The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 10, 1883, Image 5

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A qUEEV OF THE STAGE. “ 'lb- 'nlXM'" W ° n ™(yflj York World.) Several years ago the American public Were arou-ed by tne entree upon the stage of a little lady who had been previously of but lit le announced. She was one an innu¬ merable number of aspirants for j>ub ic f vor and had no i. strumcntulity, aside from her own tnlents. to cau. e recognition. she xinickly In spite of this fact, however, the achieved a warm place in the heart cf public, wh oo si e i as cont n ed to hold eve ■ since. When it was an ounced, t erefoie, the tiat Mis? Maud Granger would star com rg season in the play “Her becoud love,’ wr tten by .V r. John A. Ste en , it wa - only r at lal that unusral intetes. should bj manxfes ed i.o: only in c;r 1 s, bat in oti er br nchos of t ie community. This was spen ally thr ca e, ns it was known ti at Miss Giang r h d, fx.r the past year, been ri exceeding,.? dencate hea th, and the det rminat on to star in a strong emotional play w is tl e 11 ore surprising. O' e of t ie s-ta . of this pa e wa j accord ugly deputized to see the i o ular l .dy aud veruy the ruiixOr or ai no nice .ts incoire tuess. Miss Granger’s couutenanca is familiar to nearly e? ei y one in the Ln.ted States. It is a face once seen never to be forgotten. and Features remarkable in their outline contour aie surmounted by a pair of 1 irge and deep eyes indicative of (he greatest soul power, it is easy to seewlieie Miss Giauger obtains the ability to portray char ace is of the most emotional nature. She possesses within herself the elements of feeling, with¬ out which no emotion cm be conveyed to an audience. The man of news found the lady at her home in this city, and was ac¬ corded a quiet welcome. It was evident at once that she was in greatly improved her health, which the expression and color of countenance both indicated. “ Is it true, Miss Granger, that you con¬ template a starring tour the coming season?” “ Yes indeed. My season begins in Clii cago on July 16 . From th re 1 go to San Francisco, and then play the remainder of the season through the Fastern and West¬ ern States.” “ Are you confident your health will per¬ mit such an undertaking ?” A ringing laugh was the first reply to this question, after which she said: “Certainly. It is true I have been ill for the past two years, but now I am wholly re¬ covered. Few people can have any idea of the strain a conscientious actres > undergoes in essaying an emotional part. It is neces¬ sary to put one’s whole soul inlo the work in order to righ ly portray the character. This necessitates uu utter abandonment of one’s personality and an assumption of the portrayed. If this is an emo¬ tional part the it is necessary supposed to feel feel. the same For emotions part is l > more than a year 1 actually cried each night in certain passages of a part 1 was playing. The audience considered it ari. Probably it w,.s, but those were none the less real tears and the etfeot wa? none the less trying upon my health.” “But do you anticipate avoiding this in the future?” “Not in tli© least. I expect to have just as great a strain as before, but witli restoied tun th and a knowledge of how to retain it I do not fear.” “You sjie ik of a ‘know’edge of howto re tan health.’ Will you p ea e explain what you mein by that?” “ You must bo aware that women by their very natures a e sub ect to troubles and aiilictioim unknown to the sterner sex. Tue name of these bonifies is legion, but in whatever form they may co re they a e weaknesses which interfere wiih e very ambi¬ tion and hope in life. I believe thousands of noble women are to-day sufiering agonies of which even the r best friends and rela¬ tives know little or noth ng, and when I re¬ flect upon il 1 confe s it makes tne sad. Now all this misery ari os largoly from an ignor¬ ance of the laws of life or a neglect to oave fufiy observe them. 1 speak from the deptl s of a bitter experience m saying this, and 1 am thankful 1 know the means of re? tor a ti in, and how (o remain in perfect health.” “ Please e.vpl tin more fu ly.” “Well, I have found a remedy which seems specially is and adapted paint: for nnd this very j u p i x-. It pure b'e controls the health and life as, I bel evx-, nothing else will. It is ret lly invaluable and if all the women in America wore to use it 1 nm quite sure most o the suffering and many deaths might be u\o ded.” “ What is this wonderful remedy?” “Warner’s S;tfe Cure.” “ And you use it ?” “Const-mtty.” believe “And l.enc.t you will be able to go th o gh the coming sca?on successfully.” I am cu to certain of it.” Will I \ few question? more, Miss Granger. yon have p’.