The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 17, 1883, Image 4

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I0RNAPOFR, Scic ttl.'Hl.v tcroiinicl f«r a’’'’ ".YYI1 Hr. DIO (' ! OVMFM I Sltvl il*ni :U'< I lie *i Ills ixiliiliilcA. of lecture do Thi following synopsis Hamilton a befm.e live rod by Dr. torace K. • he > e ,v ; ork society for the pro notion of Bciem e, contains so much that is timet , ana important that it Gin be re d wi:h both in¬ terest and pro it: .... 0ct modern , i I 0 e s |)jrot> \l.i / no pud ot .t time = li i ha caused and is causing gro r nth ution than the oiigi i of tor: a toes. fict eu i;fcs have studied it for the heneut of ha ty men live in estimated i: for the wc.lai'o or t rir f m ies. .It has a ve :ed s iti eel Ion i cooii l:red, an l ti rough ail t is nv st p. ion tlie c c one hss up; aero is Ui ! n t. c rr ing ^le -M uc on to ,-ci cuti t a v-e 1 a to ihrs nn c> it dwel'er n i' trick. Onr th ng. io ever, i certain; the cause of the c < ion ; inns ba v,iod sought f -1 aw.iy from the whir ing ho i o it on. Its results are i o v< r.ul itc u o .> nstal o be po -erfuS. Lit ns ihe e o e ccniider a • ew fi.Cis. lirt. th- ■ ppear. n . ..... c one is in a i lil.v v I I y da -k spots upon Hiefac < f llio un. H Hess spot.-, id dicat u" adi^u l>eJ eoudtoa of the sol-r icg.t.n rth ,ne An o Kurd,. lUf aUect I the n r.i . tm ion >phnjo of heat of ou e n u g to .n < nr part of t. e aSmo p c c i 3 cert i n c .use a pa it at vucuiu m another to t on. A rums: rah n o :ii vacuum. -Roue: i ist c ban — o ice the cyclone. ’1 hi > t' eirv find' addi.ioni! con! r niton m tl e fact t a tun id e cimeduri igthe day and n t at night. The dark rpo s uric n t! e s r- 5ace of tii • sun, whatever they may 1 e ,cem t . c use L'vc t co i in tion n the trnosphs 'e of the v o Id. and i; ii almost ce taiathit the exlreme y wet v o it er of the present s a um c it' e o o n cd for on j red e'y this b si a is it reasa c ble o su. a the marvelous e?e:t of Du uu H] o i v th gota oi and life in gill ri! sh 1 bo le. s n u on the at mo p u re i fell' through whim its ra.s come? 'Jlir enure is ;e.otj, bu ho o e t is here. ‘ After describing some of the terrible ef¬ fects of the eye ere. the speaker went on to s iy: application in nearly Tais rale finds it; every department ot life. An operator is in San Francis -o—'he click ot th; inslrume: t manipjliited by it's fingers, ,n Nc.v York, The preside .t ma e a slight House, s r >b« and of the i he pen in h s study a me \\ iii o whole nation is aroused by the net. An un e mincss i nd dis.ust with everything in lito, coTtmonly called In mo-sick ie;s, i* felt by nay pe >ple, wheu thu cause is to 1 c found in the uistni t homo tho sands of mi'o; away. 1 n unco i fin pain may I 8 felt in tli: h at. It is repeate 1 in other parts of t! e i o ly. Tl e n;>p hi'.o departs and a 1 onevgv is gon . Is the ca t sue e s u ily to lie found in th i he id? Tho no t day tho a iagin creises. T'hoie are added sy nipt .ms. They con in 10 aud I 0? uiiii 11:0 e nggrnviitj l. The s.ight ptinai 1 fie he d inc case to at o l) 0.1. The muiso 1 Iiocmhs chion.'c. T. 0 Jieart grow - irr. gain -, and th • brcathingi 11 cerlain. AT theee effect i have u detint e cause, Mid, afic • yea -a of d. e;> ex.ier.cnis u|o.i thi; e ib.cct, 1 do not bef it de Io :ay t' i - cuter is to l e found iu fome d - ranuaniCLt ot tl e kiautys or i er far a;ay f oni that 1 ortion of the body in wli’ch thesa effect' a g ear. Bat one n ay say, I have no pain wh t ■■.ex iu my k d oyu or liver. Vciy •ilUl. Ne ther have we any evidence Hint th.