The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 17, 1883, Image 2

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-Wisir^sss i m ;; : & ■- a \ .<■, * : mi v to SW. • ’ w f mm y --rfJ i » {( <pij^ ——sr ’■» NO FENCE We have received many letters asking us about the stock law in this county, and in reply we hereby give the pure and simple. Since its adoption in our county the stock has incieised in value at the r ite of $7 ooo a year; we have more and better butter and finer beef; 'he fends and Lwsuits that existed and sprung up about bad stock is unheard of -notone case having grown out of the stock law. The widows cow is as fat as any body’s an I in no case have we ever known a tenant refused a jiasture by, the landloid; intact, land¬ lords see who can arrange the best pas¬ tures to secure the best tenants. Tnous ands of timber and money are saved to say nothing of labor—the labor of the poorest classes. And now almost every one here is pleased with it—especially the negroes. If to day it was left to them they would sustain the law by an over¬ whelming majority. It has given mani of them chances to buy homes as well as many poor whites. Before the adoption of the stock law the unclosed lands wen the cheap lands because they could no! be fenced—these lands the poorer classes have bought and by the friendly protec¬ tion of this great law they are enabled to cultivate thier own soil. To the negro and the poor classes of whites it is a glo rious law. This has been a dry year, in¬ deed, and yet the widows cow and the negroes pig has come out all right. It is the law for the whole people and the man white or black, who fails to give it his support, f ils to do bis duty to bis own interest and tbe interest of his people, ft takes from you no rights, but protects them. Your stock can still run at large on the highways it you will keep them there. They can run »t large on your lands if you will keep them there! Its promise is to protect the crops of the poor laborers, and save their labor ani we hope to soon see them pro¬ tected by it in every county in Middle Georgia. We often hear men of small calibre and little manners speaking of newspapers in a sneering manner. ‘ The fel ows w iih a few type and a blacking brush.” In the first second place the expression is stolen; might in the its not true. A man possibly be excusable for stealing the truth; tor stealing a lie, never. If it weie not for the ‘little payer’ the geneial pub¬ lic would stand a po irshow in the hands of the hundreds of little ten cent politi¬ cians and examination sputterers that in fest onr laud like a plague. Its a God eeud that the “little sheets” remain here to expose the nasty little frauds. The Macon Telegraph a criticism of the Montcagle negro address by copied Rev. Dr hr Ilavgood. is being the generally sentiments onr exchanges, and enun¬ ciated by received Dr. Ilaygood by are being large as can - Bitcally the press of at Macon. as by our able contemporary This is not nhe first t nre of late years, that this eminent divine has given -un¬ mistakable evidences of» tendency to fanaticism on the negro considerd question. This the address at Monteagle is advanced by Northern fanatical press as an step In thought, but no thorni hly repres¬ entative Southern man will for a mom¬ ent agree with Dr. Ilaygood for himself, on this questian. He speak- alone and not for true public Southern opinion. - ----------- - # -- The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks the fail ure of the w heat crop in Rhode Island threatens famine for the country, as it •will make the aggregate yield about two bushels short. " ■ At Stookbridge, on the East Tennessee Virginia and Georgia railroad. Tuesday morning, the cars ran over a negro and tut bis body literally in two. —-------— GEORGIA, Rockdale County Whereas J.T. Adair Administra tor of James C. Kirkpatrick late of raid county deceased, having made implication to me for nave to ste a ) art oi the lands be'oning to the estate ot said deceas d. This is to ute all persons concerned KUHtrect and credo tors of sad deceased to be and appear at nay office on tite first 7XS* a m and stow eanse i? any they can why said administrator should not have leave to sell the Jn part the lands d« longing to said e tate lor distnbruiion tunc ng the hens and creditors ot said decea-ed. Given under my hand and official signature. 