< a o g ve me tho a list of the i arte you created an l plays joa have taken part in since your first appearance in public ?” “1 til a v pin-ed for some time with tie nmateuis in Now York an 11 ’rooklyn. Ithen wen to tl e Union Square the lire for two icasoiis, afler that tithe Boston Globe for one s a on : n l ttum to Boo h’s tl eat re i i thin city. Next Isupported John Mot ullough aid afterwa ds starred in Ju'iet, C'.mille, Ros ilind etc. Subsaqueutly I created the part of Cicely Blaine in the ‘Galley Slave’ and also starred in ‘Two Nigh sin Rome,’ playing the part of Antonia. The past year I have been playing in tho Tl liter's Wife’ and the coming season,as Ihave.-a d, w.ll bodevoted to Her Second Love.’ ” As the writer was returning home he fell hito a train of musing aud vondered if all the women in this land who are suffering could only know Miss Granger’s experience an! the remarkable results achieved by the pure might remedy be she u e 1, how much suffering avoided aud how much happiness secured. Chart,ey, thk three-year- jld of the household, stood an attentive and inter¬ ested looker-on while grandma was par¬ ing potatoes for dinner. Presently she made a sign of discontinuing the work with a single potato left unpealed and unwashed. The little fellow reached into the pan, took it in his chubby hand, aud turning his bright eyes in an ap¬ pealing glance to grandma’s face, ex¬ claimed: “Take ’im c’oes off and givo ’im baff, too.” Full of Hope. Dr. Charles Lloyd, of the Great full Bridge, Va., endorsed it. In the vigor of life, a sudden cramp is often precur¬ sor of death. Dr. Diarrhoea Worthington’s re¬ nowned Cholera and Medicine should be in every household, as a sure cure for all complaints and of the stomach and bowels. Price 25 50 cents a bot¬ tle. A seven-year older, with the punster mark on his brow, at dinner asked his mother what was in the jar on the table. “Pickles, my son,” was the reply. “Then, mamma, pickle little one out from for me,” the came with a stunning force child, aud the mother fell over a chair and fainted. “Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills for Dr. the G. P. cure Holman, of Neuralgia Christianburg, are a success. M__ Ya. 50 cts. at druggists. Thebe ism sense than poetrv in the remark of so: xidy’s wife, who said she •was glad the lamily was not rich, “foi then we wouldn’t have half the fun we now have in paying our bills and trying to save a dollar for a rainy day ” "Five doctors; no end of medicine; no re¬ lief. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure has driven aicat. nil eruptions and I’m nearly well .”—Ida C. Young, Hamilton, Ill. _ _ Army worms are taking Rapides par ish. La. Do you sleep badly at night ? Why suffei from indigestion? Gastbine will give you All relief. Gastbine is in liquid form. druggists. _ Long Ago.— More than half a century ago Widow Ross of Lyman, Maine, ad¬ vertised in the Kennebunk Gazette for information of her son, whose name, singularly enough, was Charlie Ross, aud who had mysteriously disappeared. Read This. The Army and Navy Liniment takes the soreness out of spavin, ringbone, splint or curb, and arrests their growth. Cures colic, scratches and other diseases. Good for man or beast For sale by all druggists. There are $800,-000 in the State Treas 1117 of Texas. Ladies <fc children’s boots & shoes can’t run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel Stiffeners are used. There are 600 more 'men than women in Butler county, Ala. " Not a drink, not sold in bar-rooms, but a reliable, non alcoholic tonic medicine, use¬ ful at all times, and in all seasons, is Brown’s Iron Ritters._ Five thousand alligator hides were re¬ cently shipped from Orange, Texas. Wai.terbop.O, S. C, Dr. J. M. Klein says: ‘‘Brown’s Iron Bitters have given uni¬ versal satisfac tion.” _ Immense quantities of tomatoes are