-re is a o.i the Ht f lie of the sail; t> .tit is no: o tie Its; tha tho tor nn.'o in 1 ere, a id it i; no u; the lest certain iliatth sag ett organs of the body are the cause o. the tio 1> e aUhotuh tl.e.e may b:> lio pain in their vicinity. 1 tun w v h r of I b;> n’t, for 1 havo pr.EB d through t'li; very o eri?n. o myself. Nonr.y ten year; ago 1 wa: 1I1 • p.ctLi'e o ho diii, weig.rtg ii.oio Ihnn 200 poin s, aid a; B. mu and healthy ns any man have loir km w. >i hen I io t tiie symptoms aSinoyan: 1 nliove i o i crit ed t < i < uu led me o. n t only by run n of thoiriggia ntiug nntuio, but .rain- 1 Pad in v. r let an, iro.ibl ju'-u I d e o o. t it r duct in; o d mo 1 was w.dt u alii".a, aid i trent d tny. e’.f acojr in I d cl n t believe, howo.o -, that iialuii i oulct f h iw such aggra a ed symptoms. It lie or ore rr? i to me tl at nualysis wan d lop ulvo 1 c tr n.b'e, as l did n t presume my di Ihult; iLt was located iu hat portion < f tlicbjiy. 1 centini o I fo grawworeo. i hid a fni'. t sennit on at lha p t of my it ma di nearly every any. loathed 1 full, tl. a g cat desire to cat, cud jet f f " 1. was c 'it t nt j t red. ana tt L I con'd i o s otp. M.v b am was i.n is ml v a- live, bat 1 c 5 ; d n t l ink c line iconi t dly. My ex stoi co win a li . .nt misery, nuedi i thircond lion io? neatly a ye r. lie.c r tree roil pan, iiovi t for a moment 1 a >py. Suc.i an exist I'me i; far wo? e ilm i death, Io? which J o mfi s 11 earnestly long d. It was whil 1 h li r u;r thus that a friend n (vised me i. > mi:k • a final attempt to re (over my health I aim red inwardly at 1:is Hug/c.-tion, but 1 w is t o weak to m:\ko any iefi tauce. lie furnished m ■ with a remedy, sample yet pala'nh’e, and within two days I observed a slight change for the better. Thi; awakened my courage, f felt that 1 would not die at that time. I continued tho use ot the remedy, taking it in nccordax? wiih directions, until I became not only restored to my former health a id sir -ngth. but of g eater vigor th in IT a e ever before known. This condition lias continued up tj the pres¬ ent time, and I believe 1 sh add havo dio.l i s ii'iso ably as thousands if other, men have died and are dying every day had it no been for ;h; simple yet. w< nd rful power of War¬ ner's Fafo C ire, tho emeilv I employed. Tho 'octuiev then desciib d hit meins ol rosier tiilovs it ion moro in detail, and concluded as : :»’y rom e e recovery Ins (are l me t> inve.stignti' I thosubjei t more i a oEuliy, a id 1 i) ie.o 1 li ivo d:sco o o.l tho key ti most ill health ot our mode n civ! ii a ben. Iam fully confident i hat fo ir fift'isof iludisa o wli’ch affile h imnnity m srht he a oi led ve,u condition. the kidney; and liver leapt iu p, r oc Merj it possible to emir i the iictitm or the sail, ay lone; cout l undoubt ..ity ho averted, 'that, lio: e o.\ io - no of tho th ngs that ennn it bo. I u I io'i i o o Rly t at it is po; ib e to cunt.ol tha hi 1. ey.; aud liver, to r it k r t’.ioiv a 1 io who! y : o - mat and the re e trpo i the sy. te n that o' puiifter; a her than t o a nera. That th s end has bten act oatpiioiiei largely by mettis of tha remedy I h tvo nume 11 do not lia ■ a doat't, and 1 feel it mv duty eni'g'itjumeut tj make t us imen derlavatio i for the oi' th ■ pri fj.