0. SEAM AMS This July 26ih 1883. 4t. Ord’y. LITATION. State of Georgia Rockdale county. Whe r eas John O. Bohanan execu ter of Mary C. Oxhurn represents to tbt court in tul his petitions administered duely Mary filed Hitt, he has y C. Odurn es-taie. This is therefore to cite all j. ersons concerned ln-irs and creditors to show cause if any they caw why said executor shouiti not be discharged trom bis excciiter fliip and rteeite letters of disniKsiou in tho first Monday in Septemhei O Seamans 8, m. Ordinary. ^.V,T^ Tih-mJTiY r follow i" August 1883 the i?!cr described property to wit: (170,) Due hundred and seventy acres of land, more ov leas, ii being in the 4th district of Oi'ginally A niton now Rockdale county and being pat t of lots of land l umbers (3 )8) tlu'c hundred and eight and- (291) tw • bundled and ninety one and l-minded as follows • On the north by the land of J. b. i»lc(’*lla and J. G. Cooper on I lie east by the lands of Hold. Can non, on the south by J. K. McCalla and on the west by J. 11. McCalla. Levied on as the property of Janies A. Kennedy to satisfy a fi la issued from ’’ockdale superi u* court in fa¬ vor ol G. W. Knox vs. James A ]^,. nni< ]y am ] J. J. Hammons, l’rop out Gy pi J IF. Parties possession notified, ’this June 26 1883. A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff. — UNO E. VANWINKLE & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Gins, Feed ers & Condensers j Cotton Tresses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. TIf!®P saasS s --~ ■v IlSf jgStS? -r'-y Sjgsjfe 11 -:<l V p ' 1 ' ' C'" - m Ssv» 5,l ' L SAW GIN AND SELF FEEDER, Exibited bv. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., At<the International Cotton Expo s.tion, Atlaiila, Ga„ 1881. Awa'ded tor best sample, best general results in Ginning, and lx st const runted Ma¬ chine the first prize, $100. or gold medai. B. S. llieks, T. M Sniedes, Missis Ht{ pi; W. E. Bariows, Conneticut, 71. I. Kimball, Director Gem Also, first | remium at the South Carolina State Fairs and the Georgia Pairs. This Gen is an iron franc, steel shafts, even thing of the very best material aud all guerauteed. '( ilffifFiS m ),u; i i ■ III i ■ V =1 1 ^i|: !,t wmi; KnSaiFJ 8sti® p8 1 DOUBLE SCREW PR ESP. Slid to he the l’ress in the w oil I. Suituhlc for Horse, Steam and Water Power. Takes up hut little room Gioning and Packing can go on al the same time. E, VANW1NKSE & CO, Atlanta, Ga. ---------- ^PFCD ^ L 1 OCAI ?. the child,enV summer ^ve come at Stewart’s. y ollr hoys Iron, 3 years to 80, can ^ 8nitei , #l j. A & -p. j St , wan - s . \\ hen you want a stylish , ,. , straw hat. Call at Stewart’s We . cottonades Stewa . notice at ts that looks like fine easssimers. at 25 cts per yard. Grain cradles l>y the dozen at Stewart’. White Irish linens at 25 cts p< r yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Muslins 5 to 15 cts and cotton wos ted 9 its at St tart’s. Sarah Btrnhart and stalest I gloves at Stewart’s. A fresh arrival ofsh i ts and collars at Stew art’s. When you want'a Terrell scrape ot vour buggies or wagons repaired, cal’ ct \Y.;V. Almand.. G =?SS?r^ i>e-l JST1 f -rauon on the estate of B izabeih Gregory late of Loc ale county, beces,e 1 , tins is to cite all and Hiiigu 'lie lar kindred and creditors of Eliz ibelli Gregory to he and appear at my office, the first Monday in August, next, and show c itse it any they