott, Elllvard c ,, John J. Cowan, Simeon D. Almand, Da-id s. Butler, i jj oe ] n C^pehart Thomas H Brvars H H . McDonald, George G. Baker. Jas A. Kennedy, Jas. H. Hollingsworth, Thomas H, Hardin, Asa F. Sima. | Andrew J. Smith, John H. Alm.nd, Charles V. Sanford- Bhi r J. Marbuf. Notice W . Maddox, Pleasant <• Tucker, John F. Bowan Newton Hollingsworth. John M. Christain. Joseph A. Stewart, This May 18th 1883. J R. McCord ■ Clerk S. C. VV e still advise our people to econo mize in every way possible. By no oth er method can they pull ?afeiy through ■ with the short crops. SUMMER CLOTHING. A full line of Cicilean and Alapaca COATS AND VESTS in all sizes from boys up to 8-. breast also RXTR' long sacks. Also a small lot of COLOREDALPACACOATS at $1,50 to, $3,CO, former prices $3 5° to $5,00. Just receivetl a full lot oi "OUD OWN” perfect fitting dress shirts, fit laundried and nnlaundried, at the saute popular low prices. Please give tis a call. Very respectfully, J ,C s. ltOSRKFELn. Gate City i-lotliiiii: store, Jl lViiilrliaf Street, Atlanta, Ga. A, P. TRIPOD, 13 Broad Strket.........ATLANTA, GA. Atists ami Painters Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For xiIK SILICATE PAINT COMPANY Petrifv Liquid, a sure remedv for damp walls, recommended bvjhe Internation¬ ili Aeatth Congress and banitary Insti *'"‘ L ’’ ^ ,ea “ iBe n J M OWENS, PROPRTT'R Newly fitted up. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Free Hacks meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON GEORGIA. ATTEND THE Of Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, KY. Tim b to complete the Full Diploma Business Course alout £S*5£sS^®52i3kS successful graduates. last year. 5,000 time; vacation. rail session Students can bezln at any no address begins September 10th. For full particulars, wn.BUR R. SMITH, bojfingtor., Ky. CO dONES. p|? ! 40KES, Iron Levers, BE Steel PAYS Bearings, THE Brass FKKIfcUr. TARE 85AW* I H | A * Bold For free on trial. book, address W-irmnta 6 ywa. AH sizes as low. ^ I H ^3 . ] JONES 0F B»Hm<J WT0H, v SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, fommiy known as the Atlanta Health InstiliHe “Water (Jure,” is universally acknowl¬ edged to be the most complete and thoroughly rational and scientific es tablishment ’or the Irealment ol the sick in the southern states, The fid lowing area few of ihe man' remedial agencies employed in addition to the u-ual approved remedies: The celehrated Aiulicre-Tliermo Bath, Improved Turkish,FnM Klectric Russian Roman, E ectro- V apor, and some twenty different kinds of ELECTRIC WATER baths. ALSO Swedish Movem ut by ira ehinery. and niauua operation by trained manipulating, Massage tica i'¬ ll) ent, etc., etc. Special attention given to the lareotment of Diseases perouliar to Invalid LaliesJ also Dyspepsia, Nut-, lalgia. Rheumatism, Diseases ol the Kidneys Liver and Bowds, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lunus Chorine diseat-es arc 1 adily and permanently dress cured at this institution. Ac U O ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, Allnata. 'lv£.^.C: OIL j aF irst-ciaSr’’ Sc hool mm e, C4;'.t:;i to any North or South. Send lor Circulars, free. - CON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal. Ob-** 'HIE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP, :o,: FRANK LYN 3 H Cousorial |utist in Charge. :o: ITaii cutting in ihe neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Sha . pooning and Dyeing executed with nearness and dispatch. Located in the Night bu’lning first floor od the left upstairs. VIGOROUS HEALTHforMEN ! VTESTED 5YEARS » FOH *, s. ■x\ f by thODSanlls V B8e ^cwnflcmfdic’af urin" sipies. it has been Rrow SS'oflffe numerous obscure diseases, organic ^baffling weakness the skill and ot rours}Tste t m?Kk 1 | e aTemedy‘thau"as 1 1 U t?ouT SKfeSi**-™* c ured I sentfreeto anyone. Hemedy sold SSfafeSfi only by tha ) HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF’G CHEMISTS. 