-sio i an 1 for tlie benefit of suffer ing humanity in ail parts o'! the world. First citizen to second citizen, who is on the way to market with a very large basket and a very small tin cup—“What are you doing with such a big basket and such a little cup ?” Second citizen— “Why, sir, I carry mv money in the basket; the cup is for the vegetables I’m to get ,”—Louisville Courier-Journal. A Hare Oeeurreaee* Nearly all the physicians of the South sr«m to agree. I)r. P. H. Arthur and Dr. S. N. McAlpine and other leading doctors of North Carolina and Virginia, endorsed nnd used in their practice, Dr. Medicine, Worthington’s Cholera and Diarrhoea as a sure cure for all com plaints of the stomach and bowels. Price - r > and 50 cents a bottle. Border troubles—Too much hash; not enough berries, coataia no opium, quinine or other harmful nnip. and are highly recommended for head aAe, neuralg ia ami nervousness . £0cents. JVceept is instruction that is written in sand. ana washed away In the tide; example is ia ntruction engraved on the rock. ‘7 ha ? Salt ilhmm fur li> years. Fovr prfekaaes of Jtr. Benson's Skin Cure entire! F- P. Lnvolle, Merced, G’al. f i t 'iiTijr.riits. to Duty cannot he n jgfected without liarni to tuose who practic as well as to those who fiiift'er the neglect. heartburn A fit 1 and feeling general after ill health meals, relieved dyspepsia, by Brown’s Iron Ritters._ The potato with all its eyes is the most .SUH eeptible of vegetables. It is so easily mashed. gPAUTA, Tens. Dr. W. B. Cummings sivs: ‘T am strongly convinced of the till C3CV of Brown’s Iron Bitters and rscorn* it en 1 them.”________ A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world: and it in the present life his happiness arises from tee sub¬ duing of his desires, it will arise in the next from the satisfaction of them.—[Addison. Lewisville. Ixd. Kev. J. S. Cain say»: “l u-ed Brown’s Iron Bitlers for nervous proairation and fount it entirely satistaa toty.” If von want an example of thorough non-par¬ band tisanship, take the members of a brass during the campaign.____ Dr. Stitcs, Brooklyn. N. Y.. was cured by Dr. Elmore’s Rheumatine-Goutaline of very severe Rheumatism and kidney disease of several voar ’ H ntanding, after trying everything • else without benefit. — — _ He is the best accountant who can cast up correctly the sum of liis own errors.—[Kevins, Ladies ft ohildrem’s boots ft shoes can’t run over if Lyon’s Patent Ecel Stiffeners are used. To rule one’s anger is well; to prevent it is better.—[Edwards. Dr. Roger’s Vegetable Worm all Syrup instantly destroys worms and removes secretions. He who foresees calamities nuffere them twice over.—[Porteus. As a reliable remedy for indigestion and ,t, certain cure for dyspepsia, Gastbink without doubt stands first. Gastkinu is in liqu.d form. So ld b y drug gists. ___ Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.—[Swift._ Thousands, res, sold, millions, and the of sale bottles of Carl in¬ line have bet n still goes on. If there were no merit in this great natural hair renewcr do you suppose that the people would still buy, as they continue to do. Skinflint says the news he first looks for in his morning paper is ‘various items of interest.’ Any information of Edward J. Stephens, who went South in 1803 , is eagerly solicited by hid brother, JNO. J. STEPHENS, ,'lte:?—Li.-,—: _a j-. St, Stanislaus, Plorriwiant, Mitisouri. The country is the philosopher's and contemplates garden and the library, in w hich lie reads goodness of God.