The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 24, 1883, Image 2

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY. THE TICKET FOR GEORGIANS. ass air US’ . a;? IIOW FAR APART? If the Marietia Journal only un derstcod itself and Dr. Ilaygood, it would see that they are n >t so far apart after all. —Monroe Advertiser. Dr. Ilaygood is in favor of the govern¬ ment taxing the peop’e to educate the negro. We are not. I)r Ilaygood is in favor of whiles prac ticing social equality Ly tea Ring negro schcols. We aie not. llow ” far apart” are we, Bro. Water¬ man ? Dr. Haygood e ther honestly means what lie says or does not. If he is sincere then be will practice what he preaches. If he is not sincere he is a hypocrite. And if a hypocrite, he is raising aspira¬ tions and hopes in the negro’ sbreast that he will not gratify. To raise hopes and not gratify them is the very refine¬ ment of cruelty. To teach a negro school is to place one's self on social eqality with the pupils. It cannot in the nature cf things be otherwise. And he who teaches such a pernicious doctrine is mistaken ns to his mission in this world and calculated to do much harm to both reces, If Dr-Ilaygood has such tastes, then there is no accounting for tastes, as the fellow stud w hen the inonky kissed the baboon's s'ster. Mr. Geo. Cook, a Georgia planter come to this city on Friday last from fiavanah, Ga., and put up at the St. Nicholas Hotel. He had never been in New Yoik before, and’ having a good deal cf curiosity about metropolitan life he started out alone on a tour of inspec¬ tion on Friday evening. While leisurely walking through one of the cross streets down town he was joined by a young man who entered into an animated con¬ versation with him. The stranger talked well, and Mr. Cook soon became v ery much itcrei’ed ia him. They walked around for some time, aud finaly the younr men prposed going into a near falcon in d getting n g'afs of ltd. Mr. Cook walked up to the bar and ordered two glsses of b >er, which, afler somedo lay, were brought to their table. Mr. Cook drank his beer a mi almost inune diately became unconscious. Abut 12 . 0 , clock that night Officer My ere of the Fourth Precinct found Mr. Cook lying insensibile on a door-step'in James Street, and it was with difficulty that he could be aroued' He appered (o be completely dazed, and could ho!T r on explanation as to bow he came to he lying. The policeman took him to (he Dak street satiou house, where it WAS found that lie’ was suffering from the effects of a dose of laudanum.A’strong emetic was adminsteicd by the police surgeon’and when Air.. Cook appeared in the Tombs Police Court yesterday murnig . lie sutficently was recovered to be able to tell liis story. He had been robbed of $600 in money and a gold xtaten and chain by bis chance aoqnain tanceJIIe had been suffic antly punished for his folly and tha justice ordered him to be|jreleased. A white man name Wm G. Farwood was tarred aud feathered, last Sunday night, at Lexington Michigan, b for marrv • - ing „ a colord , , girl, . , , He T was republican a and Lexington is a republican town.— They rode him out of town on a rail ’ and advised him to seek , more congenial <1nBriers q artera, Ibid Had such o„„i, a „ .1 thing been done in Georgia, tile republican papers of db. ‘ 11 fiicingan . . would , , have howled about for . six months. • A Chicago' dispatch says that Sam Small is in city getting up a new uniform for the Georgia Major. It was reported that the Major had died sub¬ sequent tohis escape from the sheriff. The report was probably false, as Georgia majors aresaid to be perennial. Tee Slate Agricultural Society held in At auta, after 9 splendid session adjourned last Tucrday, Hon. Tom n.