being shipped from Chattanooga, some 600 boxes daily. Conyers, Ga. Dr. W. H. Lee says: ••Brown’s Iron Bitters is a good medicine and many are using it in this place.” There is more sense than poetry in the remark of somebody’s wife, who said she was glad the family was not rich, “ for then we wouldn’t have half the fun we now have dollar in paying our rainy bills day.” and trying to save a for a We Advise It. If your hair is thin and falling out, if yot are becoming prematurely bald, if your hail is d-y nnd sickly, use Carboline, the grea natural Hai r Restorer. One dol lar a bo-tie A judge in Toronto, Canada, on dis cnarging that a snow-balling ‘‘the boy youngster, re¬ marked who would nof peg snow-balls should be put under a glass as a unique specimen.” Chapped hands, face pimples and rongl •kin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. Offended. — Harvard students an offended by a remark of President Elim that the initiation ceremonies of then secret societies “have ceased to be barbarous and are simply foolish.” “Here, now,” said a mother to hei little boy, “take this good medicine. It’s sweet as sugar.” “Mamma, I lovi little brother,” the boy replied; “give it to him.” Pure cod-liver oil, from selected livers 01 the sea shore by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, Absolutely pure and sweet. Pa tients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians deelare it superior to all other oils. Offended. — Harvard students arc offended by a remark of President Eliot that the initiation ceremonies of their secret societies “have ceased to be barbarous and are simply foo lish.” ON THEIITT DAYS* TRIAD. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich, will send Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young and old) who are afflicted with nervous debil¬ ity, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete resto¬ ration of health and manly vigor. Ad¬ dress as above. N. B.—No risk is incur¬ red, ns thirty days’ trial is allowed. A Boston artist painted a string of tec trout so naturally that the man who bought it told everybody that he had pur¬ chased a picture of 575 trout all on one string.— Philadelphia, The- Doctor’s Indorsement. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the subjoined professional indorsement: “I have prescribed Dr. Wm. Hell's Balsam for the Lungs in a great number of cases and always with Kucoees. Cue case in particular was given up by several physicians who had been called in for consultation with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed consump¬ tion-cold n’glit sweats, commenced hectic fever, immediately harrass ing cough, etc. He restored to his usual to get better and was soon Wm. Hall’s health. I have also found Dr. Bal¬ sam for the Lungs the most valuable expecto¬ rant for breaking up distressing coughs and colds that I h ave ever used.” _ Dnrno’s Catarrh Snuff cures Catarrh and all affections of the mucous membrane. QR.WORTHINCTON'S 17 ■holera mm llARRHOEAtfuRE B3 EB used * over as teaks, The best remedy for Cholera, Cranr,>», l>lnrrh<ea Dyaontery, Summer Complaint, ItynnepKta. and othe 1862, auctions by of Surgeon-General the stomach and C. bowels. S. A. Introduced Recommended in the by Army Get. War ren, Purreyor-Gcncral; Hon. Kenneth Ravner, Solicitoi U. S . Treasury, and others. Price. *25 cts. Sold by Druggist and Dealers, Onlr genuine if our name is blown in bottle, Sol proprietors. THE CHAR ES A VPGELER COMPARY, . j ......... - (10®% aeh creasing er, the iiuhivuei and physical Bitters, rendering vital b by Dtuii func¬ pow in tions regular am active, in keeps good work tin system and ing order, against pro dis tects it ease. For consttpa _ tion, dyspepsia S. liver aiu complaint, Kidney ner m ■l- ftp vousnessj, am rheumatic ailments, £_~ it is invaluable, and ii affords a sure oefenct against malarial fe vers, beside les removinj, all t aces of such dis ease from the system. For sale by all druggists and deal¬ ers generally. CO VOl Nfi MEN WANTED in Sept., tolear= Telegraphy. Situations prnsranteed. Address .van. & U. K. Tex. College, Ann Arb r. Mix-h. 5~1oi.eman BCSIKISS Collfge, araduates Newark, Write N. J. Terms Vy $4x'. Positions for for circulars. 