—[Penn. power, wisdom and Bead Tills. The Army and Navy Llplment takes the soreness ctujb, and out of spavin, the ringbon \ splint Cures or colic, Kira*che.; arrests and r growth. other diseases. Good for man or bca ;t For sale by all druggists. There is nothing more the universally commen¬ ded than a tine day; reason is that people can commond it without envy.—[Shenstone. Ins!.-mIly Relieved. Mrs. Ann Lacotir, of New Orleans. La..writes: I have a son who has been sick for two years: lie but has all been to attended by our This leading morning physicians he no purpose. had his usual spell of coughing, and was ho greatly prostrated in consequence that death seemed cminmont. We had in tlie house a bottle of Dr . V.Tn. Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs pure! axed by my husband, who noticed your advertise ni rut yesterday. We administered it according to directions and he was instantly relieved. Dnrno’s Catarrh Snuff cures Catarrh and all aft'ectoiiis of the mucous meihbrane. Disparage and depreciate no one; an insect has feeling and an atom a shadow.—[Coleridge For dyspepn'a, indigestion, depression vaiiou of spirits and gonial debility, in their foini3; i Iso as a. preventive against fever and agtt“ and other intermittent fevers, the ‘Fer¬ ro —I’hoBi horiHc 1 E ixir ot Cn'tsaya ” midi by C isweli, ILzrr 1 & Co., New Yoik, ai d sold by ali D u: g it;, is the I est tonic; and for p ilienis ieonvi rin : fr, m Hver and othei Jck ue e, it has r.o eqtiah____ “I’m sitting on tlie style, Mary,” buy said Mary’s bot¬ father, net. when he refused to her a new m.WOHIHilWTIH'S •Jrr .r~?xvrxvter.^rr--- w «i ra T»--eK»-r»iaaKgZ €5 ^ r^'° .g|p^| r i:E GREAT^^e^ WiOLERA mm luhnOEA^IRE 25 YEARS. OVER 1 tie t**st remedy for Cholera, Cramp*, IMnrrhren. I>y»*-*ntcr.v. s*nniner<'omi»b»tnt, bowels. Introduced Hyspcptfu. and other tt-ff:gtiona of the. .stomach and in the Arn 3> v, !btV2, by Surgeon-General 0. S. A. Recommended by Gen. ™. Warren, Purveyor-General; Hou. Kenneth Rayner, Solicitor V. S. Treasury, and others. Price, 515 cti. Sold by Druggists and Healers. OnK genuine if our nnm? is blown in bottle. Sole »™l'n. i«™, THE CHARLES A. VIBEIES CEM >ASJ .’a. a. HOSiniERi Hostetter’s Stom¬ ach Bitters, by in creasin" vital pow¬ er, anil rendering the physical regular func¬ and tions >JBs system active, in keeps good work- the i ins order, nnd pro- dlS ft toctS it nsflillRt ease. For constipa \ rJ-p s tion, liver complaint, dyspepsia nnd Kg uer %jjl - vousno8« 7 kidney ailmenta, and ; rheumatic it ia invaluable, defence and it ’ affords a sure against malarial fe¬ Si vers, all traces besides of removing such i ; s BlfflkS For ease druggists ers genorally from sale the and b\ sy«veut. deal¬ all Konnoke he Colton Prew. ’ 1 Best and Cheapest Pres* made. Costs less than shelter i over other presses. Hundreds m in actual use at both steam and i horse by power gins. Makes heavy bales hand fastor than any ' gin can pick. The new improve i] ments in gin houses described f free in the to words all. Address of their Roanoke inventors I RON W on K s. Chat ta n< op.'K, Ek^rat Tenn., Press Co., or IB'anokr llich Cotio h- iSquaro, N, U. BALT I M OR E FEArALE COLLEGE. SSSSUf s; 1 S(U>. It- now occupies its new, eominodions build ti'-Kte Uctlioven Tevraro. It has ail able Faculty, ■ ■ is ^i»teinber N. C. IT. BROOKS, A, M., LL. D., President. FREE