can why ‘letter of administration should not be granted to fi. W. Howard on EUabeth Gregory’s official estate, u ii i.ess my hand and signature. June 26th 1883 O. Seamans, 4t, Ordinary. GEORGIA Rockdale County — .hereas M. IJ. Waldrop, adminis YY trator of the estate ol Levi Lj Waldiop, dic’d represents to the court ot Ordinary in his petition due !y tiled and enteied on record that he )ms fully Administered Levi L. Waldrop’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons coneirnid heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not he discharged from his idmllli-tratioll arid receive letters of, , . . t'l . tll .. iVlOirpiy , r , USUI SSl'in fill e sl III A IV^USt , i 1 ooo VG. oXi-A C 2 T? A i\J \ "VTLJ JNO, ood April % -i mi- 27 oin. it Oidia<u\, , \, T; GEORGIA. Rockdale County.— Vi h r< ns. J. N. Nix and J. E. Lev re' t administrators of J. T, (). Nix, dic’d represent to the court in their peti'ion duly filed that they have fully administered J. N. O. Nixs ( s !at,e, this is theiefore to cite all and singular, the kindred arid ciedilm-s ol said deceased, to show c,use it' an\ tlicy can why said administrator should not be dieehargt d from their i>Imi 11 i-tru1 1 1 -ii end receive letters ol disiiiission.on the first Monday in Septi ndier, Next, This May 11th 1883. O. ^eainat s 3,ii Ordinary, 'GEORGIA RcckdeJc County— T % .Jl v ' ■ ?'• «j.ny fr..-pre"n, A. E-V't «r'c-f P'-.B o/b " r ■■■;?■?" feuF -i tfff f Actidiiisfr&'dcn r k'f'm. {•pt&.d’.oiDe tor ' s on tiie es &te . benjamin Gregory late of Rock¬ dale (Jounly, deccasid, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next ol kin ot Benjamin Gregory to be and appear at my office wphin the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why peinrtuenl let¬ ters 1 f ■idminisfral ion should not he granted to R. W. Howard in Benja¬ min Gregory’s cstaie. Witness my hand and official SiiMiat lire. O. SEAMANS Ordinary. This June 26th 1883 4t. O ACMnb‘uaflonofPro . W“ “3--.,‘3 - ‘3 2 :; ' "‘13: ,.”33‘,.s=~ ““‘ “‘““' _‘ 15' mac ofIron, ”$51!?“ 133;; £9 ‘3". f ' f” ,3- 3: ' Nil “ '33 3.? 6121' 1'73!!! " “I“ -: ; Barlcaudl’hosphalusin Bemm'an 335:; ‘:.~«;.’ "I ,.:‘.“1 ,, .13:- - .4! l :2" ,3; a. i? $.33 NF -32: fi.§€r,¢11)%{?tabl£ofmu-Al‘or '2»,_ 3: .. a»; . g." ,3 “ “s“ ‘“ ‘:~ g“, e 133%133mm’3; t as o $113.3; e~ 3“ Sitfief; 33",,”.’..j{ 326101;; .. :3 :3‘ s5 IE,» 3 3" ‘ : ,4» 5m ' 35:33.33 \“m aware it “Wm‘l‘ I l.,'-. 75;,1/ ~Afi 523; “1“; 3'3." 142"} ‘2' 'H' Ne. mav' .A. I. B." BB“B's—"‘Write'a:—' PURIFIES “ REV- J~ L- TOWNEB, After a thorough trial of the Industry 111 says-é IRON TONIC, I take pleasure THE ’ :21 ' 'd 't in stating that I have been 33'»; . ‘. CODSI 81' 1 greatly use. Ministers benefited and b £11» its 3., the a. most: deblhtated- lexcellen‘x vrbal remedy forces. for ~' 11cSpeakers , 3, 0f the greatest willfindit “‘7“? W. . . 3 3. 3 . .. . wherea. Tonic value way 3,. ~7.~»..,~;,;§;;~2 3“ 33,331. .35.? ...v. 4‘33... ,4“ ‘ ,. ‘4... . 3 nary. I.recommend is neces- 1t “fr? 1-H; 3121;” ,3? i :53 «f. 5‘ .4333." $97» .31” .,,. *2” f‘ 4 $5 .3}? 3'. as a. rehable remedial E .3“ .",:' 34%;- ;fi,“ :2” ' C“ '3“ 5* .3333“? ”-fi‘ agent, doubted possessing 1111- “"323? 33" 3." 3 3y“ 3 {9.91115 "3"" ’13 3' fin“ “.. “233*.” restorative nutritive and - ' ('- ‘. fi: 30' .3." 3‘5““;‘L43VE‘3‘H33. .Ji‘ ' 3"...”92; #2,.‘.'. ‘ properties. ‘ A; ‘ ’ 3'?” «.113 3')‘ Lwimue. £11., .,, ““ _ 2‘” . “ Oct.2.1882. ‘ " ' ‘ " , ' .. .. mmzzn 3‘! ma DR. HAETER MEDICINE 00., 213 H. mm 8!..3'3-1’10933. ■TUTT'S PILLS TOFIF’H? BOWELS, V E El, DISORDERED LI I Fromtt ^ouf^s ari^thl^-fourtbsof These Die diseases of the human race. ^b.ouof^dformlnS’,ScSSoS ^pp’etiou koLvIuLc <> 11i veEs fell. Head of food, irritability of temper,, low ^med^DUz^e^.TTuSfrrnlatlLe maud the use of a remedy that acts directly | i | I edtdlv'^wiSV.Mc. ANTIDOTE TO »v*.41Mm-rav8t.,.v.y. MALARIA. < ~ T||T| § ||M|K yiC, in- j Gray hair or whiskers changed stantly to a Gi.ossv Black by a Druggists, single ap¬ plication of this Dye. receipt Sold by ot St. or sent Office, by express 44 on Street, New York. Murray FRE5. TUTT’S MANUAL CF USEFUL REGEIPTS THE a Plain , - English; _ .... HERE EXPRESSED! Our free Circjur tells the rest Harris Remedy Co.