866 sa iaSMlSfe 55 to '' a 3 - „ Cm _ _ DVbWiies, waxenmakers. d,fi.BlScaAOO..SSI>eySt,.N.y, By mad 25c. Cixcnlar* A Veteran Soldier. Mr. O. F. Bowles, of No. 24 Common stroet, Lynn, Mass., says: : “While in the army, at the battle of Spottsylvama, I fell while getting over a rail fence and was badly injured and left for dead, but after a time I was picked up by romrades; and upon examination it was found that my back was badly hurt and my kidneys seriously injured, and I have suffered the most excruciating pain since, and could obtain no relief although treated by several physicians, and I had given up ail hope of getting help when I was recommended to use Hunt’s Remedy. I purchased several bottles at one of our drug stores in I.jnn, and began to use it as directed, and can now attend to business, and am free from the pains I for¬ merly had: and I wish to say to my friends and comrades that Hunt e Remedy will do all that is claimed for it, and is worthy of all praise. Yon can use my tt etimony when you have occasion to, as I most heartily recom¬ mend it to all that have kidney or liver troubles. ” April 26 , 188^. _ “You May Use My Nam*.” I desire to inform yon what your valuable medicine has done forme. I was induced to try it by a member of our family “who had been benefited by its use.” I have suffered terribly from kidney difficulties. At times I have been very bad, having severe pains in my back, with general loss of strength and vitality. My urine was very bad, with a heavy sediment ol brick-dust, which was fast leading to gravel. I com¬ menced using Hunt’s Remedy, with a marked improve¬ ment from the start; the pains left, the urine became more natural, and I can truly say one bottle effect* l a permanent cure , both and I have recommended it to many persons here in Boston, all of whom speak of it with the highest traise. You are at liberty to use this letter or my name in any manner you may think best, that other sufferers may learn the value of the greatest of all remedies. Most truly yours, JOHN F. COX, 62 Pleasant Street. . Malden, Mass., Ap ril23, 1883. _ . There is no use in contesting the seat when you have an eight ounce carpet tack for a rival. The decision will be strictly partisan .—Detroit Free Press. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUl£Bf DA HALL’S n KBALSAM Cares lusnu, Cansampstsa, Cslds. Fsauinls, Bronchitis, In Bronchial DiUcultles, Whoopinf Cough, Boarssneas, and all Asthma, Diseases Croap, sf ths Breathlm Organs. the It soothes asd heals the Memhrau sf Linn, taflamed and polsoced hr tbs disease, and prevents ths night sweats asd lightness It, Consumption across ths Is chest Incurable which aocompaar maladr nst an HALL’8 BALSAM will ear# res, svss though professional aid falls. IRON WORKS. Do A. MUldANE, Manager* P. O Box 1690 New Orleans, La Manufacturers of Reynolds’ Celebra¬ Hi ted Platform COTTON PRESSE8, Steam, Hand & Horse Power. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, and Building Meng* Patent Hredgeboat Work. Black Fronts, smithing and Columns. Macnine Railings, Work. tarORDERS SOLICITED. JgA CHICAGO SCALE CO. T a TON WAGON SCALE, *40. 3 TON, *50. z5»j 4 Tow $<»<>, Beatm Box Included. ~~ COTTOPJ BEAM & FRAME, $45. The “Little Detective,” % oz. to 25 lb. t 3 300 OTHER SIZES. Reduced PRICE LIST FREE. W FORGES, TOOLS, &c. *lf ST”! REST FORGE MADE FOR LIGHT WORK, q| I I .*<» Farmers lb. /I nvil time and and Kit money of doing Tools, odd job?. SIC n save Blowers. i)vils. Vices a Other Article' *'r -i.e t ei WIIOLKS4LF * RETAIL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS BALTIMORE, MO. The practical advantages of this school are unsur¬ passed. Clinic held at City Hospital, Maternite and Maryland Woman’s Hospital, all of which belong to this school. Physiological and Chemical Laborrtory Work required of every DR. Student. THOMAS Apply OPIE, for Dean. a catalogue to 39 N. Carey street. THE COLUMBIA ATHEN/EUIYI TENNESSEE. A Boarding ami Day School for Young Ladies Founded 1852. Chartered 1858. Commodious ADVANTAGES;—Healthy Buildings, well Location. Lighted Large and Ventilated. Grounds. Full and Efficient Faculty. Best Advantages in Music, Art-, struction. etc. Fine Aparatus and Library. September Thorough 3rd. In¬ Good Table. Next Session Catalogues _liOBT. Frae. E. SMITH, A. M., President._ Roanoke Cotton Press. The Best and Cheapest Prea* ma de. Costs less than Hundred* sheltbt over other presses. in actual use at both steam arifJ horse power gins. Makes hea\ .