Send to MOOKF/S A(lanii>- ixiTEKSfnr, Ga, •^or IllnstraiedCirculac J5tc year. Or. LanEL’S’ FRENCH MOUSTACHE VIGO1 4 » JrS Grows ft beard on tho smoothest fftce ia 20day* or « ff refunded. Never fail*. Sent on receipt ©rsoe irS w fi Jj Imitations; ° r none ; 3 other p«ek*£es gtnnine. for |1. Send Beware Tct circniar. of cheap Address, T. V. SAIE.boi 22 , Warsaw. lad. U.g. A* (Him! from Tex as. Mr. Thomas A. IIpwAiin, of Honey Grove, Fi n ilu Co uify, To: as, under dale of April 5 , 1 is:-}, writes ns fo lows: ‘‘I have I eon ifforing duringseve; at years from severe lilacs*, end a general breaking i f my j ffjsic d sva-eni, and have tried i he tie it meet and preseriptioi liavoled 8 to of the many Hot ■■'< c ors far and nea-, aud B.iriu-fs aud other mineral springs famous !<;;• their jomediul iiun'ities, drinking the water, an l balking ystomaiically _ in their healing dtp ! is. but at to no avail, as I steadily failed m hea.lhi and although informed by in, physic:;:!)-, tint nr, ailments and weak ):i sles ivor. >]) result ot kidney disease of a dange roii.; character, they could give me notni; g to t-i ro me. During tlio past two year.; my suffoiings at time.; ware dreadful, and I h.'t.l the most indescribable i ains in the region, about the kidneys, the paroxysms of vvi icli v ere po severe us to render it impossi¬ able ble for me to : 1 op. While in this deplo ana! discouia .ol condition I was persuaded to try Hunt’s Remedy, and after using less than lialf a bottle my great sufferings and paroxysms of pain weie entir dy relieved, and I could sleep b itter aud longer than I had in two c eavs bi f re, and although I am now on my i bird Dot .le only my improvement is very n mu; k ite?, and I regret that I did not know of the wonderful curative powers of Hunt’s Remedy before, as i> would have saved me years of suffering. I heartily recommend it to alt afflicted with any kidney disease or disease of the urinary organs,” “Hit My Case Exactly.” I’loase allow me to speak iu the highest term; of Hunt’s Remedy, for it hit my case exactly. I had kidney and urinary trouble pretty bad. I was recommended Hunt’s Remedy. I took ono to ,spoonful as directed. 1 felt u decided change at the first dose. I took two bottles, and hate felt like a new man ever since. D cnee receive the sincere thanks of myself for the benefits which I sought vainly for and found only in Hunt’s Remedy. I will cl eerfulJy givo tills same who opinion of Hunt’s Remedy to any one wishes it, by addressing ROBERT D. ARCHER, fill LinnarJ Street, Philadelphia. March 11 , 1883 . _____________________ Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave oth era to talk of you .as they please.—[Pythagoras 3 £^' 3 ES'Sr 3 d'OX_. 3 LSffiS* i ■u IRON WORKS. D. A. MU HAM!, Mana*er. ■ P. 0 Box 1690 New Orleae.s, L» ted l='SS€Hil| ms ^-’MEtMORE'S/ ' Cv^ It. iiv.'r, ^•. t i ^ l] tl ‘}® s 'J u i®’u i l"l< ld’y'um'lfid^fc'’ st nuch, c ■ end blued /teT'Vv fijnciiste, and only rod iu a'ireevir hro.iic, discuveiod ft r acute i n I : tewlhcumati: in. Kout, lamhnKO, 8 ;i :t CitelwtKf ica. n.'iirilsi', and dyspepsia o c. Han in cn'e I lc In —all p • !o a ■ ■ ting it'ii :i iv a fonnsof rheumatic ? to 11 wtiekc—relieves n lionmatory in 1 day. Can refer t.