—Gents—I -. Kansas, June 26th, 18R2. used the Pastilles as directed and thejr completely cured me. In about one week w< from the time I commenced using them I besan to •tee p well and 1 continued to use all tbe box with constant improvement like and eince that time (Oct. 1881) X have felt a new man. I truly hope that many of the sufferers will find out that you have a specific for nervous weakness and be cured by the same. P- S.—You Respectfully Vours,-- will not publish mj' name bat persons visit¬ ing you may be referred to me and T wi ll answer them. To every young, middle age or old man troubled with nervous or physical debili¬ ty or impotence sealed circular is sent free. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louts, Mo. We want your address. You need ouf remedy. Send and be convinced of this. W e have on hand a few ‘'Top Buggies Brewster side Bar, also end spring. Buy e for association and camp meetings - w -p” «««^ FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots in the eitv. In the very center of the business portion. Situate on the corner of cen ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan Scot! lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake For terrps, particulars &C-, call on John II. Almand at J. H. Almand & Son’s store. m ==WEiininui mmmm Secure Healthy action xo the Liver and relieve allbil ______ __ious troubles. Pvrsl 7 Vegetatle; No Griping. Price 25o. All Druggists, /^ftwonis.r»,YiT%TTrnmrk DTwALvT. I BA, LI I I ( wJ TdvauTee»°f.&Jr l O S 1 Bon«k-»rvou« webiuty, tr««teiP* im„ot*•», urin,e At^Uon?’»periHlily ,< , |)ii* t »rfoiiailc priucii.lea, K ith safe and sure remedies. Call or write* for Mol of Ques li00 s to be answered by those dMirins tret ttueul bv mail. #P«r»i»B»wffrring;froui Ru|»tun*fchOMldM 5 i'ltkeiruf l«lrt>k» ) Send learn some tiling to their advantage. ft is not Louis n truss, JLo. Ad(irc.tfi» HR. IIUTT8, 13 N. 8th Su, SI. established over tjurty yeaub. I AND DRUHKENNESS. . 1 I E 1P'fil.d'lz éSLfldaflii‘fiifi‘E‘s‘fmfiffimDi; 11 .db1 1 mfskfifaififfi of Upmm. Truth invite;- A investigation. 1 “no form State. ‘ 1References bestm he For terms. panoply ‘ 1 lets and proofs, address. with three cent stamp. 1 1 W. C. BELLAM'Y, M. 1).. 1; 1 ' 7 1-2 m-oad St... Aflantn, Ga. ; I 1 jBTOMS treatment. A eertaia ccro for fjervQUF Bebiilty, Semin at Weak and Tfc,fcanpeiSfS illustrated boo!; oi'SO giving gSYeara ftitl di r.n pnRea rettioiisforfc-lf-trentcjeut, escr,tfree. Address TS&. X. yrriLIAW;. 4-V S. ILtsr St, Mfeigjt, w» P%UlBLE FREE! SELF-CURE ^4 favor't© proscription of one of ZjGKt JtxnHhoort, JTeakn.e»» and M>ecay. KenB In plain sealed envelope/t*ee. Druggists can nil :U A'eress Oft. V/ARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. ffOSlUElft m wmjk. m m 1 I mttr V wm ® . mmm !<! ¥ 1 %a-r blu. STOIUAC3® No time should be lost if tbe stomach, tirer and bowels Hostetter’s are affected, Stomach to adopt Bitters. the Dis¬ sure remedy, the named beget others far eases of organs more ardous. serious, Dyspepsia, and a delay liver is, complaint, therefore, chills haz¬ and Weakness, fever, early bring rheumatic serious bodily twinges, trouble kidney if trifled with. Dose no time iu using this effective and safe medicine, i’or sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. HARR5S mmm TY/? * oung- lien and utm rs v. Iio »ullei many gloomy consetjueuces T)it- Henn iu are quictcly and radically cured ‘<i y is put up ■< axes. (.cs. No. 1 (lasting a mouth), $X NO. 