-rdeinan was re elected president, Cwhich l .lien wa* wag rit.Ki right,) \ 111 spite of t ail I’ hl8 I ■ protestations, nnd . Savannah ,, , selected for the Jar nary meeting. Tha society S doirfj much good and we clovv in ** «” fu'uier.—I,ley can „k,. of thensclvcs, if they will. And it looks like they intend to do so. The telegraph brings ns the iutel— ligence that Judge Jerry S. B ! ack, the emnient jurist, died fit Lis home id York, Pd on last Sunday morning. _t, lhe fence . eTction ... in Walton carried for fence, county was as to the county but three or four di tricts < arried it for no fence. So the c.unty wifi have il“ha f ii.d half, hereafter. W0MAH'S INHUMANITY A young woman who served cid a sentence of five years in the Maine State prison, found means ot educa¬ tion, and, Becoming thoroughly res formed, left the prison in appearance a lady. She was employed by a dry goods firm in Portland as a sales woman, and gave pe led satisfaction u> her employers, till one day a weal¬ thy lulv of the place entered (lie store and recognized her. Calling the proprietor aside, sho told him that the girl had been in Slate prs on. lie replied that lie knew it, 1 ut that she ! ad done 1 er duty fai lis fully, and that they were satisfied with her.. “Well,” said the lady “if you keep her in your s'ore I w 1 neither trade with you nor suffer any of my friends to, i: I/’ S > the proprie¬ tor called in the poor girl and dis¬ charged her. A merchant who won d do an act of this kind ought to de aent tclthe penitent iary himself. PeO pj P) an ,j especially those who im agine themselves at the top of society arc every r ady to cast a stone at those who arc compelled to work for a 'iving, and there are few cases on record where a fallen woman has been aided in her attempts to rise, while the annals of the world are fi led with 'he slau ler of innocent girls who, in t ine cases out of ten, are more pure ai (J chari-able than ttnir slanderers $r k rYOUTH a THE and DISEASE3 MANHOOD 0? ,, V, A GUIDETO HEALTH WITH L OUT MEDICINE. TtY ARllVSICIAX Don’t of 28year’l y—exiwrleuce. Drue's, poison your system ltook with hie iret ^ / / l \ \. this mul ttv.-.ifl CJmuks, “Prescriptions O'ee” and li'leelrle Hell llum buK8, which It. exposes. Price Mels. Addretc VHE PUBLISHER. Box 234. Miiweokse. Wit. ■ Parties wishing work done with » double team should call on It. A. Almand SUMMER CLOTHING A full line of Ciei’ean and Alapaea COATS AND VESTS In all sizes from boys up to s breast also EXTRA long sacks. Also a small lot of COLORED ALPACA COATS at $ 1,50 to, $ 3 , 00 , former prices $ 3,50 to ? 5 ,oo. Just receiv'd a full lot of OUR OW TYT” \ perfect fitting dress shirts, fn laundried and unlaundried, at the same popular low pi i< es. Please give us a call. Very respectfully, A A’- ft. 1(0 HEN FELD, Street,.Atlanta, Cote Cit) clolliliiKstoi'c, 13-3iu a mi. A. P. TRIPOD, 13 B 110 w> Stukbt......... ATLANTA, GA. Atisls aid Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc . —Agents For — Averill Mixed Paint Company. } Als • Agents For ! Till*' SILICATE PAINT COMPANY Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp walls, recommended bv the Internaiion al Aealtli Congress and fcranitary iusti lute fc ^ k*rent Brittain, IIEADQUARTiC tSFOii v i ■i o LiV KM OWENS HOTEL i e 1 louse J M OWENS, PR 0 PRITR ,, Newly , fitted up. 1 Ht*'e supplied With the best the market affords. Free Hack; meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON....................GEORGIA”, _ - __ S/W ____ S/Pf/7 , tf/ ATTEND THE //////// m \/\/?y^? ly / PA '??E/7/^/y7f , • // / x'jJ/sttf //,/A _ . > Ayb'WJf*' ot Kentucky University, LB'lkCTON. KT. To*, to complete the Fun inpioma ill.-mrcourse aiout peeks. Total Cos.', ii,eluding Tuition. Books, bUalionerc, I for one vc. r if desired, *?