> l.u idr d of le'ia I le people botanic, run d who hud trie i in vain everyth ns'else. I'ur lv Jlamiless, and nice to 1r ! n't. Mai; yo r drt iK.q«t to get it; it'he declines to ns for it-Vii 0 not hiuy else, Elm .re, Adams .? (J ,., e,, V/,ilium st. ,N.Y Sat Join’s Academy A Military Selioo! at Alexandria, Va. WIFTY-FIKST Board YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER I‘ 3 d. and Tuition, ten months, § 200 . Send for catalogue to RICHARD H. CAltNE, A. M., Principal. ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Able Faculty. Healthful and beautiful loca¬ tion. Instruction thorough. Terms very low. Session begins September 20 th. Order cata¬ logue. Rev. A. Eubank, A. M. | 'Principal,! Wh. P. Dickinson, GEORGIA MU.IT ARY ACADEMY, Major B. SAVANNAH, J. Burgess, Superintendent. GA. I NCO R POR A TED .AND GOVERNED BY board of trustees. A thorough and practical of instruction. A full corps of able and professors. health fulness. Strict discipline. and magniiicent Location unsurpassed buildings for New m tho course ot erection. Largo and beautiful suburban jM-ounds adjoining one of the loveliest parks in the south. This school is thoroughly equipped in every respect. Session begin ; October 0th. Catalogue with full partic¬ ulars sent on application. P jjU'ii fi iaou:filIiec.AS A your i"aU.tia!leiti£Co.,i own town. Terms and 4 , orUBncl,il 8 mnn mm® ssk It will also knit a grea variety of fancy work, for which there is always TWOMIILY a ready market. Send for circular & terms to the KNITTING BOSTON, MAVlUtm CO.* 103 Themon i Street, MASS. AND WVHStetvr UAlStTS CURED la Three Weeks. W.C. BEMAMY, M. D., 7H Ueoad Stjiikt, ATLANTA. GA. A GENTS WANTED f r t he Be-1 and Fastwt. nellmf Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 8Gpe cent. National Pdrlisein a Co. Atlanta. Ga. C-vS Costly outfit free. Address True & Co» Amrusta. Ida ?C i. t'j U^UJroo. n per day at home. Samples worth ?« to Adiiiiiisnxso:,' it Co., PoiUand. Positions Business Ooluere, Newark,R.J. Turns for graduates. Write for circulars. 1 Like an Evil Spirit. In olden tines it was thought that evil spirits came in through cracks and keyholes I he generally approved way to keep them out to plug up the keyholes and tlie was stop cracks with cotton. Notwithstanding these preventive measures, the evil things had their own way and often came in as tney pleased. _ J So •° comes ! 1 ! CS malaria h K he now-a-days. crack We st We try the to crack, keep and it out lo! of it the keyhole aleak o U l in the plumbing, - ’ , °P V ‘P comes from , or an opening from some neglected drain, or from some unsuspected source and unguarded direction. ,cannot effects from always keep malaria out, but we can give it battle and nve its our systems. If Brown’s Iron Bitters is taken in time, malar m has not a ghost of a chance. This is the great family medi¬ cine. \ our druggist sells it, and you ought io keep bottle in 7 a the house -——-—'1‘11E—~ IN AMthOA. “w 6 m W "M {1 W»._.,_,,,.‘ _ M.“ a "7'1”“ W \ 91‘1"“. 3"“ ’«J‘ffi' 'Ii’5:\§§7‘\.".fif'-"*-1L-?‘35¢ "3 "‘ §zfigg—r'“;;": 3‘13va him; “‘13.: ' “f 1 I731 A p ,31'1‘2‘33? u“ ..¢'{":"~" 1...».333 ;§%§":}i’p~:=3f£f§f€fi§§;1r‘ 3 $31,; 7*}. “1'... 7’5"”1“5““[v \r '. 5:: "4 ' “i ‘~~ ~; 1-: . ‘ , 7573192. Q4”, 5" mg... .nM' $35. 1.353% H ,i'\ " ' 75353. ,3Q{%31%1€Q.~2%§ 5%éfi figy.f§ \‘ mam r. 2% . 33“??? .er ‘R: ',:".I 1'32““an Aflm‘gk- ’F 5;; .x. I. v .w v .1 ‘ .g 32?"?‘3 1‘; 1; :~.-y- “3"?“3‘9W1M 3:5“ ' 4“,. J", kg ; I *" . .K .j “ “3". ’ . ,, .53... w; . V35. “W M ;'~ tfigéig’h; Eng‘d { .1. '~ '2‘ 12!}113 ragga; '~’ ?%{4 g} 3 . ‘33:.3333\ 4“ .3 H,‘..>.r.r.;.. “7:“;4 ?;m v ., “.3? é‘fiéfinl. 