'i («nt> ugh to cfleet a our e. unless in severe cases,I ,1 %»r> tk.Y : - No# K; 1 - (la- i-tiug three : mouths), mouths), S>7. Sent bv Kr mail ulain wrappers IHrt*r<It.'»a for for l’-ing ll-.ii s a ( com puny »w * ii Box. Ramphlc-t dcscri ‘dug this diseH.-> discH.-e snt 1 •• ■ f 'ir« scut sealed i am-diea lion g&amlem ______ UN i88S.cS0tk mB , Will be mailed free to all applicants, and to cu* tomers of last year without It cron tains about descriptions 175 pages, and 600 valuable illustrations, directions prices, accurate for planting 1500 varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, espec¬ ially to Market Gardeners. Bend for it \ D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. ^^rVOUS EsbaustlOIl, _ _ Premature Decay, LOSS of Memory, OEMUEEM THE KiALTH JOURNAL. MILWAUKEE. WIS. CITY MARKET i j -BY W B & P- S- SMITH. —»— 'T'key keep always on hand the very J[ nicest freshest meals, in the w v ' a - of T > ___ 1, _ I v T I ^. J ( j T . T 1/ X) IT X < tv T J. 1\ V/ a -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Also Mutton. When vou want nif ats, grifw! weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market fiist door above ro '-Office Conyers, Ga- Z. McCe RD. M’CORD &F0STEB, F - W. FOSTER. Cotton Factors and Commiss' Merchants AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Consignment? Solicited. Personal A tention given to R • Instruct ; ons of Consignors Promptly Obeyed uess. The rr-r W. II. HOWARD, c. H. HOWARD, s P. WEISiGER. ) COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO, 20SEFNTH MTNTOSHST AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Cm s'gnmenis of Cotton and other P-oduce SoT-bed O dels For Bagging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Pri ces. 1 ^--, fl I H H J ■ Fistula, Fisure and ■ ectular Ulcers 9 Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEE P, ATLANTA, GA, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure you of Tiles I will return your money Address, enclosing stamp, F. F. TA BIER, P. 0 . Box 262, Atlanta,Ga. J. S, DANIELL, * --DEALER IN MACHINERY, FERTILIZERS ETC. READ BUS Colon Presses, Sew Mills, Syrup Mills, Threshes, Cotton Gin-, ami Portable Corn Mills, Beltings etc. and in fact tor all and any k lid ot machinery that is wauted. '■ li e 1 you want machin¬ „ ery doj’t tail t" call on nim. A1 o ag' n! tor the famous Ault man & Taylor Michini rv. You can -a v money by calling on me. J S. DAAklhLL F. J. coo: “OGE H 1 A D BRO I 58 South IB road Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints ,011s, Varnishes .Brushes & Window Galss, —Headquarters {or all kinds of— MIX’S© IPASSSS AT WHOLESALE. Guaraniecd equal to anything made. Send for color card an<l prieeR. £‘3T VVe a 'so keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, md nre Headquarters for any and all Sizes Mass. F J Cooled>'e & B.o„ 53 Soutk Broad st, Atlanta,Ga. ©Aam* ©vsa BAT —AT COTTERS 9 l I I I i ih? X ■ L- - :-■■■ /A 'V~ • r > mm . al dealers in liiilllla* EYsat cou.itio they are agt’h s In ihis, Newton, < =’ ett and many adjoining embracing t ie for the very % machinery made, AST© SAW MX^S f &XIWZZ ZDXlX.xmS MtMSSig „„ xwm »Sf A)sA U‘g rl) Fr ck A; Co. at tneir e other mrchiaery manufactured in : And ail fB® ©SB ail 81 AIW $ which, by reason of its superior!)- Winship Gm» one handle l he We had through us Presses, and iu fact any machinery yo ^ ntMolebl , Cali on ora» etc. oue e i s0 , tie.'ter rates nnd on Letter terms na * vcsa Carr & Overlay.Conyeis, Ga u IhiMiilkiWarll ' IS THE- 1 — "M .e.' , . IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE With or without Reversing €*e*r. 1C,18 and 16 Horse Power. Built by RUSSELL & CO.| Massillon, 0. LOOK CLOSELY ted SHU Bird-all, tin celubri- j ami 1 Anh man Tavlor Engines the Van Winkle, Winshj|i and Gnllelt Col¬ Best ton Gins. Tlie j | C 'iid nsers an ! the very Fin est Threshes g,M it Die South. A Pet at g 1 supply of the ’ V R.nvee lf< ap a, the best made.