•, free. Tew«taph, Neat:y 400 •»«*•'»• students t.terary from 21 enr Sutes e i»itye»r. C'.ootisu.gessfuigrwustes. f ‘' SSi0n 1 WILBUR R. 6 MITH, Lsklnstcn, Ky. SOUTH'RN THIS INSTITUTION, formely known as the Atlanla Health Institute ‘‘Water (Jure, 1 " is universally a« knowL E.^raL’Z t ""iS'fic tahlishment tor the treatment ot the sick in the southern states. The f..L ' owin ? :,rc a °‘'>’ e '»*»' ™.»>‘ ^ 1 n the g < -‘ ncJes empioycil 111 addition t-n ! l,le nsntl usual lippiorcff f.,4 remeoits: o. Ti lie [celebrated Bath, Improved Moliere-Thermo Tin kink, Full Elen tic Electric 1 lxiis?sian, L 'ctro- \ apor, aud chinery, and ni.inu.i operation l>v trained u,aui| ulatois, 3I:sssagc tieais • incut, »-tc., etc. Special attention given to the 1 tareolmt-nt of Diseases pereniiar to Livahd Ladies; also Dysjwpsia, Neus r algia, Rbenmalism, Diseases ol the Kidi e s, Live rand Bowels. Eve, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs Chorine diseases are r adily and permanently cured at tiiisinsiitu'.i^n. Ac dress U. O. ROBERT80N. M.D. 1^4 3 IcDod nigh street, Atlnala. '1 T UNO J E, VANWINKLE & C0„ MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Urins, ^ . _ JcGGCl _ ers Sc Condensers, Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. vv >4L - re i I ■■" i fm & g p Eiasg ■MWk ■ v mi OSH J I 1 if,. ■ . SAW GIN AND SELF FEEDER, Exibited bv. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., Atg’.he IiiUTiwti mil Colt"ii Eipri s.tiun, Atlanta. Ga,, 1881. Awarded for best .-ample, best general results in Ginning, and In st const meted Ma¬ chine the first priz ■, $ 100 . or gold modal. 13. fr. Ricks, T. M Smed‘-s, M'ssiss si j p! ; \V. E. Banows, Coimelicut, Judges. U, I. Kimball, Director Gen. Also, first ] miiium at the South Carolina Stale Fairs and the Georgia b a i rs. This Gen is an iron frame, steel shafts, every thing of the Very best mateiial aud all guaranteed. i£HBn WifSff SAIL tel STfe^i, t ms H'H iTU N DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. Sa d to be the Press in the woild. Suitable for Horse, Slentn and W:» or Power. Takes up but little room Ginning and Packing can go on at the same time. E. VAN WINKSE & CO., Atlanta, Ga. ,* TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED MALARIA. LEVER, and arise three-fourths . From these sources ox tbo disensea of the human race. These symptoms indicate thoir existence: Doss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Slclt Head ache, fuUness alter cr.tincf, aversion ta exertion of body or mind, Eructation JpirfufkVeeU^ of havln“^gie^ted some duty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart,Dots before cokstipatios, tiie eyes,bigblycol- and da ored trine, AsaLfrcrm^UcfuuTCTX’S ont&^lvcrf Their the PIEES liavo no equal. action on XvidneysnndSkiriisalsoprompt;rcitioving imparities through these three “scav tltej engers of the system,” regular producing stools, nppo- clear sound digestion, a skin and a vigorous body. griping TuTT HOT Si interfere ILLS CUUSO 110 llHUSCa Or with daily work and arc a perfect ANlT5DOTE „ t O wee tviALARtA. % . v%n . «Qi''cvn whero,25c . CtBre.41 MurraySbjN.V. TUTT8 HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or Whiskers changed single In¬ stantly to a Glossy Black by a ap¬ plication of tills DTE. Solil by Druggists, ©r sent by express on Street, receipt oi’$i. York. Office, 44 Murray New TUn’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. fP I RI H E H g 11S H of it Here EYTOnsR Tin f 0 ur Free Circular tells the rest Jlswted 1ESZ1, Jreek from andIthey the completely cured me. In about one time I coimnencod using them I began to Bleep y*U and I oontlmiecl to use all the itoi with V*3$&S27SSttEZ'ftSXSSitSiS’S ^ rTc^ l°A&T^ pecm for rs—Yon win not pubusu my m-Tno but persons visit gS^^piSfMS’S’JaS 1 ^ e 'HARRis U S co“st > S Loi?s. 1 < ? REMEDY . Mo SsndaES 1 be y c<Sfv7need 9 ort)iSl inecdourreiae ' i5 ' ofgood Mr. 8.1V Night the Las’oTened frdce^tcck V m corner of Center and Kn-Jroad streets ill Ins building. Air Night is one of llio oldest merchants in ttiis place and nis reputation fee low pri ces and Wr dealings are as well known as his name. Mr. Gnffith, the representative of Oco nee county, a most excr llent gentleman Sumk^here IhhVr ' W\Y W. Lam Langford, forY a* old friend. We Lave on Land a few ‘-Top Baggies Brewster si le Bar, also end spring. Buy one for association and camp meetings ■‘Hurry up” at Stewarts. FOR SALE. in the One of the most valuable lots j city. portion. In the Situate very on center the corner of and the business of fronting cen- ! 1 1 ter and Commerce streets the railroad. Known as the old Ban Scott lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake For terms, part : culars &c., call on John H. Almand at J. H. Alrnand & Sou's store. mmm 'MAILS PILLS Secnre Healthy action to the Liver and relieve ail bil ______iovLa troubles. Purely Vesetatle; He Griping. Price 25s. All Draggiata. c Skin aud I Dug experience in curing diseases of the l>tuod, Done*.-Nervous lUbi.Ity, Imi>ot tfrciiBio Wcukncfte, tioiiorrlioett* >ypUiUtfc and Mercurial Affcctitma specially treate d on scientific principles with safe and sure remedies. Call or write for Libt «f Q . tions to be answered by those desiring treatment by ma 1. g Pontons«titiering fi’tm itupture advantage. should bfe. d It « is heir not arid truss.# ret*, > 5 and learn somt thing to their a Address, 1>K. BUTTS, 13 K. 8lh St., Mt. LbhU* So established over tuikty years. = -l . I ‘ a OPIUII HABI'I J ; N I DRUNKL‘NNESS. a :3 \ mfsiEflfiffigflfdnfififl‘figf’c‘3‘??sz131’; AND P ‘ti . 1 'l‘fiuth ‘ _ , , 1 .4 inn | form 01' Opium. invite: in‘ll‘skigutiOIL 9 a llcmaud References prootsmddress. husbin he matte. \vxth three For terms. pumpk- 1 . cent stamp. z l W. 7 11-: o. Broad BELLA“, Sh. Atimnn, M. 2).. Ga. ! 5 a 2‘ ’ .4 ‘ I 3} J t-‘ fOME TREATMENT, /imz'MIL ©e*si?itVf A certain Seminal euro for Nerveuf Weak ike i’ig- 39 . Iritpoteneeh etc. Tie Sseines iiRcd ia iny practice for 25 Yosp tii atd sn i.Hutit: .vied took cf 80 pages giving fall teefione for seif-treatment, sent free. Addree? 3)11. x. miXlAXS. 43f* %. batar &, BiknwiM, W» -----—«9»* - jSPhHME jfpf® FREE! SELF-CURE \ favorite prescription of one of tbs mostnotttd and Hucceesful Hpccialists i»i tlielJ.fcr. tnovv retired) Tor the cure of N&rvmts Seal ZiOKt Manhood., and Uecay, in plain sealed e-nvelope/Vco. Uruggistacan nll-«* AL J rosj D;i. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. 1 ill# y *s p s 'Pk el I I l No time Bhonld be lost If the stomach, liver Slid bowels are affected, to adopt the sure remedy, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Dis¬ eases of the organs named beget others f.u more ardous. serious, Dyspepsia, and a delay liver is, complaint, therefore, chills haz¬ and weakness, fever, early bring rheumatic serious bodily twinges, trouble kidney if trifled with. Lose no time iu using this effective aud safe medicine. 1'or sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. HSiffiif. maw 0 O.,"iiiss», U5 JitMi a::d others ulio sutibi Premutur-i t-rtous and I Physical Dthil -y. Exhaustion aac lai r tuanj gloomy con->equonces. The Remedy is in arc quickly aud radically cured put up Doxes • No. 1 (lasting a mouth), Sit, - (enough lo affect a care, unless in severe eases,) No..' (l i>tiu;j three lnoiiths), t*?. Sent by mail >r p;ain wrappers Bit •fftimts inn for l si'KT sreon p»ny ert-h Hot t. PRiDjdilet <tascri Fiitlnt lili a di 1SCL..-C «fud • *' se:u- .