1‘, aw :. .. "'3 M»! _ .....;.,_V , Mfg} -“ m :-=‘-—:~Tzk'&e.;.‘:ff«.’i} ’ ‘g EL g4- 4'1. f -, '~ Aka. . ' ‘s'fitx “.La *1. me' — , 9m“ 555% v1 .3 “3 w. s f":52:’=:z—~——E"/:"mfz‘=fii" ‘é’thfivwfl ?@‘gi‘ " 53¢ 3:1" 43351.3 .55.. "fix~—gll‘"1":‘;i* WW’ .1? 113.57."- {3’7 3%”2 M51124" '3'” “; 353.1; 5m" , " 1' f * {E3}; ! -' a .;..:;-:,-.1; 22:... .~‘ :43. ‘ ,“zi’g‘i’fl- Wm #214 .5}; , V” ‘5 3’52. , g 3.: Mvwfi’ .. err4“t.':'f‘"=’r.q::,f z, 1;» W‘ w. , .1 . .M »- .- » ":"VF. ‘ ,. 3... iwmuuwss—w , THOMAS CAMP, *x'utmnmwm 0F '1‘m:~~w L “’IONEFI J i MACHIN E W ORKS CO V INGI‘ON. (+A . ,3 lu sm ami Gain. CHAPTER I. “ I was taken sick a year ago With bilious fever.” “ My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pri-is in mv back and side.?, and I got so bad I Could not move! I shrunk! From 228 lbs. to ISO! I had been docloring for my liver, hut it did me no good. I did not expect to live more than three month!-,. I began to use Hop Biitevs. Directly my appe¬ tite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by ma tic, and after using several bott'.es I am not only as sound as a sovereign but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Bitter.; I owe my life.” Dublin, -June < : , ’ 81 . R. Fitzpatrick. CJIAPTBB II. ‘•M alien, M?s». attacks t Feb. 1, of J*». sick headache.” f •allemen— I Mattered with Nerr.ilgia, f male trouble, for yearn in the most terrible end excruciating manner. No medicine or doc o • could give mo relief or cure until I vsed Hop Bitters. “ The first bottle Nearly cured me;’’ The second made me as well and strong as when a child. .“And I have been so io this day.” My husband via; an invalid for twenty years with a serious s “Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, “Pronounced by Boston’s best physicians— “Incurable!” * Seven bottles of your hitters cured him, and I know of the “ Lives of eight persons” In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many more are using them with great benefit. “They almost Do mi: acles!' —Mrs. E. IX SlacJc. How to Get Sick.— Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doctor all tie time: take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know hoiv to r/ct well, which is answered in three words— Take Hop Bitters!____ CH1MBERY BOOK-KEEPING FOR BEGINNEltS. A Self-Instructor in Single and Double Entry. Les¬ sons clear, simple and easily comprehended. Any teacher can teach it . Only text-book published specially ndiudod to Southern common schools, as it takes up in detail tho business of the Southern country merchant, crop bound mortgaging, in doth and fotton sh’praeots, etc. Handsomely teachers. Address sent postpaid, St. Discount to THE SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE LaGUANGE, GEORGIA. first-clJ <dm advantages for Literary, Music and Art train¬ ing. hr.i t catalogue numbered 126 in Music and 34 in Painting. Annual expenses for Board and Literary Tu¬ ition, $267.00. ^207.00; the same, with Music and use of piano, For Catalogue containing full narticnlars ad dniHii I. F. (!OX, President. hi ILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES CF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE end PACKING, OILS, FUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &c. Sendfor Price-list. VV. H. DILLINGHAM & CO 421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. ( j 8 Fii HABIT Cured Painlessly, The Medicine sold for a 9inall margin a bo the coe compoutiiiinp. A'l cast-8 treated by special prescr fcion.” For full particulars addles* the Discovtrw BR. S. 11. La Inc vm% «fKiac all tin iaiu. mmm 5 -TQH •ffi Trr-a revere, Steel Tifarls**. Br»n» BSAIS f f *i«l tr!