* bales by liana The faster than improve¬ any gin can in pick. gin houses new describes ments in the words of their inventor free to all. Address ROANOKH -7.J Iron Works, Chattanooga. P 5 Tenn., or Roanoke Cotton ” Press Co., Rich Square, N. (.*. ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Able Faculty. Healthful and beautiful loca¬ tion. Instruction thorough. Terms very low. Session begins September 20 th. Order cata¬ logue. Wm. Rev. A. Eubank, A. M.,) \ P^ipals. F. Dickinson, FREE Send to MOORE’S RUSIXES* UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Ga. ’’’or Illustrated 2*th year CO 5-TON VCHVK.H• ,«\K» r *BK’VaV8 I9H “AIS t, TaBVTJ.!i * CAB, mt HltlaiB 1 !?’ ’-old ob trial. Warrants 6 years. AU sizes as law. for free book, address OF BINGHAMTON, mSSi _____ JONES J B1KUUAHTUJ, I k information went STEPHENS, is Of eagerly EDWARD. South solicited in whe 1863 J. fNO. J. STEPHENS, St. Stanislaus, by his brother, Elobis iant, Missouri. OPIUM HABIT Chired Painlessly. The Medicine sold for a small margin ahoy tfift cost t o on.” impounding. For A : 1 cast's treated by special presorti rii t«dl particulars addrei a the Discoverer )S, S= B. GGLUrF. La Port , !nd, tfJLL & FACTORY SUPPLIEi OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSI and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES. ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ao. Sand for ' Prlca-liat W. H. DILLINGHAM A O# «ai Main itrait, LOUISVILLE. ICY. A25 ,- there It willaiso is «>wa.vs knit a a rexdy gre. market. v»rietyoffanc?wort, Send for circular forwhteh '? tl>« TJVO.nitLk KMTTINO & terms CO., 1B3 Tbkm ost Stkeet, BOSTON, MACHINE MASS. Dr. LaFIEUS' FRENCH MOUSTACHE VIGOR Grows a beard os the smoothest face in 20 days or Cr WJ Jj m °bey refunded. silver; 3 Never packages fails. for Sent $1. Beware on receipt of cheap of 50c * imitations; none other genuine. Send for circular. Address, T.TT. SAXE, box 22, Warsaw. Ind. l.S.A. OPIUM t icuiaregent free. B.M. Woolley, M.P ., Atlanta, Ga. Q 1 ! $ A. Wte&K.. 812aday&tho7oe«a8Uymada. Oostls # I t outfit fw. Address Thus A Oo.. Aagtnu, Ms xaP A ictorial Booksand ANTED lor Bibles. the Best Prices and reduced Fastest selling 33per cent, RationPublishing Oo., Atlanta. Ga, m CURES WHEKE AU ELSE FAILS. Beat Coogh Syrup. Tutea good. Use id time. Sofd by druggist*. II —‘m| _ {'mr) _r The superior merits of the watches having Stevens' Patent improvements are acknowledged by every person wearing them Railroad men, and others re¬ quiring great accuracy in time pieces, endorse them, and we are prepared to show by incon¬ testable proof, that no other watch not having these improve¬ ments will produce such accu¬ rate results in time keeping. They are durable, dust-proof, and reliable, and considering quality, the cheapest watch in the market. Send for our illus¬ trated catalogue and prices. J.P.STEYENS WITCH CO., Atlanta, Ga. If and If. “ lr you are suffering from poor health * or languishing cn a bed of sicknesi, take * che< r, if you are simply ailing, Ji* if you ‘feel weak and dispirited, without clearly ‘ knowing why, Hop Bitters will surely ‘cure you.” “If you are a Minister, and have overtaxed yourseli ’with your pastoral duties, or a Mother, worn out with *caro and work, or a man of l turners or laborer weak¬ ened by the strain cl your every day duties, or a man ‘of letters, toiling over your midnght work, Hop ‘fitters will surely strengthen you.” “If you rre suffering from ‘ over-eating or drinking, any ‘ indiscretion or dissipation, or * are y ung and growing too ‘ fast, as is often the case.” “ Or if you are in the workshop, on the ‘farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel ‘that your system needs cleansing, ton ‘ ing or stimulating, without intoxicating; *jf y«u ;re old, blood thin and impure, 'pit if e feeble, renei ui B cady, faculties * wai m , Hop Bitteis is what yon need tc ‘give y uie.v li e, health and vigor.” If you aie costive or dyspeptic, or suf¬ fering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault If you remain ill. If you n:e wa: fug away with any form of KiJney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for a cuie to Hop Bitters. ' If you are sick with