308.’a N. 10th. Si. 6T. LOUIS, MO. Cts Kcitt’s treataec*. $ 3 . W: atstts tt. three sss’.U S 7 - a? a asxxBOi rife <*CSX*ZM GO 8 od S CO Mi © on* ©; © ©Fgj t a« SUGAR HULLS & SYRUP KETTLES, GIM GEAR, STEAEVS ENSURES BORERS SAW AND GRfST Mill ' MACHINERY AND CASHNSS OF ALL KINDS TO 0R0r,R. IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast,) 8£?“Send for circulars and pricesfor all the n-hove. Address, C D. FINDLAY, Agen. OR SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! )■ S SCHOFIELD & SONS* Proprietors, Manor,'Georgia'. Mannfaotnrprs and Deal era in evew Variety r £ /'gricnlfenrai Marbinery-. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Presses , Boilers, EngineS SAW, GRTSTand FLO HR MILLS SCRGHO MIMA apd KETTLES,; Oustings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. Judson’s —Agents For — Slandatd (lovemor. Nordyfcc And Marniim Mi Is. And the Celebrated FAUGUT DEE RING MOIUE POWER. , FITTINGS, —Keep constantly GOODS, in stO'k a Full Lii.e of— ENGINE BRASS BELTING. PIPING, COMBI¬ NATION MONKEY WRENCHES AC &( B*> I. F. HARPER and 111 a — INCALKKS IN— GENERAL H MERCHAEDIS h DECATUR STREET, CONYERS. GA. Keep always on hand a lull and complete assortment of the very DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. notions, hats, hassware,.grockesy, meat, flour ets SUGAR, COFFEE, COfiFEi;TIOiERlES,SPiS£S,CANW£D GG01 SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED NSILK, SAS . DINES, &0. SAUCES, PIGmS, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in Th is Market and other , WE BUY FOR THE CASH And arc able and prepared to ee’l goods sis- cheap as nnv body and wo guarantee to give satisfaction. We want a 1 to call ami give us a trial We pay the highest prices for all country pioduce. We k ep the best giades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty of the LUCY II INTO If Tobaeo. All goods delivered free in the City a RESFEOTFUIJA”, ' U. F. HARPER & BRO ; — IE H i, i. m © § n YY: Convers Ga. DEALEXIS IN aLL KINDS OF Clolhing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes also Groceries such as Suea’’, Coffee, Tea, Syrup. l(ic.*‘, Griis Meal, Oat M< al, 1 ohacco, Snuff etc. VVe call especial aiti ntion to our line of jm FANCYGROCER’ES &CONFECTIONERi’S Such as canned tenudoes, poaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon, Mack ere,, surdities, cond-ns si mi k, jelly, pickles, candy both fancy :. stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon baking powders, Dor.- ford's bread preparation, etc, etc. Our pepper and spices both ground and grain are the very beet in the market. ©IV® UBEM: & ■acsx JLZ. VVe also keep a gor-d variety of Fresh Crackers, both plain and sweei, Also the celebrated, Lustro Siioe tttid Stov Polish. A good lino of Table and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodwar'e, etc, aferWE MAKE FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,"^a Onr motto: SllOrt Pfcfits and (luick Sates- TVrins Strictly cash- G. W. n iLi VER & BRO. gg°r.— 1 MORE POPULAR THAR EVER. The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MACHINE ! ADD MUCH TO THE wS? MANY EXCELLENT QUAL TIES of this 1 - >enor r dLl y • ... .. — :o; II >s an E“peial Favorite of Ladies, mM al T;,,1 E 8 ai D 1 0thers ’ w . h ° U?e theU1 I for t!,e u,an y ^vantages , j theyjjnseRs over other i , Sewing Machines, 1 MW'VVk ! EVERY WHITE MACHINE 1 Warren ted for 5 years. ■% J. I> & T F. SMITH. i. # Wholesale and Retail Dealers, J.'l , . -.a- 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. 4 1 H. V. & D M. ALM AND, Agents Conyers, Geoi gja.