*). its Warr«ut* ?AY8 TS1E V'tX&tQMYl [ I yJ ^ i| r.B ft yo*r«. eUe* ms law, £»r W«ok, ftdaref* J rH A.y.v ......... ......'.Tliirtv-T'iir*.—Si 'Sk”*"" ""l GEWA&Q 8 GALE CO, |d a tux v, Alum svai.e, *10. s tok, eso, Ten ih»x Inciniifu a „ COTTON •‘Lillie Butectiv BIEAM & PRAIV1E, S45 j m> oz. to 25 lb. & £00 OTlt FR SIZES. Redneml S'UU E LIST fUFf JV“ FORGES, TOOLS, Sc c. 1 r.FST FOllllK BARE FOB I.llll'T WOBK, »l ^£1 jj 4T1I). AnviiiUld Kit cf Tcois, | Farmers savn time ar.d money doing odd jobi, UAT J Dl owe'H. nvils. Vice< .v Of her Article JuOWUST riiit'ES, WliOLSSALF & HETAlI ?‘aégsnw‘t‘im G- M- Jones & Company Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CONYEBS Ga P|1 im I Mmmm. i -HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF_ General Merchandise at Bottom PrieeS sell the NEW HOME Sewing Machine NEEDlS^ , JW-SEWING MACHINE 6 ^ a11 kiada of Headquarters county. Ac Board Carriage Manufactory -BY- * •1 W liAJfOFO ft n * Carriages Wagons, Bngies, MV own make. ALL WAITED TO BE Fi R ST“CLAS$ SN ^EVEY PARTSPUUb I keep alsoa Repairing of Carriages, Wagons and Bugg et, Paining ‘ and Trimming of all grades done on sliort notice. ~ ‘° ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE RE PAIRED AS GOOD AS NEW £3TI have now on hand the largest and best stock of waggons, of mv own make, bngies homemade aim of western build that I have ever carried 1 you waut bargains you had better call. Al t who owe me for work are ear¬ nestly request to come forward and settle promptly. I need the money and must have it. These who do not pay promptly j will be given but short time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS COFFINS and CASKETS all UNDERTAKERS GOODS of grades and sizes, and COFFIN HARDWARE in fact everything tha is kept in a first class Undertaker. S3TC0FFIN3 ^DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OR COUNTY Most Respectful^, J. W. LANOFim m a W H m © r A m L M i I i i w m ' « o e ® • e o o H mi l ! . _ _ » m n e i li m : 1 j ESTEF afiggmg STELE 2819 {—-—-THE N OST POPULAR—f— ?&838999533 (QDZfiREJ-élm ——mm ?Eg W©i§fla@o_ Wholseale Southern Depot for ESTEY ORGANR Stemw ay Weber, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIANOS. —DEPOT OF— W!P SHiWB 0 -IMPORTERS DIRECT FROM ETROPE OF Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Etc STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, ®§P*Nobody tan underbuy us, Nobody can undersell us. EsteyOrgan Company Atlanta Ga W.H. LEE, Agent. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN I NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATI.ANTA, GA. niture. Special A inducements sliare of the offered tei DEALERS of Rockdale and ar.d others adjoining in .11AlfffcrneBtlv c ‘ patronage trial before making your purchases.__ solicited. Be sure and give us a TH OLD RELIBLE FIRAM OF LJ CD i -DEALERS IN- — General Merchandise q Etc I RAILROAD BLOCK GEORGIA CONYERS, 0^0.1'-^':, Having been established for 18 years . and erryins 1U M and most complete slocks in the eoutry, we can s r rnd we guarantee satislaction. When you warn , CLOTHING nRYGOODS, NOTIONS, &c J.H-ALMAND&SO r’l‘heirgargest Organ Factory in W’Productlon—One r EUROPE 0R ten AMERICA! - every minutes.