that ter¬ rible sicln e s, Nervousness, you will find a “Balm in Gilead” in Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, of a miasmatic district, barricade your sy* \em against the scourge of all countries— malaria, epidemic, bilious and inteim t bmt fevers—by the ute of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply cr sallow skin, bad breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, the iweetest breath and health. $500 will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. Tint poor, bedridden, nvalid wife, sister, mother 3i daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bo: t'es of Hop Bitters, costing hut a trifle.______ ifW jgge— JMi 1MZ ILL J .!$) m 0 jaiw aaam nfiraa MBS mmm ■■■ mmmuBBsswmi SElEKSHSaiHHKI soisaKSiitiaisM Oil 'a* m EiPiO u m IIGIHIT MN _ T lid F0RG w ea t 1 Hs sKr ftr: 8 I n —v ; Hie Bolletl improved, Light Brail MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Feeder and Condenser. ’ t . | WmM ■.. - 's? ■i tel - rn^m Better Workmanship and Material, and Gives Better Satisfaction Than Any Other Gin on the Market. The Magnolia Gin has come in competition with nearly every other Gin on the market, at State Fairs, etc., and in every instance has beaten all competitors, and tr.^on the honors tor fine samples, light tha ft and quirk Firth’s" and good Celebrated work. English Steel, imported direct from Sheffield, only used. Every Gin actually tested with cotton before shipment. FACTORY PRICES (free on board cars): Magnolia Gins, Condensers, per Saw, $3.60. Feeders, per Saw, $1. per Saw, $1. Write for particulars. GULLETT GIN MANUF’G CO. > Postoffice, Amite, La. A. N. U............ .......Thirty-0 ne.- J 83 Am IB-AJMJJ WHISKET HABITSOUKEn Mr m Id Three Weeks. IVI For phamphlets, proofs and terms, v A *'* address in confidence, with 3c. stamp W.CJELLAMY, ATLAN IA. QA, M. D., 7* Stbmt, G- M" Jones & Compen Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CONYEBS, G m 0 -HPiADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF_ General Merchandise at Bottom Prices -D the KEW = Headquarters Ss£3$23s£*5SL b y county. the I Carriage Manufactory -by- * —— J W I^AN»FOBD; Carriages Wagons, Bugies i own make. ALL WA^ANTED TO BE FIRST*CLASS IN REVEY PARTinn I keep a,soa Repairing of Carriages, Wagons and Bugg es, and Trimn of all grades done on short notice. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS N 53TI have mow on hand the largest and best stock of waggons, of mv, make, bugies homemade ana of western build that I have ever carried' you want bargains you had better call. All who owe me for work are nestly request to come forward and settle promptly. I need the raonev must have it. These who do not pay promptly^ will be given but si time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS UNDERTAKERS GOO COFFINS and CASKETS of all grades and sizes, and COFFIN HARDW in fact everything tha is kept in a first class Undertaker. ' SiSTCOFFINS 'DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY ORCOU Most Respectful^ j. W. LANGFOR . Dj L Cte ESTEE @Z’Wflflg 510mg 28% {—THE M OST POPULA1{—— 4 —f]{l§l ?@E W@ KEIEJO“ Wholsaale Southern Depot for ESTEY ORGANS Steinwa Weber, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIANOS —DEPOT OF— (gumgup in jai <j, -IMPORTERS DIRECT FROM ETROPE OF Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Et STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDIS fl@*Nobody can underbuy us. Nobody can undersell us. Estey Organ Company Atlanta Get W.H. LEE, Agent. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN El jia NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA. Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others io all grade ■ nitu e. A sha e of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining purchases. coun ie. so'cited. Besure and Mve us a trial before making your TH OLD RELIBLE FIRAM OF U LJ -DEALERS IN Etc _ General Merchandise railroad block georgi CONYERS, Having been established for 18 years, atel carry!n„ ^. g as loa ullest and most comp ete slocks in the coutry, we can t f dj, i nd we guarantee satisfaction. When you wan DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C Th.ALMAND&SON I i M ■'triryU' o o c 0 e e GOO I m m 1 i II vt K ■ i 1 i WProduchon—One EUROPE OR AMERICA! every ten mxnuies.