**«»: 3leu on appiication fSBSBM Ji Will be _?jpTOK niaUea free to all f883.sX^BJb applicants, and to cus¬ tomers of last year MTtliout ordering' it. It contains about 175 pages, 600 iliustratioiiB, prices, accirrato 1500 descriptions varieties and of valuable Vegetable directions and Flower for plantlngr Seed*?, Flants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to oil, espec¬ ially to Market Gardeners. Sen l for it! D. i VI. FERRY & CQ. De troit Mich. Nervous IBidiaustion, Premature Decay, I Loss of Memory, An SO-page Cloth-hound Bool; of wholesome Advice to Young Men, by a Regular Physician. 1 SEfUT FREE i3™ lpt 0 f <S? threMea - A d 8 THE HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE WIS. j V160R0US HEALTHfor M IH Tel*' CURg TESTED r —a POH ! YEARS by use In thousands 1 FOR «», reSS'rethlpSieU^heernuTb^to weakness^ numerous obscure diseases, organic baffling «d the skill ol Do not temporize while such enemies lurk in *y^fiirVi^?psv?^?h"t"^AJ5™*SSv f } | ! / HA3R,$ REI9EDY C-Q.WS. CHEMISTS, 1 39 #q n. loth. st. ST. LOUIS, MO. Ci* MostL’itrestetst r3. tve rsstlx 35. thrt; Z. McCCRD. • .M’CORD & FOSTER. P- w. foste Factors and Commissi,, Merchants 2E££fc;; 3 0 ° £ 1Us vmpbe m ar ll U *, McCord ' >e store AUGUSTA, of GEORGIA Consignment . Solicited. 0 Personal „ A'tention given l0 Busina Instrucfons ot Consignors Promptly Obeyed. W. H. HOWARD, C. H. HOWARD, S P. WEISIGER. v COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO, 20 SEFNTH M'INTOSHST, AUGUSTA, — GEORGIj Coi.eignmeu's of Cotton add other Pmdnce Solicited Orders For Bagging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices A H D H J J Fistula, Fisure and eetular Ulcer, Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKES'A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has dred cases of foriy years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I f a jit 0 yon of Files I will return your money- F. Address, F. enclosing stamn, TABER. P. O Box 202, Atlanta,Ga. m H i m LL a DEALER IN HEAD r i HtS. Steam I’lngii es, Co'ton Rft sscs, S- w Mills, Syrup Mills, Threshes, Cotton Gin-\ and Portable (J o r n Mills, 13e!t : ngs etc. and in fact for all and any k ncl ot man.him-ry that L rv dot A fat! cab oil i.iiM. A! 0 ng* fit for the lamOus Ault man & Ta. ior M mhin.-ry. V 011 can s:i j money l>y calling on me J X. DANIELL H H rv 5 C u j KUi_l X 53 Sou tli IB road Street Atlanta — YV1JOJ .E3ALK— / Paints, Oils, Varnishes.Brushes & Window Galss —Headquarters for al^kinds of- 83 * S!1UB» minii $ AT WHOLESALE Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send foi color card sml price.--. A e also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as a kept in the City, end are d <ill Sines Glass. Headquarters for any & Bro., an d3 Smith Broad st., Atlanta, bib F. J. Cooledge —AT- £53 CONYERS I I I I I : - TUI® . . m ''rWai^ DEALERS IN MAClIlilf ftlFSSUS« l wwm a ¥ Si 8 § 3 —______ -('jj-- ------ a^ent# In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they *».e for lhe very best machinery made, embracing the iifffons sewm saw max, T S mms And a11 othcr ntretiinesy manufactured by Fr'ck & Co. at tneir tMp mm © SBOBH 9 , nnfrior tv, ha* The ?aken most the complete awards of reaper, England aud and one America. which, by We reason ha 1 ,® Uvinship Gina Presses, etc. and in fact machinery want can , l’® l,,i through u any threngh you GjjU . 93 of he’tcr rates and on bettor terms than any one - dross Cai r & Overbny.L onyers , Ga. ' I! \ — IS THE - *71 k’ if J f 'M , _ IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE With or without Reversing Gear. 10,18 and Id Horse Power. Built by RUSSELL 6l QO. f Massillon, 0. look closely Sul's till celebri ted BiiiLall, ‘ill Auli Engines man Tavlij tne WinglJ Van Winkle, and Gulleit Cot] ton Gins. M Best C >uil.-nsey ami the very ImJ <*st Threshes sil n the S liitll. i |FCr . <• U , a, t y ,f t> t eiTY 1 lvoyce - ) .. lit'Hl a, the best maj|